HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007 11 14 Regular 601 Adopt Evaluation of Alternative Water Sources Report by CPH Engineers
ITEM 601
November 13, 2007
MGR j2--1DEPT /~
REQUEST: Utility Department Requesting the Commission adopt the Evaluation of
Alternative Water Sources Report by CPR Engineers
PURPOSE: The purpose of this Board item is for the Commission to adopt the Alternative Water
Sources Report so the next step can be taken towards developing alternative water
sources for augmenting the reclaimed water system and ensuring that a long term
adequate potable water supply is available.
This agenda item is needed to review the Evaluation Report of Alternate Water Supply
Sources for reclaimed water augmentation and potable water supply prepared by CPH
Engineers, Inc. The creation of the report was recommended prior to proceeding with the
design of the Lake Jesup Reclaimed Water Augmentation Study. The City Commission
approved the funds for this study on June 11, 2007.
Initially, the sole purpose of the report was to review alternate water supply sources for
augmenting the reclaimed water supply system. However, as the dynamics of the various
alternatives changed, staff requested CPH to include potable water alternatives also since some
of the sources were capable of providing both potable and reclaimed water.
Potable Water
The City is in the process. of renewing the Consumptive Use Permit from SJRWMD
which expired October 2006. Permit review comments so far from the District appear to
support staff projections through 2030 that the City of Winter Springs has an adequate potable
water supply assuming some reduction of potable water irrigation is achieved.
111307 _ COMM _Regular _601_ CPR_Alternate _ Water _ Supply_Report
Regular Agenda Item 60 I
November 13,2007
Page 2
However, the amount of sulfur in the potable groundwater supply, particularly at WTP
#1 on Northern Way, will necessitate the construction of improvements to remove the sulfur to
alleviate taste and odor complaints and the amount of chlorine used.
F or this reason, we thought it was prudent to incorporate the purchase of potable water
into the evaluation. The potential potable sources evaluated by CPH included:
1. Lake Jesup - SJRWMD Phosphorous Removal Project - Aquafiber
2. SR 46/ St. Johns River Regional Water Supply Facility
3. Seminole County Yankee Lake Regional Water Supply Facility
The report finds that economically, the City should continue with the long term plans to
improve the existing facilities. But, the City should also participate in the planning process for
the SR 46/ SJR Regional Water Supply Facility as a hedge against future unknowns and long
term needs that could negatively impact the City's ability to provide potable water.
Reclaimed Water
In May 2007, the City received a 20 year Consumptive Use Permit from the St. Johns
River Water Management District (SJRWMD) for withdrawing surface water from Lake Jesup
to augment and expand the reclaimed water system. There were several other alternate water
source proposals formally and informally submitted to the City during the last year that CPH
investigated as part of the report.
These included:
1. Lake Jesup - SJRWMD Phosphorous Removal Project - Aquafiber
2. Winter Springs Lake Jesup Augmentation
3. Sanford Reclaimed Water Augmentation System
4. East Orange and Seminole County Regional Reuse Project
The report recommendation is to proceed with the design of the Lake Jesup Reclaimed
Augmentation project including negotiating with Oviedo as a partner.
111307 _ COMM _Regular _ 601_ CPH _Alternate _ Water _ Supply-Report
Regular Agenda Item 60 I
November 13,2007
Page 3
No funding is needed as part of the adoption of this report.
It is recommended that the City Commission adopt the Evaluation of
Alternative Water Sources Report dated October 2007 as prepared by CPR Engineers,
Inc. including bringing back to the Commission for consideration a design proposal for
the Lake Jesup Reclaimed Augmentation Facility, staff participation in the planning
process for the SR 46/SJR Regional Surface Water Plant, and continuing discussions
with the City of Oviedo as a partner in reclaimed water augmentation.
A design proposal will be scheduled for Commission consideration within 90 days.
1. Evaluation of Alternative Water Sources Report - October 2007
111307 _ COMM _Regular _601_ CPR_Alternate _ Water _ Supply-Report
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~.' LdltdSCll/U.' Arclzifn,:ts
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( " f : j II ;.' II t j. ., f A Ii ! I, ~1 1 j :;. i' I i oJ fl S d (I Oli f) ,~ ;:1 j
CPH Engineers. Inc, - Orlal/do
1117 Last Robinson Street
Orlando, Florida 3180 I
(407) 415-0452
ePH Project /\'0. W04136
Executive Summary................................................................................................ ... ...1
I ntrod uction. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .................................................................................... . . . . . . .3
Conclusions. .............................................. ..... .................... ........ ............ ..... ........... .......4
Recolllmendations.................................................................................................. .......5
Winter Springs Water Needs -
General.......................... ................. ... ........................................................ ... . . . .9
Potable .................................................................... ........... ...... ..... ........... .....10
Reclaimed Needs...... ... ... ... ...... ...... ... ...... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ...... ... ... ........11
Oviedo Water Needs -
General..... ... ...... . .. ........ ............................................................................ ... . .14
Potable .......................................................................................................... 15
Reclaimed Needs...... ... ...... ............ ..... .......................................... ..16
Winter Springs Water Plant Treatment Upgrades.................................................. ... ..19
Oviedo Water Plant Treatment Upgrades................................................................ ...20
Yankee Lake Regional Potable Water Supply Facility............................................ .. ...21
SR 46 Regional Potable Water Supply Facility....................................................... .....27
lake Jesup - Phosphorus Removal (AquaFiber) Project....................................... .. ...30
Winter Springs Lake Jesup Augmentation.............................................................. ... ..35
Sanford Reclaimed/Augmentation........................................................... ..... .......... .,. ..39
East Orange and Seminole County Regional Reuse Project.................................. .. ...45
Exhibit 1 - Existing Plan and Proposed Project Locations Seminole County......... ........8
Exhibit 2 - Yankee Lake Option 1 Seminole 17-92 Route...................................... ......24
Exhibit 3 - Yankee Lake Option 2 Seminole 417 Route......................................... ......25
Exhibit 4- Yankee Lake Option 3 Seminole Loop................................................... ......26
Exhibit 5 - S.R. 46 Option Potable Water Main Route ........................................... ......29
Exhibit 6 - Lake Jesup/AquaFiber Option Oviedo Route........................................ ......34
Exhibit 7- Winter Springs/Lake Jesup Augmentation Oviedo - Winter Springs
Interconnect ........................................................................................... ......38
Exhibit 8 - Sanford Reclaimed Option Winter Springs Route................................. ......40
Exhibit 9 - Sanford Reclaimed Option Oviedo Route............................................. ......43
Table 1 - City of Winter Springs Alternative Potable Water Sources Cost Summary.. ....6
Table 2 - City of Winter Springs Alternative Reclaimed/Augmentation Water Sources
Cost Summa ry .................... .... .., ..... ... .... ......... .......................................... .......6
Table 3 - City of Oviedo Alternative Potable Water Sources Cost Summary...................6
Table 4 - City of Oviedo Alternative Reclaimed/Augmentation Water Sources Cost
. . . .. .. .. . . . . . .. .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. .. .. . . . . .. . .. . . . .. . .. . .. . . . .. . , .. . . . .. .. . . .. .. . , , . .. . . . 6
Winter Springs/Oviedo Alternative Water Sources
Table of Contents
Table 5 - City of Winter Springs Water Supply Needs and Sources........................ .13
Table 6 - City of Oviedo Water Supply Needs and Sources .........................................18
Table 7 - Yankee Lake Potable Distribution Only Cost Estimate ..................................23
Table 8 - SR 46 Potable Distribution Only Cost Estimate ....................................... ..... 28
Table 9 - Lake Jesup/AquaFiber Option 2 (Reclaimed Quality) Cost Estimate............ 33
Table 10 -Lake Jesup/ Winter Springs (Reclaimed Quality) Phase A and B Cost
Esti mate ........................................................................................................ 37
Table 11 - Preliminary Operating Cost Estimate Actiflow System Sanford, FL............. 44
Winter Springs/Oviedo Alternative Water Sources
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
The St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) is encouraging
communities to plan today for projected water supply needs for 2025 and beyond.
Recently, both the City of Winter Springs and the City of Oviedo have completed Water
Supply Plans which project the water supply needs through 2025. These documents
form the basis of our analysis on water supply needs. The two cities have jointly agreed
to evaluate the various options available through this study through letters and
Commission/Council actions.
We divided the water supply issue into two categories. The first is potable water supply
and the second is reclaimed and or reclaimed augmentation water. Both cities have
decided to use a combination of potable water sources and reclaimed water (including
reclaimed augmentation) to meet their existing and future water supply needs.
The proposed Yankee Lake Regional Water Facility and S.R. 46 Regional Water Facility
projects are the most viable candidates to provide potable water from a surface water
source to the Seminole County area.
The most viable alternate sources for reclaimed water or reclaimed augmentation water
are the City of Winter Springs Lake Jesup Augmentation Project, the SJRWMD
AquaFiber Lake Jesup Phosphorus Removal Project and the City of Sanford reclaimed
and reclaimed augmentation system.
Based on the available data and our analysis, the City of Winter Springs, through 2025,
does not have a need for additional potable water. However, this requires the pursuit of
the projected reclaimed/augmentation water supply systel1"l to move water demand from
the potable system and over to the reclaimed system. The City of Winter Springs needs
a minimum of 1.6 Million Gallons per Day (MGD) Annual Average Daily Flow (AADF) of
reclaimed water or reclaimed augmentation water through 2025. This water will be used
to offset potable demand.
Winter Springs/Oviedo Alternative Water Sources
Based on the available data and our analysis, the City of Oviedo, through 2025, does
not have a need for additional potable water. However, this requires the continued
pursuit of the construction of the projected reclaimed/augmentation water supply
distribution system to move water demand from the potable system and over to the
reclaimed system. The City of Oviedo has a need for approximately another 0.1 MGD of
reclaimed or reclaimed augmentation water through 2025. We recommend that the City
of Oviedo pursue a value higher than this, approximately 0.5 to 1.0 MGD to provide for
a buffer.
Both cities, Winter Springs and Oviedo appear to be in a good position for water supply
through 2025 (both potable and reclaimed), but after that date the capacity projections
are much less certain. It is our recommendation that the two cities pursue participation
in the SR 46 Regional Water Supply Facility to meet needs beyond 2025. This is based
on the general proximity of this proposed facility to both cities and. the apparent
distribution system cost advantage. In addition, reclaimed water (with large amounts of
storage) may be available from the City of Sanford from this location for another future
water source. We believe it is important for the Cities of Winter Springs and Oviedo to
get involved the SR 46 Regional Water Facility project to protect their future potable
water interests (beyond 2025).
On the reclaimed side of the water supply issue, we recommend that the City of Winter
Springs pursue the construction of the Lake Jesup Reclaimed Augmentation Project.
We recomrnend that the City of Oviedo pursue the following:
1. Work with the City of Winter Springs on an interlocal agreement to jointly
pursue the augmentation system at Lake Jesup.
2. Work with the St. Johns River Water Management District to modify the City
of Winter Springs CUP for a minimum additional flow of 1 MGD.
3. Evaluate and construct a piping interconnection between the two reclaimed
water distribution systems.
Winter Springs/Oviedo Alternative Water Sources
Page 2
I ntrod uction
This project involves the evaluation and analysis of numerous "Alternative Water
Sources" available to the City of Winter Springs and the City of Oviedo in Seminole
County. We have grouped the projects into potable and reclaimed source options.
The following sources were identified and evaluated:
Potential Potable Sources
1. Lake Jesup - Phosphorus Removal (AquaFiber) project
2. Yankee Lake Regional Water Supply Facility (Yankee Lake)
3. SR. 46 Regional Water Supply Facility (SR 46)
Potable water quality must be met for these systems to be considered viable for
human consumption. The Aquafiber project is not a potable water treatment facility
nor is it planned to be one. However, the water generated by this facility could be fed
into a water treatment facility to provide potable quality water.
Potential Reclaimed Augmentation Sources
1. Lake Jesup - Phosphorus Removal (AquaFiber) project
2. Winter Springs Lake Jesup Augmentation
3. Sanford Reclaimed/Augmentation
4. East Orange and Seminole County Regional Reuse Project
Reclaimed augmentation sources rnust have a water quality equal to or better than
the FDEP Reclaimed Water Public Access Criteria. The augmentation water cannot
be of a lesser quality than the reclaimed water that already exists in the system to
which it is connected. High Level Disinfection will be required.
Please note that the Lake Jesup - Phosphorus Removal (AquaFiber) project is a
possible candidate as a source water that could be used for either potable or
augmentation for reclaimed water.
Exhibit 1, Existing and Proposed Project Locations, shows the location of the various
projects. It also shows the associated points where water would be received. The
Winter Springs/Oviedo Alternative Water Sources
Page 3
individual distribution routes for each option are shown in Exhibits for each alternate
Both cities, Winter Springs and Oviedo appear to be in a good position for water supply
through 2025 (both potable and reclaimed), but after that date the capacity projections
are much less certain. A regional surface water supply facility is inevitable as the
groundwater source is limited and will be "capped" by the SJRWMD at 2013 demands.
The Cities of Winter Springs and Oviedo should enroll in one of the projects to secure,
for the future, a potable supply of approximately 1.0 MGD each. This would allow a
capacity growth of approximately 20% beyond the 2025 potable demand for each entity.
Early/preliminary project cost estimates are described herein for each proposed facility.
Based on the available data and our analysis, the City of Winter Springs, through 2025,
does not have a need for additional potable water. However, this requires the pursuit of
the projected reclaimed/augmentation water supply system to remove water demand
from the potable system and over to the reclaimed system. The City of Winter Springs
needs a minimum of 1.6 Million Gallons per Day (MGD) Annual Average Daily Flow
(AADF) of reclaimed water or reclaimed augmentation water through 2025. This water
will be used to offset potable demand.
Based on the available data and our analysis, the City of Oviedo, through 2025, does
not have a need for additional potable water. However, this requires the continued
pursuit of the construction of the projected reclaimed/augmentation water supply
distribution system to remove water demand from the potable system and over to the
reclaimed system. The City of Oviedo has a need for approximately another 0.1 MGD of
reclaimed or reclaimed augmentation water through 2025. We recommend that the City
of Oviedo pursue a value higher than this, approximately 0.5 to 1.0 MGD to provide for
a buffer.
Winter Springs/Oviedo Alternative Water Sources
Page 4
It is our recommendation that the two cities pursue participation in the SR 46 Regional
Water Supply Facility to meet their potable water needs beyond 2025. This is based on
the general proximity of this proposed facility to both cities and the apparent distribution
system cost advantage. In addition, reclaimed water (with large amounts of storage)
may be available from the City of Sanford from this location for another future water
source. We believe it is important for the Cities of Winter Springs and Oviedo to get
involved in the SR 46 Regional Water Facility project to protect their future potable
water interests (beyond 2025).
On the reclaimed side of the water supply issue, we recommend that the City of Winter
Springs pursue the construction of the Lake Jesup Reclaimed Augmentation Project.
We recommend that the City of Oviedo put"sue the following:
1. Work with the City of Winter Springs on an interlocal agreement to jointly
pursue the augmentation system at Lake Jesup.
2. Work with the St. Johns River Water Management District to modify the
City of Winter Springs CUP for a minimum additional flow of 1 MGD.
3. Evaluate and construct a piping interconnection between the two
reclaimed water distribution systems.
The following Tables show the cost analysis of each available alternate based on best
available data. They are separated into potable and reclaimed options.
Winter Springs/Oviedo Alternative Water Sources
Page 5
._---_... Estimated Commodity Cost
Project ____!lJ~.QOO Gallons
S.R. 46 (Treatment) (1.0 MGD Potable) $3.50*
Yankee Lake (Treatment) (1.0 MGD Potable) $3.50**
S.R. 46 with Distribution (1.0 MGD Potable) $4.14
r ~--.-----------" --
Yankee Lake with Distribution (1.0 MGD Potable) $5.50
* Unknown at this time - estimated to be equal to Yankee Lake.
H Source: Yankee Lake Cooperators Information "Take or pay" values. The distribution estimate is from the
analysis. Prices are at the "gate".
No grant money is included in the above analysis.
The commodity cost includes the amortized capital cost over 20 years at 5%.
-- I
Winter Springs Augmentation (2.23 MGD)
Sanford Reclaimed/Augmentation (2.0 MGD)
~9LJ~Yiber Augmentation (2.0 MGD)
East Orange & ~_~~inole County Regional Reuse
No grant money is included in the above analysis.
The commodity cost includes the amortized capital cost over 20 years at 5%.
Estimated Commodity Cost
tu ,000 G~.rlons
~ __u_ _ _______ ____. . . .._____ __..'__.__.~.~
Estimated Commodity Cost
$ IJ,OOO Gallon
: S.R, 46 1 ~J1GD $3.50*
H~jt:: ~~i~~ b~~~r~~:~o~)( ~ 1~~~:~l:~~~) ----------~~:~~;~~~~~==]
-------- ... ............. . - .. --......-. --r.-----~-----..-- ----------.]
_'r'~_~kee Lak~\I\Iit!lgi~tn~~tio_n (1 MGD Potable) __ _____..~~.50. ...... _.J
, Unknown at this time.. estimated to be equal to Yankee Lake.
"Source Yankee Lake Cooperators Information "Take or pay" values The distribution estimate is from the
analYSIS. Prices are at the "gate".
No granlmoney is included in the above analySIS
The cOlTlmodity cost includes the amortized capital cost over 20 years at 5%.
Winter Springs/Oviedo Alternative Water Sources
Page 6
~.~ .m._m__..
_._.__.~.~ Estimated Commodity Cost
Project _Vi ,000 Gallon
Winter Springs Augmentation (1 MGD) $0.95*
Sanford Reclaimed/Augmentation (1 MGD) $1.35
AquaFiber Augmentation (1 MGD) $1.18
East Orange & Seminole County Regional Reuse (3 MGD) $0.46**
**Ooes not include any costs for the IBWRF.
No grant money is included in the above analysis.
The commodity cost includes the amortized capital cost over 20 years at 5%.
Winter Springs/Oviedo Alternative Water Sources
Page 7
Engi""ers Architects SUrrJeyars
Planners Landscape Architects
E,..,iron""",tal Scientists
Construction Management
1:117 East Robinson Street
Orl,..ulo, FL 328M
Phone: 407.425.0452
Fax: 407.648.1036
Job No.
File: Seminole.dwg
C~rljfirllt.: O!.-\lItJlIlr;:"Uml
Existing Plan and Proposed Project Locations
Seminole County
@ 2007
Winter Sprin~s Water Needs
The Winter Springs Water Supply Plan was completed in April 2007. The City of Winter
Springs plan was submitted along with the associated Comprehensive Plan
Amendments to the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) This plan and the
comprehensive plan amendments were found to be in compliance and the City has
transmitted the final document to DCA. This water supply plan assumed a cap of the
ground water supply at the 2013 level. This was equal to 5.30 MGD. The water
demand (including potable and irrigation demand) for the year 2025 was projected to be
6.90 MGD. This difference, 1.6 MGD, was anticipated to be covered by both an
increase in reclaimed water supply from the two wastewater reclamation facilities and
surface water augmentation for the purposes of reclaimed water system augmentation
during the dry season.
This is a viable plan and assumes the following:
1. A freeze by SJRWMD on groundwater sources in 2013.
2. That SJRWMD will not further reduce the groundwater supply allocation.
3. Limited long term degradation of the groundwater supply (a.k.a. water quality).
4. An increasing wastewater effluent supply.
5. A continuing Consumptive Use Permit allowing withdrawal from Lake Jesup for
the augmentation system.
6. No increased water treatment criteria by the regulatory agencies.
7 Effective build out of the city lilTlits/water service area by 2025, minimal growth
How valid are Hlese assumptions? 1) Assumption Number 1 IS fairly certain. The 2013
freeze on ground water supplies is a 111atter of policy for SJRWMD. 2) Assumption
Number 2 is never certain and can be influenced by many factors such as drought and
environmental concerns. 3) Assumption Number 3 is equally uncertain Data available
from the City is inconclusive No pattern is exhibited from the present data. Currently
there is no apparent problem as the average of all wells is 43.15 mg/L from 2001 -
2006. This is well below the 250 rng/L MCL. The higher chloride levels are in the
Willter Springs/Oviedo Alternative Water Sources
Page 9
eastern system (WTP1) (range is 47.1 to 105) compared to the west where the range is
10.62 to 15.6. 4) Assumption Number 4 is fairly certain but only has a minimal effect
on supply. 5) Assumption Number 5 is based on an existing CUP and we believe the
capacity allocation is certain. 6) Assumption Number 6 is uncertain. Legislation and
the people's desire for a safe drinking water supply means that increased water safety
guidelines can be instituted at any time. 7) Assumption Number 7 is uncertain as
population growth is always uncertain.
So, where does this leave the City of Winter Springs in terms of supply and meeting
future water needs?
Potable Needs
We estimate the base potable needs, per person, to be between 70 and 100 gpcd
(AADF). In 2025, the population of the City of Winter Springs (within the water service
area and being served by the City potable water system) will be approximately 42,348.
This yields a base flow of approxirnately 3.0 to 4.2 MGD. What is the base flow? It is
the normal minimum potable usage. It is an estimate of the needs of an individual for
drinking, cooking, bathing and cleaning inside the home. It does not allow for irrigation
or recreation. It allows for the occasional washing of the car, but does not have an
allowance for a pool or other recreational uses. We calculated the base flow to
determine how far we could rely on reuse/augmentation water to lessen demand. We
estimate that the groundwater supply will be capped at 5.3 MGD by SJRWMD (2013
projection). The 5.3 MGD represents a per capita value of 125 gpcd in 2025. The 5.3
MGD capacity exceeds the base flow requirement. We believe that the City is in a good
position on potable water supply through 2025. This is based on the available data,
zoning designations and demand.
The potable water CUP for Winter Springs is currently under permitting review by
SJRWMD. Based on this estimate, the City would have adequate supply (from a
groundwater source which is of a quality for potable use) for the normal demand flow
and the minimurn base flow requirement.
Page 10
Winter Springs/Oviedo Alternative Water Sources
There are two possible outcomes from the minimum base level. The first is, we could
lose approximately 40% of the available potable well water supply and still meet the
base flow (we could lose 40% of our well capacity and still meet the base needs of the
community). The second possibility is: Can we move the excess demand to
reuse/augmentation? We believe this is possible based on prior experience with
reclaimed water usage. Please see the reclaimed water discussion below.
We believe that the City is in a good position heading into the future based on current
land use designations, zoning, land development density requirements and population
projections. However, the needs and demands beyond 2025 are uncertain as the
above items are subject to change.
Reclaimed Needs
In 2025, the total water demand for the City of Winter Springs is estimated to be 6.9
MGD (this figure includes reclaimed and potable demand). Based on the potable CUP
capacity of 5.3 MGD, the reuse/augmentation system would need to provide 1.6 MGD
of this demand. Based on previous work and analysis performed for the City of Winter
Springs, this flow rate would be available. Currently, the City provides 1.1 MGD of
reclaimed water to the citizens of Winter Springs. However, the 1.6 MGD represents the
Annual Average Daily Flow (MDF) required. The system must have the capability to
provide approximately 2.0 times this value for meeting the maximum daily demand.
Therefore, we need approximately 3.2 MGD of capability. The City of Winter Springs
water reclamation facilities have a current combined MDF of approximately 2.0 MGD.
The Lake Jesup augmentation system can eventually provide 2.23 MGD of capacity
from 2020 through 2027 (lesser amounts are available prior to 2020). This totals
approximately 4.23 MGD MDF of capacity by 2020. The Lake Jesup system CUP is an
average daily flow. We cannot exceed the maximum annual withdrawal of 813.95 IllIiiion
gallons per year, but we can withdraw varying arnounts each day. The daily withdrawal
is not fixed to the average of 2.23 MGD. The City could withdraw any reasonable
amount daily as long as they do not exceed the annual. The total systern capacity
exceeds the projected demand in 2025 by approxirnately 1 MGD This allows the
system to meet the maximum daily flow as well as some future growth of the system.
The Lake Jesup augmentation CUP provides the City with flexibility. The City of Winter
Winter Springs/Oviedo Alternative Water Sources
Page 11
Springs reclaimed system needs approximately 2.5 MGO of augmentation to operate
properly throughout the year to meet the maximum daily demands and to utilize (100%)
all the available effluent from the WRFs for beneficial reuse.
Winter Springs/Oviedo Alternative Water SOUlC8S
Page 12
Total Projected Total Projected Potential (d)
Total Projected Supply From Reclaimedl
Year Water Demand(a} Supply Alternative Augmentation Conservation
Groundwater Program
I (mgd) Sources(b) (mgd) Water Source(c) Water
l___..__~_ __~~JJd) (MGD) I
--- -- ... --- ... ..---- ...n'
I 2007 5,80 4,69 1.10 1.10 y
2008 5,96 4,86 1.10 1,10 y
~~ ----.
2009 6.06 496 1,10 1,10 Y
...----....------.-.-- -~.._-~_.
2010 6,15 5.05 1,10 1.10 y
2011 6.25 5,15 1.10 159 Y
2012 6,34 5,24 1,10 1.59 y
------~--------- - ...-,---'--"
2013 6.43 5.30 1,13 2,07 Y
- ._~_._----_..,. _____m. ----...-
2014 6,45 5,30 1,15 207 Y
2015 654 5.30 1.24 2.57 y
~-~-- -----.---.----,--- .-.-"..,....-........", om__
2016 6.57 5.30 1,27 257 Y
, --------.~_.... ....
2017 6,61 5.30 1,31 306 y
2018 665 5.30 1,35 3.06 Y
----... -.
2019 6.68 5,30 1.38 3.55 Y
2020 6,72 5.30 1.42 355 y
--...--....- .-
2021 6.76 5.30 1.46 4,00 Y
2022 6,79 5.30 1.49 4,00 Y
----_.~._.....__.__._.- -~ ...m_ ....................-- m_________ ____on ---..- .m........__m_....
2023 6.83 5,30 1,53 4,30 Y
2024 6,87 5,30 1.57 4,30 Y
-----.---. ---
2025 6.90 5.30 1,60 4.30 Y
"...."..- ............. .nnnn
(a) Includes all demands, potable, industrial/commercial, losses and irrigation (reuse/augmentation).
(b) Groundvliater sources are based on cup, Value frozen at 2013 projected level
(c) Total projected water demand less total projected groundwater sources. Alternative water sources Iflclude
reclaimed water and augmentation.
(d) This value represents water available for use based 11 MGD reclaimed utilized today, plus the Lake Jesup
augmentation pian/facilities. Source: City of Winter Springs, Reclaimed Water Augmentation Study,
Seplember 20, 2005 This inciudes ail phases.
Source Winter Springs Water Supply Plan, April 2007
Winter Springs/Oviedo Alternative Water Sources
Page '13
Oviedo Water Needs
The Oviedo Water Supply Plan was completed in July 2007. The City of Oviedo plan
was submitted along with the associated Comprehensive Plan Amendments to the
Department of Community Affairs (DCA). The Water Supply Plan is currently being
reviewed by DCA This water supply plan assumed a cap of the ground water supply at
the 2013 level. This was equal to 4.67 MGD. The water demand (including potable and
irrigation demand) for the year 2025 is projected to be 5.3 MGD (based on current per
capita usage of 140 gpcd). The water demand is 5.13 MGD if the per capita
consumption is reduced to 135 gpcd. This difference, 0.46 to 0.63 MGD, is anticipated
to be covered by the construction of a reclaimed water distribution system within the
City of Oviedo and shifting the irrigation water demand from potable demand to
reclaimed water demand. For purposes of this report, we will use the higher demand
This is a viable plan and assumes the following:
1. A freeze by SJRWMD on groundwater sources in 2013.
2. That SJRWMD will not further reduce the groundwater supply allocation.
3. Limited long term degradation of the groundwater supply (a.k.a. water quality).
4. Use of the 3.0 MGD reclaimed allocation from Iron Bridge.
5. No illcreased water treatment criteria by the regulatory agencies.
6. Effective build out of the city limits/water service area by 2025; millimal growth
How valid are these assumptions? 1) Assumption Number 1 is fairly certain. The 2013
freeze on ground water supplies is a matter of policy for SJRWMD. 2) Assumption
Number 2 is never certain and can be influenced by many factors such as drought and
environmental concerns. 3) Assumption Number 3 is equally uncertain. Recent data
available fmm the City shows no continued change
"A review of these data indicate that chloride concentrations for wells 101 & 102
have remained relatively stable over time and are maintaining fairly low concentrations
Page 14
Winter Springs/Oviedo Alternative Water Sources
within a range of approximately 50-60 mg/L. Well 103 show [sic,] a gradual increase in
chlorides over the 15 year period of record, however, chlorides have only increased
from about 30 mg/L in 1992 to 40 mg/L in 2007. The 200 series wells, 203, 204 and
205 all show increasing concentrations of chlorides over time and all three wells have
chloride concentrations exceeding 100 mg/L. Well 301 shows an increasing chloride
concentration over time. Over 10 years, well 301 the chloride concentration of this well
has increased from about 35 mg/L to over 50 mg/L. Wells 303 and 304 have both
shown a downward trend in chloride concentration over time even though both of these
wells had relatively high production rates in 2006 (see Table 1), Well 305 has shown an
increase in chloride concentrations from 2004 through 2007 and increased from about
55 mg/L in 2004 to approximately 100 mg/L in 2007, The production rate of this well
should be reduced to mitigate this effect. Wells 306 through 308 have shown a large
range of variability in chloride concentrations over their monitoring periods with the
median chloride concentrations generally falling in the 45 to 75 mg/L concentration
range." Source: Groundwater Modeling Report City of Oviedo Well Field, Oviedo,
Florida; July 16, 2007 by the Colinas Group, Robert Oros, Author.
4) Assumption Number 4is certain based on interlocal agreements. 5) Assumption
Number 5 is uncertain. Legislation and the people's desire for a safe drinking water
supply means that increased water safety guidelines can be instituted at any time. 6)
Assumption Number 6 is uncertain as population growth is always uncertain.
So, where does this leave the City of Oviedo in terms of supply and rneeting future
water needs?
Potable Needs
We estimate the base potable needs, per person, of Oviedo to be 70 and 100 gpcd
(AADF). In 2025, the population of the City of Oviedo (within the water service area and
being served by the City potable water system) will be approximately 38,021, This
yields a base potable flow of approximately 2.6 to 3.8 MGD What is the base flow? It
is the normal minimum potable usage. It is an estirnate of the needs of an individual for
drinking, cooking, bathing and cleaning inside the home. It does not allow for irrigation
Winter Springs/Oviedo Alternative Water Sources
Page 15
or recreation. it allows for the occasional washing of the car, but does not have an
allowance for a pool or other recreational uses. We calculated the base flow to
determine how far we could rely on reuse/augmentation water to lessen demand. We
estimate that the groundwater supply will be capped at 4.67 MGD by SJRWMD (2013
projection). The 4.67 MGD represents a per capita value of 140 gpcd in 2013 and a per
capita value of 122 gpcd in 2025. The 4.67 MGD capacity exceeds the base flow
requirement. We believe that the City is in a good position on potable water supply
through 2025. This is based on the available data, zoning designations and demand.
There are two possible outcomes from the minimum base level. The first is, we could
lose approximately 40% of the available potable well water supply and still meet the
base flow (i.e. we could lose 40% of our well capacity and still meet the base needs of
the community). The second possibility is: Can we move the excess demand to
reuse/augmentation? We believe this is possible based on prior experience with
reclaimed water usage. Please see the reclaimed water discussion below.
Another consideration is the growth expected beyond 2025. Will the housing density
increase within the City of Oviedo and what is the possibility of expansion of the City of
Oviedo service area boundary? These are definite unknowns. The urban service area
boundaries at the present time are covered by a joint planning agreement with Seminole
County and there is little room for expansion.
Reclaimed Needs
In 2025, the total water demand for the City of Oviedo is estimated to be 5.3 MGD (this
figure includes reclaimed and potable demand). Based on the potable CUP capacity of
4.67 MGD, the i'euse/augmentation system would need to provide a minimum of 063
MGD of this demand to offset the water supply requirements. Based on previous work
and analysis performed for the City of Oviedo, this flow rate would be available.
However, the 0.63 MGD represents the Annual Average Daily Flow (AADF) required.
The system must have the capability to provide approximately 2.0 times this value for
meeting the maximum daily demand. Therefore, we need approximately 1.26 MGD of
Winter Spnngs/Oviedo Alternative Water Sources
Page 16
Based on the Reclaimed Water Master Plan Capital Improvements Schedule through
2011, it is anticipated that the City would generate 1.55 MGD of reclaimed demand by
the construction of the various reclaimed distribution systems. This exceeds the value
described above. This 1.55 MGD of reuse capacity is also equal to the difference
between the total water demand of 5.3 MGD and the base flow as calculated by using
100 gpcd (5.3 minus 3.8 equals 1.5) However, the 1.55 MGD represents the Annual
Average Daily Flow (AADF) required. The system must have the capability to provide
approximately 2.0 times this value for meeting the maximum daily demand. Therefore,
we need approximately 3.11 MGD of capability. Currently, the City has an interlocal
agreement to receive 3.0 MGD of reclaimed water from the Iron Bridge Water
Reclamation Facility (IBWRF). Oviedo cannot exceed the 3.0 MGD, this is a maximum
daily withdrawal. The 3.0 MGD will be deficient if all expectations are achieved. The City
of Oviedo has two former water treatment plants, Boston Hill and A.M. Jones. These
facilities could be used for storage of reuse/reclaimed/augmentation water. They can
also be used to re~pump the water into the reuse distribution system. This provides the
City with storage to meet the peak demand while obtaining the maximum available
supply (IBWRF) over a 24 hour period.
Winter Springs/Oviedo Alternative Water Sources
Page 17
Total Projected Total Projected Maximum
Total Projected Supply Supply Potential
Year Water Groundwater Required From Reclaimed Conservation
Demand(3) Sources(b) Alternative Water {d) Program
(mgd) (mgd) Water Source(c) (MGD)
------. ------_..~---_._._.-._~ _._-~.- ..._._...mm~_~ (mgd)
2000 4.38 Y
2001 3.66 Y
2002 3.82 3.90 Y
2003 3.95 3.97 Y
2004 4.09 4.04 Y
2005 4.05 4.12 Y
2006 4.66 4.27 Y
2007 4.35 4.35 Y
2008 4.40 440 Y
2009 446 446 0.53 Y I
2010 4.51 451 0.76 Y
2011 4.57 4.57 0.87 Y
2012 4.62 4.62 1.50 Y
2013 4.67 4.67 1.55 Y
2014 4.56 4.67 1.55 Y
2015 4.61 4.67 1.55 Y
------ ---------- _.___....._.__.___m.. ~~.-
2016 4.66 4.67 1.55 Y
2017 4.72 4.67 1.55 y
2018 4.77 4.67 0.10 1.55 Y
2019 4.82 4.67 0.15 1.55 Y
2020 4.87 4.67 0.20 1.55 Y
1-..----- _.--- "'--'--'---'-'-'"--'-~'-"-'--'--'-"-"'- ..-. . -........-..--.--- ^"-~ --.........-...
2021 4.92 4.67 025 1.55 Y
2022 4.98 467 0.31 1.55 Y
2023 5.03 467 0.36 1.55 Y
2024 5.08 4.67 0.41 1.55 Y
2025 - 1.55
5.13 467 0.1.16 Y
(a) Based on historic usage patterns througl, 2006 (AADD)
(b) Groundwater sources. Based on CUP Value frozen at 2013 permitted level. (New anticipated permit)
(c) Total projected water demand less total projected groundwater sources equals total projected supply
required from alternative water source
(d) This value represents reclaimed water anticipated for use based on system expansion and connection of
units. Maximum available source of 3.0 MGD from Iron Bridge WRF.
Source City of Oviedo Water Supply Plan. July 2007
Winter Springs/Oviedo Alternative Water Sources
Page 18
Winter Springs Water Plant Treatment Upgrades
The Winter Springs wells have a varied concentration of Hydrogen Sulfide (HzS), At the
present time, treatment is not required unless a new well or a modification to an existing
well is constructed/permitted, as described in Chapter 62-555,315 (5)(a)FAC, "Provide
aeration or other appropriate treatment of the water from the new or altered well to
rernove total sulfide as necessaly...", The existing wells at WTP1 and WTP2 would
require additional treatment only if they were constructed today. At the present time and
under current regulations, the additional treatment would be required only if the
residents of Winter Springs requested treatment improvements to their drinking water.
This type of treatment would remove odor and taste form the raw water source. This
treatment is discussed herein to compare the costs of taste and odor treatment
upgrades to the cost of a surface water purchase. The surface water treatment plant
would provide a water that is "free" from H2S contaminants. The capital cost fOI the
treatment additions (forced draft aeration) for WTP1 is estimated at $2.3 million and at
WTP2 it is estimated at $1.4 million. The anticipated O&M costs for draft aeration are
$0.80/1,000 gallons. We amortized the capital cost to an annual cost and added the
O&M costs. This yields a cost of approximately $1.18/1,000 gallons. This is in addition
to the current costs and is only for the portion that requires treatment.
If the wells remain a viable source of water to the City of Winter Springs (and we believe
they will), it is more cost effective to upgrade the existing facilities rather than replace
this supply with a potable treated surface water source. No other governmental entity is
pursuing or advocating the total replacement of their groundwater source They are all
looking at other supply options while maintaining their current systems. Because of the
cost of surface water treatment, they are looking at a portion of their flow comrng from a
surface water source and that that source would be used for a portion of the "base"
water demand. Their existing well system(s) would be used to 11"1eet "base" as well as
maximum daily and peak hour demands.
Winter Springs/Oviedo Alternative Water Sources
Page 19
Oviedo Water Treatment Plant Upqrades
No additional treatment plant upgrades are needed on the Oviedo system in the
foreseeable future. Recent improvements should suffice unless changes are made to
the drinking water standards by EPA or FDEP. The increased water quality/treatment
was the result of a referendum as voted for by the citizens.
Winter Springs/Oviedo Alternative Water Sources
Page 20
Yankee Lake Regional Potable Water Supply Facilitv
Seminole County is in the process of developing and constructing a regional water
treatment facility at the Yankee Lake site on SR 46 east of the Wekiva River. The
influent structure will be on the St. Johns River just west of Lake Monroe and east of the
Wekiva River. It will be on a shared site with the existing wastewater treatment facility.
The current operating/management structure of the project is for Seminole County to
own and operate the facility in a manner similar to the Iron Bridge Water Reclamation
Facility that is owned and operated by the City of Orlando. Entities would own specific
capacity in the facility and commit to a long term user agreement. Voting and
membership rights are in the negotiation process.
The size of the facility is dependent upon the number of participants and their capacity
needs. It is currently anticipated to be approximately 45 MGD, but could go as high as
70 MGD if Lake and Volusia Counties participate.
Initially pre-potable (a.k.a. reclaimed augmentation) quality water will be generated with
the provision of adding an RO (reverse osmosis) system to generate potable water.
The pre-potable water will only be used by Seminole County for reuse augmentation.
Pre-potable will not be available county wide. It was determined that a dual distribution
system would be required and that this would result in increased and unnecessary
costs. Recent meetings have indicated that only potable will be distributed. The
information shown herein is based on information supplied at the Yankee Lake
Cooperators meetings. We have included Exhibits 2, Yankee Lake Option 1, Seminole
17-92 Route, 3, Yankee Lake Option 2, Seminole 417 Route and 4, Yankee Lake
OpliUI/ 3, Selllil/u/tf Loop, that show the proposed routes oT the distribution systan. The
distribution systems are shown for informational purposes only and were developed
originally by the Yankee Lake consultant for public presentation to the Yankee Lake
Cooperators The current program does not include the construction or ownership of a
distribution system beyond the gate of the Yankee Lake facility The cost figures shown
in our tables are based on numbers received during public meetings for tile Yankee
Lake Cooperators. We do not have the detailed cost estimates, but these figures
Winter Springs/Oviedo Alternative Water Sources
Page 21
provide the opportunity to compare the various options. We have provided estimates for
the distribution of the water to the City of Winter Springs WTP 1 in Tuscawilla and the
City of Oviedo West Mitchell Hammock WTP.
1. The County has assumed a leadership role on this project and it is moving
forward rapidly.
2. There are very possible "economies of scale" with a larger system over several
smaller systems.
3. It will be a viable source of potable water.
4. There is a site and motivation to use the site for a water facility.
5. The County has been open to many participants.
1. A long distribution system is required.
2. Surface water treatment is more costly than existing systems and reclaimed.
3. There will most likely be water quality issues in blending the treated surface
water with existing well water supplies. These however can be overcome.
4. A CUP will be required and is not currently in place.
5. Other permits such as an FDEP construction permit and a concentrate disposal
permit will also be required.
6. Seminole County requires an early commitment and will require funding in the
near future as well.
Winter Springs/Oviedo Alternative Water Sources
Page 22
16"PVC @$125/LF 97,680 LF $12,210,000
12"PVC @$100/LF 11 ,088 1 LF $ 1,108,800
15% Bond, etc. 1 LS $ 1,981,320
........-. ...........-.-...........
15% Contingency 1 LS $ 1,981,320
Operational Cost Pumping $ /1,000 gal. $ .13
Capital Amortization (estimate) $ /1,000 gal. $ 1.87
TOTAL OPERATIONS & FINANCING $ / 1,000 gal. $ 2.00
Operational Cost Pumping equals Power = 400 HP $150.00/day ($117,630/year) (four-100 Hp pumps) at
nine cents per kwh and operating 12 hours per day plus an equal amount for maintenance
Amortization'" $372,360,72/ year
Assumes line services Winter Springs and Oviedo Only and that the water is pumped to a WTP for blending.
Winter Springs/Oviedo Alternative Water Sources
ParJe 23
P14nltlW8 Larulscape Architects
Emnrormumtal Scientists
Construction Managnnent
Design/ Build
1117 East Robi1lS0It Street
Orlatulo, Fl. 32801
PhofUt: 407.425.0452
Far: 407.648.1036
Job No.
File: Yankee.dwg
Source: Yankee Lake Cooperators Meetings
CUI;fh',"~ (J'/AIIOwr;:lltiml
No. :n15
Yankee Lake Option 1
Seminole 17-92 Route
@ 2007
PlA~ LarulsCllI''' An:hitects
EtrDironm....tal ScientistB
Construction Management
1.1.17 East Robinson Street
OrlAndo, FL 32801
Phone: 407.425.0452
Fax: 407.648.1036
Job No. W04136
Scale: NONE
File: Yankee.dwg
Source: Yankee Lake Cooperators Meetings
Cali/frlllt' lif AJltllflri:lJlhUl
Nil. IllS
Yankee Lake Option 2
Seminole 417 Route
@ 2007
Engineers A.rchitects SUnJeyors
Planners Landscape A.rchitects
Etroironmn<ftd Scientists
Construction MalUlgemn<t
1117 East Robinson Street
Orlando, Fl. 32801
Phone: 407.425.0452
Fax: 407.648.1036
Job No. W04136
Source: Yankee Lake Cooperators Meetings
C"rtiji(l,tt _'./"..t",JrtJri:"riflll
Nil. 31JS
Yankee Lake Option 3
Seminole Loop
@ 2007
File: Yankee.dwg
SR 46 Re~ional Potable Water Supply Facility
A surface water treatment facility is proposed for the Sanford Site 10 location. At this
time, there is no definite lead entity on this project. It would provide treated surface
water to the eastern edge of Seminole County. The treatment process will be similar (if
not identical) to the treatment process proposed for Yankee Lake. We have also
assumed that this facility would only provide potable water. Reclaimed/augmentation
water would be supplied by the City of Sanford at the same location. This is discussed
and evaluated separately herein. This potable water supply would also be "take or pay".
For the City of Oviedo, we recommend that the ultimate connection with this system be
the West Mitchell Hammock Water Treatment Plant. For the City of Winter Springs, we
recommend that the ultimate connection be located at WTP1 on Northern Way. The
line would connect with the ground storage tanks at these sites. This would allow for
blending/mixing to occur prior to distribution.
Cost data is not yet available for this project. Preliminary estimates are currently being
prepared. The feed line from the S.R. 46 site to Winter Springs and Oviedo (and several
others) would be shared up to the intersection of S.R. 417 (Greenway) and Winter
Springs Boulevard. There are other possible routes and they could be shared among
the users. See Exhibit 5, SR 46 Option, Potable Water Main Route, for information.
1. This site is directly north of the City of Oviedo and offers possible shorter
distribution lines.
2. There are very possible "econorllles at scale" With a larger system over several
smaller systems
3. It will be a viable source of potable water and reclaimed water is available from
the City of Sanford at this site as well.
4. There is a site, it is owned by the City of Sanford and the site is available for a
water facility.
5. The opportunity has been opened to f'nany participants.
Winter Springs/Oviedo Alternative Water Sources
Page 27
6. Participation in the project will be at a later date. It appears that the project may
not be required until 2017. Expenditures may not be required until 2013/2014.
Commitments will be required in the near future to establish a program and
plan for the future.
1. No one has assumed a leadership role on this project.
2. Surface water treatment is more costly than existing systems and reclaimed.
3. There will most likely be water quality issues in blending the treated surface
water with existing well water supplies.
4. A CUP will be required and is not currently in place.
5. Other permits such as an FDEP construction permit and a concentrate disposal
permit will also be required.
16'PVC @$125/LF 20,064 LF $2,508,000
12"PVC @$100/LF 11,088 LF $1,108,800
15% Bond, etc. 1 LS $ 542,520
....- - m'~w",,',_ ._--~ f--_..... ..,
15% Contingency 1 LS $ 542,520
---_.~.~-------_.._---_. ......................m ..............
O~Elr~tional Cost Pumping $/1,000 gal $ .13
- , .'_...---- mm ----_._.~_._~-""---~._--~-
Capital Amortization (estimate) $/1,000 gal $ .51
TOTAL OPERATIONS & FINANCING $ /1,000 gal. $ 0.64
Operalional Cost Pumping equals Power::: 400 HP $1 bLJ.OOlday ($1 n ,6301year) (four-'iQO rip pumps) al
nine cents per kwh and operating 12 hOlllS per day plus an equal amount fOI maintenance
,I:l.mortization = $372,360.72 1 year
Assumes line services Winter Springs and Oviedo Only and that the water IS pumped to a WTP fOI blending.
Winter Springs/Oviedo Alternative Water Sources
Page 28
Engine,.,.. A...:Jdtects SUTrleyOf'S
Platln8rS Landscape Architects
EmnrotUrlftltal Scientists
ConstructUm Ma1Ulgement
1117 Elut Robinson Street
Orlando, FL 32801
Phone: 407.425.0&52
FaJe: 407.648.1.036
Job No.
File: AquaFiber.dwg
Cutifiul,C (.f ,hI"rorl:jltlOll
S.R. 46 Option
Potable Water Main Route
@ 2007
lake Jesup - Phosphorus Removal (AquaFiber) Project
The St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) is funding a phosphorus
removal project on Lake Jesup. One result of this treatment may be available water.
The proposed site location is on the east side of Lake Jesup on SJRWMD land.
AquaFiber was the successful bidder for this project and will be proceeding with the
construction in the near future.
AquaFiber Technologies (AquaFiber) provides a viable alternative to pumping/treating
water from Lake Jesup, for conventionally treated re-use water. AquaFiber's
phosphorus reduction initiatives with the SJRWMD require their process to treat a large
volume of water from Lake Jesup. This treatment process will not only reduce the
unwanted phosphorus nutrients but will also reduce suspended solids from an average
of 35 mg/L to a level of 7 mg/L. With additional filtration, AquaFiber could consistently
deliver re-use water at the required 5 mg/L or less standard (FDEP Criteria). They have
provided two options for the delivery of available augmentation water. They are
discussed below.
AquaFiber is extremely interested in developing a mitigation vehicle to abate TMDL
loading assessments for the stakeholders in the Lake Jesup basin. They believe that
the stakeholders will be well served with a collaborative effort on re-use water and
TMDL based water remediation, thus eliminating the cost of process duplication if the
projects were considered independently. The following are their estimates for various
options related to treatment parameters. These are all "take or pay" options. Whatever
flow rate is contracted, the City (or Cities) will pay for the full amount regardless of
Winter Springs/Oviedo Alternative Water Sources
Page 30
Option 1
Furnish water from a facility located on District land that will consistently deliver
Suspended Solids of 7 mg/L or less. (No Capital cost paid to AquaFiber, City to
provide additional treatment to reuse standards, storage, disinfection and
Up to first 1,000,000 gpd ................... .................... $ .248 per 1,000 gallons
From 1,000,001 and up to 2,000,000 gpd .............. $ .183 per 1,000 gallons
Greater than 2,000,001 gpd and up 2,500,000 ...... $ .128 per 1,000 gallons
Average Cost@ 2.5 MGD/1,000 Gal. $ .19 per 1,000 gallons
Option 2
Furnish reuse water from a facility located on District land. This water will meet
reuse standards at or below 5 mg/L in TSS and 5 mg/L BOD. The numbers below
include finance of capital cost and O&M for various year intervals'. (City to provide
storage, transmission and disinfection post AquaFiber site)
Example A with C~lorine Disinfec~i.on 10 Yr. 15 Yr. 20 Yr.
Up to first 1,000,000 gpd/1 ,000 gallons $1.19 $1.14 $1.12
1,000,001 to 2,000,000 gpd/1 ,000 gallons $ .72 $ .69 $ .67
2,000,001 gpd and up to 2,500,000/ 1,000 gallons $ .61 $ 59 S .57
E~~!!l~~with Ozone Disinfection 10 Yr. 15 Yr. 20 Yr.
Up to first 1,000,000 gpd/ 1,000 gallons $1 .24 $117 $1.15
1,000,001 to 2,000,000 gpd/1,OOO gallons $ .16 $ .1'2- $ ./U
2,000,001 gpd and up to 2,500,000/ 1,000 gallons $ .66 $ .62 $ .60
, The above examples are stated as present value numbers at year one There will be a 3'10 annual escalation
after year one, which is not represented in costs as provided above.
. Above values assume that acceptable financing and permitting can be obtained for the objective stated
Winter Springs/Oviedo Alternative Water Sources
Page 31
Option 1 is not considered to be a viable option for either entity. Both Winter Springs
and Oviedo need a water supply that, at a minimum, meets the public access
requirements of FDEP for reclaimed water. Option 1 would not guarantee this level of
treatment. Neither entity has the capability to treat the water as required to meet current
FDEP criteria.
Option 2 is a viable option for both entities. A site would need to be found and
purchased to allow the location of the distribution type pumping station. The costs are
shown in Table, Lake Jesup/AquaFiber Option 2 (Reclaimed Quality) Cost Estimate.
The estimated cost per 1,000 gallons is $1.18 based on a flow rate of2.5 MGD. Higher
flow rates may be available.
The advantages of the AquaFiber option include:
1. The project is funded by SJRWMD and it is ready to go.
2. The project directors are willing to supply water to anyone.
3. It is a viable source of water and is permitted for use.
4. This project could provide seed water for a potable treatment system.
5. This project can provide water directly for reclaimed augmentation.
The disadvantages to the AquaFiber options include:
1. The land on which AquaFiber operates is leased from SJRWMD.
2. The long term availability of the water is in question (if the project is successful
in removing nutrients it may not need to continue operation).
3. Supply is controlled by a non-governmental organization.
4. A CUP would be required for the water withdrawals.
5. The project is "take or pay".
6. Rates are set by a third pariy with no input from the users.
7. A location for a transmission/pumping facility would have to be found and
Exhibit 6, Lake Jesup/AquaFiber Option Oviedo Route, shows a possible delivery route
to serve the Cities of Winter Springs and Oviedo.
Winter Springs/Oviedo Alternative Water Sources
Page 32
Pump Station - Distribution
Turbine system In a wet well 1 EA $ 550,000
near the site (223 MGD)
Variable Spe_~cJ:-l1igI')~Ef~??~lre
16" PVC @ $125/LF 30,624 LF $3,828,000
15% Bond, etc~ 1 i LS $ 656,700
ITS ~~---'._.....~_. .-
15% Contingency 1 $ 656,700
Operational Cost* $ /1,000 gal. $ .13
~-~-----_.. . -".- -.- ...~
AquaFiber Cost $/1,000 gal. $ .57
~.~--------- - --.--- -'
Capital Amortization (estimate) $/1,000 gal. $ 49
Operational Cost equals Power = 400 HP S150.00/day ($54,750 four-100 Hp pumps) at nine cents per
kwh and operating 12 hours per day plus an equal amount for maintenance, total $117,630/year.
Amortization = $450,728 I year
Storage would be offline at A.M. Jones (existing) and lor Boston Hill (existing) and Winter Springs East
WRF The reclaimed water would be pumped directly into the reclaimed distribution systems.
Winter Springs/Oviedo A.lternatlve Water Sources
Page 33
Engineers A.rchitects SIlroeyOrs
Plannns Linulscape Architects
Enl1ironmental Sci....tists
Constnu:tion Managenumt
1117 East Robinson Street
Orlando, FL 32801
Phoru: 407.425.M52
Fax: 407.648..1036
Job No.
File: AquaFiber.dwg
C~rl;fi"'ft&' (If Antlwri=ulill"
No. 3115
lake Jesup/AquaFiber Option
Oviedo Route
@ 2007
Winter Springs Lake Jesup Au~mentation
The City of Winter Springs has been issued a Consumptive Use Permit for a maximum
withdrawal capacity of 2.23 MGD (Annual Average Daily Flow 2020 to 2027) to
withdraw water from Lake Jesup. The capacity ramps up from 0,24 MGD in 2008 to
2.23 in 2020 and continues at 2,23 until 2027. It includes the "harvesting" of water from
an existing artesian well within the Parkstone Subdivision. This well could not be
plugged (previous attempts have failed) and it is now a free flowing well. It is estimated
that this flow is approximately 1 MGD.
The Lake Jesup Augmentation project is planned to provide augmentation water to the
reclaimed system. It will not treat water to potable standards. It would supply water on
an "as needed" basis. It is intended to supply water during maximum demand periods
at distribution pressures directly from the treatment site and would allow all reclaimed
water from the two wastewater plants to be used throughout the year. Because we
anticipate that activation of the system is "as needed", additional storage could be
provided anywhere in the distribution system,
The anticipated treatment is to use an "Actiflo" system similar to the process used by
the City of Sanford to treat augmentation water and the proposed process for pre-
potable at the Yankee Lake project. The system will be a demand system meaning that
it will be activated only when the flow demands exceed the effluent supply of the two
City of Winter Springs wastewater plants, The cost to construct the treatment system is
estimated to be $2,6 million for Phase A (FY 2007/2008) and $1.6 million for Phase B
(FY 2012/2013), based on City of Winter Springs Reclaimed Augmentation Study,
September 2005, We believe the operations costs Will be similar to the City of Sanford
costs identified hereinafter. See Table Based on the above, we have calculated the
operational cost/1,OOO gallons to be approximately $0.95 based on 2007 dollars and full
operation at 2.23 MGO. Costs may be slightly higher If the system is not operated at full
Winter Springs/Oviedo Alternative Watel' Sources
Page 35
Because the City of Winter Springs has a CUP for withdrawal from Lake Jesup (similar
to the Sanford system) and no other projects, except Sanford, have a surface water
CUP, we highly recommend that this system be constructed in some form to preserve
the capacity identified in the CUP. We believe obtaining surface water CUP's will be
more difficult in the future. This is a very valuable item to have in hand.
Some water may be available to the City of Oviedo through a system interconnect
between the City of Winter Springs and the City of Oviedo reclaimed distribution
systems. The cost of an interconnection as shown in the exhibit has been included.
Exhibit 7, Winter Springs/Lake Jesup Augmentation Oviedo- Winter Springs
Interconnect. However, we have not performed a hydraulic analysis of the two systems
combined at this time. Other improvements may be required to get adequate flows and
pressures to the City of Oviedo.
1. Winter Springs has a valid CUP from Lake Jesup.
2. The treatment system is feasible and has been demonstrated by other
3. Land is available for the treatment works.
4. The City is willing to accept other pariners in the pursuit of this system.
5. The system is expandable to about 5 MGD if a new revised CUP is granted.
1. Additional CUP capacity would be required for other entities (a.k.a. City of
Oviedo) to be provided service.
2. Interconnects would bA required
3. Interlocal agreements would be required
4. Rates may be set by a third party (Winter Springs)
5. Control and ownership of the treatment facilities has not been determined.
Winter Springs/Oviedo Alternative Water Sources
Page 36
Phase A 1 EA $2,600,000
Phase B 1 EA $1,600,000
12"PVC @$100/LF (interconnect 7,286 LF $ 728,640
of systems)
15% Bond, etc. 1 LS $ 739,296
15% Contingency 1 LS $ 739,296
_.m _..__m____
Operational Cost Actiflo $/1,000 gal. 1$ .19
._._. -...............-- ~
Operational Cost Pumping $ /1,000 gal. $ 12
Capital Amortization (estimate) $ /1,000 gal. $ ,64
TOTAL OPERATIONS & FINANCING $ /1,000 gal. $ 0.95
Operational Cost Pumping equals Power = 400 HP $150.00/day ($117,630Iyear) (four-100 Hp pumps) at
nine cents per kwh and operating 12 hours per day plus an equal amount for maintenance
Operational Cost Actiflo based on Sanford data
Amortization = $507,4191 year
Storage would be offline at A.M. Jones (existing) and lor Boston Hill (existing) and Winter Springs East and
West WRF. The reclaimed water would be pumped directly into the reclaimed distribution systems.
Winter Springs/Oviedo Alternative Water Sources
Page 37
Engitu!ers Architects Suroeyors
Pla,.,..",. Landscape Architects
Envlrormumtal Scientists
Construction Management
1117 East Robinson Street
Orlando, FL 32801
plu1tu!: 407.425.0452
Fax: 407.648.1036
Job No.
File: AM Jones.dwg
Winter Springs/Lake Jesup Augmentation
Oviedo-Winter Springs Interconnect
C~rtif'cllt~ ()f AlltlWri:,,/itlll
Sanford Reclaimed/Au~mentation
The City of Sanford will have (in the near future) a reclaimed augmentation capability of
7.3 MGD. This is based on a CUP issued by SJRWMD. City staff has indicated that
capacity is available to provide Winter Springs and/or Oviedo with reclaimed water.
This is also a consideration in the SR 46 analysis. Sanford has reclaimed water
available at site 10 as well as significant amounts of storage at Site 10. Connection to
the existing Sanford reclaimed water distribution system could be made at Seminole
Community College (SCC) (southern most point of the Sanford reclaimed distribution
system) and at site 10 (eastern most point of the Sanford reclaimed distribution system).
Winter Springs could connect at the SCC site and receive approximately 2 MGD.
Oviedo and/or Winter Springs could connect at Site 10 where approximately 4 MGD is
available. The estimated cost per 1000 gallons is $0.90/1,000 gallons. This cost does
not include the necessary transrnissions costs to Winter Springs or Oviedo. The utilities
using this reclaimed water will only pay for the water actually used. It is not a "take or
pay" contract. Rates will be set by the City of Sanford.
Winter Springs would most likely connect to the SCC location. This is shown on Exhibit
8, Sanford Reclaimed Option Winter Springs Route. The City of Sanford has indicated
a capacity of 2.0 MGD is available at this location. The cost to run this line down to the
Winter Springs West WRF is approximately $1,267,500.00. The line would be a
minimum of 12 inch diameter (16,900 LF at $75/LF) and run down US 17192 to Shepard
Road and then to the West WRF via the power easernent. The line would connect to
the existing reclaimed water ground storage tank. The City of Winter Springs would
install a meter at the west WRF and compensate Sanford accordingly for the water
used. The present worth of this option is $9,455,172 based on a use of 2.0 MGD AADF
every day of the year. The cost/i,000 gallons is approximately $1.04 / 1,000 gallons
and does not include any local distribution costs
Winter Springs/Oviedo Alternative Water Sources
Page 39
Engineers Architects SurrJeyors
Planners Landscape Architt!Cll9
En.nronmental Scientists
Construction Management
Design/ Build
lll7 East Robinson Street
Orlando, FL 32801
Phone: 407.425.0452
Fa:<: 407.648.1036
Job No.
File: AquaFiber.dwg
Culiji('rllt (if rlut},Orl:"I;III'
Sanford Reclaimed Option
Winter Springs Route
@ 20UJ
Oviedo has several connection options:
1. The first is to run a separate line from site 10 east along SR 46 to Snow Hill
Road (SR 415) and south to Oviedo and connecting at the AM. Jones facility
(formerly WTP). From this location it could be distributed to the City reclaimed
system. An alternate shorter route would involve obtaining an easement from
SJRWMD to route the line through their land holdings in this area. The shorter
route is shown on Exhibit 10.
2. Obtain an interconnect with the City of Winter Springs and allow water to be
transferred to the City of Oviedo system directly. Lower flow rates would be
available from this option.
3. Connect at the Winter Springs East WRF on Winter Springs Boulevard and
route reclaimed water east on Winter Springs Blvd to SR 426 and south to E.
Mitchell Hammock Blvd and east to the AM, Jones facility. This would also
provide lower available flow rates.
We recommend Option 1 from the group above if the City of Oviedo pursues the
Sanford Reclaimed option. Exhibit g, Sanford Reclairned Option Oviedo Route,shows
the location of the recommended route. The cost to run this line down to Oviedo (1
MGD volume) AM. Jones Facility is approximately $2,066,400. The line would be a
minimum of 12 inch diarneter (44,350 LF at $75/LF), The present worth cost based on
a use of 1.0 MGD AADF every day of the year is approximately $6,160,236 and the cost
/ 1,000 gallons is approximately $1,35 I 1,000 gallons, Coupled with this option should
be an interconnect with the City of Winter Sprinqs reclaimed system. Eventually it
would be advisable to have the entire reclaimed systems of Sanford, Oviedo and Winter
Springs connected in a loop around Lake Jesup
1. All facilities are in place for a pOSSible connection(s),
2, All permits are in place
Winter Springs/Oviedo Alternative Water Sources
Page 41
3, There are two possible connection points with 2,0 MGD at one and 4,0 MGD at
4, Sanford has a large storage capacity,
5, It will be a viable source of reclaimed water.
6, There is a site and it is currently used for reclaimed, A distribution pump station
may be required,
7, The City of Sanford has been open to many participants,
1, A distribution system and interconnect is required at the potential connection
points and there is quite some distance to these locations,
2, Only reclaimed water (augmentation included) is available,
3, Rates set by a third party (City of Sanford),
Winter Springs/Oviedo Alternative Water Sources
Page 42
Englnen-s Architects Suroeyors
Planners LandSC4pe Architects
Em>ironmental Scientists
Construction Management
1117 East Robinson Stred
Orlando, FL 32801
Phone: 407.425.0452
Far 407.648.1036
Job No.
File: AquaFiber.dwg
Ca'ificf't~ Ilj .-\"tlmri:t,l/ou
No. 3115
Sanford Reclaimed Option
Oviedo Route
@ 2007
Preliminary Operating Cost Estimate
Sanford, FL
Note: Calculation made for 4 MGO - The City is planning to purchase two (2) units. Estimated
operating daily cost must be multiplied by two (2) for proposed 8 MGO treatment system.
Mechanical Equipment Summary per Train
Equipment 2x 4 MGD l
Coa ulation Tank Mixer - 50 I HP
--~-=--------+ ~
In ection Tank Mixer 50 :ljHP'
Maturation Tank Mixer __~T-HP-
Scra er Motor 075 HP
Sand ReCIrculation Pum . 5 HP
Total Power Requirements: l -37.5~ ~
Estimated Operating Costs per Train
A. Surface Water
ACTIFLO~E:~~:T;~d----IE-stin:::-~~~i~~ ~--ES~~~~G~ifY-
____ I Avera9~Dose c;~~L_ Operatin Cost
___F'()lym~Harcr()~~). ____1_____1.25 m~/L _~J3J1!fy1_~___~JQ~.88___
Sand Loss __.._!g/r1l____-.Ji 80/tQr2..._ $ 1.33
Coagulant (ACH) 120 mg/L__ $340/MG.__ $ 2,720
Power Consum tion' See table above. $0.08/KWhr $ 53.69
___Iotal Estimated Daily Operating Co-stH -=-=_________L_ $ 2,879:~_.
Cost per 1,000 gallo~_______~_ I $0.36
B. Reclaimed Water
~.ACTIFLO" System: I 2 x 4 MGO 1_________________________
._._______Item __ I Estima~~s:verage ~s;;L~;~~...J. ~s:~~a~i~: ~~i~i
- Po~:;~~r~s"'ssL ~+=-i~~~~L .. . - --i-
CoagularrliACH):::C~ ;"(1I,_l~IJ:8~~~:d~-- ,$ J~,~
_ n1'9w~_ConSUl.!lp-tion* i See table above___J..Jl.QOi3!JS\i'YI~r ..t $ 53.69
Total Estimated D~~}lgp~!~!i_f!9..gost**-- _L. $ 1,52C!:~~
Cost per 1,000~<?ll~__ j $0.19
C. Cl<lrifier Polymer == $40.2R/MG
*Assumes a power draw of 90% of nameplate rating and does flot include stand-by equipment
** For nominal capacity operating 24 hours per day,
Source City of Sanford
Winter Springs/Oviedo Alternative Water Sources
Page 44
East Orange and Seminole County Regional Reuse Project
This project is supplied with reclaimed water from the city of Orlando Iron Bridge Water
Reclamation Facility. The City of Oviedo has an availability of up to 3 MGD per day.
There is no ability to obtain more than 3 MGD in any single day. This is not an average
number. The City of Oviedo has this capacity via Seminole County (the City of Oviedo
is not a member entity of Iron Bridge). The City currently pays a wholesale rate of $0.46
/ 1,000 gallons to Seminole County. A rate has not been established by the City of
Orlando for the reclaimed water. If the City of Orlando charges for the reclaimed water,
it will be a "pass-thru" charge by Seminole County to Oviedo.
The City of Oviedo will only pay for the amount of reuse used. This project is not based
on a "take or pay" system.
Since this capacity is considered a maximum, it was assumed that the AADF capacity
would be 1.5 MGD (2.0 max day factor). If we assume a larger capacity number, there
is a risk that adequate capacity would not be available to meet the maximum daily
demand (during the dry season of April/May). Since reclaimed is used primarily for
irrigation, the seasonal variation of demand is very prominent and must be considered.
There are no disadvantages or advantages to report as the City of Oviedo is committed
to this project and the project has been factored into their water supply program plan.
This system is shown on Exhibit 1 along with other options.
Winter Springs/Oviedo Alternative Water Sources
Page 45