HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001 01 08 Other - Document Provided by Mr. Phil StalveyCOMMISSION AGENDA
January 8. 2001
Regular Meeting
I Consent I I
I Informational I I
Public Hearings
The following Document was handed out by Mr. Phil Stalvey.
(This Did Not Receive An Agenda Item.)
Community Alliances_
The Department shall, in consultation with
local communities, establish an alliance of
stakeholders, community leaders, client
representatives and funders of human
services in each county to provide a focal
point for community participation and
governance of community-based services. An
alliance may cover more than one county. The
alliance shall represent the diversity of
the community.
By Law: Who
•The district administrator
•A representative from county government
•:•A representative from the school district
•A representative from the county United Way
•A representative from the county sheriff's office
•A representative from the circuit court
corresponding to the county
•:•A representative from the county's children's board,
if one exists
By' Law: What
• Joint planning for resource utilization,
resources appropriated to the Department
local funding sources, if any exist
•:•Needs assessment
and establishment
•:•Determining community outcome
• serve as a catalyst
and to
for community resource
• Providing for community education and
issues related to delivery of services
Promoting prevention and early intervention services
What is our mutual
Better outcomes
vulnerable Floridians --
especially children and their
Alliance Building
ood 'ob for kids and families? Are services
Have we done a g 7
good enough for our own families?
Are we maximizing the use of our resources?
' 'es em owered to set funding and social policy
Are community P
ced the barriers to families getting the help
Have we redu
they need early and easily?
s communities the types of services needed
Have we defined a
de a concerted effort to build a system of
and have we ma
care with a full array of services?
in charge? How does the state partner with
Who should be
the community?
ake things better for vulnerable Floridians?
Can we m _
~ good j ob
services good enough
we maximizing the
our resources?
Are we spending enough
prevent problems?
Are communities
set funding ax~.d
priorities? Can
state funds
empowered to
social policy
they utilize
to do
Have we reduced
for families to
they-need? Can
the barriers
get the help
they do this
early and easily
Have we,
defined the
as communities,
types of services
have we made a
needed and
system of
of fort to build. a
care with a full
of services?
Who should be in
How can
the state
with the community?
Can we make things better
vulnerable Floridians?
Will we?
Primary Role of the
Community Alliance
Planning and System Design
• Develop needed service array and plan fo.r
service delivery
• Identify and .coordinate resources
• Identify other community partners
Ensure maximum impact
of resources
Create incentives for local funding
Create incentives for improved perf ormanc.e
Encourage more efficient performance
...the legislature does not intend by its privatization of
foster care and related services that any county,
municipality, or special district be required to assist in
funding programs that have previously been funded by the
state. " (s. 409.1671, F.S. )
Detailed Agenda for Seminole County Alliance
Meeting #1
November 22, 2000
10:00 a.m. to Noon
Call to Order
Robert Morin Jr., District Administrator, District 7, Florida Department of Children and
Families, Orlando.
Introduction of the Facilitator for this Alliance
Dr. Phil Rokicki
Introduction to the Alliance Concept
Dr. Phil Rokicki
• What is the Alliance under Florida Statute? Who are to be its members? What will it do?
• What is different in this relationship between the "old" Florida Department of Children
and Families and the new DCF?
• What is the Community's role in this new relationship?
Election of a Temporary Chair and Secretary
• Individuals to serve until passage of the By-Laws and election of permanent Chair, Co-
Chair and Secretary.
• A simple majority is needed for election for Chair.
• Nominations will be open for the temporary Chair of the Brevard County Alliance
(Gavel passes to the temporary Chair)
• Nominations will be open for the temporary Secretary of the Brevard County Alliance. .
Outline of the Alliance By-Laws
Temporary Chair
Draft By-Laws will be produced for the next meeting of the Alliance. In order to write the By-
Laws the current Alliance members must decide on various options for the By-Laws. A simple
majority vote will decide which options are incorporated into draft. (See By-Law Options
paper.) Decisions need to be made on the following topics:
• Objectives of the Alliance.
• Officers and their duties.
• Standing committees of the Alliance.
• Public members of the Alliance.
• Current DCF providers as public members.
Seminole Meeting #1 I Rokicki and Associates, Inc.
• Term of office of the public members. .
• Public members serving as officers of the Alliance.
• Quorum for doing business.
• Meeting schedule for the Alliance.
• Public input during Alliance meetings.
• Other operating guidelines for the By-Laws
• Number needed to adopt By-Laws.
• Name of the Alliance.
• Other items for inclusion into the By-Laws.
Creation of a Draft Vision Statement for the Alliance
Temporary Chair
Alliance members are asked to provide guidance on crafting a Vision Statement for the Alliance.
(See Vision Statement paper.) The Vision Statement should represent what the future will be
now that the Alliance has been formed in this County. It is a brief statement to the Community's
stakeholders of the values and convictions of the Alliance members. (If the time runs short this
will be completed at the next meeting.)
Other Business
Setting the Next Meeting Date and Location
Temporary Chair
Tasks for the next meeting:
• Review the draft By-Laws and come prepared to discuss and adopt.
• Complete the Vision Statement (if task is unfinished).
• Nominate public members for the Alliance. Send, fax or e-mail nominations to the
temporary Chair of the Alliance.
Adjourn - by Noon
Seminole Meeting #1 2 Rokicki and Associates, Inc.
By-La~v Options for this Alliance
The following are some options that should be considered when creating the operating By-Laws
for your Alliance. We will vote on each set of options and when completed the By-Laws will be
written with the "winning" options included in them.
A simple majority of the statutorily assigned members of this Alliance who are attending this
meeting will decide which option(s) to incorporate into the By-Laws. The vote on the By-Laws
will occur at the next meeting of the Alliance. All Alliance members will have copies of the By-
Laws prior to the meeting for their review and comments. The vote to accept the By-Laws will
be by super majority, 2/3rds of the members of the Alliance.
The By-Laws in general should contain the following elements:
1. The name and objective of the Alliance.
2. The qualifications of the members of the Alliance.
3. The Officers, their election, and Responsibilities for the Alliance.
4. The meetings of the Alliance, special meetings, how called, etc.
5. How to amend the By-Laws
1. The Objectives of this Alliance are:
Select those appropriate for this Alliance
• To monitor and expand resource utilization targeted at children and families.
• To assess the needs and gaps in services targeted at children and families.
• To encourage the maximum use of all community resources to aid children and
• To set measurable outcomes for services targeted at children and families.
• To serve as a catalyst for the development of resources targeted at children and
families in this County.
• To educate the community about the needs of children and families.
• To be an advocate for children and families.
• To promote prevention and early intervention services for children and families.
• Other:
• Other:
• Other:
Seminole County Meeting I 1 Rokicki and Associates, Inc.
2. Officers of the Alliance shall be:
The Officers of the Alliance will be:
Powers and Responsibilities of the Chair are:
Other: _
• Call and preside over regular and special meetings of the Alliance.
• To represent the Alliance to the public and at other meetings.
• Other:
• Other:
Powers and Responsibilities of the Co-Chair are:
• To act as chair of the Alliance in the absence of the Chair.
• To represent the Alliance in the absence of the Chair or when appointed by
majority vote of the Alliance.
• To serve as membership committee chair to recruit and interview prospective
Alliance members.
• Other:
• Other:
Powers and Responsibilities of the Secretary are:
• To have the official minutes of the Alliance taken.
• To serve as temporary Alliance Chair in the absence of the Chair and Co-Chair.
• To coordinate the release of public meeting notices with DCF.
• Other:
• Other:
~ The Secretary may arrange for one of their staff to take the actual minutes of the meetings.
Seminole County Meeting 1 2 Rokicki and Associates, Inc.
3. Standing Committees of the Alliance should be:
Please select from this list:
• Membership/Nominations Committee.
• Resource Utilization Committee.
• Client Services Committee.
• Needs Assessment Committee.
• Other:
• Other:
4. i\~Iembership of the Alliance
In addition to the statutorily assigned members of this Alliance, the Alliance shall have the
following additional members selected from the Community:
• Three additional members of the Public.
• Five additional members of the Public.
• Seven additional members of the Public.
• Other:
NOTE: The public members of the Alliance will be selected after the By-Laws have been
adopted at the second meeting. Between now and then you may nominate individuals for these
public positions.
One possible addition is to select some representatives from the business community.
5. Current DCF Providers Serving On the Alliance
Shall organizations or companies currently providing services to the Florida Department of
Children and Families be eligible to serve as an Alliance member?
• Yes, they may serve as Alliance Members.
• No, they may not serve as Alliance Members.
• Other:
Seminole County Meeting 1 3 Rokicki and Associates, Inc.
If the decision is No, what should happen if an Alliance member's organization or business later
offers services to the Florida Department of Children and Families?
• They must resign immediately.
• They may serve out their entire "term" on the Alliance.
• They may serve until the next scheduled time for new nominations and
appointments to the Alliance.
• Other:
6. Term of Office for the Public Members of the Alliance
How long should the public members of the Alliance serve?
• One-year terms.
• Two-year terms.
• Three-year terms.
• Other:
a. Staggered Terms for the Public Members
Shall the terms of the public members be staggered?
• Yes, with one-half being given one-year terms, and the remainder given two-year
• Yes, with one-third given one-near terms, one-third two-year terms, and one-
third three-year terms.
• No, terms should not be staggered.
• Other:
b. Reappointment of Public Members
Shall public members of the Alliance be eligible for reappointment to the Alliance?
• Yes, they can be reappointed.
• No, they cannot be reappointed.
If yes, then:
• They may be reappointed for one additional term on the Alliance.
• They may be reappointed for two additional terms on the Alliance.
• There are no limitations on the number of appointments for public members on
the Alliance.
• Other:
Seminole County Meeting I 4 Rokicki and Associates, Inc.
7. ~ Public Members Serving as Officers of the Alliance
Can public members serve as officers of the Alliance?
• Yes, they can serve as officers.
• No, they cannot serve as officers.
- • Other:
8. Quorum for doing Business
For an official meeting to occur for the Alliance, how many members must be present?
• A quorum should be over one-half of the statutorily appointed and public
members of the Alliance in attendance.
• Other:
9. Regular Meetings of the Alliance
How often, other than for special meetings, should this Alliance meet?
10. Public Input during Alliance Meetings
So long as not limited by Florida statutes, should public comments be limited to a specific part of
the meetings of the Alliance?
• Yes, a specific time in the agenda should be set aside for public comments.
• No, no specific time in the agenda should be set aside for public comments.
Public comments may be made at anytime, when recognized by the presiding
officer of the meeting.
• Other:
Once a Quarter.
Three times a year.
Seminole County Meeting 1 5 Rokicki and Associates, Inc.
11. Other Operating Guidelines for the Alliance
So long as there is no pre-existing Florida statute governing the operation of the Alliance, shall
Robert's Rules of Order, Revised, be used to control regular, special and committee meetings of
the Alliance?
• Yes, Robert's Rules of Order, Revised should be used to control meetings of the
Alliance and its committees in absence of either Florida statutes, or rules
contained in these By-Laws.
• No, Robert's Rules ojOrder, Revised should not be used to control meetings.
• Other:
12. Vote Required to Adopt the By-Laws and to Amend them
What "majority" should be used to adopt and amend the By-Laws of the Alliance?
• A simple majority of the members present.
• A simple majority of all of the members of the Alliance.
• A super majority of all of the members of the Alliance (2/3rds).
• Other:
13. The name of the Alliance for this County should be:
• The Alliance for Children and Families of Seminole County, or
• The Seminole Alliance for Children and Family's Issues, or
• The Seminole County's Alliance for Children and Families, or
• Other:
14. Other Operational Topics for the By-Laws
Seminole County Meeting 1
Rokicki and Associates, Inc.
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