HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007 11 14 Catalog Presented by Mike MingeaNovember 14, 2007 HANDED OUT TO THE BEAUTIFICATION OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD MEMBERS AT THE NOVEMBER 14, 2007 REGULAR MEETING BY MIKE MINGEA, CITY ARBORIST. ^ II I II , , . I I I ° . ~ ~° ~ r .; 7 i a e . ~ r i1 "kx~ `J ~ ~ - ~ i ' ,, . •- ~~ ' ~ ~~ YES...YOU CAN REALLY CONNECT 150 i ~ ~ ~. ~ - SETS TOGETHER. .~ - d' This new commercial-grade series offers unparalleled :~. ~ ~ ~ "°,` '~- connectability thanks to heavier 20- au e wiring and other See Page 23 for 5mm MICRO mini LED lights! Connect up to improvements. At only 1.8 watts der set, these sets are revolutionizing our industry. All sets have coaxial connections 40 STRINGS! Yes, that is 4000 bulbs on one power source! that offer waterti ht tam er- roof solutions g p p , . 4 ~ :;1o- ::~ :, ' R_ ~ ~_ w~l~V PRSRTSTD _ Yii~Yi1 ~ ~ U.S. POSTAGE PAID Liberty Flag Wberty Flag 8 & sPeei~ty co. Specialty Company ~- -- - -- E7556 Highway 33 East 55E~r=85 ~~9701 P.O. Box 398 Reedsburg, WI 53959-0398 1.~;Il::~I~li:::lll,,,l::I:::III„~l,F:II~I~I;:,I,~,II;:i~„I! ~~~~**~*~ALTG~~3-DIGIT 32? S6 p3 ~~ ORPF,R T01.1: FRF,F. ~' ? F W F T P. Pit ~~ L l . E.. S. I F .,S 7 0 I vaoa-s~aaooi n+a~-P.~F~~,~r,,,~~T See additional pra~z'rrcfs on cur . . I i ~6 E •`_~T^n?t f?; !AC ~~4 ',~' ~,~;~~a~`~ers~~d website.• W.IN.TER SPRINGS' FL 32?~a;-271` ~" ', ".~, ~ worldclasschristmas.com ~ ~ bulklights.com il:~ 11 III 1 ~~,~~,r -~.. ~~, ~.~R, 1 [: ~ Carolers (1043GM) Item # Descrlptlon 1.2 3+ 1543GM Holiday on Ice $3040.00 $2665.00 1551GM Glrl w/Sled 625.00_ __ 590.00 1552GM Girl only 390.00 __ 370.00 1553GM Sled only 260.00 245.00 1554GM 68e'Man 420.00 395.00 ---- - 1555GM Skatin,~Couple _ 625.00_ -- _ 590.00_ 1556GM Falling Boy 420.00 _ _395.00 1557GM Boy Skater/Dog 550.00 52000 1558GM Skaters/Bench 535.00 510.00 Shipping weights:1543GM-22516e.;1551pM-29166.; 1552GM-191bs.;1553GM-141bs~;1554-141bs~;1555-241bs., 1666-191bs.;1557GM--41 Ibs.;1569-411bs, • Pieces 3'to 61/z' high •Forground mounting • C-7 bulbs • 3257 watts "Tis The Season To Be Joll}~' Bring back the memories of going from house to house singing the gay Christmas tunes and coming home to hot chocolate and a warm fire, Set the perfect scene with appropriate background music. See page 56 for Christmas CDs. • Life-size • C-7 bulbs,1330 watts Under the Mistletoe! This romantic couple is sure to bring smiles to all who pass by Wonderful display for any time of the year! Silhouette design. Item # Description 1.2 3+ 1444GM Kisslnp Couple $1025.00 $969.00 Shipping weight 901br ~ Presents & Stocking (1071 GM) 511 wattr (1072GM) 406wattr (1073GM) 368 watts • 3' - 4' high • Ground mount • C-7 bulbs Item # Description 1.2 3+ 1071 GM 4' Present $239.00 $220.00 1072GM 3'Present 210.00 195.00 1073GM Stocking 239.00 220.00 Shlpping weight: 1071 GM • 191bs; 1072GM 1516e; f073GM- 15166. ~ Presents Under Tree (1070GM) (a piece Berl • Short Present 3 Hx 4'W • Tree w/Star 8'H x 4'W • Tall Present 4'H x 3'W • Ground mounts • Mini l2~hts, 374 watts Item # Description 1.2 3+ 1070GM Presents Under Tree $1300,00 $1195.00 Shlpping weight: f 070GM • 331bs; Man & Boy Skaters (1077GM) • 6.5' high • Ground mounts • C-9 bulbs,1200 watts Fireman (1078GM) Policeman (1079GM) • 7' high each • ground mounts • C-9 bulb, Fireman 880 watts, Policeman 760 watts Item # Description 1.2 3+ 1077GM Man & boy skaters $625.00 $595.00 1076GM Fireman 495.00 460.00 1079GM Policeman 495.00 460,00 Shlpping weight: f 077GM • 301bs; 1079GM • 351bs; 1079GM - 351bs ~ Toys n Tots (1074GM) 495wattr (1075GM) 385wattr (1076GM) 615watta • 4' high • Ground mount • C-7 bulbs Item # Description 1.2 3+ 1074GM 4'Bicycle $239.00 $220.00 1075GM 4'Kite 210.00 195.00 1076GM 4' Wapon 239.00 220.00 1Animated Victorian Holiday Item# Descrlptlon 1.2 3+ WansrBulbs SlzelWelght (1080GM) (7pteceseQ 1080GM Animated•Victorian-WinterHoliday $3040.00$2885.00 "Sleigh Bells Ring! Are you Listening?" 1081 GM Animated Carriage 995.00 950.00 330 wattsl mint lights 5'H x 7.9'W 1261bs Snow, ice skating, and carriage rides will all 1082GM Animated Horse 1095.00 1050.00 196 watts/minilighta 5'Hx5.6'W(231bs recall memories of the good `ol days. 1063GM La~post 325.00 30000 88 walla I mint lights T H x 1.5'W 110 Ibs 1084GM Woman Skater 350.00 330.00 88 watts/ mini lightls 5.TH x 3.9'W 1101bs ~ 1065GM_ Man Skater - - - 410.00 365.00 -- 110 watts I mini II hty 5 6 4'H x 4'W l 12 Ibs Pa a 63 for Gu Wire Kits to g Y - 1086GM Girl Skater 330.00 300.00 _ _ 68 watts I mini lights 3.6'H z 2.9'W 16 Ibs vnur 1?round mounts secure! 1D87GM_BoySkater 330.00 300.00 66watfs/mini lights 3.9Hx2.6W161bs ® Liberty Flag and Specialty Co., 2007. PAYMENT OPTIONS INCLUDE CREDIT CARD, C,O.D. OR OPEN ACCOUNT Trio of Carolers by Streetlight (1055GM) • Life-size carolers and streetlight • C-7 6ulbs,1061 watts • 2 - S' Carolers, l - 6' Carolers, 8' Lamp Post This charming trio of carolers singing will make Ebenezer himself break into song. Gorgeous garland trim. Silhouette design. Item # Description 1.2 3+ 1055GM Trio of Carolers $1095.00 $1030.00 1043GM Carolers Set 1945.001820.00 ~ Holiday on Ice (1543GM) • Pieces 3'to 6112 high •Forground mounting • C-7 bulbs • 4215 watts ~ • ' ~ • , ~ ~ ~ A delightful display ofold-fashioned winter fun! Silhouette design includes all items shown (or you can purchase items separately as shown). ' ' ' ' ' ' Gingerbread House (1090GM) ftem # Description 1.2 3+ 109DGM Gingerbread Scene ro4waos $2800.00 $2650,00 _- 109iGM 4'L~pQDup_eawaas - 31600 --_ 290.00 1092GM 3'Canoy Kisses as wens 215.00 _190.00_ 1093GM 10'Gin~erbreadHouse3sswans 1.45000 1405.00 1095GM 4'Gi~erbreadGirl swans 250.00 225.00 1096GM 4'GincerbreadBov sswsns 250,00 225,00 ShipplnA weights: f080GM-95 Ws.; fO91GM-B916s; 1092pM-441bs.; f093GM~ 511bs;1Q44GM51;f095GM~711bs;f096GMd11bs. 1561GM 8'RockingHorse 545wans 495,00 460.00 1562GM 5'Duck 325watls 320.00 300.00 1563GM 5'Drum r45werrs 395.00 37000 _ 1584GM 6'7op 5o5wans 375.00 355.00 1565GM 6'Blocks B1oWatts 485.00 460.00 1566GM 8'JackintheBox12o5wetts 1205,00 1140,00 Shlpping weighlsr 1590M14-37916x,; 15600M-3916x;1561 GM-66 Ibs; 1562DM~ 451he 1563GM~9616s;f5643M~4516s; 1665CM~7616s;15660M-B616e. Playful Pieces Item # Descriptlon i•2 3+ 23D3GM - 4'TeddyBear i~owens _- $350.00__ _ $325.00 _ 2304GM 4'HoddayMouse 44wetts $19500 $155.00 _2305GM _4' Caa~ Cane Duo aewarcs $275 00 _ $245.00 _ Shlpping weights:2303GM-91bs~;2304GM~51bs;2305GM- 71bs; All yleces ere lit wIM mini lights 1 A Christmas Party (2310GM) Item # Descrlptlon 1.2 3+ 2310GM Christmas Parry lsewarre $700.00 $645.00 2306GM Sanfa w/BacZaawarcs____ - 175.00 __- 145.00 _ __- 2307GM _ 3 Presents Set swans 240.00 210.00 2306GM 3'Tiee 4awatts 175.00 145,00 2309GM Happy Snowman a4watts 175,00 145,00 Shlpping weights: 23IDGM-2016s,; 23o6GM31bs; 2307GM-7lbs.; 2308GM4MS; 23090M•416a. Display w lit wnh mini lights. (2300GM) Santos Workshop animated Item # Descrlptlon 1.2 2300GM 8'Sant~s Workshop 9soweas . __$3500,00 2301 GM 6' North Pole Sign 1lowerca 450.00 2302GM 8'WorkshopAnimatedesowarcs 3095,00 Shlpping weights 2300GM-108 lbs.; 2307GM-1411Gs; 2302GM-94 lbs.; 2302 Comes with workers. All places are lit with mini O'ghts~ 1 Santa's Depot (2314GM) Item # Descriptlon 1.2 2314GM TSanta'sDepotScene $3995A0 2315GM AnimatedTraih 3cars _$1999,00 2316GM Rocking Horse Car _$599.00 2317GM Flat Car w/Drum $599.00 2318GM Depot $1010,00 Shlpping welghts:2314GM-1901bs; 2315GM~016s; 2316GM-191bs.; 2317GM-191bs; 2318-4216s Nem # Deacription 1.2 3+ 2002GM Heavenly Angels Set $1269.00____. $_1157.00_ Shlpping welghh 2002GM--80 lbs. Item # Descrlptlon 1.2 3+ 2007GM 7rioAngelSet $1275.00 $1150,00 Shlpping weight: 2007GM-1451bs. And the angel said to them, `Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of a great joy which shall be for all the people'.,.." Item # Descriptlon 1.5 6.11 t2+ 260DGM Menorah _$660.00 $650.00 $640,00 Shlpping weight 2600GM-aOlbe. 2005GM 6'Angel(eachJ Shipping weights: 2005GM-191bs ~ Trio Angel Set (2005GM) • 8'Angel, 6'Angel, 4'Angel • ground mounts • C-9 bulbs,1692 watts Flying Angels ~°~ ~~ (2001 GM) •TAnimatedFlyinglingei, Itemk Description 1.2 3+ 6'Angel w/Trumpet, 2001GM Flying Angels Set $1490.00 $1320.00 6'Angel Shipping weights: 2001GM-191bs. • ground mounts • C-7 bulb, 6i9 watts Kneeling Shepard / Boy w/Cross (2001 GM) • 3'Kneeling Shepard Boy, 6' Crass • Ground mounts • C-7 bulbs, 400 watts Itemk _Descriptlon _1~5 5+ 2005GM Kneeling Shepard Boy $525,00 $490.00 Menorah Shlppingweighls:2005GM-331bs~. (2tS00GM) • 4' high x 6' wide • Building orground mount ~ d ' • C-7 ~ C-9 bulbs, 1050 watts ~~ Cross (2003GM) Deluxe Cross (2004GM) • 4' Silhouette Cross q,... W , ,,, ,. . 6'Deluxe Silhouette Cross f' • Ground mounts • C-7 bu16,180 watts; Item # Description. 1.5 6.1 t 12+ C-7 bulb, 525 watts 2003GM Cross __ $260.00 $240.00 $220,00 2004GM Deluxe Cross $440.00 $410,00 $380,00 Shlpping weight: 20D3GM - 201bs; 2004GM - 3316ss warldclasschrisbnas.com quote {liberty-~lag.com ®Llberty Fleg end Specialty Co., 7007. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OPEN ACCOUNT (NET 10) AVAILABLE FOR QUALIFIED BUSINESSES EASY ORDERING BY TELEPHONE, MAIL OR FAX PAYMENT OPTIONS INCLUDE CREDIT CARD, C.O~D, OR OPEN ACCOUNT • 16' high -includes 4'Mary, 6'~oseph, 3'Baby Jesus, 2-6' Kings, 1-10112'Wiseman on Camel, l-4'Donkey,1-16'Stable and 1 Star Create a vivid reenactment of the true Christmas story. Watch the Item # 1568GM Descriptlon Western Scene Each $15 594.00 1569GM 8' Stagecoach with 4 Horses 3474.00 1570GM 10' Cactus 40660 1571GM 4' Mexican with Sombrero 476.80 1572GM 8' Cowboy #1 656.80 1573GM 8' Cowboy #2 65880 - _ 1574GM -- T Indian on Horse 79595 1575GM 8' Indfan on Rearing Horse 795.00 Item # Descrptlon Each 1576GM 6'Butfalo $645.00 1577GM 8'S uaw ____,_.__ 596.80 1578GM 4'AnimatedCampfire 716.80 1579GM 8' Indian with Bow and Arrow 694.60 1580GM 12'Tepee 1436.60 Shipping welghts:1668GM- f0001bs;1569GM~151bs„ 1570GM~51bs.;1571GM-2516s.;1572GM-SO lbs.; 1573GM~0Ibs.;1574GM-3516s.;1575GM-9016s.; 157BGM-351bs.;1577GM-4016s.;1578GM-201hs.; 1579GM-40Ibs.;158aGM-29516s. • 2 Te ees -12' high,1050 watts each • Animated Cam4fire - 4' high, 490 watts ~ 6-Foot Shepherd with 4 Sheep (1009GM) (s pl~e ser> • Forground mounting • C-7 bulbs These decorations will be the perfect addition to your nativity extravaganza. Shepherd will keep watch while you sleep. 2044 watts, Item # Descriptlon 1.2 3+ 1009GM Complete set $1450.00 $1350.00 Shlpping weight: 851bs GO GREEN! Energy ®SavingLEDUpgrade! Aekyour Bales rep how! raorldclasschrisnnas.corr~ SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 4Piece Nativiy ~ Starter Set (017GM) Starter set includes; 6' Joseph 329 watts, 4' Mary 245 watts, 3' Baby Jesus154 watts, and Star 60 watts. Set is 883 watts, Item # Descriptlon 1.2 3+ 1D17GM 4pc. Nativity$1790.00 $1720.00 Shipping weight: 11216s OPEN ACCOUNT lN[T 10) AVAILABLE FOR QUALIFIED BUSINESSES You can almost smell the black smoke, hear the roar of the paddle wheels and the shriek of the whistle on this colossal riverboat display The 35' Riverboat comes with animation on the water wheel and the water. This set must be guy wired. (see guy wire on page 59) ~'p r ,:., Lighted Americana Signs Make a statement to your neighborhood and the whole world, America United We Stand! These lawn decorations or building fronts are guaranteed to get the message across. 3'x5' flag available in straight or wavy design. God Bless America sign available in garland only. C7 bulbs. Item # Descriptlon Price 2303•BF 3' z 5' Flao $865.00 2304BF 4' z 8' Flaq 1065.00 2306•BF 6' z 10' Flac __ 2265.00 2312•BF 12' z 16' Flaa~____ 7795.00 2302.8E 2' God Bless America 1831.00 2313•BF 3' God Bless America 2579.00 ~ Western Scene • Animated Fire • Forground mounting C-7 bulbs,17,305 watts. SCENEINCLUDES: • StaPeroaeh with 4 Horses - 8' high, 25' long 4230 watts • 4 Cactus -10' high, 625 watts each • Mexican with Somhrero - 4' high,1000watts • 22 Co~bovs - 8' high, 770 watts each • Indian on Horse - 8' high,1470watts • Indian on Lea~inst orse - 8' hagh,1470watts • 3 Bu alo - 6' high, 72i watts eaeh • maw - 8' high, 595 watts • Indian with Bow and Arrow - 8' high,1610watts • Animated •Forground mounting • 10' high • C-7 bulbs, 4,300 watts Item # Description Each 1701GM 35'RiverboatScene $7,475.00 Shlpping weight: Approx. 9001hs. ® Liberty Flag end Specialty Co., 2007. PAYMENT OPTIONS INCLUDE CREDIT CARD, C.O.D. OR OPEN ACCOUNT This is a great way to get a spectacular and stunning Nativity. Build it up by adding individual pieces in the future, Includes; 16' Stable, 6' Joseph, 4' Mary, 3' Baby Jesus, and Star, ~ Holiday Bows Hundreds of uses from garland decor to large package accents. Choose 18 x 31 inch outdoor poly bow in solid _. _ red, red stripe or peppermint stripe or 14 x 28 inch red Item # Deecriptlon 15 6.11 12.24 velvet bow. Velvet bow is available in other colors and FSP46 velvet Bow 12,95 12,50 1225 sites. Call for availabtlity. All bows sold in sets of 6. FSP47 Poly Bow_ 8.95 8,50 825 irord~k~latmsc~hmrr+ s.e,~rrr~ SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Mailbox Covets Clever, easy and colorful. Heavy-duty weather proof plastic fits all #1 standard rural mailboxes. Choose "Merry Christmas" or "Holly" design. Pole decorations not included. Aem # Description 1.5 6+ XDS100 Mailbox0overs 2,95 ,_225 1 Christmas Windsocks Fun and festive to fly from porches, poles or buildings. Wind-resistant nylon with metal grom- mets and nylon rope. Choose from reindeer, Santa or snowman -all with great detail. 30 inches long. Item # Deecriptlon t•5 6+ WS•02 Christmas Windsock 5.95 4.95 11 It's Christmas Time Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra F~ Nat King Cole 12 Handel's Messiah 13 The liftle Drummer Boy Vienna Boys Choir 14 Christmas Around the World 15 Jingle Bell Rock FrankieAvalon,,jerry Buttery Bobby Helms, jarkie Wilton f~Don McLean 19 Christmas with the Marmara Tabernacle Chair 20 Gregorian Christmas Chanty fe° Motetr 21 Baroque Christmas Music Various Clattiral Compoterr 22 The New Andy Williams Christmas Album Andy Williamr 16 On a Christmas Night 23 J,S. Bach Christmas Music A Contemporary Christian ~S Barb Celebration VariaurArtirts 24 The Pat Btrone Family Christmas 17 TChaikovSky Pal Boone The Nutcracker Highlights 25 Christmas Favorites Berlin Symphony Orcherha Dean Martin, Perry Como, Mel Torm(arsd 18 Hallelu(ah JohnnyMerter The world's Createtr Choirs When orderinggive CD name. Item # Descrlptian 1.5 6+ --_ - - CD100___AIICDs _$13,99 $12.95 OPEN ACCOUNT (N!T 10) AVAILABLE FOR QUALIFIED BUSINESSES • 7'Tall •Forground mounting • C-7 bulbs, 675 watts Item # ODescriptlon 1.2 3.5 6+ _ 2128GM Skating Snowman $435.00 $415.00 $399,00 I quote~tiiGerty flag.com Lollipop (r~o8Glv1) • 6'tall • Ground mounting • C-7 bulbs, 970 wu 6' Candy Cane with Bow (1707GMJ • 6'tall • Ground mounting • C-7 bulbs, 760 watts ®Llberty Fleg end Speclllty Co., 2007. EASY ORDERING BY TELEPHONE, MAIL OR FAX PAYMENT OPTIONS INCLUDE CREDIT CARD, C.O.D. OR OPEN ACCOUNT ~ 3-Piece Snowman Family (1542GM) • T x IS' •Forground mounting • C-7 6ulbs,1300 watts Item # Descrlptian 1.2 3+ 1542GM Snowman Family $1125,00 $995,00 Shlpping weight: 1342~M-1651bs~ 1111 pole mount decorations include mounting h, ardware, Item # Deecriptlon 1.2 3+ 5610GM TSnowmanFamlly $725.00 $699,00 1708GM 6'CandyCana/Lollipop 710,00 660.00 1707GM 6' Candv Cane w/Bow 710.00 660.00 Shlpping weight 56100M • 301bs;170BGM • 251bs;17070M ~ 1B Ibs ~ Christmas CDs Set the mood in your organisation with the president's hand picked selection of quality Christmas music. We promise that all of these CDs are of the high quality seasonal favorites you've been looking for. Bring both indoor and outdoor displays to life with everyone's favorite Christmas Item # Deecriptlon 1.2 3+ Item # Deecriptlon 1.2 3+ Item # Descrlptlon t•2 3+ ---- 1703•GM 6'Santa w/bag $545,00 $505,00 1704GM 6' MrsClaus $465.OD $425.00 1705GM Frosty& Kids $2495,00 $2450A0 Shlpping welght:1703dM- 561bs. Shlpping weight 1704QM- 30 Ibx Shlpping weight 1705GM- ab lbs. ~ Gingerbread Kids (5610GM) (set of two) • 6'tall • Ground mounting • C-7 bulbs • Boy - 635 watts, Girl - 745 watts ORDER TOLL-FREE 1-800-274-7001 Mon-Fri, 8 am-6 pm CST Sat, 8 am-5 pm CST Credit Card Orders Accepted morldclassckrisnrurs.cnr+i SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ~ Tg Zag Tree Ground Mount • 7 feet high • Forground mounting Add zest to your Christmas with this excit- ing ,modern, 7' tree. The gold and green garland adds eye-catching dazzle. C-7 bulbs, 490 watts. Waving Santa ~ (1545GM) • 6 feet tall Jolly Santa smiles and waves to holiday passersby. Garland design. C-7 bulbs, 850 Watts. (style may vary) EARLY PURCHASE DISCOUM PROGRAM All orderz moat be rereived by NOON on the due data (by (hone, fax, or mail) to receive the durouutl Order by... you'll receevv September 15, 200610% Off October 13, 2006 5°h Off Waving Snowman (2124GM) • 7 feet tall Greet visitors with a friendly wave from Frosty! Garland design. Animated Snowman (2124GM) has a moving arm. C-7 bulbs, 865 watts. WavingSaMa Mesh ~ (1539GM) • Forground mounting • 9' high Jolly St. Nick waves hap- pily beneath the north star. C-7 bulbs,1387 watts. hem q Description 1.5 fr11 3027GM Zug Zag Tree $360.00 $350.00 1544GM Animated ~ Santa 920.00 900.00 --. _. _ .. 1545GM Sanha 455.00 435.00 1 • , . ~ 1 1539GM Santa wlArch 794.00 744.00 1 ~ ~ 1 • 1 Shipping wEighfs: 3027PM~OIbs.; 2112GM-75165.; 2I24GM~4 1 1 lbs.; 1544GM-87ms.; 1545GM-721bs; 15'~GM 1101bs 1 1 ~ ~ 1 1 1 1 OPEN ACCOUNT (NeT 10) AVAILABLE FOR OUALIFlED BUSINESSES Animated! 17ll~ 4nimated! ~ Igloo with 4 Penguins (1546GM) • 71h'x 24' • Forground mounting • C-7 bulbs, 2290 watts • Sledding~enguin -1580 watts • Penguin duo on sled -1204 watts Item # Description 1.2 3+ 1546GM~loo_w/4 Penguins $3295.00_$3095.00 1603GM Sledding Penguin 385.00 360.00 1604GMPenyuinduoonsled 649.OD 625.00 Shipping weight: 1546GM-1601bs.; 1603GM-2516s; 1sanGM-as Irs 5-Horse Carousel Spectacular- (1600GM) • 111/2 feet high, I S feet diameter • C-7, 3865 watt 1600GM Carousel $3295.00 $309500 1601GM Sin~leHorse_ _ 6.45.00 _57_500 1602GM Aru'mat~' Carousel 3925.00 3725.00 Shipping weight:1600GM-3a01bs.;1601GM-651bs.; 1602GM-39516s. 1~~ ~ I I ~ 11 warldclassclu•istrnas.com SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR YOUR MONEY BACK OPEN ACCOUNT (NE7 101 AVAILABLE FOR QUALIFIED BUSINESSES /Santa Riding Motorrycle (1598GM) • 41/2 x T • Forground mounting • G-7 bulbs, 950 watts Betcha didn't know Santa's really a Harley dude. You'll never ride alone again. Also available, an Animated Boss Hog. Lights on wheels rotate clockwise to produce an animated moving effect. Item # Description 1.2 3+ - - 1598GM Santa RidingMotorc~cle 56500_ 525.00 1599GM Animated Santa Riding Motorcycle _955.00 925.00 Shipping weight:1549GM-i601bs..; lSgaGM~916s.;1539GM-401bs, Lifetime Warranty on All Mounting Hardware! ~3ZOGM -Seasons Greetings is a whopping 11'x 68'! C7 bulbs /4895Waits 2321 GM -Just message is 2255 watts, 6'x40'. 2322GM -Pointsettia Clusters are 1320 Watts,11'x12' 2323GM -Giant Toy Solider Pair are 16'x18'! C7 Bulbs/2090Watts 2324GM - Individr~al Solulers are 1101bs. ea.16'High. 2323GM -Candy Cane Duo This yummy treat is 8'x 22'! C7 bulbs/1958watts 2326 Santds Sleigh & Reindeer • 61 lz feet high, 32 feet long Up! Up! and Away!. Assorted colt of C-7 bulbs, 2001 watts. Item # Description 1- 1540GM Express $269E 1541GM Animated Ex ress 299° - -_ _ _P_ _ - _ - 1530GM _ Santa's Sleigh & Reindeer 169: - - - - __ 1530GMA Sleigh & Reindeer (animated 219E 1531GM Sleigh only 59E -_ Shipping weights: 1540GM-2f016s~; 1541GM-2111bs; 1530G 110Ibs; Santa Express • 61 h feet high, 22 feet long The Polar Express is on its way! This Garland trimmed display catches your e even in the daytime!. 2324 watts. The Animated Express (1541GM) has added exciting feature of wheels in moti The lights on both wheels on the car an the four wheels on the engine rotate to ~ duce a dynamic moving effect. C-7 bulbs, 2850 watts. 9uote@liberty flag.com EASY ORDERING BYTELE 2320GM SeasonsGreetin~cs $10,250.00 _$9895.00 2321 G M Message Sign 4195.00 -_ 3875.00 2322GM Pointsettia Cluster 3195.00 2875.00 2323GMA 7oySoliderPair -- 4250.00 3990.00 2323GM Candy Cane Duo __ 3195 00 -_ 2895_._00 C-7 Bol6s 4100GM Animated Santa & Reindeer ~ Eye catching display. Santos Hand/Arm waves, the lights on the legs of the reindeer flash to give it the appearance that they are running. This giant display takes C7 bulbs, and is a whopping 12' high by 8T wide. - -- _ _ - - - Item # Description 1.2 - - -- - 4100GM Santa&Aeindeer(animated) __$21,450.00 4101GM Animated_Reindeer (each1_ 2895.00_ 4102GM Lead Reindeer 2495.00 - -__ - 41D3GM Animated Sleigh 7795.00 Up! Up! and Away! .. rem•ldetns~~chri.arrms.cnm SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 4204GM 16'Christmas This bold display is covered with g and 269 C7 Bulbs. The optional t tree topper has 76 C7 bulbs. Item # Description 4204GM 16' Christmas Tree 4205GM 4'TwinklingTree topper 1 4210GM 8' 3-DChristmas Tree 3-D Tree and 4 sided star. C7 Bulbs. Available in Clear or Multi. Item # Description 1.2 4210GM 8'3-D Christmas Tree $995.00 4211 GM 4 Sided Sfar _ 99.00 t ' ~ 1 4207GM 8' Holiday Arbor This welcoming display is decorated with over 1500 minilights. The optional twin- C ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~' kling tree topper has 76 C7 bulbs. ~ Item # Description 1.2 . ~~ ~ +~ - , 4207GM Holiday Arbor $2695,00 ~ 1 ~ ' '~~ „' 42D8GM Pointsettia each) 598.00 (~L~+r ~,>w ;, , ~~~~ 4209GM __ArchOn~ _1879.00_ OPEN ACCOUNT (NET 10) AVAILABLE FOR QUALIFIED BUSINESSES Horse and Carriage (1522GM) - • 6 feet high,l8 feet long Over the River and Through the Woods! The horse trots and carriage wheels roll on the ani- matedversion. Silhouette design with garland trim. Assorted colors of C-7 bulbs, 975 watts. Item # Description 7.2 3+ 1520GM Horse & Carriage $1195.00 $1150.00 1521GM Carriapeonly 650.00 630.00 lMfh oplionalanimafion 1522GM Horse & Carriage 1595.00 1540.00 Shipping weights: 1520GM-11B Ibs;1521GM~501bs;1512GM~81be,; i522GM-1221bs. Horse & Sleigh (1510GM) - • 6f/z feet high, l8 feet long Sleigh Bells Ring are you Listening, On the Lane Snow is Clisteningr Harness and sleigh are covered with beautiful garland trim. Clear C-7 bulbs, 950 watts. Item # Description 1.2 3+ - ___ 1510GM Horse & Slei h~_ $1350.00 $1330.00 _ _ 1511 GM Sleiph~ 650.00 _ 630 00 1512GM Horse only 650.00 630.00 Shipping weights 1510GM-B616s.;1511GM-3a Ibs.;1512GM-4B Ibs Reindeer Herd (1500GM ) • Set of 6 life-size reindeer Where's the Reindeer Games? Gr lawn or rooftop! Silhouette design. 1834 watts. Item # Description t•2 3+ 1500GM Herdol6Deer $1999.00 $1925.00 _._ 1501GM _4'Grazi~uck_ __ 395.00 _ 385.00 1502GM T Leaping Deer 395.00. _ 385.00 1503GM 4'LayingDeer 320.00 __ 310.00 1504GM 6'Buck 395.00 _38500 1505GM 5'Doe - 345.00 - 330.00 __ 1506GM 4'Fawn 320.00 310.00 Shippfngweights; 1500GM-1451bs.;1507GM-251bs;1502GM-2516x., 1503GM-201bs.; 1504GM-251bs.; 1505GM-251bs.;1506GM-2016x, Deer Family (250tSGM) • Set of 61fe-size reindeer Deer Family. Great for lawn! Silhouette design. m;n;r.;gna. liem # Description 1.2 3+ 2506GM Herd o14 Deer $1390.00 $1266.00 2507GM TStandin Bg uck 439.00__ 399.00_ 2508GM __ 5'StandingDoe _ _ 329.00 269.00_ 2509GM 4'BabyDeer 229.00 _199,00 2510GM 5' LeapinoBuck 399.00 379.00 Shipping welghts:2606GM-4f 16s,; 2507GM-141bs, 3W Lighfe; 260BGM 1O lbs, 250 Lrghfs; 2509GM-616x, 150 Lights; 2510GM-1116x.300 Llghls, All Daet are lit wlth mini hghfs, ®Liberty Flag and Specialty Co., 2007. PAYMENT OPTIONS INCLUDE CREDIT CARD, C.O.D. OR OPEN ACCOUNT C-7 & C-9 Replacement Bulbs • Use with strings sold on this page • 2 styles, both rated at 3000 hours C-7 lamps are 5watts,130 volt...use with can- delabrabase; choose from red, green, purple, pink, amber, blue, clear, and clear twinkle. C-9 lamps are 7 watts, 130 volt...use with intermediate base; choose from red, green, pur- ple,pink, amber, '~ ~""" ~ blue, clear, and ~ ~~ clear twinkle. Specify color when order- ing. ~~ '/ Pearl Lights ~~ E",cave a new look into lighted c~~trances, fireplace mantels, ' ~~ reaths, trees, staircases or table-top displays. This indoor/outdoor strand of Ik°-diameter bulbs has a softer , glow than standard mini-lights. 33 bulbs per set 74 inches long, Specify purple, green, frost or red. Includes two replacement bulbs and fuses. Item # Description 1.5 6.11 12.24 - _ - 9695 - 33 Pearl Lets __$16.95 $15.95 $14.95 Best bulbs available! hem # DesaipU'1f 25.15 1()0.975 1000.5000 ea. zs¢ ea. It zr recommended that C-7/C-Slight strings be plugged directly into an extension cord or electrical source. These are not designed to be attached end to end. For extension rords see page 43. Shatterproof Commercial OmnmeMs Three great sizes: 4 inch (100mm), 6 inch (150mm) and 8 inch (200mm); five sparking colors: red, gold, silver, green or blue and cozens of uses. Commercial weight and iatterproof for years for beautiful holidays. Rem # DesCliptiat 15 cases 6.11 cases 12+CaSeS XDS89 4' OrnamenU48 per rase 95.50 89.50 _ _ 79.50 XDS74 6" OmamenG24 per case 129.50 120.50 110.50 XDS71 8" OrnamenUl2 per case 85,50 79.50 70.50 Chrishnas Decorating Pole The new E.Z. Christmas Ultimate Decorating Pole"" makes Christmas decorating E.Z.er than ever! Made of sturdy, durable plastic, it won't wob- ble,won't fall apazt-and it telescopes from 3 to 9 feet. Secures at desired length with just ,twist-no complicated connections. Five-year warranty! tight Globes 1dd glowing color to your mini lights with these easy to attach colored ':fight globes. Each globe is 3'h" in diameter and ,naps on quickly to any mini light. Simply insert our mini light into globe and hang. You're done! Made of shatterproof plas- tic. (Colors are red, gold, and traditional green). 12 globes per set, spaced 12" apart. Lights included. Rem #_ Descri tion 1-2 35 6+ XDS46 Light Globes 27.95 _ _ 26.95 25.95 XDS42 Ulti f D f PoI 1995 17 95 15 95 ~ Mini- Mini Lights 21' long with 140 lights per strand. Lights are on green wire. Strand has eight blinking func- tions including constant. Come in clear or multi-colored bulbs. Rem # Description 1.5 6.11 12.24 9650 _ SO lights 25' le tn~h _ $6.20 $7.45 _ _ _ $6.95 9660 100 6'ghts (50' ten 1325__ 12.50 11.95 By the time conventional smoke and fire detectors sense a blaze, an entire room could be on fire! This alarm is designed to provide you with those few precious seconds to prevent a tragedy from occur- ring.Emits ,piercing 110-decibel siren if it detects temperatures above 113°F. Uses 9V battery (not included), which should last about 30 days when used 24 hours a day It has a low battery indicator. Please specify red or silver ma a ecora Ing a Rem # Descrption Each 6.23 24+ sr~ppriy ~~nrs: xDSa2-2u~ss ~ # Description 15 6.11 12.24 -- Mini-mini 9920 FireAla~m $19.95 $17,50 $13.95 9630 lights 16.95 17.50 12.95 yuote(idiberh~-/lag.corn ~ . e • ~ ~ I ~ 0 Liherty Fiag and Specialty Co., 2007. EASY ORDERING BY TELEPHONE, MAIL OR FAX PAYMENT OPTIONS INCLUDE CREDIT CARD, C.O.D. OR OPEN ACCOUNT ~ Mini-Lights Available in 50-,100-, or 200-light sets. Specify multi-color or clear bulbs. Set of 140 chasing lights also available. For recommended tree light- ing requirement chart, see page 38. ^ SAmsFACnoN GUARANTEED OPEN ACCOUNT (NET 10) AVAILABLE FOR QUALIFIED BUSINESSES ~y, , , ", ''. 12 YES...YOU READ THAT CORRECTLY, CONNECT 150 SETS TOGETHER. This new commercial-grade series offers unparal- leled connectability thanks to heavier 20-gauee~wiring and other improvements. At only 1.8 watts per set, these sets are revolutionizing our industry. All sets have coaxial connections that offer watertight, tamper-proof solutions, C-7 or C-9 (#96eoor9641) ssYou will need an "Adapter'at the beginning of any series of connected • 25 feet Commercial L.E.D. sets. A single adapter will power up to 150 con- • 12"bulb spacing nected sets. Make your decorating jobs even easier with this handy "12' Spacer C-6 (#9642or9643) Wire". It is ideal for "jumping" from tree to tree, window to window..or • 12.5 feet whenever "black" space is needed, • 6"bulb spacing Item #_ _ Descrlptlan 1.11 12.35 36+ M-5 (#9644 or 9645) 9640 25' C•7 or C•9 Colored Lite Strings (specly) $21.95 $17.96 $16,95 9641 26' C•7 or C•9 White Lite Sthngs (speclly) 25.95 21,95 19.95 • 8 feet 9642 12,5' C•6 Colored Lite Strings 17.85 17.40 17.00 • 4"bulb spacing 9643 12.5' C•6 White Llte Strings 17.85 17.40 17.00 9644 8' M•5 Colored Lite Strings 14.95 1425 13,50 G•1 Z (#9646 or 9647) 9645 8' M•5 White Lite Strings 18,96 1825 17,50 • 8 feet 9646 _ 12,5' G•25 Colored Lite Sfrings 17,95 17.40 17,00 • 4"bulb spacing 9647_ 12,5' G•25 White Life Strings 17.95 17.40 17.00 9648 8' G•12 Colored Lite Strings 17,95 17.40 17,00 G•Z5(#9648or9649) _9649 8'G•12WhiteLife_Strings 15,95 14.95 13.95 • 12.5 feet 9605 _ Adapter_ ' 12,50 ea 9.95 _ • 6"bulb spacing 9606 12 Spacer Wire 7.50 ea 6,95 _ _ 12' Sparer Wire (9606) Commercial Mini lights 50 Lamp Set 100 Lamp Set • 24,5 feet lighted length • 49.5 feet lighted length • 18 watts • 37 watts • SO lamps 6"on center • 1001amps 6"on center • green wire • green wire • choose Blue, Clear, Green, Multi or Red • choose Blue, Clear, Fuschia, Green, bulbs Multi, Purple, Teal, Yellow or Red bulbs Item # Descrlptlan 1.5 6.11 12.24 150 Lamp Set 9610 50' life string $8.95 $8 40 $6.00 •74.5 feet lighted length _. 9811 100' life stung 13.96 13.40 13.00 •55 watts _9612 150' Ilte string 16,95 18A0 18.00 •150lamps 6"on center • green wire, clear bulbs worldclas~scMrisvma.ccorn ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OPEN ACCOUNT (NET 10) AVAILABLE FOR QUALIFIED BUSINESSES 9655 02 IJ i 1~BoQS~I(O1J ~ . ~~ A note from a satisfied ~k j customer: ; , ,i I '~ j `Dear Liberty Flag , ~~ ~ +'~ ', I would like to thank you again ~~ ' 'i ' I for all the belp you gave me. I ~I 000000 ` am very pleased with the quala- I ty of the banners I received. I , ~ ~ • ' ' 'i • . it know they will be an up Ift to '' p ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • s '~i ouY COmm2lntty." j `K 9642 77 9656 O] (, B96t2i 09, 643 2 9698 Il ~, 9654 OS 9683 2 i Thanks much, _ ~ ~;~ ,~- Janicee W. ., ~ ~, ~ ~ ' ;I Al U' ittsbur PA ~~• ' ~~ P b g I B ,;~ ~I I ~ O ~ ~ •I: • ©Llberty Flag and Speclelty Co., 2007. EASY ORDERING BY TELEPHONE, MAIL OR FAX PAYMENT OPTIONS INCLUDE CREDIT CARD, C.O,D. OR OPEN ACCOUNT Coaxial plug connection Multi-Chore Ilt"' and Quick-ChorerM Banner Mounting Hardware You ~tuon't find more versatile, multi functional hardware anywhere... weguarantee itt Multi-Chore IIT"' or Quick-ChoreT"` Mounting Kits are multi-purpose: ~ hang banners, flags and Christmas decorations...all from the same faceplate! ~ unique faceplates allow banner arms or flagstaff attachments ~ New! Innovative Combo Boner Arm allows you to hang banners and fly your flag from one mountaing installation, ~ you'll save labor costs on mounting displays because only one set of hardware is needed ~ faceplates are only 4"high, saving valuable space on your light poles! LIFETIME WARRANTY on all of our Multi-ChoreTM and Quick-Chore'" Mounting Hardware` 1 kit... 2 mounting solutions! SOLUTION 1...Quick-Cbore,'"' absolutely the fastest, most economical way to install the country's most superior banner mounting hardware! Includes two 31" banner arms, two faceplates, 4 buckles & banding for poles up to 9" in diameter. Band-Itr`" banding tool is needed for this application. SOLUTION 2...Multi-Chore Il,r"' the superior choice. Easily installed with ordinary hand tools. Includes two 31" banner arms, 2 faceplates, 8 buckles, 4 bolts & banding for poles up to 9" in diameter, and all pole mount decorations. Ptyce ~ _ _ _ - - --- Item # Description 1.5 &11 12.35 Banner Mounting Kits (suitable for mounting banners only) _9540-PM Quick•Chore"" BannerMountir~Kd $7495 $69,95 $64.95 9542-PM Multi-Chorellr'" BannerMou_ntingKit 77.95 72.95 69.95 9504•PM .BannerArms, singleL~ 38.95___ 31,95 26.95 9505•PM BannerArms, DoubleLach~_ 49.95 45,95 39,95 - _ _9506-PM BannerArms, Combo jeach) _ _ 39.95 35,95 29.95 Double Banner Arm Kits 9552•PM Quick•ChoreTM double banner arm kit 119.95 113.95 109.95 9554-PM Multi-Chore'"' double banner arm kit 122.95 116,95 112.95 __ __ - Combo Banner Arm Kits 9544-PM Cuick•ChoreTM combo bannerarm kit 94.95 85,95 79.95 9546-PM Multi•ChoreTM combo bannerarm kit 99.95 89,95 84,95 Multi-purpose Faceplate Kits & Accessories (suitable for mounBng banners, Bags & Christmas decorations). All kits include faceplate and Band-It®stainless steel bandirrg. --- - 9510•PM Cuick•Chore'M Faceplate Kit (1 faceplate, 2 clips bandin 17.95 _ 15.95 14.95 _- 9512-PM Mulh•Chore II"" Fate Kit 1 !ac late, 4 clips, banding, 2 botts~ 25 00 22.00 20.00_ 9511-PM Mulh-Chorell"^ and Qurclr•ChoreTMfa~teonl~ 13.95 _ 11.95 9.95 9524-PM Flagsta/lAttachment 21.00 19,00 iZ00 9571-PM Band-Itc9Sfainless Steel Bandr'ng-3r4"widfh,f00ftlength 99A0 89,0.0 86.00 9570-PM Band-ItC~ BandirlgTool 125.00 - - K' s 7 ,~ ~<;~ A Quirk- ~ ~, Cbore Multi-Cbore II -5 ~-~ ` .-__ ,~ ;~'~-~ gym, „, ., t 1 5mm Wide Angle Micro Lights are the new alternative to traditional mini lights. You can connect up to 40 strings! That is 4000 bulbs on one power source. Awesome! Available in 100 Light and 200 Light strings. Strings are permanent bulb Style. ~M10 Colored-4 Watts per string/ white-6 watts per string. M20Colored-8 watts per string, white 12 watts per string. + ~ 1 V ~ .~: - ~~ Item # 100 Light __ _ Each - Case (ts) , MR10 Red $19.42 $198.00 ~::: MGlO Green 29,34 309,84 ~~) MBIO Blue 25.88 273,24 '' MYlO - Yellow - 19,42 198.00 MB I O Multi 29.92 217.08 MWlO Warm White 20.56 315.96 Item # 200 Light Each Case p2) MR20 Red $39.60 $403.92 MG20 Green 58.08 623.88 M620 Blue 53.66 _ 566.64 MY20 Yellow 39,60 403.92 MB20 Multi 40.38 42636 MW20 Wann White 59.86 632.04 ~~Ah` ~ ~ ~ ,~ - ~ - C6 Strawberry Lights give that awesome glow to any applica- ~~ lion. Connect up to 50 Sets on one power source! Available in ~" ~.. °' s ~' k 50 Light and 100 Light strings. Strings are permanent bulb ~' Style. (650 Colored -2.4 watts per string, white-4,8 watts per string, 610 Colored-4,8 watts per string, white-7.2 watts per string.) 4~ Item # 50 Light _ Each -_ Case (32) 6RS0 Red $1438 $391.,04 6GS0 Green 21.18 576,00 6B50 Blue 17.92 48736 6YS0 __ Yellow - 14.66 398.72 6MS0 Multi 17.95 488.00 6WS0 Warm White 22.85 621.44 Item # 100 Light Each Case (te) 6R10 Red $28,48 __- __ $38934 _ 6G10 Green 2934 609.66 6B10 Blue 25.88 499.50 __ 6Y10 Yellow 19,42 395.46 1 face~late...3 uses! U5E 1,..Install our beautiful World Class Christmas Decorations in the came faceplate. Simple to hang, easy to take down. USE 2•..Our BannerArms (9504-PM) fit perfectly into our versatile faceplates and can be easily removed for more options on your pole. (31" is standard; 36", 42" or 48" lengths available.) USE 3.. With our easy-to-install Flagstaf~"Attachment (9524-PM), you can fly flags with the very same hard- ware• Simply slide our flagstaff attachment into any of our versatile faceplates and insert a 1" diameter pole, 6M10 Multi 29.92 499.50 6W10 Warm White 20.56 665.46 ~,. '~='' ~ : ~ ,. ~tu. i ~ , IV, tit/ of these bulbs and strings are tSrlght! tSrtght! tSrlght! These professional grade bulbs and strings are the perfect answer to all your holiday and event lighting needs. No more replacing bulbs or strings every year. We guarantee it! ttention All Residential Decorators! Are you tired of blowing fuses? Tired of the high enerygy bill? Have the brightest, most colorful house on the block without the hassel! Bright! Affordable! These replacement bulbs and permanent strings are the answer! Call or emaill for precise quotes or questions. quote@liberty-flag•com or 1-500-274- 7001. Any one of our trained account specialists can help you. 'e~ , ;oat EARLY PURCHASE DISCOUNT PROGRAM All orderr mart be received by NOON on the due dater lby (hone, fax, or mail) to rereive dhe dinauntr Order by... you'll receive: September 15, 200710% Off October 13, 2007 S% Off 1 OO,000 Hoots of Burn Life! ~~ worldclasschristtnus. coin SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR YOUR MONEY BACK OPEN ACCOUNT (NET 10) AVAILABLE FOR QUALIFIED BUSINESSES Rem X Box f ?~ Par) Case (1000 Par) _ Dam X Boz (45 par) Ceae (500 per) ._..---- 9987 S35.50 _ $1250.00 9989 844,50. 5780.00 C7Series: FW-Faeeted, LWLotus, SW C9 Seriest FWFareted, MFWM9 Faeeted Smooth, MFWM7Faceted, GFW-G20 Faceted GFWGJO Faceled Round. Round, GSW-G20Smaoth. White,2Wiskk,QuicYJSlawChange,Calor Twinkle, QuIcklSlow Change, Color Change Change eva0able. available, The Blues Lotw (LB) Fauemd lFR) Smooth (SB) FaeeteU (MF87 Lotus (LB) Lotus lLB) hem X Box (25 px) Csse (1000 Per) 9987 533.00 51160.00 Rem X Boz (45 per) Csse (500 pr) 9989 543.50 5765,00 C7Serres~ FB•Fgceted,L&Lotun,SO- C9 Series: FB-Paeeted, MF&M9Paceted Smooth, MFB,M7 Fecete, CFB-G20 Faceted CF&GJO Faceted Round. Round GSB-G2DSmaoth, White, Twinkle,QulcklSlowChange,Colar Twinkle, QuIcklSlow Change, ColorChange Change available. available, The Greens Lotus (LG) Fuecled (FC1 5moom (SC) F'ocelyd (MFC) I.afus (LC1 Latue (LG) Item X Box (2S per) Ceee (1000 Pert Rem X Boz 145 per) _ Casa (500 per) -- - _ - ._- 9987 535.50 $1250,00 9989 844.50 5780.00 C7SeAes: FGFaceted,LGLotus,SG C9 Series; FGFareted, MFGM9Faueted Smooth, MFGM7 Fecete, GFGG20 Faeeted GFGG30 Faceted Round, Round, CSG • G20 Smooth. White, Twinkle, QuicklSlow Change, Color Twinkle, QuicklSlow Change, Color Change Change available, The Reds k , Lulus (LR) FeatM (PR) Smooth (SR) Feccs°A LM1I I'NI Lotus (LR) Lotus (LR) hem X Boz (4S per) Ceee (tOW Per) Rem X Boz (46 per) Cane (500 per) ~; FR-Faeeted, LR•Latus, SR- C9 Series: FR-Fauead, MFR•M9 Faneted MFR•M7Fecete,CFRC20Feceted CFR•G30FacetedRound. GSR • C20 Smooth. Whia, 7lvakle, QuidJSlow Change, Color QuicklSlow Change, ColorChange Change quotable. = . rjr~ (J~~;Ei~! have Energy! •No more burnt out bulbs! `~ ~ ~ •No filaments to burn out! '~ ~ •No Glass to break! •No More blown breakers! ~ LED replacement bulbs and permanent bulb strings are available in many shapes, sizes and colors. Rated at 100,000 hour burn life. Great for those Residential ~ i lighting competitions! Professional grade bulbs and R strings. 6 yeaz seasonal warranty. The Purples ~,,'' ,, . Lotus (LP) Fauelud (FP) Smo°Ih (SP) Faeeted (MFP) Lotus (LP) Lotus (LP) ~ Rem X Boz 145 per) Case 11000 Psr) Dam X Box (2S par) Cese (500 par, C7Serres: FP-Faceted, L0.Lotun, 50- C9 Series: F0.Faceted, MFP-M9 Faceted Smooth, MFP•M1 Faceted, CFP-CED Faeeted CFP•G30 Faceted Round. , Round, GSP-G205mooth. Twinkle,QuirklSlawChange,ColorChange Twinkle,QuicYJSlowChenge,ColorChange ave0able. avg08ble, Tne o.a~ges ^^^~^ Lotus ILO) Fueled (FO) Smooth (S0) Cese (7000 Per), _ Boa (45 per) Item k Faceted (MFO) Lotus (LO) Lotm (LO) lam X Box (45 per) _ Csse (500 per) - - - 9987 532.25 51090.00 9989 $38.75 8655.00 '7Serres: F0.Peceted, L0.Lotus,S0. C9 Series: FD•Faceted, MF0.M9 Fueled month, MF0.M1 Fecete, GPO•G20 Faceted GFO-GJD Faceted Round, nand, GSO-C205mosth, White, Twinkle, Quick151ow Change, Color winkle, Quick<Slow Change, Color Change Change available. The Yellows Loms(LY) Faeeted (FY) Smooth (SY) Fecated (MFI~ Lotus (LY) Lotus (LY) Item tl Boz (45 par) Ceae (1000 Par) lam X Box (25 per) Ceae (51)0 pert 9987 532.25 51090,00 9989 538,75 5655.00 C7 Series: FO•Fareled,LPLoIUS,SW C9 Series: FO-Faceled, MF0.M9Fareted Smooth, MFGM7 Fecea, GF0.G20 Faceled CFO-G30 Faceted Round. Round, CSO-G20Smooth. White, Twinkle,Quickl5lowChenge,Color Twinkle,Qulckl5lowChange,CalorChange Chengeaveileble. available, u~a~ w NOW 3 WAYSI TO CLEVERLY DISPLAY YOUR BANNERS Double Banner Arms EASY ORDERING By Adjustable desptay arrommodates REAL BANNERr" Display ntostbannerheighu, A convenient way to display a vertical banner ~! in an interior setting. Easy to install-sets up , in minutes. The REAL BANNER''"' Display is "' completely portable, and can be adjusted and ° 'i expanded using the telescoping uprights. ",i; Includes 30"x96" black aluminum frame with "' feet, Item # Description - 15 6+ . ~' 9599 Banner Dlspla~ _$24500 -_ $220_.00 -_ - ~ : ° ~ 9597 Soft Carr Ba 40,00 Y-~_ - 9598 Hard Carry Case 240.00 - Electric Way Holders For mounting your flags on utility or streetlight poles. Bands are made of durable stainless steel in an adjustable design (for poles up to 12" diameter). 1" Aluminum Brackets include set screw that prevents flag staffs from slipping out. For use with flags up to 3' x 5' and poles up to 1" in diameter. 12+ ea. EWH1 Bands $7.00 $6.30 EWH2 1"brackets 8.40 7.15 ~ Angle Brackets For mounting flag on wall. Adjustable Adjustable model adjusts to Angle several angles,.,fits 3/a"-1" poles. BraBR3 Item # Each 12+ ", ~, BR1 45° s/a' rastaluminum $2. Use with fla less than 2'x3' m s95 $2.60 ; g Ize and Ilahfweight aluminum pole (up f_o, 6) ~ ,r' 8R2 45° 1"cast aluminum 5.95 4.95 ~~ " Recommended for llags up to 4'x6' in size Angle and lir~htwe~ht aluminu~ole~up to 8) _ _ Bracket BR3 Adjustablel"cast BR2 aluminum (for ; 1,,. _- (White)aluminum(ior3.95 12.50 _ ;`+ ~ ,~ BR4 Adj .314"-1° poles) _ 15.95__-14.50 ~ ~ 6' White Fiberglass Flagpole includes acorn top nrnament Item Aboaa• '~` Price 6+ # Ground Ht. ~ Each - - _ __ _ __ WFPO6 6' _ 3x5'___ $15,00 $13.95 Mount your banner in a jiffy with this 5' Oak Banner Pole! This 1-piece pole with oak top that includes a non-furling device so banner won't wrap. Hooks attach banner to pole. --- - -- __ Item Above• •v- Price 611 12+ # Ground Hr. .~~~,-= Each CWP05 5 (Banner) $15.95 $1495 $13.95 ~ =RECOMMENDED FLAG (OR BANNERI SIZE. Budget Wooden Flagpole • 2 piece,15/16"diameter wood- enflagpole with screw joint • Includes gilt ball ornament Flagpole comes in 6' and 8' heights. Item #Description Each 6+ BWPO6 6 Flagpole _ $6 90 $7.95_ BWP_08 8 Flagpole 10 95 9.95 Shlpping welghLS: BWP06--316x.; BWP0a--41bs, Budget Aluminum Flagpole • 2 piece pole • 1"diameterswedged aluminum construction • Includes gilt ball ornament Flagpole comes in 6', T and 8' heights. 3' x 5' flag recom- mended. Ram #Description Each 6+ BAP06 6'Flagpole__$11.00_$1.0.00 _BAP07_ 7 Flagpole 12 50 11,50 BAP08 8'Flagpole .13,50 _12.50 Shipping weights: BAPO6--1 Ihs.; BAP07-21bs.; BAP07-~ lbs. Budget Aluminum Flagpole & Side Mounting Kit • 3 piece, 3/X"aluminum pole • steel mounting bracket • includes gold styrene eagle ornament Flagpole comes in 6' height... designed for mounting your flag to the side of a building, 3' x 5' flag recommended, Item #Description Each 6+ BMK016'Pole $8.50 $7.65 Shipping wBighf: BMK01~31hs. ®Llberty Flag and Specialty Co., 2007. 1, C.O.D. OR OPEN ACCOUNT Single Banner Arms - - - - --- Item # Description Each ~ ' , E# 1 1 ._._.------..__--- ~ re@ Lantern ---- Shooting Star (5513PM) (5514PM) nique ~' Vivid Designs Stand '. I ~~ .~, , . _ , ~ ; " ~Y,. .. • - . : _ . ~Ilone. , , ~~ _ . . _ .~, . , Liberty Flag is pleased to announce the addition of ~ ,~. ~ '~ i ,.. , our new line stock vinyl designs. These brilliant vinyl banners are sure to please all who ass b Ideal for '~ - ;~ ~~. } '~~• '' p y, parking lots, office building entrances and stairways, „k : ;,, . '~ ~ fi'''r{ ~'~` "` I ~~ store fronts, ceilings, and any location that needs col- orful, eye-catching appeal. Made of 18oz vinyl ~ ~'~ " { ~, ' : `not available in CA or IL `~ r , f ~' , VinylBannerPncing o . Christmas Tree ~ lantern ~ Shooting Star When order each banner Aplease indicate item number found below ` \ ~ ~ 4 feet hagh • Green f~Amber Lights • 4 feet high • Multi Golored Lights • 4feet long • Amber f6' Clear Lights -__ i' ~ --~~ ~ ` ' ~' ° ~ 7?0 ~; ~~n 201Lt • 450 watts, 201bs • 190 wrrttt, 151hr Item N Descdptlon 1.5 611 12•Z4 ti ._.__. _-- -._.. __.. - -__ SV3617 A 36 17 r _. _ ._ ___- x $8125 $77.00 _ _ $73.50 SV4517 B 45x17_ _ 8125 7700 7350 SV6030 _ C 60 x 30 _ 114.00 106 9D 102 50 SV6430 D 84 x30~~ 12825 121 50 114 75 ~ ~ ; n ^ n / r 6,; ' ~ ~ ~ ~"'~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ FeztirrN'reath ~ t70~~F~11 , . SV9630 E 96x30 136.25 12625 12125,_ - - ~ a ~ ~ , ~ j .. ~ t ~l+ g J ~ eCOl'd~e 02' e SP,~S021 Itl S E... ( L er ~' ~ v ~ eat g g ~ , l d ~1~~,, ~, quality Cre t d spec fically for slight lY ~n""~A' p°lm smaller application and bud ets our all new ~ r - g , 'Pole Mount Quality-Line will decorate your i id d lk h ,~• ~_ ~ ', ~' c ty streets an s ewa s wit bright lights, 'sparkling garland and festive holiday atmos- • • , ~- phere. Ch f l d d li h d i °° ~ oose rom gar an an t es gns i g i i li f ht f 4 5 f hi h . ~ - ~~ ~ ran n n e rom to eet or r gg g g wire and light silhouettes that are 3 or 4 feet ' I ~ ~.. ;, ., ~ Winter Snowflake hi h All use C-7 bulbs and standard ole g ~ P ~ Festive Wreath .N~ `1' 1~~ ~ ~ ~ • 3 feet high • Silhouette design • 155 ~ ~ mounting hardware -see pages 45-46. • 4 feet highs Silhouette design with . ,~' ; , ,, P watts, ISlbs red and green lights • 430 watts,1516s ~ t «'• , ' .., Holly Leaves . ~ " ,. (5510PM) Majestic Star Item R Descrlotlon 1.5 &t1 12.24 -._ (2612PNq Y A B B® 1 5512PM 4'Christmastree $230.00 $215.00 $205,00 c,~, A~rGome Fr,,g ~ ° v~,irre rtir sra»a Fa11c<~J~e,~ singrr o> ~o~a,?" ~rsign ~ _ 5613PM 5' Lantern 230.00 _215,00 205.00 ~ ~ ~ 5514PM 4'ShootingStar 230.00 215,00 205.00 ~ 4019PM 3' Wlnter Snowflake 195.00 185.00 175.00 .- 2612PM 4'Ma)esticStar 230.00 215.00 205,00 ~ ~ ~`~ "~~~ :~ , ~ ~ 7032PM 9'FestiveWreath 230A0 215.00 205,00 - -- _ '~ ~ ~ ~ `'~ ~ `°'` ~ ~ w~ , d 5510PM _- 4'H01 LBaVBS_ _ 230.00 215.00 205.00 _- - - ~~~ ~ ., -~ ~ ':: ` _ • ~~• ~ - ~ Lifetime Warranty onAllMountiug L o • , 1 Hardware! ~ P..r ~ • ' ~ ~ ~ ®HOllyleaves All Pole MountDecorationslnclude Mountin Hardware • • 4 feet high • Silhouette destgn with red . g ~ Majestic Star ~~ - i and green lights • 300 watts,l8lbs • 4 feet high • Silhouette design with ' ., GO GREEN! clear f~ amber li hts • 255 watts,151bs g (~ ~ WinterWondedaxdSinglearDou6leDeagr, 2 D Pviurr~tia Flag SeAro~w ~ Energy}' Saving LED Upgrade! AskyOUr sa~esrephow! worldrlassrbristmas.rom ~ '' ' ~ I I I I n ~r~'E~ quotealiberty-flag.com ~ ' ~ I ~ ' SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OPEN ACCOUNT (N[T 10) AVAILABLE FOR QUALIFIED BUSINESSES EASY ORDERING BY TELEPHONE, MAIL OR FAX PAYMENT OPTIONS Liberty Flag and Specialty Co., 2007. Draw Attention... Transform dull streets and sidewalks with colorful, long- lasting R~tL BAw1vER"~banners. They're ideal for shopping mall poles, office building entrances and stairwayys, store ceil- ings, and any commercial location that needs colorful, eye- catching appeal. Our custom REat BANNEKrm banners are made of acrylic woven canvas fabric,.,long-lasting, with fade- resistant colors, All R~L BANNBRrm banners feature pole hems and grommets on top and bottom to allow for top and bottom mounting, i5' Starburet (SS11PM) Silver Bell • 4 feet high • Silver and red garland and coordinating lights • 140 watts, 2016s 5~ Stari7UrSt • 5 feet high • Goldgarland with coordinating lights • 217 watts,l5dbs Christmas Candle • 5 feet high • Red, gold, green and white garland with coordinating lights • 220 watts, 201bs Santa Stocking • 5 feet high • Red and white garland with red, Blear and green lights • 240 watts, 201bs ~ Candy Cane • 4 feet high • Red ~ White Garland and Lights • 230 watts,l8lbs ~ Big Red Bow • 4 feet high • Red Garland and lights • 100 watts,l5lbs ~ Scroll with Bell • 3 feet high • Green Garland ~ 17"Bell • 100 watts,151bs ~ Tree • 5 feet high • Silhouette design with red and green lights • 270 watts, 2516s Item # Desct9ptlan 1.5 6.11 12.24 4502PM 4' Silver Bell $26500 $250.00 $235.00 5511 PM 5'Starburst 265.00 250.00 235,00 2504PM 5' Christmas Candle 265.00 250.00 235.00 5400PM 5' Santa Stocking 265.00 250,00 235.00 5512PM 4'CandyCane 265.00 250.00 235.00 5513PM 4' Big Red Bow 265.00 250.00 235,00 5514PM 3'Scroll wPoell 265.00 250.00 235.00 5515PM 4'Tree 285,00 250.00 235,00 Scroll with Bell 5514PM) ,~ 5' Tree 5515 PM) OPEN ACCOUNT (NET 10) AVAILABLE FOR QUALIFIED BUSINESSES Real Banner~M Pricing When ordering please indicate item number /ound below each banner. Description 1•S e•11 12.24 60" x 30" BANNERS A 1 color stock banner $79,00 $74.50 $71,00 B 2colorstockbanner 105,50 99,50 93.10 C 3 color stock banner 139,50 13350 126.50 D 4 color stock banner t 57.50 151,50 146,50 96" x 30" BANNERS E 1 color stock banner 108,00 102.50 98.50 F 2 color stock banner 146,50 141.50 137,75 G 3 color stock banner 177.50 17125 165,75 H 4 color stock banner 197.50 191,50 187.50 het Ali ~~~~01'~~~ • Want something special just for your city, parking lot, shopping center or event? We will design a banner for you that will make your customers, your bass & you happy! We can take your ideas & develop a great banner for you! • like our designs? We would be happy to incorporate your name onto any of our copywrited stock banners, • Want a site different than shown? No Problem! We'll make the size you need. • CAII FOR A FAST QUOTE or see page 50 for custom banner pricing. ® Liberty Flag and Specialty Co„ 2007. EASY ORDERING BY TELEPHONE, MAIL OR FA% PAYMENT OPTIONS INCLUDE CREDR CARD, C.O,D, OR OPEN ACCOUNT Custom Banners Make your city~op with excitement. Transform drab streets and sidewalks with colorful, long-lastz'ng custom banners. They're ideal for city streets, shopping malls, office building entrances, stores, and any commercial location that needs colorful, eye-catching appeal. Our custom banners are made of "SunbrellaT"'" acrylic woven canvas fabric..,long-lasting, with fade-resistant colors. All banners fea- ture pole hems and grommets on top and bottom to allow for top and bottom mounting. (Brackets and mounting hardware sold separately. See pages 48-49.) 1>~dapt any of our stock designs* for a customized look. We can easily revise and resize any of these designs to accommodate your word- ing, and modify it to suit your event or promotion. We can offer you many design options to customize your project, Can't Art char e: $67/hour. F;nd `° ,~, g It. `See pages 44-51. Call 100.274-7001 Want an original design that's yours alone ~ Our talented art staff will work with you to create special designs, whether you want a single banner or a coordinated set.,.a design that will be yours alone. if you like a design on these pages, we'll haue the same artist who designed those eye-popping banners design one especially for your city or event. (Custom art fee; $67/hour based on design. Call or email quoteC~liberty-flag.com for precise quote.) Custom REAL BANNER Banner Priang Item li ___ __ Setup 3 6 __ 12 36 72 36" x 16" CS3618 (1•colorimprint) $85.00 $74,00 $5425 $45.75 $36.25 $33,95 Each add'I color, add: 65.00 48.50 31.50 20.50 16.00 12.50 72" x 23" CS7223 (1•colorimprint) 136.00 118.00 8825 73.00 66.75 6225 Each add'I color, add: 95.00 73.00 55.00 29.00 22.00 17.00 --- 60" x 30" CS6030 (1-colorimprlnt) 155.00 116.50 6800 79.00 71.50 65,00 Each add'I color, add 105.00 72.50 4750 29,50 21,50 18.00 72" x 30" CS7230 (1-colorimprinq 165.00 126.75 94.00 61.75 75.95 69.50 Each add'I color, add: 115.00 75.00 51.00 29.50 22.00 17.00 84" x 30" CS8430 (1•colarimprint) 175.00 101,50 94.50 91.00 87.00 Each add'I crolor, add: 125.00 54.50 31.00 26.00 21.50 98" x 30" CS9630 (1•colorimprint) 195.00 147.95 120,75 101.50 96.00 89.95 Each add'I color, add: 135.00 88.00 69.00 41.00 31,50 27.00 NOTE, Due to vanefiona In the O~Inling prooeaa, colors may vary. Printing vertanae+610%lor avercuns end undarrens.All Sunbralle'" Banners are capytlghted 6y Llherry Flag end ere identNeO wilh our name an sash banner. aunbrella'"Is a registered trademark of Glen Aaven Mills, OPEN ACCOUNT (Nei 10) AVAILABLE FOR QUALIFIED BUSINESSES It is recommended that C-7/C-9 light strings be plugged directly into an extension cord or electrical source. These are not designed to be attached end to end. For extension cords see page 15. c-~ Bala '~r~~., ~aarb / C-7 & C-9 Replacement Bulbs • Use with strings sold on this page • 2 styles, both rated at 3000 hours C-7 lamps are 5 watts,130 volt...use with can- delabrabase; choose from red, green, purple, pink, amber, blue, clear, and clear twinkle. C-9 lamps are 7 watts, " 130 volt...use with inter- mediate base; choose from i "~~ red, green, purple, pink, amber, blue, t' clear, and clear twinkle, ~ - , Specify color when ordering. 25.75 100.975 1000.5000 ~ Plastic Neon Lighting 13mm round-1 circuit, 150' spool. Specify color. Circuit Colors Available: Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Orange, Pink, Purple, Fluorescent Green or Multi Noteanduded with EACHROLL: 5 power cords, 5 power connect pieces, 5 end caps, 50 mounting clips and installation instructions included. Item p Description 1.2 3.5 5+ 9851 _ Neon Lighting $169.00 $179.00 $169.00 ~ 18 Gauge 1000' Spools Choice of spacing 6"-12"-18", Choose from green or white. Sockets included, bulbs not included. Need to cut to length. Item p Description 1.2 3.5 6+ 9800 6"spa cing C7 $419.60 $398.05 $378,15 9601 6"spa cing C9 438.00 416.00 395,00 _9802_ _ 12" sp aahg C7 _ 270.00 255.00 240,00 9803 12"sp acing C9 280.00 265.00 250,00 9804 1B"sp acing C9 260.00 245,00 23000 'or C-7 and C-9 light strings only Your usage may vary (lightly with your own light style preference. TREE Llghts HEIGHT Needed 10' 100 12' 150 15' 300 20' 450 25' 600 For Mini-Light chart ree page 98. 9997 C-7 Lamps 252 ea. I _ 202 ea. 174 ea. Best bulbs available. sass Gs Lamps 30¢ ea, 25¢_ea. _ 202 ea. `f'ps = u i~ quote@]iberty-flag.com ~ , , , r ; , ©Liberty Flag and Specialty Co., 2007. EASY ORDERING BY TELEPHONE, MAIL OR FAX PAYMENT OPTIONS INCLUDE CREDIT CARD, C.O.D. OR OPEN ACCOUNT Small Town Sells Banner Space... Brass Periwinkle Lago Red (01) Jockey Red Greet customers, clients, and friends with this holiday sign. Complete set includes letters forming the messge. • 3 feet high illuminated letters • Approximately 45 feet long • Choose from red, green, or amber • Garland and matching lights. Also availabel in 2; 4' f~ 6'Letters. Call or email quote@liberty flag.com for precise quote orquestions.1-800-274-7007 Shipping weight: 1451bs, 1610 watts. Season's Greetings Sign 510BF Item # Descrlptlon _ 1.2 35 9108E Seasons $1795.00 $1650.00 Shipping weight: 1451bs, 1610 watts. ~ Happy Holidays Sign (520B~ 1 • 3 feet high illuminated letters • Approximately 42 feet long • Choose from red, green, or ambergarland and matching lights Illuminate your Holiday mood with this complete set of glowing letters that form the words HAPPY HOLIDAYS, Silhouette design. C-7 bulbs,1320watts. 5' & 3' Snowflakes shown sold separately, •Amber or Red garland and matching lights Put Stars from the heavens on the front (or top) of your building! Complete set includes letters forming the 33-foot phrase PEACE ON EARTH in capital let- ters, 3 large and 6 small starbursts, Garland design. C-7 bulbs, 3110 watts. Specify Red or Amber. Also available in 2',4' & 6' letters, (Call or email quote~liberry-flag.com with questions.) Item # Descrlptlon 1.2 3.5 6+ 5008E Complete set $285000 $2750.00 $2699.00 501 BF Sin only _ _ 159900 __ 1375,00 1260.00 - -- -- - Shipping weigh1sr500BF-23816s.; 501BF-1451bs. (500B~ Peace on Earth Display - • 3 feet high illuminated letters • Set includes 3 large, 6 small starbursts Merry Christmas Sign 512BF Item # Description 1.2 3.5 5128E Merry Christmas $1535.00 $1450.00 Shipping weight: 12516s, 1588 watts. 1 Garland Starburst or Snowflake (40206 Available in 3' or 5' heights; installs quickly and easy ly. Specify red, blue, gold, or green garland with matching C-7 bulbs. 3 foot Star-burst... 160 watts; 5-foot Starburst..300 watts. Item # 1.2 3.5 6+ 40208E 3' Starburst $180.00 $170.00 $165.00 Shipping weighls:4020BF~ Ibs; 40fOBF-1416s; 4012BF-fOlbs; 40118E-2516s worldclasschristmas.com e'' ' ' I I I I SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OPEN ACCOUNT tNET 70) AVAILABLE FOR QUALIFIED BUSINESSES o budget is too small for new banners this year. The town of Chazy 1t creative and sold advertising space to their local businesses, after all, e +hair trnrtrn 1•nn Put logo 0 any ~ our desi~r ~~ ~ ~ ~ • •• •• •• •~ ~~ Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Churc :lul~~ll ;L11] Y Y [I Burgandy (16) Captain Navy (02) Pacific Blue Silver Cadet Grey Charcoal Grey Black Cherry (03) Mediterranean Blue (04) Sky Blue Oyster Taupe (05) Jet Black Concorde Plum (07) Mauve Natural ~„ , Linen (O6) Toast ._ Beige (09) Forest Green Alpine (15) Salmon Tan Brown (08) Aquamarine True Brown Persian Green Orange (10) Sea Grass Green Turquoise Sea Spray (11) Erln Green (12) Coral Vanilla (13) Buttercup `" {14)SuntlowerYellow :u "" ®Llberty Fleg end Specialty Co., 2007. EASY ORDERING BY TELEPHONE, MAIL OR FAX PAYMENT OPTIONS INCLUDE CREDIT CARD, C.O,D. OR OPEN ACCOUNT Spectacular lighted holida~~ Messages: All figures are full-round-life size, moulded 31/z Caroler Boy latex and carefully hand costumed. Wiring is • 43 inches high, l5 inches wide overall standard 110-volt and UL approved; one • 20 inches in diameter overall grounded, 3-prong plug per figure, Movement in head and arm. ~ 10 pc. Christmas Caroler Set Includes all figures, lamppost, dacron puff, one cast iron railing section, and painted background, 6' CazolerMan • 75 inches high , 20 inches wsde overall • 32 inches in diameter overall Head moves from side to side, 5' Caroler Woman • 60 inches high, 20 inches wide overall • 20 inches in diameter overall Head moves from side to side and arms move up and down. 4' Freckled Face Boy • 48 inches high, l5 inches wide overall • 16 inches in diameter overall Right hand moves up and down, head moves from side to side, Dacron Pufffor Floor 125 square feet coverage; comes in a roll, 3~1i Caroler Girl • 41 inches high , IS inches wide overall • 20 inches in diameter overall Movement in head and arm. 7~1i Winter Lamppost • 90 inches high • 13 inch base diameter Full round rubber moulded unit is illuminated, 3' Frosted Cast Iron Railing • 38 inches high, 50 inches wide overall • 12-inch diameter post Sold by section. Cazolers' Dog Head moves from side to side. Background Heavyweight seamless paper; 9 feet high, l6 feet wide. Brim your dis~la to life wat everyones avorzte Christmas Ds. ~see~age 36) 'l~ hem # Descriptlon Esch 1056GM _ _ 10-Piece Complete Set $14100.00 A 1059GM Freckled Face Boy 1980.00 B 1057GM Caroler Man 2810.00 C 1064GM _ Carolers'Dog 1188.00 D 1061GM Caroler Girl 1980.00 E 1058GM _ Caroler Woman . 2511,00 F 108DGM _ CarclerBoy 1980.00 G 1082GM Winter Lamppost 1047.00 H 1083GM _ Cast Iron Railing Section 1191.00 I 1085GM Dacron Pulf for Floor 181.00 J 1086GM Background 1188.00 Shipping welghis: f05BGM-3551be~;1058GM-401bs.; f057pM-a51bs„ 1064pM-251bs.; f09fOM~3616e; f05aQM-501bs,;1060aM-361bs„ 10B2GM-451bs.; f063GM-5016x. persecflon;10B5QM-151bs.;10BBGM-5lbs ~ Pole Trim Pore7~lm ~~s9oPn • 1 S' length • Natural or red Finish the act and dress up the pole. Standard 15' garland wraps fast for a rich, warm look. Easy to install using attached braided cords. Optional lighted pole trim available, your choice of clear or colored C-7 bulbs. Item # Descriptlon 1.11 12.35 36+ ----- _7580PM_ Pole 7rfm_ _ $38.00__ $34.00 X31.00 7591PM L r~rrim__ 7600 69.00__ 85.00 ~ Garland • 4 sizes • Assorted colors • Lighted or unlighted Now you can beautifully decorate any outdoor or indoor setting, Spruce up bridges, light poles, and building fronts or take inside and do the same to walls and counters, All lighted gar- land includes C-7 light strings with sockets spaced 12" apart and clear bulbs. Price is per foot. Sold in 25' increments only. Item # Descriptlon 25'•150' 175'-475' 500'-1000' Unllghfed 7531PM 13°Garland $7,00/ft. $8.501ft, $B.ODm. 7521 PM 9"Garland 4.95 4.45 3.95 7511 PM 6"Garland 3.95 3.55 3.25 7501 PM 4"Garland 2.50 225 2.00 Lighted • C•76ulbs 7530PM 13"Garland $92618. $8.15/ff. $8.50Ift. 7520PM 9"Garland 7.95 7.45 8.95 7510PM 6"Garland 5.95 5.55 525 1500PM 4"Garland 4.50 4.00 375 /Light Controller Cord This convenient 9' cord comes with 9 plug-in out- lets. Eliminate unsightly cords, On/off switch allows you to control all lights easily. lamp fuse plug avoids overloads. Recommended for mini light strings only, Hem # Description 1.2 3.5 6+ 9925 LlphcConlrollerCord $12,95 $11.95 $10.95 ~ Outdoor, Heavy-Duly 16-Gauge Extension Cords Item q Descriptlon 1.2 33 5+ 9910 9' $7.95 $7.50 $7.00 9911 20' 10.50 10.00 9.50 9912 40' 15.50 13.50 12.50 9913 80' 32.00 30.50 28.50 s~~ r I I r t quoteC~liberty-flag.com e~, I; ~n~nrldclasschrLctmas. cnm 0 Liberty Flag end Specialty Co., 2007. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OPEN ACCOUNT (NE7 1 O) AVAILABLE FOR QUALIFIED BUSINESSES EASY ORDERING BY TELEPHONE, MAIL OR FAX PAYMENT OPTIONS INCLUDE CREDIT CARD, C.O,D, OR OPEN ACCOUNT Santawith List • 50'H x I6 "W x 11'D Self standing figure on wooden base. Right arm and head move up and down. Mrs. Santa in Rocker • 44'Hx 16"W x 11'D Head moves up and down, hands knit, rocker moves back and forth. HelperwithGiftBag • 44'H x 16 "W x 24'D Right arm moves up and down, head HelperwithWool • 27:'Hx 10"W x TD Figure moves side to side at waist. Mechanical Fireplace • 36'H x 30"W x TD Wood and particle board construc- tionwith mechanical flame and accessories as shown. Background Heavyweight seamless paper; 9 feet high, l6 feet wide. ~ Deluxe Streamer with Bells (8035SM) • 40 to 80 feet long • For hanging across a street Three 27" centered bells are flanked by smaller lit bells on a natural garland streamer. Clear C-7 and 100 watt bulbs, 425 watts. Item # Description _ 1.11. _ 3.5 6.12 8035SM 40' Streamer $895.00 $875.D0 $845.00 Addltiona110'len~ths _$140.00 $140.00 _._$130.00_ - - Shippmg weight: 8016s ~ 5' Starburst wish Shooting Stars (80255M) • Adjustable width • For hanging across a street • 3 piece set 5' high center starburst is trimmed with garland. 8' silhouette shooting stars include amber and clear C-7 bulbs, 987 watts. Item # Description 1.11 3.5 6.12 8025SM 5' Star_bu_rst_Set $795.00 $777.00 $763.OD __ Shipping weight: 601bs worldclasschristmas. cons SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 1 Star & Scrolls (8015SM) • 5 feet high • For hanging across a street Illuminated 5-foot high silhouette star is flanked by a pair of lighted scrolls. Amber & clear colored C-7 bulbs, 575 watts. Item # Descri ion 1.11 3.5 6.12 8015SM Stars & Scrolls $875.00 $630.00 $790.00 Shipping weight: 651bs ~ Deluxe Snowflake Skyline (80165M) • Adjustable width • For hanging across a street • 3 piece set 5' high center snowflake is trimmed with garland. S' silhouette snowflake swags include amber and clear G7 bulbs, 2650 watts. Item # Description 1.11 3.5 6.12 8016SM Snow/lake $1699.00 $1529.00 $1376.00 Shipping weight: 701bs OPEN ACCOUNT (NET 10) AVAILABLE FOR QUALIFIED BUSINESSES Santa's making his list and he's checking it twice, he's going to find out who's...well, you know Stir the hearts of every passerby, with these col- orfully handcrafted displays. Fully animated, this turn of the century homespun scene features exquisitely costumed Santa, Mrs. Claus and two helpers that move. Complete with a detailed backdrop to create the full illusion. The fireplace has a heart warming mechanical flame. Fully accessorized to soften even the hardest of hearts, UL approved 110 volt. --- hem # --._ _ Description Each 1532GM Mc lMrs. Santa Set $11,995.00 A 1535GM Helper with GiftBa~ 1611.00__ B 1533GM Santa with List 1575.00 C 1537GM Mechanical Fireplace _ 1356.00 -- D _ 1536GM Helper with Wool _157500 E 1534GM Mrs. Santa in Rocker 265500 F 1538GM Background 118800 -- G 1730GM Caton Rug -- 315.00 - - H 1731 GM 7' Decorated Tree 1773.00 I 1732GM 36"Decorated Wreath 441.00 Shipping weights: 1532GM-2501bs,; 1535GM~51bs.; 1533GM~51bs.; 1537GM-751bs.; 1536GM-251bs,; 1539GM~51bs.;1538GM-516s.; 1065GM-151bs. EARLY PURCHASE DISCOUNT PROGRAM All arderr mart be received by NOONon the due datea ~bY phone, fax, ar moil) to receive the dixound Order 6y.. you'll receive: September 15, 200610% Off October 13, 2006 5% Off u~;;~•: ~ The Snowmaker •36 hours ofgentle snowfall -Quiet electric motor Make your own snow! Create a Winter Wonderland with this ingenious snowmaker. Hang above your indoor display, trees or seasonal arrangement. Everything turns winter white. Snow can be reused. Each machine weighs 916s. when full holding up to 4 lbs. of snow. (Snow sold separately-XDS45). Runs on standard 110 volt and uses 2.8 watts. Unit is 4' long x 12" wide by 11" high. 3 year warranty. Exterior is - flameretardant and paintable. A 10 Ib. hem ~ Description 1.2 ___ 35__ __ bag of snow generates 36 hours of XDS44 The Snowmaker 210.00 195.00 - - -_ gentle snowfall. Use wire or twine to XDS45 Snow (10-Ib. bagl 24 95 22.95 --- hang (not included). smppingweighrs xosaa-sslns xosa5 bibs ® Liberty Flag and Specialty Co., 2007. PAYMENT OPTIONS INCLUDE CREDIT CARD, C.O.D. OR OPEN ACCOUNT BOOOSM_ 40'Streamer_ _ $1095.D0 $1040.00 $990.00 Additional 10' lengths 150.00 140,00 130.00 Shipping weight: 801bs Ask About Energy Savings LED Bulb Upgrades ~ 14-Piece Lffe Size Nativity Set This year make a statement worthy of the cel- ebration.These realistically detailed life size figures are sure to draw the attention of all those around. Perfect for churches, homes, businesses, municipalities, shopping centers and parks. Made of durable handcrafted, handpainted fiberglass. Painted with a high gloss paint.1115GM includes Mary, Joseph and Baby. Item # Description Size Price 1114GM 14 pc.Nativity5et_ _ $17,460.00__ 1115GM 3pc.SfarterSet _2500.00 _ 1116GM _ Bad Jesus 20" h 17" L - - 450.00 - -- 1117GM Mary 42"h 1100.00 1118GM Josephwlstafl 49"h 1450.00 1119GM - African King _ 72" h _ 2100.00 1120GM CaucaslanKrnq 74"h _ 2100,00 _ 1121GM Manw/Latern 82"h 210000 1122GM Lamb Resh~ 11"h - - - 300 00 - 1123GM Lamb Standing 19" h_ _ 30000 1124GM Gabriel w/Lamb 62" h __ __ 1450.00 _ 1125GM Ox 28"h 1400.00 1126GM NativltyAngel 76"h - 2050.00 - 1127GM Donkey 44"h - 1450.00 ---- 1128GM Camel 37"h 1650.00 1129GM Shooting Star 35" h 28" L_ 650.00 Shipping weights:1114GM-834166,;1 i15GM-751bs; 1176GM-9166; 1111GM-3i lbs.; 1119GM~51bs; 1719GM-167166; 1120GM-1671bs.; 1121GM-1671bs.; 1122GM~ Ibs;112SGM-7166.; 1129GM-44166.; 1125GM-4016s; 1126GM-59 1661127GM-261bs.;1128GM-541bs; 1129GM-22 1bs worltlelassihristntas.ront SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ",~'a~l quote liberty-flag, com Silhouette Angel w/Trumpet (2004PM) • 6 feet high • For pale mounting • C 7 bulbs, 364 watts Item # Description 1.5 6.11 12+ 2004PM 6'Angel $35500 $34500 $335.00 -- Shippmg weight2004PM ~ 411bs ' ~'; All pole mount decorations include monnting bardwaxe, , c Toy Soldier (4021 PM) ~ ' • 7 feet high • For pole mounting • C-9 bulbs, 807 watts Item # Description 1.5 6.11 12+ 4021 PM T Toy Soldier $495.00 $480.00 $465.00 Shipping weight: 4021PM ~ 451bs. Silhouette Angel (2005PM) • 61/2 feet high • For pole mounting • C-7 bulbs, 370 watts ___ _ Item q Description 1.5 6.11 12+ 2005PM 6'Angel_ $360.00 $340.00 $320.00 Shipping weight 2005PM ~ 20166. Silhouette Snowman (2120PM) ~ • 6 feet high, 4 feet wide • For pole mounting • C-7 bulbs, 481 watts hem # Description 1.5 6.11 12+ 2120PM 6' Snowman $380.00 $370.00 $36000 Shipping weight 2120PM - 401bs. ASK ABOUT OUR 3-YEAR rILEASE-TO-Owtvlr PROGRAM Only qual~ing municipalities are eligible. Includes pale-mounted decorations only. Order by October 12, 2007 to 9uala y. (No returns or refunds. Trumpeting Angel (4022PM) • 7 feet high • For pole mounting • C-7 bulbs, 450 watts Item # Description 1.5 6.11 12+ 4022PM TTrumpetingAnge_I $36_0.00 $340.00 $320.0.0_ Shipping weight. 4022PM ~ 331bs. Loop Tree (4023PM) ~ • 7 feet high • Far pole mounting • C-7 bulbs, 450 watts tlem # Description 15 6.11 12+ 4023PM 7'LoopTree $39500 $380.00 $365.00 Shipping weight: 4023PM - 40166. Liberty Flag antl Specialty Co., 2007. EASY ORDERING BY rELEPHONE, MAIL OR FAX PAYMENT OPTIONS INCLUDE CREDIT CARD, C.O.D. OR OPEN ACCOUNT Display the ~~Reason for the Season" •- ~"_ All orders mwt be received by NOON on the due lades (byehone, fax, m mail) to receive the discound Order by... you'll receive: September 15 _200710% Off 4., ~ .. rY I ~ ~~. {{. ~. ,,,r S ~.w •.~, r ~~~ ~' .w- ~. ~~~ ~ ,;;•~ r, • :.~ ~~ ,'~, ~; ~ "'w L Zig Zag Tree (4023PM) • 7 feet high • For pole mounting r v z„rt,, e<n ~,,,,~.. -_ _ __ Item # Description 1.5 6.11 12+ 4023PM T Zig Zag Tree $395.00_ $380 00 $365.00 Shipping nre~ght 4023PM ~ 39 lbs. Silhouette Double Bells (4521 PM) ~ • 6 feet high • For pole mounting • C-7 bulbs, 535 watts Item # Description 1.5 6.11 12+ 4521 PM 6' Double Bells $350.00 $340.00 $330.00 Shigpinr we~gh~ a521PM ~ 201tzs. Lifetime Warranty onl(llMonnting ~ l Hard~mare! I ~---- -- -- ---_- _._J -. Silhouette French Horn ~ • 6 feet high • For pole mount- ing • C 7 bulbs, 564 watts Loop Tree (5403PM) • 7 feet high • For pole mount- ing • C-7 bulbs, 450 watts Item # Description 1.5 6.11 5402PM 6' French Horn $345 00 $325.00 5403PM T Loop Tree $345.00 $325.00 Shipping weighC 5402PM ~ 3916s. 50A3PM - 33 worldclasschristmas.com SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OPEN ACCOUNT (NET 10) AVAILABLE FOR QUALIFIED BUSINESSES ~i ~~ ~e~,, A F, ~'r f 1 ~ , ~ ~~ ~ ~r. ~~ ~ y ~6-Piece Near L'rfe-Size ~, ~ ~~ ~ ~ "!Nativity Set ~~ ~" ~ ~' Viewers will gasp with a sense of awe at .! '~ ~ this wonderful fiberglass nativity. Feel the sense of the moment with baby Jesus ~~' in a manger and the resting livestock s ~ , ~ ~ nearby. Make a big statement for what , you believe with this near life-size nativ ,y+'/ , ity sculpture. Attention to detail, hand _ painted and incredibly durable, this set is ,' I designed for outside or inside use. ~~ _~ ~, ; Perfect for churches, homes, shopping I ~ ~ centers and parks. This set includes. e°` `' ' "~ ' Mary 42", Joseph 60", Holy Infant and ' 4.... .Crib 25", Kneeling Shepherd Boy 40 , "r. Donkey 40", Cow 40". (Figures may not sl r ;. ~ ~ ~,,; ~ +~ . be purchased individually.) ~°; ,r ,~ ` Item # .Description Price . , M ~ 1036GM Complete Set $5,400 00 f; l.~r~,w ~: "4.. '. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Shipping we~ghls 1036GM-110165 complete r" ,~ , °~. ~ ~~ `~ ,l ~a ~ ,~ i ~ ~, ~, •x 18-Piece Near Life Size Nativity Set •, ~" ~ ~ .h.~ 'p'~4~~i"• " w~`."` ~ _ i~'. ~s The beauty and wonder of Christmas, expressed in original full dimensional fiberglass sculptures. Durable, individually cast, with hand painted Renaissance decoration. Absolutely incredible simulated hand-carved finish. These exquisitely detailed figures are ideal for churches, homes, businesses, municipalities, shopping centers and parks. Versatile enough for indoor or outdoor use. Buy the whole set or begin with the starter set. 3pc.StarterNativitySet DonkeyinStable _ _ _ Item# -- Desert ion L Price • Mary 48 inrher high • 39 inches long -- 1024GM __ 18 pC. Nativity Set $91 D0 00 • Joseph 48 inches hgh • Holy Infant and Crib Unit Cow . 39 inches long 1025GM - _ _ _ 3 c. Starter Nativit Set ~ - ~ _ _ _ 2400.00 32 inches long Heraldin An 1(far g ~ 1026GM 3Wise Men l 2.793.00 3Wise Men t) ttl ' ngCame 952.00 • 2 Kneelang 50 inches high ~ 50 ~nthes he h g g Shepherd and 2 Sheep s 1304.00 1 Standsng 65 snchea high 6: Wooden Stable 1029GM - Stand - g Boy and Lambs 1165.00 White Sitting Camel • 66 inrhes high 1030GM Donkey _ _ _ _ _- 476.00 • 54 inrhes long • 80 inrhes wide 1031GM Cow _- 476.00 -- • 29 inches high • 32 inches deep 1032GM HeraldingAngel 1.050.00 ` Ineeling Shepherd and 2 HoveringAngel 1034GM Hovenng Angel 320,00 Sheep • 34 inches hagh 1035GM Brown S_ dting Camel 95200 • Shepherd 42 inches high ` Brown Si . Camel 1065GM Dacron Puh for Floor (sold separately) _ 101.00 • Ew e Ram 27 inches long ~ • 29 inches h Ibs~027GM ~351b 4ID28GM ~501bs~f0 9GVh1 5016~1030GM~ , 7~ ,,. Standing BOy and JJ31Id)5 •54 inches long s. ~ 201bs; f031GM-2016s.; f032GM-501bs; f033GM~01bs; • Boy 53 inches high 1034GM-12 1bs; 1035GM-3516s.; 1065GM-151bs. i •2Lambs-1Sincheslong © Liberty Flag and Specialty Co., 2007. OR FAX PAYMENT OPTIONS INCLUDE CREDIT CARD, C.O.D. OR OPEN ACCOUNT ~s ~ ~ Sitting Santa This Jolly St. Nick is so enduring that he is sure to put a smile on everyones face. Made of durable handcrafted, handpainted fiber lass. Santa is 76" high, 52" wide & 43" deep. Item # Description Each 131D•GM Sitting Santa _ $3695.00 _ Shipping weight 1310~GM - 8816s. Toy Soldier This Giant Toy Soldier is 74" high, 26"wide & 19" deep. Made of durable handcrafted, handpainted fiberglass. This life-size decoration is sure to be the talk of any Christmas display. Haff Toy A ~ Soldier This Giant Toy Soldier is also k;'~'` ~~ available with the exact dimensions onh cut in half right down the center. Perfect for standing straight up against the wall or for displays that are only going to be seen by one point of view. Nutcracker This Giant Nutcracker is 74" high, 26" wide & 22" deep. Made of durable handcrafted, handpainted fiberglass. This life-size decoration is sure to be the talk of any Christmas display. Haff-Nutcracker is 75" high, 26" wide & 14" deep. Item # Description Each 132D•GM_ Toy Soldier 1350.00 1321•GM Half•TovSoldier 850.00 1330-GM Nutcracker 1350.00 1331-GM Half-Nutcracker 650.00 Shipprng weight: 1320~GM - 51 Ibs;1321~GM ~ 33 Ibs; 1330-GM ~ 5116s; 1331~GM - 3316s • C-7 bulbs, 489 watts Make a snazzy statement with these star decorations! Also a perfect way to show off your patriotic spirit! • C-7 bulbs, 465 watts ---- Item N Description 1.5 6.11 12.24 4035PM TShootingStar $320.D0 $310,00 $300.00 ___ 2511PM TCandle $290.00$260.00 $270.OD Shipping weight: 4035PM - -0516s; 2511PM - 401bs, These candle decorations will add a beautiful glow to your streets! Silhouette Candle (2512PM) • 6 feet high • For pole mounting • C-7 bulbs, 420 watts hemp Description 1.5 6.11 12+ 2512PM 6'Candle $360.00 $350.00_ $340.00 Shipping weight: 2512PM ~ 451bs. Silhouette Dove (5403PMj ~ • SV2feet high • For pole mounting • C-7 bulbs, 581 watts Item q Description 1.5 6.11 12+_ 5403PM 5.5'Dove $355.00 $345.00 $335_.00 Shipping weight: 5403PM ~ 451bs. Lifetime Warranty on All Mounting Hardware! All Pole Mount Decorations Inclarde Mounting Hardwares ~ • ~ ~ ~ : I I I I quoteC>liberty-flag.com ~ • ~ • I : ~ ©UherlyF/agandSpeciaHyCo,2007 worldclasschrisduas. conr SA7ISFAC110N GUARANTEED OPEN ACCOUNT (NET 10) AVAILABLE FOR QUALIFIED BUSINESSES EASY ORDERING BY TELEPHONE, MAIL OR FAX PAYMENT OPTIONS INCLUDE CREDIT CARD, C.O.D. OR OPEN ACCOUNT • 8 feet high • For pole mounting • C-7 bulbs, 620 watts _ _- - - Item tt Description 1.5 6.11 12+ 4034PM 8' Falling Star.. $355.00 $345.00_ _ $335.D0 Shipping weight 4034PM ~ 501Gs, Teardrop Snowflake (4018PM - 5 (4013PM - 6 • 5 or 6 feet high • For pale mounting • G-7 bulbs, 525 or 565 watts respectively Let it su>t®-v! ~.elt 6t sua®w~ elet 6t srnowl These srlowtlakes can be Deft lap item # Description 1.5 ti-11 12+ throlrghtollt the - - - - - 4018PM 5'TeardropSnow/lake $330.00 $320.00 $310.OD whole holtl~a y 4013PM 6' Teardrop Snowflake $375.OD $365.00 $355.00 Se~SOr11 Shipping weight 4018PM ~ 351bs' 4019PM • 9016x. tition with this 8-foot tall Stocking Give-Away Display For visual excitement and impact on sales, the World's Largest Christmas Stockin voted the #1 Holiday Promotion in 1996. Everyone will be drawn to this giant filled with today's hottest toys and games. Power-up your holiday sale, promoti event, orfund-raiser! Achieve Your C~wr1 Marketing Goals Retailers...Is every section in your store performing profitably? Set up a smart display: Let all your customers see the World's Largest Christmas Stocking at the front of the store, but to regis- ter to win, direct them to an aisle for which you'd like to increase your foot traffic. Business...Use the excitement generated by the World's Largest Christmas Stocking to boost customer awareness of your own promotion or event, or to announce a new service. Build Your Customer Base Filled entry blanks create a valuable mailing list! Use them to announce future promo- tions or sales. ~ Christmas Decorating Kit Cheer up your supermarket, store or party with this attractive 22 piece Honeycombed Art TissueT"' decorating kit. Includes 215" Art TissueT"' Bells,120" Art TissueT"' Bell, 2 20" Christmas Signs, 214" Santa Faces, 2 5" Santa & Sleigh, 2 29" Jointed Santas, 418" Christmas Cutouts, l 9$ FP Christmas Banner, 214" Bells w/Trim, 412" Arcade Garlands. Item # Description 1.2 3.5 5+ __ F5P48 Christmas Decorating Kit $50.00 $46,00 $42.00 Shipping weights: FSP46--51bs~ complete a t- ~si~", u° '~ ,~ +~ ; ~ f~ ,;:; .' ~ a-~ "~ ah ~-~.~ ~~ Y~ , ~~ ~. ~~~~- ~`~ ' '"' ,~,+oa''` '~ ~"Glamorous Clamorous" New Year's Assortment for 50 Includes 25 full-sized tinseled and decorated Art Glo foil hats, 25 sparkling tinseled tiaras, 30 9" Art Glo foil horns with plastic mouthpieces, 20 deluxe colorful noisemakers, 25 soft-twisted poly leis, 50 assorted bal- loons, 200 flame-proof serpentine throws. 375-piece set, Item # Description 1.2 3+ FSP44 Parry Kit1or50 $88.00 $78,00 8-Foot World's Largest ~ Christmas Staking • Includes 1,000 entry blanks • 2 raff le boxes • 2 posters Item # Descrf ion 1.2 3.5 6+ FSP50 8' World's Largest Stocking $19500 $179.00 $169.00 rvoridclasschristnras.co»c SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OPEN ACCOUNT (NET 10t AVAILABLE FOR QUALIFIED BUSINESSES Shipping weight 7516x. 1 ~ i • I ~ ~ ®Liberty Flag and Specialty Co., 2007. EASY ORDERING BY TELEPHONE, MAIL OR FAX PAYMENT OPTIONS INCLUDE CREDR CARD, C.O.D. OR OPEN ACCOUNT ~ 1 1 1 ~ . ~, u_.•. ~`-~'^' Red Belt r- - Red Plush Hat ^.~~„ ~~~ '~",' ; (8528) ~ ~ (X0808) ' ` 27"shown ~~ '" r ~„ ,q .. ~. _....,~. ), a ~' , , ~.. ~ ~~ , ,~ ~ .. 'd ~kNy 'r' ~ ~~t i ++ i '~?ti ~ ~ ~ I ~„ . , - _. Li bt U ~ ~ ~ ~. (,l'DSO4f '~ ~~ 's . ;~ ss~ J Pcint Hnt (XUS~lO i3J °.. Worker liar (XllS'OS-C) ~ ~ ~ ~, ~ 1 (~Y526) I -. 519) ~,_ ~ -1 ~ ~ I ~y~ ,~, ~ ~~ dt1 'r[ v J r „~ t; ~•.r i '~ ' „' n, 'fir White ~ ~ ~~ X19-Inch-Hat ~ ~ ,~" - .~ Gamern ~ . ,, w/bow [ ~ Red Plush Hat with a ` ~, •, ~~ ~ (8520) - Thitunique hat lights upl foldover white pile cuff . ~ -! h ~~~ The illuminated ball requires ~', ~s'~ ~ ~ ~ " Item # Descri tl 2 "AA" batteries (not included). p'on 1.5 6.11 12.24 .,~~ ~ ~„Rcrl~ •r One size fits all. Ball lights up. XDSO4 19"'Light Up"Hat- $9.95 $8 95 _ $7.95 Red lanrc^rn ~ ~'~ ~~ Sc~rrrl~lla (8522) u. , ., XDS05•A Crown Plush Hat 7.95_ 750 6.95 ~ ' ~' ~, - (~4526J I XDS05-B Embossed Hat 7.95 750 sss Lighted LanPerns, Bells & Scintillas X0505-C Worker Hat z95 750 6.95 PeltAntters (x~sos-E) Reindeerlhruer, (xvs~ro-BJ All of our stylish 32" Lanterns, Scintillas and Bells come fully lighted. XDS05•DLIghtUpHat_ 995_ 895 7.95 XDS05-E FeltAntlers 7 95 7.50 6,95 ~~ ~ 32"Lanterns with Candle Design (8519) is trimmed with garland and six bows -_ t'"t` and each with its own 40-watt bulb, - - - - XDS40•B ReindeeHAntlers 12.95 1195 10.95 ~ a! rr Item # Description 1- fr12 ,. --- - ~ 32 Old English Lantern (8520) your choice of red or white, trimmed with a sanracloves bright red bow, garland, and 40-watt candle. 8519 _ White Lantern candle) $210.00_ $19 0 $170.00 ' (XDSIr~ Don't See What You're ,, - 8520 LanternlBow {Red or White) 161.00 _ 172 00 167.00 ~ 00 2 ~ ~ 44"Scintillas88526aavailablennredoWwhitetcomeewith0al00twatt,bulb. 8524 AedBel~l7nLedorWhite 175.00 16500 ,55'00 Looking For. ( ) ~ 8525 RedBei~27 _ 110.00 102.00 _ szo0 Item # Description 1.2 3+ '~, ~•~ ~~ . ~ 17"Lighted Red Bell (8524) includes a 60-watt bulb. The 27" Lighted Red Bell 8626 ~elntl1la (Red orWhlte 210.00 _ 190 00 17000 G2ve USLI ~alll-8~~-27Y-70~T (~5~1~;^i•~r~ aril ~ ~t~l~-w tit hi,~,h Shippingwei hLS 851~i,5165,8520-121bs~9522 rC~hs 45?aPM sibs. A525- Dtdtrtflr (aDSOrBt l.r b •~& llJao.. XDS11 Santa Gloves $4.95 $4,50 t.»,6 - g r ry, liar ~rusm D~ } , ~" - r~~, ~ ~ HOhdgy ~~ Dress for success thrs holiday ~, ;. lw,.r Spray ~~ season in classic Christmas cos- tumes,There's Frosty, Rudolph ~ ~ ~ ~ °~ ~ ~ ~ ± ; ~f~et ~~ng '~ and of course, Santa htmself. ~" ~ ,r ~ ~ mounting Whether you need the entire "`~'~ You can costume or lust a few acces- ~ `" ~ -' ~ .~ `' almost smell ', sories to complete the icture ~ World Class Christmas has ~ 1 ,,,~ the pine on ~,,~ ~ "re this graceful everything you need to look the ~ part. "'~' + ' Holiday spray ' ` " ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ of gangland fea- turtn 4 bells. a~ Nem # Deserption 12 3+ ~ ~ „t , ~,,,~ ~ + Accented XDS96 Snowman $24900 $235:00 ~~~ • ..-R ,. ~?t"~ ~"' *~ ~ with a red I ____ _ xoss7 Reindeer $24s oo _$235 00 ! ~ Holiday bow o: XDS98 "Bunn Claus" $10500 _ $9500 `"~ ` - y ~ ~ ~,. ~ Y. C 7 bulbsu56 xDS99 Santa Apron Set $22.95 $18.95 ~ ~ , " ~ ~ ~ ^ s"18, watts. _ _ ;,•w. Snowman ~ Reindeer ~ "Sun 'Clause ~Santq ron Set ~ Giant Li hted Bow EARLY PURCHASE n~ ~ g ~ Plant Hanger (X0860) Item # 1.5 6.1 t 12.24 One-piece suit is made of Complete with antlers and a Where does Santa go on Serve in style this holiday • 3 or S fee6 wide t 4530PM S ra 165.00 155.00 $145.00 ~' DISCOUNT PROGRAM What a clever idea, Decorate street oles, li ht oles p Y $-_ $ _ -- ~ 'white acrylic pile plush red nose, our one-ptece ~r the heat 6n h?rH heads aoron and hat~tRed a ron~ • Building front or wall mount even fla oles with flowers fall mums or ho ida shippmgweighr ~Ibs with large black pour-pours reindeer costume is made of gP r y All orderr man be,eierued btu P P P C-7 bulbs, 252 or 455 watts. - -- i (yp on the tummy and a ztp- brown and whrte acrylic pde threads. The classic Santa with traditional accents has greens and polnsetttas. Glossy black, 11/81nch dtame j ~' NODNon tbeduedates b hone, Tie up your holiday decorating easily with ter steel bracket ro ects 15 inches and features 3/8 TARTY PT1R(;HACT, fax, or mail) ro receive the dixount! pered back. It comes com- plush with ~a zippered back hat is the only traditional two sets of ties for acorn- p ~ lete with a foam mascot lus, mitts and shoe covers. lighted, sparkling red garland bows. Mounts inch diameter scroll and hanging hook. Handsome, DISCOLNT PROGRAM_ Order by... you'll receive: P P thing about this hilarious, fortable fr. One size fits all. to buildin fronts or the side of trees. solid steel bracket. Face late and bandin not included. September 15, 2006 10% Off head, plaid scarf, mitts and Sizes; one- size-fits=all get-up. g _ P g All orders martbe reeeived dy October 13, 2006 B% OH shoe covers. M - 46" chest, 58" length Red velour zip-front shirt Item # _Descri ion_ 1.2_ _3^5 6+ Order mounting hardware on page 54 & 55. NooNon the due daces (by phone, Sizes: L - 50" chest, 62" len th fax, ormailJ to rereive the d¢seounlt g and elastic-waist shorts have 8517 3' Lighted Bow $135.00 $125.00 $115.00 Item # Description 1.5 6.11 12.24 I M - 46" chest, 58" length XL. - 54" chest, 67" length white acrylic pile tnm• 8518 5' Li XDS60 Plant Hanger $105.00 $95.00 $85.00 Order by... you'1r receive: __ , _ ghted Bow $220.00 $210.00 $19500 L - 50" chest, 62° length Shipping weights: 8517-101bs.; 8618-201bs. Shipping weighh2016s, ~ September 15, 2007 ~ 0% Off October 13, 2007_. S% Off -_; ~ ,vorldclasschristmns.com ~ ~ ~ ~ I I I I quoteC~liberty flag.com ~ , , , I ; , SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OPEN ACCOUNT (NET 10) AVAILABLE FOR QUALIFIED BUSINESSES ®Liberty Flag end Specialty C°., 2007. EASY ORDERING BY TELEPHONE, MAIL OR FAX PAYMENT OPTIONS INCLUDE CREDIT CARD, C.O.D. OR OPEN ACCOUNT /Full Scroll shown with White Lantem (8535PM) • 6 r~ feet high • Pole mount Nothing says old fashioned Christmas like this decoration! Colorful bulbs and natural garland encasing a white lantern. C-9, 40 watt bulbs,103 watts Garland Street Candles ~ (8535PM) • 7 feet high, 3 feet high candles • Pole mount Our most popular decoration offers you the classic look of holiday candles entwined with natural garland, red bulb ornaments and white lights. C-9, 40 and 60 watt bulbs. 410 watts Costume Accessories Select square or round Glasses (XDS08). Create the perfect Santa profile with our Belly Stuffier (XDS15), One size fits all. Pack gifts in a 30"x36" Velour Bag (XDS09) or 22"x30" Decorated Gift Bag (XDS 12). Drawstring closure. Ring in visitors with or contributions with a 3"Bell (XDS06) or a 4"Bell (XDS07). Top off with a traditional Beard & Wig Set (XDS101) made of washable 100%Teviron. Add the finishing touch with Eyebrow Whitener (XDS102) by matching dark brows to the white hair of Santa's costume. Item # Description 1.2 3+ XDS08 Santa Glasses $4,95 4,50 XDS09 Red Velour8ag_ __ 12.5Q_ _11,50_ XDS12 DecoratedGlffBag_ 1250__ 11.50_. XDS15 BellyStuffer _ 21,95 18.95 XDS101 Beard & Wig Set_ _ _ 21.95 _18,95 _ __ XDS102 EvebrowWhltener 1.95 1,50 Item # Description Each XDSO6 3"Bell $11.95 _ XDS07 4"Bell 14.95 Wlntener (XDS102J ; ~/ ~r._. 1 ,;~ ~ ~ ~ ~; ~'_;. ~~ ~ Item # Descriptlon 1,5 6.11 12.24 Half Scroll shown with Red Lantern (8530PM) • 5 feet high • Pole mcunt • C-9 and 40 watt bulb, 103 watts. With ornament (Red or Whfte Lanfern) 8530PM 5' Half Scroll/Lantern 340.00 32500 310.00 ___ _ _ Withcut ornament 8537PM 5' Half Scroll 15000 145.00 140.00 Shipping weights; 6530PM~5Ibs.; 8537PM-251bs. Item # Deacrlptlon t•5 6.1t 12.24 With ornament (Red or White Sdntllla) 8529PM 5' Half Scroll/Scintilla 34.0.00 325,00 310,00 Without ornament 8537PM 5'Hal(Scroll 150.00_145.00 140,00 Shipping weights; B52BPM~0Ibs; 8537PM-2516s~ ~ Full Scroll shown with Red Bell (8539PM) • 61~z feet high • Pole mount • C-9 and 40 watt bulb, 103 watts. _- - Item # Descrlption 1.5 6.11 12.24 With ornament (Red Bell) 8539PM 61/2' Full Scroll/Bell 336.00 322,00 312.00 Without ornament 8538PM 61/2' Full Scroll 225.00 220,00 215.00 Shipping weights; a630PM-3516x.; 8537PM-2516s. wocld^lasschristmas.com s r ~ t r 1 ~ 1 1 ,..~ AIIA~A~ITCCB noeu errmrur m~. im eki Red PelaurBag (XDS09) Decorated G~Bag (XDS12J 7 h i ~- ~ b ~ ~„ 1~ „~~. ~ ~~ ~ Velour or Plush Santa Suit ~ c • Standard Size 40-46 ~ r) ~ ~ " Suit comes withjacket, pants, hat, belt and semi- ' + ` ^^ boots that slide over regular footwear to cover the 1 Lower part of the leg. Beard made of synthetic fiber. t Velour Suit is made of 100% velour with simulated fur ~ trim. Plush Suit is made of luxuriously tufted 6 Christmas Red pile trimmed with thick simulated f ~ ~ •, ,. fur. a ~„ ;~, Item # Description 1.2 3+ --~' ~" M F XDS02 VelourSanfaSuit _ $199,00__ $192.00 Be(!s(XDSO6andXDSO7J XDS03 Plush Santa Suif ___ 94,00 _ 89,00 Beard f~' Wig Set (XDS1o1J e r •1 ' ®Liberty Fleg and Specialty Co., 2007. EASY ORDERING BY TELEPHONE, MAIL OR FAX PAYMENT OPTIONS INCLUDE CREDIT CARD, C.O.D. OR OPEN ACCOUNT Item# Description 1.5 6.11 12.24 Item# Description 1.5 6•t1 12.24 Wlth ornament 8535PM T Garland Street Candles $435.00 $425.00 $405.00 8531 PM 61/2' FUII Scroll 417,00 407.00 399,00 Shipping weights: 8535PM-a21bs. Without ornament 8538PM 6V2' Full Scroll 225.00 220.00 215,00 Lifetime Warranty on All Mounting Hardware! shlppiog weights; 5531 PM~o Ibg; 35s5PM,3a IbS. All Pole Mount Decorations Include Mounting Hardware! Scintilla (8529PM) • 5 feet high • Pole mount • C-9 and 60 watt bulb, 123 watts. 0 Christmas Tree; How Ever een Y ur Branches." '~~• Regular Fraxier Fir or Glacier Pine ~shownJ ~r. . . { • •y ~~ . t1A Double Poinsettia (4531 PM) • 7'lz feet high • For pole mounting • C-7 bulbs, 714 watts Item # Description 1.5 E11 12.24 4531PM DoublePolhsettia $420,00 $410,00 $400.00 4532PM Single Poinsettia 335.00 325,00 315,00 Shipping welghfs~ 4531PM-5g lbs.; 4532PM~O lbs. 0 S Heights - 61/a'to 12' 0 Regular or Slim Profile 0 Pre-lit or Unlighted ~ Lighted Tree Arch An impressive, grand welcome 0 4 Tree Styles ~~ ~ ~ , , for friends or customers. Ste t~l ~ S i~`~, h in ~" ~ ~, ,:~:. by Ste feet wide, the lighted ~ f rep it ~ , , . ~ ~~~ ` " ~' ' '~' ~'~ i `~;,M~ ~ 010 Year Warranty tree arch is constructed on a •_,, steel frame with lightly flocked Decorative Indoor Trees branches and hundreds of clear The evergreen tree, whether pine or fir, large or slim, flocked with snow or twinkling with lights, is one mini-lights, of the most beloved symbols of Christmas, With breathtaking realism and such features as a 10-year tree Item # Desc~tri tion 1.2 warranty, metals hinges and branch pins, heavy-duty metal stands, 3-year or 3,000 hour light warranty 402 3AA Lighted Tree Arch $889,00 and double boxing for durability and easy storage, you won't find a finer tree value. Available in 40 . . _ Shipping weight: 4023AR-85Ibs.; choices to perfectly match your needs; 4 tree styles -Glacier Pine, Frazier Fir, Slim Balsam Fir and ships UPS, Flocked Alaskan Pine; 5 heights - 61/9, 71/z, 9,10, and 12 foot; unlit orpre-lighted with hundreds of - clear bright lights for the ultimate in decorating ease. Order by stock number of desired tree height then ra¢E nthr Llgbn add the specifics. SIZE Needed 5' tree 400 ~! d' tree 500 ' Item # Descs~tlon 1.2 3.5 6+ d~a' tree 600 _ 3606 6~~z' Unlit Tree $335.00 $298.00 $254.00 T free 800 '~ 39 9 00 M 7`~' free 900 . __ _ - --_ _... 3807 Th Unlit Tree 425.00 395: 0 325.00 8'tree 1,000 3807•LIT Th'Pre•IitTree 625.00 565.00 465.00 9'tree 1,200 3809 9'Un18Tree 675,00 599.D0 525.00 10'tree 1,500 3809•LIT B'Pre•IitTree 995.00 909.00 840.00 12'tree 2,000 _ - -- 3810 10'UnldTree 840.D0 760,00 680.00 YauruJagemayvary _ 3810-LIT __ _ 10'PreditTree 121500 1105,00 980.00 tligbtlywith yarer own light style preference. ! _ _______ __ _ - -- _ - 381P 12' Unlit Tree 1315.00 1195,D0 1050.00 For complete releedan of 3812-LIT 12' Pre•lit Tree 1550 00 1405.00 1250.00_ _ _ _ _ _ L'ghu, zee pages 14-I5, 58-63. ~ rvnrldclasschristulas.cnm SATISFACnoN GUARANTEED OPEN ACCOUNT (N6T 10) AVAILABLE FOR QUALIFIED BUSINESSES E. Item # Description 1.5 6.11 12.24 5500PM Red Poinsettia $325.00 $315,00 $305,00 Shipping weighk5500PM ~ f01bs. quot~iberty flag.com EASY ORDERING BY TELEPHONE, MAIL OR FAX Mime Warranty on All Mounting Hardware! All Pole Mount Derorations Include Mounting Hardware! 9 ~ Single Poinsettia (4532PM) • 5 feet wide • Pole mount or building front • C-7 bulbs, 441 watts ~ Candle in Poinsettia Spray (523PM) • 51/z feet wide • Pole mount or building front (526BFJ • C-7 bulbs, 507 watts Red Poinsettia (5500PM) Item# Description 15 ti•it 12.24 • 4 feet wide, 4 feet high 523PM Candle In Poinsettia pole mount $38500 $375.00 $365.00 • For pole mounting 5268E Candle In Poinsettia building front 385.00 375.00 365,00 ' C-9 6u1b5,180 watts ahlppiagwelghts:523PM & 5268F• 4216e~ ~® , ®LlbeHy Fleg end Speclelty Co., 2007. PAYMENT OPTIONS INCLUDE CREDIT CARD, C.O.D. OR OPEN ACCOUNT +Yv ~,* a'w i ~~ ~, For~ole trim seepage 17. worldclasschristmas.com Toy Soldier (5405PM) • 7Uz feet high • For pole mounting • C-7 bulbs, 455 watts Item # Description 1.5 6.11 12.24 5405PM Toy Soldier $447.00 $437.00 $427.00 Shipping weight: 5405PM - 5016s. Santa (1546PM) • 6Uz feet high • For pole mouuting • G-9 bulbs, 423 watts Item # Description 1.5 6.11 12-24 _. __ _-- 1546PM Santa $485.00 $475.00 $465.00 Shippirigweight:1546PM-7116s - __ Angel (200tSPM) ~ • 7 feet high • For pole mounting • C-9 bulbs, 325 watts Item # Description 1.5 6-11 12.24 2006PM Angel $395.00 $385.00 $375.00 Shipping weigh[ 2006PM - 30 Ibs, For Pole Mounting Hardware, See Pages 42. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OPEN ACCOUNT (Nei 10) AVAILABLE FOR QUALIFIED BUSINESSES ~~~~ ~d. _ _, ~,; Pre-Lit Palm Tree with Light Changer Remote Control 1 ~. Christmas will never be the same! Dazzling tree of the tropics is all decked a it out for the holidays. Eight foot faux palm ~„ has three palm tree heads and hundreds of lights that switch from clear to multi Et, colored lights, steady or dancing lights, and ~~;' even fade from color to color all at the touch of a button on the special remote-control. ~" Tree includes, palm tree heads, trunk pieces, ~'~~ light changer, l replacement set of both clear ~° and colored lights plus, several replacement bulbs. Indoor use olily. __ _ __ liem# Description 1.2 _ 3.5 6+ __ 3580GM Lighted Palm Tree $425 00 $390.00 $375.00__ ~~V~ . ;~!4 'ral ,31) `tr; '~~ ,~ ~- -~ ~~ ~°r. b' .~. a ~.~:„• ~, S • tensive light options are yours with the special remote control: on/off, steady/dancing, clear/colored or fade from color to color. Pre-Lit Fashion Trees Boxwood with it glossy dark green leaves has long been a favorite for holiday decorating and its adaptability to prune into interesting shapes. Our faux boxwood -every bit as beautiful as the real thing -has been fashioned into three great shapes: Twist, Topiary or Spiral. Each is 48 inches tall potted and pre-lit with 100 bright mini-lights. Item # 1.2 3.5 6+ 3931 48"Boxwood Spiral $129.95 _$119.95. $109.95 3933 98"Boxwood Twist 145.50 135.50 115.50 -- - 3932 _ 48"Boxwood Topiar ~ _ 159.75 139.75 119.95 __ All trees ship UPS (oversize) EASY ORDERING BY TELEPHONE, MAIL OR FAx PAYMENT OPTIONS INCluoi WREATHS Staking (5401 PM) 60"Santa N'orksbap Sign ~XDS29J 48"Candy Cane~XD538J Introducing Bright New Seasonal Designs! Create a brilliant scene with these figures in your front yard or in front of your resort, office, or business to get a smile from your visitors this holiday season. 3D Mesh or fire resistant molded plastic. The molded plastic decorations take a C-7 bulb. Item # Description 1.2 3.6 XDS23 60"Santas Workshop $62.95 $52.95 XDS24 38"Post Lantern 107.OD 100.00 XDS25 40° Candy Cane speck 127.00 120.00 XDS26 48" Train (animated _ 79.95 69.95 XDS27 45" NoRh Pole -_ 127.00 120.00 XDS28 52" Reindeer Parking 133.00 126.OD XDS52 31 "Unlit Candy Cane 12.95 11.95 Item # Description -_ 1.5 6-11 12.24 XDS35 43" Sanfa - _ $35.50 - - 33.50 __ _ 31.50 XDS34 60"North Pole S__ign 57.95 -- _ 47.95 39.95 XDS35 43°Sanfa 35.50 33.50 31.50 XDS36 30"Angel 21.95 19.95 _ _ 17 95 XD537 40"NativitywlKings 69.95 59.95 -__ 55.95 XDS38 48"Candy Cane 6995 59.95 55.95 XDS54 22"Santa Face 19.85 17.95 15 95 Shipping weights: XDS23 - 9: Ibs; XDS24-1216x; XDS25-14r Ibs XDS26 - 8 1bs; XD527 -2g lbs; XDS28-2316s.XDS34~ Ibs; XDS35-816x.; XDS36-91bs.; XDS2B~ Ibs.; XDS37-121bs; X0539-1216x.; XDS38~ lbs. UPS Oversize. 48°3D Look Train with motdon wheels. ~xDSSO) •y' ~i~ Lifetime Warranty on All Mounting Hardware! All Pole Mount Decorations Include Mounting Hardware! quoteC~Gberty-tlag.com • 7Uz feet high • For pole mounting • C-9 bulbs, 388 watts hem # Description 1.5 6.11 12.24 5401PM 711v'Angel $348.00 $338.00 $332.00 Shippirg we~ght:5407PM-5216s. Silver Bell with ~ Holly Leaf (4506PM) • 7 feet high • For pole mounting • C-7 bulbs, 308 watts Item # Description 1.5 6.11 12.24 Shipping weight 4506PM - 55 Ibs. Warranty on All Mounting Hardware! All Pole Mouut Decorations Include Mounting Hardware! Giant Twin Bells ~ • 6 feet high, 6 feet wide • For pole mounting • C-9 bulbs, 483 watts ;« ~. ~.a ~~ ~ .~~~ ?('M 4 s t 4.'~ ~~k ^ Item # Description 1.5 6.11 12.24 4520PM 6 Twin Bells $380.00 $363.00 $_348.00 Shipping weight 9520PM ~ 7016s. 1 r~ ,, I ~r t Staking (5401 PM) • 7V2 feet high • For pole mounting • C-9 bulbs, 388 wattr - - - Item # Description 1.5 6.11 12.24 t 5401 PM 7112 Angel $348 00 $338.00 $332.00 I. Shipping weight: 5401 PM ~ 5216s. - - .~ ~: ; ~, Candy Cane with ~ Holly Leaf (4519PM) • 6 feet high • For pole mounting • C-7 bulbs, 301 watts Item # Description 1.5 6.11 12.24 4519PM 6SilverBell $340.00 $325.00 $310.00 Shipping weight: 4519PM - 491bs. EASY ORDERING BV TELEPHONE, MAIL OR FAX I © Liberty Flag and Specialty Co., 2007. PAYMENT OPTIONS INCLUDE CREDIT CARD, C.O.D. OR OPEN ACCOUNT a•~, ~G w -~. t~1 z `~ ' „a L'~F,, E ~' a~-e, a~ ~ i'• ~;,~ f:. t #' F ~ a ~ ?~ i r 4• { r r . ~. ~ „~ , 1 Zig Zag Tree (3025PM) • 7 feet high • For pole mounting • C-7 bulbs, 427 watts _- _ - -- -- Item # Description 1-5 6.11 12+ __ __ _ - 3025PM TZigZa~Tree $360.00 $3.50.00 $34_0.00 Shipping weight 3025PM ~ 4516s. ~ Triangle Tree (3020PM) • 7 feet high • For~ole mountin~• C-7 bulbs, 290 watts _ _ --- Rem # Description 1.5 6-11 12.24 3020PM TTriangleTree__ $369.00 $359.00 $349.00 -- - Shipping weight: 3020PM ~ 2016s. :~~ ~ } i' t~ti ~~ TrinnnlP Tree f3020PM1 • 7 feet high • For pole mounting • C-7 bulbs, 290 watts Item # Description 1.5 &11 12.24 3020PM TTnangleTree $369.00 $359.00 $349.00 Shipping weight. 3020PM - 2016s. ~ Amazing 15-Foot Snowman ~ Spectacular 12-Foot Santa • 15' high, T diameter • Lighted from within • 12' high, 7' diameter A showstopper! This 15-foot high snowman • Lighted from within inspires thoughts of snowball fights, sledding, and He's big, he's jolly, he's a 12-foot high Frosty. Garland wrapped metal frame. Illurmnated Santa... so large and colorful he makes by 14 -100 watt bu16s,1400 watts. everyone £eel the Holiday spirit! ___ __ Garland wrapped metal frame. Item # Description 1.2 3+ Illuminated with 15 - 60 watt and 1910GM 15' Snowman $3880.00 $3685.00 6 - 40 watt bulbs, 1140 watts. 191D•GMF Face Replace 105.OOfeachside Shipping weight: 66g lba Tree Top Stars • In 3 d~erent sizes • Heavy molded plastic • For indoor or outdoor use 13" x 22" star is 25 watts; 22" and 36" x 24" star is 60 watts. Item # Description 1.2 3.5 6+ - - -_- 3713TM 13"Star. $11500$105.00_$95.00 _3722TM 22 Star 142.00 _135 00 125.00 3736TM 36"Star 135.00 128.00 121.00 Shipping weights: 3713TM-51bs.; 3722TM-101be.; 3736TM-1516s. ~ Jolly 7Vs-Foot Garland Snowman • Lighted from within Garland wrapped metal frame. 8 - 60 watt bulbs, 480 watts. --- Item q Description 1.2 3+ 1909GM 7t12'Snowman $1650.00 $1585.00 - - 1900GM 12' Santa 3599.00 3395.00 1900•GMF Santa Face R place 105.001 each side_ Shipping weigh(; 1909GM~21516s; 19WGM~ 5721bs. Giant Inflatdbles Item # Description 1.2 -- - 3+ - - • 8 feet high • C-7 bulbs _XDS106 8' Snowman w/Moving Arm $99.95 ' $92.95 XDS109 Tree with Presents $89.95. 8 $82.95 XDS110 Celebrate Christmas in a BIG way with 8 foot - 8'Sanfa/frain $105.95 _ $98.95 high, brightly colored holiday inflatables! Made of heavy-duty, rrp-stop parachute nylon, these fun fig- ures are lit with three C-7 bulbs (included) and are GO GREEN! powered with a continuous blowing fan. Can be Energy Saving LED Upgrade! used outdoors or indoors. Ask your sales rep how! worldelasselrristntas,eom ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~ I I 1 I garote@liherty flag.com ~ , , , r ; ©Liberly Flag and Specialty Co., 2007. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OPEN ACCOUNT (NE7 10) AVAILABLE FOR QUALIFIED BUSINESSES EASY ORDERING BY TELEPHONE, MAIL OR FAX PAYMENT OPTIONS INCLUDE CREDIT CARD, C.O.D, OR OPEN ACCOUNT Our illuminated wire sculptures are the ulti- mate in holidayyard decor! Each design is hand formed and finished in white UL approved weather-resistant coating. The lights (also UL listed) are ultra bright clear (with some accent colors) to enhance the contour of each 3D design. May be displayed steady burning or flashing! i • Simple to set up • Super bright lights • UL approved lights • Weather proof white coating Item # Description 1.2 3.5 5+ 15D8WS Family of Deer $250.00 $235.00 $225.00 1513WS Santa on Sleigh with Reindeer 35.00 130.00 125.00 1514WS Sleigh 85.75 80.75 75.75 2001WS Spiral Tree 69.95 65.50 6025 2003WS Angel with Trumpet 89.50 85.00 81.00 1543WS 2' Gold Snowman 53.95 47.95 41.95 1544WS 3'GoldSnowman 79.95 71.95 65.95 1517WS 4' Church 89.95 80.95 75.95 1518WS 48"Moose 109.95 99.00 91.00 1519WS 48"Snowman 99.00 89.00 80.00 All these displays can be shipped UPS. Some displays may be sightly diBerent then pictured. TOLL-FREE 1.800-274-7001 ~ Mon-Fri, 8 am-6 pm CST Sat, 8 am-5 pm CST Credit Card Orders Accepted Garland Wreath with Three Candles • S feet diameter • For pole mounting • C-9 and 40 watt bulbs, 520 watts 12-Foot ~ Giant Wreath (7120BF) • 12 feet diameter • For wall mounting • Features S' diameter lighted bow It's Christmas! Tell the world in a BIG way. This Paul Bunyan-sized wreath is constructed of naturallooking garland accented with C-7 red bulbs in the bow and C-9 clear bulbs throughout the wreath. Every fourth lamp twinkles. 2233 watts Garland Wreath with One Red Candle (7053PM) • 5 feet diameter • For pole mounting • 23"Red Candle • C-9, 60 watt, and 40 watt bulbs, 435 watts Street Light Wreath (705851) • 5 feet diameter • Center opening; 27" • For street light mount • C-7 bulbs, 231 watts Rem # Description _ _ 1.5 6.11 12.24 7D57PM 5' Wreath $470.00 $445.00 $_420.00 7053PM 5'Wreath 219.00 208.00 _198.00 7058SL 5'Wreath 1210.00 1149.50 1092.00 Shipphg weighls:1057PM - 8516s,; 7053PM- 501bs;105ASL - 3016s„ s ~t Item # Descries 1 3 6 --_ -_ 71208E 12'_Wreath $540.00 $510.OD $485.00 Shipping weight: 33516s (shipped in three secfionsJ ~ Deluxe Wreath with Bow (7055PM) Give your city that traditional look with this classic garland wreath. It's embellished with a red bow, red ball clusters, and pine cones-and at a generous 5' in diameter, it's ]arge enough to make a BIG impression on everyone who sees it! Mounted on a swivel bracket to allow easy pole attachment. C-9 bulbs, 350 watts. Mounting hardware included. --- - - Item # Description 1-5 8.11 12.24 7055PM 5' Deluxe Wreath $330.00 $310.00 $295.00 Shipping weight: 401bs sArlsFACnoN GUARANTEED quote@liberty-flag.com OPEN ACCOUNT (NET 10) AVAILABLE FOR QUALIFIED BUSINESSES EASY ORDERING BY TELEPHONE, MAIL OR FAX ®Liberty Flag and Specialty Co., 2007. PAYMENT OPTIONS INCLUDE CREDIT CARD, C.O.D. OR OPEN ACCOUNT Exclusive -Limited Edition Purchase! Rich velvets, thick faux fur and golden braids are exquisitely crafted into stunning resin figurines that make a dramatic and breathtaking statement by an entrance, elevator, or reception desk. Because of the time and workmanship involved the quanti- ties are strictly limited. Order yours today! ~ Deluxe Wreath with Lantern (7056PM) • 5 feet diameter • For pole mounting • Includes Old English lantern The warm glow of a traditional lantern framed by a beautiful wreath will remind Christmas strollers of bygone Holidays. Mounted on swivel bracket to allow easy pole attachment. C-9 bulbs, 474 watts. 40 watt bulb in candle. Item # Description 1.5 6.11 12.24 7056PM Wreath wlLantern $625.00 $595.00 _$575.00 Shipping weight: 8516s. its Garlnnd Wreath with Two Jinale Bells (7029BF) • 3 feet diameter • For building front • C-7 bulba, 75 watts Item # Description 1.5 6.11 _12-24 70296E 3' Wreath w/2 bells $220.00 $210.00 $205.00 Shipping weight 1916s. ' Lifetime Warranty on fill Mounting Hardware! flll Pole Mount Decorations Include Mounting Hardware! warldclasschristmas.cnm SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ~ Garland Wreath (7052PM) • 5 feet diameter • Silhouette design • For pole mounting Very contemporary! The perfect solution for decorating streets adjacent to modern architecture. C-7 bulbs, 580 watts. Item # Description 1.5 6.11 12.24 7052PM Garland Wreath $369.00 $359.00 $349.00 Shipping weight 4916s. quote@liberty-flag. com Credit Card Orders Accepted ~'~ • 8 feet diameter • Far wall mounting Ring in the Holidays! Christmas is Here! This stunning standard building wreath shown here with 27" lighted bells makes a strong impact. Constructed of natural- lookgarland accented with pine cones, ornaments, and a bow. Uses C-9 and 100 watt bulbs, 916 watts. __ _ Item # Description 1.5 6.11 12.24 70808E 8' Wreath w/bells $1250.00 $1175.00 $1100.00 7081 BF 6' Wreath only $970 00 $95.0.00 $930.00_. Shipping weighty 7090BF-14016s; 7081BF4051bs. Deluxe Garand Wreaths (7055BF) • Choice of 3 or 5 feet diameter • For wall mounting Welcome All Visitors! This handsome 5' holiday wreath is highlighted with pine cones, shiny ornaments and a bow. Uses C-9 bulbs, 350 watts. Our 3-foot wreath, 7030BF, not pictured- has similar decorations. (C-7 bulbs, 189 watts) Item # Description 1.5 6-11 12.24 70556E Deluxe Wreath $470.00 $445 00 $420.00 70306E Deluxe Wreath $215.00$205.00 $195.00 Shipping weight: 401bs. • 3 feet diameter • Building front or wall mount Charles Dickens couldn't have painted a better image in his day to describe this warm image of Christmas past. C-7 bulbs,190 Item # Description 1.5 6.11 12.24 7031PM 3'Wreath $305.00 $295.00 $285,00 Shipping weigh[ 301bs. Can't Find What You're Looking For. Give Us A Call 1-800-274-7001 OPEN ACCOUNT (NE7 10) AVAILABLE FOR QUALIFIED BUSINESSES American Santa Traditional Santa image with red velvet suit, black boots and a marvelous bag of Christmas gifts measures 65 inches tall. ~ Holy Family Joseph and Mary holding baby Jesus are beautifully ren- dered in luxurious brocade, satin and golden braid. Heirloom quality symbols of the season to treasure. Josep is 22Va inches tall and Mary is 16 inches tall. Item # Description Each XDS103 65"AmedcanSanfa $1099.00 XOS104 60" Old World Santa _ 699.00 XDS105 48" Old World Sanfa 450.00 X_DS1.06_ Holy Family 115.00 EASY ORDERING BY TELEPHONE, MAIL OR FAX 60"Old World Santa ) ~ Fiber-Optic Snowman Friendly one foot snowman lighted from within plastic body. Fiber-optic broom, hat, eyes, buttons, and white of scarf fade into a spectacular show of yellow, green, blue, pur- ple, red and clear. Nose is lighted orange. Scarf and mittens are material. AC by adaptor Included. N/hile supplier last. Old World Santa Puffed sleeves, long flowing robe and curled shoes in bur- gundy and gold cre- ate an aura of old European courts at Christmas time. Available in two sizes: 60 inches tall on a 19~h x 26i1z x 4'/a inch golden base or 48 inches tall free-standing size with no base. Animated Holiday Symphonium • 13.7"wide x 8.3"tall Enjoy the Elegance of the holiday season as in Yesteryear! Ten real metal disks are included in this beautiful wooden box. Each inter- changeable disk plays one of six Christmas and four year round classic songs. As the disks play, elegant couples pirouette in a scene decorated in golden hues. Two windows highlight the action. ftem ~ Description 1.2 3+ XDS19 Animated HolidaySymphonium $132,95 121,95 XDS67 Fiber-Optic Snowman 21.95 20.50 ©Liberty Flag and Specialty Co., 2007. PAYMENT OPTIONS INCLUDE CREDR CARD, C.O.D. OR OPEN ACCOUNT 18' Bell Cluster Wreath (7080BF) Garland Wreath with Three Red Candles (7031 BF) ~, t tyylLF. SUPPIJI:.~ ~ '. X51 ~, r ,\ y ~" .r' tj ~ , ~~~`' ~ f >~ , 'i y ` e y s Icicle Lights Net lights Rectangle This dazzling, festive look in commercial The easiest, tangle-free way to decorate trees, and residential lighting installs easily wrth shrubs fences -even Christmas trees! Each 4' by 6' net evenly distributes 200 super bright Quick Strip mountng and a screwdriver. ]fights in a 28-square foot area. UL listed 24 Each 150-light Set features 27 drops, 4" gauge wire for indoor or outdoor use. An bulb spacing; 6"drop spacing: 24"-12"- add-on plug lets you connect two sets. Can be 18"drops. Each set covers 6 linear feet set for steady burning or double flashing and is UL approved for indoor or outdoor effect. Available .in clear, multi-color, Green, use. Clear, Multi, Rcd-Clear-Blue with Blue, or Red. white wire. Give your existing lights a new Look with Item # Description 1.5 6.11 12+ the Quick Strip Accessory Pack Mounting Set.9601 200 NetLighfsclear $19.25 $18.95 $16.25 (9603). Each set includes 6 strips 9600 1501cicle Set (18" long) and mounting hardware (18 (includes 4 sfnps) 29.95 28.95 27,95 galvanized sell-tapping screws] to cover 9 9603 Accessory Pack 7.80 7.00 6.50 linear feet. (6 Qulck Strips usable for Icicles Lights or conventional mini lights) Each step is 18"long For LED C-7 & G9 ReplacementRulbs See Pages 23& 24 Foot Switch Foot Switch allows easy on/off operation of most indoor electrical lighting systems. Perfect for use with Christmas trees. Foot switch gives an additional extension of 9'. 15-amp Outdoor Timer Now an economical way to control outdoor lighting. Easy to use manual time setting. ~ 25-Foot FastTrax FusrTt~r (9~so) "I""'"'- lighting System The EASIEST Way to ~„~._.,,,.,_~•~~ Put Up Your Ltghtc.r _,,,,/"" i~"` , • Includes: l0 2'tracks "'--~ ,.` (25'totalJ .: _ "" "t'` Forget the hassle of untut~lin~ any' ..q~liii~ li:lu, ~,n dour h~,nir. ! ~ i~~,u ~ Bch system allows you to mount your L-y, L-7, Icicle Lights and Alini holiday lights on your home in less time. Never again put your lights up one bulb at a time, "SNAP" Chem up in sections. Create a beautiful and professional display that your neighbors will think took you all day. The patented SNAP-ON, SNAP- OFFtrack design makes decorating fast, simple and tangle-free. To take down your lights, simply SNAP-OFF the tracks with lights attached and store them safely away tangle-free. Small snap buttons remain in place mak- ing re-installation a snap! Made in the USA each set includes approximately 25 feet of clear track, 5 track joiners, 60 cord clips, l5 screw on snap buttons and illustrated instructions. (lighting NOT included) Item # Description 1.2 3.5 6+ 9915 Foot Switch $11.95 $10,95 $9.95 /Fading Adapter 9917 Outdoor Timer $26,95 $24,95 $22,95 This unique fader adapter creates a wonderful fade- 150 Lite in fade-out pattern that adds visual excitement to > ~, E _° >e"~ ~,, any pole mount decoration, ground mount display, of ~• ^~ ` Swag or light string. Accepts up to 1,000 miniature lights ~~ ~ Create a dramatic or up to 100 C-7 or C-9 lights. 2 channel, l5 amp. look that should - have taken you hours. Each set hem # Description 1.2 3.5 6+ '` r contains 5 swags 9919 FadingAd~ter $35,95 $_33.95 $31.95 a°- ,ti_i ~.utd each swag is 30 ~ L'Ight Tester a ,inches wide by 14 Generally if one bulb goes out, the others remain lit. Occasionally, something -''~; ~ inches tall. Clear happens to a bulb that breaks the electric circuit and a whole string or series of ', """"~~- ~ "'' bulbs on green branches goes out. When there is a break in the cir~ nir, there is current flowing (9682) l50 Light Swag avire. to the problem bulb but not out from it. Use the light tester to locate the problem bulb. Once the Item # Description 1.5 6.11 problem bulb is replaced, the entire string will ,~ s ~ ~^ `~ light. (Srylcs m~av t°ary.) M ~ ~ 9682 1501ite swag $22.95 $21.95 Item # Description 1.2 3.5 6+ ~ frnrlrlclflssrlmis~Ulru;~.a.~,,rr SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Garland Trees (3512GM, 3516GM, 3521GM, 3525GM) • Choose, from S colors • Includes lights! • Choose from Garland orSilhouette Stylet ~~~ ~ Empire Silhouette Trees • An elegant look • Easy to install by one person Incredible Empire Silhouette Trees will make an elegant statement in any setting. The 12' and 16' trees come with 22"x10" star; 21' and 25' trees come with 36"x 24" star. Item # Description 1.2 3-5 6+ 3562GM 12 Tree 5'base/22"star $1020.00 $969.00 $920.0( 3566GM 16'Tree 6'base/22"star 1726.00 1635.00 1552.Oi 3571GM 21'Tree Tbase/36°star 2050.00 1948.00 1850.Oi 2575GM 25'Tree 8'base/36"star 2950.00 2805.00 2660.Oi shipping weights 3562GM-9016x.; 3566GM-14516x.; 3571 GM-17516x.; 3575GM-~ lbs. Wattage: 3562GM-1272 wads; 3566GM-2162 watts; 3571GM~363 wafts; 3575GM-9545 watts Call or email quoteC~liberty-flag.com for precise quotes. Do it with pizzazz! These trees will make your grounds look like a winter wonderland! Solid one-piece base ring with collapsible chain frame is extra sturdy...will stand up to the harshest winter weather. Center pole inserts through base; tension locked. (Guy wires not included. See page 43.)Pre-installed C-9 bulbs are uniformly spaced. Every fourth lamp twinkles. Standard color is natural green; Item # Description 1.2 3-5 6+ snow-tipped, natural gold, blue 3512GM 12'Tree 4'base/13"star $1695.00 $1625.00 $1595.00 spruce, or translucent green avail- 3516GM 16'Tree 5'base/22"star 2095.00 2015,00 1985.00 able by special order. Specify clear 3521GM 21'Tree 6'base/36"star 2650.00 2517,00 246500 or assorted color bulbs when order- ing. 12' is 1272 watts, 16' is 2162 3525GM 25'Tree Tbsse/36"srar 3595.00 3495.00 3395,00 Shipping weights: 12'-1301bs: 16'-220Ibs; 21'~2516s; 25'~851bs watts, 21' is 3363 watts & 25' is 4545 watts. 1ckt'ours~alcsrepn6uutLf.Dupgradc! ~ ~ I ' EASY ORDERING BY TELEPHONE, MAIL OR FAX PAYMENT OPTIONS INCLUDE CRE[ OPEN ACCOUNT (Nei 10] AVAILABLE FOR QUALIFlED BUSINESSES Item # Description 1.5 9850 25' FastTrax Set $21.75 Va ~at.~~ Lights Your Complete Outdoor ~ Indoor Christmas Catalog Now Better Than Ever. Credit Card Orders Accepted 1~ REASONS WHY LIBERTY'S WORLD CLASS HRISTMAS DISPLAYSrMAREYOUR BEST CHOICE FOR HOLIDAY BANNERS, LIGHTS, c~. DECORATING ACCESSORIES fast, easy ordering by toll-free 6 Quantity discounts for larger telephone, mail or FAX volume orders. Call if your order qualifies for special discount Guarantee of Satisfaction that pricing assures our products will perform as expected, or we'll make it right 7 Convenient payment options include MasterCard Visa Beautiful, innovative designs that capture the festive spirit of the holiday season indoors and outdoors Long-lasting, qualify construction featuring safety grounding, weather-resistant con- nectors, heavy-duty#18-gauge wiring, long-life 3,000-hour 130 v bulbs, rust-proof powder-coated fromes, and patented rust-proof attachment hardware Early order discounts-save big money and avoid the rush by ordering early! American Express, Discover, C.O.D. and Open Account to qualified businesses, governments and institutions S Courteous, caring service by knowledgeable representatives trained to put your needs first, ask questions and listen 9 Customized displays available by special request. If you have special needs, just call our Customer Service Department toll-free at 1-800-274-7001 10 Lifetime Warranty on all of our Multi Chore and Quick Chore Mounting Hardware. (See page 48 for more details) LED Bulbs ............... ...... 22-24 Mini ~ Standard .......... ......19,62 Specialty ................. ......... 63 Accessories ................ ....26,62-63 Trees Outdoor Lighted Garland ... ....... 3, 20 Indoor Decorative ......... .... 57-56,60 Large Tree Decorations ..... .......36, 62 Outdoor Ground Mount Displays Large Duplays .............27,35,28-29 Yard Figurines ..................58,60 Inflatables .........................59 ti Pole Mount Displays Lighted ................... 6-15,20-21 Banners ....................... 40-47 Pole Ornaments ....................17 Nativities Lighted ...........................30 Indoor/Outdoor ..................50-51 Shingle/Cutter'Gripper UnrverralLigbtStakea (9825) /9827 Overhead Street Displays ~ Light Accessories lighted Streamers ......... .........16 Universal Light Holder. Sturdy plastic grips cling firmly to any roof or gutter, and hold C7, C9 or mini string-light fixtures. Supports multiple strings (one Building Front Displays mini plus one C7 or C9), and lets you Lighted .................. ......... 37 "aim" lights in different directions to Holiday Greetings ......... .......18,27 create unique effects. 100 per set. Light Hooks-Gutter or Roof. Patented shapes fit onto gutters (9822), or slide Wreaths under roof shingles, shakes or tiles Outdoor ................. ...... 4-5,57 (9823), to hold light strings in tough places. Easy to install and remove. 90 per set. Shingle/Gutter Grier. The best fas- Garland tener for holding mini, C7 or C9 lights. Lighted .................. .........17 Works on most shingles and gutters and Pole Trim ................ .........17 along channels on soffit and fascia. Decooative ............... ..........17 Holds bulbs securely; all pointing in the same direction. Unique S-mount will Indoor Displays .~ even hold two lights; a mini and a C7 . Animated .... ........ ... .. 48-49 or C9, for special lighting effecta 100 . ~° ~ Christmas Figures ..... .. .... ..52,61 per set. ,~ ;~ ~ Arcessories ...... .. ... .... .....49 Universal LightStakes, Insert in ground or packed snow to trim side- ' ~~ ~` Hardware ' walks, driveways, property Lines and landscape treatments in no time! ~ Banner..... Pole Mount fe Ground Mount .......41-42 63 Durable, 8"resin stakes hold C7, C9 rw ":T .......... Accessories ............... .......... .......62-63 or mini lights.100 per set. - Item # Description Each Set Miscellaneous 9821 100 Light Holders 1295 " ChristnaasAccessories ...... .... 26,36,55 9822 90 Gutter Hooks 13.95 ~ ' ~ r""- _ Holiday Costumes ..... ... ...... 54-55 9823 90 Roof Hooks 1395 ` Pows f~' Fund Raisers ...... .......36,53 9825 100 Shingle/Gutter Grippers 12.95 9827 100 Llght Stakes 15.95 _ secure an outdoor dis- play is in our Guy Wire Kit (9922). Always use guy wires to hold dis- plays firm against treacherous winds. Includes 2 8' wires with 2 stakes. Large Guy Wire Kit (9926) includes 3 35' cables, 3 mini clips, & 3 security stakes. Roof Mount Ki (9927) includes 3 50' liem # Description 1-2 3-5 6+ 9921 SecuriryStake $18.95 $17.75 $16.95 9922 Guy Wire Kit 29.45 28.50 27.00 9926 Large Guy Wire Kit 69.95 ~ - 9927 Roof Mount Guy Wire Klt 29.45 ~ - Our 12" Steel Security Stake (9921) is designed to be embedded just below ground level out of view. Add your own chain and padlock. 1 Power Tower, Tower with Twin Lights & Photocell Flood Holder Power Tower: Has 3 outlets in a weatherproof case with a ground stake. Lighted on/off switch,l5- footcord, and built in circuit breaker. Tower with Twin Lights: Twin lamp heads pivot up to 90 degrees. l2" tall ground stakes allow for versital placement. (150 watt maximum bulbs recommended). Floodlights not included. Has 6-foot cord. Floodlight Bulbs: Indoor/outdoor wide flood beams have 2500 hour life. Par 38 size has medi- Item # Description 1.2 3.5 6+ um skirt base. Choose clear (150 9901 Power Tower $22.95 $20.95 $18.95 watts), red, blue ox green (100 watts). gg02 Tower with Twin Lights 15.95 12.95 10.95 9990 Floodlight Bulb 5.95 5.60 5.2D 9903 Photocell Holder 16.95 14.95 13.95 ~~~~„r,,, A~zxzr, 1 Novelly Lights q . #~ ~ - t~~~~,.(r ~9967J Decorate your tree with lights and orna- "," '_ ~~ ,,, ~ menu, all at the same time! Each 14-foot ' ~~` set includes 10 molded plastic shapes and ~ ' ' s~`rnm two extra bulbs. Mix and match for quanti- ~ 4 ty; =..w ';~ ~r96o) ty pricing. Double-plugged, indoor/out- " - ;~'~ door, and UL approved. Item # Description 1.5 6.11 12.24 9968 Snowmen/Trees $2195 $19.95 $18.95 9970 Santos/Gifts 21.95 19.95 1895 9950 Cows 2295 21.95 20,95 9961 Holly 21.95 19.95 18,95 9967 Angels 21.95 19,95 18,95 9966 Santa Bears 21.95 19.95 18,95 9965 Santa Moon 21.95 19,95 1895 9964 Santa Claws 21.95 1995 18,95 9959 Star & Menorah 21.95 19,95 1695 ~ Sre additio~ral prodarrts on onr ~~eG~zte: ~ ~ ~ 1 1 www.wnrldclasschristnras.conr ~ ~ ~ t © Liberty Flag and Specialty Co., 2007. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OPEN ACCOUNT (NEr 10) AVAILABLE FOR QUALIFIED BUSINESSES EASY ORDERING 8Y TELEPHONE, MAIL OR FAX PAYMENT OPTIONS INCLUDE CREDIT CARD, C.O.D. OR OPEN ACCOUNT We want to hear from Sincerely, J~?, ~ David J. Gonzalez President ~,~~ you this year! From Alaska fo Florida, from Hawaii to Maine, you'll find our decorations all across America. And if you travel abroad you can find our displays in Europe as well as Asia. This year, let our trained customer service staff help make this an especially bright and happy Holiday where you are. Nothing could be easier. Just call us toll-free at 1-800-274.7001. You'll be glad you did. ORDER TOLL-FREE