HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007 10 10 Handout Given By Assistant to the City Clerk October 10, 2007 HAND OUT GIVEN BY DANIELLE HARKER, ASSISTANT TO THE CITY CLERK, TO THE BEAUTIFICATION OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD AT THE REGULAR MEETING ON OCTOBER 10, 2007. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP-JULY 17.2000 Page 4 of 5 Presentations continued by Mr. Lockcuff on the following: the Transportation Improvement Fund; Capital Improvements; Sidewalk Improvements; Other Equipment; Underdrains; Town Center Road Improvements; the One Cent Sales Tax; the Stormwater Utility Fund; Transportation Impact Fees; Consulting Services; the Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District Improvement Funds; the Oak Forest Capital Funds; Oak Forest Maintenance Funds; Oak Forest Debt Service Funds; the 434 Village Walk Project Fund; the Town Center Trail and Infrastructure Fund; Water and Sewer Department Operating Revenues and Expenditures; Sludge Disposal; the Water and Sewer Renewal and Replacement Fund; the Water and Sewer Department Utility Construction Fund; and the Capital Improvement Projects. Manager McLemore continued presentations on: Boards; and the Beautification of Winter $p~gg$ Haifd Budget requests. Ms. Ethel Beecher, Chairperson, Beautification pI Winter $.jiJ:#ig~ BiYiiid (B. 0. Ws.): Spoke in regards to the Board's $19,000.00 budget request; the Partnership Program; developing criteria for the Partnership Program; Arbor brochures; medians; and that the figures are "ballpark figures." Tape 2/Side A Discussion ensued regarding additional staff for the City Clerk's Office; work loads; "Motion Only" Minutes; part time employees; Council of Local Governments; workload relief; possible alternatives to additional staff; travel arrangements; and office space for additional staff. Mr. Gene DeMarie, Director, General Services Department: Presented the Human Resources Department and the Purchasing Department Budgets. Items discussed included: the General Services Director's salary; the salary study; the General Insurance line item; the General Insurance Settlements line item; insurance deductibles; "loss ratios"; and bids. Discussion continued on General Insurance Settlements; insurance deductibles; insurance premiums; previous deductible levels; general liability; Workers Compensation Insurance; the Florida League of Cities coverage; and "participation credits." Presentation continued on the proposed Meter Services Budget. Mr. DeMarie discussed the Salaries line item; the proposed new meter reading system - "hand helds"; new meters; meter improvement; "re-reads"; and uniforms. Ms. Louise Frangoul, Director, Finance Department: Presented the Finance Department and the Utility Billing Budgets. Items discussed included: conversion of a part time position to full time; overtime hours; additional costs associated with CPA status; additional staff; and the Consulting Services line item. 531'0 53160 S.010 S.020 S.210 S.630 5'632 5'633 5'839 5.650 5.eeo 5-'682 55229 55232 5-'760 55236 55237 55240 55270 55276 55262 55200 55411 5S.18 55'30 ',---- CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2000-2001 BUDGET WORKSHEET GENERAL FUNDS DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURE RECAP tiUMIl.fB DEPARTMENT Hrw R,qUfSU: Hew Plrsonnel Costs 51210 Regular S.,.ries 51210 RegularSalarie.s.New EmplOyees 52110 FIco. 52110 FIco. .New Employees 52310 HUl'lh. Life & Oisabllity Insurance 52310 H~Jth. Ufl!l & Ois.D1lify II'\S~New EmplOyees 52320 Wor1<ers Comp 52320 WOr1<ers Comp-New Employees 52330 Pension 52330 Pension .New EmplOyees To~ New ?et$Onne4 Cost N.w Op.ratlno Cost. PtlyslcaJ Ex..ms ConsulUng Services T ravel ~ Per Diem Auto AlIow;nce PostaQe RepaIr &. Maintenance. EQuipment Software Maim & license Mall'd Agree & Contracts Networ1< Development Repair & Maintenance. Vehicles Repair & MaIntenance. Guiding Repair & Maintenance. Grounds Water Meters. Replxement Water Metm . New Accounts Printing E.-;pense O....Ung Supplle> . FOO<1 Ope..Ung Supplles . OM' Uniforms SmaD Tools & EQuipment New SoIt.vate-S'Y$tem Holiday Oecor.ltions PI't)tea.ive CIoUling Dues &. Regisu.tlons Subscript"ns (System) Empaoyee Development B.O.W.S. Beam Beaut ReQuesl TOla! New Operating Cost C~pIUI Outlays 56310 Capital Pro;eas 56400 VeNc:Ies 56-409 Other Equipment. IS 56-410 Other Equipment 58-418 EQuipment.Compu1tr H~rd Sys City 58225 .3-4 BeautifICation TotOi. Caprtal Outlay Sub--To~1 (N."" R.qu,sU) FY 961fl AC1Ual Unaudlttd FY 171l1e FY 91119 Actual Actual Adopttd FY 19100 Bud011 RlvlStd FY 19/00 Budget FY 00101 Otpanmen\ Rtquest I' :' _ST'tWj ~I..:.t;.;........i ;~ -.' J ~.:. '.'. " .....} '.' ,~jMoo I . -''''$38-00ll1 '<~~;j .: .:s:iS:OOO~ '; f.~.2l~J '"'. ..t!~llOO. B~t5 :_~~~. r:~;~1~:~, ",::.::.S~}~i1 ToaL GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES \'51.773 \7.009,079 \9.632.'68 \ 10,383.659 S 1.q,i5.9.,ii~(,;S;!,O~fl,32~ ::~Jj~~l ~.:Ji&~ TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TO FUND 8AL,o.NCE TOTAL GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES AND APPROPRIATIONS TO FUND BALANCE so 1326,327 ""S06,20'1 .; :{$I66:~37)~~-SiOUT5l S8.360.852 S9.832..68 \10.709,985 S10,910,205 "5'10,8!M,888\afl17eO,lll5'.: CNANGE IN FUND BALANCE. GENERAL FUND FUND BALANCE. OC1oblr 1, \2.681,287 S3, 113.060 S2,563,199 52.'13.997 \2,869,526 52,783,089 S102.515 Approprl'lIona to (Froml Fund Bal,nc. \'51,773 (\5<9,881) S328.327 FUND BALANCE. Septtmber '0, \80.201 (Sl06.'37) S3.1I3.060 \2,563,199 S2.889.528 \2,'7'.196 S2,783.069 \2,885.110< B.3 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - SEPTEMBER 25, 2000 PAGE 2 OF 18 legal notice that appeared in the paper indicating a tax increase does not mean that they're going to have to be paying higher taxes." Manager McLemore gave a brief presentation. VOTE: COMMISSIONER MILLER: AYE COMMISSIONER MARTINEZ: AYE COMMISSIONER BLAKE: AYE DEPUTY MAYOR GENNELL: AYE MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARINGS City Manager D. Requesting The City Commission Hold A Public Hearing Relative To The Approval Of: Resolution Number 2000-34, Establishing The Final Budget For Fiscal Year 2000-2001 . Approve The Revised Budget For Fiscal Year 1999-2000. Mayor Partyka opened the "Public Input" portion of this Agenda Item. No one spoke. The "Public Input" portion of this Agenda Item was closed. "I'LL MAKE A MOTION THAT WE APPROVE THE RESOLUTION 2000-34, THE FINAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2000-2001." MOTION BY DEPUTY MAYOR GENNELL. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER MILLER. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER MARTINEZ: AYE COMMISSIONER MILLER: AYE COMMISSIONER BLAKE: AYE DEPUTY MAYOR GENNELL: AYE MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Partyka said, ''Now, I'm looking for a Motion to approve the revised budget." "SO MOVED." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER MARTINEZ. SECONDED. DISCUSSION. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - SEPTEMBER 25, 2000 PAGE 3 OF 18 VOTE: DEPUTY MAYOR GENNELL: AYE COMMISSIONER MARTINEZ: AYE COMMISSIONER BLAKE: AYE COMMISSIONER MILLER: AYE MOTION CARRIED. II. PUBLIC INPUT Mr. Gene Lein, 1173 Winged Foot Circle, Winter Springs, Florida: spoke on the matter of Board Members serving on two (2) City boards; and the regulations regarding sign violations. Commissioner Martinez said, "I'd like to state for the record that I have been one that has been pursuing this sign business for a long time and it is not only a Homeowner Associations' signs out there, there are also political signs on the right-of-way all over the City in Winter Springs and I have complained many times about them, including right down - the next door from here - City Hall including right smack out on the edge of the curb - by the curb. And I think that the law should apply equally to everyone and if signs are going to be removed, they are to be removed for all, and not just for one." Mr. Greg Roero, 602 Silvercreek Drive, Winter Springs, Florida: asked about the trees on Hayes road, and inquired if there would be more. Manager McLemore spoke of what had been done. Commissioner Martinez stated, "Some of the folks are concerned about, not only the trees there, but the extension of the sidewalk - they say the sidewalk was to reach a certain point and then it stopped, and they are trying to find out if you're going to extend the sidewalk beyond the point that which has ended presently?" Manager McLemore replied, "Not in this year's budget. It's something we can look at next year. " Mr. Paul Leckinger, 1304 Winter Springs Boulevard, Winter Springs, Florida: asked why he was not receiving Commission Meeting Agenda packets, now that he has qualified for the upcoming election. Discussion. Deputy Mayor GennelI stated, "If someone will look back in the minutes, that it was determined to be policy that we're not going to furnish anything more than the public got, and that is all available out in the lobby." Deputy Mayor Gennell then stated, now if somebody - we can defer this until the next meeting and they can look up in the minutes. " gr n VJ 3i :l '" :l ("l ~ c: Q. ()<:l <1> c:. ~ o o S2 ("l ~. 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