HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007 07 11 Handout Given By Steven Richart July 11, 2007 HANDOUT GIVEN TO THE BEAUTIFICATION OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD MEMBERS BY STEVEN RICHART AT THE REGULAR MEETING ON JUL Y 11 TH, 2007. Wicklow Homeowner's Association, Inc. P.O. Box 195665 Winter Springs, FL 32719-5665 A Not-for-Profit Group 2007 Neighborhood Improvement Program Proposal Proiect Location & Existing Condition fDhotos included): Over the past several years members of the association have expressed their concerns both in writing and at HOA meetings regarding the continued lack of maintenance in the common area located on the right side of Nancy Circle between lots # 1 and # 201. The existing conditions include overgrown palmetto plants, small dead trees. dead and broken tree limbs, heavy moss blankets in trees, and significant eroding of embankments due to heavy rains. This common area has also become an attractive host for frequently unauthorized misuse of extended off-street vehicle parking. The appearance of this common area greatly diminishes the desirability of our neighborhood and is inconsistent with the overall presence of the Wicklow and Tuskawilla community. Proiect DescrilJtion and Benefits to. the Wick/ow Community: Enhancing the common property will improve the appearance. desirability and value of our Wicklow neighborhood, while maintaining the overall ambience and consistency of the Urban Beautification Program in Tuskawilla Country Club Community. Our design reflects our desire to augment overall common area landscape amenities. as well as ease deterioration of the embankments, promote water conservation and eliminate the vehicle off-street parking. Our implementation of Xeriscape™ landscaping emphasizes the need for water conservation by promoting community awareness and commitment through volunteer participation. Our Xeriscape™ principles will include but are not limited to: . At least 50% of the installed plant material must be Florida #1 Grade plant material native to Central Florida area Zone 9. and not listed on the Exotic Pest or Invasive Plant lists. . Save water while creating a lush colorful landscape using low water vegetative ground cover rather than turf . Use mulch chips to reduce evaporation . Install properly designed irrigation systems that apply "the right amount of water at the right time" . Properly maintain the landscape by mowing, hand weeding. pruning with minimal use of fertilization/pesticides Wicklow HOA Nancy Circle Common Area #1 Wicklow HOA Nancy Circle Common Area #2 Wicklow HOA Nancy Circle Common Area #3 Wicklow HOA Nancy Circle Common Area #4 Planting Area #1 Dwarf Mrs. Shulter's Border of Common Area & Nancy Circle (2) Alternating Rows, 3' on Center Planting Area #2 Dwarf Firebush Center of Common Area (3) Alternating Rows, 3-4' on Center Planting Areas #3 Yellow Bulbine Clusters Orange Bulbine Cluster Common Area Embankments Triangular Plantings Plantina Area #4 Red Bud Tree Planting Area #5 Triangle Cluster of (3) Chickasaw Trees Planting Area #6 Variegated Asiatic Jasmine as ground cover Area #7 Block retaining wall used to ease erosion of soil Build to naturally blend into the landscape design irrigation rotors Dwarf Mrs. Shulter's for Planting Area #1 Dwarf Mrs. Shulters for Planting Area #1 Dwarf Firebush for Planting Area #2 Yellow & Orange Bulbine for Planting Areas #3 RED BUD TREE PLANTING AREA #4 CHICASAW TREE FOR PLANTING AREA #5 Variegated Asiatic Jasmine Planting Areas #6 Photo of block wall on Dyson Dr proposed Area #7 Kev ParticiDants: Wicklow Homeowners Board of Directors President Richard Jackfert 906 Kim Court (407) 366-4935 (407) 365-5655 Secretary Rod James 907 Kim Court Treasurer Saurabh Patel 905 Kim Court Wick/ow HOA Board of Directors "Good Faith Statement" This written statement serves as Wicklow HOA's commitment to agree and comply with all of the following: . "Match" grants funds "dollar for dollar" with either volunteer labor or financial participation up to 50% of the total project cost not to exceed the $10,000 2007 Neighborhood Improvement Grant Funding. . Utilize 'volunteer labor' also know as 'sweat equity' is encouraged and preferred by Wicklow HOA and will be valued at $18.00 per man-hour for calculation purposes. . Expressed willingness and commitment to maintain the project for a minimum of (1) year after the completion date. . Conform to all City requirements, building codes, regulations and ordinances. . Submit timely and Progress Reports including documented volunteer hours, project status, inspections status, as well as a Final Project report. WICKLOW HOA 2007 NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM WICKLOW HOA 2007 NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM WICKLOW HOA 2007 NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM WICKLOW HOA 2007 NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM WICKLOW HOA 2007 NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM WICKLOW HOA 2007 NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM WICKLOW HOA 2007 Neighborhood Improvment Project Proposed Budget Desciption Size Q!y I Unit Price Total Planting Materials Dwarf Mrs. Shulter 39 120 $7.50 $900.00 2 Rows offset, 3' on Center Dwarf Firebush 3g 60 $9.50 $570.00 2 Rows offset, 3' on Center Pink Muhly 3g 3 $18.00 $54.00 Bulbine Yellow 19 15, $7.50 $112.50 3' on Center Bulbine Orange 19 15 $7.50 $112.50 3' on Center Asiaic Jasmine - Variegated 4" 180 $1.25 $225.00 1 per sq. ft Red Bud Tree 309 1 $120.00 $120.00 Chickasaw Tree 7g 3 $35.00 $105.00 3' on Center Top Soil yds 15 $20.00 $300.00 Yards of Pine Bark Mulch - New yds 45 $25.00 $1,125.00 Yards of Pine Bark Mulch - Refresh yds 20 $25.00 $500.00 Sod Cutter Rental 1 $75.00 $75.00 Landscape Block Retaining Wall Landscape Block 225 $2.99 $672.75 I Finishing Block 65 $2.79 $181.35 Irrig~!i()_1l t.1eter & System Cityof Winter Springs Water Meter 1 $230.00 $230.00 1 x 3/4 RED FEM ADAPT sac 1 $0.52 $0.52 1" 800 PRESSURE VACUUM BRE 1 $61.86 $61.86 ; 1 MALE ADAPTER MIPT X sac 2 $4.19 $8.39 1 90 DEGREE ELL sac 1 $2.13 $2.13 1" SCH 80 PVS PLAIN END 10 $0.62 $6.17 SINGLE STATION BATTERY CON 1 $74.25 $74.25 1" GLOBE VALVE S X S 1 $11.93 $11.93 4ADJPOPUPROTORPGPWm 7 $8.50 $59.50 1 x 3/4 RED TEE sac PVC F! 5 $0591 $297 1 TEE sac PVC FITTING 1 $0.52 $0.52 1 x 3/4 RED 90 DEGREE ELL 2' $0.69 $1.39 SDR-21 1" PVC 200# PIPE BE 180 $0.15 $26.82 3/4 MALE ADPATER MIPT X SO 7 $0.20 $1.37 HEAVY DUTY 9V BATTERY RAYO 1 $2.18 $2.18 Volunteer Labor 281. $18.00 $5,058.00 Total Project Cost $10,601.10 City of Winter Springs Urban Beautification Services Division Grant Project 2007 Neighborhood Improvement Program The City of Winter Springs reserves the right to change or cancel the grant program at any time. Application for the Neighborhood Improvement Program does not guarantee a grant will be awarded for your project. All grant proceeds must be used for tree and landscaping improvements on public property or rights-of-way areas within the City of Winter Springs, Florida. Selection of grant award recipients will be done by the Beautification of Winter Springs Advisory Board and must be approved by the City Commission before the project can be funded. 3. Available Grants (FY 2007) Applicants can apply for grant funding starting at $ 500.00 with maximum grant funding of up to $ 10,000.00 for the 2007 Neighborhood Improvement Grant Program. $ 10,000.00 Total Funds Available , Grant values must be matched dollar for dollar either by volunteer labor or by financial participation. Total project vallie shall be (x2) of the value shown above. Definitions Material used In YOlH' project must meet the following criteria: 1. Plant material must be at least 50% native to the Central Florida area; planting Zone 9, grown wlthli1 100 miles of the Install site. 2. All plant matenal must not be listed on the ExotiC Pest Plant Council - Exotic Invasive Plant list 3. All items must be Flonda # 1 grade plant matenal at the tllne of installation. Ornamental landscape plants - Shrub or plant material Installed for aesthetic purposes in modern landscape setting. Examples are: Viburnum suspensum, Indian hawthorn, Azalea, etc.. Native - A plant which was OcculTing within the state's boundal'ies pnor to European contact. Examples are Live oak, Cypress, Firebush, and Coontie, ete. Canopy Tree - Trees that grow lilrge enough to provide shilde for landscaped ilreas including roadways, Examples ale: Winged elm, Sand live oak, Southern magnolia, live oak, Deciduous- Trees that lose their foliage due to seilsonal changes throughout the year. Examples are: Winged elm, Alee elm, Red maple, Laurel oak. Evergreen - Tl'ees that keep then follillj(c' yeilr round no miltter whilt seilsonill changes occur, Examples are: Live oak, Ligustrufll tree, Southern magnolia, Southern Red cedar. Flowering Tree - Trees that flower ilt different months throughout the year. Examples are: Chickasaw plum, Crape myrtle, Golden trumpet. rJlf' Clem! Aq Vel. j 112/(1/ 3 of 17 5. Timetable Outline l'lovide detuilcd illfollllUliol1 011 tile expectcd tilllelul II,. 11)1 lilt: plojec I into phmcs, und provide CJ sctlccJulc lor cud1 pllClSe Description of Work 1111' Crunt :\'J 5 of II I\lcuk tile Estimated start and End Dates 7. Key Participants 10. Grant Project Status Report 407-327-5976 Voice 407-327-6695 Fax sric hartCi!wintersprinqsfl.QIg Email Attn: Steven T. Richart, U.B.S.D.M. 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Fl 32708 Month: Project Name: Project Number: Contact Person: Telephone: (Day) (Evening) Proiect Elements Work Accomplished % Completed Problems encountered: f Ilf) ("II HI! " ') of f! GRANT AGREEMENT NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS THIS GRANT AGREEMENT is mode Hle lost dote signed below, by and between the City of Winter Springs, 0 Florida municipal corporation, and the__ Neighborhood Improvement Association, which is mode up of the following individuols: No rn e: ______________________ Address: Nome: Address: . Nom e: ..___~__________ Address: ~Jome: Address: i'Jome: Address: _________ __ ______ Nom e: ___________. ________... ____ Add res s :______________________ __ Nome: _ _________u_____________________ . Address: N CJ me: ___________________. .__ ___ Address: ____________________ Name: u_..______._____________ Address: Name: Address: _____ .______ Name: ___________ Address: Name: Address: ___________ Name:______ Address: __~_______ Nom e: ____________ Address: each of whom me residents of the City of Winter Springs (collectively, the "Grantee"), RECITALS: WHEREAS, tne (-:;rontor flOS irTlplemented 0 ~~eighborhood Improvement ProC;-jram ("i'JIP"), the primory purposes of which is to improve the oesthetics ond economic order of the community, thereby promoting the public interest, by rnoking rnotching gronts to interested groups who desire to enhance the landscaping located upon public property winlin the cornrnunity in which C;remtees reside: and WHEREAS, grcmts provided by the Grontor sholl be on a dollor for dollor niatching bosis, motdling the investment mode by the Grontee and in accordance with the NIP: ond WHEREAS, c.-:;remtee hm subniitted em appllcotion under the NIP which the Grcmtor believes meets the criterio ond purposes os outlined by the NIP, 1111' '[))/ I I of 17 (f) Reimbursement shall be denied for any instance in whicri the terms of this Agreement have been violated. 4 Warranty of Grantee; Maintenance. Grantee covenants and warrants that 011 improvements approved for matchineJ funds under Hiis Gront Agreement sholl be mointoined ond preserved for 0 minimurn of one (I) year. Such mointenance sholl include, but is not limited to, trimming, wotering, and fertilization. Failure to maintoin these irrlprovenlents sholl constitute 0 default under the terms of this Gront Agreement, ond nioy eliminate the individuol Grontee's from participating in future grant progroms 5. Grantee is an Independent Contractor. It is specificolly understood ond ogreed to by ond between the parties hereto thot in utilizing the funds hereunder, thot this gront oward, ond relotionship between Hie Grontor ond the Grontee is one in which the Grontee is on independent confroctor of the Grontor ond not on ogent, employee. joint venturer. ()r other partner of the Grontor. l'lothing contoined herein sholl be construed to be inconsistent with this relotionship or stotus. ~Jothir1CJ in tllis Gront Agreement sholl be interpreted or construed to constitute the Grontee, or ony of its ogents, volunteers or participonts to be Hie ogent, employee. partner, or representotive of the City of Winter SprincJs, Florido. 6. Applicable Law/Notice. (0) This gront oward ond the ottochrnents hereto sl1(111 be governed by the low of the Stote of Florido. rlue sholl ()nly y (J In Seniinole County, Florido for stote court octions ond Orlondo. Floriclo for fecJerol octions. (b) All notices. demonds, requests. instructions. opprovols. ond cloirns sholl be in writing. All notice of ony type hereunder sholl be given by U.S. rYloil or by hond delivery to on individuol ouHlorized to receive moil for the below listed individuols, 011 to the following individuols ot Hie followirlg locotions: 1m' (cr, mti\Cj :1 13 of I! 11. Headinqs. The heodings used in this Agreement me for reference only ond sholl not be relied upon nor used in the interpretations of this Agreement [left blank intentionally, signatures on next page.]