HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008 09 10 Regular 601 Amending By-Laws to Change Frequency of Meeting to QuarterlyBEAUTIFICATION OF WINTER SPRINGS ADVISORY BOARD AGENDA ITEM 601 September 10, 2008 Meeting REQUEST: CONSENT INFORMATIONAL PUBLIC HEARING REGULAR X The Community Development Department, Urban Beautification Services Division, requests the Beautification of Winter Springs Advisory Board (BOWS Boarcn consider amending their by-laws to change the frequency of Advisory Board Meetings to quarterly instead of monthly. PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is for the BOWS Board to consider changing their Advisory Board Meeting Schedule from monthly to quarterly, in light of State mandated budget cuts and the need to reduce expenditures related to the City's General Fund Budget. This action will require a majority vote of the Advisory Board in favor of amending the By-Laws. CONSIDERATION: By-Laws for the BOWS Board were originally adopted on March 8, 1995 and later amended on January 8, 2003. The governing By-Laws established purpose, membership parameters, terms and duties of officers and parliamentary authority for the BOWS Board and Officers. Regular BOWS Advisory Board Meetings have traditionally been held at Winter Springs City Hall once each month and require a representative to be present from the City Clerk's Office, at a cost of $ 3,300 per year, and from the Community Development Department, at a cost of $ 1,700 per year. Compensation is also provided in the amount of $25 per meeting to each of the seven (7) BOWS Board members at a cost of $ 2,100 per year. The yearly cost of twelve (12) BOWS Advisory Board Meetings totals $ 7,100 and is funded from various line codes within the City's General Fund. A reduction in regular BOWS Advisory Board Meetings from twelve (12) meetings per year to four (4) meetings per year, held in January, April, July, and October, will result in a savings of more than $ 4,700 per year. Staff feels confident the Advisory Board can be equally productive with the reduced meeting schedule of four (4) meetings per year. No additional meeting parameters are recommended to be changed at this time unless requested by the Advisory Board. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the BOWS Board consider amending their By-Laws to specify holding regular BOWS Advisory Board Meetings four (4) times per year in January, April, July, and October on the 2°d Wednesday of the specified month at 7pm. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Beautification of Winter Springs Advisory Board By-Laws BOARD ACTION: BEAUTIFICATION OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA BY-LAWS ADOPTED MARCH 8,1995 AMENDED JANUARY S, 2003 ARTICLE I NAME The name of this Board is the Beautification of Winter Springs Board, hereinafter refereed to as BOWS. ARTICLE II PURPOSE (a) It is the purpose of the BOWS to periodically review the Master Plan for the over-all beautification of the City with regazd to those areas owned by the City, and recommendations to private owners. (b) BOWS shall work with other civic groups and governmental agencies within the environmental limits of the City, such as the following: (1) Approaches to the City. (2) Surrounding County areas, which affect the impressions of the visitors and citizens of the area with regard to the City. (c) BOWS shall submit to the City Commission such recommendations as seen warranted, but individuals shall not make recommendations on their own to the City Commission. BOWS shall not concern itself with the day to day affairs of normal City functions, but shall, upon request of the City Commission, make specific recommendations. ARTICLE III MEMBERSHIP (a) BOWS shall consist of seven (7) Members, five (5) Members to be appointed by the City Commission and two (2) Members to be appointed by the Mayor for a three (3) year term ending in July. (b) Members must be residents of the City of Winter Springs. (c) Vacancies on the BOWS Boazd will be filled under the provisions of Ordinances 459, 2001-49, and 2002-28. (d) Members of the BOWS shall be compensated in accordance with Section N, Item (b) of Ordinance 459. ~.narrperson, requtnng at least l4 hoots notice. (c) A quontm shall consist of a majority of the Members, four (4) out of seven (7). (d) A majority of those present shall carry a Motion, but in no case shall less than three (3) like votes prevail. ARTICLE VI TERMS AN D DUTIES OF OFFICERS (a) Chairperson (1) Shall preside at all Meetings. (2) Shall ascertain that the duties of all Officers are carried out as prescribed by the By-Laws. (3) Shall counsel and assist all Officers and Committees in their pursuits. (4) Shall maintain direct liaison between the BOWS, and the City Commission, City Manager, and his Staff. (5) Shall appoint Committees and define their scopes; shall oversee and coordinate the duties, functions and responsibilities of all Committees. (6) Present recommendations of the BOWS to the City Commission. (b) Vice Chairperson (1) Shall aid the Chairperson. (2) Shall perform as Chairperson Pro-Tem in the Chairperson's absence or inability to perform. Shall oversee and coordinate the duties, functions, and responsibilities of all Committees at the Chairperson's request. (c) Secretary (1) The Secretary shall be responsible for recording the Minutes of any Meetings in the absence of a Secretary provided by the City. (2) Shall have charge of all official records. (3) Shall prepare such special correspondence and reports as requested by the Chairperson. (d) Officers shall serve a one (1) year term beginning with their Election at the January Meeting. ARTICLE VII PARLIMENTARY AUTHORITY Roberts Rules of Order Revised, shall govern in all cases in which they are not in conflict with these By-Laws. ARTICLE VIII AMENDMENTS (a) By-Laws may be amended by a majority of the Members, four (4) out of seven (7) of the BOWS. (b) Notice of the proposed amendment shall be given in writing to all Members fourteen (14) days prior to the Meeting date. (c) BOWS By-Laws will be in compliance with current City Ordinances.