HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004 05 12 Consent CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES BEAUTIFICATION OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD REGULAR MEETING APRIL 14, 2004 . I .~ p- H ~ I W ~ .. ~ ~ L......J ~ I. CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Dawna Ferguson called the Regular Meeting of the Beautification of Winter Springs Board to order at 7:00 p.m., Wednesday, April 14, 2004 in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Chairperson Dawna Ferguson, present Vice Chairman Richard Grogan, absent Board Member Kathleen Andrews, absent Board Member Alice Bard, present Board Member Ethel Beecher, present Board Member Carol Morrison, arrived at 7:06 p.m. Board Member Lorry Roero, present The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairperson Ferguson. II. CONSENT AGENDA CONSENT A. Approval Of The March 10,2004 Regular Meeting Minutes. "MOTION TO APPROVE." MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER BEECHER. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER BARD. DISCUSSION. VOTE: CHAIRPERSON FERGUSON : AYE BOARD MEMBER BARD: AYE BOARD MEMBER BEECHER: AYE BOARD MEMBER ROERO: AYE MOTION CARRIED. Discussion ensued regarding the Village Walk project. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES BEAUTIFICATION OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD REGULAR MEETING - APRIL 14, 2004 PAGE 2 OF 7 Mr. Ned Voska, 1466 Whitehall Boulevard, Winter Springs, Florida 32708: commented that the businesses are not being notified regarding the status of the "State Road 434 Beautification _ Village Walk project". Mr. Steve Richart, Urban Beautification Coordinator, Public Works Department stated, "If you would like to come by City Hall tomorrow, if you an opportunity, I will be glad to meet with you and we can - go over all that. I can show you the plans and - answer any questions for you on that." .:..:. AGENDA NOTE: DUE TO TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES, PORTIONS OF THE REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS "A" AND "B" ARE NOT NECESSARILY DOCUMENTED AS THEY WERE DISCUSSED DURING THE MEETING. .:..:. III. REGULAR AGENDA REGULAR A. Discussion With Mr. Michael Mingea, City Arborist, Community Development Department Regarding The Final Plans For Arbor Day. Board Member Carol Morrison arrived at 7:06 p.m. Mr. Michael Mingea, ArboristlEnvironmental Inspector, Community Development Department, provided information regarding Arbor Day activities and the City's Arbor Day events scheduled for May 1,2004 at the Town Center. Discussion. With discussion, Mr. Mingea presented an Orlando Sentinel newspaper article regarding size increments of trees and respective fines. Mr. Mingea stated, "If you need any information of Public Record, I am sure that Ms. Franklin [Deputy City Clerk, Debbie Franklin] - would have something available for you or somebody in the City Clerk's office. I can give you what little bit that I know about it, or if you need any additional information, we will try to provide that." In regards to Arbor Day [May 1, 2004] advertising, Mr. Mingea stated, "We [City of Winter Springs] have - hit the front page [Tuscawilla Today]. Mr. Richart has been kind enough to help - orchestrate all of this and provide information to - give them a little outgoing information to the public." Discussion. Discussion ensued regarding the types of trees for giveaway on Arbor Day. Tape l/Side A (With Technical Difficulties) Mr. Mingea indicated that he spoke to Ms. Andrews [Board Member Kathleen Andrews] regarding assistance for Arbor Day and she left him her phone number for anybody to contact. Mr. Mingea stated, "If we do have some of the members here that wish to attend we have plenty - to do." Discussion. t-J ;,----: I ~ I ~ ~ --- ~ :--.: L~.J ~ CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES BEAUTIFICATION OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD REGULAR MEETING - APRIL 14, 2004 PAGE 3 OF 7 Tape l/Side B (With Technical Difficulties) REGULAR B. Discuss The Tree Information Guide Brochure. Mr. Richart presented an "Arbor Tree Guide". Mr. Richart asked the Board Members to critique the Guide and give him feedback. With discussion on the Arbor Brochure, Chairperson Ferguson stated, "I think Steven [Richart] did a really good job on it." Mr. Richart replied, "Thank you." Board Member Ethel Beecher requested that Mr. Richart add a "tree name" to a non-referenced picture in the Arbor Brochure. Mr. Richart indicated, "I could do that. Actually, the resolution on that tree is not the greatest. I may try to change it out." Board Member Beecher also commented that it would be helpful to identify the picture of the Brazilian Pepper. Mr. Richart responded, "Okay." Chairperson Ferguson restated, "I think you did an outstanding job." Mr. Richart stated, "Thank you." Chairperson Ferguson asked, "So, [are] you going to bring back to us at the next Meeting, maybe?" Mr. Richart stated, "How about I bring you one when it is printed. I will bring everybody some. In fact, maybe we will bring a hundred (100) in [and] you - can hand them out." Chairperson Ferguson stated, "Good." Chairperson Ferguson requested that the Board Members station at the Arbor Day site be in the shade. Mr. Richart replied, "We will do the best we can." With comments, Mr. Richart requested that the Board Members be at the site no later than 9:00 a.m. and also indicated that there will be "Dignitary Parking" at Publix. Discussion ensued regarding assistance and setup at the Arbor Day site. Board Member Alice Bard stated, "I do not know if I am going to be able to come or not. I am going to be doing this 'Relay for Life' - over at the high school." Discussion ensued regarding more detailed text to the brochure explaining "tree permit" requirements. Mr. Richart asked, "How can we reword that to - number two (2) and three (3)? How could we redo that to make it easier to understand?" Board Member Beecher suggested, "On number two (2), 'regardless if - living or dead, an Arbor Permit is required for removal if over four (4) inches'." Mr. Richart stated, "Okay, we will - tack that on." Mr. Richart indicated he will wordsmith the "Guide" to reflect more information on "tree permits". REGULAR C. Discuss And Finalize The Purpose Statement. Board Members Beecher, Roero, and Ferguson, in this respective order, read aloud their proposed 'Purpose Statement'. Board Member Beecher stated, "I think we will give it to him [Mr. Richart] and then let him wordsmith them." ~ ~ ~ ;l.~ . ...I · ...JI ::..u -- :. -:1 L--' L .I . CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES BEAUTIFICATION OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD REGULAR MEETING - APRIL 14, 2004 PAGE40F7 REGULAR D. Discuss The Next Phase Of The Master Plan. Discussion ensued regarding a draft of "Florida Friendly Landscape Model Ordinance". Mr. Richart requested that the Board Members, "Read through - and see what you think about it. Maybe you can tell me [ at] the next Meeting." Tape 2/Side A Furthermore, Board Member Beecher suggested that informative gardening issues could be placed in the [City] newsletter. Mr. Richart also suggested that the informative issues be placed on the website. REGULAR E. Update On The Town Center. Mr. Richart discussed updates and preliminary pictures of new development of the Town Center. Chairperson Ferguson stated, "You did an outstanding job on the pictures." Mr. Richart replied, "Thank you." Discussion ensued regarding Village Walk and the State Road 434 project. Mr. Richart indicated that pictures on the project are in the [City Hall] lobby and he will bring a full set of the plans to the next Meeting. REGULAR F. Update On The Scroll Work For The City Limit Sign Poles. Mr. Richart indicated that this project was turned over to Eloise Sahlstrom, AICP, ASLA, Senior Planner, Community Development Department. Mr. Richart also indicated that, "She is going to let me know when - he can release it." REGULAR G. Update On The City Of Winter Springs Video Tape Including Town Center Footage. Mr. Richart explained that the "Video" was put on hold until the Town Center is further along. Mr. Richart indicated, "I will keep you updated." II: = .~ ?:i · ...J ~ .. -- ~ L-.J l. .J . CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES BEAUTIFICATION OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD REGULAR MEETING - APRIL 14, 2004 PAGE 5 OF 7 REGULAR H. Update On The Revised Plans For The Butterfly Garden. K I .~ ?...J I ~ ~ w ~ ~--J Mr. Richart presented the Butterfly Garden Plan. With discussion, Mr. Richart requested that the Board Members, "Review this - until our next Meeting. Let me know if you agree with all of this. Let me know if there's any changes you want before we go to final on this." On other business related matters, Board Member Beecher indicated that one of the City Commissioners wanted to know if plants and trees could be planted at George Street. Mr. Richart indicated, "We are going to give an "Informational Item" to the [City] Commission _ what we are doing, the sixteen (16) trees we are putting in." IV. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS · Feedback on Arbor Day, with Mike Mingea. · Review of the Florida Friendly Model Ordinance. · Review of the Village Walk. · Final Review of the Master Purpose Statement. · Look at Moss Road and come back with ideas. · Review and finalization of the Butterfly Garden Plans. V. REPORTS Chairperson Ferguson requested from the City Clerk's Office a Beautification of Winter Springs Board roster for the next Meeting. Chairperson Ferguson discussed the Sunshine Law Seminar and stated, "It was very informative. It was very good. It really was. Does it matter that we are an Advisory Board? Once we leave this room we are not to discuss business. You can talk to Staff all you want, but amongst ourselves, we are not allowed to discuss any City [of Winter Springs] business." VI. ADJOURNMENT "I MAKE A MOTION THAT WE ADJOURN TONIGHT'S MEETING." MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER BARD. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER BEECHER. DISCUSSION. WITH CONSENSUS OF THE BOARD THE MOTION WAS APPROVED. MOTION CARRIED. -. Chairperson Ferguson adjourned the Meeting at 8:30 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED BY: DEBBIE FRANKLIN DEPUTY CITY CLERK NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES BEAUTIFICATION OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD REGULAR MEETING - APRIL 14,2004 PAGE60F7 . 2004 Beautification of Winter Springs Board Meeting. ~ ~ · ....J . ~ ~ WL _ ~ L-!.J L ~ Date: May 12, 2004 The following Documents were provided to the Beautification of Winter Springs Board on May 12, 2004 by Staff. City of Winter Springs Beautification of Winter S Overview Meeting Report - May 12, 2004 B. ReDorts and Information 1. Arbor Day (at the Town Center) - Over 900 trees were given away at the event with an attendance of approximately 700 people. Many Town Center businesses supported Arbor Day by giving away gift items to the citizens. Special appearances by: Mayor Bush, Laurie Lockcuff, Joe Gallelli, Jimmy King and The Tune Kings, XL 106.7, and Mike Mingea (City Arborist). 2. SR 434 Village Walk (County Project CC-1221-03/AJR) - Construction to begin on July 6, 2004. Mr. Robert Whitfield Heffington, of AB/WCG Joint Venture, can answer any technical or logistical questions. His office number is: 407-936-0006. D. proiects 1. George Street - Trees have been installed and are being watered as much as possible by the Public Works crew. Many of the trees were donated by local nurseries to assist in Arbor efforts in the City. 2. Dawna Ferguson and Steven Richart visited the Moss Road site to look at landscape replacement on the medians. A replacement plant count was taken. NOTES: t 1 Landscape Master Plan City of Winter Springs 2004 Beautification of Winter Sprinf1.! f 2 Purpose Statement The purpose of this master landscape plan is to institute a pro-active approach to the preservation and protection of natural environmental resources within The City of Winter Springs. This plan will raise awareness of the need for conservation in local landscapes as well as to set higher standards for future construction and restoration landscaping projects. In turn, this will promote a sense of community pride, fellowship, and good will among residents for many decades to come. With this in mind, the primary focus must be directed toward compatibility. In short, this means selecting water wise landscape material that will be sustainable in the local ecology. In most cases this will be material that is native to Central Florida and plants that are climatically compatible and suitable to grow in the area. Major benefits of water wise landscaping include: 1. Reductions in harmful fertilizer and pesticide usage (45% to 85% less). 2. Reduced watering requirements (up to 65% less) 3. Replacement cost savings. 4. Reduced maintenance costs. 5. Long term aesthetic value to the community. Realistically, a balance must be maintained by creating landscapes that are beautiful, and at the same time, environmentally responsible. This is achieved by providing 'focal points' throughout the landscape design. Focal points allow for a colorful distraction of perennial and/or annual plantings in select areas of the landscape and usually require more resources to maintain. By limiting these plantings to specific areas, resources are conserved while achieving an interesting variety of plant material in the urban landscape setting. As a long term result, instituting a landscape master plan will enhance the overall quality of life and continue to make Winter Springs one of the best places to live in America. Steven Richart rag\:: 1 Vi "t From: Jennifer Nelis Onelis@fnga.org] Sent: Monday, May 10, 2004 9:54 AM To: mailing@FNGA.org Subject: From FNGA Home FNATS TPIE Seminars May 10, 2004 Ben's Babbles - SUDDEN OAK DEA TH. It's been a harrowing few weeks as FNGA has navigated our members and the industry through the storm clouds ever since Phytophthora ramorum (which causes sudden oak death syndrome) was discovered on plants shipped into Florida from two California nurseries. The moment the news broke, FNGA's position became clear and has never wavered: FNGA supports the Florida Department of Agriculture's (FDACS) decision to ban California plants from entering Florida, while we are anxious for adjustments to be made as soon as possible based on assessments of risk and science. Florida Commissioner of Agriculture Charles Bronson's actions were taken to protect Florida's nurseries as the all-important spring selling season was already in full swing. The forestry industry has a huge stake in this issue and Florida's natural lands are at risk. As a direct reflection of Commissioner Bronson's firm leadership and actions (we're fortunate he is at FDACS' helm), several states are following FL's lead. Infested plants originating from California have been found in 11 states so far. To date, more than 700,000 plants across the nation have been destroyed -- another 875,000 are on hold. As this emergency unfolded, FNGA was literally in daily contact with FDACS and its Division of Plant Industry. Richard Gaskalla and his DPI staff have done a yeoman's job. FNGA handled an onslaught of press and media inquiries - not to mention all of the calls from our members worried about the door slamming shut on our ability to ship plants out of Florida. FNGA consulted frequently with representatives of University of Florida-IFAS, the US Department of Agriculture, the California nursery industry and its association, and the American Nursery & Landscape Association (ANLA). The sudden oak death saga is not yet over. While USDA-APHIS issued its emergency orders, FDACS and several other state agriculture departments have filed special needs exceptions with the US Secretary of Agriculture requesting additional protocols. Please continue referring to FNGA's website ("'f\IVVII.f119Ci,9[9) for the latest developments and 5/1 0/2004 FNGA's Annual Convention at Amelia Island Plantation is just around the comer! Be sure to register with FNGA & book your room this week! Look for your FNGA Membership Renewal Notice to be coming soon. Please be sure to remit payment promptly to ensure you continue to receive FNGA alerts and information! Page '2 ot 4 updates. As a member service, FNGA will continue to email and fax alerts to you. IS USDA WEAKENING QUARANTINE-37? Five days ago, APHIS changed the rule governing the importation of plants into our country. The agency added orchids of the genus Phae/aenopsis from Taiwan to the list of plants that may be imported into the US in an approved growing medium. This was done over the objections of FNGA, FDACS, ANLA, the Society of American Florists and others. Of course, imports of Taiwanese orchids are subject to specific growing, inspection and certification requirements. However, when one sees this regulatory move on the heels of the recent similar change handing the green light to the People's Republic of China to ship certain dwarfed plants into the US, it begs the question: Is USDA weakening Quarantine-37? Here's the scenario: Discovery of sudden oak disease results in the destruction or do-not-sell orders of 1.5 million plants. The discovery of the ra/stonia bacteria results in the destruction of 2.1 million geranium cuttings. The discovery in Michigan of emerald ash borer results in the possible destruction of tens of thousands of ash trees. Discovery of citrus canker in Florida results in one half of one billion dollars spent on eradication efforts. The risk of introducing foreign pests and diseases is rising at the very time APHIS and FDACS resources to inspect, control and eradicate pests are falling. It reads like a scary Steven King novel only this is disturbingly real. It's not fiction. FNGA's position is very clear: The scientific foundation of Q-37 must never be compromised. Q-37 is our first line of defense against the introduction of new foreign pests and diseases. While the sky is not falling, clouds are building. FNGA is so deeply concerned over USDA's recent actions impacting Q-37 that we've gone to Washington, DC this week with the Florida Farm Bureau. FNGA is meeting face-to-face with the chief of staff to the US Secretary of Agriculture and the brand new APHIS administrator. LEGISLA TURE HAS GONE HOME. While the Tallahassee newspaper painted this year's two-month legislative session as dull and boring, that's not how FNGA reads it! Yes, the legislators didn't do all they intended -- that's often a good thing. But, FL's nursery & landscape industry and the other ag segments fared remarkably well. First, FNGA led an initiative to pass language requiring the water management districts to work with FNGA and others (including IFAS, FDACS and the Department of Environmental Protection) to develop landscape irrigation standards that can be applied statewide. Second, the Legislature stopped the bleeding and erosion of IFAS' budget. Legislators finally got our message: IFAS is the research & development arm of FL's nursery & landscape industry. Necessary dollars were provided for many IFAS-nursery industry projects, including $100,000 for the TREC greenhouse in Homestead. Third, there was passage of an ag economic development bill requiring local governments to compensate landowners when certain zoning or other land use classifications result in loss of your land's value. Fourth, a farm and migrant worker bill (promoted jointly by agriculture and farm 5/1 012004 page:; 01 4 worker advocates) was passed to crack down on illegal farm labor contracting activities. Fifth, a bill tweaking the constitutional amendment process passed, although it did not go as far as advocates wanted. To those of you who responded to FNGA's targeted grassroots calls to action, thank you. You did your part in helping FNGA move our industry's legislative agenda forward. While we're still poring over what the Legislature did -- and was left on the cutting room floor, please be advised Governor Bush still has the power to use the veto pen. So, the final notes in Tallahassee have yet to be played. The fat lady isn't singing just yet. AG LABOR REFORM IN CONGRESS. Following US Senator Bob Graham's lead, US Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL) signed on last week as a cosponsor to the AgJobs bill (S.1645) providing needed ag labor reforms. Last week turned into a milestone as the number of cosponsors reached a filibuster-proof 61 Senators. On May 7th, the Wall Street Journal printed a fabulous editorial endorsing the AgJobs bill. FNGA is proudly working with ANLA as it continues to push this critically needed piece of federal legislation to the Senate floor. We will be calling for your grassroots to spark action! WA TER SHORTAGE PLAN. The Southwest Florida Water Management District is developing a new plan to kick in whenever the weather pendulum swings back and throws Florida into another drought. Although still in its initial conceptual stage, the changes impose a 30% water use cut on growers in a phase III and a 45% cut in a phase IV. Obviously, such draconian measures undermine your ability to produce plants and stay in business. The conceptual plan also severely cuts back on landscape irrigation. FNGA is monitoring this developing issue closely. While the industry is willing to do its fair share in a drought, the emphasis is on "fair." FNGA will be working to shape any eventual plan so it's more logical and much more manageable. We will be calling on FNGA members to help get us where the industry needs to be. Please be ready. - Closing Notes: . This issue of Babbles, which immediately follows the close of the session in Tallahassee, is always heavily weighted with FNGA's legislative and govemment relations activity. Your membership dues renewal invoice is in the mail. When you receive it, please reflect on what FNGA is doing to promote and protect Florida's nursery & landscape industry and your business' bottom-line. There is a line for you to voluntarily add some dollars to FNPAC. This enables FNGA to support the state legislators and candidates who stand up for our industry. Please be generous and add a FNPAC contribution to your dues renewal. In 2004 so far, we've only brought in $14,800. Help us strengthen FNGA's hands. . While sitting down at the supper table the other night, our eight- year old daughter, Jenna, asked, "Daddy, do you have any 5/1012004 nicknames at work?" I said, "Well, I have a few. A couple of FNGA members sometimes call me Bubba." Jenna asked, "Why that name, Daddy?" Trying to think quickly on my feet, which admittedly is hard, I responded: "Because BB are my initials." Jenna looked up at me for a moment with those sparkling eyes and said, "Well, my initials are JB. So, from now on, Daddy, you can just call me Jubba." Thanks for being a FNGA member. See you right here in a few weeks! Help your industry colleagues discover the many benefits of the FNGA! Just forward their name, company and address information to inelis@fnga.org and we'll forward them a complete membership packet! You are receiving this message because FNGA believes you will benefit from this information. You are not receiving this message because you are subscribed to an electronic list. If you have input about these types of mailings, please e-mail your comments and suggestions to FNGA's Member Services Department at info@fnga.org. FNGA - 1533 Park Center Drive, FL. 32835-5705. Phone: (407) 295-7994 Email: info@fnga.org. Website: http://www.fnga.org @ 2004 FNGA - All rights reserved. 5/1012004 rage '+ VI "t Proposed Projects - Local Option One Cent Sales Tax - Seminole County Government - F... Page I of 1 HOME DEPARTMEIOI!PARTIlM"$IIIINT RESlOItNlss BUS I NitSS-OR ~ ~ S~'1!~r-?f~ E?f!t!/!~ SEARCH ONE CENT SALES TAX PROPOSED PROJECTS Sections OvIedo Sanford S~h.o.olS~ard Winter Sprin~ AltamonleSprings Casselb~ Lake Mary Longwood Seminole County - Major. County .projec:tsJCollec:torRec:on$truc:t$ - Collec:torS9f~h'~nQC~p~J;ih'E-nb~n~erm~nt.Proje~t$ - CountySide,^,~IKProgr9m - Tr~ffic Qper~tiQn$LSafety WINTER SPRINGS Project Proposed Scope Preliminary Cost Estimate Town Center Collectors Hickory Grove; Spine Road $1.7 M Traffic Signal Installations $.9 M Moss Road Reconstruction $1.3 M SR 419/SR 434 Intersection improvements $.2M Arterial Lighting SR 434; SR 419; Tuskawilla $.959 M Road New Sidewalks $.5M SR 434 Reconstruction; Intersection $1.5 M (Includes Village Walk) improvements Residential Road $1.6 M Reconstruction & Traffic Calming Ranchlands Dirt Road $1.4 M Alternative Surface Treatment Fisher Road Improvements $.725 M Winter Springs Boulevard Reconstruction; Turn Lanes $1.8 M Bahama Road Improvements $.4 M TOTAL $12.984 M VISITOfllND .. 5/12/20 RESOl One Cent Mai MENU +1991::2001 P[Qj +Announcement: + e~!IQtResultsJ + Qapitalproiec~ + Contacts + QommonQues: +Interlocal Agree + Proposed P~ + Slideshow RELATED L1~ +Altamonte Sprir + Cas$elberry + Lake Mary + Longwood + Oviedo + Sanford + School Board + Wint~r Springs MY SEMINOL [ <:icld this page - l - No links added Home I [ lOP OF PAGE ] HeIPFlndlngln~~:~iYt~i;i~::elt~:~t~~~~s~i~:;n1~~sAe~::::o~~;:':ni$umbers I Pri Seminole County Government 1101 East First Street Sanford, FL 32771 407-665-0311 http://www .seminolecountyfl. gov /onecentlpropproL wintersprings.asp 5/12/2004 m' '0 '~1rr ~.. s; t~ ;::a C r{J~,J ~~J 4~b . .", I . 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