HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003 03 12 Attached Mailed to Board Members Prior to Meeting (3)Date: March 12, 2003
February 19, 2003
City of Winter Springs
Alan Hill, Public Works Superintendent
110 North Flamingo Avenue
Winter Springs, FL 32708
RE: Contract Closeout Letter and Survey of Conditions
Dear Mr. Hill:
We understand your desire to hire afull-time position to complete Landscape Maintenance
Coordination in-house and thus terminate our Landscape Maintenance Coordination contract,
however we do not agree that our services were not effective or "aggressive enough". We feel
that the Landscape Maintenance Coordinator should not be held responsible for the Landscape
Contractor's behavior or lack of response.
The lack of maintenance and lack of response from the contractors has been an issue from the
beginning of the contract. HHI has not only prepared highly detailed weekly reports but also
had daily communication and telephone conversation pursuing compliance to the City's
maintenance contracts. We aggressively pursued compliance on behalf of the City, which
eventually led to correspondence stating that their contracts were in jeopardy because of the
lack of performance standards. Funds were calculated and withheld monthly for each area that
was not maintained properly.
In addition to the detailed monitoring of the maintenance contracts, we supplied professional
recornmendationsfnr many issues that the City faced.
We believe that perception of expectations and interpretation of the contracts, both of which
were out of our control, contributed to the inefficiency of the landscape contractors'
performance. Some examples are the request from the City to remove plant material that was
dead from the commencement of the contract due to construction/installation problems without
compensation. Also, an invitation to attend a meeting with the construction project manager to
represent the City regarding the contractor's opinion of plant installation problems later was
represented as compliance to a formal contract commencement walk-through.
The final monthly reports are included as attachments to this document.
Karina Veaudry
Senior Associate
Winter Springs Landscape Maintenance
purvey of Conditions
February 19, 2003
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Tuskawilla Lis~hting & Beautification District Contract
A. Main Tuskawilla Entrance:
1. All Crinums in this area have been affected by cold damage. All leaves are
brown. This is an expected condition, as this plant will succumb to freeze
damage during the winter months.
2. The Dwarf Azaleas in the entrance planters are in good health currently but this
plant will succumb to sunscald during the summer months in the current
locations. There does not seem to be drainage for the planter wall and water is
trapped in the planters. This will eventually lead to the decline of the plant
3. The Crinum lilies in the entrance area are in good health currently but this plant
will succumb to sunscald during the summer months in the current locations.
4. There are sixty-three (63) dead Azaleas on the South side of the main entrance.
This is due to the fact that the Azaleas were planted in a drainage area. This is a
landscape installation /construction issue.
5. There are three (3) dead Ligustrum trees on the South side of the main entrance.
This is due to the fact that they were planted in a drainage area. This is a
landscape installation /construction issue.
6. There has been an on-going problem dating back to the landscape installation
with the Azaleas on the berm at the North side of the main entrance. The
Azaleas were in decline and one was dead. It looked as if there was a potential
disease associated with the decline of the plant material from the discoloration of
the leaves. Two Seminole County Horticultural Extension Service employees
confirmed that girdling of the roots of the plants at installation caused stress in
the plants, which made them susceptible causing a pathogen situation. This was
an installation /construction issue but because of the lack of maintenance and
treatment (i.e. diagnosis /attention) of the area by the landscape contractors
after the fact, even after repeated requests to do so, the responsibility is the
landscape contractor's for the subsequent death of the additional azaleas.
There is the fact, however, that even if attention were given, the girdling roots,
which caused the problems, would have been out of their control to remedy.
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'Survey of Conditions
February 19, 2003
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Ground Effects Landscape Maintenance, Inc.: 50% Material and Labor
Greenfields Fertilization & Pest Control: 50% Material and Labor - $45.00
7. There is mulch consistently blocking the drainage grate behind the South planter
wall. This is a condition of design. The grate is located at the bottom of a
drainage area in which mulch and plant material was specified. Gravity draws
the mulch to the grate after each rain. This is a landscape installation /
construction issue.
8. The Sagos in the four (4) planter areas have succumbed to the Asian Scale
infestation that has blanketed Central Florida. It is not clear if the plants were
infected at the time of planting. The City is in the process of replacing this plant
9. There is an irrigation valve box cover missing at the South side right-of-way.
10. There are Indian Hawthorne and Oleander shrubs planted in the shade. This
plant material will not thrive well in this condition.
B. Winter Springs Boulevard Medians:
Oleander shrubs have been installed in the shade. This plant material will not
thrive well in the shade.
2. Turf has been planted in the shade of existing trees. The turf will decline and the
existing tree feeder roots will be impacted with this situation.
3. Some ferns are planted in sunny locations. This plant material in sunny locations
will not thrive well and will get sunscald and possibly succumb to those conditions
in the summer months.
4. Caterpillars have defoliated some of the Oleander shrubs. This will be a
continual problem every year as this is one of the main host plants that butterflies
lay their eggs on in Central Florida. The plant material will come back; it just will
naturally be defoliated due to the processes of nature. If, in the opinion of the
City, the insecticide did not work soon enough to the City's satisfaction and
compensation for the look of defoliated shrubs is sought, the following
compensation is forwarded:
Greenfield's Fertilization & Pest Control: $2.60 /Effected Plant
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'Survey of Conditions
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5. Second grouping of existing Pine trees at Median #1 are chlorotic and showing
signs of decline due to construction damage.
6. First grouping of Oleanders on Median #1 look dead. This was not diagnosed by
Greenfield's for any problems and it is not clear why they are dead but
Greenfield's should have reported their condition and provided a diagnosis and
remedy for treatment.
Greenfield's Fertilization & Pest Control: Material & Labor - $120.00
7. All of the existing Pine trees are showing signs of decline. Several have died
within the last three (3) months. This is due to methods of construction during
the installation process. The compaction of the soil around the roots from
machinery compounded with an excess height of mulch has caused an
irreversible condition. Additional Pine trees in decline are located on the North
side of the median right before Little Sparrow Court.
8. Most existing Oaks along the medians are not currently showing signs of
decline/death due to construction, but this species is slow to show signs of
decline. They may stay green for several years. There are several Oaks that are
currently showing signs of decline due to methods of construction. There are two
at the median right before Wood Duck Court if you are traveling eastbound.
9. Existing Sycamore tree is in decline and will succumb to construction damage.
Traveling westbound, just before Davenport, this tree's central leader has decay
and is broken off five feet below the crown of the tree.
10. Existing Palms along the median are showing signs of decline due to methods
used during the construction process. There is currently one dead Palm at
Median #17.
11. Crinum lilies, Liriope and some Jasmine groundcover are suffering from cold
damage. This is not permanent damage and this material will come back from
the roots.
12. There are approximately fifty-seven (57) dead Azaleas from the original
landscape installation on Median #5, #7 and two other medians. This plant
material was dead at the time that the medians were turned over to the
maintenance contractor.
13. There is a grouping of Azaleas in Median #7 that is in decline. This material was
healthy at the time of the commencement of the maintenance contract. If this
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'Survey of Conditions
February 19, 2003
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plant material succumbs to the current situation the replacement cost is as
Labor & Materials: $105.00
14. There are two areas of turf, approximately 40 s.f. each that has turned brown
before Colt Drive. There is one area of turf approximately 30 s.f. on the South
side of Median #1 below the first grouping of Palm trees that has brown spots.
These areas have not been diagnosed and we cannot confirm that this damage
was a result of a lack of maintenance. If there is a determination that the Turf
has declined as a result of lack of maintenance, the value of this turf area is as
Labor & Materials: $55.00
15. Median #2 has a grouping of Zamia shrubs that is brown. This has not been
diagnosed and we cannot confirm that this damage was a result of a lack of
maintenance. If there is a determination that the Zamias have declined as a
result of lack of maintenance, the value of this group of shrubs is as follows:
Labor & Materials: $165.00
16. There is one bed of Liriope at the West end of Median #16 that is completely
brown and in decline. This seems to be over-watering damage as it is not typical
of the freeze damage exhibited by the rest of the landscape plantings and the soil
is very moist. Because the individual irrigation spray heads were not analyzed
the contractor is responsible for this decline.
Ground Effects: Material & Labor - $112.00
17. Median just South of Foxglen: grouping of Pittosporum looking chlorotic. This
plant material will probably recover. If it does not, this is an obvious case of over-
Ground Effects: Material & Labor - $72.00
18. On Medians #21, #22 and #23 there are Pittosporum shrubs that were in decline
when the maintenance contract started. This plant material was planted in areas
of moist soil. This plant material does not do well in wet conditions. The irrigation
system was designed with only one zone per median. Plant material that
requires little or no water is on the same zone as plant material that requires
frequent watering. Thus there is constantly some plant material in decline due to
improper watering conditions at all times.
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Survey of Conditions
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The maintenance contractors did not individually turn off each irrigation spray
head to help remedy the problem. There were conflicting interpretations of the
contract regarding the irrigation system. The maintenance contractors stated that
there should have been rain sensors installed that would have stopped the
system from coming on if the soil was moist and that redirecting each individual
spray head for each plant /plant groupings was a re-design of the irrigation
system and not routine maintenance.
Typically, irrigation systems are designed with plants requiring different watering
conditions on different zones. The maintenance contractors did not individually
turn off irrigation spray heads to help remedy the problem.
Even though there are conflicting events and statements and it is questionable
whether or not this plant will thrive in the conditions of these medians, according
to paragraph 10 in the contract documents, adjusting the flow of water and
individually unclogging spray heads is a responsibility of the contractor.
Therefore, any plant material that is in decline or dead as a result of maintenance
AFTER the construction performance is the responsibility of the maintenance
contractor. There are approximately 12 additional Pittosporum in decline or dead
after the turning over of the medians to commence the maintenance contract.
Ground Effects Landscape Maintenance, Inc. -Materials & Labor: $250.00
C. Entrances
Seneca & Winter Springs Blvd. Entry
1. The African Iris on the West side of the entry is brown and looks to be in decline.
It is unclear whether this is cold damage or contractor negligence.
2. There is a continual washout problem at two different areas of this entry. There
have been communication problems as HHI has directed the contractor not to
repair damage, as we understood that the City Public Works Department was
going to complete the repairs to the wash-out areas/remedy the drainage
problems. The mulch and damaged plant material was not replaced as it would
only be washed away again after the next rain
Vistawilla Entry
1. Other than cold damage, there are no problems.
Tuscora & S.R. 434 Entry
1. Irrigation head keeps getting run over on north side.
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'Survey of Conditions
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Trotwood Entry
1. Other than cold damage, there are no problems.
Shetland & Citrus Entry
1. There are five (5) plants missing from the east side of the planting area. It looks
like someone has pulled them out of the ground.
2. The washout condition in the right of way on the west side is still not repaired.
3. Crinum lilies are showing cold damage.
Dyson Road Entry
1. This entry just completed.
Fountain Contract
The South fountain continues to have problems stemming from installation mechanical
problems. Alan Hill is coordinating the equipment replacements with Florida Water Features,
The lack of a drainage feature in the entry wall may cause future problems because silt runs
through to the fountain area after a hard rain.
S.R. 434 Rlaht of Ways. Medians and Ponds Contract
American Services took over this contract in November. The areas were maintained for an
interim period by City employees after the previous contractor canceled their contract. The
areas have been maintained at the same level and there are no outstanding contractual items.
Public Facilities Contract
1. Fire Station # 24 -See general notes at the end of this document. Grounds are
in satisfactory condition.
2. Fire Station #26 -Grounds are in satisfactory condition
3. Public Works Office -Grounds are in satisfactory condition. Turf has decline due
to amount of shade.
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'Survey of Conditions
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4. City Hall - Canariensis Palm has nutritional deficiencies. This has been
observed for several months with no action taken. Bonn Terre Landscape
Maintenance: $75.00.
5. Public Safety Complex -Pruning of dead branches never completed.
Bonn Terre Landscape Maintenance: $25.00
Water Plants
1. Old Plant # 1 -First St. -Satisfactory condition.
2. Sheoah Blvd. -Plant #2 -Satisfactory condition.
3. Bahama Road -Plant #3 -Satisfactory condition.
4. East Water Plant # 1 -Satisfactory condition
5. West Wastewater Treatment Plant -Satisfactory condition.
6. East Wastewater Treatment Plant -Public Works employees were mowing field.
Not clear how many times contractor did not pertorm mowing because it was
already completed.
Richts of Wav. Medians and Ponds Contract
1 N. Edgemon R.O.W.
Eastside - 3rd St to canal
Westside -Senior Center to VFW Driveway
Westside -From Shepard Rd. to S.R. 419 -Satisfactory condition
1 A. N. Edgemon Traffic Medians
From SR434 to Shepard Road -Weeds out of control, scale and sooty mold
problems on cycads never addressed.
Bonn Terre: $55
2 Bombay R.O.W. and Canal
Westside -From 1st. St. lot south to
chainlink fence including open area -Satisfactory condition
3 S. Edgemon R.O.W. at FPC Easement
R.O.W. both sides and around bollards. -Satisfactory condition
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'Surrey of Conditions
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4 S. Moss Road Islands -Weeds have cause complete turt decline. Replace turf
Bonn Terre: $500
5 Murphy Road Islands -Weeds have cause complete turf decline. Replace turf
Bonn Terre: $500
6 S. Edgemon Islands -Somewhat of a weed problem. Scale and sooty mold
problems were never addressed.
Bonn Terre: $25
7 Lombardy Canal
Both sides where accessible. -Satisfactory condition.
8 S. Flamingo Canal
Both sides where accessible -
From S. Moss to S. Edgemon Ave. -Satisfactory condition.
9 Burgos Easement
Between 113 and 115 Burgos Rd.
South to S. Flamingo Canal. -Satisfactory condition.
10 Burgos/Edgemon R.O.W.
From canal north to side lot at 111 S. Edgemon Ave.- Satisfactory condition.
11 S. Moss R.O.W.
East side from canal north to Hacienda Village entrance. -Satisfactory condition.
East side from S. Mosswood Circle to Murphy Road.- Satisfactory condition.
West side from 434 to Church property line. -Satisfactory condition.
12 Bayberry Ct. Island -Satisfactory condition.
13 Dogwood Ct. Island -Overgrown conditions (not mowed for 2'h months) caused
turf decline but the turf was full of weeds to begin with.
14 Lombardy/Burgos R.O.W.
Area btw 120 and 110 Lombardy Road south to Burgos. -Satisfactory condition.
15 Cedarwood Court Island -Satisfactory condition.
16 Cypress Court Island -Satisfactory condition.
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'Surrey of Conditions
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17 S. Moss Bridge R.O.W.
Four corners of bridge and Westside ROW from bridge
to fence line including bollards -Satisfactory condition.
18 Murphy Road R.O.W. at FPC Easement
R.O.W. both sides and around bollards. -Satisfactory condition.
19 S. Edgemon Bridge /R.O.W.
Four corners at bridge area and ROW on eastside of
S. Edgemon from Panama Rd. north to lot line C~
S. Edgemon Bridge /R.O.W.
727 S. Edgemon including drainage easement- Satisfactory condition.
20 Murphy Road Bridge R.O.W.
Four corners of bridge area. -Satisfactory condition.
21 Charles St. Island -Weeds have cause complete turf decline. Replace turf
Bonn Terre: $500
21 A. Sherry Ave R.O.W.
Westside Row from SR419 to San Rafael St. -Satisfactory condition
21 B. Sherry Ave Medians
Traffic calm medians and indents from SR434 to SR419 -Scale and sooty mold
problems have never been remedied.
Bonn Terre: $65
21 C. Wade St Medians
Traffic calming medians from SR434 to SR419 -Scale and sooty mold problems
have never been remedied.
Bonn Terre: $65
22 Hayes Road R.O.W.
Westside -from S.R. 434 to bridge. -Satisfactory condition
Eastside corner of S.R. 434 to property line at Pearl Road. -Satisfactory
23 Pearl Rd. Islands - -Satisfactory condition.
24 Hayes Road Bridge/R.O.W.
Four corners of bridge area including field on NE corner. -Satisfactory condition.
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25 Alton Road Bridge/R.O.W. -Satisfactory condition.
Four corners of bridge area and R.O.W. -Satisfactory condition.
26 Shore Road Bridge/R.O.W.
Eastside corners and R.O.W. -Satisfactory condition.
27 Mockingbird Easement/R.O.W.
Both sides-property lines to tree line. -Satisfactory condition.
28 Oak Road Island -Satisfactory condition.
29 Shore Road Culvert/R.O.W.
Four corners of culvert and both sides of R.O.W.
on Shore, south to Panama Rd. -Satisfactory condition.
30 George Street R.O.W.
Area south of ditch from Sherry St. to Wade St.
including ditch inlets. -Satisfactory condition.
31 N. Moss Road R.O.W.
Eastside -from northern limits of Barnett B to S.R. 419.
Westside -from Shop Center Driveway to Police St -Satisfactory condition.
32 Highlands R.O.W.'s
Sheoah Blvd. - (both sides 18 ft from edge of pmt)
With continuous edging at pvmt. =Satisfactory condition.
Shepard Rd. -begin at end of Wildwood Subdivision wall to -Satisfactory
N. Edgemon Ave. (both side including field behind
Sidewalk at effluent ponds) -Satisfactory condition.
Sheoah Circle - (both sides 11 feet from edge of pmt)- Satisfactory condition.
Third St. - (both sides from Sheoah Blvd. to house lots -Satisfactory condition.
13 ft. from edge of pvmt.)
MacGregor Rd. -including Highland Village Ct. Island- Satisfactory condition.
Marni Drive Islands (2) -Satisfactory condition.
Jeffrey Ct. Island- Satisfactory condition.
Shepard Ct. Island- Satisfactory condition.
Sheoah Circle Island- Satisfactory condition.
Kilt Ct. -Satisfactory condition.
Ryan Ct. -Satisfactory condition.
33 Sequoia Court Islands- Satisfactory condition.
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34 Dyson Bridge
Four corners of bridge area. -Area not maintained on a consistent basis. Turf
has declined due to site conditions (shade) and not being mowed.
Bonn Terre: $75
35 Seneca Blvd. R.O.W.
Eastside -from W.S. Blvd. to house side lot line
at both sides of sidewalk- Satisfactory condition.
Westside -from Winter Springs Blvd to Chelsea Woods
entrance sign at both sides of sidewalk. -Satisfactory condition.
36 Seneca Blvd. Island
Chelsea Woods entrance at Vistawilla Drive. -Satisfactory condition.
37 Winter Springs Blvd. R.O.W.(limits of R.O.W. are from
edge of pvmt. To walls or fences) -Satisfactory condition.
Northside -from end of subdivision wall to Colt Dr.
in line with wall- Satisfactory condition.
Northside -from Northern Way to end of brick wall at
1630 Winter Springs Blvd. -Satisfactory condition.
Northside -from Davenport Glen brick wall to property
line at 1553 Winter Sprgs. Blvd. -Satisfactory condition.
Southside -from Fox Glen entrance to Sam Smith
Park driveway including perimeter of pond- Satisfactory condition.
Southside -from bridge to Greenbrier Lane
(Including drainage pond). -Satisfactory condition.
39 Northern Way R.O.W.
Westside -Winter Springs Blvd. To Cheetah Trail. -Satisfactory condition.
Northside -drainage R.O.W. near Tuscora Dr -
from property line to property line. -Satisfactory condition.
Eastside -near Woodchuck Court -from FPC
easement to Winter Sprgs. Blvd. -Satisfactory condition.
40 Northern Way Bridges (3)
Four corners including R.O.W. -Satisfactory condition.
41 Greenbriar Lane R.O.W. -Satisfactory condition.
Westside -near Creekside Circle from chainlink
Fence to brick wall- Satisfactory condition.
Westside -from brick wall at Bentley Green to brick wall
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at Greenbriar Subdiv including field and pond. -Satisfactory condition.
Eastside -near Braewick St. from power transformer to
Brick wall at Chestnut Ridge including retention swale.- Satisfactory condition.
42 Winter Springs Blvd. Bridges (2)
Bear Creek -Four corners including pond on NE
Side and R.O.W. to brick wall. -Satisfactory condition.
Howell Creek -Four corners including pond on SE
And R.O.W. southwest to Country Club property.- Satisfactory condition.
43 N. Tuskawilla R-O-W
West Side-From S.R. 434 to wall at Tuskawilla Trace Subdivision - Satisfactory
East Side -From McDonald's property line
to St. John's Landing subdivision. -Satisfactory condition.
44 Fisher Rd R.O.W. & Field
Westside -from Morton Lane, south to phone box
including drainage field- Satisfactory condition.
45 Trotwood Blvd R.O.W. Field
R.O.W. field next to property at 1165 Trotwood
and Lift station 10E- Satisfactory condition.
46 Wagner,s Curve
R.O.W. and swale in front of Central Winds Park
entrance at telephone house- Satisfactory condition.
46A.S. Moss Rd R.O.W. swales
Both sides of R.O.W. one mower width behind trail -Satisfactory condition.
46B. Panama Rd R.O.W. swales
Both sides of R.O.W. one mower width behind trail -Satisfactory condition.
46C. Hayes Rd R.O.W. swales
Both sides of R.O.W. one mower width behind trail -Satisfactory condition.
Retention Ponds
47 Fruitwood Lake (Easement access between 738
and 740 Mimosa Ct.)
Pond edge to rear property lines. -Satisfactory condition.
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48 Donut Lake/S. Edgemon Ave.
Both sides S. Edgemon R.O.W. between houses -Satisfactory condition.
to edge of lake
49 Donut Lake/Murphy Road
Area between 627 Murphy Rd. and rear lot of
217 Cottonwood to edge of lake. -Satisfactory condition.
50 Mt. Laurel Pond
Perimeter of pond. -Satisfactory condition.
51 Freedom Lane Pond (Esmt access btw 1171 & 1173)
Berm sides and top and pond bottom when dry. -Satisfactory condition.
52 Baltic Lane Pond (Esmt access btw 1188 & 1190
or 1176 & 1178)
Berm side and top and pond bottom when dry. Lack of mowing caused turf
on backside of canal.
Bonn Terre: $45
53 Brooks Ct. Pond (Easement access btw 720 & 718)
Berm side and top and pond bottom when dry. Lack of mowing caused turf
on backside of canal.
Bonn Terre: $45
54 Venture Ct. Pond (Easement access btw 684 & 682)
Berm side and top and pond bottom when dry. Lack of mowing caused turf
on backside of canal.
Bonn Terre: $45
55 Seneca Blvd. Pond
Perimeter of pond including R.O.W. -Satisfactory condition.
Tuskawilla Road Contract
East - SR 434 south to Lord of Life Church, south from wall at Trotwood Blvd to and
including power easement. -Satisfactory condition.
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West - SR 434 South to south end of wall at Church of New Covenant (exclude 50'
each side of entrances. -Satisfactory condition.
From SR 434 south to end of median cut at Church of New Covenant (800 Tusk Rd.) -
Turf areas do not appear to have had regular fertilizer and pesticide treatments, which
has led to several spots of turf decline. Insecticide spraying does not appear to have
been completed. Ant mounds have been a major issue for many months.
Bonn Terre: $1,500
Forest Creek Drive - 50' north and south of sign wall on west side of Tusk. Rd
and north & south sides on Forest Creek Dr. to Benched Ct. & Benchwood Drive-
Satisfactory condition.
Trotwood Blvd. - 50' north and south of sign wall on west side of Tusk.Rd & north and
south sides of Trotwood Blvd. to N. Endeavor Dr. & S. Endeavor Dr. including median. -
Turfarea not maintained
Bonn Terre: $35.
Winter Springs Blvd. - 50' north and south of sign wall on west side of Tusk. Rd. and
north & south sides of Wtr. Sprgs.Blvd (south side to end of sign wall at 1067 WS Blvd.,
north side to 1054 WS Blvd. Including accessible area at perimeter of pond and
medians. Lantana bed not maintained.
Bonn Terre: $55
Oak Forest Drive - 50' north and south of sign wall on west side of Tuska. Rd. and
north & south sides of Oak Forest Dr way to Chokecherry Dr. and Chokecherry Court. -
Satisfactory condition.
General Notes and Recommendations as Requested During Contract:
1. Recommendation for Pittosporum replacement on medains is Myrica cerifera (Wax
Myrtle) shrubs.
2. Recommendation for Azalea replacements in drainage area at front entrance is Illicium
floridanum (Florida Anise).
3. Trotwood entrance on west Tuskawilla road liriope missing along side.
4. Trotwood entrance off of Winter Springs Boulevard- remove small sod ring at entrance
median and replace with groundcover.
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5. Shetland & Citrus Entry: Place perennials under crinums to make the planters look more
6. Tuskawilla Road Medians -replace some turf areas with flowering groundcovers.
7. Tuskawilla Road ROW -replace some turf areas with flowering groundcovers.
8. At main entrance replace crinum lilies and dwarf azaleas due to potential sunscald on
these plants.
9. Add flowering perennials along Tuskawilla Road and other ROW areas.
10. Median #1: Replace 3 crinum lilies due to inevitable sunscald.
11. Remove Indian hawthorn from beneath existing trees where possible. Replace with
shade loving ground cover or nothing at all (mulch area) to facilitate feeder root growth
to preserve trees.
12. Median #6: Remove Indian althorn from beneath existing oak trees
13. Add color (perrenials) at primary intersections, i.e. Northern Way, Colt Drive, Seneca,
Greenbrier, etc.
14. Fire Station # 24: Eliminate sod areas at existing pine tree cluster in rear.
15. Fire Station #24: Remove sod strip at front planting area.
16. Fire Station #24: Add groundcover planting areas on either side of driveway.
17. Police Station: Add native aquatic planting at retention ponds. Add pockets of planting
at entrance drive, in rear of building eliminate sod from parking islands for ease of
18. Eliminate sod areas around the City.
19. Charles Street Median: Add plantings and ground cover between palm and ornamental
grasses. Eliminate small sod areas.
19. Median at Wade Street and 434 intersection: Remove and/or consolidate liriope and
add lantana depressa.
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20. Median at intersection off Shepard and Edgemon: Consolidate liriope and plant lantana
21. Retention pond at Shepard Road and North Edgemon: Plant native plants. This is a
migrating water foul foraging area.
22. Shepard Court (2"d priority) replace sod with perrenial peanut.
23. Kilt Court ROW: Remove air potato invasive vine.
24. Sheoah ROW: Remove Vitis species invasive vine from trees.
25. Sheoah Circle median: Replace turf with groundcover.
26. Marni Drive Median #1 and #2 : Replace turf with groundcover.
27. Jeffery Court: Replace turf with ground cover and flowering shrubs
28. Ryan Court: Replace turf with flowering ground cover and flowering shrubs
29. S.R. 434 Medians from Tuskawilla to S.R. 419: Eliminate sod add flowering ground
30. Pearl Street Medians: Replace sod with flowering ground covers and flowering shrubs.
31. Oak Street Median: Replace turf sod with flowering ground covers and flowering
32. Murphy Road Bridge area: Remove air potato evasive vine from trees.
33. Cypress Court: Replace turf sod with flowering ground covers and some shrubs add
medium size tree.
34. Cedarwood Court: Replace sod with flowering ground covers and some shrubs.
35. Dogwood Court: Replace sod with flowering ground covers and one large tree.
36. Median at Murphy: Replace turf with drought tolerant, flowering Perennial Peanut.
37. Bayberry Court: Replace turf with combination of Perennial Peanut and flowering
groundcovers and one medium size tree.
38. South Edgemon Median: Third median to north - Improve or replace heather.
Winter Springs Landscape Maintenance
" Survey of Conditions
February 19, 2003
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39. South Moss Median #1: Replace turf with Perennial Peanut and flowering groundcovers
to cut down on water usage.
40. South Moss Median #2: Replace turf with native, flowering groundcovers.
41. Add Lantern depressa at Moss Median.
42. Resod Public Works garage area.
c: Kip Lockcuff, Public Works Director
Ron McLemore, City Manager
Landscape Contractors
Public Board Members
Project File