HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009 01 14 BOWS By-Laws Draft .~ Incorporated 1959 D r~ 1 Q ~~ CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS BEAUTIFICATION OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD B Y-LAWS BEAUTIFICATION OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD BY-LAWS DRAFT I. NAME The name of this Board is "the Beautification of Winter Springs Board" (hereinafter referred to as the BOWS Board). II. INTENT "The Beautification of Winter Springs Board is empowered and directed to consider and study the entire field of beautification in the city, and shall advise, counsel and consult with the city commission and the city manager in connection with the beautification and preservation of natural beauty of the city. The BOWS board shall consider all matters submitted to it by the city commission or the city manager, and shall offer suggestions and recommendations on its own initiative in regard to the beautification and cleanliness of city properties. It shall receive petitions and suggestions from the citizens of the city, and shall cooperate with civic groups, garden clubs, governmental agencies and other organizations regarding beautification, conservation of natural beauty, and related subjects." [Code of Ordinances 2-79. (a)] III. DUTIES OF THE BOARD "It is the purpose of the Beautification of Winter Springs Board to prepare a master plan for the overall beautification of the city with regard to those areas owned by the city, and recommendations to private owners. This board shall work with other civic groups and governmental agencies within the environmental limits of the city such as the following: (1) Approaches to the city; (2) Surrounding county areas which affect the impressions of visitors and citizens of the area with regard to the city." [Code of Ordinances 2-80. (a)] "BOWS shall recommend to the city commission such overall projects as seem warranted, but shall refrain from making individual specific recommendations. BOWS shall not concern itself with the day-to-day affairs of normal city functions, but shall, upon request of the city commission, make specific recommendations." [Code of Ordinances 2-80. (b)] Revised 01/13/09 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA l3EAUTIFICATION OF WINTER SPRINGS I30ARD BY-LAWS PAGFi 2 OI~ 6 IV. TREE CITY USA PROGRAM A. The BOWS Board shall assist the City with annual qualification for the National Arbor Day Foundation's Tree City USA Program, including: 1. Serve as the `Tree Board' for the City of Winter Springs. 2. Organize The Annual Arbor Day Celebration along with City Staff. 3. Provide constructive input for the Arbor Ordinance of the City of Winter Springs. 4. Help to provide educational opportunities for the public regarding proper arbor care and best management practices. 5. Recommendation of Historical Tree Designations within the City, per Chapter 5-8. of the City Code. [See Exhibit A] V. MEMBERSHIP A. The BOWS Board "shall consist of seven (7) members, five (5) members to be appointed by the city commission and two (2) members to be appointed by the mayor." [Code of Ordinances 2-77.] B. "Unless otherwise provided by state or federal law, all board and committee members shall be appointed to serve three-year terms and may be reappointed by the city commission for subsequent three-year terms without limitation. If a member is removed, or vacates their appointment for any reason, including death, excessive absences, or resignation, prior to the expiration of their term, the city commission may at its discretion appoint the first alternate member described below, or other qualified individual, whom shall serve the remaining portion of the unexpired term." [Code of Ordinances 2-42. (e)] C. Members of the BOWS Board shall be residents of the City - ""Resident" shall mean any person living within the city limits at all times while serving on said board or committee, and at least six (6) months prior to being nominated, elected or appointed to the board or committee." [Code of Ordinances 2-42. (b)] Revised Ol i 13/09 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA BEAUTIFICATION OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD BY-LAWS PAGE 3 OF 6 D. "Unless otherwise required by state or federal law, or specifically provided otherwise in the Code, all persons shall be appointed to, and removed from city boards and committees by majority vote of the city commission. Board and committee members shall serve at the pleasure of the city commission and may be summarily removed at any time with or without cause. A board or committee appointment shall not be construed as creating or conferring, upon a person, any right or interest in serving on a board or committee including, but not limited, to a contract, liberty, property or vested right." [Code of Ordinances 2-42. (d)] E. "The members of BOWS shall be compensated in accordance with the manner and procedure set down by the city commission." [Code of Ordinances 2-79. (b)] VI. OFFICERS AND THEIR DUTIES A. The Officers shall be a Chairperson and a Vice Chairperson. The City of Winter Springs shall provide a Clerk to assist the BOWS Board. B. The Chairperson shall preside at all Meetings of the BOWS Board. C. The Chairperson shall be the direct liaison between the BOWS Board during Meetings; and also with the City Commission, the City Manager and his/her Staff; and City Staff. D. The Chairperson shall present recommendations of the BOWS Board to the City Commission, when applicable. E. The Vice Chairperson shall perform the duties of the Chairperson in the event the Chairperson is absent. VII. ELECTION OF OFFICERS A. "Unless otherwise provided by state or federal law, each board and committee shall be responsible to elect, by majority vote of the members of each board or committee, a chairperson and vice-chairperson. The election shall occur annually at the first meeting held in January, unless there is no January meeting, then the next meeting held. All newly established boards and committees shall make such elections at their regularly held meeting and then annually as stated above." [Code of Ordinances 2-42. (g)] B. The Election of Officers shall be the first Regular Agenda Item to be conducted at the Meeting. Following its conclusion, the newly elected Officers will take their roles to complete the rest of the Meeting. Revised 01/13/09 CITY OF WINTI?R SPRINGS, I'LORIDA [BEAUTIFICATION OF WINTER SPRINGS E30ARD BY-LAWS PAGE 4 OF 6 C. Vacancies in the Office of the Chairperson or the Vice Chairperson shall be filled as soon as possible for the remainder of the term by following the Election procedure described above. VIII. CLERK OF THE BOWS BOARD A. Duties 1. The Clerk of the BOWS Board shall attend all Meetings of the BOWS Board and shall be responsible for recording the Minutes of most Meetings of the BOWS Board. 2. The Office of the City Clerk shall have charge of all Official Records of the BOWS Board. B. Minutes 1. "Motions. All motions will be transcribed in full, along with who made the motion, and any corresponding vote(s)". [Resolution 2001-04] [See Exhibit B] 2. `Body. No comments, discussion, or statements that are stated or written "for the record," either by a member of the Commission, (any Advisory Board and/or Committee), the City Manager, the City Attorney, City Staff, or any member of the audience will be transcribed verbatim, unless the voting members unanimously agree to this, complete with a Motion and a documented vote confirming this". [Resolution 2001-04] [See ExhibiC B] IX. STAFF LIAISON FROM THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT A. The BOWS Board shall have at least one (l) City of Winter Springs Staff Member (not including the Office of the City Clerk) who is assigned to the BOWS Board, and acts in the capacity of a liaison with the BOWS Board Members and handles all non- administrative matters of the BOWS Board. B. The role of a Staff Liaison is to assist the BOWS Board with any technical matters, and to provide the BOWS Board Members with any information that would help them perform their responsibilities, at Meetings, or at any other time. C. Staff Member or Members will attend all BOWS Board Meetings/Workshops. If a Member of the BOWS Board has any additional technical questions or concerns, then they shall contact the designated Staff Member(s) for assistance. Revised 01/13/09 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA BEAUTIFICATION OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD BY-LAWS PAGE 5 OF 6 X. MEETINGS A. Regular Meetings: Regular Meetings shall be held quarterly - in January, April, July, and October, on the second Wednesday of the specified month at 7:00 p.m. in the City Commission Chambers of City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida, unless otherwise scheduled. B. Special Meetings/Workshops: Special Meetings or Workshops may be called by either the Staff Liaison with Approval by the Chairperson; or by the Chairperson; or by majority Consensus of the Board. C. Notice: 1. Notice of all Meetings, Regular and Special or Workshops, shall be given to each Board Member at least seventy-two (72) hours in advance of the Meeting/Workshop. 2. Notice of all Meetings shall be provided to the Clerk of the Board for inclusion in the City's schedule of Meetings and Events. D. Attendance: 1. Board Members shall notify the Office of the City Clerk if they cannot attend any kind of Meeting. 2. "For boards and committees that regularly meet on a quarterly or less frequent basis, the number of absences which shall cause automatic removal shall be two (2) consecutive or two (2) within a twelve month period. Any meeting which is cancelled, other than for lack of a quorum, shall not be counted for purposes of determining absenteeism. Absences which occurred prior to the date of reappointment of any board or committee member shall not be counted toward automatic removal." [Code of Ordinances 2-42. (f)] E. Quorum: A quorum of the full Membership of the Board shall consist of four (4) or more Members and an affirmative Vote of a majority of those present and Voting shall be necessary to pass any Motion. Revised 01/13/09 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA BEAUTIFICATION OF WINTER SPRINGS BOARD BY'-LAWS PAGE 6 OF 6 F. Votini;: For all Motions, Voting shall be by voice and shall be recorded by individual `Aye' or `Nay'. G. Procedure: 1. "Robert's Rules of Order shall be the `underlying foundation' for the conduct of "Meetings". [Resolution 2003-06] [See Exhibit C] 2. In the event aMeeting/Workshop is scheduled in the Commission Chambers, all Board Members shall be recognized individually by the Chairperson through the use of the Board Members' dais light prior to speaking. This is to ensure that all questions and discussion are clearly on the Record. 3. In the event aMeeting/Workshop is scheduled in the Commission Chambers, all Board Members, Staff and Members of the Public are required to use an active microphone when addressing the Board to ensure accuracy on the Record. 4. Private conversations between Board Members will be prohibited while Meetings are in session. Any such conversations may Violate the Florida Sunshine Law. XI. MISCELLANEOUS 1. If a Board Member has a change of contact information, the Board Member shall contact the Office of the City Clerk immediately to update the information. This is to guarantee that all contact information on file is current and accurate. ATTEST: OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CHAIRPERSON DATE DATE Revised 01 / 13/09 What is Tree City USA? at arborday.org ((''~~""``~~ 1i'~(SI' I3'.t+}r IY~~litit~Ll[}~ U't~ ~~~;pirr j~e~r~rlr Cep plant, L.tJ' n~teturs~, nrse~ crlrl~rate trrew. what iS Tree City USA? The Tree City USA® program, sponsored by the Arbor Day Foundation in cooperation with the USDA Forest Service and the National Association of State Foresters, provides direction, technical assistance, public attention, and national recognition for urban and community forestry programs in thousands of towns and cities that more than i2o million Americans call home. The many benefits of being a Tree City include creating a framework for action, education, a positive public image, and citizen pride. Read more about the benefits of bec~ming_a Tree Ci ~. Did you know? There are 3,3io communities that are currently a Tree City USA. There are 534 communities that received a Growth Award. Over i2o million people live in a Tree City USA. More Information Call: 402-474-5655 Monday-Friday 8:0o AM to 5:0o PM CST Tree City USA is supported by the USDA Forest Service Urban and Community Forestry Program. ~~ ~ ~~; ~ .~ ~ s '' 1-888-448-7337 ~ donate naw ~ privacy (about us ~ contact us ~ site map ~ your state Page 1 of 1 Exhibit A http://www.arborday.org/programs/treeCityUSA/about.cfm 1 /13/2009 You are here: Homy ~ Programs -~ Tree City USA -~ What is Tree City USA? Benefits of Being a Tree City at arborday.org Artxrr Da~FueiYtclat~tc>n ~~'e ~nsj~irr per~~te n} planr, numarc, an teirbi-~tr trrrs. Tree City Benefits Every community, regardless of size, benefits in different ways from being a Tree City USA. Reports of these benefits have reached The Arbor Day Foundation through the years and are summarized below in six general categories: Framework for Action Meeting the four standards for becoming a Tree City USA provides initial direction for an urban or community forestry program. Like the first rungs on a ladder, the standards help get a community started toward annual, systematic management of its tree resources. Education Education begins with discussion of the standards and getting organized to apply for Tree City USA status. It continues as the desire for Tree City USA recognition leads to contacts with the state forester's staff. In turn, this can set in motion aid from a variety of professionals in the form of technical advice, literature, films, and other assistance. Public Image A community's public image is a very real phenomenon and important in many ways. Being a Tree City USA helps present the kind of image that most citizens want to have for the place they live or conduct business. The Tree City USA signs at community entrances tell visitors that here is a community that cares about its environment. It is also an indication to prospective businesses that the quality of life may be better here. It has even been known to be a factor in where meetings or conferences have been held. This reason alone caused a motel owner to start action for his community to join the network! Citizen Pride http://www.arborday.org/programs/treeCityUSA/benefits.cfm Page 1 of 2 12/11/2008 You are here: Home --~ Programs -~ Tree City U5A -• Benefits of Being a Tree City Benefits of Being a Tree City at arborday.org Page 2 of 2 1-888-448-7337 donate now ~ Pride is sometimes a less tangible benefit. Gaining and retaining Tree City USA recognition is privacy ~ about us ~ contact us ~ site an award to the tree workers, managers, volunteers, tree board members and others who work map ~ your state on behalf of better care of a community's trees. Non-involved citizens, too, often share a sense of pride that theirs is a Tree City USA. This may translate to better care of trees on private property or a willingness to volunteer in the future. Financial Assistance Preference is sometimes given to Tree City USA communities over other communities when allocations of grant money are made for trees or forestry programs. The reason is that there are invariably more requests than available funds when grants are available through state or federal agencies. If requests are equally worthy, some officials tend to have more confidence in communities that have demonstrated the foresight of becoming a Tree City USA. Publicity Presentation of the Tree City USA award and the celebration of Arbor Day offer excellent publicity opportunities. This results not only in satisfaction for the individuals involved and their families, but also provides one more way to reach large numbers of people with information about tree care. As one forester put it, "This is advertising that money can't buy- and it is free!" More Read our list of 15 reasons to become a Tree City. More Information Call: 402-474-5655 Monday-Friday 8:0o AM to 5:0o PM CST Tree City USA is supported by the USDA Forest Service Urban and Community Forestry Program. http://www.arborday.org/programs/treeCityUSA/benefits.cfm 12/11 /2008 Tree City USA Standards at arborday.org At"~xUl" ilay Fc~txnti~ttit7n Vi'r in~pirr pec~P(c t+> plant, nurture, an celrbrate trci~€, Tree City Standards The Four Standards of a Tree City USA To qualify for Tree City USA, a town or city must meet four standards established by The Arbor Day Foundation and the National Association of State Foresters. These standards were established to ensure that every qualifying community would have a viable tree management plan and program. It is important to note that they were also designed so that no community would be excluded because of size. i. A Tree Board or Department 2. A Tree Care Ordinance 3. A Community Forestry Program With an Annual Budget of at Least $2 Per Capita 4. An Arbor Day Observance and Proclamation These standards were established to ensure that every qualifijinq community would have a viable t7•ee rrtUnagerrtent Page 1 of 2 http://www.arborday.org/programs/treeCityUSA/standards.cfm 12/11/2008 You are here: Home --~ Programs -• Tree City USA -+ Standards Photo by Paul Collins Tree City USA Standards at arborday.org Page 2 of 2 1-888-448-7337 ( ])1Qlt C111C1 jJJ'oCJPQ1)i. donate now ~ privacy I about us ~ contact us I site maP I Your state More Information Call: 402-474-5655 Monday-Friday 8:0o AM to 5:0o PM CST Tree City USA is supported by the USDA Forest Service Urban and Community Forestry Program. http://www. arborday. org/programs/treeCityUSA/standards. cfm 12/11/2008 Tree City USA Standards at arborday.org ATbE)r ~~'!yi''FY7~L1riC~:t>jt)ri VC'r, fn:+~sirr petrplr, t+~ p1~nt, nurture, an rrlrl~ratc tree, Tree City Standards 1) A Tree Board or Department Someone must be legally responsible for the care and management of the community's trees. This may be a professional forester or arborist, an entire forestry department, or a volunteer tree board. Often, both a professional staff and advisory tree board are present, which is a good goal for most communities. A tree board, or commission, is a group of concerned volunteer citizens charged by ordinance with developing and administering a comprehensive tree management program. Balanced, broad-based community involvement is encouraged. Boards function best if not composed entirely of tree-related professionals such as forestry professors, nursery operators, arborists, etc. Fresh ideas and different perspectives are added by citizens with an interest in trees that is entirely avocational. Limited, staggered terms of service will prevent stagnation or burnout, while at the same time assuring continuity. The Four Standards of Tree City USA i. A Tree Board or Department 2. A Tree Care Ordinance 3. A Community Forestry Program With._an Annual Budget of at Le. ast ~2„Per Capita 4. An._Arbor_Day_Obserya...nce.._a..n...d.._Proclamaton. Page 1 of 2 http://www.arborday.org/programs/treeCityUSA/standards.cfm?detail=l 12/11/2008 You are here: Home ~ Programs -~ Tree City USA --~ Standards -• A Tree Board or Department • Tree City USA Standards at arborday.org A tree board, nr cornrnission, is a group of corrcerned uoluni~eer citizens chcrryed 17y or•dinarice with dev~~lopirry and administcrirry a comprehensive tree rrranayerrierrt prorJrmn. More Information Call: 402-474-5655 Monday-Friday 8:0o AM to 5:0o PM CST Tree City USA is supported by the USDA Forest Service Urban and Community Forestry Program. Page 2 of 2 1-888-448-7337 ~ donate now ~ privacy (about us ~ contact us ~ site map ~ your state http://www. arborday.org/programs/treeCityUSA/standards. cfm?detail= l 12/ 11 /2008 Tree City USA Standards at arborday.org A-rtxzr iCTl~ty Fc~utttl=~[3cstY Z~'r ~nrpirr~cr~ple t+, plant, nurtutc, nn trlrbratr ttrr~. Tree City Standards 2) A Tree Care Ordinance The tree ordinance must designate the establishment of a tree board or forestry department and give this body the responsibility for writing and implementing an annual community forestry work plan. Beyond that, the ordinance should be flexible enough to fit the needs and circumstances of the particular community. A tree ordinance provides an opportunity to set good policy and back it with the force of law when necessary. Ideally, it will provide clear guidance for planting, maintaining and removing trees from streets, parks and other public places. For tips and a checklist of important items to consider in writing or improving a tree ordinance, see Bulletin No. 9. You can find a sample tree care ordinance at the International Society of Arboriculture. The Four Standards of Tree City USA i. A.'I'ree_ Ii_.o...ard: or Department 2. A Tree Care Ordinance 3. A Commum~Forestrv Program With an AnnualBudget of at Least $2 Per Capita 4. An Arbor Day Observance and Proclamation Page 1 of 2 http://www.arborday.org/programs/treeCityUSA/standards.cfm?detail=2 12/11 /2008 You are here: Home -~ Programs -• Tree City USA --~ Standards -~ A Tree Care Ordinance Tree City USA Standards at arborday.org ~Artxar ~~~)r lf'ty1111f].:lt~t7l1 u'c tn5jrire pcujrlc t+> plant, nurture, an rrle~iratr trce~. Capita Tree City Standards 3) A Community Forestry Program With an AnnualBudget of at Least $2 Per Capita Evidence is required that the community has established a community forestry program that is supported by an annual budget of at least $2 per capita. At first, this may seem like an impossible barrier to some communities. However, a little investigation usually reveals that more than this amount is already being spent by the municipality on its trees. If not, this may signal serious neglect that will cost far more in the long run. In such a case, working toward Tree City USA recognition can be used to re-examine the community's budget priorities and re- direct funds to properly care for its tree resource before it is too late. Ideally, this standard will be met by focusing funding on an annual work plan developed after an inventory is completed and a report is approved by the city council. Such a plan will address species diversity, planting needs, hazardous trees, insect and disease problems and a pattern of regular care such as pruning and watering. The Four Standards of Tree City USA i. A Tree Board or. De~-tment 2. A Tree Care Ordinance 3. A Community Forestry Program With an AnnualBudget of at Least $2 Per Capita 4. An Arbor_Day Observance and Proclamation. Page 1 of 2 http://www.arborday.org/programs/treeCityUSA/standards.cfm?detail=3 12/11 /2008 You are here: Home -• Programs -•T_.r.Qg_~itY_~`~A ~ .~I?nsl~r~~ ~ A Community Forestry Program With an Annual Budget of at Least $2 Per • Tree City USA Standards at arborday.org Working toward 'Tree C'iti~ LT.SA recagnitiorr ccnt be rued t0 r'L'-B.xCI)T1rr7E' tIZG' community's budget priorities and r•e-direct fivids to properlt~ care for• its tree resoarrce before it is too late. More Information Call: 402-474-5655 Monday-Friday 8:0o AM to 5:0o PM CST Tree City USA is supported by the USDA Forest Service Urban and Community Forestry Program. Page 2 of 2 1-888-448.7337 donate now ~ privacy (about us ~ contact us ~ site map ~ your state http://www.arborday.org/programs/treeCityUSA/standards.cfm?detail=3 12/11/2008 . Tree City USA Standards at arborday.org .~:~ lU'e in:~jtrrc pcx~ptc tr> ~1anr, ~. Ax"~ltl~t' ~~Y tixttlxxtit~lll ~tcreturc, lnc! cclebrtte tars. Tree City Standards An Arbor Day Observance and Proclamation This is the least challenging and probably the most enjoyable standard to accomplish. An Arbor Day celebration can be simple and brief or an all-day orall-week observation. It can be a simple tree planting event or an award ceremony that honors leading tree planters. For children, Arbor Day maybe their only exposure to the green world or a springboard to discussions about the complex issue of environmental quality. The benefits of Arbor Day go far beyond the shade and beauty of new trees for the next generation. Arbor Day is a golden opportunity for publicity and to educate homeowners about proper tree care. Utility companies can join in to promote planting small trees beneath power lines or being careful when digging. Smokey Bear's fire prevention messages can be worked into the event, as can conservation education about soil erosion or the need to protect wildlife habitat. Still another way to develop Arbor Day is to link it with atree-related festival. Some that are currently celebrated include dogwood festivals, locust blossom festivals and Macon, Georgia's Cherry Blossom Festival that annually brings more than $4.25 million into the local economy. In meeting the four standards, help is available! The urban and community forestry coord.nato.r. in your state forester's office will be happy to work with communities in taking these first steps toward better community forestry. The Four Standards of Tree City USA i. A Tree Board or Department 2. A Tree Care Ordinance g. A Commun.i.ty Forestay. _Piogram With._an AnnualB,,,udget of_at._Least._$2 Per_Capit.a... 4. An Arbor Day Observance and Proclamation Page 1 of 2 http://www.arborday.org/programs/treeCityUSA/standards.efm?detail=4 12/11/2008 You are here: Home -i Programs -a Tree City USA -+ Standards -~ An Arbor Day Observance and Proclamation Exhibit B RESOLUTION 2001-04 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA FORMULATING A POLICY TO ENSURE THAT ALL MEETING MINUTES OF THE CITY COMMISSION INCLUDING ALL ADVISORY BOARDS AND COMMITTEES ARE CONSISTENT IN THE SAME STYLE AND FORMAT, AND FOLLOW THE SAME GENERAL GUIDELINES AS I,ISTF,D BELOW; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABII.ITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, has found it necessary to periodically review its practices to provide guidelines for the most expedient and efficient business practices in the City; and believes that all meetings held by the City Commission and their Advisory Boards and Committees should be consistent; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida has and will continue to comply with Florida Statutes 286.011 (2) which states that "The minutes of any such board or commission of any such state agency or authority shall be promptly recorded;" and will be retained in accordance with the State of Florida Records Management designated time limitations. WHEREAS, all public meetings of the City Commission, and all of their Advisory Boards and Committecs are recorded using audio tapes, which will serve as the recordation of a meeting, and will be retained in accordance with the State of Florida Records Management designated time limits. From these audio tapes, official minutes will be promptly completed, thus serving as the official record, for all of time. The official and approved minutes will as always, be retained in accordance with the State of Florida Records Management designated time limitations. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida agrees with a statement from the 9`" Edition of Roberts Rules of Order (Newly Revised), Edited by Henry M. Robert III and William J. Evans which states that "In an ordinary society, unless the minutes are to be published, they should contain mainly a record of what was done at the meeting, not what was said by the members." The City Commission at their December 9, 1999 Regular Meeting, adopted Resolution Number 908 which established "certain policies and procedures for the conduct of any Commission Meetings." Item Number 3. of Resolution Number 908 notes that "Robert's Rules of Order shall be the `underlying foundation' for the conduct of Commission Meeting." FURTHERMORE, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida agrees that as the written minutes are intended to be just a summary of the actions that were taken, all minutes of the City Commission, and all of their Advisory Boards and Committees will be of the same style and format, with a foundation of brevity. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Meetings. All public meetings shall be recorded in full. Section 2. Except as printed herein. All minutes shall be produced and maintained in accordance with the 9`'' Edition of Roberts Rules of Order, maintaining a record of what is done, rather than what is said. Section 3. Motions. All motions will be transcribed in full, along with who made the motion, and any corresponding vote(s). Section 4. Body. No comments, discussion, or statements that are stated or written "for the record," either by a member of the Commission, (any Advisory Board and/or Committee), the City Manager, the City Attorney, City Staff, or any member of the audience will be transcribed verbatim, unless the voting members unanimously agree to this, complete with a Motion and a documented vote confirming this. Section 5. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, word or provision of this Resolution is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any Court of competent jurisdiction, whether for substantive, procedural, or any other reason, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Resolution. Section 6. Effective Date. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida. ADOPTED by the City Commission oPthe pity of Winter Springs, Florida, iti a reg?~lar meeting assembled on the 26`" day of March:,2001. ~ 1 _~__.. ;! ~-_ -~ 1P ~ r k Pau . Pa ty a, Mayor ; ~ AT!'TEST: ~` ~' ~~ ~~. --~rndrea Loregz =i;uaces, City Clerk /l APP AS TO LEGAL FORM AND SUFFICIENCY F HE Y F WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA ONLY: Anthony A. Garganese, City ttorney Exhibit C RESOLUTION NO. 2003-06 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, REPEALING RESOLUTION N0.908 AND AMENDING AND RESTATING IN THEIR ENTIRETY THE RULES AND PROCEDURES FOR THE CONDUCT OF ANY COMMISSION MEETINGS, PROVIDING FOR SEVF.RABILITY; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT RESOLUTIONS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, ("City Commission") desires to conduct its business with order and efficiency; and WHEREAS, in order to effectuate order and efficiency at City Commission meetings, the City Commission recognizes the need to adopt rules and procedures to conduct City business; and WHEREAS, the City Commission desires to amend its rules and procedures set forth in Resolution 908; and WHEREAS, the City Commission also desires to restate herein the rules and procedures of the City Commission as amended; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has found it necessary to periodically review its practices to provide guidelines for the most expedient and efficient business practices in the City; and WHEREAS, the City Commission deems it to be in the best interests of the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of the City that the City Commission have rules of order for the conduct of its business. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. RECITALS. The foregoing recitals are affirmed and incorporated as part of this resolution. Section 2. RULES AND PROCEDURES. The following rules and procedures are adopted for City Commission meetings: A. Agenda Packets. Agenda Packets shall be made available to Commissioners no later than Wednesday at 5'00 p.m. prior to the Commission meeting; however, when absolutely necessary or in the event of an emergency, the City Manager may distribute any add-on agenda item(s) after Wednesday at 5:00 p.m. Resolution 2003-06 City of Winter Springs Pagc 1 of 3 B. Robert's Rules of Order. Robert's Rules of Order shall be the "underlying foundation" for the conduct of Commission meetings. (Robert's Rules of Order may be suspended by a majority vote.) C. Consent Agenda. Any Commissioner may request that a Consent Agenda Item be held for separate consideration. D. Motions. No Motion shall be recognized by the Chair until all Commissioners and the City Manager have had an opportunity to address that Agenda Item. E. Motions Belong to Commission. Motions, once made, and seconded, belong to the Commission, not the individual making the original Motion. (Amendments need not be accepted by the Maker of the Motion.) F. Parliamentary Procedure. All Motions shall be considered in accordance with the Chart !, Ranking Order and Chart 11, Motions in the "Parliamentary Procedure Basics for Governmental Bodies" (Third Edition, Agenda Associates). G. Time Limits. Unless otherwise approved by a majority vote of the City Commission, each Commissioner and the Mayor shall be given a maximum of five (5) minutes to initially speak on an agenda item. After each Commissioner and the Mayor have been afforded the opportunity to initially speak on an agenda item, each Commissioner and the Mayor shall then be given additional time to speak in five (5) minute increments until discussion on that agenda item has been concluded. H. Call the Ouestion. Motions to "Call the Question" shall require a second and a vote. I. Moor Enforce Time Limits. The Mayor shall strongly enforce the directives of the Commission relative to disruptive members of the audience and time limits on Public Input. J. Commissioners Call Attention to Disruptive Behavior. Members of the Commission may call the Mayor's attention to disruptive behavior by members of the audience, if the Mayor fails to notice the behavior. In such event, the Mayor shall issue a warning to those individuals. K. Mayor Give Warning_ The Mayor shall give disruptive members of the audience a (one) warning. If these individuals commit further disruptions, the Police Chief shall escort them out of the Commission Chamber for the remainder of the meeting. Resolution 2003-06 City of Winter Springs Page 2 of 3 L. Time of Adjournment. Unless sooner adjourned by majority vote of the City Commission, the Mayor shall adjourn the Commission meeting at 1 ] :00 p.m. However, by super majority vote ofthe City Commission, a Commission meeting may be extended beyond 11:00 p.m. in time increments or to handle any specific agenda item(s). Section 3. SEVERABILITY. If any section, clause, phrase, word, or provision of this resolution is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, whether for substantive or procedural reasons, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this resolution. Section 4. REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT RESOLUTIONS. Resolution No. 908 and all prior inconsistent resolutions adopted by the City Commission are hereby repealed. Section 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. This resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, and pursuant to the City Charter. Section 6. LIMITATIONS. The failure of the City Commission or Mayor to abide by any of the Rules and Procedures contained in this resolution shall not have any adverse effect on any final decision made by a majority vote of the City Commission. DONE AND ADOPTED in regular session of the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, this 27th day of January 2003 ~, ~ ~ ~ II-- JO F. BUSY, Ma; or A`1 TEST: , DRE~L'6RENZ0-LUACES, City Clerk Appro s to legal form and sufficiency for the C' y ~ ter Springs only: ANTHONY A. GARGANESE, City Attorney Resolution 2003-U6 City of Winter Springs Pagc 3 of 3