HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998 12 09 Section 5-4. Official Green Plan for Public Property Sec. 5-4 Official green plan for public property. (a) Initial plan. The city forester under the guidance of the director of, community development ,shall develop an official Winter Springs Green Plan which provides to the city commission the following information: (1) Documentation on the current nature of the city forest consisting of parks, rights-of--way, easements and public facilities; 1. Parks. A. Central Winds Park B. Trotwood Park C. Etc........ D. Etc........ 2. Right-of--ways. A. Edgemon islands B. 434 medians C. Moss Rd islands D. Tuscawilla PUD I. Winter Springs Blvd II. Northern -South III. Northern -North IV. Etc ............. V. Etc ..................... VI. Etc ...................... VII. 3. Easements. 4. Public Facilities. A. Fire Station B. Police Station C. City Hall D. Public Works I. II. III. E. Etc .......................................................... (2) Proposals for the care, preservation, replacement, and planting of new trees and plants on city land; To ensure quality landscape design and enhance the natural beauty of Winter Springs the following guideline provides for the care, preservation, and replacement of trees and foliage on public property. 1. Restricted plants. 2. Suggested trees and other foliage recommendations. 3. Replacement guidelines. 4. Care and Preservation. i 1. Restricted plants. The following is a list of noxious weeds and invasive plants that have the highest priority as listed by the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council. The purpose of this list is to focus the attention on: a. The impacts exotic pest plants have on native biodiversity in Florida's ecosystem. b. The impact of exotic pest plants on the integrity of native plant community functions. c. Habitat loses due to exotic pest plant infestations. d. The need to prevent such loses by comprehensive management of exotic pests. These listed here have the highest priority because of their invasive impact on natural vegetation. The cultivation or landscape use of these plants are prohibited within the City of Winter Springs. These plants have little or no aesthetic value as well. A complete list of pest plants is available at (www. fl eppc. org/971i st. ht m). INVASIVE /PEST PLANT LIST Common Australian Pine Brazilian pepper Chinaberry Chinese Tallow Melaleuca Catclaw Mimosa Elephant Ear (sm) Genus S ecies Notes TREES/SHRUBS Casurina all SpQ. All species are on the list. Schinus Terebinthifolius Invasive ornamental, member of Poison Ivy family. Melia Azederach Sa ium Sebiferum Highly invasive. Melaleuca Quin4uinervia Central Florida is northern range. Mimosa p ara SHRUBS /SMALL PLANTS Xanthosoma Sagittifolium VINES /LIANAS Air Potato Dioscorea bulbifera Clogs drainage ditches Covers entire canopy killing trees. AQUATIC PLANTS Water hyacinth Eichhornia Crassipes Clogs waterways Hydrilla H~ Verticillata Water Spinach 1 op moea a uatica Alligator weed Altemanthera Philoxeroides Highly invasive, clogging waterways. 2.Suggested trees and other foliage recommendations. The following is a list of recommended trees and plants that are to be used in plantings on public property. Others can be added with approval of the City Forester. ACCEPTABLE NATIVE /COMMON TREES Common Genus Saecies Chapman Oak C~., chapmanii E Laurel Oak C~ laurifolia E Live Oak uercus virginiana E Myrtle Oak Cam. myrtifolia E ScrubOak Cam. _geminata E Turkey Oak Cam. laevis D Water Oak (~. niara E Willow Oak Cam. hp ellos D Shumard (red) Cam. shumardii D Longleaf pine P. alustris E Pond pine P. serotina E Sand Pine P. clausa E Slash pine Pinus elliottii E Loblolly Pine P. taeda E Red Maple Acer rubrum D Sweet Gum Lipuidambar stvraciflua D Loblolly Bay Southern Magnolia Sweetbay Magnolia Bald Cypress Gordonia lasianthus Magnolia prandiflora M. vir4iniana Taxodium distichum Notes E, Showy white flowers E E deciduous Pond Cypress T. ascendens deciduous Pignut Hickory Cava Ip abra Water Hickory Carva a uatica Red Bay Persea borbonia Swamp Bay P. alustris Sycamore P/atanus occidentalis deciduous Cherry laurel Prunus caroliniana Loquat, (Japanese Plum) Eriobotrva japonica E American Elm Ulmus americans D Chinese Elm (orake> Ulmus parviflora D Green Ash Fraxinus pennsvlvanica D Water Ash F. caroliniana D Hercules Club (foothaoheTree, ZanthoxYlum clava-herculis D Elderberry Sambucus canadensis E Devil's Waliking Stick Aralia s inosa D, Araliaceae (ginseng family) Persimmon Diosavros virginiana D Ironwood, e~~e o~ Wa~a~ beam Car inus caroliniana D, wet habitat Flowering Dogwood Cornus florida D, showy white flowers Swamp Black Gum Nvssa sylvatica verllaidena D, wart areas Florida Elm Ulmus americanave.~ade~e Dahoon Holly Ilex cassine E, wet areas Southern Red Cedar JuniAerus virginiana~e.s,~;~;~o~. E ACCEPTABLE SHRUBS Salt Myrtle Baccharis halimifolia American Beautyberry Inkberry, Galberry Rusty Lyonia Shiny Lyonia Wild Olive Elderberry Saw Palmetto Adam's Needle, aaercreg6 Azalea Boxwood, Japanese Crape Myrtrle American Hotly Yaupon Holly Juniper Saw Palmeto Photinia, Red-tip Photinia, Red-leaf Pittosporum Podocarpus, Nagi Podocarpus, Yew Privet, Chinese Privet, Florida Privet, Japanese Callicarpa Ilex Lyonia L. Osmanthus Sambucus Serenoa Yucca Rhododendron Buxus Lagerstroemia Ilex 1. Juniperus Serenoa Photinia P. Pittosporum Podocarpus P. Li4ustrum Forestiera Ligustrum americana Ig abra ferruclinea lucida americana americana repens filamentosa microphylla indica opaca vomitoria Spp• repens /abra fraserii tobira n~ macrophvllus sinense seareQata laponicum Silverthorn Elaeagnus up n_gens Viburnum, Sandanka Viburnum susaensum Viburnum, Sweet V. odoratissimum Wax Myrtle Mvrica cerifera Indian hawthorn Raaheolepis indica ACCEPTABLE ORNAMENTALS Aspargus Fern Aspara4us densiflorus Cast Iron Plant Aspidistra elatior Coontie Zamia umila Crinum Lilly Crinum asiaticum Crown of Thorns Euphorbia milli Day Lily Hemerocallis Garlic, Society Tulbaahia violacea Jasmine, Confederate Trache/ospermum iasminoides Jasmine, small -leaf Trachelospermum asiaticum Lily Turt (creeping) Lirio e s is cata Liriope Lirio a muscari Mondo Grass Ophiopogon iaponicus Palm, Sago Cvcas Pampas Grass Cortaderia selloana Sunflower, Beach Helianthus debilis ACCEPTABLE GRASSES Bahia Paspalum notatum Bermuda Cvnodon dactvlon Threatened native, beautiful foliage plant, looks like Sago. Centipede St Augustine Zoysia Eremochloa Stenotaphrum Zoysia ophiuroides secundatum Spp• 3. Replacement Guidelines. Replacement of foliage on public property will be assessed by the city arborist and the public works administration on an individual case basis. Guidance from the BOWS committee (Beautification of Winter Springs) and the city commission board hearings will aid in the design and budget allocation. 4. Care and Preservation. Routine care, maintenance, and preservation will be carried out by the city arborist and public works administration on an individual case basis based on the species of plant and habitat. Close care will be carried out as given in Your Florida Landscape: A Complete Guide To Planting artd Maintenance. a publication printed by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. (3) Projected budgetary data for at least the subsequent five- (5) years.