HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008 08 27 Referenced by Deputy City Clerk Harker Under ReportsDate: August 27, 2008 ATTACHED DOCUMENT WAS REFERENCED BY DEPUTY CITY CLERK HARKER UNDER "REPORTS" AT THE REGULAR MEETING. FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF CODE ENFORCEMENT EXAMINATION REGISTRATION FORM CHECK AS APPROPRIATE: ^ LEVEL I ^ LEVEL II ^ LEVEL III ^ LEVEL IV ^ RETAKE ^ OCTOBER 18, 2008 ^DECEMBER 6, 2008 10:00 AM - 12:00 NOON ' NAME AGENCY NAME PREFERRED MAILING ADDRESS DAYTIME PHONE FAx E-MAIL EXAM FEES: F.A.C.E. Members: $75.00. if post marked by 10/03/2008 (for October exam) or 11/21/08 (for December exam) or $110.00 if payment is received after that date. P.O.'s must be provided prior to the cut-off date to avoid the higher fee. Non-Members: $110.00. Refunds must be requested in writing no less than three days prior to the exam date. Fees will be refunded less a $20.00 administrative fee. Beyond this date all monies .are forfeit. A $15.00 fee applies to all rescheduled exams. Enclosed is payment of $ - P.O. #_ To Pay by Credit Card, please fax this registratipn form FIRST to 407.317.7750 then have the cardholder contact our office at 407.235.3960. A FFTTI A VTT 1 hereby certify that 1 understand the secure and confidential nature of the examination, and swear or afftrm that I will not reveal the contents to anyone. By my signature, I affirm that I will abide by the rules of the examination. I understand that I' must complete all the class hours before being eligible to take the exam. I hereby certify that I understand that the payment required for this examination is soleiy my responsibility. 1 acknowledge and agree that if my employer or any other entity or person that may have agreed to pay for me to take this exam fails to make timely and complete payment, I will be billed for said payment. I understand that if timely payment is not made, this account may be turned over to collection and I may ~be assessed additional collections costs. SIGNATURE (Registrant must sign on line above) MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: University of Central Florida. SIGN REGISTRATION FORM and mail to: The John Scott Dailey Florida Institute of Government at UCF 36 W. Pine Street Suite 204 Orlando, FL 32801-2612 An original of your signature must be on file at UCF. Questions? Please contact us: Telephone: 407-235-3960 Fax: 407-317-7750 E-mail: iog@mail.ucf.edu ' IMPORTANT: At the examination site you mtast have: ~ ' • Your entry card (sent to you with confirmation of your registration). • Picture Identification. You will not be allowed into the site, or to take the test, without showing .these items. , The exam will be given at The University of Central Florida, 7300 Lake Ellenor Qr., Orlando, Florida, 407.856.6585 Testing is under the direction of Professional Testing Services, Inc. Florida. Association of Code Enforcement Examination Registration fundamentals of Code Enforcement -Level I Administrative Aspects of Code Enforcement -Level II HOW TO ATTEND: Fill out and _ return the registration form to the Florida Institute of Government at the University of Central Florida. ~ Please include fee payment either by check, credit card, or a purchase order. A written confirmation and entry card for the examination will be mailed to you. CERTIFICATION: After completing the requisite 40 hours for Level I or II code enforcement officials must successfully pass an examination in order to receive certification. The test will be given on October 18, 2008 or December 6, 2008 the University of Central Florida, 7300 Lake ,Ellenor Drive, Orlando, Florida. 407.856.6585 To take the exam, fill in the enclosed Examination Registration Form and return it, with payment of $75 (members), $110 (non-members), postmarked no later than 10/3/08 (for Oct. exam) or 11/21Y08 (for Dec. exam). All registrations received after that date will cost $110. Refunds' must be requested in writing no less than ,three days prior to the exam date. Fees will be refunded less a $20.00 administrative fee.- .Beyond this date, all monies are forfeit. A $15.00 fee applies to all rescheduled exams. Please call the Florida Institute of Government if you have a disability that prohibits your from taking the examination under standard conditions. ' THE FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF CODE ENFORCEMENT (F.A.C.E.) was established,to study and advance the science and practice of Code Enforcement statewide through training, certification and the exchange of ideas, information and techniques. In cooperation with the Florida Institute of Goverrment at UCF, F.A.C.E. has developed curriculum for Level Certification: Fundamentals of Code Ehforcement, Level I I . Certification: Administrative Aspect$ of Code Enforcement, Level III: Legal Issues in Code Enforcement, and Level IV: Officer Safety and Field Applications. THE JOHN SCOTT DAILEY FLORIDA INSTITUTE OF GOVERNMENT at universities throughout the State provides professional development, training opportunities, and technical assistance to state and local governments. NoF~ For more information about Code Enforcement Certification, please contact o°~~`o °~F~2 Susan Pruchnicki F o 407.235.3960 FAX 407.317.7750 a a ~ d°~y `E ,y~°~ For more information about F.A.C.E., please contact President Shawn O'Rourke 407.971.5785 sorourke@cityofoviedo.net FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF CODE ENFORCEMENT CERTIFICATION LEVEL I ~ LEVEL II Fundamentals of Code Enforcement Administrative Aspects of Code Enforcement October 13-17, 2008` December 1-5, 2008 Property Ownership October 13 Performance Management December 1 8:00 A:M. - 5:00 PM 8:00 A.M. - 12:00 NOON F.A.C.E. member $48; non-member $60 F.A.C.E. member $96; non-member $120 personnel Issues December 1 Communication Skills October 14 1:00 P.M. - 5:00 P.M. 8:00 AM. - 12:00 NOON F.A.C.E. member $48; non-member $60 F.A.C.E. member $48; non-member $60 Media and Public Relations 8:00 A.M. - 12:00 NOON December 2 , Ethics . October 14 F.A.C.E. member $48; .non-member $60 1:00 PM. - 5:00 P.M. • Records Management December 2 F.A.C.E. member $48; non-merYiber $60 1:00 P.M. - 5:00 P.M. , member $48; A E F C non-member $60 . . . . Legal Aspects October 15 8:00 ~A.M. - 5:00 PM ' Stress Management 8:00 A,M. - 12:00 NOON " December 3 ' F.A.C.~'. member $96; non-member $120 F.A.C.E. member $48; 'non-member $60 ~ Report Writing October 16 Time Management December 3 8:00 AM = 12:00 NOON 1:00 P.M. = S:OO.P.M. , F.A.C.E. member $48; non-member $60 F.A.C.E. member $48; non-member $60 Organization of the Unit December 4 • Principles & Practices Part 1 - October 16 8:00 A.M. --12:00 NOON ~ , 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM ~ F.A.C.E. member $48; non-member $60` F.A.C.E. member $48: non-member $60 Expanded Resp, end Alternatives. December 4 Princi les and Practices Part 2 October 17 p _ M - 5:00 P M: 8:00 A 1:00 P.M. - 5:00 P.M.:: F.A.C.E. member $48; , non-member $60 . . . Public Speaking December 5 F.A.C.E. member $96; non-member $120 8:00 A:M. - 5:00 P.M. EXAM - October 18 F.A.C.E. member $96;° non-member $120 10:00 A.M. - 1:00 NOON " SAM - - December 6 Registration form inside. ~ 10:00 A.M. - 12:00 NOON Registration form inside. " loN of co 'Class fees are $12.00 per hour for members, $15.00 per hour for non-members. ~oG~~ dF~~~ ,Week of classes is $480.00 for rrrembers, $600.00 for non-members: _ ~ F ~ All classes and fhe exams will be held at-the - o Ac ~ University of Central f/orida South Campus ~ ~ ~ n,~ 7300 Lake Lllenor Dr, Orlando, Florida O~y , y$ A map and list of nearby hotels wilt be emailed with course conlrrmation. FUNDAMENTALS OF CODE ENFORCEMENT CERTIFICATION ~+ LEVEL I PROPERTY OWNERSHIP RESEARCH: Learn to understand legal descriptions, locate property, and calculate the area of parcels. Identify various types,of ownership and the methods of researching them. REPORT WRITING: Learn how to gather information and prepare code enforcement documents with accuracy, clarity, and conciseness; how to prepare investigative documents, case dockets or summaries, and required formal notices. PRINCIPLES & PRACTICES OF CODE ENFORCEMENT: Learn how to apply basic knowledge and skills to daily activities. These skills include enforcement techniques, inspection procedures, field communications, and call handling as well as legal issues required to complete duties from the initial complaint to the final hearing process. Part I ,Administrative: Learn the role and history of code enforcement, complaint taking . procedures, phgne procedures, and proper documentation. Part II: -Field Inspections & Civil Process: Learn proper inspection procedures, field contacts, how to ensure ofFcer safety, how to prepare field reports, how to effectively present cases to the Code Enforcement Board, and how to deal with hearing procedures, citations, and liens., COMMUNICATION SKILLS: Understand two~way communication with emphasis on listening skills and non-verbal communication. Learn specific techniques for dealing with angry people and the use of verbal judo when dealing with the public. , ETHICS: Examine ethical dilemmas and guidelines, definitions, common rationalizations and establishment-of an ethical environment. Gain knowledge of tiie.ethical standards of public administration. LEGAL ASPECTS: Keview the laws affecting code enforcement, from the U.S. Constitution to Chapter 162 of the Florida. Statutes, including equal enforcement, right of entry, and issuance of warrants. HOW TO ATTEND CLASSkS: Fill out the registration form on the back of this flyer and_ return to the Florida Institute of Government at the UniversitlC of Cenxral Florida, including a check, purchase order or letter of authorization. A course confimaation, receipt, and. list of nearby hotels will be emailed to yau. FURTHER DETAILS: Class size is limited.. Continental breakfast,and an afternoon snack is included. Lunch is NOT included in registration fees.- We can refund course fees minus a $30 administrative charge. We MUST have written- notice at least three days prior to the class for a refund. Beyond that date all monies are forfeit: CERTIFICATION: After attending the 40 hours as listed above, participants must successfully pass an examination in order to receive certification. -The test will be given on Saturday following the week of classes.- To take the exam, you must fill in the enclosed .Exam Registration Forma and return it, with .payment of $75 member~($110 non- member), no later than-October 3 (Level I) and November 21 (L~evef II). Registrations received .after these dates will be $1.10. We can refund exam fees less a $20 administrative'charge. We MUST have written notice at least three days prior to the exam for a refund. Beyond that date all monies are forfeit. A $15 rescheduling fee applies to all rescheduled exams. ~1oN oFCO~ _ For more information about Code Enforcement Certification, c~ ~~ please contact the~John Scott Dai/ey Florida Institute of Government at UCF ~o ~0 407.235.3960 • 'fax 407. 317.7750 • iog@mail.ucf.edu " ~ F ~ _ p Ac ~ For more information about F.A.C.E. please contact President Shawn O'Rourke ~`~o~ E "" ~~~ City of Oviedo • 407.971.5781 y ~ sorourkeC~atyofoviedo.net or www.face-online.org _ . ADMINISTRATIVE ASPECTS OF CODE ENFORCEMENT N LEVEL II STRESS MANAGEMENT: Control stress and avoid burn-out by learning to recognize and manage the hidden and not-so-hidden stressors in life. ~ - TIME MANAGEMENT: Manage time effectively by using principles of time management, recognizing, and controlling time wasters, and delegating appropriately. . ORGANIZATION OF THE UNIT: Understand the components of strategic planning and how it can be applied within a department; learn, how to set up and structure a unit for maximum success and highest productivity. ~ ' ` EXPANDED RESPONSIBILITIES & ALTERNATIVES TO CODE ENFORCEMENT: Understand the way code enforcement is used in a variety of governmental activities. Learn_ how to use alternative methods to traditional code enforcement. MEDIA & PUBLIC RELATIONS: When dealing with thQ media and the -public, learn to put your best . foot forward... instead of in your ~ mouth. Be proactive. Give effective interviews ~by developing a media strategy that will present Code Enforcement to the public positively. RECORDS MANAGEMENT: Review the best ways to keep the Code Enforcement office records, using state-approved records management systems anc~ complying with Florida's Public Records law. PERSONNEL ISSUES: Implement sound, legal, and effective employment policies based on federal and state mandates, paying particular attention to harassment in the workplace, using appropriate int~vi~+-irtg techniques, and general requirements of the Americans with Disabilities.Act. PERFpRMANCE MANAGEMENT: Establish ayear-round cycle of performance management including developing and. sharing with employees realistic job performance standards, quarterly and yearly performance appraisals, and using appropriate coaching and counseling. techniques. PUBLIC SPEAKING: Give presentations like a pro...in front of two. or 200 people...using proven techniques to enhance professional style and get points across.. FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF CODE ENFORCEMENT (F.A.C.E.) was established to study and advance the science and practice of .Code Enforcement statewide through training, certification, and the exchange of ideas, information and techniques.. In cooperation with The John Scott Dailey Florida Institute of Government at tfie University of Central Florida, F.A.C.E: has developed the following curriculum: Level I Certification: Fundamentals of Code Enforcement Level II Certification: Administrative Aspects of Code Enforcement Level III Certification: Legal Issues in Code Enforcement Level IV Certification: Officer Safety and Field Applications The John Scott Dailey Florida Institute of Government at the University of Central Florida provides professional development, training ` opportunities, and technical assistance to state- and local governments throughout Central Florida. _ ~ ~ FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF CODE ENFORCEMENT CERTIFICATION REGISTRATION Circle One: LEVEL I :October 13-17, 2008 LEVEL TI: December 1=5, 2008 You may duplicate this form for additional registrations. PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT. NAME E-MAIL AGENCY NAME PREFERRED CONTACT ADDRESS - CITY ZIP CODE PHONE: DAY FAX COURSE(S) REGISTERING FOR Enclosed is payment of $ PO # (please attach a copy of the PO) Florida Association of Code Enforcement Membership Number Please note: The member fee applies only to,those with individual FACE memberships. Agency memberships are not applicable. " TO ATTEND CLASSES: Fill out the registration form above and return it with a check or purchase order to; The John Scott Dailey FLORIDA INSTITUTE OF GOVERNMENT at UCF • 36 WEST Pine Street, Suite 204, Orlando, Florida 32801-2612 Make checks payable to:_ UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA ~ ~ • Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express are accepted over the telephone. `FAX TRIS , COMPLETED FORM FIRST to 407.317.7750, then have the card holder call 407-235-3960 to pay with a credit card. UCF The John Scott Dailey Florida Institute of Government 36 West Pine Street, Suite 204 'Orlando; Florida 32801-2612 ` • .RECE~VE~ a~.~ ~, o s zoos _ CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK t Danielle Harker Associate 1126 E. State Rd. 434 - Winter Springs, FL 32708 ._ .._ . _ w ...~ ..r _.. m _ _ . ~. . ~ F ii ##y jj ( z f i ' i (y EEI~EE?lil~?iE1~~?eil?E~?iiii~~iiElE??~iFi?~EE3S5~?~JEEFi?i1i Non Profit Organization U. S. Postage PAID Permit No. 3575 Urlantb, Florida