HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007 03 20 Handouts by Captain Tolleson 202.5 March 20, 2007 Handouts Given to the Code Enforcement Board Members from Captain Tolleson Regarding Agenda Item 202.5 During March 20, 2007 Regular Meeting. LAND DEVELOPMENT (15) Accessory parking in residential areas. A lot or lots separated by a common bound- ary from a commercial district but located in a R-lA or R-1AA single~family dwelling district may be used as a free parking lot or lots to service the contiguous and ad- joining commercial use or uses, provided, however, that: a. No advertising signs are erected in the area. b. The setback from the front property line shall be the same as for the district in which the lot or lots are located. c. All automobile parking lots shall be effectively screened on each side which adjoins or fronts property sit- uated in any residential or single- family dwelling district by a wall, fence or densely planted compact hedge. Such wall, densely planted hedge or fence shall not be less than four (4) feet in height and shall be maintained in good condition. d. No structures shall be erected in such areas. (16) Common boundary construed. For the pur- pose of(15) above, the term common bound- ary shall be deemed to include all or any part of a line between a commercial dis- trict and an R-1, R-1A or R-1AA single- family dwelling district, or the separation of a commercial district from an R-1, R-1A, and R-1AA single-family dwelling district by an intervening public street, alley or other way where the parcels in question lie wholly or partly in a position directly opposite from each other in such a manner that in the absence of the public street, alley or way, the parcels would have a common boundary line in whole or in part. (Ord. No. 44, ~ 44.73, 1-8-68; Ord. No. 2003-36, ~ 10-13-03) Sec. 9-279. Off-street parking of commer- cial vehicles. Except for the temporary parking of vehicles conducting business on the premises or engaged Supp. No.5 * 9-281 in the loading or delivering of materials, no over- night parking of tractor trailers, cube vans, semi- trailers and/or cabs shall be permitted on any off-street parking facility within the city. Vehicles owned or operated by the business located on the licensed premises may be parked overnight pro- vided that they are parked behind the business or, if sufficient rear lot space is not available, in the least visible space from any right-of-way and abutting property. A special events permit may be obtained for a period not to exceed fourteen (14) days for the temporary parking of a trailer, semi- trailer, and/or their cabs for special occasions. After ninety (90) days, this permit may be re- newed once during a twelve-month period. (Ord. No. 721, ~ 1, 6-28-99) DMSION 7. DUMPSTERS. Sec. 9-280. Definitions. As used in this division the word "dumpster" shall mean any container which is used for the collection and disposal of bulk trash, refuse, veg- etative waste, recyclable materials or other kinds of waste, and which may be of the open or en- closed variety, and is typically hoisted onto or mechanically emptied into a specifically equipped truck for transporting said waste to a designated facility. Dumpsters are typically used for multi- family, commercial, and industrial land uses. (Ord. No. 2002-13, ~ 1, 5-13-02) Sec. 9-281. Minimum screening require- ments. All dumpsters shall be screened on all four (4) sides from public view and situated under the following minimum screening, design, and locational requirements: (1) Both sides and the rear of the dumpster shall be screened by an opaque wall made of concrete, brick, stone, or other similar durable material, provided the material used is compatible with the architectural design of the principal structure. The wall shall be at least six (6) feet in height or the height of the dumpster, whichever is 591 ~ 9-281 WINTER SPRINGS CODE greater. The wall shall be designed to permit adequate and reasonable truck pick-up by the solid waste hauler. (2) The front of the dumpster shall be screened by an opaque gate which shall remain closed at all times, except for trash dis- posal and pick-up. (3) Dumpsters shall be placed in an area that is least visible from the public right-of- way and shall be situated so as to provide for adequate and reasonable truck pick-up by the solid waste hauler. (4) Dumpsters shall be placed on a concrete pad or other impervious surface deemed suitable by the city. (5) Restaurants or other commercial busi- nesses that discard significant amounts of food or other materials that decay, pro- duce offensive odors or liquids, and/or attract infectious diseases shall be re- quired to equip the dumpster site with a sewer drain and water. The sewer drain and water source shall be subject to ap- proval by the city. These dumpster sites shall be cleaned with water and appropri- ate cleaning products frequently and as often as necessary to keep the dumpster in a sanitary condition. (6) Landscaping around the dumpster may be required if deemed necessary by the city in order to make the dumpster com- patible with the surrounding neighbor- hood and the site development. (7) All new dumpsters shall comply with the minimum requirements set forth herein upon the effective date of this division. The city commission may, by resolution, approve a standard set of engineering plans for an enclosed dumpster. Said plans may be used by the public to satisfy the requirements of this section. All dumpsters existing on the effective date of this divi- sion shall comply with the minimum re- quirements set forth herein by March 1, 2004, except that any such existing dumpster shall be grandfathered from the six-foot height requirement set forth in Supp. ~o. 5 $ection 9-281(1) and applicable zoning set- back requirements, provided the dumpster fully complies with all other provisions of this section. In addition, existing dumpsters ~ay be screened by an opaque vinyl screen, provided the material is deemed durable lImd of high quality by the city in terms of ~esign and in accordance with current ~uilding code standards. (8) Dumpsters located within an enclosed ~uilding are exempt from this section. (Ord. No. 2002-13, ~ 1, 5-13-02; 2003-26, ~ 2, 8-11-03; Ord. No. 2003-39, ~ 2, 11-10-03; Ord. No. 2003-40~ ~ 2, 1-26-04) Secs. 9~282-9-295. Reserved. ARtt'ICLE V. DESIGN STANDARDS Sec. 9-296. Typical street sections. The fqllowing drawings illustrate typical cross sections iof streets constructed under the provi- sions of this chapter: 592 provided within fifteen (5) days from the date of notice that his/her lot had to be cleaned and that a charge is being as- sessed therefore. (g) After causing the condition to be remedied, the director of code enforcement shall certify to the director of finance the expense incurred in remedying the condition whereupon such ex- pense, plus a charge to cover city administrative expense, plus any administrative penalty as pro- vided in subsection (h), shall become payable within thirty (30) days, after which a special assessment lien and charge will be made upon the property, which shall be payable with interest at a rate of eight (8) percent per annum from the date of such certification until paid. 0) Such lien shall be enforceable in the same manner as a tax lien in favor ofthe City of Winter Springs may be satisfied at any time by payment thereof including ac- crued interest. Notice of such lien may be filed in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court and recorded among the public records of Seminole County, Flor- ida. (2) If the subject property is secured by locks or otherwise, the city shall have the au- thority to enter said property for purposes of remedying the violative condition, and any additional costs incurred by the city in gaining access to the property or in resecuring the property after cleaning shall be considered expenses of remedying the condition. (h) In addition to the actual cost of remedying the violation cited under subsections (c) and (d), the city may also assess a charge to cover admin- istrative expenses incurred in securing and mon- itoring the services of a private contractor to remedy the violation. Said administrative charge shall be reviewed and approved by city commis- sion at least on an annual basis. (1) If a second violation of subsections (c) and (d) is cited against the same property and property owner within twelve ( 12) months from the date of the first citation, an administrative penalty of one hundred dollars ($100.00) shall additionally be as- NUISANCES ~ 13-4 sessed five (5) days after the second cita- tion. If the condition is abated by the owner during that five (5) day period, the penalty will not be assessed. If a third violation of subsections (c) and (d) is cited against the same property and property owner within twelve (12) months from the date of the first citation, an administra- tive penalty of two hundred dollars ($200.00) shall additionally be assessed five (5) days after the third citation. If the condition is abated by the owner during that five (5) day period, the penalty will not be assessed. Subsequent violations cited against the same property and prop- erty owner shall be referred to the city's attorney for appropriate legal action in- cluding, but not limited to, injunctive re- lief, in addition to enforcement as pro- vided by this chapter. (Code 1974, * 7-1; Ord. No. 464, ~ 1,2-12-90; Ord. No. 632, * I, 11-25-96) Sec. 13-3. Duty of owners of buildings to keep surrounding property clean; notice; failure to comply with no- tice. (a) All land within a three-hundred-foot radius of any dwelling or other building within the city shall be kept in a clean and trim condition by the owner of the property. (b) If the owner of any property fails to comply with the conditions of this section, he shall be notified by the city of the violation and be allowed fifteen (15) days to comply. (c) If, after the fifteen-day period provided for in subsection (b), the owner has not cleaned the property in accordance with this section, the city shall have the right and authority to enter upon the propp,rty in question, clear the land according to the requirements of this section and charge the owner for the cost thereof. (Code 1974, * 7-2) Sec. 13-4. Procedure for city enforcement of non-imminent hazards. In cases involving nuisance or hazardous con- ditions which require direct governmental action 877