HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007 09 10 Informational 102 Gee Creek Bank Stabilization ProjectCOMMISSION AGENDA
ITEM 102
ember 10, 2007
MGR /DEPT ~i~ ~"
REQUEST: Public Works Department providing the City Commission with a summary
of the Gee Creek Bank Stabilization Project funding history
PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to provide the City Commission with a
summary of the Gee Creek Bank Stabilization Project funding history
The 2004 hurricanes eroded the Gee Creek banks at several areas within Hacienda Village. In
2005, the Gee Creek Bank Stabilization Project was designed to repair the creek banks and
prevent further creek bank erosion in the vicinity of several residential units. The project was
determined to be eligible for federal funding far up to 75% of the project cost under the City's
emergency watershed management agreement with the Natural Resources Conservation Service
(NRCS). Under the terms of the agreement, the property owners were responsible for 25% of the
project cost. The total project cost was estimated to be $75,000.
In October 2005, the Hacienda Village Cooperative Board (Co-Op) failed to provide the 25%
matching funds necessary for the project within the limited time frame when federal funds were
available, and the project was cancelled. The Co-Op's decision to decline their portion of the
funding was cominunicated to City staff by the Co-Op's General Manager in October 2005.
The project remains on an approved list for federal funding; however, a triggering storm event in
this area is necessary in order for additional federal funds to be released. The Co-Op has
indicated that they intend to provide the matching funds of approximately $20,000 if federal
funds become available.
On July 17, 2007, the City Engineer attended the Hacienda Village HOA meeting and spoke
about the status of the project and several other stormwater-related issues. Mr. John Tripp,
Chairman of the Co-Op Board, confirmed that the Co-Op declined to provide the 25% matching
funds back in 2005 but indicated they were now prepared to participate if additional federal funds
became available.
Informational Agenda Item 102
September 10, 2007
Page 2 of 2
Below is a more detailed summary regarding the Gee Creek Bank Stabilization Project:
December 17, 2004 - A project agreement was signed between the City and the U.S.
Department of Agriculture - Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA-NRCS) for
the grant of financial aid for projects affected by the 2004 hurricanes. The Gee Creek
Bank Stabilization project at Hacienda Village was determined to be eligible for federal
funding under the City's agreement, with a 75% federal funding grant and a 25% cost
share to be provided by Hacienda Village.
• March - June, 2005 - City completed the clearing and removal of trees and debris at all
major waterways in the City using NRCS grant funds at 75%, including Gee Creek at
Hacienda Village.
• June - Jul,y, 2005 - City staff assisted Mr. Druel Smith, General Manager of the Hacienda
Village Cooperative Board, in search of engineers and/or contractors to perform the bank
stabilization project at Gee Creek. MSE Systems, a construction company specializing in
erosion control work, provided the necessary design and details of the proposed project.
MSE's design was reviewed and approved by NRCS. At the same time, Mr. Smith
presented the project design to the Hacienda Village Co-Op Board.
• August, 2005 - Mr. Smith notified the City Staff that the Co-Op Board approved the
design and would provide matching funds up to $25,000.
• September, 2005 - MSE finalized the pricing of the project in the amount of $71,200.
The City staff inet with Mr. Smith and MSE Systems on September 13, 2005 to discuss
the project schedule, including the need to have the City Commission authorize an
advance of the 75% federal funding portion. At this meeting, the City staff told Mr.
Smith that the Co-Op's 25% matching funds shall be issued to the City in advance of
project construction.
~ October, 2005 - City staff took fl1e project to the City Coinmission (Oct. 10 meeting).
City Commission authorized the 75% advance funding of the project. City waited for
Hacienda Village for the matching funds and was told by Mr. Smith that the Cooperative
Board changed their minds about providing for their 25% share.
• December 31, 2005 - Federal funds no longer available under the terms of the City's
agreement with NRCS.