HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005 04 19 Entered into Evidence by Captain Tolleson Re: ComplaintDate: April 19, 2005
CASE NO.: pS-CA-.3~7-f~-r`a-
Florida Municipality,
COMES NOW, THOMAS A. BINFORD, pro se litigant, and files this Complaint
for declaratory relief against the City of Winter Springs, and for cause would state:
1. Thomas A. Binford, owns property within the City limits of the City of Winter
Springs, located at 426 E. State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708.
2. The City of Winter Springs, is a duly authorized municipality, operating and
existing under the laws of the State of Florida, with its principal place of business at
1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708.
3. Binford purchased the subject property in 1978, and thereafter, in 1987, Binford
sought and received permission to place an advertising business sign on his property
immediately adjacent to the State Road 434 right-of-way.
4. On November 10, 1997, the City of Winter Springs adopted Ordinance Number
683, creating the State Road 434 Redevelopment Overlay Zoning District, which
included new standards for the size, type and location of signs along State Road 434 in
Winter Springs. Ordinance 683, was amended June 12, 2000, by Ordinance 2001-17,
are now codified as Section 20-46 of the Winter Springs City Code ("Code") attached
hereto as Composite Exhibit "A" (Sign Ordinance).
5. On or about September 6, 2002, Binford applied to the City Board of Adjustment
(BOA) for a variance from compliance from the Sign Ordinance. The BOA denied the
variance and Binford moved to the City Commission for relief. On November 25, 2002,
the Commission denied Binford's request and gave Binford 90 days to bring the sign
into compliance:
6. Binford filed a Petition for Writ of Prohibition with the Circuit Court, the same of
which was denied and Binford took an appeal to the Fifth District Court of Appeals. At
oral argument, the appellate panel noted to Binford that declaratory action would have
been appropriate, not a Writ of Petition and affirmed the lower court's decision, by the
Fifth DCA Opinion dated May 25, 2004, Exhibit "B".
7. The City took no further action against Binford until a Notice of Violation was left
at Binford's door on November 1, 2004, a copy of said Violation is attached hereto as
Exhibit "C".
8. On December 16, 2004, Binford was served by hand delivery, a Notice of Code
Violation, which demands that Binford comply Section 20-454 and Section 20-486(1) of
the Winter Springs Ordinance (Exhibit "D"). To do so would violate Binford's
Constitutional Rights.
9. The Plaintiff readopts and realleges paragraphs 1 through 9, above and would
10.Tom A. Binford brings this action for declaratory relief pursuant to Section
86.011, Florida Statutes.
11.The Sign Ordinance is unconstitutional on its face and as applied to Binford,
A. The Sign Ordinance makes no provisions for grandfathering of existing
signs, nor any provisions to compensate a business person for the
dismantling and removal of an existing sign;
B. The Sign Ordinance is vague and ambiguous and results in arbitrary and
capricious application.
C. Specifically, Binford initially sought a variance to the location of the sign
and at no time did the City require Binford's sign to be replaced by a
monument sign.
D. Now the City is demanding not only relocation, but also a completely new
monument sign.
E. The Notice of Violation served upon Binford (Exhibit "D") demanded
Binford correct the violations within fifteen days, while the Notice of Code
Violation served upon Binford's neighbor, Arthur O. Duncan, (Exhibit "E")
required Duncan to make corrections within thirty days.
F. The Ordinance discriminates in favor of a large lot size and against
property owners. The Sign Ordinance at Section 20-486, states that signs
"shall be located no closer than ten foot from the front, side or rear
property lines". Binford's property, as well as dozens of similarly situated
properties are, 60' x 100' or 6,000 square foot in area. The setbacks,
therefore, effectively reduce the available area to locate the building, the
paved parking area and a sign, 3,200 square foot on 47 percent of the
property. On the other hand, the property owner with a 200' x 200' or
40,000 square foot lot would lose only 19 percent of its area pursuant to
the Sign Ordinance.
G. On its face, and as applied, the Sign Ordinance results in a constitutional
deprivation. The Sign Ordinance unreasonably restricts the use and
benefit of Binford's property and results in a taking of property and the loss
of one or more valuable parking spaces, in violation of Article X, Section 6,
of the Florida Constitution.
H. The Sign Ordinance, and in particular, the set back requirements, do not
substantially advance any public purpose. The set back requirements are
nothing but an out and out scheme of extortion. This is evidenced by the
City's recent communication with the 434 property owners, requesting the
donation of an easement for purposes of landscaping (Exhibit "F"). The
City explains that the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT)
acknowledges compensation would normally be required, but the City
and/or FDOT do not have money to compensate property owners on this
1. The relocation of the signage on Highway through the City is an
extortion scheme whereby the relocation of the sign, at the
owner's expense relieves the City and/or FDOT from paying
compensation for the removal of the sign, when additional
property is acquired for landscaping
I. The Sign Ordinance does not substantially advance the purpose for which
it was intended. The relocation of a sign and the replacement of the same
with a tree at is the City's request attempts to saddle the property owners
along State Road 434 with the cost of landscaping to benefit the general
public is repugnant and unconstitutional.
12. Binford and the City have a controversy as to whether the Ordinance on its face,
or as applied to Binford requires compensation for the loss of real property and the sign.
Binford believes the Sign Ordinance is unconstitutional and in violation of Binford's
rights under Article X, Section 6 of the Florida Constitution. The City believes it may
enforce the Sign Ordinance as stated herein.
13. Plaintiff is in doubt as to his rights to continue displaying his sign and the
constitutionality of the Sign Ordinance.
14.The Plaintiff readopts and realleges the paragraphs 1 through 9 and 12 through
14, above.
15.The City is demanding compliance and threatening Code Enforcement Board
proceedings and a fine of $250.00 per day. Unless the City is restrained and enjoined
from further proceedings and, in particular, the Code Enforcement Board proceedings,
this Court will lose jurisdiction and Binford will be forced to go through a proceeding that
cannot adjudicate the constitutionality of the application of the Sign Ordinance to
16.The City's threat to pursue Code Enforcement Board proceedings and ultimate
penalties is both a great and irreparable injury at this time and will be in the future. To
require Binford to go through proceedings that cannot result in a resolution of a
Constitution issue, while at the same time incurring an on-going penalty will result in
irreparable damages to Binford and the loss of Circuit Court jurisdiction to the Code
Enforcement Board jurisdiction denies Binford the right to an evidentiary hearing on the
constitutionality of the Sign Ordinance.
WHEREFORE, BINFORD prays this Court to declare Binford's constitutional
rights under the City's Sign Ordinance and restrain the City from conducting any further
proceedings and/or Code Enforcement Board proceedings until this Court has ruled
upon the Constitutionality issue.
In the event this honorable Court denies relief under state law, Appellant hereby
reserves any and all right to bring a Federal cause of action arising out of the violation
of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments of the United States Constitution and 42
U.S.C. Sec. 1983.
In the event this honorable Court denies relief under state law, Appellant
reserves any and all right to bring a cause of action against the City of Winter Springs
under the auspices of the Bert Harris Act unless specifically denied by this Court. The
timeliness of such cause of action will begin with the final decision of the Court in the
present matter herein.
Dated this ~S~day of February, 2005.
Thomas A. Binford, iff
426 E. Hwy 434
Winter Springs, Florida 32708
ORDINANC.~ NO. 2000-i7
..~ r
WEQ~1tEAS, the City Canunission of Venter Springs created a special .overlay zoiung district
to encourage and' provide 1'or erihantxd property development within the S.IL 434 commercial
corridor, and
WHEREAS, the City~Camrnission of Venter Springs desired to reduce visual distraction
througK uniform sign criteria, and
WHEREAS, The City Conutussion of Venter Springs recognizes that existing businesses
within the overlay district may have nonconforming signs whose replacement may impose a 6n~ncial
hardship, and
WHEREAS, the City Commission however, finds that nonconforming signs acB not favor+e~
by law and shall, within a reasonable time proscribed herein, be amortized, rrrr:ovcd, and rtplacad
with a new sign conforming to existing city codes,
coon 1. Winter Springs Code Section 20-454 and 2466 are hereby amcaded as follows:
(underlined type indicates additions and s~keett~ type indicates deletions, while astaiski ('` ~ •)
indicate a delationfro- m tha Ordinance of text existing in Section 20-454 and Suction 20~b6. It~is
intended that the teact in Section 454 acid Stction 20-466 denoted by the. tistu'tsks and xi forth in this
Ordinance shall remain uncharigcd from the language existing prior to adoption of.this~Ordinance).
Section 20-454 Signs.
(r) Nonconforming Signs.
(l } Any sign, other than billboards,
which is nonconforming
w#~isl+-weu{ - shall he
amortized and may be maiintained until Nov«iibcr 14 2002 .e-pe~i
Cify oC Wiitlcr 5~+cings Ordiiuixz No. 2fMK1-1?
i~~~~ i ter, .EXHIBIT
2 _ ~.. ...- .. _._ . - - -- ---• --..- ..r. _ _ .
~6u9+~1fsc EiB+t~t~e~d
{~) Violations sh(ili be subject to Chapter;2, Article 3: Division 2'Codc F.nf~r~emtr~t,
City of~nter:Springs Code'os'Ordirzances.
,Section 20-4GG .Signs
(r) 1~FonconfotmingSigns.
Cily of Wiu(or Springs Otdutsucc No, 20(x1-! 7~ .
t'~gc 2 cst4
3 ... .._.
fiver S t 8; 98 0 ,
(3) Violations shall be subject to Chapter Z. Article 3. Division 2. Code &sEorotxnertt,
City of Winter Springs Code of Ordinances,
Lion Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Ordinances and Resolutions. All prior inconsistent
orditasnocs and resolutions adopted by the City Corarnission, or parts of ordinancCS and resolutions
in conflrcx ~ are h~~Y rtpcaled to the extent of the conflict.
Sectigr~3. Incorporation Into Codc. This ordinance shall be inco
Springs City Code and any scction'or rporated into Lhe Winter
or fnodiGexl as necessary to effectuate ~ara$m~p8on~ cr or letter and any heading may be cltaagexi
'on 4 Severa<bilitr. If any section, subsection, serziencc, clause, Phrase word orprvvision
°f ~ ordinance is for arty reason held invalid or unconstitutional by :ny court of oorrtpete~tt
jurisdic~on, wficther For substantive, Procedural, or arty. other reason, such portion shall be deemod
~$ separated distinct and independent provis'son, and such holding shall not affect the validity o~ the
remaining portions of this ordinance_
tivn S. Effective Date:. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon adoption
by the City Commission oFthe City of Winter Springs, Florida.
City oCV4li~ila timings Orili~unca Nu. 2txxl.l 7
1"sgo 3 oC4
~4. ._ .;.
ADOPTED by the City Commissipn oP~the City of Winteir Springs, FJoHda, its a far
meeting assembled on tho 12th da3c. of ~ Mine ~ .. ~ .
. ~ 2000,..
Paul P. Paxtyka; Mayor
adrae Lore ces, City Clerk .
L.:.~ ~ ,.
Anthony A. Gat~anex~ City ~Attomey ~ ~ _ .
~rsi Rtading:
Socond Reading:
Effective bate:
city ~oc wn~~a s~x;,~~, o~diwnoc. No. 2onc}. i ~
c-.~ a ors
Sec. ~$6- .Signs.
All signs and sign elements, . incInding• shade,
. ~. ligiztit~ materials, size, coloar and location
shaII bt.subfsct to approval bq the design. review
boaxd if such- signs, or sign elements. sre visible
from acjjacent properties or a street right-~f-waq
(I) Ground mourstcd multi-tenacnt or project
ide~ttiftcation sign: For each multi-tenant
development • under se~rats ownership,
one '(1} w'sd~,based~ •m4aumeat style .per
manent sigu~With landscaped base idettti-
$'ing the name of the development and
bwsineesee•withia the.•dev82op~meut shaIl
.~;`' : ` „. ~ ermined. For de'v'eIapmeats with five
>`~;~> ".. ~. (:500} feet of frontage
:~~~•~" or more an
. `~~. •,~ ;road, one (1) additional sign may
,.,' ; •~ 'permitted. The miufmum. ~eparatinn
for all signs on an individual ownership
parcel shall. be twv hundred (200); feet
a. ShaIl only adverti_ae the name of the
commercial deveiopaaent campaaies,
corporation or major enterprises
arithist the commercial development.
Building Size Maximum Copy
(Gross Floor Area) ' Aretz
Under 75,000 32 square feet
sgnsra feet
76,000--2b0,000 48.square feet
square feet
Over 25U,000 S4 square feet
square feet
f ZO-~86
The p~r'Y addz8sa of the htu~ing
shall be fncorpoa~ated into the
with nnnse~rala/lrt'ters a minimum of
eight (8) inches is height. but the
address shall not.be ecQated against
allowable copy area;.
b. Shall be located no'cicser.thaa ten
(10) feet $-nm ii~ant, side, ac rear
property linen.
c. ShaIl have a maximum of two (2)
d. Shall be oonsisteitt is desi~, ~t
sad materials With the az~chitectur,e
of the proposed building(s):
e. A wall sign shall, nat'be higher than
eight (8) feet above the closest ve}1ic.
t11ar use area.
f. Lands ping shall be incarporttted
around the base to includs lvw grave-
. ing shrubs and ¢raand ewer aac3/er
annuals to. promote valor.
g. Signs shall be is atca;dance with the
following schedcrle:
Maximum Height
12 feet
14 feot
16 feet
',h. Multi-tffilant centers are permitted one additional signs for each anchor tenants awoathng
to the faAowi:ng schedule:
Building Size (Gross F7nor
Under 75,000-square feet
76,000---25,000 square feet
Over 250,000 square feet
Anchor Tetsarct Additional
2 of 12 square feet
3 of 12 square :set
4 of 12 square feet
An anchor tenant is defined as the (2) Ground mounted single-tenant i~3et~ti/4cxt-
major retail sinre(sl i.n a center that tion sign.: One (1) vride-based monument
is in excess of one hunched (10.0) style permanent prcjeciideatiiicatioa saga
$ont feet and a m;n;n,~ area often shall be permitted per single-teasat par-
thousand (10,000).'square feet- c~LOaeadditionalperman®t~.ide-based
f 2a+aa
monument stgie project identification sign
~9 ~ permitted for. parcels in a of
oae El} acre a-itlz more than one (1} ingress!, .
egreasserviugatorethan one (1) binding: "
The •miaimurn separaLion• far aIi. sighs on'
en .mdividuaI 'o~t3sership .parcel shall be
. taro hundred (200) feet
a: ShaIl ~ouIy advertise .one' (1)person,
firm, company, corporation or major
enterprise 'occupying the premises.
b. ShaIl 'be located ~ no closer than ten
{IO) feet fmm the frost, side or rear
property tines. , _~:..
c. Shall not exceed ta-o (2) faces.
d. Sign Dopy area shall zwt exceed t~rty-
two (32) square feet per face. 1•'or
parcels is excess of four (4'.0) acres,
the . project identification sign face
may be increased to forty-tight (-48)
~~ feet.
Q. .Shall be consistent is design, format
and materials with the architecture
of the proposed building.
£ Tlh sign shall not be more than
eight (8) feet ~ in height above tlze~.
closest drivewaq or vehicular use
S. .Sighs shall be in ors enclosed base a
minimum width of tvoo-uiirtis (GIs) .
.the width of the sign.. Landscaping
shall be incorporated around the base
to include low .growing shrubs sad
gi Quad cover and/or annuals to pro-
mote color.
(3) Brtildtngmounted nurlti-tenant identi~cu-
tion sign.fnr buildings with separatt ezte-
nor ttnan,t utsrances: in addition to the
gzonad mounted ident~catian sign, tea-
sat signs ab.all be permitted on ~ ezto-
riot walls of the building at' a location
neat the principal tenant entrance, and
be consistent with the follv~ving criteria:
a: Shall only ad,-ertise one (1) person,
.firm, company. corporation ar major
eaterlnise .occupying the gremiies.
b. The sign(s) shaIl be clearly inte-
grated with the arChitecU~re of the
building; .Shall be consistent is cia-
sign, format, and materials a-ith the
arelutecture of the proposed' bu0d- '
c. The rign(s) shall sot project above
.any roof or canopy elevations. •
d. Wall •sigios shall dispIaq onlq ana (1)
..surface .and shall not be mounted
more than six (6) 'inches. firm any
stall. .
e. When~mare than one (1) teaaat sign
is used.ozs one (1) baiIding, all L~eaaat
signsge shall be 'arasistent izi etu,
. materials, axu,~,placement. '
L The ma~dmum size of sign letters
and logos, inclndiug :any si~a back-
- grounds, shall be twenty four (24)
inches in height far individual ten-
.ants other than aarisor•,tenants: Ths
mas~um height of Tatters and logos
for anchor :tenants is a retail Deafer
shall not exceed tWea~ty-five, (25) p~
cent of the building .height ~ An an-
chor'tenant is de$ned as the major
retat'1 store(s) in a enter that is in
excess' of one hnndi~d (100) 4ont
feet and a, m~nimLLTn area of ten
thousand ('10,000) square feet
' g: The length of the sign maY occupy
uD to seventy ~i70) pero4nt of th. '
linear feet'of the starefronL the basi-
ness oactzpies. The anchor tenant
may have the signage permitted for
a building mounted• single tenant
identification sign. '
h. For office bindings, one wall sib
not exceeding two (2) square feet
shall be permitted identifying sa.ia-
dividu~l ten.3nt. The sign . ahi~Il be
located. adjacent ta'the bu.z~dir~g erl-
(4) Building mounted single tenon! identift•
cation sign: In addition to the grvuud-
mounted identification . sign, a building
_ .
f ~o•~g
mounted icieatiftCatioa sign: may, be peT-
miitxd c
h d. The:sign shall. not project abo~-e aa
. _.
stent w
the following.
s~ f
roof or.. canopy elevarioris
-' ,
~ top. of tbs.. alga small .not be higher
• s: Shall only advertise-ode .(I) person, ~ than fourteen (I4) feet above .the
~: ~P~Y. atioa ~or~ major main entry floor. .
eaterFuise ~PY~g' the premises.
" e.. The sigxs aliall display off' c~
e (IS
b. Z
he itieatificgtian~•sga~isIocated on ,
suxfare. and sl3aIl' not
prroject more
the exterior wall nf~a b}:ilding:
~ ,
than~six (6) inrl~es from say wall.
a The sign. shesll be clsarIy~iategrated
with the ar~hitQCtnre L
Somas sha11 coafarui to the. foilawirig
. ~ schedule:
•~ Building Szxe .
'!Gross Fluor Arec~ Mar, .C.opy Area Max Letter Setght,
Legs than 50;000. l6 square feet . • 2 feet
squire. feet
50,000 to 100.000 32 square feet 2596 hzight of
square feet building
Over IOQ,000 48 square feet 25'0o height .of
square feet bmZding
{b) Additional signs ~Va•riances:: Under ~
dal ~
' be incarnated into permitted sig~i
,such sa
for panels oa
corner Lots
' and shaII be included as part of the
s c~as
',with these design staiulanis map be ap- permitted sign area se describod~Ix=
proved by the city couiuiission, , upon a
regtust subaiittad to the board of •adjustr •1. Changeable copy signs shall not
meat pursuant to serticn 20-,82 and 20-83 comprise more than ta-enty-
fiire (23)
p?~nt of tha
or the
city. Code. Ths beard of adjustment .
~ ~~ ~~
'~ ~ ~'~ ~. this ~
code is speci5c cases w~
such vari- 2. Movie : thaaLens .and other per-
ances wi11 not be sanitary to the ~ public; fnrma
ce%atertaiamant fACS'li-
ties may ata'lize np to eighty'
interest and •where,. due .to special candi-..: {80) Pr~'eezvt •of•the permitted
bans, a literal translation`of tbis'siga soda ~' "' sign area for. diaplstijr of fiIma
Mro~tld result is uanh~ip• gfi:;`
requ:trsnaeats, p~rocedoa~ea, S.ndinge .and ~ ,,,~~ : .
p~3's or other perfiumaiicee cx~
.. . rentig sbowia& Q,"~+ wpy szea
appeals of sign Dods variances shaII folla~v
ffiose'jxro'visiona for maing vaxisnces - shall be ~inclnded as ~psrt of the
, ~~ ~ ~~
(8) Caminsrrial outdoor adq
ertising (~,a bill- 3. Movie ~theatet: may use ap to
bocrdal: Off-sdte advertisi~tg signs such as eiP,bt3' (80) pescasrt of
b~osrda are prohibited! led Wall sign xs+ea far display of
namesr films, playa or other P~
(~ Changeable.QOpy signs: Ia order to create ~~~ carrently showing.
continuity throughout the corridor all 4. One (I) changeable cppp sign
chaag~eable copy signs shall be as~follvws: advertiaing~ the• price of gaso-
~-. The sign cabinet shall ~ be aII aluuu- line is permitted a~a
station site provided ~ it slisIl
nova estrusion qr batter sa.approved
by sta$ Changeable copy signs mRY not ercEed 'torelve (12) square • .
feet pax sign face,
QD.4~ ~IIVT~R $PRII FG3 C0173
b: Tile alga face shalt be acrylic Pan X ~ Marketing signs shall be set.bac]~ s
15 or Equal minimum of
twenty :five !~5) ~fieeC from
c - The letters and track shall be.'Wagner the fi-ont; , .side .and rear Property
Zip~Change ~ ~~_ lines. They shalt sot create a via'biI-
Y ,.•;. Itq'.ObSLZ11CtI0II to '~31CU1aT tIaffiC.
(8) Bait tiBns: 3
$acTr~iQh 'nn pf igas,
cIu3ing aa'ui.ng signs, sb:all be permitted d. For parcels la ezcess:of$ve (5),acses
. or' with frontage on more than one
(9) FVirldnm ;. Window .signs may be par- ~ (I) road, one (1) additiaizal markeL-
mitted under spedal ciroualstarices.~~~for mS ~ •~Y .be peraitted. Signs
retail establishments such sa signs inside must' be's-minimum of tWo hundred
sad on a `wi.ndo•o or in a display of mer- (200) feet apart.
cbsridise when incorporated with such a e. Marketing signs may be. double faced.
display The total area of all window signs,. Sign faces shall be parallel and
temporary and permanent, shall not ez- mounted on the same poles. ~'he•
tamed twenty (2G~ percent of 'the wiu.doav fatal copy area shall not e~cceed sl~cq--
giaas scan to be calculated separately for four (ti4)square feet and as mare
each separate. storEfront. Window signs than ten (10).feet iA height. Tlae fatal
shall ooulst aeainat total allowable copy of a single face shall .sot exceed thirty-
area if theq are permanently attached. two (32) square feet.
{IO) Conarrucrion suss: One (1) construction £ • lf~isrketaag signag!e may be incvr~-
~• denoting the o~vnex, architect, land- rated wiLbia the construction mgnage,
scope architect, ~ eagia'eer, financial iristi- but the cign,age'shs~Il sat esoeed ai=ty
tattoo, contrictar~, or cQataining any state- faun(64) square feet in, area.
meat'pertainirig to theg:-oject forwhicha g. Marketing sigzls may befit so as to
bnilrbng permit has bees obtalaed, will be illt,minAtp. the 16LtLS'lllg otl the sign.
permitted during CoaBtruCtian. The con=~
~truction sign shall sot exceed sizty-four (~) Political sins: Only by permit
(li4) square feet in area sand shall sot (13) Electronic daft, time antl tsmperuture irc-
omceed fourteen (14) feet in heig}it or' fot»tictional signs: Electronic date, time
. width. The construction sign shall be re- and temperature informational signs are
mated fi'om the site by the owner .upon permitted. Such signs shall be counted ea
aubstsutial completion of all construction. part of the total copy area of the •avarall
G~ upon the issuance of a lion]. certificate sign.. .
of occupancy, a-hich~.~vsr is sooner. If the
l (Y4) Prohibited signs: The ibIIl and/or
awing signs
ga is not removed when required, iL may
be removed by the «ty at the owner's deti*ices are gro~~ ~ the corridor.
ezpensa. a. Any sign or part of ~ a sign which is
!II) Marketing signs {e 's
~• Pam for rent sign): designed, devised, air constructed so
as to rotate, spin, gyrate, turn nr
s. Only one (1) nl3rlc.eting si~,aliall be .move izl any animated fashiori. Signs
permitted on each parcel during the shall not incazporate aeon or reflec-
~rildia s 'leasin ~
g' g penod'. AC the five materials so as to create the
end of the Ieasislg period, mas}c$ting appearance of motion.
age shall be removed fi-om the b. Any sign painted directly on say
,site by the o.vner of the site.. ezterior waA.
b: All saarketing signs shall be submit- c- SISns Prel~~S more than aiz (6)
tea to the city for approval and Iota- inches in depth.
tioa prior to the sign's installation. d. Roof signs.
A 1
.- ...
:. ..
e- Beach Signs,
~ ape signs (e.g.'. ai8as attached to.
' braes. and. pales),
r• F~^eestaucii,ag sigua nnless.otherwise
provided for herein.. .. .
h. ~1er signs;
i.. ~9igns attached ~ to ~ te~mporarp atrua .
• turns.
j. BiIIboa:-ds:
Any vehicle with a. ~ or mgus
attached thereto or pIaced'thereoa
witb three e=ceptiaas .~ folla~s: (a)
any vehicle whey .parked:. ppr atoned
within th,e con$nes ofa buildiug;'or
(b} any vehicle upan~ a-hich~ is placed
a .sign identifying a firm ar~ its prin-
aP~ P~~t if surh .vehir.le is one
w'hieh is operated during the-narmaI
courseofbnsinesa ~~ ~ parked
is ~ Lhe least..visible spat Svm' }he
.. road: or (c) a trailer: pIaced.oa,a'job
ails during construction:
'~ 1- Pole signs,
m. Balloon signs.
. a- Rzbban signs.
(15) pirmattent a;
~8 4nly prgject Sags or
8orernmental IIags ahaIl~ be permitted in
aoaformaace with the foIlowing ~-
a. Oae (1) flagpal@ and sae (I) #Iag may
bs persztitted per parcel
b. The maximum width ~o~ ~p ~.
bottom of anq flag shall, be twentq
(20)' perc~ul of the total diataace of
the $.ig pole.
~ ~sSpolea shall n?$iutain the same
setback 2'eq~'ementa ss~project iden-
tificatioa ~~.
d- F'It~pole . heights shall be between
twenty (20)' and, ttci,rty-inre 136) feet
in height above. grade.
e• A P~]ect flag. she.Il onIp arnisi.n in-
foimatioa permitted on the pzvjett.
' ~ i X486
identi$catioa, sign. Api.~ ~8 shall
be submitted to the d~Sa ~*ievr
board'for app,r,~~,
(16) ?~mp°rw7'~s~ for sp~j eo~nt~ `
a.~` Permits for temp-arymgly~ Bch as
pennant. and ,b$xtner sigaa. not otti
ertvise pQnhibitsd are allowod frs: atich
. ~P~'l~es w auctions, apeciab~av+ent,,
notice~.of opening of new buaiaass~~
and g~aing out of busiaeas. •aa]ea. Pen.
mite fm- tempor.~p ~ shall antho..
rite the erection of ~ths ~ std and
~maintanance thereat for a Period not
e»eeding fourteen (14} days,' and
Pez'mits cannot be renewed on the
same sign, nor shAll~another Lempo.
~'~'Y P~m?L be issued on tine same
Iocation, within ninety (90) days from
the ~date,'of espixatiaa~ of any previ-
ousIy Issued temporsor9' Pmt.
b. ' signs t`vr species evens shaII be
removed within twa (?J war}fng.da3's
after'cvaclusian~ of the edsut. A $~a
~~ temc~orary sign shall bQ na
larger. than .thirtY-zWO (32) agnate
feet, and may be double sided, B,aa-
ner signs. may be sized to extend
across z~oada. ~., ..~
(I7) Mauttenwtce:.AII signs and asspaated aF, .
paratus shall be maintained by the ovrner
of the.site.• Violations shall be processed
through the city's code aafurcement divi-
(I8) No~seonfornu~ig s~;gna.
a. Anp sign, other than billboards hav-
ing an original cost is ezcesa of one
hundred doIIars ($100.40) and which
is nonarn!'orm,ing ~ Lo permitted
sign arm ar any other reason which
would necessitate the complete re-
moval ar. total replacement of the
sign. ma,Y be maintained for a period
of from one (2} to ,fvs (5) }Gears fsnm
the effective date of the design.
standards.. The terse of gmrs to ba .
determined by the crost of the sign ax
of'reaovation, including inatallatioa
~, shall be as folIowa:
f ~~
Original ~egn Cost or
Rsnoaotioc .Cost
SO ~ x,000
X3,041 to:~~0;000
~ azo,ooo _
Permitted Years~frorn
E/j`cctius. Date of D~-
sign $tandarris
b. Any o~-ner of a sign who desires to
~y~ uPM ~ •• runortizatiou period.
Ioager~.thar; three. (3) Sneers shall ~Sle
With the ~: city ovithin~ pne : (I) year
from the effective d•atis~"a!' these de=
~ standards. a statement setting
tomb the cost and • date of the rriost
r~eaent renwatioa, ' and a written
• a~'eement to remove or bring into
conformance tb.e uouonaformiilg sign
at or .prior to the eipiration~~ of the
amo¢ti,zatiozt period applicable m that
~g;y„ Thg ma~m~ p~pd to amOri
tize a sign.ahall be. five (b) years.
c. Piolations shall be subject Lo Chap-
. tic' Z. Article III, Divisive 2, Code
• '8nf'arcament, City of Winter Springs
Code of Ordinances.
(Ord, No. 8$3, PZ-14-97)
Sec. 30.487. Utility lines
AIl new or relacsted utility" lines within :•the
designated eorridnr shall be constructed and ia-.
stal4d beneath the surface of the ground unless it .
~ determined bq the city that soil, mrpographical,
~' ~ other compelling' conditions; make. •., the
aadesgrooa~d 3nataIYatioa of such utility lines as
pu~escribed •hereia unrea,4oaablo~ and imgractim-
W It shall be the developer's respon,sib3lity
on-site to make the aacessaiy arrange.
meat; with each utiliq+ in accordance with
the utility's established policy.
(2) The uadergrrnxnd installatioa.of' inc:den-
tsd apgus'benaaces, Such as transformer
bores„ switch bores, qr pedestal mounted
hoses 'for the grovisioa of electricity ahaIl
net be required. $owever, such aPPurta-
naacas where not rendered impractical by
the date~minatiou of the city shall , be
inatallQd rnl the site of any development
approved ;aRer .the .adoption .of this sec:
lion.. The aecesbary Pfl~•*,ents to aIIoa
the utility Compsny access send sarvico to.
' such appurtenances shall be dedicated Lo
the servic8 pipvider by the:daveIoper pzfoz
to issuance of a building permit
.; ~a~~. .
(3) All transformers and switch bmces related
to develo~meut approved aRer the advp-
tion .of `this section shall be ~ set back ~a
nLinimum of fiifteen• . (15) feet froh~ ,any
right-of-v~zy and visuaIly screeii0d uasnZ-
lan~iscape materials or masonry coastxuc-
tion, in conformazice with these land de-
velcpment.regulations_ .
(Ord_ No. 683, 1Z-14-97) .
Sec.:20-•i88, Corridor access management
{a) , g systetII of joint use curbed driveways and
croasaCCess easenieats•shaIl be established whar.
ever feasible along the 3.,R: 434 Corzidor.xud the
building site shall incarparate -the following:
(I) Across. access. .corridor sxteuding thB.en_
fire length of each block seed to pmvide
for driveway separation (consistent ..ith
the access. classificstiors system and stsa-
lords). -
(2) A design speed of ten (10) mph and su~-
isent .width to acxommadate two-vv~y'travet
aisles designed to accomraodafs automo-
biles, service vehicles, and Toading. vehi-
(3) Stub-outs .and. other design features to
make it visually, obvfous that the abutting
properties maybe tied in to' provide cross-
access via a service drive,
(4) A unified acxess and circulation system
pLw that includes coordinated or ahttred
parking areas. is eaaotzraged wherever fea-
sible. .
(b) Shared parking areas shall be permitted a
reduction is required parking spaces if peak de`
mend periods for proposed laud uses •do not occur
at the same. time periods.
TO Fl1.>: Rid-itsrtRlAtG MOTICN, AND,
* F~~A. DI8AC~p OF;
CCtl' OP ~N'rER SPRINQS, etc., . Cane No. SD03-328
Appeliol. ~ ........ _....., ....
Qedalon flied M~- ~ Z5 ~ 2004 ~ .. . .
Appeal from tt~o Circuit Court
for Semlhob County,
C1ay~on D, 6lmmoi~a, Judge.
Thortiaa ~A. Bfnford, Winber Springs; Pro se.
Anthony A Gar~aneta and Erin.!.
O'l:eary Df Brc~-n,. Satiman, Weiss .
b~Gar~ans~, t~A, Ortanda, forA~peife4.
PETERSON, ORJ=INGER and TORPY,~..~J., concur:,;`....,
_ ~. ..OI r'; ..
:1 1 ~
' .~ . Zv:
.. . e'"' ~
' ~ . ~1•w!.' is
Ciry of 1tV,inttr,Springs, Florida
Winter Springs Police I3epartrr-t:nt
E /PRO ERT~O~,}~`lER .`
:wsZhis is to make you aware that the following condition is a violation •• .,
~'' of the rcquir'emcnts of the Code of the Ciry of Vlrntu Springs, FL. ..
trash and debris.
behind the front line of the sa•t,ctttrc.
commcrciai vehicle /remove equipment /discontinue •'
btuineas use.
PENCE NEEDS REPAIR: Repair a rcplt•ce fence.
'~ IIdOPERABLR' VEHICLE: Repair. store in garage oc •'
• remove from property. ,
pYERGROWN YARD: Mow and remove Yard waste.
POOL WATER UNFIT: Maintain pool
• `UNFI'T 5-I'RUCTLTRE: Contact Building Deparvncnt• ''
•~ UNLICENSED VEHICLE: License, store in gangs or ~~
r>:move from the prapcrty.
~ from Building Daparuncat. ,
UNPERMITTED SIGN: RcrYtpvc the sign/obtain.tl
permit from Building pepArrsnent
from Buildin cp' ~'nt•
OTHER: 6 l 1 ~~ _~
HIrR/COMMEN-~ ~ r !' ~ ' ~ '
~^ ,\
~ "Z J"
Pieces s'amedy thrproblems which have EXHIBIT
beta checktd ,as a 'violation on or before
If you arc not sure of the proper ~erricdy you may corrracran inspcrter ~ /~;'
i at the numtxr bclo~v, 3Z7r3~s96 ~ ~~ i
IN3PECT0 u' DATE:i ~ ~~~ ~ :: .
~- ,_ CASH NUMBr-tti`~ ""' ' ti.
soo NortJ~ Mmt Ra+d ~ yy~ s~~ ~ u~
ti~+r+na..c4o7? s~7.7~ .roc c4o» s=7-66,Q .
l6, 2004
. ,.. -
row ~. >9i~a rmataa
P. Q Hnz 1 ~A292
`Y.~ 327]8.
Rc Caee: p4-0pQ7Z QZ
426 fiut~SR 434 (Pared; 34-0.30=508-0804-0020)
Notict of Cede Violation
Ass isupecdost oa November 1.2004 of above mentioned ~trvpecty tiotod the follo~iag violation(s) of
Wiatea s~ric~ Chy Codc{a~Ordinaacx(a);.
Pleasa correct these v{olatians ty:
. :.,..
Siga(a) ttttzst be of n rZiottutrtt~rtt atyle.~ The Pazniuing Division must be ~ in o~ to roadva
tho PtvperpcrTnlt(a).
Failure to Corrvd the violation(s) and to notify the Code Fuforr8mea~t. 0ffi0o at (407) 3z7~?9"!3 ol~said
yam wlthia (1s? day: of noti5c~tion. ifyou fail. to due so it will resultm
Y~ befotti tha City of Wider 3paings Cods EnfBroemcat Board which lzas ~ ~~
uP m 5250.00 per day per violation for•evCty day that yoti rarruw to violatiozL .
Cods Eneat specialist
~, ~ ~ L•.,
.,~;r!N~, .. .
Eaclnsuree: City Ocdinsnoes 24-454 ~& ZO-486
"S#a#e of Florida A'ccredi#ed~A.g~ncy"
~ D
. .
. ~R~GS ~~ A~~M~
300 ~~ ~ IO~d ~ 1~~
~r ~ ~~ ~ nT-7~ ~ ~ ~ 3Z7
Qi/dd j1~~
Novaabcr S, X044 ~ ...
~ts~ O. D~ ~ ~~ _ ~ ~ i
~t2 Eaat3R~~
~V~stec 8peia~, 3'L 32708 - ... _ ,
-» .. ~~. 34..zaao- . ~
. No#ioe of Code V~o~~ .
ese ~ ~Ne~aba 1. ~Oa4 of ~y,a ~ I~p~y aotrd tbs ~
Cody{ ye(s). u0~ ~ioletico(i) c~
~ft,2 .
lhaeM ~ tl~ violatiaus by: .
~ ) awa be of a m~uaract ~~ ~ p~~ ~~~ muss bs
P~P~p~miq,). aoa m o~so~~
. t
F ~ oocrect 3ha violai~{s~ ~ ta.. ~ Codo
oare~ttaw ~ ~ ~ Doff fiaa~o~ If yna ~u1 bo~~ rc:~t ~ ~ 327.7975 ~of,~e - .
+~ y~ b~ the Cif of Wiatar 8prir~ Code ~ ba+~t
eP ~ Szs0.0o per.d~y per violahoa !br evrty dq- tbat youyou~ ~ ~° p°'""~ !~ Z.v3, ~
jade Spocialist
~°~'°~ ~ o zo-~s4 ~ zazsa
~tsad ~[,aZ: '7003 31100003 3953 0403
' aState of Florida Acrreciited Agency"
February 19, 2003.
Dear S.R. 434 Property C~+vner.
As a part of the Florida Department of Transportation's project along S.R. 434, the City of Winter
Springs is corppleting a landscape beautification plan. The landscaping will Include the
installation of canopy trees, shrubs and flowering grvundcvvers along the right-of-way area of
S.R. 434 from U;S.17-92 to S.R. 419.•
Due to the lack of right-vf:way area in some areas, there Is no room to install any landscaps
plantings. The City of Winter Springs la seeking your permission to obtain an easement across
the first ten feet (10') of property ,adjacent to S.R. 434 In order to instal! the trees, shrubs and
We are requesting this~cdsement to make the landspping and trees continuous elonfl the S.R.
434. t.oMdpr.• The tree locations•`will be individually located so as to not, conflict with any
business signage. Vlrtthout consent to obtain art easement on your property, there will be no
landscaping along the portion of S.R_ 434 in which your property is, located. The•easemertt will
not effect set backs to your property. The City of venter Springs will be~ responsible for all
maintenance. ,
For your property to tie included In the landscape design plans, please sign the enclosed Florida
Department of Transportation (F.D.O.T.) document which will give the C)ty t~rmission have an
easement over' your properly to. install the landscape. beautification plans. This •F.D.O.T.
document refers to "donation of property' and "compensation for the referenced property". The
"donation" vt property refers to the fact that you cannot • utilize the area after it has bean
'donated" as an easement.
Federal law requires the F.D.O.T. form to inform you of your rights to be compensated for the
easement acquisition. in this. case, there are no funds available to compensate business
owners b acquire an easement across the aforementioned ten feet of property,
To ensure participation in~ the S.R. 434 landscape beautification project, p/ease complete tfi•
F.D.O.T, lbml and return Jt•fn the stamped, self-addressed envelope es soon as possfOle.
Cltrestlons can be answered by contacting tCarina Veaudry at 407.8313.2577 Or
esi cam.
We hope you will partic(pate in the tendscape beautification process
Kiptorr Lockcuff
City of Winter Springs
Public Works pirector