HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009 08 18 Public Hearings-WS-1-502.5' pity ~F 1~5Fiitter 5r~riitsgs Red Light i~:armer~ Enfaraerttient Pty Btsx 59995 ' Pho~eJtix, ,4~ 85478-595 FJC~TI~E OF IhJFRACTIC31'til f~IC• ~ IC.E ~ 1224i9{341~.pi J31P P IFJ r: J#~51 'e?e'e,'t+]Lr 'h~I~daR a!IO Pat",tiitl'S your"v'bd ~-Ma54?n:3'•] d: w win^.'•; ;a l a tl a~ l r' ~. ~a °r Amaunt Gue: ,'~,-~5.]C Gue Caw: 72^2?.'_7G3 Jrifai-5 LE- FE?EhJC -32Y- E•v~f•J :'v:•C'ODE•,fJ a6[U2'21JC5 C°i:95 PM1A E@~ SFS-dad S~'rY'INCIIh3 HaLL~'A'S' BL°wD ~ ca - ^ .~-_ -e f r ~ _ ~,_ .. rr. . l_r... ~ n I Is~.uw_ve.c .r _e u_v_e~ to..a:e....~1~...mn.r.~lr,lo-umo .l.~-n - l o Crca an un! 2316.3E _. _ --- - n u re`.J o6,vd~sae e r. ~...a n..weo gas-_We ru°s rrv~.r._ n .c .e we N n cL ~rtn . =_aea~- nes x ~ _c... - __ttx°t lwt ls_IZwzw z C:'JIL FEIY4LT' FlNE CF /1 ~°E.9K~ H OB?5°2:00 PA}~t'~Ilh yu a3 ~-'-1 -E :~';: i~d 3 hirn ';.n at nlnro.c rn o r.G I your u7e~€,r ro7e3• ,rJe~vxilh irls ca~r~•~ b k~ a]tl~ess oeor. w_ NAME JAf' LEE EF2Ef•.u ^UE :?8 NGTICE -- ---1212 'VEF2SIr,~N: - ISSUEd. .'S C~ ~ - ~"'~ PLA`iE: ?9~~rG' STA'E: FL T3'PE: -. Make y'rur ch~sk, ar rr~+ney ar~er pay'.:tlsre Na paints will he .assessed far this FJatiee cat Intraciian. to the Ciky of 44isbter Springs, dl~ ~JC}T fd.~.IL vASH. 4W rit~ k^e f+l~_"tio- R en the fi-cn- c° yau• pa fnienr. Ins=^ -his t_.a--_.df ccupcn in the encl~ed ena~a o--r~ ~ti^:h ahe aoares=_ fat the rigFrl shoor• ^y Yau muse resr-e~-c ~x:h s :her a paymerrt or a hearing reques s'are :he .lue Dame. Rid Lsgh: C ~n7era EJ~~Forcem~nt PD Box ~•~2~1:!? ~InC:I"111~:C1. : ii-'a'-~~..'77~-;'F.I]3. ~I~I~~I~IiI II ~~~~~II~III III I~i~lll lli it 11 ll~il ~~11~1I~~I 111 ~~i AfN i3 L1NT ^LlE.: 5125..00 ~ 12217~CODC'18~,2 70^7C23^5891 12.~OC~4 F''.. rsuant : Ord it anae 2GC S-2? app•oved by .aa^,:mar -^~p•ing s' ~.i:y Gommssv ih,e _r of a motor .el-icie a able - ay went cf irn ..-. m ..:I p-en.a ty of o$125.C'J iF she eFice proczecs nta irte-secta-, equiapee o:Fna pbotcg-a ph:.c t-affic snt-cl more- na •st=_e--. wF en atl-e tra?fic n sal slanal Fcr t-a.a: elzocl~e. ~r cdi -e~ctior t•avel miti na a st~acy ar sa sal. I[ ~ b=_=_n darer-n"v-v=.d t-r.a: Y'~u- Ehcl=_ has prc: a=_Jec 'nta an ^,.e attics ny EntE ri •ip vtFe r_. ss aalh a t'-,._~ ear sitle +nf -nt?•sec.s. r. ar tnQ [ran ,~ ,__.. ,ec. =_igna for i^,E tlir=ct-cn a,'h ~.ch Ycu• vEFicle tra w_.ar g, r.as e.. sting _. -ea dy red si,3n.a-I. I~ you w.z r eking .a rg'nt hand to •r. ycu failed tan to _ oln:e a, th=_ clearly ma •ked step ~Ii •-,e or if norea w,as prase -,., at the point sea e-st the inters e.oring. ro ccweay w-he•e you h.ad a. va_r. of appro acting tr.a~a ar, fFe?rte.sec.aa.-,. .n.~IS.re to pay the cis ~d .V,'.•il penalty by tt~ Clue Gat= ,!u:ll result a late the as c.,. nt c.f 525.0 CV bin-gl acltlecl tan your pen aF'y li dc, not pay atte cav ill p-malty c•r equest a hearing t•n c.~aa Oast the notice by atfs~e o. _r _ 'date, et will be considered an admission •.f al ilitY and an c.rdvr may b¢ e.nte reel ogee n.st ~ -u af•.+r an amrunt up [o the ma}.am ur- cavil p'e.~al;:Y. plus any acs.- a stratr:e costs. Ne points nr~ll be ssas s~ acJainst you .._ the vil peralt v. 't'ccr failu •- tr= res p.:. ~y::I ni aEaulE aa-, ccllactr.a-, 1=.a-=_..=:e=:sling .ne a7sti {IaLe rl against you f:.r the er..crcen-,ea. ~af such c na.fty L-•y cavil attic ~n ia. the na..ura _~f :l ea't IFJS TRUGTIfJ CJS 4N LINE PAYMENT- The f.~.=rest and a est cvay : pay ~ycur F:et ~e as is pay cnlane. Co [__~ w.'.aiolatao ~nFo.cortt and lc yin .va-v r ~r Ne-io- s and PIfJ - shows, srd t^= red box cn t-a `son[ c':his nc:io-. ._ ck the -ay bu['.on There is a S4 ccnvenien ce iee. P AYM E;t,IT 8Y PH.4N E: C.~..If rollfree 9-8C6-T9aJdt ii'aetween 5: C'C ari. and =_~:CaC p.,tt. -ST. -he -=isa 54 xnveneence fee. PAYM EJ'dT BY MAIL: Meal yc+ur cYae-~k ry crda~° a.yab ~ [Fee City of Ylirrtar Sprira®s'I an .he enclos-~ enu_ .a .h _fiaa o~~pan painted a: lYa_ ~c~Y.aar _~F :he re. ear side .:f di s - olsce. ^C NC- Ili. ,IL ....~ Hf 6e surer [c+ p r.:he FJv:ace ~ acres ~r~:e e'I on the face of ycu- pays-r.c.^.t P RYM E;t,IT IN PER Sold: You fay pa}• pers.=*n try chec+ ney order a[ C Y HaBI, -2. C+'= Crate ?d., 21-43 ~., •.an a=r - inas, FL 32?C_ c. .i rrte;- Spring-s .vice CepaaS-!ten:, 3a7C td. I,icss Road, ':^a an~-Spr -•ys. ', L 3_rLa Q, fit^.cay ih.-.a cah Frida}':c~tw een 5.a7 _ a.a-t. a-c 2. OQ p.m. EST. VfELV YDIJR IMA ~'ES ANC3 VIGE.ap= -,.= r orded stages a..~_ o c ur iolation will bE s' mi:te•_ -_ e+. _en_~ the -ode =nfc-.-amen[ ^vision pr+~.^.eedirg fc.° d'ispcsticn ci [he - atic^.. Ycu 7 x yours .ages a^d =c=c+ onlane - wWaalaixonlnf~v.com. ~_yc,-_ aaill~= _^yc_^ 'dc-vo- and PFJ prints.:. M.e f-c*^.t ci I[hi=_ _ side the red bcx. I° Wou aadov no[ ha•:e aarrtE.-r et ac.ess. ycuay' ,.caw r u< videc and arcades a :he :. refer Sprngs Palace 7epa~rc em..~_= F.. cE4Aoss Rea d. +atnle• Spri~san-L x i'.r8 THERE RRE TWO k'VRYS T4 aG s~l.JTE ST THIS 1+9OLRTII?N: i1; -.u icy ...c - the rcpos :ion of 'he coal salty by signing and .ng the _•- ~ e.7o:. _ S~pearance Deft •~E :F,e CcdE _ .-e .-^t 6card. .= r request s: ,be -_ eed before :he 7ue 7a_.e s.a:ed a :he iron- - t^. s Va:~e. _pon ° eapr, .veil ...E na[ifiedn~ the sate. : s and •=-_a eon ci y urrjCade -nfc-.=erc,en[ Hearing _ _ a-a un.l _.l.l.+ -.For s --_ _-f .._ __ ar ni e h •- an ss _~ a•_n.ana=.laa av. - a=_.= ~•V.II a - : rr _en_ v as .-nt.~ i2; df -he Gast of ur -~^t~st as _ cf t^E ati: r'a.a'._ c--tenses ~a.:tlinec the -a rr ^ter Spr ^,ys Ortlina-erg. ycu ~~orcpEetc- .Cit^a'u: of h'nn-R.-spo...sibili:r yo o - ne ~- a~ f may ^ a.•• and a:l.ach sup.•vrling dcc. rcer:ts..aen 'r cu. a'~fid.avic a^c suppcr-ing doc~reentata+an •aaill be rev Ewed and avail res_ in a=_iltta:r a. dasr••s ssal c-f t^.s vo alit:^.. cr scFre.==~lin~ .~ an adminisvative Faea:-~^-~. Ycu v.ai be no[{ed in van-ing cf any aclic:^ [.ske•^. ' may •- - , ?.-Fvdavit - ldcn-espans.~:litg at - nfo.co ri_ Yc=_ raill eed Nc+ti ce R and PIV patn.ed [-e lrcn: eF :his setae da.v ^.laad t-a rc~ :an _ c` ws :c a..avn ~ n }v-~ r .. on AYttl~':r. The fifr .. - - Ge .rtp e=;etl. =.y ^ed. ton=ed. and rc=.ailetl. 'wi all =__r~ ~ rl^.y do~'.:ntentat on. as -he l: ity of 'iyln-er 5~^^tn=_.. '~ilcla-ion ~°rx:es=_I^., a^-er PCr hex Fie L~p5, Phce'^ x .Sr •.c._ ~r 8-999 an^ rL rc ~ s^ be re ceaa~d b'y .Ge tlue tlat~ s:atetl c.n -he imn: cf llte fMC,lice_ QU ESTI4N5: IT ycu have a^'y t7u es:icn s. please renBact CusF_•r'le• ServicE tall free at i-1566-f 911-A.J 71 'rorc, 8'.:,73 P.^rJ-c :ddPM --- IF Y4LI A.RE A RENTAL CAR Cp MP ANY se. -_ }'our letter identifying itta dri~ter along .r :h the copy c- :his Naticz [•a :he vicla:dar. -rac_ss:na -_en.er, ._ Bcx E. E!995 Phce•_. x fit '_5~,-g-9gg `_-. Oatvticn tErs• and •Etu •r the bccto ^r, parion ,4s _. req'-.Est fc- an adr-iraist•a five .scjccic-s.:ion F•ea•ing. I si.bmt :his =orm as ~{-_es: fc• a basest n.3 r=g_:rdin3 this FJ ctce of Ir Fr.,, trios and cck ^,owled®=_ that r _ vt r^-vs[ ._ r__.e.~.cc _ : e 'ae tre o t as at ce - .v-slid r=_q~a~s E•st. I ra_1E•s-anJ that I ,.t.sr .- rd -his he,a •Ing n F~er's ffn. I also u•-aderstart+J the- I aril ~bE• •-aofl{a=~d at rhea cafe. [ire. E• arc looat a•-a cf -he F,Ea r~g? Pfeas-e. sign and pts irrt Warne usang blue cr bloc l: ink. ~i~ne c. Pri ^,: Name: Nr. v =m s a w T ~;cl'ie~tufzd Hr-~Cfnt} :cil~._i;:ic..~ Haring ~' ~ 4 ~~~9 .'JL 1 ~ 2~~9 oc7acn here aid relum Ute balmm C~+rhn es a re?a•.r: &. for aia acrnirasVF'li,z adjnitl.,,alic.i Dearing 19u4mrl IF•5 rU,n55 &tb a re9uest for s I-~arint7 reasdng Ih~ :NOlicc of IniraCl{pl5 &rd acl+r>vevlerige 5na7 C meal Fe rosNticrl GY ma Oue 681.e at U51s nneice 1c 4e & v;iiie regee~t. I undsrgtah] ~5a1 I rnrcu a0.erb Iles Daa+trg i7 pcrsan i elan usaderglarry that I vnll be nce.'dzn o511'e alslp, 1R~ and Dre2iipn of 1Ds~ hnamg. please s^gn aril print ~m® ueiing Mieo or 4lack Ink ~ _.z,.~ y ue L'7~~~ V ~ t M1y ~$'Lo ~`~UU~ J~i~ Q v 3 z 3 ~r w Q Q w Q m r ~] ~_ ~_ Q C m r ~ i6 ~ ~ ~ T -~ m~~ ~,mz ~~~ r ~ T ZI w ~+ t] 7I1 ¢ ~ o C~7 ~ m ~, m z ~Cety of 4V~nter Springs Red Li®ht'Camera Enfarcament ' 1926 E. Stake FLoad, t~3d WrrkerSprin®s, FL 62748-2715 ,.A:'ES LEE FEREt~;~ CR.LnN~~4, =- ^x2328--8412 Notices of P~nfraction m 122[790[7401612 GATE: _': '.~:CC.'".? PLFSTE: __ R3?YG -r,e hear-ng care 6e'r~•E the "u"lirter .Springs Co-dE EnFcrc~mena Bc.arc fir the ab©•:e merit°aoned vincnation Hess ^Enr svledV -ed for: 17811 3;~ ~.6G ak 7.64 P+.1 '~P~'ir~ter ~~pr~.ngsuoc=_ E nfcr~men- Baar~ '.128 E.,`otate Road,~8= 'v4'irier 3arings, Florida ?~?72-? 15 I` you chcosa nest ro aopaa•, you x•aive the right t€~ r~artest or appeal this inf•actian ane must past the rjyi: per:alty cn •ar before the day of yor.• schebuled hearing. :A persar •h•°~o s for.nc gu tY aft_r ,a hearng, flr •t~fi4 requests ,a hearing anb thoere.afker fail to appear at the time and place at the hearng, s is ale R~r :F=. ci•di" pen.aky plus administrative Fe.a ~ir~ ccses in the amount of Tu*~rty Fi°ae CIlars [$25.a~ ~i. 1-- ltae F~asis ~oP yaur conies- s one of the .affirmativ¢ ~~efenses ou-lined :n the Ci-y ~,F '.r+a`:n'e• ilp••ir~s ~rdinaroce f7G3-27, it has beers determined 1tla: :rte E"tidenee 'f`.~U i."`JYlde~ IS nC4nC~oJ51'JE. ~l'arl r"Gl--}' ~•Ir~ .3'~dICIG'l~3 e"YI:~E'1CE ti j74.1r Fearing and it will L:~ examined op the 1=_a•ir~~ E:fice•. I` you have ary cuesiians. please contac- tl6ust~mer Service at 1-9~8-7a7~1-1, heth~en tt~e hours c-- 2:erl7rh+1 ar~d 5:7CrPh1 EST. PHOTO FROM A FRAME CITY tJF WlWTEFi SPRdNGS RED LIGHT CAMIERA ENFC3RCEMEN'T 1126 E. 5t~te Roar1 Winter Sp~in~s. FL 32dD8 Violation EuidenCe Repart t. omplairlt Nui~aber: D~ckeC Numlter: Urcurnerrt Nurntrer: 1~~~7JG~GQ~71~S1t YEate Extai~i€1: ~USRL 2 t)SC}~±'2~}4}3 x:53 PM Page ~ ofi 5 PHOTO FROM B FRAME CITY t~F WINTER SPRINGS REE} LIGHT CAMERA ENF{3RCEMENT 112& E. State Roac9 NVinter Springs, FL 327UB VioI~tlQn EV~denc~ R~~OCt Complaint Numper: t]6cket Na~mttier: i7ocument Numt~er: 7~~~'~+CC[fL~1~s12 S, .~ ~~~ Y_`;~~ - P ~ ~ ~~ date Ex~ Ej,t: «'SRL 3 Aacsi~vo~s a~g;g~,;2flC~ 1:'5.3 Ph1 Pale 3 of , PHOTO OF LICENSE PLATE CITY C1F WINTER SPRIdGS REQ LIGHT CAMERA EdFCrFdCEMEI~T 1'126 E. State Raa~# Wirroter Sry~rin~s, FL 32108 Violation Ewid~ence Report Complaint dumber: ®ack~t durruber: ®acument Number: 1~2~~+eGI?[31~312 ~USRL :3tite E x~;lj t: 0~,'0512~D9 1:53 PM Page ~ of a Video Recording of Violation PHOTO OF PROPERLY INSTALLED SIGNAGE CITY CAF WINTEFa SPF21Nk~5 R ECG LI ~~FIT ~A1JI EFSA. ENFC]R~ Eh"IE!MT i'1 ~E E. Slate Road Wi rater S..prinG.s, FL ~2'70EE Gr~~l"1~r~ L[3~' F~~~3t~1'# dac-urnaent ~: 1 2 20.'=Crl] iO0 1 61 ~ Locati ran: E~ 3:. a;~~ l~ ,jdifJC74hJ G- HQLLQ'.'~r" ~Ly.i C7 Evient ~~.a~. Time katu s CYep1~3Fmerrt 3kark ~5: ~.c7Gd 1~:G+7:G•~.~. hA Yi®I-atcun G12r24 C79 7: ~~:9 {~PAA Qeplc~y~merrt Er•J ~3:'.~'-.'c~~Gp 11:8'pi:i2F`~rr1 Signs w-e rE `~cs-E-. ~.=iparc-~t :n~ai Test=__ F'a=_sE<i °~p-~r~~t~r,al Tests F°ass~~ \~'SRL ~ ~~t~ke Ex ryit~ik ,~aanc:~~ vvs "Jai-'J~ ~2:]~=~~ 1 :~~8 F°F.~1 F'~g-~ 1 ~f Name L~.irection Channel Ph .:~,e+ti7L t? ~c Phaose hlin Gm Passage P.1ax 1 Max 2 Yel Clr Red Clr 'a'a~ a I k Ped ulr Red Rurt Added Initial P.1ax Initial 149ax3~iinit IL1ax3 Step Time 6-4 Redua Gars B-4 Reduc Time to Reduce Reduce By hlin Gag Assign P+1in Grn Passage hv1 ~ x 1 h,9ax ~ Yel Clr Red Clr 'J~:'a I k Ped Clr Phase Phase On h1 i n '~~ hlax ~: PAd ~ Sal[ ~D Lack Call FI~sFs Ent Flash Exi[ D[aaE Eratru Sine G~^ Gand serYice Reser~::=-e Cnf Phase Seminole County Traffic Engineering Timing Sheet - Intersection: SF2 434 ~ 33-Winding Hollow #1t]D21 GR 43d rf^:nd Haii SR~34 ~,"dii~d Hall IP 'J1~7.0~3'C.2~72.C~5D P+9ask 'v^tL ET .G'T EL V'JT NT' Hast 1~'3..d['3.' O~1.~W~7 Part# 51?G "I ~ ~~ 4 ~~ ij { i ^~3 1 (} 1'} 1 is 1 3 I ~ I :~ I f Gr,r,,,•.; 10.49.5. ! Ccm ID .a 1350 1 2 ? d 5 6 8 1 2 3 d 2 d 6 B Ph tw9ade STAB Nflde # 10C21 ~+EH VEH '•rEH VEH 11Ei ~IIEFf '•!EE- 1lEH JLP GLP G'~P [7-P PED PED F'ECH PED Date 16-Jul-OC Done B' cd;.;k.san CITY ~t7F UUWTER SPRINGS REC+ LI{~HT CAMERA ENFORCEMENT 112 E, Skate Raad Winter Springts, FL 327x8 Vionation Evidence Report L'afi7~~allYt Norm L7BP: docket Nunil~er; Dacrelnent Nurntier: 122~C~lfJOC~d1£i~12 ^ocumsnt. Infarmatiern: d©cun~ent Type: ~,flr]LRTG~)~l dATr, REP[~RT ~'ersian: 'w 1.t7 Issue date: ~~rh+2Ct09 10:C1:424Pu1 ,~ppearaneedkte: 6?~Ci200G 1D:C~1:4~Afu1 Photo Radar ~{an Op•eratar IJialatian Information: `vfialation Date..+Time: h~r2?2~~~C9 t:3=~:1C~Pf~ Vialatic~n Lac~tion: Plate Na_? State: Make .+ Mad el ! Year Registered Q;+i7er: f+iame ?Address dri~vEr: f113R1E ? AddrE55 EB Sf~-~3~ r. '~"; ItVdINi~ HCtLLt~Vb BL~,'D ti°JItVTER SPRIfV~S, FL R~7YG FL dGDG 2L~C~ ,1.~',P~1E5 LEE FEREN~ 1°s~+51 ECC~Id':'kOC~D~ LfV C~f~LAlddt~, FL 3282-~~18 ~USRL Gtate Exhit~it: ~; ~_ . •#~c~~~vr~s C!~+Ov~2005 1:5~ Pfa1 Pad? 1 at 5 CITY ~t7F UUWTER SPRINGS REC+ LI{~HT CAMERA ENFORCEMENT 1120 E, State Road Winter Slaril~~ls, FL 32718 Violafiion Evidence Report L'afi7~~c~llYt Norm l]eP: Jacket Nunil~er; Dacrement Nurntier: 122~~~lOOC~C~1£i12 IV~~ES Nate Added 8y Added Date Hearing Scheduled Dhl_ C~Br18.+~t705 AT 07:00 PF~1 Hering Ce`Pted:P~ SE is =[~R E~.~ARG Reviera ~ch~e~.~9ed ~N: 07?14+~200Ga .~T ~~~t:00 Ahafi GTC7LLES{]N 07' 14r20+~~ 12_ f5:55 PM GT!7LLE~ON 07+14?~0{l~ 12:'15:16 PhA SY'STE~~1 a~'20±20t70 04:47:2a PM := Cite E:x;`1 Li t: ~~'SRL 7 ~_ . ,#~c~~~vr~s C!S+Ov~2005 1:5~ Ph1 Pag? 5 of 5