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2009 07 21 PowerPoint presentation entered into the Record as WS-1 Public Hearings 502 6 Roy Donald Turner And Linda June Case #1220900000459
_ amity of ~5lintr~r Springs Bled Light Carmer~ Enforcement P+~ 'Box 599;35 .., ..-... PYllaenix, .4Z B5O7B-9J95 NC?TI~E C?F If'*JFRACTIC3N R~°~` aONALD .~.ND LIrV6:~ JUNE TURNEF~ 1+71 h,•1U~aPHY ST [~;,.PIED O. FL 3275-72~%~ CRJ• +C+a La'• :~- -IP.1E AT ~•~-~.+:.T ~Y d.913Of2r]OW* r79:A3 APJI EB SR-433 [a WIM GtNG H6]LLOW BL4'G rear"a ROY G4ri~:L G'.4 ril^ LIMGr.JGNE TId RFiER ~^.~TP.EET AG~RE~ 3 'lTa1 PA5GRPHVST GVIE:7o FL 32T6+5 -T29G GIG-!J PIL.'k'JYFJLLY ~ GPE~*.TE: G-i '•:E Q P.tk~F: YEF? P: .4i~E P.?~r%-'a -"L- CiLCR ' 2466 G~LGG TdK W WI E A ` hJP.1@EP? G.L54l~A@ -~-E FL C•IC•TF Eh ANA TyE 4E GG4i P.11T -HE F~LLV:+: Y•~ GFFEr4QE ~:JF TiE ~ T( GE .'v'Ih TEF. ~FRIr~-G WEG L G'~T :P. L9EF..~. -P,=-:Ji°JEP.IE Y•JT. -HE P?E•~_J W.G-G~ IP.4^tGES W-L~.T `JJ~ TC~ TAE `~'EHI•v LE v TP.TE~ .4BC'vE /•F.E -•.IGE NCE CF P. War.". 2oraa Intracll ar5 IFaIBUre "c^s'trJ•p a[ a FaO LI.ghYi Ordim anoe # 2668_37 Co-tG =~JWT~'=i. T.F=AhT ''=TRT=.^~ -H4- ~E. - -tiE tip. Il:.^.FE.eTE= -HE ART- REuCP:GEG Pr'P. `-Ev +Sa^J C• 1Yx:> PRG•£.~ELE rA.J-~E T=a E.Ei E': E. P. `JG p.~'O&~~~~~ J.v E.^. E-LIE:•~E. TAE PEI`iC v-N !-J f+JS1EG P.~o4^'E t"a P.~ hJ%+C~_'.+E.J ti ? 4EG Eadpe = ^Ob -:~.h Ih='.~. ~P.1/.TI CV, TaiE w.TY GF W: hTE.? GPP.IrJ'G.^. GH?~FGE£~ T-F=. I`-L- C~4-E 'ti lC'~a JF. is TYi P.R-C.~Gr.°_Ir+1FF,X•.LT :ms`s .4 t,J .4: CIWIL P"r=NG4LTY pgt p7;2669 FINE tr1= 5125.0[1 ~ ~•JOTICE # 122~190t1t]©Od~9 ~"9hJ # 4©33 ~~.~..• your }.;al.~~tiorr and =-.Y ,,.;-1- y~.~r •. o~.a qr rnastarvare at at o-it-.=c. o Amo«nt a,ue-: $125-.-•.7G C7ue~ Dale:- C16;28.'2G47~ P ay 'witty yo Jr `.. IS_~ ~t.r iasre-rCarci at w•r.+w Wrcl tlo nlnf ~m o -n_~r /GU- ek-eECSs .ter -nor ey crc"ie~r wr :~-, th s auF~~n to F ~ddra ss C=_ EJ P. rn E. RAY Gc~hJ,=.LG .•~.M1d C:• LING.~t JLI hIE TJRNER GLiE: €7S ~8 ~~:J179 CJ 57 TILE ~.. 'I?2CI~pOi~: CIC~S~ 'VERSIC?rJ .: ~ ISSIJE~: 175•.J7.+'2^~9 vl dS.TF• f74=:ANFI STisTF: FI T`lPE: 4 Make your cY1,;cK or Jrttoney xarcler pay a.bla to tA~e City caf Wla>tter SpriJ>, yls. *i G~ N?7T fti•7 .•~.IL C.z..~H. ~i 'tid^.~ri-e th•a I~JrJtice ~ on the fror•.[ of your ~a_j,rnent. +1 Inse~rl this yea r-off couaon in the enelosl=•d en••relrpe •with the address [mot the riJh-j sha•n'-in~g t-Irough the :vindov.^. YGU 1-~rus_ respond a'x•i.h either ~a e'a,-r^-lent Gr a. he ~rin~ re~g ue st k-:=efore :tae Gr.:e• C~a.e. Na points wi 11 be as sess'ed for tF1PS NoIIice of Infraction. €= i#y cif tiJ~;,+~int~r Spril7r~ R~.cJ Light ~~r~ler~ Enforcement F'O Box ~4250~ =~ir3r_il~nati. c=}H ~~•27~-2~f33 I.I.1111111. AA+IOUrVT C'JUE: 5125.40 7J 1JZ2^9^^^^^459 ^^^^^^1J44^^^ ], Z'S^^Z F''.. rsuant : Ord it anae 2GC S-2? app•oved by .aa^,:mar -^~p•ing s' ~.i:y Gommssv ih,e _r of a motor .el-icie a able - ay went cf irn ..-. m ..:I p-en.a ty of o$125.C'J iF she eFice proczecs nta irte-secta-, equiapee o:Fna pbotcg-a ph:.c t-affic snt-cl more- na •st=_e--. wF en atl-e tra?fic n sal slanal Fcr t-a.a: elzocl~e. ~r cdi -e~ctior t•avel miti na a st~acy ar sa sal. I[ ~ b=_=_n darer-n"v-v=.d t-r.a: Y'~u- Ehcl=_ has prc: a=_Jec 'nta an ^,.e attics ny EntE ri •ip vtFe r_. ss aalh a t'-,._~ ear sitle +nf -nt?•sec.s. r. ar tnQ [ran ,~ ,__.. ,ec. =_igna for i^,E tlir=ct-cn a,'h ~.ch Ycu• vEFicle tra w_.ar g, r.as e.. sting _. -ea dy red si,3n.a-I. I~ you w.z r eking .a rg'nt hand to •r. ycu failed tan to _ oln:e a, th=_ clearly ma •ked step ~Ii •-,e or if norea w,as prase -,., at the point sea e-st the inters e.oring. ro ccweay w-he•e you h.ad a. va_r. of appro acting tr.a~a ar, fFe?rte.sec.aa.-,. .n.~IS.re to pay the cis ~d .V,'.•il penalty by tt~ Clue Gat= ,!u:ll result a late the as c.,. nt c.f 525.0 CV bin-gl acltlecl tan your pen aF'y li dc, not pay atte cav ill p-malty c•r equest a hearing t•n c.~aa Oast the notice by atfs~e o. _r _ 'date, et will be considered an admission •.f al ilitY and an c.rdvr may b¢ e.nte reel ogee n.st ~ -u af•.+r an amrunt up [o the ma}.am ur- cavil p'e.~al;:Y. plus any acs.- a stratr:e costs. Ne points nr~ll be ssas s~ acJainst you .._ the vil peralt v. 't'ccr failu •- tr= res p.:. ~y::I ni aEaulE aa-, ccllactr.a-, 1=.a-=_..=:e=:sling .ne a7sti {IaLe rl against you f:.r the er..crcen-,ea. ~af such c na.fty L-•y cavil attic ~n ia. the na..ura _~f :l ea't IFJS TRUGTIfJ CJS 4N LINE PAYMENT- The f.~.=rest and a est cvay : pay ~ycur F:et ~e as is pay cnlane. Co [__~ w.'.aiolatao ~nFo.cortt and lc yin .va-v r ~r Ne-io- s and PIfJ - shows, srd t^= red box cn t-a `son[ c':his nc:io-. ._ ck the -ay bu['.on There is a S4 ccnvenien ce iee. P AYM E;t,IT 8Y PH.4N E: C.~..If rollfree 9-8C6-T9aJdt ii'aetween 5: C'C ari. and =_~:CaC p.,tt. -ST. -he -=isa 54 xnveneence fee. PAYM EJ'dT BY MAIL: Meal yc+ur cYae-~k ry crda~° a.yab ~ [Fee City of Ylirrtar Sprira®s'I an .he enclos-~ enu_ .a .h _fiaa o~~pan painted a: lYa_ ~c~Y.aar _~F :he re. ear side .:f di s - olsce. ^C NC- Ili. ,IL ....~ Hf 6e surer [c+ p r.:he FJv:ace ~ acres ~r~:e e'I on the face of ycu- pays-r.c.^.t P RYM E;t,IT IN PER Sold: You fay pa}• pers.=*n try chec+ ney order a[ C Y HaBI, -2. C+'= Crate ?d., 21-43 ~., •.an a=r - inas, FL 32?C_ c. .i rrte;- Spring-s .vice CepaaS-!ten:, 3a7C td. I,icss Road, ':^a an~-Spr -•ys. ', L 3_rLa Q, fit^.cay ih.-.a cah Frida}':c~tw een 5.a7 _ a.a-t. a-c 2. OQ p.m. EST. VfELV YDIJR IMA ~'ES ANC3 VIGE.ap= -,.= r orded stages a..~_ o c ur iolation will bE s' mi:te•_ -_ e+. _en_~ the -ode =nfc-.-amen[ ^vision pr+~.^.eedirg fc.° d'ispcsticn ci [he - atic^.. Ycu 7 x yours .ages a^d =c=c+ onlane - wWaalaixonlnf~v.com. ~_yc,-_ aaill~= _^yc_^ 'dc-vo- and PFJ prints.:. M.e f-c*^.t ci I[hi=_ _ side the red bcx. I° Wou aadov no[ ha•:e aarrtE.-r et ac.ess. ycuay' ,.caw r u< videc and arcades a :he :. refer Sprngs Palace 7epa~rc em..~_= F.. cE4Aoss Rea d. +atnle• Spri~san-L x i'.r8 THERE RRE TWO k'VRYS T4 aG s~l.JTE ST THIS 1+9OLRTII?N: i1; -.u icy ...c - the rcpos :ion of 'he coal salty by signing and .ng the _•- ~ e.7o:. _ S~pearance Deft •~E :F,e CcdE _ .-e .-^t 6card. .= r request s: ,be -_ eed before :he 7ue 7a_.e s.a:ed a :he iron- - t^. s Va:~e. _pon ° eapr, .veil ...E na[ifiedn~ the sate. : s and •=-_a eon ci y urrjCade -nfc-.=erc,en[ Hearing _ _ a-a un.l _.l.l.+ -.For s --_ _-f .._ __ ar ni e h •- an ss _~ a•_n.ana=.laa av. - a=_.= ~•V.II a - : rr _en_ v as .-nt.~ i2; df -he Gast of ur -~^t~st as _ cf t^E ati: r'a.a'._ c--tenses ~a.:tlinec the -a rr ^ter Spr ^,ys Ortlina-erg. ycu ~~orcpEetc- .Cit^a'u: of h'nn-R.-spo...sibili:r yo o - ne ~- a~ f may ^ a.•• and a:l.ach sup.•vrling dcc. rcer:ts..aen 'r cu. a'~fid.avic a^c suppcr-ing doc~reentata+an •aaill be rev Ewed and avail res_ in a=_iltta:r a. dasr••s ssal c-f t^.s vo alit:^.. cr scFre.==~lin~ .~ an adminisvative Faea:-~^-~. Ycu v.ai be no[{ed in van-ing cf any aclic:^ [.ske•^. ' may •- - , ?.-Fvdavit - ldcn-espans.~:litg at - nfo.co ri_ Yc=_ raill eed Nc+ti ce R and PIV patn.ed [-e lrcn: eF :his setae da.v ^.laad t-a rc~ :an _ c` ws :c a..avn ~ n }v-~ r .. on AYttl~':r. The fifr .. - - Ge .rtp e=;etl. =.y ^ed. ton=ed. and rc=.ailetl. 'wi all =__r~ ~ rl^.y do~'.:ntentat on. as -he l: ity of 'iyln-er 5~^^tn=_.. '~ilcla-ion ~°rx:es=_I^., a^-er PCr hex Fie L~p5, Phce'^ x .Sr •.c._ ~r 8-999 an^ rL rc ~ s^ be re ceaa~d b'y .Ge tlue tlat~ s:atetl c.n -he imn: cf llte fMC,lice_ QU ESTI4N5: IT ycu have a^'y t7u es:icn s. please renBact CusF_•r'le• ServicE tall free at i-1566-f 911-A.J 71 'rorc, 8'.:,73 P.^rJ-c :ddPM --- IF Y4LI A.RE A RENTAL CAR Cp MP ANY se. -_ }'our letter identifying itta dri~ter along .r :h the copy c- :his Naticz [•a :he vicla:dar. -rac_ss:na -_en.er, ._ Bcx E. E!995 Phce•_. x fit '_5~,-g-9gg `_-. Oatvticn tErs• and •Etu •r the bccto ^r, parion ,4s _. req'-.Est fc- an adr-iraist•a five .scjccic-s.:ion F•ea•ing. I si.bmt :his =orm as ~{-_es: fc• a basest n.3 r=g_:rdin3 this FJ ctce of Ir Fr.,, trios and cck ^,owled®=_ that r _ vt r^-vs[ ._ r__.e.~.cc _ : e 'ae tre o t as at ce - .v-slid r=_q~a~s E•st. I ra_1E•s-anJ that I ,.t.sr .- rd -his he,a •Ing n F~er's ffn. I also u•-aderstart+J the- I aril ~bE• •-aofl{a=~d at rhea cafe. [ire. E• arc looat a•-a cf -he F,Ea r~g? Pfeas-e. sign and pts irrt Warne usang blue cr bloc l: ink. ~i~ne c. Pri ^,: Name: k ~~ i r~ ~, ; ;~ :~ ;~ 0 ~_ Iv G L] tp r9 'S v ~a Detach nzrg anQr~lurn enr_ IwfECrn pcriionaa ~ rw~t fbr sri agrnirse~rapae aO~Wiealan ~~~~ ~- f auUmt 7H3 tiarRl nfr a rEquggt rUf a r~r~g rs:¢af aing T19 Nofipg pF Infra Chan dYrcl acknrxtnA 4= to1a1 II must taQ 3CRx^C! Cy r/yr Due bad of mre RCIIICB to t.e a val'nJ request. I underetsrd met I r•ios3 atlena Shia nesrng n.p®renn. r also imUerslanq mgt d xill 6e natinnU ar Np ilelE, nme erq 19catipn Cr the hearing. PkrbeE sJgrt 9rlti prttH name using prase [N plank Fn k. >~ 56hetlulBtl Nea~ng signeri:_~~~~^-~ ~IJM1I 12 ~4fI1 ;•,..-z ~ Ti. y;F~i..- ,{"A ..- t` Prinl NamtS. ~~ '.[f?„d'' ur ~U~ ~4~J~~ V d~ Jtl l{ C~~.,3~{(~ M'AY 2 5 2499 i?~ i v a n I~ N N 0 e°3 SO 67 $_ N 8 tJy cn w ca w Ts A 4 0 11'1 r ~-? i7 ~ G~ ~ r ~ 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 J T y ~ m ~ ~ ~ m ~ ~ ~ ~ m ~ T m m ~ ~ ~ .-C7 ~ Va ~ w a°a ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ Q m ~, ~ ~ ~_ ~ City of Winter Springs Fted Light Camera Enforcement 7 7 2G E. Stag Road, #•434 Winter Springs, FL 3:2708-2775 PLATE= F~ L7~~.4PJC~ RC74" C:.c~)PVALC7 .4PU^ LIP+IC7P, JUhJE -El1RNER Notice caf Infraction # 72209G17~€YOd59 ThE hearing dates L~-Efora tPi€~ ?+'e`intEr Springs C€rdE Enforcement Board fc~r the aUo4•a me~ntion~d ~riolaticin has Leers sched~..ilEd far +.77+'21 i2~709 at 7_~g17 PPvi ti"v'inter S.p rungs Code Enfc rcemea~t Bcaa rd 1 92~s E. Sta#e Road. if431 b^.•'inter Springs- Florida 327G~3-27-i5 If you chaos not to app~.ar, you ~w•ai~~~e the right to contest ar appAal this infraction and n~ust pay the civil pc.naity on or 6efare the da.y~ of •r•aur scl-u~edulred hearing. P•. person ~~A.•F7o is found guilty, after a hearing, ar •w.+ho requests ~. heahng and thereafter fails to appear at the time and place of the hearing, is lia,k~le far the ci•.ril penalty p{us administra.ti~.=e Fiaa.ring costs in the amount of T:•.•anty i=i°ra Dolla:rs r_525.Gt7}. If the, basis of your contest is one of the affirm ati~;+e defenses outlined in tl7e Ciby ~of 'v^di nter Springs [~•rdinan ce. 2G{]8-27, or_ Fins Veen det~ern~inr=d that tFie e~~~idenca you prow•ided is inconc9usi•r~e. You ma~• kjring additional evidence to year Hearing and it •.•.ill k~e exa:mnad L~_d the Haa:ring Officer. If you have any questions. please contact Customer Service at -1-'a5E-73G-41'1~i, k~etv;een the hours of 8.O-GFt:Pv1 and 5:.70Pf°Y1 EST. PHOTO FROM A FRAME ~~~_ ~; CITY DP WINTI=Fi SPF~IMGS RED LIGHT CAMEERA Eh1Fd3RCEl!YIEHT 1 f2~5 E. State Raad Winter Springs, FL 3271}13 V`fol~tloF1 EVIdeE1~e Report Complaint plumber: Dcscket ~lurnber~ lac~uenent Number. 1t~J~CJ~33~53 ~USKL w,.~ ..~-~ ~+';;°~1r'2Ck~19 8 4~A4f Page ~ of 5 PHOTO FROM B FRAME ~~._ ~- ~--~~ .~.- ~~~ _~. - CITY D~ WINTI=Fi SPF~IMGS RED LIGHT CAMEERA Eh1Fd3RCEl!YIEHT 1 f2~5 E. State Raad Winter Springs, FL 3271}13 V`fol~tloF1 EVIdeE1~e Report Complaint plumber: Dcscket ~lurnber~ lac~uenent Number. 1t~J~CJ~33~53 ~~ i_-~- ' _ ~ e~ ~~' == \\'SKL 3 w,.~ ..~-~ ~±';°~1r'2Ck~19 8.4~A4f P'~ge 3 of 5 PHOTO OF LICENSE PLATE CITY D~ WINTI=Fi SPF~IMGS RED LIGHT CAMEERA Eh1Fd3RCEl!YIEHT 1 f2~5 E. State Raad Winter Springs, FL 3271}13 Viol~tian Evide~n~e Report Complaint F1u~ber. oket Num6er~ Gc+~uer+ent Wumt~r: i~`3~~a~~3~1aa j~~ -~ - ~i -- - f ~, ~USKL ~t^~ ra:^-;i~ . w,.~ „~-~ I;±';°°~1r'2Ck19 8'.4~A4f P'~ge 4 cif ~, Video Recording of Violation PHOTO OF PROPERLY INSTALLED SIGNAGE G]Tl' C7F WadFJTER SPRITJGS RED LIGHT +YAMERLe EIVFG7R[~EM:ENT 7 t 2G E. 5~tate Road 111fi[7ter Springs, FL 32~ClS Carln~ra Low Report L7e.cument #: 'i 210~GOCiQd~459 Lerc.atican:. EE SR-43=9 ~ V'v'INaiN~ Fit7LLQ4'M' E-LVD E+v~ent Date !Time Statu s Qeploy+nientStart 4 3•C}r2[7474 t2.OC~_CdOT.h1 lfi~latio~a 4l3Q120fl9 9:=1.4:.~42}5.M C?eplcy n~ent End 4r~3Ci~°2+x{]3 11.~9:~~a Ptw~l Signs v.~~ere Pasted [7~eratinnal Tess Passed O~~erakiortal Tests Passed \~'SRL ~ Mate ExF-iivit c~:a l~ao~ ~:.s~.~.r~~ P~~~ 7 ~f - Name L~.irection Channel Ph .:~,e+ti7L t? ~c Phaose hlin Gm Passage P.1ax 1 Max 2 Yel Clr Red Clr 'a'a~ a I k Ped ulr Red Rurt Added Initial P.1ax Initial 149ax3~iinit IL1ax3 Step Time 6-4 Redua Gars B-4 Reduc Time to Reduce Reduce By hlin Gag Assign P+1in Grn Passage hv1 ~ x 1 h,9ax ~ Yel Clr Red Clr 'J~:'a I k Ped Clr Phase Phase On h1 i n '~~ hlax ~: PAd ~ Sal[ ~D Lack Call FI~sFs Ent Flash Exi[ D[aaE Eratru Sine G~^ Gand serYice Reser~::=-e Cnf Phase Seminole County Traffic Engineering Timing Sheet - Intersection: SF2 434 ~ 33-Winding Hollow #1t]D21 GR 43d rf^:nd Haii SR~34 ~,"dii~d Hall IP 'J1~7.0~3'C.2~72.C~5D P+9ask 'v^tL ET .G'T EL V'JT NT' Hast 1~'3..d['3.' O~1.~W~7 Part# 51?G "I ~ ~~ 4 ~~ ij { i ^~3 1 (} 1'} 1 is 1 3 I ~ I :~ I f Gr,r,,,•.; 10.49.5. ! Ccm ID .a 1350 1 2 ? d 5 6 8 1 2 3 d 2 d 6 B Ph tw9ade STAB Nflde # 10C21 ~+EH VEH '•rEH VEH 11Ei ~IIEFf '•!EE- 1lEH JLP GLP G'~P [7-P PED PED F'ECH PED Date 16-Jul-OC Done B' cd;.;k.san C9TY CiF 5'VINTER SPRINGS REC+ LIGHT CPi.reERA ENF<JRCENIENT •1126 E. State Read 1~li~ter Springs., FL 327G8 ~i~rl~a#ic~n E+vid~nc~ Re~aort Cc,n7plaint Number:: G€~~cket Nserrnber: Gceum~ent Number:: 122]'?C]G:i:l~iy3 Crs~~~~l~7~n~ Il~~r~rn~f~ti~r>I: Daeurrsent-ypa: '110L.ATI':~rd ~.4T.4 RE~~~RT ApF~.~rvnc? Gate: :5r~3~7""a C:'~7:42r.r.1 Ph~ta Radar ~: a n 'dpera;ar: Vi ~ l ~~ t i o r7 I ntorr7~{~ ties r~: l+ialation 13:e i Time: ~d3C•'2G3a 3:4-}:42nh1 Violation _o=~3:ior: EB .~R~"s-0 ~_''u'IFJ'11S~,ty FC:L_i~"'PJ ~L'u`C '.'t~l`iTEF~ SP~Ir,tvi, F_ L'iake :~ r~lo~~l 'Yesr:: G.L,G;~ : '~]CS F~e~ist~rec ~G~n~~er: R'v~Y GONALG.ArdG LIhC},~, .LahJE TJF~A~.R r•,amei ~.~~~ress 17171 ~tLlRP-IY E;T ~b''IE~d. F_ 31738-723 Griu~ar: hame r' A:d~drnss ~~'SRL Yta:e Ex~:ibit: (i ~-°«'~ "` . C7lG1l1CJ!~ "a;4"a.45.1 Page " :f v C9TY CiF 5'VINTER SPRINGS RECD LIGHT CAi.hERA ENP#JRCENIENT •1126 E. State Raad Winter Springs, FL 32FF18 ~i~rla#ic~n Evid~nc~ F~e~aort Cc,n7plaint Number:: ~o~cket N~ernnber: I~ceument Number:: 1~27'?C]G:~:l~iy~ NTES Nete A~de€I By Ad€led Date 1-e~ri~g .~v~e~,alea ~`J: i_,,,~1.'~s+~8 ~:T ~,-:~7 F°M ~'e•a e~r~~ ;iche~a~led ~:~FJ: Ca:' ~:"~C7~~.~- ]C:]C~.AR9 F'ee's e'~• Sche•~uled C.?hd: Ca:' 2.°2CJ?.,.',- Jrr:]! ~.~C:1 .~-:~LLES~~`J J ''~TEfYi ~~'SRL ~ta:e Ex~:i~it: 7 ~r.~~.~ u-, . C'l~1?~CJ!~ "a;4"a.4w~i Page S :f v