HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009 07 21 PowerPoint presentation entered into the Record as WS-1 Public Hearings 502 5 Christopher Allan Ortega Case #1220900000111_ amity of Winter Springs Bled Light Carmler.a Enfarcement PCB Bo3€ 59995 Pha~nix, A~ 850 7 6-99 9 5 NC]TIGE OF INFR,I~~TI~IV CHRI }-oPHER ALL.=tif~ '~RTEG'A r 7 2 V : ~ R.'~r'~@T C RJ~~C°3GP . ?~--IRlE .4T LU~.r:T G'+B (J 4:27!11709 99:2'7 AM E6 SR-338 L. JN'IMCING HOLLOW BLVC RS4lA= CHR13TdJPHER ALWH CRTErJ }, ~TRE ET.4G~riE ~~~ 6'i2 M ~R.1HT ST -.J:: tii LCFJC V.C3CN5 ~T.4TE FL ZIF'JCCE 32TS~d302 G1C LHL.1'.fVF'J LLY ~ CPE3P.TE.'G ~. '~.'E Q o:-.~1-: L 2 UC:9 HISS AG SIL F ~ Y. Jf.1BER --~-E Sra v'L'A' FL E+IG T:--h .4NJ T-lE ~E ~•L:~Mi ~.qlg -F- F~LL~L': V~ CFFEN.^,E =CF Ty E. ~ TY CF ".\'li',T-F ~FRIN ~~ REG L =~i-T vF. L.1EF:e.. Eh=~~i ER1EFJ'T. -HE RE'J3F: CEG IRL4CE£- rc-L/.T V~~ TG T-t E. •"'EHICLE. ~TP.TE.J .4BC':+- F.,4E -•.'ICEFJCE r.F ,4. Ra19 Z'~o rs IrAt-aicilori IFallure Fo atap aS a RaO L'~a hYi 4 rdirsainae # 21?6J3.-27 C:RG =UF.T-lvi .4F=A!,T ~T.4T=.: -H4- YE .C F. ~,~E yA.~ IN.FE~V.TEJ -HE _p,T EwCF: C'EC• CEE ~.^J C. Hx£ P~~E:xEL- Ch.J~= T~.-*. E.-L. E•..'E.. P.VO p ,~~°3U!2OC19 T-= PE,F.~C~'J :Jr-!`-1ErJ A.SJS~ L"J A.~ AJ'.'-i--_:^c~ h :> 6~EC] - -.: E-LIE.-•: E. '`JE 11 ?P I b _ -~f' ~F-- E. -tae ~ O02 3h Ih ~ ~ 1- I TtiE TY CF -- hT=~ ~PRIN C.^. •~F' R.~-~E_ -~- I~;k C'-L E :ICL CR -r TH P -... ~~h INFrW.~T ~-34 .4 t,J T. CIVIL PENt4LT-'Y a FINE CJF 5925.L70 05!07:21}491 itIO~ICE # 122~94QL1O0111 RIN # 9614 'L+:ew y~eJr vial.aSion and °-y .r.ri'F yo- L.r'•1 isa c.r 1..i.ast roa rd a¢ at cnlr~=ca.oc ni Amoul~t due:: '~~'125.47C1 Gum d~k~:: C?5?22:`2C'(l9 sT .~ -. _- _ ' - Pay 'with ya ur L~IS~-.-. c.r 4'asEe-rv~ard at .•a'a•su. Yf I t onl f -~n~ o~r m~ i ycu- c9-~ech or -nor Ey crdEr wi-t: tFr s coe.s p,o io Fa ~~r=as bs-_^. I~ rJ Jh IJIE: CH P.le I C,PHER +S.LL.•1•. h8 ORTE C--:.'~. pIJ E: I7- 2?: _'pn N'~TI~E ~._ 122. il'~^Ll~'[I•~'i91 +VEr-."5113 FJ: 7 ISSLJE~. p5'•:'9.20C9 '~"'~ PLfi.T E: 95~~~'v'L'•J'L.' STCLTE: FL TYPE: 4 M1Aak~ your the cK ©r Innn~ey and er pay a.L~l~ to the City of Wlnt~r Springs. ^1 QG1 M1dC}T F.J1:~,.IL C.+3:J Fi. -'e 'v":7i_a thA '=`V otic~ y# on th'=-• fr~ret of ~'a ur pa-f-rn~nt. ~i Inswrrt this -ear~aff cou~or~ in the erelVlasle~ en-,eovlaF•V' ~•J~'ith the adc;'ress (at the righ~J she~'rv~6n~g zhro ugM the v.'inciov:. You r7us-. res 7ol~d '.vi-h with era na~rJ€ant or a l~e.aring reat;e st h•efe7r~ she Ua:ir= as-_a. Mo poil7ts will L7e assessed Fnr th is Notice ~f In fra cti~on. C~ixy ,~f "t+7L~ent~r :~~arinc~s Rid LicJl-It C~l~~~r~ Er~farc~emlerlt P~7 Box 742~C13 €=:ineil~n~ti; ~-)H 4~~7~-2~L3 I.I.lllllll.lull.1.llll.1.lllllllllll.l..lll.lll.l.lll.llllll A141C3UNT DUE. .s125.100 1J 7JZ~^9^^^^^].17J ^^^^I^37J^961J^ ]. .25^^~ F'a. rsuan: :o •Ord iranoe 2QC$-2'? apprcvad t~y 'J4'i n:Er Sp•ing s' v~i:y Commsss o. ^a. tYaE owner of a motor •: chicle is :ia blE =cr aa~y ^raE•rt cf a min ir*-.um oiv I p Ertaty OF $125. ~;~ IF :FrE ow^aer's :ehic..e pfOCEeCS 'ntn do Irte'SEC71+.l'l e~a_6iapEC •A'i:h .3 atlOtOara ph`C t'3ffIC ca nt~al mori:or ng 51 st2f"- ':.'h En Che Cra~IC Control sign~til fCr tn.a: veh Cle's dl•ECtjpr O' t'3 •. EI Is emitting a Ste wC'p' rEd s:gn31. lC n~5 lvean d.~:er'T51'l?d ih 3i yOwr VEh Cle ha=_. prcce=_dEC nto an i•s:Erse^ticr ay Er,tEr.ng the c•css•.valk cr 4^aE near sidE of ar -ntm •s ECsiesra w^aer to=_ tr3-ra ~a Hire sign3-, for t'SE dir=_ct:on i^a •a:hch yau• ~•EF•icle •,vas Crave it g, •h~as Er-i:tirag a s:Eady rE~d si:ara;,,l. I` you we•E r-:a Fa ^ag aI rgnt ha^a~d fu •r. you fa ilE•c to ocnlE tc a oo mol~a:E• sroc a: the clearly ma•kec stop li ^aE cr if nonE was pease n:. ar the pcirs[ rea•ESr th? intersEC[irag m,ad way •r,~he•E ycr. had a 4'ia•s~.~ cf approacf-si ^ag trams.: on the rte •sec:io ^a. aaure to pay th- .. asp ~.:il 1-.enalsy by tFa= C+ue C•3 ka x;ll re moult _ late `ee - the a+ +ot :.f _~°. CU v r:7 aJdeJ :o ycur .?al~y If y©u do not. pay 3the civil penalty or slue=_.t a hearing to ccntes[ [h? notice by [h'e diue ?date, +[ vrill Ge c+a nside•re-d an admix sion ~~f liability and an order may be entered against yow for ark am~rswnt up [o the maximwrtk civil penalty.. pews any adrninesirative c:©sts. FJc p.:~i•its ,all 1.•E ass-ss_c. .-,"~-.:rat you =._ -he .+vil per alt}•. ~Y°:_ar failu•- t..• rasl_•:~~s el u_r +e~a+lt u-. cell-,: t.,¢~r-+ I:+r::,.::e e.ais 41 .~e +?stigated against you f,+• .he e+ .-:r ~~=r-er: of su:~h .~ena..[y I•y crr+l .^.cn~.r+ + he r,.::urn of dear IFISTF21JCT1 t]FJS C.:NLINE PAYMENT:: The Fa s:es: and easiest c+r'ay :o pay 'ycu• r.:at ie is Ile pay cnllrt.=. C~o to vww.:'Jielatian'nfo.com and Ycg=_n : Ih y'_,r Fdc:io= ar:d P@FJ ~ sheave in [^= red b~ax. cn t^E ?ran[ c` :his nc:io-. .. ck :I-ae =ay buCCn There is a S4 cen•:enience fee P A'fM ENT E3"f PHt?hl E: Call !all free 1-S66-T91}~1'11 r~enw•een 5:Ca? a. rl. .3nd .`~:C7C p. ns. :-ST. -he•E is a S4 ~cnvenience feE. P RYM ENT BY P.fAIL.: Mail y~.ur tih~,k. ar r-ec ~~y cNE• ':ra yahE :o [Foe City of Yfiratrr 'Fipriekgsi in chse enc@a ._, enr= _'pe :r :h :!-ae a=., pan pri Hied a: 1h~_ e_~rarc cf :!-+e revers- side cf ih s ^odice. ^C N~ AS.•%.IL C%.°_ H 6e surf G_+ pu::he Fdcrice p (see -~oerse;l _,n he lace '~f ycu- pays-IE:rt PAYMENT IN PERSC'N: Yau ~ttay pa}• in person t:y checK •_+r money order a[ C ~ Hall, '~.5=. _°ta:e 3d.. :~7,?~. 1°e'1n.er ~'rrir+gs.. FL ^s2?'.=c ri rfe• Springs ?~=5ure C epart~serr, 3CC N. P.lcss Raad, '.'i irotE• Spr ^y~ =L 2.2~C+8, P.lc ^c3y~lh ••=.; ilh Friday aEnueen S:CC- arrl a^•~ ~.CI^ p.m. EST. xfilEW YNLJR IP.TAG ES ANI7 YI6E0: T:^E recorded •ary3ges a^.•~ L~ceo c` your •:iala:iar, av411 bE =_ua7si-Lec as evicen~E in '.h+e Gade -rAc-cerraesnt ^'uisian pru.eedi^~y F_• dispos ticn -.i th,e -=s.sbc^.. a ~iay ui your n-.aaes a..d ~_•_._.-: online w.1'i~ola3sanlnfc,.eor-i. Vca u,•i!! ~_ yn_• Uc~ias ar+d PFd prix+t=-~ t'••e f-•_-t cd tt:.i=_ nc:io- inside 7FIF red box. Ylr J~yau do not have 'intE~^et ao_ess. ycu rcay ay +e.eY your -.•idec and ircages a: :he 'r^i refer Springs Police C'epa^.rcerrt. ,._= r,.a i•r:as~ R~_a. d, 4"i iretE- Spn ^'ys =L &c ~D8 THERE ARE TWO-'4YAYS Tr3 Oe7NYE ST -rH VS k+94LA310N: fl; '°•=u -nay came=_: she impas :ion of :he civil :penalty by sinning and r•ka ^p :hE c~_~~ara 'aeYav; :o -=sues: ar, .=t~pearanoe ~~=efc:•'a the Cede =:^fa3rcerlE^t 6oaM. °•_~ur requ _st rc., ~^. be r=._ .: ed before she 7ue ?a':e sated c the ficnt of t'• s Non~c. !.. pon re_eips, pcu •.vill -..= notified of -he Cate, t E and •-a..a-nan ci }•our Code =. nfc:•cement Hearin9..f'i~>-__':,und..,ble r:F:er=he.:-_p c-f.::~:a a:.•earnl sxh ~:earin5 a-ace-+ini=tra.ir_'___ aC_.__n11 .=.Lr_. .,.y ~;•ena .r ar--o~n[~ +;2' IF she bass of your o_~.test is of C-E off•rra:iv= °~Efenses c:..71in--+~ ^.he C.r •~i 4i.~-.ter Sp-:-tis Ordina-rx.- ycu may _on-,pletE a,~a Rffcavs -oF F;on-RE=_pc.5+hioi:y and a:lach =_up coding dccurc:enter;ion 'Y'ou' a`fidavit a^c suppcring dec.. rsenatian •rrill be rev tvred and will res'.:: in either a disr?ssal of C^s vo avc-£ cr s~F+_,,. ling of an adminisua:ia'e hear-g. Yau wil be not lied in vrri:ing of any aclic°^ take°.. 'r cu may ~cman •as~:: an :rf=+dawit of Fden-iespans c~ilit}• at - e. F. •-corv?- Yc, vtill need your Notice ~ and PI'J m printed on t^e fi-cn: of :has rva[ce ca daWr,m load [^_ AYldavi:. ThE Aff eavi: n-. s: 6e c_°rsp E-ed s.y^ed. ^c+darfted. ar+d-'rcaiied, ~•ri all =_., ~~aan.^= dac-. ~Iensat an, sa *.he Cit}• of eM'imer .~..^?ns 'Jiclatian .?n~_essi-+g Ce:^-ar PO hex `~c885, Pheer• x- .~ ?. ~a • 6 9grc and sl rc __. bE rec oad b}= :he due dais s:aced cn the iron; of the Ny4ice. CtW.lE5Td4Fd 5~: li ycu ha•:e 3.^y ques:icns. please rcn:act Custone• Ser:ice tall free at i-B6S-79-0-4111 =ran- 8..6:+A.'.9-~.:CCPM =5` VF YO41' ARE A REFJTAL CAR COPA:PANY =_s }•aur lever idemVFying the dn~,•er along :a :h the copy c` :his Voice 6 :he '.+icla:far, =rrc_ss?ng venter, =v Box 5n99a. Phc ~'° x AZ-=5~"+-6-995 =_~. ^-~t.:,r.-r FaEre and •Etu rr the. t'cttom p+~r.io ra as .a rzgr.ESt fa• an adr•.irai st•a ti~.•z .acjr.cic.s,:i~ara hea•irag. I scbmt a+i=_. =orm as a ee~ques:~ fo• a r.Ear ng r=_gaeyin3 this NotoE of Irfrac:Sor'. and arck nowtEd g= that ii must b=. re,:e=: ec ay :!-=e V;^~E Cate o= this robce :O aE a :'vli •.~ r?,3a_IES[. 1 un=dErsta n-~ th 3t 1 r•l. st a::Erd :his P•earing n pErs~ar3. 1 31x7 un~Er~'t3.5d th a: 1 'NII 'hE •5~t1'12~d of tl^E Cate, tl^•.E .'-,rc I~aCat,Cry Of :FE hean^ag. PI'~.e ase stgn and print Hartle usEng Glue ce Mack ink. ~ianec. Pri ~: rJamE: 6 0 ~7 N 1 P.= d=l +~7 c ~ ~`'~ ~ ¢,?'tsch here ano return 1hB bculom Parlir~ir as a request F~rar, s9mieiSValfrvE auyurlicalion hearing.. BuGdlid 1x+13 C3ml as a r&4uesE Par a heafirvg r4"9artllrg ihts Nolice of hITtBCUOn and a:knowltdge Ural f mu54 b¢ +cceived 6g "L'K,e'Oue Qai® of this ae[se ke Ce a valid revuesl~ ~ uMer6[and that I mra3M1 attend this Fertng lirpw=urn. r affiQ undt+'s~ard That I will 6R ral:c4ilerl of the data,. lime a~~tl Inrainn of the hcari~g. Plaaae e4gn and R^r5t ruttre using htuB er Mark Ink. r'~`C%~. Sign®d: scRredutied yl~ring zt~c,.: Wit' d.~_.K `r_.. ~~.i v. ,_.~~~;~ Frint Narrw,. t~~~°.flf~'~r"f(lr'i '.1~C'i v~fv Jd41d X ~ 711!5 ~~,IJ ~` C~~~~~ a}! ~J.~.elR4(iJ ~~3'~ ~ ~l fgQg v 0 n a m i hS N 0 a v sr m f4 Ss1 e-r Ig A} C:t' E4 w A Q m r D ~_ Z ~_ O ~_ Z7 rn v r `~ Ga ~ a' _ N ~ ~ T ~ =•~rnz ~ ~ ~ ~ m rn rn ~ T r o ~ ~ ~,' 6+ Q ~7 na n " ~ rn ~ rn z City oaf LM1finter Springs Red Light iCamera En~orcemerct •~ 1126 E. State Road, #43d lu'4rirtiter Spring, FL 327[]8-2715 DATE: 0~;?'12a~2G0 ~ PL,4TE: FL ~+55`v''L'a"Y" CHRISTDPHER ALLAN C~RTE~'A E12 N ~~-RANT T LCaiN~'d~rC}[~G'~, FL 327{]--430:2 N~ti~ce caf Infraot~n # 122~09D17tJ4tJ117 TI-ie hearing date befrare the :p'a`inter Springs- Cede Enfarcement E~oard far the aht?^„^e mentitaraed •riolation has been schec=.aled for.: J7l21F2Q~9 at 7:03^ PA+I L^'rinter Springs Cade Enr't3rcement Bt~ard 1'125 E. Mate R€~ad. #~3~4 ~1~~'intsr Springs, Florida 327L~~-27'15 If =,+ou choose not to appear. }tau ~~;ai~se the right tca contest or appeal tf-~is infraction and must pair the ci°a•il penalty can ar befcare the d~3y' of ~~~o~ur scheduled hearing. A Fern®n ~,+,•ha is fr~urid yuilfiy after a hearing, car v~•ha requests a hearing and thereafter fails tca aF-pear at the time and place of the hearing; is liable far the ci~ril penalt'~ pUus adminis#rative Fearing tests in the amount of T~,•.enty Fire Eallars ~,S2v~.G{~y. If the basis of ~eur cea~ntest is ene of the afFirmati~fe defenses outlined in the City ~f 'a'~~inter Springs C•,dinance 2G{]8-27, it 1-~as been determined #F~at the evidence ~cau prt~•yided is. inc®nclusi^.^e. ~`au ma•p~ briny additiea~nal e•w•idence #a e~•our Hearing and i# ~,*.ill be eacaamined L•i~^ the Hearing Officer. 1- `,:cru have any questit~ns, Tease contact Custcamer Service at '1-8~E-7PC~-41'1'1, bet~rreen the hours caf 8•.QaAil~1 and 5:~317PI+r1 E:~-. PHOTO FROM A FRAME ~_ _ , ~~ ~~~_ ~_ _. At :~ M - •. CPTY bF WINTER SPRINGS RED L1GHT CAMERA ENFORCEMENT 9126 E. State Read Winter Springs. FL X2798 li~IaR.itlQl'1 EYIdE11C@ fZ~~3C1R'[ 0 Cvmpiaint Number Dvvket Number DvcumentNumber 1«:~=C~~v~W~e~11 ~~'SKL G$~<~~^~CdP~ 11:49r"e141 Rage ? cf c PHOTO FROM B FRAME ~-~~ ~- ~._. _. _y._ __ _.~~ ~~~ - CPTY bF WINTER SPRINGS RED L1GHT CAMERA ENFORCEMENT 116 E State Read Winter Springs. F'~ 327GS V~~olat~on Evidence Repo~'t Cvmpiaint Number Dvoket Number Document Number 1«:~=C~~v~W~r.11 ~' ~~'SKL G$~<~~^~CdP~ 11:4~r"e141 Page 't cf c ~'11~ r .~ ~ PHOTO OF LICENSE PLATE ~ ~ i t ~~ ~. ~~ x. CPTY bF WINTER SPRINGS RED L1GHT CAMERA ENFORCEMENT 9126 E. State Ruad Winter Springs. FL X2798 li~IaR.itlQl'1 EYIdE11C@ fZ~~3C1R'[ 0 Cvtnpiaint Number- E3vvket Number:: DveumentNumber 1«:~vL]~r~~:r"11 ~. ~~ ~~~ «-SIZE -~ G$~<~~^~CdP~ 11:49r"e141 Rage 4 cf c Video Recording of Violation PHOTO OF PROPERLY INSTALLED SIGNAGE iC3Tl` CJF 71`d1NTER SPRINGS FxECt LIGHT CAIY1EFtA~ ENFC1Rt~EMEh1T 712G E. State Road Wir3t~r Springs, FL 327'Ok3 G c`i11f'1"I B ~ a L i4 C~ ~4~'_ F7 01"t ^ocurre€snt #: '122tID9Dp00~CU'I ~ 7 Lttcati+~n: 'Sigras'w'ere Posted EE SR-~13 2 ~ 4".•'IND1N•G I ~OLL+~':'„ LLk{D Event Date ! Tirtte Status C}enloyn~ent Start ~r27r24t73 "i2.OG:GG,=kPu1 0~-arati~nal Tests Passed Violation 4.f2712Q09 1'1 ~2'1:54AM peployment End ~;~27~'24479~ 1'1.G9:•.-.aPP•.~I Q~erati~cnal Tests Passed \~'SRL ~ State Exhibit G4!2~1+204{J ! 1 _~AAf"v9 Page 1 of Name L~.irection Channel Ph .:~,e+ti7L t? ~c Phaose hlin Gm Passage P.1ax 1 Max 2 Yel Clr Red Clr 'a'a~ a I k Ped ulr Red Rurt Added Initial P.1ax Initial 149ax3~iinit IL1ax3 Step Time 6-4 Redua Gars B-4 Reduc Time to Reduce Reduce By hlin Gag Assign P+1in Grn Passage hv1 ~ x 1 h,9ax ~ Yel Clr Red Clr 'J~:'a I k Ped Clr Phase Phase On h1 i n '~~ hlax ~: PAd ~ Sal[ ~D Lack Call FI~sFs Ent Flash Exi[ D[aaE Eratru Sine G~^ Gand serYice Reser~::=-e Cnf Phase Seminole County Traffic Engineering Timing Sheet - Intersection: SF2 434 ~ 33-Winding Hollow #1t]D21 GR 43d rf^:nd Haii SR~34 ~,"dii~d Hall IP 'J1~7.0~3'C.2~72.C~5D P+9ask 'v^tL ET .G'T EL V'JT NT' Hast 1~'3..d['3.' O~1.~W~7 Part# 51?G "I ~ ~~ 4 ~~ ij { i ^~3 1 (} 1'} 1 is 1 3 I ~ I :~ I f Gr,r,,,•.; 10.49.5. ! Ccm ID .a 1350 1 2 ? d 5 6 8 1 2 3 d 2 d 6 B Ph tw9ade STAB Nflde # 10C21 ~+EH VEH '•rEH VEH 11Ei ~IIEFf '•!EE- 1lEH JLP GLP G'~P [7-P PED PED F'ECH PED Date 16-Jul-OC Done B' cd;.;k.san C.1TY C1F WINTER SPRIMs~S RED LIGHT C:a'idIERR EMFC'RGEMENT 9128 E. State Raad Winter Springs, FL 32888 ~i~1~ltic~n E-rid~n~ce Report Camplaint Number. Daeket M1lurm,bar: DacktmentNumber 1227~GJ~~JJ111 Csccuni:enk lnforrl~~ti~n: Vial~tian lnfc-rri~~tiar~: D: r.~r°-er~t-YP=_: `11OLATI~PJ'1.~T.A RE'~RT 't+i~lekian 3a`e Time: 42'°~CJJ 1':21:F~r,rr1 l+ialakian _vca:iar: EB SR~34 ~'~4xIhJ_Ir~G' FiJ'L_rJ',:,' oL'd°C 's+ersiaro: ~,' 1.7 '~"a~l'~JTER..~P~Ir~;k=S, F- Iss~e• Caate: ~~ 11;2JG>3 12:2F:3vP~A Pla-e h,c.~ Make: e55'4'L's^~' FL .4pF•earan.e cake: ~~'?~%?Ju"a 1?:2C:3?P`!1 plake r rvlodal ; 'ra,~r.; NIE,S :' 2J~ ~~ R,eJisterec ~C~~~•~rer, C'-IR1~-CP~IER..?~,_LA~I DRTEG.4 ha~ne!~.d~r8ss ~12hJt?R~.hJT~T L"7rxG''ir'v~+JD, F_ 32?5C~-43J'~ Driuer: fi a me r A.d dr-ass P~~a1a P, ydar :+an `DF=era:ar: ~~'SRL Eta;e En:~Ri~ik: (i Ca:~~1~I:J9 11;4"anriFi Page' f? ~.1TY C1F Ya~INTER SPRIMs~S RED LIGHT C,~§MERR ENF~RGEMENT 9128 E. State F2~ad Winter Springs, FL 32888 Wial~tic~n Evid~en~ce Report C:~mplaint Number_ E~oeket M1lurr,bar: D~c~umenttJumber 1227~GJ~~JJ111 h1+DTE N+~te Added By R€Ided Date .K'stx!r~? RE'~.'IE'4er 'a'rtiv G~~M1~LE-E r`,hJ1 A HEr',R9pJ:a -1.4.1 BEEF) ,:iC-1ECU~LEC. 1EJP.IC1~Jc~'J- .4r,F'PE;_H~D~J;~ GS''~!2C]'~ 1C~:52:~2,~.h~l teG-I`L:E :.R.;~.TED It°J EREC~~R. RhtJS+ED T-iE 2Nd ~JJ-ILE _r`.TE FEE AS FE.4?li•,t= PE~lvE:iTi 'u`~f:u ~EvEI'~:'ED FREOR T~:? DJE D.4T= L•C DL~E D~.TE F,=tS EEEf uL.~P=PJCEC. Fearing .~c~edalea X41: i~ ~~'i12iiJJ ~,T J::J7 F`M v-DLLE:~~D~1 CQ:';:~r~C~J~ 1~:~'s:52:~h+1 Pe•,~e't:.Sr_~,e~~~,le~~Dl`J:CR'1?`LC7r::.-J~:7~~.4b:9 5='~TE~v1 C~;'2Rr2GJG ]4:50'2 PC.9 ~~'SRL 7 C'3:'2=r'2~CJ9 11:4"ar5h1 Page ` ~f?