HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009 07 21 Ordinance 2008-27 Traffic Light SafetyORDINANCE N0.2008-27
WHEREAS, the City of Winter Springs is located in a high density traffic area and
regularly experiences traffic incidents rela#ed to the failure of motorists to obey duly
erected traffic control devices, exposing its citizens to the dangers of personal injury and
property damage; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs is concerned with
the inability to sufficiently enforce the State statutes prohibiting running of red lights, due
mainly to the requirement that enforcement of the State law requires the personal
observation of police officers, affecting the ability to effectively reduce the significant
dangers presented to motorists and pedestrians by the failure to stop far a red light; and
WHEREAS, the use of unmanned cameras to enforce toll violations on the
State's system of toll roads has been determined to be fair, reasonable and sufficient by
the State in order to effectively enforce laws regulating the payment of tolls without the
need to commit the extreme amount of personnel that would be necessary without the
use of unmanned cameras; and
WHEREAS, similarly, the use of unmanned cameras wilt be effective in enforcing
laws requiring drivers of motor vehicles to stop for red lights and will have the effect of
freeing law enforcement personnel to respond to other, and sometimes more significant,
incidents as well as serious crime; and
WHEREAS, local governments in different parts of the State and Nation have
demonstrated the enhancement of vehicular and pedestrian traffic safety attributable to
the integration of automated image capture technologies with traditional traffic law
enforcement methodology; and
City of Winter Springs
Ordinance No. 2008-27
WHEREAS, Section 316.008, Florida Statutes, grants municipalities, with respect
to streets and highways under their jurisdiction and within the reasonable exercise of
the police power, the authority to regulate and monitor traffic by means of law
enforcement officers and security devices; and
WHEREAS, the City of Winter Springs is vested with home rule authority
pursuant to Artide VII, Section 2 of the Constitution of the State of Florida and Chapter
468, Florida Statutes, to enact an ordinance making the failure to stop for a red light
indication a code violation, and to provide for enforcement of such violations; and
WHEREAS, Opinion 05-41 of the Attorney General of the S#ate of Florida, dated
July 12, 2005, issued to Samuel S. Goren, City Attorney for the City of Pembroke Pines,
confim~s the authority of the City to enact an ordinance making the failure to stop at a
red light indication a code violation to use unmanned cameras to monitor intersec#ions
in the City for such code violations, and to record the license tag numbers of vehicles
involved in such violations; and
WHEREAS, the Attorney Genera! has opined that the cities may not issue traffic
citations under the State law to drivers for violations observed by the use of unmanned
cameras and not otherwise observed by law enforcement officers; and
WHEREAS, in order to be consistent with State law and the referenced Attorney
General Opinion, the City will issue the uniform traffic citation prescribed by Chapter
316, Florida Statutes, and will not prosecute offenses of this Ordinance through the
County Court, but, rather, through the City's code enforcement program, procedures
and processes; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs finds it to be fair
and reasonable to use the same procedure used by the State to enforce toll violations
through unmanned cameras, and to provide alleged violators with the opportunity to
have a hearing within the City using the City's code enforcement procedures, program.
and processes; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs finds that
implementation of the enforcement program as set forth in this Ordinance will promote,
protect and improve the health, safety and welfare of its citizens, consistent with the
authority of and limitations on the City pursuant to the Constitution of the State of
Florida and the Florida Statutes.
NOW, THEREFORE, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs,
Florida hereby ordains:
Section 1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are hereby incorporated herein by
this reference.
City of Winter Springs
Ordinance No. 2008-27
Section _2. Code Amendment. The City of Winter Springs Code, Chapter
12, Motor Vehicles and Traffic, is hereby amended as follows: (underlined type
indicates additions and s#r+keeut type indicates deletions, while asterisks (**") indicate a
deletion from this Ordinance of text existing in Chapter 12. it is intended that the text in
Chapter 12 denoted by the asterisks and set forth in this Ordinance shall remain
unchanged from the language existing prior to adoption of this Ordinance).
CHAPTER 12 Motor Vehicles and Traffic
Article IV. Red Light Code Enforcement Infraction.
Sec. 12-80 Legislative Findings And IntentlPuroose.
~j_ The recitals (whereas clauses) set forth in Ordinance 2008-27 are
hereby adopted. and fully incorporated herein, as the legislative findings of the Citv
Commission of the Citv of Winter Springs.
~). The purpose of this Article is to authorize the use of an unmanned
cameras/monitoring system to promote compliance with red light signal direcctives as set
forth in this Article, and to adopt a civil enforcement system for red light signal
violations This Article will supplement law enforcement personnel in the enforcement
of red tight si pal violations and shall not prohibit law enforcement officers from issuing
a citation for a red light signal violation in accordance with normal statutory traffic
enforcement techniques.
Sec. 12-81 Use Of image Capture Technologies. The Citv shall utilize image
capture technologies as a supplemental means of monitoring compliance with the State
laws related to traffic control signals. while assisting law enforcement personnel in the
enforcement of such laws, which are designed to protect and improve public health,
safety and welfare. This Section shall not supersede, infringe, curtail or impinge upon
State laws related to red light signal violations or conflict with such laws. The City shall
utilize image capture technologies as an ancillary deterrent to traffic control and traffic
siana{ violations and to thereby reduce accidents and iniuries associated with such
violations Notices of infractions issued pursuant to this Article shall be addressed using
the City's code enforcement process and not uniform traffic citations or County Courts.
Sec 12-82 Definitions. l=or purposes of this Article, the following words and
phrases shall have the following ascribed meaning:
(a? lntarsection means the area embraced within the prolongation or
connection of the lateral curb line• or if none, then the lateral boundary lines, of the
roadways of two roads which loin or intersect one another at. or approximately at. right
an,gtes• or the area within which vehicles traveling upon different roads ioining at any
other angle rnav come in conflict.
fib) Motor vehicle means the meaning set forth in the definition in Section
City of Winter Springs
Ordinance No. 2008-27
316 003 (21) Florida Statutes. or its successor provision.
(c) Notice of Infraction means a citation issued for a red zone infraction.
(d) Owner means the aerson or entity identified by the Florida Departirent of
Highway Safety, and Motor Vehicles or other State vehicle registration office, as the
registered owner of a vehicle Such term sha11 also mean a lessee of a motor vehicle
pursuant to a lease of six (61 months or more.
(e) Recorded lmaaes means images recorded by a traffic control signa!
monitoring svstem/device:
1. On:
Two (2) or mare photographs, or
Two ,~) or more electronic images: or
Two l2) or more digital images. or
Digital or video movies; or
Anv other medium that can display a violation: and
2. Showing the rear of a motor vehicle and on at least one (1) image,
clearly identifying the license plate number of the vehicle.
(fl Red Zone Infraction means a traffic offense whereby a traffic control signal
monitoring system established that a motor vehicle entered an intersection controlled by
a duly erected traffic control device at a time when the traffic control signal for such
motor vehicle's direction of travel was ernitting a steady red signal.
,~q) Traftrc Control Signal means a device exhibiting different colored lights or
colored lighted arrows successively one at a time or in combination, using only the
colors green yellow and red which indicate and apply to drivers of motor vehicles_as
provided in Section 316.075, Florida Sfatufes.
lh) Traffic Control Signa/ Monitoring System/Device means an electronic
system consisfina of one or more vehicle sensors working in coniunction with a traffic
control signal still cameras and video recording device to capture and produce
recorded images of motor vehicles enterin an intersection against a steady red Irg t
signal indication.
Sec 12 ti3 Adherence To Red Light Traffic Contra! Signals. A motor
vehicle traffic facing a traffic control signal's steady red light indicafion shal4 stop before
enterin the crosswal4c on the near side of an intersection or if none then before
entering the intersection and shall remain standing until a green indication is shown on
the traffic control signa!• provided however the dnver of a motor vehicle which is
stopped at a clearly marked stop line or if none at the point nearest the intersecting
roadway where the driver has a view of approaching traffic on the intersection roadway
City of Winter Springs
Ordinance No. 2008-27
before entering the intersection in obedience of a steady red traffic control signal, may
make a right turn (unless such turn is otherwise prohibited by posted sign or other traffic
~~~tro! de~~~~) h~~+shall yield right-of-way to pedestrians and other traffic ~roceeding as
directed by the traffic control signal at the intersection.
Sec 12-84 Violation A violation of this Ordinance (Red Zane Infraction)
shall occur when a vehide does not comply with the requirements of Section 12-83.
Violations shall be enforced pursuant to Section 12-136.
_ Sec 12-BS Notice• Introductory Period. Until such time the City
Commission adopts a resolution ad~, yisina the Citv Manager to commence enforcement
of this Articl subseauen# to the installation of the traffic control signal monitoring
system(s)/device(s) the owner shall receive a courtesy notice of the violation. unless
the driver of a motor vehicle received a citation from a law en#orcement officer at the
time of a red zone infraction in accordance with normal traffic enforcement techniques.
Commencing on the date se# forth in the resolution. the City Manager shall commence
enforcement of this Article and owners shall be subject to enforcement as provided in
Section 12-8B.
Sec 12-86. Review Of Recorded Images.
(a) The owner observed by recorded images committing a red zone infraction.
shall be issued a notice of infraction The recorded image shall be sufficient Grounds to
issue a notice of infraction.
(b) The City shall designate a person or persons who shall meet the
qualifications set forth in Section 316 640(5)(a) Florida Statutes. or any other relevan#
statute as a traffic control infraction review officer. The traffic control infraction review
officer shall ceview recorded images prior to the issuance of a notice of infraction to
ensure accuracy and the integrity of the recorded images. The traffic control infraction
officer shall also verify that th traffic contra) monitoring system/devices that captured
the recorded images was functioning properly at the time the recorded ~maaes were
captured Once the traffic control infraction review officer has verified the accuracy of
the recopied images and functionali~yr of the traffic control marntonng svstemldevices,
he or she shalt complete a report and a notice of vio#at~onrnfraction shall be sent to the
owner at the address on record with the Florida Department of Highway Safety and
Motor Vehides.
Sec 12-87. No#ice Of Violation(Infraction.
(a) The notice of violationfinfraction shall indude at a minimum.
(1) The name and address of the owner;
(2~ The {icense plate number and registration number of the motor
City of Winter Springs
Ordinance No. 2008-27
(3) The make model and vear of the motor vehicle:
(4) Notice that the violation chased is pursuant to this Ordinance:
~,5L The location of the intersection where the violation occurred:
j6~ The date and time of the red zone infraction:
(7) Notice that the recorded images relating to the vehicle and a
statement that the recorded images are evidence of a red zone
in action•
(81. The civil penalty imposed;
~9). Images depictin4 violation;
(10) The procedures for payment of the civil penalty and contesting the
notice of infraction;
(11) A sinned statement by the traffic control infraction officer that.
based on inspection of recorded images. the vehicle was involved
in a red zone inftaction;
(12) Information advising the person alleged to be liable under this
Section the manner and time in which liability as alleged m the
notice of infraction may be appealed and warning that failure to aav
the civil penalty or to contest liability in a timely manner is an
admission of liability.
SbZ The Citv Manager shall have authority to promulgate the form described
Sec 12-68 Owner Responsibilities.
Sa) An owner receiving a notice of infraction may within twenty-one (21) days
of the date of the date of the notice of infraction:
(1) Pav the assessed civil penalty pursuant to instructions on the notice
of infraction: or
j2Z Request an appeal pursuant to Section 12-89.
fib) The failure to comply with the provisions of this Section within twenty-one
City of Winter Springs
Ordinance No. 2008-27
(211 davs from the date of the notice of infraction shall constitute a waiver of the right to
contest the notice of infraction and will be considered an admission of liability.
Sec. i2 -89 Anneal To Code Enforcement Board.
ja). The City's code enforcement board shall consider appeals under this
Article. Within twenty one (21~, days of the date of the notice of infraction, the owner
may file an appeal with iihe City pursuant to the directions in the notice of infraction. A
hearing on the appeal shall be scheduled for all appeals.
(b) Unon receipt of the appeal the City shall schedule a hearin~a before the
code enforcement board to occur not later than sixty (60) davs after City's receipt of the
a~ e~ a1 request A notice of hearing shall be provided to the owner no less than ten (10)
davs prior to the hearing. and shall be delivered via certified U.S. mail to the same
address to which the notice of infraction was sent.
(c). The following shall be permissible grounds for an appeal:
(1) At the time of the infraction, the vehicle was not under the care.
customs or control of the owner or an individual with owner's
consent established pursuant to affidavit as provided in Section 11.
(2) The motor vehicle driver was issued a citation by a law
enforcement officer which was separate and distinct from the
citation issued under this Section, for violating the steadv red traffic
control signal:
(3) The motor vehicle driver was reauired to violate the steadv red
traffic control signal in order to comply with other governing laws;
(4) The motor vehicle driver was reauired to violate the steadv red
traffic control signal in order to reasonably protect the property or
person of another:
(5) The steadv red traff+c control signal was inoperable or
malfunctioning: or
(6) Any other reason the code enforcement board deems appropriate.
(d) The traffic control infraction review officer shall testify at the aapeal. The
owner or his or her reuresentative may also present testimony and evidence.
(e) Recorded images indicating a red zone infraction. verified by the traffic
control infracton review officer are admissible in any proceeding before the code
enforcement board to enforce the provisions of this Article, and shall constitute prima
City of Winter Springs
Ordinance No. 2008-27
facie evidence of the violation.
~,}f . Unless an affidavit is provide pursuant to Section 12-90, it is presumed
owrZer's consent,,was operating the vehicle at the time of a red zone infraction.
Sec. 12.90. Owner Affidavit Of Non-Resaonsibility.
(a) In order for the owner to establish that the motor vehicle was, at the time
of the red zone infraction in the care. custody. or control of another person without the
rionsent of the owner. the owner is required to complete an affidavit setting forth the
circumstances demonstrating that the motor vehicle was not in the owner's care,
custody or control or that of a person with owner's consent. The affidavit must be
executed in the presence of a notary, and include at a minimum:
[1) If known to the owner. the name. address, and the driver license
number of the person who leased rented or othenrvise had care.
~~ ~- todv or control of the motor vehicle at the time of the alleged
red zone infraction: or
(2) If the motor vehicle was stolen, the police report indicating the
motor vehicle was stolen at the time of the alleged red zone
(3) The foRawing language immediately above the signature line:
°Under penalties of per~urv I declare that I have read the foregoing
affidavit and that the facts stated in it are true:'
(b) The owner may present an affidavit pursuant to this Section. as a defense
in any proceeding before the code enforcement board.
Sec. 12-91 Penalties.
la) A violation of this Article shall be deemed anon-criminal, non-moving
violation for which a civil penalty in the amount of $125.00 shall be assessed.
(b) As the violation relates to this Article and not the Florida Statutes. na
points as provided in Section 322 27 Florida Statutes shall be recorded on the dnvma
record of the vehicle owner or responsible party.
(c) Nothing in this Article shall be construed as prohibiting law enforcement
from issuing a citation for a red light signal violation in accordance with state law.
Sec 12-92 Administrative Charges In addition to the assessment pursuant
City of Winter Springs
Ordinance No. 2008-27
to Section 12-91 administrative charges in the amount of the Ciri's actual costs shall be
assessed in the event of an unsuccessful appeal or the necessity to institute collection
Sec 12-93 Collection Of Fines The City Manager may establish procedures
and processes for the collection of anv penalty or charge imposed or assessed under
the provisions of this Article and may enforce su h penalty by civil acfion in the nature of
Sec. 12-94 Exeea_, tions.
__ (a) This Article shall not apply to red zone infractions invoivina motor vehicle
catlisions or to anv authorized emergency vehicle responding to a bona fide emergency.
{b) A notice of infract9on may be issued in any case where the operator of the
motor vehicle was issued a citation for violating State taw regarding the failure to stop at
a red light indication.
Sec 12 95 Additional Legislative Findings. The City Commission of the City
of Winter Springs hereby finds that from time-to-time it is beneficial and desirable for
various matters arising from the provisions of the City's codes and ordinances. to be
referred to the code enforcement board to make findmas of facts and conclusions of
law' to hear administrative appeals or to hear other matters of a similar nature.
Sec. 12-96 Referrals To Code Enforcement Board.
(a) The Citv Commission has determined that matters will be referred to the
code enforcement board for a determination a decision a recommendation, or findings
of facts and conclusions of law or anv combination thereof.
fb) The rules of procedure relating to a matter referred to the code enforcement
board shall be set forth in written rules and procedures approved by the City
Section 3. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Ordinances and Resolutions. All
prior inconsistent ardinances and resolutions adopted by the City Commission, or parts
of prior ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed to the
extent of the conflict.
Sect_ ion 4_ Incorporation Into Code. This Ordinance shall be incorporated
into the Winter Springs City Code and any section or paragraph, number or fetter, and
any heading may be changed or modified as necessary to effectuate the foregoing.
Grammatical, typographical, and like errors may be corrected and additions, alterations,
and omissions, not affecting the construction or meaning of this ordinance and the City
Code may be freely made.
City of Winter Springs
Ordinance No. 20x8-27
Sect_n 5. Severability.lf any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase,
word or provision of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by
any court of competent jurisdiction, whether for substantive, procedural, or any other
reason, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision,
and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance.
Sect_ ion 8. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective
immediately upon adoption by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs,
Florida, and pursuant to City Charter.
ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, in a
regular meeting assembled on the 27th day of October, 2008.
N F. BUSK, Msiyar
Approved as to legal form and sufficiency for
the City of Winter Springs only:
First Reading: October 14, 2008
Second Reading: October 27, 2008
Effective Date: October 27, 2008
City of Winter Springs
Ordinance No. 2008-27