HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009 05 20 Consent 200 Approval of the April 21, 2009 Regular Meeting MinutesCITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING APRIL 21, 2009 CALL TO ORDER The Code Enforcement Board Regular Meeting of Tuesday, Apri121, 2009 was called to ~ Order at 7:01 p.m. by Chairman Mathew Matisak, in the Commission Chambers of the s Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida a--7 32708). Roll Call: Chairman Mathew Matisak, present Vice Chairman Laura-Leigh Wood, present Board Member Dick Crenshaw, present Board Member Dale Kirby, present Board Member James B. Pitts, present Board Member Gregory Roero, present Board Member Leah Weisman, present Alternate Board Member #1 Carole Giltz, present Alternate Board Member #2 Hugh Fisher, present Chairman Matisak stated, "Let the Record reflect that all the Regular Board Members are present this evening, so our Alternate Board Members will not be in a Voting capacity." Next, Chairman Matisak led the Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance. INFORMATIONAL AGENDA INFORMATIONAL 100. Not Used. CONSENT AGENDA CONSENT 200. Office Of The City Clerk Approval Of The February 17, 2009 Regular Meeting Minutes. Chairman Matisak stated, "Item `200' Approval of the February 17, 2009 Regular Meeting Minutes. Can I have a Motion to Approve?" CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING -APRIL 21, 2009 PAGE 2 OF 8 "SO MOVED." MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER PITTS. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER ROERO. DISCUSSION. VOTE: r BOARD MEMBER KIRBY: AYE BOARD MEMBER PITTS: AYE •a VICE CHAIRMAN WOOD: AYE CHAIRMAN MATISAK: AYE ~°"" BOARD MEMBER CRENSHAW: AYE ~ BOARD MEMBER WEISMAN: AYE '~ BOARD MEMBER ROERO: AYE MOTION CARRIED. AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 300. Not Used. REPORTS REPORTS 400. Code Enforcement Bureau Captain Glenn Tolleson, Code Enforcement Bureau, Police Department mentioned that, "The Meeting for May, it is scheduled for the 19th [May 2009]. It is actually a Budget Commission Meeting that evening, and I need a date that would be good for the Board to hold the Hearings that evening." Continuing, Captain Tolleson added, "The June [2009] Meeting [of the Code Enforcement Board] is during the week of the Florida Association of Code Enforcement Annual Conference. It is their 20th year anniversary and I will be away at that Conference that week -unless we have something that is urgently pressing for June, we will probably cancel that Meeting." Chairman Matisak replied, "Do you want to officially cancel it now?" Captain Tolleson answered, "Yes - if it is okay with the Board." Next, Chairman Matisak asked the Board Members, "For the June 16th [2009] Meeting, are there any objections to just go ahead and cancel the June Meeting at this time?" Board Member James B. Pitts stated, "None." No objections were voiced. Chairman Matisak noted, "Let it reflect, there are no objections. We will go ahead and cancel the June 16th [2009] Code Enforcement Board Meeting. So, there will be no Meeting in the month of June. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING -APRIL 21, 2009 PAGE 3 OF 8 Furthermore, Chairman Matisak stated, "Let us go back to May the 19th [2009]. The [Commission] Chambers will be occupied by the City Commission for a Budget Hearing, what are some of the alternative dates?" De~uty City Clerk Joan Brown replied, "Wednesday, May 20th [2009] is available; the 27t [of May 2009]." Discussion. In addressing the Board, Chairman Matisak asked, "For recommendations whether or not to continue the Meeting on the 19th [May 2009] and have it at the alternate location or to move it to Wednesday, the 20th [May 2009] at the regular scheduled time in the Chambers." Board Member Pitts replied, "I would -for the 20th [May 2009] at this location." Vice Chairman Laura-Leigh Wood stated, "I agree, the 20th [May 2009] would work better." Board Member Leah Weisman replied, "I agree." Chairman Matisak asked, "Are there any objections to having it on -Wednesday, May 20th [2009] regular time in the Chambers?" Board Member Gregory Roero stated, "I will have to see what my schedule is." Chairman Matisak then added, "If we have Consensus, you are okay with it?" Board Member Roero replied, "Yes." Chairman Matisak stated, "Let the Record reflect there are no objections. So, we will go ahead -Code Enforcement Board May Meeting will be on -Wednesday, the 20th [May 2009] at the regular time in the [Commission] Chambers." Chairman Matisak asked, "Can I get a Motion to go ahead and make the change?" "SO MOVED." MOTION BY VICE CHAIRMAN WOOD. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER PITTS. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BOARD MEMBER PITTS: AYE BOARD MEMBER WEISMAN: AYE BOARD MEMBER CRENSHAW: AYE BOARD MEMBER KIRBY: AYE BOARD MEMBER ROERO: AYE VICE CHAIRMAN WOOD: AYE CHAIRMAN MATISAK: AYE MOTION CARRIED. REPORTS 401. Office Of The City Clerk No Report. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING -APRIL 21, 2009 PAGE 4 OF 8 REPORTS 402. Code Enforcement Chair ~ Chairman Matisak mentioned of the Florida Association of Code Enforcement 2009 Annual Conference in Naples, Florida in June. ~ d' Discussion. Furthermore, Chairman Matisak briefly commented on the Arbor Day Celebration ~;~, scheduled for Saturday, Apri125, 2009 at City Hall. Regarding the Florida Association of Code Enforcement. (F.A.C.E.), Chairman Matisak stated, "They have declared that the first week of June be set aside to honor and recognize Code Enforcement Officers, so there is a Proclamation that they have come up with and what I would like to do with the Vote of the Board and support of the Board ask the City Commission to go ahead and issue a Proclamation making the first week of June setting that aside to honor our Code Enforcement Officers, Captain Tolleson and his team for the great job that they do here in our City." Referring back to the Florida Association of Code Enforcement (F.A.C.E.) Conference, Board Member Pitts asked, "Do you have a schedule on when these activities take place?" Captain Tolleson replied, "On that Website -that is a new one this year." Board Member Pitts then asked, "Is it possible to go down for the day for one (1) class?" Captain Tolleson replied, "I do not know that question. I could find that out for you, if you were to tell me which day." Referencing back to the Proclamation, Chairman Matisak asked, "Any discussion? Does anyone want to make a Motion?" "I WILL MOVE THAT THE CHAIR PREPARE A MOTION TO PRESENT TO THE CITY COMMISSION RECOGNIZING THE OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS." MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER PITTS. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER KIRBY. DISCUSSION. CHAIRMAN MATISAK STATED, "REQUEST THE CITY COMMISSION TO ISSUE A PROCLAMATION MAKING THE FIRST WEEK OF JUNE SET ASIDE TO HONOR THE CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING -APRIL 21, 2009 PAGE 5 OF 8 VOTE: CHAIRMAN MATISAK: AYE BOARD MEMBER ROERO: AYE ~ BOARD MEMBER WEISMAN: AYE BOARD MEMBER KIRBY: AYE BOARD MEMBER PITTS: AYE BOARD MEMBER CRENSHAW: AYE VICE CHAIRMAN WOOD: AYE MOTION CARRIED. ~~:~"` REPORTS 403. Code Enforcement Vice Chair No Report. REPORTS 404. Code Enforcement Board Members With further comments on a Proclamation honoring the City's Code Enforcement Officers, Board Member Pitts stated, "If in fact the City at the Commission Meeting is going to publish the Proclamation, I think it would be appropriate to have as many of the Board Members could be present as possible." Chairman Matisak asked Deputy City Clerk Brown, "Could you notify the Board which Meeting Agenda it would go on?" Deputy City Clerk Brown replied, "Yes." PUBLIC INPUT No one spoke. PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA -CONTINUED CASES PUBLIC HEARINGS -CONTINUED CASES 500.1 Not Used. PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA -REPEAT CASES PUBLIC HEARINGS -REPEAT CASES 501.1 Not Used. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING -APRIL 21, 2009 PAGE 6 OF 8 PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA -NEW CASES PUBLIC HEARINGS -NEW CASES 502.1 Not Used. PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA -NON-COMPLIANCE CASES . ~..u~~ PUBLIC HEARINGS -NON-COMPLIANCE CASES cam,.+.~~~ 503.1 Not Used. REGULAR AGENDA REGULAR 600. Code Enforcement Chairman Mathew Matisak Requests The Code Enforcement Board To Discuss Upcoming Training Dates. Chairman Matisak introduced this Agenda Item and encouraged the Board Members to attend educational classes in the future. Referencing the Alternates, Chairman Matisak asked to "List in the Minutes by title for the Alternates which is First Alternate and which is Second Alternate. Right now, they are just listed as Alternate." CHAIRMAN MATISAK THEN ASKED, "I WOULD LIKE TO GO AHEAD AND MAKE THAT MOTION AT THIS TIME." MOTION BY CHAIRMAN MATISAK. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER PITTS. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BOARD MEMBER WEI5MAN: AYE BOARD MEMBER PITTS: AYE BOARD MEMBER KIRBY: AYE CHAIRMAN MATISAK: AYE BOARD MEMBER CRENSHAW: AYE VICE CHAIRMAN WOOD: AYE BOARD MEMBER ROERO: AYE MOTION CARRIED. The schedule for the Florida Association of Code Enforcement (F.A.C.E.) for the June 17-20, 2009 Conference was shown to those in attendance. Discussion. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING -APRIL 21, 2009 PAGE 7 OF 8 In other business, Chairman Matisak congratulated the Code Enforcement Bureau for their accomplishments. Chairman Matisak stated, "I am proud of the work that this Board has completed, especially the Code Enforcement Board Policies and Procedures Manual." Continuing, Chairman Matisak added, "I also want to take a moment and thank all the Board Members for their commitment to the City." Continuing, Chairman Matisak stated, "Thank you Captain [Tolleson] for your willingness to assist us and getting us access to classes which helps us to serve our community more effectively. The more training that we get, the better we can serve our citizens and have an orderly case." Captain Tolleson replied, "Thank you." Chairman Matisak added, "I especially want to and for the Record, thank Danielle [Harker] and the Clerks Department for their hard work." Chairman Matisak stated, "We are not the easiest Board to manage due to all the procedures, but the Clerk's Department Danielle [Harker] and Joan [Deputy City Clerk Brown] as well, have lived up to the challenge remarkably -thank you." Lastly, Chairman Matisak stated, "As of the conclusion of this Meeting, I will formally resign my Seat on the Code Enforcement Board. I will also supply the Clerk with a letter stating the announcement. Per our Code Enforcement Board Policies and Procedures, our Vice Chairman will become Chairman for the remainder of the year and the Board will need to Vote for the new Vice Chairman at the beginning of the next regularly scheduled Code Enforcement Board Meeting." Board Member Dale Kirby asked Deputy City Clerk Brown, "Could you send us your email so that we have your proper email address too?" Deputy City Clerk Brown replied, "Yes, I will." Vice Chairman Wood said to Chairman Matisak, "I sure do thank you for your leadership here and thank you for your confidence." ~~~ ~:~~~: Board Member Pitts then remarked to Chairman Matisak, "I have enjoyed working with you." Lastly, Board Member Pitts stated, "I think you have done an excellent job and I congratulate you." Chairman Matisak replied, "Thank you very much. I appreciate that." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING -APRIL 21, 2009 PAGE 8 OF 8 ADJOURNMENT Chairman Matisak adjourned the Regular Meeting at 7:33 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: JOAN L. BROWN DEPUTY CITY CLERK NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the , 2009 Code Enforcement Board Regular Meeting.