HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009 02 17 Entered into the Record as 'WS 7' for 500.1Date: February 17, 2009 ENTERED INTO THE RECORD AS ` W S 7' FOR 500.1 ~~ ;,, Merry City of Winter Springs Building Division To: Roofing Contractors /Homeowners From: David Alamina C.B.O. CC: Community Development Staff Date: February 19, 2008 Re: HURRICANE MITIGATION/RETROFff-BILL # 7057-04 ER -For Distribution EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1, 2007! The Hurricane Retrofit requirements per Bi117057-04 ER will take effect on October 1, 2007. The City o> Winter Springs is requiring the following inspections: Roof Deckinp~heathino Naillnp and Secondary Water Barrier (IN;PROGRESS INSPECTION). 2 Dry-In Inspections. Final Inspection. In addition to the required listed inspections contractors must provide a notarized affidavit signed by a licensed professional. (Florida Professional Engineer, Registered Architect, Licensed General Contractor, Building Contractor, Residential Contractor, and Roofing Contractor). A homeowner pulling a permit under exception 489.103(7)(a) cannot sign an affidavit. A homeowner pulling the permit under this exception has two options: 1- they can acquire the services of one of the above mentioned professionals to inspect and sign an affidavit or 2- they can have the city inspectors perform th~ inspections at the completion of each stage. Photographs of each completed stage of work must be submitted with the affidavit to Winter Springs Building D'Nision prior to the required final inspection. (The stapes are roof deck nailing, secondary water barrigr) i NOTt~: the permit number must be evident in the photos and a tape measure should be j alongside the picture of deck nailing so measurement can be verified. i For more ir7formation on Florida Bill 7057-04 ER and the Hurricane Mitigation Retrofit requirements you can go to vlww.boaf.net C:ldocslwora(fl CBO Policy) hurricane mitigation retrofit Florida Bill 7057-04 ER CBO Policy 10-05-2007 DJA 1 i City of Winter Spry .BUILDING DIVISION RE: Permit # I (plcasc print License #; _ Date Inspection Affidavit and circle Lia Type) ,licensed as a(n) Contractor* /Engineer/A.rchitect, FS 468 Buildipg,~inspector* On or about I I did personally inspect the roo (Date & timc) deck nailingand/or secondary water barrier work at (circle one) (Job Site Address) Based upon that examination I have determined the installation was done according to the Hurrican~Mitigation Retrofit Manual (Based on SS3.844 F.S,) Please see attached photographs. Signature ' STATE OF F110RIDA COUNTY OF Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of By Notary Public, State of Florida 200 (Print, type or stamp name) Commission No.: Personally kn0{wn or Produced Identnfication Type of identi$cation produced. "General, Bur7ding; Residential, or Roofing Contractor or any individual certified under 468 F.S. to make such an tnspcction. InctudeIp~hotographs of each plane of the roof with the permit # or address # clearly shown mariccd on the deck for each irtspc~tion_