HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004 01 20 Finding of Fact and Relief Order Suggested Language0 FINDII~iG OF FACT SUGGESTED LANGUAGE FOR MOTIONS MOTION WSERE VIOLATION IS FOUND TO EXIST Ia the case of the City of Winter Springs w. tNs~(a)I Code BuForcement Board Nwabec .the Code Enforcement Board has read the complaint 81ed and the written inforn~tion prepared by the Code Inspector, sad head at this hearing the sworn testimony of the Code Inepedor and (other swore wihseases/violator) Hawed upon the evidence and testimony presented st Chia hearing, I move that the Code Bnforcetrrent Board End: (l) that the Vwlator was providod notice in iVCOOrdance with [Name(8)] Seotian ~-S9 of rho City Colo that a violadon of 9exKioa(s) of the City Code existed; (2) that the Violator was provided a reasonable time to correct said violation; (3) that the Violator(s) flailed or rel6aed to, correct such violation within the time provided; (4) that the Violator(8) was provided notice, in accordance with Section 2-59 of the City Code, of the hearing before the Code Enfbrcxnnmt Beard, and that the Violator(s) (w-arhva~) (trio natl~were not) present at thin hearing; afid . (S) that said violation(s) exiet(s~ eoaisted, or co~ue(a) to exist(s) upon the vioLton ProP~Y~ and I further move that an appropriate Relief Urder be issued immediately by the Code Enforcement Boats. ~~ RELIEF ORDER SUGGESTED LANGUAGE FOR MOTIONS MOTION WHERE VIOLATION IS FOUND TO EXIST AS OF CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD MEETING In the case of the City of Waiter Springs va. . Code Enforcarnant Board Numbs' ,the Violator(s), having been found to be in violation of Section(s) ofthe City Code, I move that the Violator be given ~ ~M~ (#) days after notifccation to correct this violation of the City Code. If the violation is not corrected within the time provided, a &ne of dollars will be imposed o per day ^ per violation [S250imax] ----~ -. .-. until cumpGance is achieved, as verified by a Code Enforcement Inspector for the City of Winter -.,,..- Springs. Furthermore, say and all futuro roaun encx(s) ofthis violation after compliance has been achiev«i will necessitate fiuth~ proceeding. before the Code Eafnroemeat Hoard without neeoasarily giving the violator an opportunity to correct said violation. The fine, for such reoccurrence, shall be a nuexirnum of dollars per day per violation beginning on the first day the violation is found to oxist. sso And, if the violation is not corrected within the tip provlded above, that the (:lark ofthe Code Bnforcement Board be direct to record a cxrti8ied copy of this Order into the public records for Seminole County, Florida. ,~J'v+iotator is pr+asesta• Finally, as tho violator is present at this hearing sad has heard the order of this Board, I further move that the violator be deemed, to have received notification of this order . . immediately. ~ ~, ~ .. ...... alt~oi~c o_,r_ ~loTION iOtlffi]tE VZOLa1Ti0H A118 HEEN CORRECTED to the ease of the City of minces springs vs. , C.E.H. No._______. the Code Enforcement Board has read the coeaplaint sad the descriptive information prepared by th• Code inapeotor and heard at this meeting the sworn testi~vny of the Code Inspector t and ). Rased upon th• evidanas and testimony presrnted at this hearing, i ®ovs that the Code Enforcement Hoard find: (i) that was provided notioe, in aocvrdanc• Mith Section Z-S9 of the City Code. that a violation of Bevtion(s)~ of the City Code existed upon thelr~ property and ware provided a,reasonabla time to oorrect said violation(s). (2) that the Violator(s) (ia not/are not) in violation o! the stated 8eotion(s1 of the City Code at thin time and therefore, I further move that this case be found in compliance. (3) that the Violator(s) be notified by' thin board that any future violations of this seotion(these sections) of the City Code shall be considered a repeat violation without the neoessity of giving the Violator(s) further time to correct such violation. If such repeat violation is found to have existed, a line shall be imposed in the amount of dollars per day per violation beginning on th• first day the violation was again found to exist. (if violator is present) Finally, as the violator is present at this hearing and has heard the order o! thin board, t further move that the violator be deemed to have rsoeived notification o! chic order im~nsdiately. ~.. :nc sy: eRO~,wu~o,sAtzsuwa~wElss~P.A.; a07 ass X599; aun-~ ~ •02 ~ ~ :ozan; ppq. z FI[ND'lATG OF FACT SVGGESTED I.AlrGUAGE FOR MOTIONS MOT10N TO CONTINUIC CASE In the case of the City of WiM,ex Sptinga vs. ~: GOde EnFareemgtt Bond NumbCr . the Dade Etd'cucemeaR ~d fias rood the ooa~ieint Sled uid the writtdt i~rnnation prepat+ed by the Code lmpeetor, aM 1~eatd u this hearing the :vim testkaoay of ttw Code Iapator and (athor swwen witn~a/vioiator) 6aeed upon theeyidence aed testeasoaypro~ded i» these proceodtgp, I moti+etbat tbismutetahoe,~d bt continued to the next t+sgularly acbeduled aaxtit~ of the Booed, or to writ ,pedal areetigg eetabliehed by theChairpexaoa, astbaevldmceand teaimony prge~odwusataomplete or o~thervri'e inwfgcie~tt to a&fw tine Board to renelar a just and AeK ry' i~vialv~r ~~wrnt: The maker of the motion, may request tha Chaieperxre~, to i~1c the Violator if he or the wdl waive formal ewti$catioa of the oo~nued proceedings,