HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004 01 20 Attached Handed Out as Backup to the Previous ItemDate: January 20, 2004 ATTACHED WAS HANDED OUT TO BOARD MEMBERS BY THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK AS BACKUP TO THE PREVIOUS ITEM COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 512 January 12, 2004 Meeting CONSENT INFORMATIONAL PUBLIC HEARING REGULAR X MGR~/DEPT ~' Authorization REQUEST: Commissioner David McLeod requesting discussion of the range of fines authorized under the Tree Ordinance which can be assessed by the Code Enforcement Board. PURPOSE: 'This agenda item is needed to determine if fines assessed by the Code Enforcement Board are reasonable. CONSIDERATIONS: The current Tree Ordinance provides for the following fines: Sec. 5-18 (b) Penalties. In addition to all other remedies set fourth in this Chapter, one or more of the following civil fines shall apply to violations of this chapter: 1. Failure to obtain permit under Section 5-4(a): Fine of $250.00 per tree or $500.00 per Specimen or Historic Tree removed, not to exceed $5,000.00. 2. Removal of a Tree without permit: Fine of $50.00 per caliper inch, not to exceed $5,000 per Tree. 3. Removal of a Specimen or Historic Tree without permit: Fine of $100.00 per Caliper inch, not to exceed $5,000.00 per Tree. 4. Failure to abide by a cease and desist order issued under this Chapter: Fine of $500.00 per day. 5. Failure to obtain a contractor's license under Section 5-4(e): Fine of $250.00 (lst offense); $500.00 (2"d and each subsequent offense). 6. Failure to abide by the requirements of Section 5-10 of this Chapter: Fine of $250.00 per occurrence. 7. Any other violation of this Chapter: Fine as provided by law and this Chapter. January 12, 2004 Regular Agenda 512 Page 2 of 2 The following fines haven been assessed by the Code Enforcement Board. A. Current Ordinance 1. None have been presented to the Code Enforcement Board. B. Prior Ordinance 1. Case Number 03-2397 April 15, 2003, Fine $2,500.00 for removal of one specimen tree. 2. Case Number 03-3458 August 19, 2003, Fine $4,000 for removal of vegetation and trees and with no permit. 3. Case Number 03-3459 September 16, 2003, Fine $1,000.00 for removal of one tree. 4. Case Number 03-4069 December 16, 2003, Fine $3,000.00 for removal of four trees and one specimen tree. C. Alternative: 1. Maintain current level of fines. 2. Amend the current level of fines. 3. Research fines imposed by other local governments and return results to the Commission for review. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Commission provide staff with whatever direction it deems appropriate. IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE: Immediately upon approval by Commission. ATTACHMENTS: Letter dated December 26, 2003 from Mr. Gary J Kohler, Sr. and Mrs. Paula M. Kohler. COMMISSION ACTION: December 26, 20Q3 Hon. John F. Bush 1126 E. SR 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 Re: Appeal of a Removal of Trees without Permit Decision Dear Commissioner Martinez: ~~~~ ~. , ~.: ~ 9 2ai~3 RECEIVED DEC 2 91003 GTY OF 1MNTER SPR1Np8 ~ M~~~ We are writing this letter to you because we feel the Code Enforcement Board made an unreasonable and unfair decision at a meeting held on December 16, 2003. The way we handled the matter may have been wrong, but we are inexperienced and safety was our first ooncem. Below we have tried to set out the ar~cumatances surrounding our appeal, which we hope you will understand and provide a more reasonable outcome: We are semiā€¢r®tried and have been residents of Winter Springs for 3 years and residents of Florida since 1976. We have always taken pride in out landscaping and how our home and lawn appear. When wa moved into our present home, the landscaping was a mess and the grass was a field of weeds. We ended up stripping the lawn and have planned approximately 10 additional trees since then. We have invested approximately X12,000 in our landscaping. Our neighbor, Greg Thompson, who is on the Code Enforcement Board, was present when th® occurrence took place and knows what condition our property was in when we bought it and whet it is now. Mrs. Kohler became concerned with several trees on our property after 2 trees were blown over during a strong windstorm at the end of July of ihls year, and the possible danger that certain other trees could cause to our home and our neighbors. So, we proceeded and hived a contractor to take the trees down and this was done on October 2, 2003. After they downed the trees and were cutting them up to be hauled away, the Code Enforcement Officer and City Forester came over. I answered the door and they told me that the contractor had cut the trees dawn without a permit I dealt with the Contn~ctor the same as with other contractors in that he would obtain or do anything necessary to g®t the job done, including permits, l also mentioned to the Code Enforcement Officer and City Forester that they were trespASSing on our property because they did not come up and pet permission before they went on the property. 1 did sign a paper So the City Forester could take action and whatever he needed to do with the contractor's citation after that. Around November 25, 2003, we roceived a Statement of lrioletion and Notice of ....._.._.. _..-- Hea~iAg..to-appear -;bs-Gede~Er~fe for-8ecemberr'-16; 2003. We attended that meeting and brought along some pictun~s to try to explain our reasons. Our time was cut short several times. We do not agree with what they came up with, and feel it was unduly harsh. We did not intQntior~lly try to go against any City laws, but we have bin under the impression that w+e own the property and pay taxes on the property and it is our responsibility to keep up our home, property and maintain a SafQ surrounding. Without keeping our property safe, the insurance company can refuse payment for any damages incurred because of n®glige~nce of the upkeep of the trees. Many of the trees were starting to teen dangerously toward our house and our neighbors and were less than 10 feet from a structure. We have other trees that are within 10 feet of our home and which we have been maintaining so that we don't have to have them removed because wa really want tn3ea on our property and have proven that by plarrting approximately 10 additional trees. We do not believe it is fair that they issue a citation to the contractor for 3100 (325 per tree) and want us to pay a $3,000 fine because the contractor did not get the permit. It seems like this is being paid twice for the same thing. We think the difference in priang is very unreasonable. The City Forester said that it probably would have been ~5 for the first Vee and ~1 frth® eth~~. How can a tree be worth 325 one minute and 3500 the next, plus a $1,000 fine for not obtaining permits, and the Contractor only being fined 3100 because he didn't have permit. This is very oontradietory. We also have the tape of that hearing where we can verdjr some of these problems. Also, if we were aware of the laws when we moved here, things would have beers different_ We would like to appeal the decision made and are seeking a more reasonable reduction of the Erne. To our knowledge, the next City Commission Meeting is to be held on January 12, 2004. We have informed the City Forester, Mike Mingea that we want to appeal that decision by a message left on his phonemail on December 23, 2003 at approximately 2:00 PM. We invite anyone of you to come by and see for yourselves, or answer any questions you have. Since I am retired, I am at home and/or you can call 407-388-1767 and our address is 995 Papaya lane, Winter Springs, Florid8 32708. We would appreciate it if we someone could advise us es to haw we can resolve this problem, or how it can be put on the agenda for the January 12, 2004 City Commission Meeting. ~~, Ga J. Kohler, Sr. Paula M. Kohler TOTS P. 03