HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004 01 20 Arbor Permit Application - 995 Papaya Lane 06/19/2000 10:11 4073881767 ... • r •. a..VV 1CJ• ., C,J KOHLER PAGM+Ett 01 7 . tl ! V I; ~,. r~-~ ~ ~1I ~-~4 G ~ 1 Y (~ 1 ~v ~ r~ 1 (, h `,i F' ~ l I N G ~ , F ~. C% { t I C7 ll ~ y ~~~"`..~L~r^ i - ~~..-.o,~ti / ~-~._ 12r,I~nSrSTnIrROnpa74 -~ '/ ~`pRt~j ~iNl'l~li~il''IjIVGS, F~_UHIC`A ~2~OO.Z79~1 ~ ~ ~v~ 1 albpllons 1~Ui1 J2;• t800 ~~ Ccad9 Enforcan~en; F~It (<OrV J27.6E95 ~~ ~ ~ ~ tT,~~ ~luior~ I'CltfvtlT ~['s't,tcAT[oN ~ `J PROC~~IL'1`Y PLAT MU51' 8L'' AT~'AC['1~D R~l'DICA~'INCr 1~~C(S7`fNG iCtEES ANO ft,CPC,AC~M,L-NT T[~"CS A.R13UFt PEItM,Ct NUMBER j'~/~ CON'1'ItA,C'7'OCZ: ~, PHO\E; HON~OwN~R: PI~Ot~~ rir~.~~^ ~ ? ~ 3~~ r.or ~131~ocK_ •sr•.c•rforv Ur;tT,~^sclBDtvl5toN~~Q/~ S1NGL,E-t~AM1LY [.4't O~~Tt;.OPM~NT (number of acres) NUMBER OF T1~~5 T 13 CUT~`I.ANI7 C[.FAFttNG [,AND FILLING 1 cCRit`v those trees to be Cut (it into one of the following categories as chec!ced: (Y} Trees IvcaCCd on buildins and cvnstcvction sites, and to be replaced (2) Trees within ten feet of proposed or ing structul•cs and to be r~pl~ced ~(3) Trees sevtrcly diseased or injurCd, r d p,~r _(4) Trees that wilt interfere wi[h provisl above-ground utility insla(Ititions __ (S) Trees that have been approved by the City Forester to ba replaced dsewhert on tfTe property by trans equivllent to those to be removed (6) Trees t:ha-t are exotic, invasive species (EPI?C 011 ) 1 I~er~y acknvwled~e that the abova infocmation is'cocreet and agree to wnform-to the City of Winter Springs zoning regulations and building codes. I agree if any public property is damaged, [ will restore it to the original condition. I agrc; that this application allows tlta C~orestc; to enttr my hropcrty foe the purposes of inspection, ( CCttTI~Y T[{AT ANY IZ,GpLACt~.M~NT Pr.ANTS WILL B~ MSl"ALI,ED WITHIN 90 DAYS f~(tOM OA"CL OC t'!•tlS A1'('r.iC;A'[~(ON t w((,(, sl: RrSfONSIAI,(~ t'(7rt ,a(trcANG(NG RrINSI'Isr. rlov, rr• N~CCSSARY~. (`JU~I I~ nll Ic,l~ ul ,1~lcllcs>~~: Il,u~l I{c nt;ulcl;t,V `c~ .tti t~ be c;i~l{~ ~clCnllliCll f 17r to IIILV~; IOI:CII I(1-S, 1•lC IUI IIUt'.c ;tllcl t: )u`11'I:CltUll 11;1(1 Intl\I I)t' t',It:il{i~, •,l;l l: r./~ 1 111 06/19/20~b lb:ll 4b/~~i~il/b/ KUHL~.K Inncl~~learing Or undCvClppCCl IOtS, t~ free SurvCy UC ~~L I trees bvC,- ~" G11i~er ;l1u.Sl i~C si~';~mi;ttd. 1'leasa indicate the p~tvcntative n~casures tk~at will bt v5CC' to pr0lCCt Cxistirrg n eea during censtructivn. If xn lppuintmenc necJs to be scl:edutcd li~or 1115~CC(~on due ro Gnu~Cd access, (fer~cC, dugs, etc.), Nleasc Call 7Z7-t8G0,ext ft)Z7. APPIZOV~b Wr"Y'H TH$ FOLLpW1NG CONDlT10NS; 4 C'OIt~STI~~t - jJ C~1NSI'ECT14N It1;QUIltED: ~s rtaA-r~) ~~ l4 2000 N0 DATA PAGE 02 p . Z+2 PLEAS)/ ND7~: It is ALWAY5 z'eq~ired on every arbor permit Lh~tt involves tree planting, whether for inst,alletion ar replacement, that all trees MUST be at least a Florida Grades and Standards Florida Number 1 C>• better, All,plarited trAP_s MUST survive for at least a year oX be replanted with a tree species which will. winter Springs is A designated "Ttt>rE CZTY USA" by the National Arbor Day foundation. ~'Ci7~lr F.02