HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007 08 13 Public Hearing 500.3 Vertex Development LLC Aesthetic Review - Telecommunications Tower
Date: August 13, 2007
Public Hearings Agenda Item "500.3" was not
discussed/Voted on during the August 13, 2007
City Commission Regular Meeting.
August 13, 2007
Public Hearing X
~ MGR. ~' /DEpT.
REQUEST: The Community Development Department requests the City Commission
review the Vertex Development, LLC telecommunications tower aesthetic review, for a 150'
tall monopole in a 50' x 50' fenced compound with 10' landscape buffer on a 70' x 70' lease
site, at the Tuscawilla Country Club (1500 Winter Springs Boulevard), in the Tuscawilla
Planned Unit Development (PUD).
PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is for the Commission to consider the aesthetic
review for the proposed 150' tall monopole telecommunications tower (cell tower) and its
associated site, pursuant to Section 20-451 and sections 9-600 through 9-606 of the City's
Code of Ordinances and other applicable regulations.
Zoning: PUD
Future Land Use Designation:
Conditional Use: Pending
Recreation and Open Space
Comprehensive Plan
Chapter 5, City Code (Tree Protection)
Chapter 9, City Code (Land Development)
Section 20-451, as amended by Ordinance No. 2006-12, Telecommunication Towers
The Telecommunications Act of 1996
Section 365.172, Florida Statutes
Pursuant to Section 9-603 of the City Code, the City Commission may approve, approve with
conditions, or disapprove the application only after consideration of whether the following
criteria have been satisfied:
(1) The plans and specifications of the proposed project indicate that the setting, landscaping,
proportions, materials, colors, textures, scale, unity, balance, rhythm, contrast, and simplicity
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Public Hearing 500.3
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are coordinated in a harmonious manner relevant to the particular proposal, surrounding area
and cultural character of the community.
The proposed 150' monopole is difficult to compare to any facility in the area except the
adjacent power transmission line poles. The concrete poles for these lines are
approximately ninety (90') feet high and are similar in color to the proposed monopole.
The base of the monopole and the ancillary equipment is enclosed with an 8' chain-link
fence with three strands of barbed wire and associated landscaping located along the
exterior of the fence. The proposed landscaping meets the requirements of Section 20-
451 of the City's Code of Ordinances.
(2) The plans for the proposed project are in harmony with any future development which has
been formally approved by the City within the surrounding area.
Staff has received application for a future land use amendment and rezoning to allow
additional residential units to be constructed on the Country Club site. In addition, staff
is aware of a small addition to the south side of the clubhouse restaurant. The use of
lowest height technology, even if additional towers are necessary to cover the service area,
would be more in harmony with the existing and future development and existing
recreational uses in the area.
(3) The plans for the proposed project are not excessively similar or dissimilar to any other
building, structure or sign which is either fully constructed, permitted but not fully constructed,
or included on the same permit application, and facing upon the same or intersecting street
within five hundred (500) feet of the proposed site, with respect to one or more of the
following features of exterior design and appearance:
(A) Front or side elevations,
(B) Size and arrangement of elevation facing the street, including reverse arrangement,
(C) Other significant features of design such as, but not limited to: materials, roof line,
hardscape improvements, and height or design elements.
The proposed 150' monopole can best be compared to the transmission line power poles
located in the adjacent power line easement. This easement is located approximately
sixty (60') feet west of the proposed monopole lease site. These concrete power poles are
approximately ninety (90') feet tall. The monopole can be painted white which will
somewhat resemble the color of the concrete transmission line poles.
(4) The plans for the proposed project are in harmony with, ar significantly enhance, the
established character of other buildings; structures or signs in the surrounding area with respect
to architectural specifications and design features deemed significant based upon commonly
accepted architectural principles of the local community.
The proposed 150' monopole will exceed the height of the transmission line poles by
approximately sixty (60') feet. While the proposed monopole is unique in Tuscawilla in
terms of its purpose and appearance, the use of lowest height technology could
substantially improve the project's relationship to the established character of other
buildings and structures in the surrounding area.
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Public Hearing 500.3
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(5) The proposed project is consistent and compatible with the intent and purpose of this
Article, the Comprehensive Plan for Winter Springs, design criteria adopted by the city (e.g.
Towne Center guidelines, SR 434 design specifications) and other applicable federal state or
local laws.
The use of a 150' monopole, when considered in light of the aesthetic review section of the
Code, does not represent consistency and compatibility as defined by this section. The
use of lowest height technology would allow for greater consistency and compatibility
with the surrounding neighborhood. Section 20-451, as amended by Ordinance 2006-12,
requires Tier Three sites to demonstrate that no Tier One or Tier Two locations are
available or technically feasible for the location of a tower. The applicant has provided
expert testimony that constitutes their response to this requirement. Whether this data
and testimony is adequate to allow approval of the Tier Three site will be determined
during discussions of Item 500.1 on the City Commission's August 13, 2007 agenda.
Pursuant to the Tier Three site requirements, the proposed site does appear to be a
densely wooded/concealed area located on a golf course.
(6) The proposed project has incorporated significant architectural enhancements such as
concrete masonry units with stucco, marble, termite-resistant wood, wrought iron, brick,
columns and piers, porches, arches, fountains, planting areas, display windows, and other
distinctive design detailing and promoting the character of the community.
The use of architectural enhancements is all but precluded when utilizing a 150'
monopole structure. The applicant has incorporated no signi~cant architectural
enhancements into this project. Such enhancements might be a major element to lower
height facilities as would be the possible incorporation of these lower height solutions into
existing or compatible architectural elements. Examples may include, but not be limited
to, bell towers, entrance features, incorporation into existing architecture, and clock
FINDINGS: 1. The proposed 150' tall monopole is only compatible with the 90' tall
transmission power line poles.
2. The use of lowest height technology would significantly reduce the impact of the monopole
on the character of the community and area's scenic resources.
CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. Approval of the conditional use for the tower at the
proposed location and that the conditional use becomes effective.
2. Approval of the site plan for the tower at the subject site.
3. All antennae and associated wiring must be concealed in the monopole.
RECOMMENDATION: If the Commission determines that the proposed monopole
represents the most viable solution for a telecommunication tower in the subject area, staff
recommends the City Commission approve the aesthetic review for the 150' tall monopole
tower, subject to the above cited conditions of approval.
A. Picture of Monopole
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