HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003 09 16 Finding of Fact/Relief Order - 235 Stoner Road CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone: (407) 327-1800 Fax: (407) 327-4753 Website: www.winterspringsfl.org ORDER OF THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CASE NUMBER: 03-0003458 CERTIFIIED: 7002 3150 0001 5612 5673 OWNER: Michael Mallin 235 Stoner Road Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Chapter 5 [Removal Of Tree(s) Without A Permit] The Code Enforcement Board of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, sat in Hearing on September 16, 2003 in the matter of Michael Mallin to determine whether he is in Violation of Chapter 5 [Removal Of Tree(s) Without A Permit] of the Code of the City of Winter Springs, Florida. Upon Hearing all evidence on the matter, the Board arrived at the following: RELIEF ORDER -ORDER OF THE BOARD: "In the case of the City of Winter Springs versus Michael Mallin, Code Enforcement Board Number 03-0003458, the Violator, Michael Mallin, having been found to be in Violation of Chapter 5 [Removal Of Tree(s) Without APermit] - of the City Code. I move that the Violator be given sixty (60) days after notification to correct this Violation of the City Code, if the Violation is not corrected within that period of time a fine of fifty dollars ($50.00) per day until Compliance is achieved as verified by a Code Enforcement Inspector for the City Of Winter Springs. Furthermore, any and all future reoccurrences of this Violation after Compliance has been achieved will necessitate further proceedings before the Code Enforcement Board without necessarily giving the Violator an opportunity to correct said Violation. The fine for such reoccurrence shall be the maximum -allowed -per Violation beginning on the first day the Violation is found to exist, and if the Violation is not corrected within the time provided that the Clerk of the Code Enforcement Board be directed to record a certified copy of this order into the public record for Seminole County, Florida. Finally as the Violator is present at this Hearing and has heard the order of this Board, I further move that the Violator be deemed to have received notification of this order immediately." CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CASE NUMBER 03-0003458 SEPTEMBER 16, 2003 PAGE 2 OF 2 Furthermore -the Board has been presented with an estimate from `Sun Tree Services and Property Maintenance', an estimate in the total of $23,290.00 has been presented and the Board finds that when this work is complete that the Violator will have met his duty on the situation." This 16`~ day of September, 2003. rene Lyzen, Chai a on Code Enforcement Board City of Winter Springs City Clerk\BOARDS\CODEENF041LLL\Relief Orders\2002\2002 03-0003458 061802.doc Sep 10 03 09:13a _Carol Sa /~ cnANE a aucxE•r SERVICE AVAILABLE 407-339-8645 A SllN STATE TREE SERVICE PROPERTY MAINTENANCE, INC. Alt phases of work LICENSED 8 INSURED Residential • Commercial 150 E. State Road 434 • Longwood, Fl 32750 p.2 MEMBER NATIONAL ARBORIST ASSOCIATION Amount ~~ ! 5 3J ~r { 3SLrC.r"" 3sr'~"`~ Q ~.- 2 GS r J~~~ ~ ZGZ ''~' Z ,G, / ~~-,mot...-,, ~11oN~ 24 to 4$ ~tat~c^s subtotal ' .S ~%l.~ -" fOt StUll'1pS Down Payment "a~'ps NJili rte: hold back payment on ow; also t' be has;lec av^ray t:nlcss iii li Discount rio ;lgs w :::.:sag ,~ri~~: :: Sara„gee by salesma*t. Sun State ~ ;ee Service is . Balance not ; esponsible for any plants, sod, underground lines or irrigation damage in the working area. ..__~ ...--- --~ n.. .....u r....~n,.~~..i Wnrlr. Amount Due WE PROPOSE hereby to furnish material and labor -complete in accordance with above specifications. For the sum of: Dollars (3 ~ ?a~~ment to be made upon com;nlet"sor.: CASi', CE-?ECl<, P~41C or 1lISA can palm°nIs are im:a ,-.n•:~ c::;n.,;;:,~ -,:;_:~:?.I? All work is guaranteed to tN3 as specified. All work to be completed in a substantial workmanlike manner according to specifications submitted, per standard practices. Any alteration ar deviation from above specfications involving extra costs wip be executed only upon written orders and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate. All agreements are contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control. Owner Is required to carry tornado and other necessary insurance. Sun State trees is licensed and insured for all work on site. ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL: the above prices, spedfications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to de the work specified. P nt w' tx~-9nade as specified above. ~y I _ _ > ~ C r~ ~ ~• °~ ~ l1 ` ~' ~,..Cn may' i~' ~L ~O AUTHORIZED $1(aNA TORE DATE ,~~~;1 ~'^}... ~ '~'. ~{;'t~ a <'~'~.i:.:~` ,:'W i'~; 'E(~$ ~~'![~•~. _ t''i%i :: ~. ~~v rgpr', i.~ A1+,.` ~...~ r- Owner Free Estlmates RANDAL NELLIS (407) 331-8905 -, Sep 10 03 09:13a Carol So l~ cRARE a eucxET SERVICE AVAILABLE Owner RANDAL NELLIS Sold To:~~. Z'35 c1,,._~. , 407-339-8645 p.2 A SUN STATE TREE SERVICE PROPERTY MAINTENANCE, INC. Alt phases of work LICENSED & INSURED Residential • Commercial 150 E. State Road 434 • Longwood, FL 32750 MEMBER OrAT1pNAL ARBORIST ASSOCIATION Free Estimates (407) 331-8905 Date: ~ rT 3 i Amount :~ 5 3 f. ~- 352' ~ { ~ . 3 S~~ Q Z G S r ~GZm~ ~ 2G7, `~ Z ,G, .:~ f' '~ ~ ~ ~Y~l rr~ ~ L4•~- : ~1lov+i 24 to 4$ ~taurs Subtotal ' .s `~/!.~ ~Qi' Stumps Down Payment '_ur°ps v~rili no. held back payment on ob; a,so Discount r r/;l:ess uled avd~ h t b iii , a rio e ~:.:mp ;~i;t:3i;ags vr .::~~ara~.ged by salesman. Sun State ~,ee Service is Balance not ; esponsible for any plants, sod, underground Amount Due lines or irrigation damage in the working area. 1NE PROPOSE hereby to furnish material and labor -complete in accordance with above specifications. For the sum of: Dollars (~ ~ i Payment to be made upon cam;ofetior.: CiaSi-i, C~?ECl{, fL41C o~ ~=SA can ~,~mF~I, are on:~I ,:-,.:~ ~:::~~ ~::I ;,~ -:~: -:::::,I~ All work is guaranteed to be as specified. All work to be completed in a substantial workmanlike manner according to specifications submitted, per standard practices. Any alteration or deviation from above sper~fications involving extra costs will be executed only upon written orders and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate. All agreements are contingent upon strikes. accidents or delays beyond our control. Owner ~s required to carry tornado and other necessary insurance. Sun State trees is licensed and insured for alt work on site. ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL: the above prices, specifipGons and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work specified`-~nt w bade as specified above. l ` ~ f ~ Yt ~ ~~• °j 11L`~ .dar`e7 in dale ~ ~ y ~ ;~ , ._ .. AUTNDRfZED $1GNA iURE DATE 'i' E'; •±a.. w _,. 3~;~~ i`;:+~;..i,:~5 :~'Tf ,d~S Y~~':.. iT~ :r'a ,7MrC~1d,-~ %v.%c~t".'~~r~~r : .. .._ C.. Y ~ • u ~ • tr.~utx•x~r~if~~yx.>trrr.~r.~.-~.~x•~-i~ra- _ - __ A. ' ^ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete X~$~~~~~ ~~ item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. C4~' /i~/ _ ~ ^ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. B. Received by (Printed Name) C. D ^ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: ~"~1'11c~e~ ;~ ll~n a 3s sf~raer- i~-'oa_d ~,l~~n~-sin-~qs, ~'" ~~/ ! ~.CJ ^ Agent ^ Addn3sso- e of DOliven D. Is delivery address different from Rem 1 ~ ^ Ye) If YES, enter delivery addn~ss below: ^ No 3. Type Certified Mail ^ F~cpress Mail Registered ^ Return Receipt for ^ Insured Mail ^ C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) ^ Y~ 2. Article Number 7002 315 001 5617 0994 PS Form 811, August 2001 Domestic Return Receipt to2sss-o2-M-tsar First-Class Mail Postage 8 Fees Paid USPS Permit No. G-10 • Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box • Winter Springs Police Department Code Enforcement 300 North Moss Road Winter Springs, FL 32708 D e1,`, ~ 6 ~nn3 03-ooc~ ~~psPcYu 4..~~E~~~~t~ttt~~~ittltt~ttt~tit~t~ttt~~~littt~~ttti~tttet~t~~