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1998 12 15 Fax to Jimette Cook
12/~i8/1998 11: F~2 487327©982 ~ ~_~~i~= ~t;O~E~;S PAGE D1 JLr-vc-Q3 ~'~~.~t ' ~_' S4 nRS Sr'1 :;TY Ei~.'~.' ~i5r.! T~. -~X N~. 407 ?30 9550 F. Ol '~ S~':~~II.'vOL ~' COL/~ti'T Y' ~-l ~~ . ~-a ~. TH" DE P.r-~ R Tr~IEN~T ~E:~I vIRO:ti1ti1EI~'~:A~, ~~ !~:~L ~'f-f SE'C?~rON FAX NU~'VIBER ~~'''(I?) 6b5~~6z? ~~~TIE: r z. - F-- ~~ - - - i ®: ~. , -,1 r~ Ot-~ t % / P Cy C~ `~ ~- __ 1, CZ-t(P '~i~i-. P~3[01~`E ivU?VIBER: 3 ~ '7 _-- `~ 9 6 '~ ~EP~Y: YES _ _._..I~O ~" ~~LT1~ER qF S~iEETS: SPEC~~L, Y'~TSTRjJCTI~~i"~ 12/08/1998 11:02 407~2709a2 ~-i_eLI~ WOR!:~ PAGE 02 ~~-~:'-~-ri.~ r~.;. 1 ~ ~ .~4 Ci V NrS S~Ii C1`r E,~'1 ~.EPL i ~~~ '~~'~ t\0. 4G7 33G 9556 P. 0~ . ~l.-ir,(~.~„ ~~ ..~ ~ =1 /~' ~ S7~TE OF F'.CR~D:~ D6PAFtYMEtiT QF NEP.~ ~ i ~ r ~~ ~ pr ~ ~~ ` l•~' '/ J AU;hO - / 9 nty, ~.rP V'. ~ ~ l~~ . ' ~ ~" " 0 6 f u 4 ^ 6 NUISANCE GOMD(,AINT RcCORp C'+aGt er 3?,b• FS . . h n` Owner or :.,gnt •-.~ ,.. 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FS Gwnr.rpr w+o~ y/ E'71 b' U~i.c ?Q ~ („l.d~df4~ ~,.` AIL Agcr,t ^!~ ~ ~'~ Phpr.c ____ ---- pti~r6SS OcCUGa~: Pn~ne _ address Reporte. by U~! ^ °~•o^n_- Atldresi Dale reper:ed,~ ~~ - f -9I locat:on~_ r; •~_'''----~------i~1~lfG~ ~ TvOc of ccmp:a:m: L~w T ,fie :.'t/.• iy( -- - ScWayei ~ ~ 1R/rlt++•n tsLCc Food f Cdors( ; (Maa:rntx~: 'Three C3) YiSits) Flies s ) i7e~ts • ~-lcili~l YisiL i ~ '~( Qrinkir:g Vle;or ( 1 e,~ w` ~ .-3 ..~ j~p l lh AAr~ Q~2 ~ x ~ y - SGIid lNa;:e ti ) - -- j~T~; ,• Bb;~ir-C~?tl' •~~ Otr,er ( 1 /1 ~ t... CO^ditiOh~ FCur~~ Lnd bCt`O.hltak<h: r~Y Q.f ~.-' 1 ,~ ai'-'ati 4'~,r~Lf.,L../ -7 t t.a...e~e ~,~ S ~ r.. i~.--- ~r !~•tr~ t:d e: ~' ~ ! ' r %1t~ wf S .~.Yr~~./ '~ ~`~'~' Qqt v:; ~ t tto:ir:e: ^Fi(,t.,,' i env //~.~ce~..- ~• e=,.,.~ <` f ~ ~.~~`C~%'~""niYitativ! I4Ctb~: Pro ~ ° ~ Li S Y CG-yL c l . / ~ ' ~/ -'~ C,ot1rt Ac:Lit7itl' ow aoaa, ~oraa cnee~~ee~ Rs-H ~e.T aaaa wrnich nar se uaea) rt~PyltliM NOiilF+dd' ~ ~ RO (Sloth Numb•r 5; Q6 •CA6.~l+Sa7•I) i.,G T i .. ~Z 7 ~_. ,, j I .loyal r:~, rg. . ~~ JiynY ~'_'v^~~ ~~a^ 'p'.~r ' y - _ . -.~ l ~~ F~M4~.KS Q~V FCL:_C:^/.Up Y:51-5 _.. IM71AL _, w D,c7: ~- ~ ~ , // 'n ha /h t Gr,..l U~ /'1i-_`. L~~A .-ter: t 5'1`.- .~i. s~~ ~ j~ ~ ~i /~•~T fig t ~!! ~ ~ F ~O t+ ~ / J~.6~,.-..1 /- -~ ~ // r 1'?: do ~ .. ---~---- ;.ace ~~rre~rcatQ~'-~~_~'__:~~ - Dale Corrected •... • i -. - _---- ~-°~~:v Nealin Deni;rtm.en: 12/08/1998 11:82 ri'~~-r'i%_~u "sir ?V~JI+ 1~ 40732709x2 ;i°S St11 OTC E~;~~' :~:EP.L~}'. _EL1C i~iORl<~ SEti9l;VCLc C ~JL!'v7Y APPRAISAL pAi'~ PAGE ea ~'. {~~ Assessed values shown are NnT c~~.rtified values and therefore arc subject to change before being finaliznci for ad valorem tax purposes. ~ ~ „~ t~: a/r y ,DA Y . ~'arcelld '03 21.30-SDE-0000-OO~c~ = ~ ~`j=~=--=-:- '" f ~ !'Ass District'r~~`WINTER SPRINGS f ~v~roer :;bAMBECIS ~C~L~'~ Dor j01-SINE FAM~,Y~ ._ . _. .; Ow~a/Addr 1RTVERA F11aiA5 8; C~.lt_I~i~.'~I,~ ..` Address X58 W DEN CT-~-~--~----- ~Egemptivns i40-HOMES~"EAD ,, . , ---.-.,.._...~ _.~.Y.~..~. +Cih~,State,ZipCode ENTER SPRII~GS FI. 32'/08 •~ ~ ~ _.. _ .... _ ..._ ... - . 1 ,...... . . :' Property Address ;;581 WAI,DEI`' CT ~.....__.,._....~~......_.V....._.,.-_ ., -_.,._ VALITE "~.~i',:~1~iR1Y -.~ i ...,......- ~ -......_._....~._ -r- Value Metbac'~ I~~.rket Number of Builcl~%~;~ 1 'j~ Depreciated BJd~ `.'~~ue ~ $54,656 Depreciated lu?~';~: :~~lue ;j ,~ $6,825 ~i );.aud Value (:!?;~. ,)~.~ $13,700 °.~ Land Value :- ~- ~+ $0 > T~7xrket Value:; i $75,181 . Assessed V"slue (~~~ ` $69,934 .i Exempt Vail?^ $25,500 .{~ Triable Vale; ~ $44,434 ~~ Z 1 li 16/98 I S:iB:?K 12/08/1998 11:02 4073270942 ~ ~_;=L;C UJ~F.KS PAGE ©5 ~;,~-~~~-~%! ~''C ?-'.ic NRS $~~! X7.1. Ei,~ ~.-'.E,~.! ~u FF~~ 10. 4G7 ~3G 950 N,U~ ~~ ' ~ 1 j '" ~~ { -' ~~ Lames T. i Inwtli, M.D., ?~Q.P,H Lzwton Chiles ~ Secretan~ Govcmpr w - .TECT: s.a\ITA Zr ?~LTSa~:` CE CO1~IYI,AI~rT ?~`YJ'~~E12 D a'~E: December 8 1998 It 98-11-331 '1't); ,~-racels~ Dambcck or Fi i ,Kitt ra or Carmen ~vcra S 1 V1-alden CT. V1rli]tCr SAC1na5. ~'l., 3Z70K RE: ent ,~,ctivih' at 5$1 ~'aldet~„Ct 'W'inter ~+ n s ~'l. __ lrnestigativnt of a complaint filed sti~ith this x~;s:uc)• oil No~~• ~ attrl nee. Z, 1998 Re~~cals that a ~anitar`• nuisance exists on ~ropert,~ for which you are respuuaible. The fvllo~`~ing action is rccomrnended in order to abate the nuisance: Kemm•e t'allen citrus fruit In back vard. C;ut_and reluove tall weeds anal 1'owth in ack -srd. Usin^ ro er step' rccauTiOt3;. rat b.iit t a s sh Auld be ut out o the proaer~• -- In order to a~~oid formal legs] action, this s~~~itan' nuisance pllust be eliminated Within ~0_ days of receipt of this noti~:~::ai ~~hieEi time a relri5pCCtion 'will be Concluctcd. If ~'ou hat'e and' questions conceruiu; tktis lciaer, please call me at (~07) 665-3608 t~ettiveen the hours of 8:00-9:4U a.m. or x:00-x:00 p.m. I2EI~SPLCTYI~':~` 17?~TE: Janus ' 1~, ~c's~?~~ Sincerely, ~~~- David Wiieon En~'ironmental xsnitri Specialist elm Jar,e ?oll:oti~ski. 1,~(D 1`.P.V,., Diractor 5e:niriole Counn l.c;ali- De~armcrt Er.~ ~ron7e'x~ liszlt:l Section qr}~ w_ .4:rport 3;.'d_ :~.an;ord, FL 3273 (ao7) 3.:•ss-9 ::u::cC:`1 335-360 12/08/1998 11:62 4E7~270542 ~ _~~!~_ !~,i_i~-~~'~ N~U~ bb i rC-C~~-~~~ .~.,_.:, i ~ ~ ~ H S uEhi C ~'~.' ;.R'J H~HL~~H ~q;~{ h~G. 407 330 °55C P. G6 • ' ~1 zLp~'~9:~ iT ~P ', ;- ~-~ ~~-_'__ ~~ Jamts T. Hoy+~cll, A~I.D., ~~(.P.H L,.~aton Chives _._ Secretan• Go~•ernor --- St`)3.TECT: SANITARY NUZSAI~`CE D:>,TE': pecember_R.1998 C'(~MPL,1.I T NU1/tREB '('(~: Aracel~' l0ambecl; or 1i~lias P 98-10-3Z6 1Zi.•era ar Cxrmen l~i~~er•:i :~51 1~~alden Ct. `Winter S rin s. ~1., 32?U8 _, ~; Sv,~itnn~in Po 1 of bein r„~~~Ituined roe vat ro ~ at 581 Walden Court 1'Yinter S z°in:~s Ia~•estigxtiott of a complaint filed ti~ ith thi;1 ~~.~~:nry ou Nov. A and Dec. 2 1998 Reveals that a sanitary nuisance exists on l~ruperri for ~vlzich you are responsible. (one of the fullorring actions is recommcnc~[~c! iti order to abate the nuisance: l.Hav~e the ool un~ in filtration and d.i~ iaFection egLLi>~ment er placed aztd m~[in tain the pool as designed. Z.Tntroduce enuu h disinfectant at frequc~~,, :~nouRh intervals tp_make the poohin-__ incapable of breeding, mosquitoes or sere iar~ as a water source for rodents. 3.Ptace enough ve etable oil on the surt:~r~_ ~f the ool to create a ade • to continuous co~•erinR to revent oul from ~>rr.ediuR mus uitocs ur servin as a water source for rodents. --- 1.~'ill the uul Kith dirt. ._.,., In order to avuid formal legal action. tt~i~ sanitary nuisance must he eliminated ~~~ithin 30 da~•s of receipt of this noti~~ :-t ~~ flick time a reinspection will be Conducted. 1dr.e Podso~•+'s;<i. ~9.C~ P•4 P.H flirector Jcminole Cn[;n[; Hczl'': Depar[rr:ent Ei;+';ronmU~.:a; lfealth Section 40G ~'+'. A;:pon Bi` ci.. SanfvrJ. ~L 3Z773 (407) 7i,$17y ~l~t:^Orr 'i55~'iF,05 12/68/1998 11:62 487327©942 r '~ ~ a-~,~ T' _ ~ ~~' ~ ~ HP.C ~eM CTS' ;,N~i HEFT.- . Jr~-J_ ~~ ~ ., ., _ . . 1fJ ou bA,.P ~~~, ue4Un ~ J,s conrCrn,ex rb,: h~,n'c~n ! Jeitci : ~,Irrt,ae c11i u,r ( ) G6$'. 6c hours nIB;Qu„g; at •J07 3f.U8, uu ~.o~. r„~ a:oo-s:or, ~,.~a. K~I~'~p>rC7'IOV 1),~Tk:~.7 nnar`• ~4_ lg)~ J'n: _~~;c ~:~~F~~:~ PAGE e7 Ff~%; i~i0: 4U7 33U y~~U N. U l ---_-._ ~iucerPh , ,- It;,, id 1ti'ilson k-'";t•oun,~•ruel [~ralth SpcciaJibt rnrt at..,~,,.-:, r