HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998 06 16 Memo from Building Inspector Re: Violation of setbacks @ 6 Algiers Ct.i --- -- .~. . ~~~ CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708-2749 Telephone (407) 327.800 B u i l d i n g Department MEMORANDUM DATE: 05/06/98 T0: Don Houck (Building Official) FROM: Andrew R. Frame(Building Inspector) ~• -r- RE: Violation of setbacks @ 6 Algiers Ct.. FYl(02/OZ/98) CC: File I am writing to inform you that the shed Mr. Kelly built on his property is in violation of section 6-84 of the city ordinances because it was constructed too close to the side of the property and does not comply with the required side setback for group R-1 zoning. I addressed this violation with Mr. Kelly twice now and was assured by Mr. Kelly that he would not correct the violation. Please see the attached correction notices addressing this issue. Today I rode by Mr. Kelly's house and noticed that the shed was still violating the setbacks. the shed is in plain view from the street.Mr. Kelly was very outspoken and aggressive towards the code enforcement officer as well as myself, so I am apprehensive to make contact with him without direction from you. Please inform me concerning how you want this situation dealt with. /~~~ s~`~ ~" Z ~ ~~~~ 3 RE-INSPECTION NOTICE CI'T'Y OF ~%VINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA BUILDING DEPt~R'TMENT 327-1800 .~ CONTRACTOR O ~''~ n~ ~~ LOT PERMITN0.98~lZ ADDRESS ~O ~~-~'t~-'e-S a~~ INSPECTF N REJECTED ~'^J'`~ ~' s h £.,~ DATES z9 8 RE1~fARKS ~) L-~~ ~ ~' y ~ c~ta -c E,S S 1 ~ £. ~ ~4r _+4_..b- L f E _.... ~ RE-INSPECTION FEFj~ ~Jq` ~ E~ NG INSPECTOR :~: .-~.: ~: ~.:,:~: . .. _ - :, ~.. .: .• .... _ _ a NOTIFICATION OF CODE VIOLATION City of Winter Springs, Florida Community Development Department TO: RESIDfENT/ PROPERTY OWNER ADDRESS: 1 /1 ~ ~ ~~ This is to make you aware that the following condition is a violation of the requirements of the Code of the City of Winter Springs, FL. ACCUMULATION OF TRASH AND DEBRIS: Remove trash and debris. BOAT/RV/TRAII,ER STORED IN FRONT YARD: Store behind the front line of the structure. COMMERCIAL USE OF RESIDENTIAL AREA: Remove commercial vehicle/ remove equipment /discontinue business use FENCE NEEDS REPAIR: Repair or replace fence. INOPERABLE VEHICLE: Repair, store in gazage or remove from property. OVERGROWN YARD: Mow and remove yard waste. UTILITY METER ACCESS: POOL WATER UNFIT: Maintain pool. UNFIT STRUCTURE: Contact Building Department UNLICENSED VEHICLE: License, store in garage or emove from the property. UNPERMITTED CONSTRUCTION: Obtain Permit L7NPERMITTED SIGN: Remove the sign /obtain a permit. YARD SALE WITHOUT PERMIT: Obtain permit from Building Department. OTI~R/COMMENTS: _~ ,. ,,_ ,. - ~.z. Please remedy the problems which have ~ ~. ' been checked as a violation on or before If you are not sure of the proper remedy you may contact a , inspector at the circled number. ~a-r~u-,.k 327-1000 327-2669 327-1800 INSPECTOR: - ~~ DATE l ~ 4' i CASE NUMBER: -- BU1LD[NGS A~'D BUILD[NG REGULATIONS ARTICLE I. IN GENERAL 'Sec. 6-1. Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to provide cer- lain minimum standards and requirements in all matters relating to buildings and structures and the uses thereof. (Code 1974, ~ 5.1) Sec. 6-2. Compliance with chapter. (a) No building or structure shall hereafter be constructed, altered, repaired or removed, nor shall the equipment of a building, structure or prem- ises be constructed, installed, altered, repaired or removed, except in conformity with the provisions of this chapter. (h) No building or structure shall be altered in any manner that would be in violation of the provisions of this chapter or any authorized rule or approval of the building inspector made and issued pursuant to this chapter. (Cade 1974, ~ 5-4) Sec. 6-3. Use of building erected or altered in violation of chapter. It shall be unlawful for any person to maintain, occupy or use a building or structure, or part thereof. that has been erected or altered in viola- tion of the provisions of this chapter. (Cade 1974, ~ 5-5) Sec. 6~. Violations. Any person who shall violate a provision of this chapter or fail to comply herewith or with any of the requirements hereof, or who shall erect, con- struct, alter or repair, or has erected, constructed, altered or repaired a building or structure in vio- lation of a detailed statement or plan submitted and approved hereunder, or of a permit or certifi- cate issued hereunder, shall be guilty of a viola- tion of this Cade and shall be punished in accord- ance with section 1-15. (Cade 1974, § 5-7) Sec. 6-5. Authority of building inspector to stop work if contrary to public welfare. Whenever in the opinion of the building inspec- tor, by reason of defective or illegal work in viola- 4 6--IT lion of a provision or requirement of this chapter, the continuance of a building operation is con- trary to the public welfare, he may order in writ- ing that all further work be stopped and may require suspension of work until the condition in violation has been remedied. (Code 1974, ~ 5-6) Sec. 6-6. Energy efficiency code adopted. (a) The Florida Energy Efficiency Code far Build- ing Construction is hereby adopted by reference as the Winter Springs Energy Efficiency Build- ing Code for use within the city. (b) The energy efficiency building code may be amended by the city commission by the adoption of resolutions. (c) The energy efficiency building code is on file and available for public inspection in the build- ing department of the city. (Code 1974, § 5-8) State law reference-Florida Energy Ef['iciency Code for Building Construction, F.S. § 553.955 et seq. Secs. 6-7-6-30. Reserved. ARTICLE II. ADMINISTRATIO N DIVISION 1. GENERALLY Secs. 6-31-6-~5. Reserved. DIVISION 2. PERMITS AND IiiSPECTIONS Sec. 6-46. Required. It shall be unlawful for any person to construct, alter, repair, remove or demolish, or to commence the construction, alteration, repair, removal or demolition of a building or structure in the city without first obtaining a formal permit from the building inspector. (Code 1974, § 5-24) Sec. 6-47. Exemption for general maintenance by Local industries. No permit shall be required for alterations or-- repairs by or far any local industry or industrial 35~ ., '.. -- 4 6.83_ WINTER SPRINGS CODE to do business in the state. Such certifica- tion shall be to the effect that a structural analysis has been made of the building snd such building can safely support the spe- cific antenna with a minimum wind load- ing of one hundred (100) miles per hour. (3) Television dish antennas or satellite anten- nas shall, not be installed in front of the front line of any residential, commercial, or industrial building. (4) Television dish antennas or satellite anten- nas may only be installed in side yards or back yards of any building. (5) No portion of any antenna or support struc- ture shall be closer than five (5) feet from any property line. (6) Television dish antennas or satellite anten- nas shall not be located on any public way, easement, or parkway. (7) Television dish antennas or satellite anten- nas shall not be installed in any designated parking area of any building. (8) l~fobile mounted television dish antenna or satellite antenna structure shall comply with all requirements (1) through (7) above. (b) Apartment and condominium buildings. Apartment or condominium buildings above three (3) stories in height shall be treated as commer- cial structures for the purpose of these regula- tions for teievision dish antenna or satellite antennas. (c) Height restriction. The installation of any television dish antenna or satellite antenna shall not exceed the height restriction set forth in the zoning ordinance for that location. (Code 1974, § 5-9) Secs: 6:S~~'?4cce~saory baiidiags. (a) General A~essory building means a detached, subordinate structure, the use of which is clearly incidental to, customarily associated with, and related to the principal structure or use of the land, and which is located on the same lot as the principal structure or use. Accessory buildings Supp. No. 9 shall include storage buildings, toolhouses, party houses, bathhouses (used in conjunction with swim. ming pool) and similar uses. No more than two (2) accessory buildings shall be allowed on any sin- gle lot. Accessory buildings shall not be used as living quarters. (b) Height and sue restrictions The maximum height shall be twelve (12) feet measured from ground level. The ma~mum size of any structure shall be two hundred forty (240) square feet. (c) Location, All accessory buildings shall be located to the rear of the existing building line. (d) Permits A building• permit shall be required before construction or placement can take place. No accessary building shall be permitted prior to construction of the principal building. (e) Setback requirements. When an accessory building is attached to a principal structure by a breezeway, passage or otherwise,, it shall become a part of the principal structure and shall be sub- ject to the required setbacks of the principal structure. (1) Corner setback-On all corner lots the min- imum open sideyard setback shall be that of the principal building. (2) Rear yazd setback-Shall be a minimum of six (6) feet. (3) Side yard setback-Shall be that of the lot on which the building is to be located. (4) Easements-If an easement on the lot where the building is to be located is greater than that addressed above, then the easement size shall prevail. No building shall be con- structed or placed on as easement. (Code 1974, § 5-10; Ord. No. 460, § 1, 6-26-89) Secs. 6-85-6-100. Reserved. ARTICLE IV. ELECTRICITY' Sec. 6-101. IIectrical code adopted. The city hereby adopts in its entirety that cer- tain electrical code known as the National Elec- 'Cross references-Electrical requirements for installation of swimming pools, § 6-220; fire prevention and protection, Ch. 7. State law reference-Electrical code, F.S. 4 553.19. 358 ..` ~~.. ~: ~:. ~': DATE 41;29;98 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS 1126 E. STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 407-327-1800 BUILDING PERMIT SITE ADDRESS: 6 ALGIERS SUBDIVISION: NORTH ORLANDO RANCHES OWNER: KELLEY, CHARLES E. OWNER ADDRESS: 6 ALGIERS CITY: WINTER SPRINGS CONTRACTOR: KELLEY, CHARLES E. ADDRESS: 6 ALGIERS CITY: WINTER SPRINGS WORK: UTILITY-SHED IN BACK YARD DESC . VALUE OF WORK: 1100.00 SQUARE FOOTAGE: STORIES: ' DWELLING UNITS: ARCHITECT ENGINEER FEES: 100-0001 100-0002 100-0043 100-0004 100-4005 100-0006 100-0007 100-0008 BUILDING PERM 25.04 PLAN REVIEW ELECTRICAL PERMIT MECHANICAL PERMIT PLUMBING PERMIT R.O.W. PERMIT ARBOR PERMIT RADON TOTAL FEES 25.00 f .. ' _ F . l PERMIT # 98-00129 LOT# PARCEL# 4 PHONE: 407-327-1290 STATE: FL ZIP CODE: 32708 LICENSE# STATEMENT PHONE: 407-327-1290 STATE:FL ZIP CODE 32708 CONSTRUCTION TYPE: OCCUPANCY TYPE: R1 USE ZONE: PUD SPRINKLERS: L ~,~~h 1 ~ ~~m ~ `'r V C ~~ o~D ~ g`~ FEES PAID 25.00 ~*~**********~*~***~*~~**~***** NOTICE ~~~**~*~*~~******~******~******.rc THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION IS NOT BEGUN WITHIN 2 MONTHS ,OR IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION~IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 6 MONTHS ONCE WORK IS STARTED. PERMIT EXPIRES 1 YEAR FROM DATE OF ISSUANCE. GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY FEDERAL,STATE OR LOCAL LAW OR DEED OR HOMEOWNER RESTRICTION REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF SAME. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS DOCUMENTO.~,I€;~I~,p,;~ THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT . I FURTHER CERTIFY THAT ANY I,u~,g8EHt1R.~r~flT~ MED UNDER THIS PERMIT WILL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH ALL FE~~~488~ AND LOCAL LAWS AND DEED OR HOMEOWNER REGULATIONS. ~~5,4~j (signature of contractor or authorized agent) - ~~ PERMIT / ~~ 1 DATE OWNER'S NAME: // ,~ / ~ TELEPHONE: (!~~) 2 7 ~ Z MAILING AC)DRESS: (n ~/ ~/~G77 S / - I LCGAL DE~CfTIPI'ION: LO'T': OLUCK: SUDDIVISION: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDERS NAME: CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS BUILDI~IG DEPARTMENT i 126 EAST STATE ROAD 434, WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 l~ELEPFIONE (407) 327-1000 FAX (407) 327-6912 MAILING ADDRESS: -" CONSTRUCTION ADDRESS: " " ~ " ~ " " " " ~ " ~ ~ ~ " " " ' ' " " ' PAfiCEL ~ r' - -- ~- ~-- ZONING: _~, /~L --~-~, ~ViiRh DESCRIF'TiGIJ: ~Z/~/]'~/ 'S ~-~-'~•1 ~ ,t/ %~.w ~ // ~ /.w r.\ Q~t/ /ice v UVIN(3 AREA- Sq. FT. GARAGE/CARPO T AREA: ~~`-~~~ Sq, FT. PORCH/ENTRY::~4~. sq, F ESTIMATED VALUE OF WUNK 'I-U BE UUNE: ~ ~~ d MODEL:" ~1 `~' . • . w • • • • . . " • • . • • w • • • " • • • • w w • " w • • • • • . • . w . • • • • • • . • . • • • . • • • • . • • w CONTRACTOR: ~ Ll~ j'L D 9~ TELEPHONE: ( 1 ~---~ ADDRESS: LICENSE/ PIRES: BONDING COMPANY: ADDRESS: /1RCHITECT/ENGINEER: ADDRESS: B P~ ._____--. C :ITV C~~ ~~TO~~A~ ~L~~~T. ~~~} r~oRTGAG~ L~NC~n: ~ CURRENT F E C ADDRESS: - STAh11~1ARD ARDOR PETIMIT N SEPTIC PERMI~AS MECH . ..... .. P/Ee,SFRF.~JO TH~Fi7//_l7W%NG~IN/.7.5/l~NbbNFRFA/~PL/GAB/_E. ~l'E/7YAf~/'L/CA77UN MUST NAVENOT:dR/ZEU S/GNATURES. 1NARNIt•JG 1-O OWNEFZ: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TVNICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU I(VTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. OWNERS AFFIDAVIT: I CERTIFY THAT ALL THE FOREGOINQ INFORMATION 15 ACCURATE AND THAT ALL WORK WILL BE DONE IN COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLIr~ASLE LAWS RE®ULATINt3 CON9TRUG"i`IC~N AND ZONING. I FUR7`WER UNgEtggTAND TWAT WORK MUST COMMENCE WITHIN GO DAYS AND BE COMPLETED WITHIN ONE (1) YEAR FnOM DATE OF ISSUANCE OR THE PERMIT WILL EXPIRE. SIGNATURE ~ ~ SIGNATURE AS TO OWN ENT n~ Tn rn~i ~.•~-..,~ N'S COMP EXPIRES: I(~~' ~ :C~~a~, _~ `]] •ir - CL,~TRACTOR: CONTRACTOR .~ppIZE~~. WORK DESCRIPTION: . . , PHONE # AMPERAGE: VOLTAGE: ~ PHASE: T-POLE: YES NO MEC//AA//C,siL PERM/T CONTRACTOR: LICENSE / CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: WORK`.RESCRIPTION:• CONTRACT AMOUNT: SYSTEM TYPE: AI)I~ITInNAIiF'F.f~MIT INf'Of11v1ATlf)N ,, • ELECTR/~~iL PERM/T ~ ~ ~. LICENSE 4 EER: rt PHONE R SEER: PL UMB/NG PER,{~iT COtJTRACTCR: "LICENSE i ~:nNTRACTOR Af)nRF.~S• I'I-IONE ~ ( ~ WORK DESCRIPTION: NO. OF FIXTURES': 'RESIDENTIAL FIXTURES: LAUNDRY TRAY. SINK. WATER CLOSET. TUB OR SHOWER. 'COMMERCIAL FIXTURES: AS DEFINED 8Y 1994 STANDARD PLUMBING CODE FIXTURE UNIT -TABLE 713.1. OFFICE USE ONLY _S ~ PERMIT FEES: CALCULA ED E: ~ C~--•- BUILDING PERMIT: ~- , PLAN REVIEW: ELECTRICAL PERMIT: MECHANICAL PERMIT: PLUMBING PERMIT: RIGHT OF WAY PERMIT: ARBOR PERMIT: PERMIT l-OTAL: ~..--~ MPACT FEES: TRANSPORTATIOM IMPACT: POLICE IMPACT. ~~~"~~~~-"'-`" ~J~ , COQES IN EFFECT ~~~~I~AITI(~~'VAi ~LEGT. ,. (CU U~: /9 ~~ C RENT F E C -~F~-' - ` STAhI DARp ~~~Lr~ ~ >~~u~~iN~ ~A,4 M~~;I-I S~I D • ~-.. ~~i L.T.. .~_..w~.......y.y.~,.w~.~.~ ,.~. ~.. ~ ate. ~~~a ,~ d ~ i~ r , ~,,, , ~ ~... }. r~. ~ .. ~.~. _ . ~y.....__ . i .~ , . . f V ~ ~ ~ V B ~ ~ ~ ~^ CITY OF MINTER SPRING.. u .ITY /PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 'H FLAMINGO AVENUE 'RINGS, FLORIDA 32708 lone (407) 327-2669 (407) 327-0942 RE WAJ'VER OF ARBOR PFRNTTT TO AY~T~'~R NATTJRAL LANDSCAPE ~ ~~~~ ADDRESS , ., pL,~ r , ~~°ICZ~ ~J `v 1 C QJ i `~~ ~ \l C ~~ ~~ .~ NAME (fit) -~ Z 7-/~~ SIGNATURE PHO 1 S/~~ I certify that no trees need to be removed as outlined in the City Arbor Ordinance and the proposed alterations will not cause damage to trees. Ifit becomes evident later that there mi;ht be dama;e or it becomes necessary to remove a tree, we will at that time obtain the proper arbor permit. Y agree if any public property is damaged, Y will restore same to the predamaged condition. , Public Property Inspected: Sidewalks Approach~Miami Curb~R-O-W Area INSPECTED AND APPROVED BY: ~~~ ARB OR PE NUMBER ~ rr''~ cI~IY FORESTER REVISED 03-1496 maw pT EASE ATTACH PLOT PLAN DATE Q~~~~~ ~~~~. V ~~ V CITY OF WINTER SP l~1GS' ' ~~~:, . LOT BLOCK UN11 12 , _ ~`. . ~ ~~NTER s ~. U y r K~°i~ ~ ~~OR10P. DWMGENSERVISTMTFACT.b IZ•9'7 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327-1800 STATEMENT OF FACT STATE LAW REQUIRES CONSTRUCTION BE DONE BY LICENSED CONTRACTORS. YOU HAVE APPLIED FOR A PERMIT UNDER AN EXEMPTION TO THAT LAW. THE EXEMPTION ALLOWS YOU, AS THE OWNER OF YOUR PROPERTY, TO ACT AS YOUR OWN CONTRACTOR EVEN THOUGH YOU DO NOT HAVE A LICENSE. YOU MUST SUPERVISE THE CONSTRUCTION YOURSELF. YOU MAY BUILD OR IMPROVE AONE-FAMILY OR TWO-FAMILY RESIDENCE OR A FARM OUTBUILDING. YOU MAY ALSO BUILD OR IMPROVE A COMMERCIAL BUILDING AT A COST OF $25,000 OR LESS. THE BUILDING MUST BE FOR YOUR OWN USE AND"OCCUPANCY. IT MAY NOT BE BUILT FOR SALE OR LEASE. IF YOU SELL OR LEASE A BUILDING YOU HAVE BUILT YOURSELF WITHIN ONE (I) YEAR AFTER THE CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETE, THE LAW WILL PRESUME THAT YOU BUILT IT FOR SALE OR LEASE, WHICH IS A VIOLATION OF THIS EXEMPTION. YOU MAY NOT HIRE AN UNLICENSED PERSON AS YOUR CONTRACTOR. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE SURE THAT PEOPLE EMPLOYED BY YOU HAVE LICENSES REQUIRED BY STATE LAW AND BY COUNTY OR MUNICIPAL LICENSING ORDINANCES. ANY PERSON WORKING ON YOUR BUILDING WHO IS NOT LICENSED, MUST WORK UNDER YOUR SUPERVISION AND MUST BE EMPLOYED BY YOU, WHICH MEANS THAT YOU MUST DEDUCT F.I.C.A. AND WITHHOLDING TAX AND PROVIDE WORKERS' COMPENSATION FOR THAT EMPLOYEE, ALL AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW. YOUR CONSTRUCTION MUST COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE LAWS, ORDINANCES, BUILDING CODES, AND ZONING REGULATIONS. I HAKE READ AND FULLY UNDERSTAND THE PROVISIONS OF THIS INSTRUMENT OWNER'S NAME CONSTRUCTION ADDRESS ~ ~# THE FOREGOING [NSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME ~',/ ~ h -'ITY OF V~/1NTER SP INGS THIS /.~t9 `~ ~ BY ~/ /~?~E~~ /~~/,~~~[- WHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME AN WHO PRODUCED -_?-' p~ N- x~c~o-r~f~--ak 3~~ AS IDENTIFICATION AND WHO DID (Oli nm r1n~c) TAKE AN OATH. NOTARY AS TO OWNER ~ ~'C ~ ~ ~ ~r1--~~~ COMMISSION NUMBER AND EXPIRATION ~ ~,~~~-~,' Krmberty L Carter *~•~.kMy Commissron CC700670 '~.,~~~~ `~ Expires December 7, 2001 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF .. • Mid-Florida Builders, Inc. ~, 6 Algiers Ave. W inter springs, Florida 32708 .. Ph: 407-327-1290 NOTE: All four corners aze anchored in concrete an blocks with straps around floor 4x4's Four 5000 lb Mobil home anchors will be added later. C.E: Kelley/F.E ~ti ~ 2/dsd a o~ ~~`' ~~~~% J y tS- ~ccT ~ ~246~1~2-Z- x- _ ._ . ~.: ..... ..: ,. -.. ... ., ~ .u by .. ~ 'aq ".. - _. .. y : -~ r- ^. ,, .. - -. a .: :..~ .r .:. .. _ .. :: . .. ,. _ -i . .. .. .. :._r .i_: ... _ . . .... ~ . . :..,` :. ,; .;, ~i. i i '.r: yr.. - ~~. ~,_ ,•t: I.j 1~J' ~ ~ ~.~ . }~~: ~•.~ ,i7i 4':~~:... .f; ;+ . .,:, t. , :,.,. ,.:, . ~; ,:~~~,, . ~, :: :,! f :: :.. ~` .:5:: '. is ~ii.~ ~:. a;::..: S ;~ cy ~: 'y~• ..` `i.': °~; ; ;. ;~':;. ~;;. ;: i.,'; . ~'. e3.. ~i ;: ~::t ..i• . i;~J >.?a, • f • a>>~!~ • L -~ .~.ii~ ~i!j:i I:i~ ~~ ~ ). ~' .~ ,~1f ~. _ :!1' I r1 ~'r t~ i .i11~'~ . rq _ K ~. ::.~;:: .,i.. -~ ~~~~::~~ ,, '; ''~;:~~: +~':. .:~: rv'. q.y ~; .,; ~' " ~ ~~ ~+ 'r'; i •: ;~+~;` :.,v;; ,~ `:~ . J°t.: ;.lc~:~ ,,:, r, i `. ; ~ . '%i~ + . ~~'.l ~~ii~~ ~ ~. ~f ::. .ii}'~.~.y a, i:z .. ~:~ti~ .~i~i ~i~'t' .... ~ ii a~•• :iu; ~;. . ".17..1' ,,~u°~ : ~ 4t •!'{Sy ~~k:.=~ ...:;;;~ti , . :~:~ `fit , .. RE-INS' _ ~I(JN NOTICE ~~~--- .~. ~._:-, - . ~ ~ ~-- •'3 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA BUII.DING DEPARTMENT 327-1800 Y. h ~ u a. CONTRACTOR ~ ~'"~~~ LOT PERMIT NO. ~~~Z ADDRESS 6 ~GC/~/•'~ s _r INSPECTION REJECTED ~ ~ DATE 1 z 5 - ~~ S/~iN .ETC' , r -~ - wr' ~ - ~' ' % v ~ -'I'~ GN -~ 1SPECTION FEE $ BUILDWG INSPECTOR ~.:.: . RE-INSPECTION NOTICE -_ r~ ,~. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS,. FLORIDA BUII.DING DEPARTMENT 327-1,800 CONTRACTOR C 'LOT PERMIT N0.9~aU~z! ADDRESS ~ ~~ G'Ff~S ~T' ~. INSPECTION REJECTED ~/~~ DATE .~ Z S ~~ ~M _ ry ~~ ~ r.v~ . - - - ~~:. O 9 ..~ ~z ~? . ~-~. :- - ... :. .:, .. .. . . ._ .. .. ..~ . :: _ .. .. .. ..._ ... .. =„ .