HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998 06 16 Letter to Mr. Aggarwal__ _ ~ ~ ~ ,~ .~ ~~ ..., :~ June 10, 1998 Royal Sweets of Orlando Inc. .._. ~ Mr. K. C. Aggarwal 1055 Edmiston Place Longwood, FI. 32779 Re: Letter dated 5 June 1998 Dear Mr. Aggarwal, In response to your question as to whether you need a building permit for the two 8' x 40' trailers placed beside your place of business at the Badcock Plaza in Winter Springs, structures used for storage are required to have a building permit. In order to obtain a permit the structures must comply with the codes regarding zoning and construction requirements e. g; setbacks, storm water retention, wind loading, etc. If you have any questions or need further information please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, ~~ D. W. Houck, Building Official ~ .. r ~ ` .~~~ STANDARD BUILDING CODE 1997-1998 Building; Any.structure that encloses a space used for sheltering any occupancy. Occupancy; The purpose for which a building, or part thereof, is used or intended to be used. Structure; That which is built or constructed. Sec. 6-81, City Code of Winter Springs, "There is hereby adopted by the city the Standard Building Code... as the minimum standards for building and construction within the city. The provisions of the Standard Building Code shall govern all matters contained therein, except when in conflict with the provisions of this chapter or other ordinances of the city." __ _ < ... a-- ., § 6-83 WINTER SPRINGS CODE analysis has been made of the building and such building can safely support the spe- cific antenna with a minimum wind load- ing of one hundred (100) miles per hour. (3) Television dish antennas or satellite anten- nas shall not be installed in front of the front line of any residential, commercial, or industrial building. (4) Television dish antennas or satellite anten- nas may only be installed in side yards or back yards of any building. two (2) accessory buildings shall be allowed on any single lot. Accessory buildings shall not be used as living quarters. (b) Height and size restrictions. The maximum height shall be twelve (12) feet measured from ground level. The maximum size of any structure shall be two hundred forty (240) square feet. (c) Location. All accessory buildings shall bey , , , located to the rear of the existing+~ dings line. ' ' (5) Naportion of any antenna or support struc- ture shall be closer than five (5) feet from any property line. (6) Television dish antennas or satellite anten- nas shall not be located on any public way, easement, or parkway. (7) Television dish antennas or satellite anten- nas shall not be installed in any designated pazldng area of any building. (8) Mobile mounted television dish antenna or satellite antenna structure shall comply with all requirements (1) through (7) above. (b) Apartment and condominium buildings. Apartment or condominium buildings above three (3) stories in height shall be treated as commer- cial structures for the purpose of these regula- tions for television dish antenna or satellite an- tennas. (c) Height restriction. The installation of any television dish antenna or satellite antenna shall not exceed the height restriction set forth in the zoning ordinance for that location. (Code 1974, § 5-9) Sec. 6-84. Accessory buildings. (a) General. Accessory building means a de- tached, subordinate structure, the use of which is clearly incidental to, customarily associated with, and related to the principal structure or use of the land, and which is located on the same lot as the principal structure or use. Accessory buildings shall include storage buildings, toolhouses, party houses, bathhouses (used in conjunction with swimming pool) and similar uses. No more than ~ (d) Permits. A building permit shall be re- quired before construction or placement can take place. No accessory building shall be permitted prior to construction of the principal building. (e) Setback requirements. When an accessory building is attached to a principal structure by a llreezeway, passage or otherwise, it shall become a part of the principal structure and shall be subject to the required setbacks of the principal structure. (1) Corner setback-On all corner lots the min- imum open sideyazd setback shall be that of the principal building. (2) Rear yazd setback hall be a minimum of six (6) feet. (3) Side yazd setback hall be that of the lot on which the building is to be located. (4) Easements-If an easement on the lot where the building is to be located is greater than that addressed above, then the easement size shall prevail. No building shall be constructed or placed on an easement. (Code 1974, § 5-10; Ord. No. 460, § 1, 6-26-89) Secs. 6-85--6-100. Reserved. ARTICLE N ELECTRICITY* Sec. 6-101. Electrical code adopted. The city hereby adopts in its entirety that certain electrical code known as the National Electric Code, 1996 Edition as published by the 'Cross references-Electrical requirements for installa- tion of swimming pools, § 6-220; fire prevention and protec- tion, Ch. 7. State law reference-Electrical code, F.S. § 553.19. Supp. No. 16 358 1 _. 1 ice' V Y^ ROYAL SWEETS OF ORLANI3A-I-~. -~-----~-~ 1055 Edmiston Place Longwood Florida 32779 TEL 407 696 7775 FAX 407 696 7025 5 June 1998 For the attention of Mr. Don Leblanc & Mr. Don Houck City of Winter Springs 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs Florida 32708-2799 BY FAX 327 6912 & MAIL Dear Sirs _ Re Case#CEB-98-554 I enclose copies of correspondence between Mrs. Cook (code enforcement officer) and myself. I would like to reiterate that I do not wish to be in violation of any building codes. However, you will agree that there seems to be a communication problem between Mrs. Cook and I, as we do not seem to be on the same wave length I have two 40' X 8' mobile trailers licensed and tagged by the State of Florida Motor Vehicles Department. These trailers are parked neatly behind the existing building line, beside the Babcock Plaza when they are not being used to deliver Clay Ovens. Mrs. Cook implies that these mobile trailers fall under Sec. 6-84 as "Accessory buildings". Obviously, there is a difference of opinion and one of us is wrong. Would you please clarify if I need a uild'i Q permit for these vehicles? ~ I look forward to hearing from you by 10 June. Yours sincerely K C AGGARWAL FOR & ON BEHALF OF ROYAL SWEETS OF ORLANDO INC., & AGGARWAL PENSION TRUST FUND Copy for information to Mrs. Cook ~--~- ROYAL SWEETS OF ORLANDO INC. 1055 Edmiston Place Longwood Florida 32779 Te1 407 696 7775 Fax 407 696 7025 11 May 1998 BY FAX ~ 327 6288- 2 PAGES AND BY CERTIFIED MAIL FOR THE ATTENTION OF MRS. COOK Code Enforcement Officer 1126 East State Road 434 City. of Winter Springs _- Florida 32708-2799 Dear Madam I refer to your Notice of Code Violation dated 5 May 1998. Please note the following: 1. There is no unapproved storage structure at the above site. Z. However, you may referring to two mobile transportation trailers. These cannot be classified under Sec. 6-46 as they are not buildings or structures. These mobile trailers. are used once every three months to deliver "Tandoors" -Clay Ovens throughout the Florida State. Clay Ovens are special mesquite charcoal fired ovens used as a barbecue to grill marinated Indian meats and specialty breads. They are not available or manufactured in U S A and are specially imported from India. As part of our business we import, sell & deliver these Clay Ovens to many Indian Restaurants, as far as Atlanta & Chicago in these mobile vehicles. 3. The mobile~trailers are not hooked up with any utilities but are parked, just like any other vehicle, in a privately owned parking" lot. b,,,~ ,,_,;~ ~ ~,~ ~ ~; ~,~~. 4. I feel that Sec. 6-46 does not apply in the above case .and hence no permit is required. , 5. However, if you feel that the above is not satisfactory, I am willing to explain the above-to the City of Winter Springs Code Enforcement Board.. ., - i 1 1 I" ~ i Z..._r - W In the meantime, should you' require any other explanation or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours sincerely K C AGGARWAL FOR & BEHALF OF AGGARWAL PENSION TRUST FUND & ROYAL SWEETS OF ORLANDO INC.