HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998 02 19 Statement of Violation and Notice of Hearing - Stephen & Michelle CosatCITY OF 1•lI1JTL'R SPRINGS, I'LORIDA ' CODE ENFORCChSENT DOARD , r COMPLAINT N0. CEB-98-042 ~ ' CITY OI' (dIN'1L'R SPRINGS, rIAIIIDA CODC );NFORCE11Ct'1T DOA1lD, ADDRESS; 108 EIOLID Y TANF r>;'rxTxoNen, WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 v. .' STEPEIEN & MICHELLE COSAT RGSrONDENT. ~ / •' S1'A'rGMCNT OP VIOLATION AND NOTICG Or 1(GARINC PL1:nsE '1'AI(E PIO'f ICE 'rnn'r n'r 7 ; 00_. r.IJ. oN 'rRE 19TH DnY of FEBRUARY ~ 19.8--~ fildPfER: SPRIIIGS, 'F.LOIiID/},• TIIE':CI'1'Y'.OP..FIIW'fER:;SPRIIJGS' CODI: ;CNFOItCEIIENT AT 1'lIE CITY HALL, 1126 EAST S'1'n'fE ROnD• 43'J, . DOARD FIILL HOLD A IIEARING TO DC'1'CR1JItdE IIIIY YOU SHOULD ND'f UE FOUPID IN VIOLATIOIJ OF•TIIE CITY CODE AS FOLLONS: LocnTZOrI/MDRess wuenE v1oLA'floN EXISTS: 108 HOLIDAY LANE WINTER SPRINGS FLORIDA 32708 1JAltE AND ADDRESS OF P110PL•'R'CY OFIPIER OF RECORD: ~ " STEPHEN & MICHELLE COSAT 108 HOLIDAY LANE WINTER SPRINGS FLORIDA 32 NAME A1lD ADDRESS OF RESIDEII'f/PERS011 IN CIInRGE OF PIi01'CRTY: TEPHEN & MICHELLE COSAT CITY CODC SECTIOtI VIOLATED: SECTION 6-217 DE•SCRIPTI011 of vlo[,nTlorl: MUST TURN FENCE AROI;ND "GOOD SIDE OUT" PER BUILDING DEPARTMENT BY FEBRUARY 11, 1998. , JANUARY 15 1997 DATE VIOLATIOtI 1IAS FIItS'f OUSEItVED: FEBRUARY 11 1998 and UIJLESS YOU: (11 CORRECT TIIIS VIOLATIOIJ UY: (2) COtITACT TILE CODE IIJSPECI'OR TO VERIFY COHPLIAIJCE PIITN TILE CITY CODE, TIIIS CASE HILL DE DROUGHT DEfORE TILE CODE EIIFORCEtfEIdT UOARD ON TILE DATE GIVEPI A00VE. .. IF TILE OOMD FINDS YOU Ili VIOLA'1'IOPI OF TILE CITY CODE AS STATED ADOVE, YOU HAY DE FINED UP TO 1'WO IIUIJDRCD AND FIFTY DOLLARS ($150.00) PL•R DAY FOR EACH DAY TIIE VIOLATION COIdTINUES, AND IF SUCH FIPIE IS PLOT PROIiPTLY PAID, MAY RESULT III A LIEN AGIIIPIST YOUR PROPERTY, PURSUNIT TO FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 162.09. TIIIS IIEARING SII~LL UE COIIDUCTED PURSUAII'f TO SECTIOPI 2-GO OF TILE CITY OF f1IPiTER SPRIPIGS, FLORIDA, AFID FLORIDA 5'1'ATU1'ES CHAPTER 1G1. YOU 11AVE n IlIGIIT TO APPEAR Itl PERS011 OR DY AUTHORIZED IIEI'RESEiJTATIVE. YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO PRESEII'f EVIDGICE, EXIIIDI'fS, ARID IIRI'f'fCll OR OML TES'flltUNY. 1'lIE CODE DOAItD IIIL[, SUUPOEtIA FlITt1ESSES IN YOUR UEIIALF Ul'011 FIRI'L"flal PE'PI'fI011 '1'0 'fllE DORM. PLEASE GOVfalll YOUItSF,LF ACCOItDItIGLY. IF XOU DCSIIlE TO APPEAL 'fllE ORDER OF 1'IEIGSEODARM IGECFOR IA VoRDATIti TMHSCRIIPT OF TIE TESOTI110NY IAIIDCEVQIDENCE FOR TIIIS PURPOSE, YOU P1AY, AT YOUR EXP 1 , .I'RCSCtJ'1'EU AT TIIE IIEARING. - ' ~~, .~~~ DATED THIS 4TH DAY SIGIJAI'UIt OF CODE IIISPECTOit of FEBRUARY 19 98. CJ COOK TYPED OR Pllltl'fED NAMC OF CODE IIISPECTOR ENCLOSED: COPY OF SECTION 6-217 CODE DEPARTMENT CITY DEPAIi'1'11E1~1'1' 327-1800 EXT 336 '1'ELEPIIOIIE tJUIfUCR OF OFFICE OF CODE I1ISPECTOR . CERTIFIED p1AIL THIS DAY OF I CERTIFY A COPY OF THIS DOCUMEId'f IJAS SERVED DY IIAIID DELIVERY/ X ~ 19___. CERTIFIED/DCLIVERED ^Y Z 368 694 891 RECEIVED UY: PRIIJTED NAP1L•' RELATIOPISIIIP TO PROPERTY OFIIJER OF RECORD IISPD 115 REV. 12-11-90 .. ,FT ': ~: ~ • ~ }, ~ + m C ' SENDER: ^Complete items 1 and/or 2 for additional services. I also wish to receive the following services (for an - ai ~ ^Complete items 3, 4a, and ab. ^Print your name and address on the reverse of this form so that we can return this extra fee): ai G - ~ ~ card to you. _ ^Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space does not ~ , ^ Addressee's Address o - d permit. ^ Write'Retum Receipt Requested' on the mailpiece below the article number. Q, ^ Restricted Delivery m I N ~ rs ^The Return Receipt will show to whom the article was delivered and the date Consult postmaster for fee. ~ - ° ° delivered. ~ 3. Article Addressed to: 4a. Article Number Z 368 694 891 ~ a STEPHEN & MICHELLE COSAT 4b. Service Type ~' ~, - 108 HOLIDAY LANE ^ Registered Certified ~j WINTER SPRINGS ~ FL 32708 ^ Express Mail ^ Insured ~ ^ Return Receipt for Merchandise ^ COD ~ j - - p r 7. Date of Delivery ~ f -~,~ a ~ • z l ~ ~ 5. Received By: (Print Name) 8. Addressee's Ad ress Only if requested ~ i - - _ ' and fee is paid) - . w ~ . 3 6. Signature• dres Agent) ~ _ v PS Form 3 11, December 1994 102595-97-B-0179 Domestic Return Receipt L ''- i . . § 6-216 WINTER SPRINGS CODE which shall be designed and be capable of filtering and recirculating the entire vol- ume of the pool water capacity during a twelve-hour period. (7) The construction of patio decks around any pool shall slope away from the pool a min- imum of three (3) inches in ten (10) feet and shall be designed and made in. such man- ner that all scum, splash and deck water shall not return to the pool except through the filter system. (Code 1974, ?i 5-143(a)-(g)) Sec. 6-217. Enclosure required. All swimming pools must be enclosed by screen enclosure, fence or wall of a minimum height of five (5) feet. The fence or wall shall be constructed in such a manner so as not to be easily climbed and not affording any external handholds or foot- holds on the outside. Gates shall be same height as the fence or wall and equipped with aself- closing and sell=latching closure mechanism at a height above the reach of toddlers. The gate shall be locked or latched at all times when the pool is unattended. (Code 1974, §§ 5-128, 5-143(h); Ord. No. 426, §§ 1, 2, 9.26-88) Sec. 6-218. General construction provisions for concrete pools. All concrete pools shall be designed in accol•d- ance with requirements of Serial Designation ACI No. 318-63, as published by the American Con- crete Institute. (1) Pool walls and floor slabs shall be constructed not less than four (4) inches and five (5) inches respectively and contain a minimum of not less than three-eighths-inch reinforc- ing steel rods on twelve-inch centers, in both directions. Such reinforcing shall be securely supported at approximate mid-depth of base slabs and walls prior to and follow- ing placing concrete. (2) The concrete mix shall be designed to se- cure acompressive strength of not less than three thousand (3,000) pounds per square inch at twenty-eight (28) days, with a max- imum slump of four (4) inches. Concrete shall be kept wet for five (5) days after placing. (Code 1974, § 5-144) Sec. 6-219. Yards. (a) No pool (excluding surrounding patio) shall be located closer to the side yard property line of the lot, parcel or piece of land upon which such pool is located than the distance required by the zoning ordinances of the city For side yards in the zone in which the property is located, plus three (3) feet, not less than ten (10) feet from the rear property line, nor shall any part of the pool struc- ture within and including the coping intrude upon any easement. (b) No pool shall be located •nearer to the front line of the lot, parcel or piece of land than the main or principal building or residence to which the pool is an accessory, except that for water- front lots a pool shall be located not less than fifteen (15) feet from the prPSent or proposed high- watei• control level of the lake. All distances shall be measured from six (6) inches outside the inside wall of pool. (c) Screen enclosures shall not be located closer to the side yard property line than the side yard setback requirement established by the zoning ordinances of the city for the lot, parcel or piece of land upon which the pool is located, nor closer to the rear property line than seven (7) feet. On lakefront property, no screen enclosure shall be erected less than twenty-five (25) feet from the shoreline as determined by the existing or estab- lished control water level. Height shall not be higher than the dwelling on the same lot. Mesh sizes shall not be smaller than twenty (20) by twenty (20) threads per inch, nor larger than eigh- teen (18) threads by fourteen (14) threads per inch. Design computations and construction details of screen enclosures shall be supplied with all plans showing that same comply with wind load and live load requirements of the building code of the city. (Code 1974, § 5-145; Ord. No. 433, § 1, 9-26-88) Cross references-Land development, Ch. 9; zoning, Ch. 20. - ::.~ .. ~_i ~.- . . ~' . . . .,• :;. 364