HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998 02 19 Statement of Violation and Notice of Hearing - D.R. Horton. CITY OI' t•IINTLR SPRINGS, FLORIDA ' CODC ENFORCEriGNT DOAILD ' COI~iPLAINT N0. CEB-98-0]4 ~ ' CI'fX OF IJIN'1'1'sIt SPIlIr1G>, PLOIIIDA conE rrrz~oRCLrTr:rlT 1}onizD, nDnRCSS: •6250 HAZELTINE NATIONAL DRIVE Pi~TITIONrR, ORLANDO FLORIDA 32822 v. . D.R.:HORTON, INC. IIESPONDL'NT. ' S1'A'fLMCNT OP VIOLATION nND NO'fICC Or 11LARIr1C PI,I;ASE 1'nlcE llo•rlcE 'rnn'f n'r 7:00 •P.N. oll 'rnE 19TH DAY of FEBRUARY ~ I9.g$_~ AT '1'lIE CITY IInLL, 1126 EAST S'1'A'I'L•' ROAU 43,x, Hldffl;ri;'Sl'11I11GS, 'F•LOIIIDI},• TIIE:CI'CY'.OF.,IJIN'fER::SPIIIIJOS' CODE ;I:NFOIlCEl1ENT UON1D IJI[,L HOLD ~ IIEAIIIIIG 'f0 DE'1'ER1fI11E F111Y YOU 5110ULD NO'C DC POU11D I11 VIOLATI011 OF TIIE CITY CODE 115 FOLLOIiS: LOCA1'I011/ADDRESS 1111CRE VIOLA'rIOW Er.ISTS: GREENBRIAR @ NORTHERN WAY NNIE AIID ADDRESS OF PROPERTY OFIIIER OF RECORD: i~.R. HORTON INC. 6250 HAZELTINE NATIONAL DRIVE ORLAND NN1E AIiD ADDIIESS OF IIESIDFII'C/PERS011 I11 CHARGE OF PROPERTY: D R HORTON, INC 6250 HAZELTINE NATIONAL DRIVE ORLANDO FLORIDA ~3282~ CITY CODE SECTI011 VIOLATED: SECTION _ 6-53 UNPERMI ED nESCn1PTIOU of v1oLnTlorl: UNPERMI`iTED SIGN.' DATE VIOLATIOIJ Iles Fllls'r oasERVCD: JANUARY 6, 1998 UIJLESS You: (1) CORRECT THIS VIOLATION DY: Obtaining sign permit or removing sign by- 2/11/98 and (2) CO[ITACT TIIE CODE INSPECTOR TO VERIFY C011PLIANCE 11ITii '1'lIE CITY CODE, TIIIS CASE HILL BE DROUGHT DEFORE TIIE ' CODE EIJEORCEtiEIJT DOARD ON TIIE DATE GIVEN ADOVE. .. ,~ IF TIIE DORM FItJDS YOU I11 VIOLA'fI0k1 OF TIIE CITY CODE AS STATED ADOVE, YOU HAY DE FI11ED UP TO TIJO IIUIJDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS ($250.00) PEIl DAY FOR EACH DAY TIIE VIOLATION CONTINUES, AND IF SUCH FINE IS NOT PROMPTLY PAID, t1A'( RESU[.T Ill A LIEU AG11I1JST YOUR PROPERTY, PURSUNI'f TO FLORIDA STATUTES SECTI011 162.09. TIIIS 11EnRItIG SHALL llE COIIDUCTED PURSUAII'L TO SECTION 2-GO OF TIIE CITY OF FII~ITER SFRIiIGS, FLORIDA, AkID FLORIDA S'I'ATU1'ES CIIACCER IG2. YOU IIAVC A RIGIIT TO APPEAR I11 PERSOIJ OR DY AUTHORIZED REl'RESE•11TATIVE. YOU HAVE A RIGIIT TO PRESEII'r EVIDENCE, EXIIIDI'fS, NJD NRI'fTE11 OR OML TEST11101JY. 1'lIE CODE DOARD 41ILL 5UDPOENA WITNESSES IN YOUII 13EIIAf.F UI'011 IiRI'Cffll PETI'rI011 'i'0 'fIIL' DO~I1D. PLEASE GOVERII YOURSELF ACCOIIDIIIG[.Y. IF YOU DESIRE TO APPCAL 'fllE OIiUEIl OF TIIE CODE EIJFO1iCCl1EH1' UOAhU, YOU HILL IIEIiD A ttECORD OF TIIE PttOCEC0INCS. FOR TIIIS PURPOSE, YOU 11AY, AT YOUR EXPEtJSE, ARIlA11GE FOR A VECUlATI11 TRAIJSCRIPT OF TIIE TESTI110NY APID EVIDENCE .I'RESEIII'ED AT TIIE IIEARIWG. - ' DATED TIIIS 5TH DAY ~~~IJ ~! 1 SIGNAT iE OF CODE INSPECTOR ~ oe FEBRUARY 19~. ' • CJ COOK ,~ ENCLOSED: COPY OF SECTION 16-53 TYPED OR PRItITED NAME OF CODE INSPECTOR ' CODE ENFORCEMENT CITY DEPARTHCi•1'f 327-1800 EXT 336 ' TELEPHONE NUIIDER OF OFFICC OF CODE INSPECTOR X CERTIFIED HAIL TIIIS ~~ DAY OF I CCRTIFY A COPY OF TIIIS DOCUN~11'f IIAS SERVED DY HAND DELIVERY/ '^LL'. 1 ~J~1~j/. CERTIFIED/DELIVERED DY Z 368 694 55] 11ECEIVGD UY: PRIIITED NANE RELATIONSHIP TO PROPERTY OW11ER OF RECORD FISPD 115 REV, 12-12-90 SENDER: ^Complete items 1 and/or 2 for additional services. I also WISh t0 feC81Ve the ^tbmplete items 3, aa, and ab. following services (for an ~ ^ Print your name and address on the reverse of this form so that we can return this extfa fee): - ,card to you. as ^Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the bads if space does not 1. ^ Addressee's Address ~ i - pemdt. - `y ^Write'Retum Receipt Requested'on the mailpiece below the artide number. 2. ^ Restricted DefiVery N ( • " • ^The Return Receipt will show to whom the artide was delivered and the date a ~ - ; -. _ , ~ delivered. Consult postmaster for fee. ~ ~ 3. Article Addressed to: 4a. Article Number d ~ ~' - `~ ~--: `v' •` •=~ d °-' D.R. HORTON, INC. Z 368 694 551 c~ • °~ 4b. Service Type « ~ 6250 HAZELTINE NAT);.ONAL DRIVE d ~ - ORLANDO FL 32822 ^ Registered l$lXCettified °C ~ ^ Express Mail ^ Insured 5 ,~ ~ ~ N ' _-~ ^ Return Receipt for Merchandise ^ COD 7. Date of Delivery _ ~ ~° Z ~-' ~, l ~, ~ 5. Received By: (Print Name) 8. Addressee's Address (Only if requested ~ 1~ and fee is paid) t t- 6. Signa r : (Addressee or Ageni) ~. x ~ ~ ~ ~~ nn 1~ PS Form 3811, December 1994 102595-97-B-0~ 79 ~~ Z 36~ 694 551 ~c US Postal Service - ~B ' O /~ ied lOlail Receipt for Ce No Insurance Coverage Provided. ., • i ~~ .. ~ .. , Do not use for International Mall see reverse ~'t~. HORTON, INC. Street ~ Number 6250 HAZELTINE NATIONAL DR P~~`~;' ~~.~5`~~DA 32822 Postage $ . 3 2 carified Fee 1 .35 Spedal Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee ~ Return Receipt Showing to ~- Whom ~ Date Delivered .~ Return Receipt Showing to Whom, 10 1 Q Date, d Addressee s Address . TOTAL Postage & Fees $ 2 ch Postmark or Date t~ ~ tic Return Receipt _~ ~ ~' y ~ .L ~ ... , . ~f . ~. r.j-~^"~.~ y~$. rte. „,.,<.A' « i:'s.~ Yn -"-!ryp ~:ui; ~..v F~;:+ew'~„J: ~'(!t;' rR°1-, 1~4 § 16-51 WINTER SPRINGS CODE Trailer sign is any sign mounted on a vehicle normally licensed by the state as a trailer and used for advertising or promotional purposes. (Code 1974, § 5-112) Cross reference-Definitions and rules of construction gen- erally, § 1-2. Sec. 16-52. Purpose and intent. (a) The regulations and requirements herein set forth shall be the minimum requirements to promote the public health, safety and general wel- fare, and to protect the character of residential, business and industrial areas throughout the city. (b) With respect to signs advertising business uses, it is specifically intended, among other things, to avoid excessive competition and clutter among sign displays in the demand for public attention. Therefore, the display of signs should be appro- priate to the land, building or use to which they are appurtenant and be adequate, but not exces- sive, for the intended purpose of identification or advertisement. (Code 1974, § 5-111) Sec. 16-53. Building permit required. No person shall erect, alter, repair or relocate any sign, except as noted below, without first obtaining a building permit for such work from the building department. No permit shall be is- sued until the building department determines that such work is in accordance with the require- ments contained in this article, and the building department determines such work will not vio- late the building or electrical codes of the city. A sticker, provided by the building department, show- ing the date of expiration of the permit shall be displayed on each permitted sign. (Code 1974, § 5-118) Sec. 16-54. Permit fees. A permit fee schedule shall be established by resolution of the city commission. (Code 1974, § 5.119) Sec. 16-55. Exemptions from permit re- - quirements. The following signs may be erected without a permit, subject, however, to all remaining require- ments of these regulations: 958 (1) Bulletin boards and identification signs for public, charitable, or religious institutions located on the premises of such institution and not exceeding twelve (12) square feet in total area. (2) Occupational signs denoting only the name, street, number and business of an occupa- tion, acommercial building, public institu- tion, building or dwelling, tivhich do not exceed two (2) square feet. (3) Memorial signs or tablets, nariies~of~build- ings and date of erection when cut into a masonry surface or when constructed of bronze or other incombustible materials. (4) Traffic or other municipal, county, state or federal signs, legal notices, railroad cross- ing signs, danger signs and such temporary, emergency, or nonadvertising signs as may be approved by the city commission. (5) One (1) "For Sale" or "For Rent" sign per parcel of property when such sign has~an area per face of not more than six (6) square feet. (6) Identification signs at the entrance drive of residences, estates, and ranches, which do not exceed two (2) square feet. (7) Nonadvertising directional signs or symbols ("Entrance " "Exit " "Slow " "Caution " "No Trespassing," etc.) located on and pertain- ing to a parcel of private property, each not to exceed four (4) square feet. (Code 1974, § 5-120) Sec. 16-56. Nonconforming signs. (a) Any sign which, when erected, conformed to the existing zoning regulations and subsequently is declared nonconforming due to the enactment of this division or any amendment to the zoning ordinance may remain, subject to the following provisions: (1) No sign may be moved, structurally altered, or repaired in a manner that would require replacement of more than fifty (50) percent of any one (1) sign's supporting meiiibers, without complying with all provisions of this article. ~~ r ~: . k' '~ r 1 4 .r- -~ L j.. L .:,