HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998 02 19 Notice of Code Violation Letter - Stephen & Michelle Cosat_ _ __ r' ~ '~~~s., ~-e- ,~ u~ CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA ~'~ 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 ~~ORIOP' WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327-1800 Code Enforcement Fax (407) 327-6288 January 21, 1998 Stephen & Michelle Cosat Cert. Mail: Z 368 696 785 108 Holiday Lane Winter Springs, FL 32708 Re: Case CEB-98-042, 108 Holiday Lane Notice of Code Violation An inspection on January 15, 1998 of above mentioned property noted the following violation(s) of Winter Springs City Code(s)/Ordinance(s): Fence (facin wrong side out) Pool Enclosure Section: 6-217 Please correct these violations by: When a fence is used as an enclosure fora ool it shall be constructed in such a wa so as not to be easily climbed and not affording any external handholds or footholds on the outside on or before January 26, 1998. Failure to correct the violation(s) and to notify the Community Development Department of said corrections by the date will result in chazges being brought against you before the City of Winter Springs Code Enforcement Board which has the power to levy fines up to $250.00 per day per violation for every day that you remain in violation. CJC/vg Enclosure: City Ordinances 6-217 L Cazol imette Cook Code Enforcement Officer ~' ,'. .mss ISee front ~Ked, ~ Pre e t ~~m~(no e~ ~aryc ed, suc~ i Postm ~d retat~' ire ode ~ e detach, the cenfired n Amt a return r~or~ 3811, ~d,~ach 1t agrx ,am rece~PtP ce'~nnits• O dta sotto tt: ,,nm ends S F p1yES'(E RET R F WaEtpdeG ery rest E pEU~ER addressee, endorse RE sernCeS reQ~ested Q1Pt}greQUested,chec 5 Enter lees for :ha d resent'dllyou' receipt. It return r save airs rece Pt an P ~.1', CITY OI' 41INTL'R SPRINGS, I'LORIDA ~'' CODE ENFORCCI'1CNT DOARD CITY OF WIN'1'L'R SPI1Ip1GS, rI,OIIIDA COI•IPLAINT N0. CEB-98-042 ~ ' CODE ENPORCLIQENT DOAItD, ADDRESS ; 108 OOLIDAY T ANF PE'rI'1'IONCII, V. .' STEPHEN & MICHELLE COSAT 1tCSPONDENT. WINTER SPRINGS, FI-ORIDA 32708 S1'A'tEMGNT OF VIOLATION AND NOTICE OF IIEARINC PLEASE TAKE No'r1CE THAT n•r 7:00 .P.ti. oW 'rnE 19TH nnY or• FEBRUARY , 19~, AT TILE CITY HALL, 111E EAST STATE ROAD 43?, HFJITI;R; SPRINGS, 'F•LOIUDI),• TIIE•:CI'PY'.OF..FIIIJ'fER:;SPRIIIGS' CODE ;CNFORCE11EtIT . BOARD FIILL HOLD A HEARING TO DG'1'ERh1IIlE WILY YOU SHOULD NO'f OE FOUND IN VIOLATIOIJ OP•TIIC CITY CODC AS FOLLOWS: LOCA1'IOPI/ADDRESS FIIIERE VIOLA'fI01J EXISTS; 108 HOLIDAY LANE WINTER SPRINGS FLORIDA 32708 NNIE ARID ADDRESS OF P110PL•'R'fY OFJNER OF RECORD: •• STEPHEN & MICHELLE COSAT, 108 HOLIDAY LANE, WINTER SPRINGS FLORIDA 3270$ NN~IE NID ADDRESS OF RESIDGI'f/PERSOII IIJ CHARGE OF PAOPCRTY: ' STEPHEN & MICHELLE COSAT, 108 HnT TnAY LANE, WTNTER SPRTn'rc 1~T n>?Tne ~?70fi CITY CODE SECTIOFI VIOLATED: SECTION 6-217 ~ • pESCRIPTI011 OF VIOLATIOtI: MUST TURN FENCE AROI;ND "GOOD SIDE OUT" PER BUILDING DEPARTMENT BY FEBRUARY 11, 1998. DATE VIOLATIOtI FIRS FIRST OUSEIiVCD: JANUARY 15, 1997 UtJLESS YOU: (1) CORRECT THIS VIOLATION DY: FEBRUARY 11 1998 and (2) CONTACT TILE CODE IIISPECI'OR TO VERIFY CONPLINJCE FIITII '1'lIE CITY CODE, THIS CASE WILL UG DIiOUGIi'f DEF'OIIE THE CODE EI)FORCEMEIJT HOARD ON TILE DATE GIVEN ADOVE. ' IF TILE f)OARD FItJDS YOU Ill VIOLA'fIOPI OF TILE CITY CODE AS STATED ADOVE, YOU PLAY QE FIIlED UP TO 1'FIO IIUIJDRED ACID FIFTY DOLLARS ($250.00) PER DAY FOR L•ACII DAY TIIC VIOLATION COIJTIIJUES, AIID IF SUCH FIVE IS PLOT PROIIPT[.Y PAID, •• •• MAY RESULT It{ A LIEU AGAIIIST YOUR PROPERTY, PURSUAIIT TO FLORIDA STATUTES SECTIOPI 162.09. ••• • ~ SENDER: _ •• THIS IIEARIIIG SHALL DE COIIDUCTCD PURSUR ~ ^Complete Items 1 and/or2 for additional services. I also wish to receive the ~ ^Complete items 3, 4a, and 4b. S'T'ATUTES CHAPTER 161. YOU I LAVE A Ii IGI ~ 'apdnt your name and address on the reverse of this form so that we can return this follOwin ServICBS fOr en extra fee): ( tD card to you,, TO PRES EN'f EV I DEHC E, EXI I I R I'f S , NJD 41 R T ~ ^Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back ii space does not 1. ^ Addressee's Address y u ermit. DCI IAI.F Ul'011 FIR I'1"f 1:11 PF•.'f T'f T011 '1'0 TI I E DC ~ a~dte'Refum Receipt Requested'on the mail lece below the ti l b p ar c e num er. ^The Return Receipt will show to whom the artlGe was delivered and the date IF YOU DESI1lE TO APPEAL 'fllE ORDER OF 7 delivered. Q, ^ Restricted Delivery C l y a ~ onsu t postmaster for fee. FOR THIS PURPOSE, YOU NAY, AT YOUR EXI ~ 3. Article Addressed to: 4a. Article Number ~ .I'RESCN'1'EU AT TIIC IIEARIIJG. ~ ~ ' d • a STEPHEN & MICHELLE COSAT Z 368 694 891 ¢ E 0 108 HOLIDAY LANE 4b. Service Type .~, ~ DATED THIS 4TH DAY " WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 ^ Registered Certified ~ ^ Express Mail p Insured FEBRUARY 19 98 ^ Return Receipt for Merchandise ^ COD y . OF 7. Date of Delivery .° Q ~ ° ' ENCLOSED : COPY OF SECTION 6 - 21 ~ 5. Received 13y: (Print Name) l 8. Addressee's Ad rase Only i/requested >, ~ and /ee is paid) t , g 6. Signature• dres Agent) H~ • a, X h ' - PS Form 3 11, December 1994 102595-97-8-0179 Domestic Return Receipt _,..~_ . -- ... ----- - ' TF•.LEP11011E IJU110ER OP OFFICE OF CODE ItISPECI'Oli ~ DAY OF COPY OF THIS DOCUHEIJ' (JAS SERVED DY IIAIJD DELIVERY/ X CERTIFIED pIAIL TIIIS I CERT F A , 1 CERTIFIED/DELIVERED DY Z 36~ 694 891 liECIiIVED DY: PI1IN'fED NAt1L' RELATIOIJSIIIP TO PROPERTY OFItIER OF RECORD IJSPD 115 REV. 12-12-90 § 6-216 WINTER SPRINGS CODE inch at twenty-eight (28) days, with amax- which shall be designed and be capable of imum slump of four (4) inches. Concrete filtering and recirculating the entire vol- shall be kept wet for five (5) days after ume of the pool water capacity during a placing. twelve-hour period. (Code 1974, § 5-144) ` rj; (7) The construction of patio decks around any pool shall slope away from the pool a min- imum of three (3) inches in ten (10) feet and shall be designed and a hdand deck water ner that all scum, sp shall not return to the pool except through the filter system. (Code 1974, § 5-143(a)-(g)) Sec. 6-217. Enclosure required. All swimming pools must be enclosed by screen enclosure, fence or wall of a minimum height of five (5) feet. The fence or wall shall be constructed in such a manner so as not to be easily climbed and not affording any external handholds or foot- holds on the outside. Gates shall be same height as the fence or wall and equipped with aself- clo5ing and selC•latching closure mechanism at a height above the reach of toddlers.'rhe gate shall be locked or latched at all times when the pool is unattended. (Code 1974, § § 5-128, 5-143(h); Ord. No. 426, § § 1, 2, 9-26-88) Sec. 6-218. General construction provisions for concrete pools. All concrete pools shall be designed in accord- ance with requirements of Serial Designation ACI No. 318-63, as published by the American Con- crete Institute. (1) Pool walls and floor slabs shall be constructed not less than four (4) inches and five (5) inches respectively and contain a minimum of not less than three-eighths-inch reinforc- ing steel rods on twelve-inch centers, in both directions. Such reinforcing shall be securely supported at approximate mid~epth of base slabs and walls prior to and follow- ing placing concrete. (2) The concrete mix shall be designed to se- cure acompressive strength of not less than three thousand (3,000) pounds per square Sec. 6-219. Yards. (a) No pool (excluding surrounding patio) shall be located closer to the side yard property line of the lot, parcel or piece of land upon which such pool is located than the distance required by the zoning ordinances of the city for side ya 1 Stthr e zone in which the property is located, p (3) feet, not less than ten (l0areof the pool struc- property line, nor shall any p tore within and including the coping intrude upon any easement. (b) No pool shall be located •nearer to the front line of the lot, parcel or piece of land than the main or principal building or residence to which the pool is an accessory, except that for water- front lots a pool shall be located not less than fifteen (15) feet from the present or proposed high- water control level of the lake. All distances shall be measured from six (6) inches outside the inside wall of pool. (c) Screen enclosures shall not be located closer to the side yard property line than the side yard setback requirement established by the zoning ordinances of the city for the lot, parcel or piece of land upon which the pool is located, nor closer to the rear property line than seven (7) feet. On lakefront property, no screen enclosure shall be erected less than twenty•five (25) feet from the shoreline as determined by the existing or estab- lished control water level. Height shall not be higher than the dwelling on the same lot. Mesh sizes shall not be smaller than twenty (20) by twenty (20) threads per inch, nor larger than eigh- teen (18) threads by fourteen (14) threads per inch. Design computations and construction details of screen enclosures shall be supplied with all plans showing that same comply with wind load and live load requirements of the building code of the city. (Code 1974, § 5-145; Ord. No. 433, § 1, 9-26-88) Cross references-Land development, Ch. 9; zoning, Ch. 20. • 364 i CI1"Y OF WINTER SPRINGS {~ERP~ITT i# 97 ; 01410 10 ; 03 ; `)7 STATE P.OAO 43°? 1126 E. ` GJINTER SPRINGS FL . 32708 407-327-1800 J`, i FENCE PERMIT LO.` # 4 ~% SITE ADDRESS= 108 HOLIDAY LANE PARCEL 1k ' SUBDIVISION= NORTH ORLANDO RANCHES J'~ PHONE #-k 407-869 -OC}70 OWNER= COSAT, STEPHEN ~ MICHEL OWNER ADDRESS= 108 HOLIDAY LANE ZIp CODE 32708 CITY LJINTER SPRINGS STATE FL WORK DESCRIP7ION.CONSTRUCT FENCE W/ GATES VALUE OF WORK= 990.00 CONTRACTOR= NUBAR, DAVID ADDRESS 805 EYRIE DRIVE CITY= OVIEDO FEES DUE 100-0001 BUILDING PERM LIC. # SEM CNTI' LIC PHONE ;k 407-365-4073 STATE FL ZIP CODE= 32765 2.00 TOTAL FEES= 25.00 FEES PAID= 25.00 *~**~*"~~****~~*~*~K*****~**~*AND*VOIDOIFCWORK*IS*NOT*COMMENCED~WITHIN*TWO** THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL MONTHS ,OR IF WORK IS SUSPEITEEXPIREgAODENYDEAROFROMPDATEDOFFISSUAN0CETHS ONCE WORK IS STARTED. PERf1 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVRCCTADALLDPROVISIONSTOFSLA0W5UANDT0RDDINAN0CES THE SAMF_ TO BE TRUE AND COR GOVERNII`JG THIS TYPE OF WOFKAWPERMgT DOESLNODT PRESUMEETOEGIVEEAUTHORITY HEREIN OR NOT. GRANTING TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PRFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION LOCAL LAW REGULA ING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PER ~ ~ • , RE-INSPECTION NOTICE I CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 'A i BUILDING DEPARTMENT 327-1800 j ' .` 5 ~ ~ ~ ~.., F ='U C.. ;-- LOT ~ CONTRACTOR ~~' # i ~7~0;:-l~L~ ADDRESS j!;~j-~~`t~~y ~'`' ,s r. PERMIT NO. ~~ f__.. ,- ~~ ~ - ~--1 C ~. ~- ~ ~~ •'~ 1.,., DATE ~:~,I c:~?~-i i w INSPECTIUN..REJECTED -7' ; ~ \~~. REMARKS `1 ~- :s ~ ~ /'`-' ,~ T r/1 F Fc ~ ~ 3/x.1 [, A ^~ '~ ~ ~~ -~ •'~. /~.~~ L. G ~~.^~~ ?'~: i~-~5 j ~ (.. !'~J Uz- ~1,p LO S G ...t `t* ~ CV ~ 5 I ~ Y ' _ ;~ c t t / ,: i PRE5TI6E X1248 m ~iurncrr_ ' ' 10-14 1997/09:49 Ahl . X25. X70 } RE-INSPECTION FEE $ ! W A~ V E ~ - .. - ~< B(JILDI~G INSPECTOR [emorandum ATE: January 15, 1998 TO: Jimette Cook I Code Enforcement FROM: Michael J. Scheraldi~ RE: 108 Holiday Lane / potation City Ord. Sec. 8-217 CC: Don Houck, David Alamina On October 6, 1997 I had a final fence inspection to do at the above address. Upon inspection I found the fence to be facing good face in, this normally would not be a problem but this fence is also being used as a pool enclosure. Sec. 6-217 states : When a fence is used as an enclosure for a pool, it shall be constructed in such a way so as not to be easily climbed and not affording any external handholds or footholds on the outside. I notified both Rebecca at Prestige Fence (the contractor) and Michelle Cosat (the homeowner ) at that time. Because I did not receive a response, I again notified David Nubar of Prestige Fence on January 9, 1998. The fence contractor informed me that the homeowner had future plans to install a pool screen enclosure and that is the reason the violation is not corrected. I left a message about the violation on the homeowners answering machine , but I have not received a response as of yet. Please be aware that the violation has not been corrected and your assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated If I can be of any assistance in this matter please feel free to contact me.