HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998 02 19 Notice of Code Violation Letter - D.R. Horton.r`' CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA Code Enforcement January 8, 1998 D.R. Horton, Inc. 6250 Hazeltine National Drive Orlando, FL 32822 Re: Case CEB-98-014, Greenbrier @ Northern Way 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407j 327-1800 Fax (407) 327-6288 Cert. Mail Z 368 694 490 Notice of Code Violation An inspection on January 6, 1998 of above mentioned property noted the following violation(s) of Winter Springs City Code(s)/Ordinance(s): Unpermitted Sign Please correct these violations by: Must obtain vermit for suns or remove signs. Section: 16-53 within 10 working dam. Failure to correct the violation(s) and to notify tt Department of said corrections by the~date will result in charges being bra Winter Springs CodeEnforceme~` n..__~ __s._L r___ ., ____ __ . .. ,. , Z - 3b8 694 490 US Postal Service Receipt for Certi fed No Insurance Coverage Provid M~j ~ Do not use for International ~• ~ o Malt See~evo,ror_ violation for every day that you i m SENDER: ~ ^ Complete items 1 and/or 2 for additional services. 1 also wish to receive the a .complete items s, aa, and ab. following services (for an m ~ ^ Pr1nt your name and address on the reverse of thb form so that we can return this extra fee): ~ card to you. ^Attach fhb form to the front of tM maipfsce, or on the bads M apace does not 1. ^ Addressee's Address ~ ~ ^W ~Retum Receipt Requested' on the maiipiece bebw the artide number. 2. ^ ResUicted Delivery ^The Return Receipt witl show to whom the artlde was delivered and the date ~ delivered. Consult postmaster for fee. 0 ~ 3. Article Addressed to: 4a. Article Number . m D.R. HORTON, INC. Z 368 694 490 ~ E 6250 HAZELTINE DRIVE 4b. SeMce Type CJC/vg ~ ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32822 ^ Registered ~Cerafled t ^ Express Mail ^ Insured . Enclosure: City Ordinances ^ Return Receipt for Merchandse ^ COD 7. Date of Delivery c ~~~~~d 5. ived By: (Print N ) 8. Addressee's Address (Only if reques d / and /ee 1s paid) g 6. Sig lure: (Ad e or Agent ~~ 0 r n Ps Porn, 3811, December 1994 iozsss-s~-e.o,~s Domestic Return Receipi ~.-for 2 for additional services. SO WIS 0 ~~ s ~, and ~. following services (for an ~ ` your name and address on the reverse of this form so that we can return this extfa fe@): ~ j card to you. ~', .Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the bads if space does not 1. ^ Addressee's Address ~ pem~it. d . ^ Write'Retum Receipt Requested' on the mailpiece below the aRide number. Q, ^ Rgatricted Delivery N ~ ~ ": • ^ The Return Receipt will show to whom the aRide was delivered and the date a • ' . ' ~ • ~ ;'_ •~ ~ . '~ , ~', delivered. Consult postmaster for fee. ~- ~,.. { ~ 1 3. Article Addressed to: 4a. Article Number d ~~ '- ~ ~'~` L a ". D.R. HORTON, INC. 6250 HAZELTINE NAT~.ONAL DRIVE ~ ORLANDO FL 32822 5. Received By: (Print Name) 6. Signa~ur~: (Addressee or Agent) ~ X \`~y~` 0 PS Fomt 3811, December 1994 I al h t receive ttte ~ Z 368 694 551 ~ ~ ~ ~. 4b. Service Type ~ ~. . ^ Registered (~XCertified ~ ~ ^ Express Mail ^ Insured ^ Return Receipt for Merchandise ^ COD 7. Date of Delivery _ ~ ~- ~ ~ Z f ~. 8. Addressee's Address (Only if requested ~ and fee is pad) ' t -~- 102595-97-B-0179 a 1~~ Z 36~ 694 551 . ~ Il~ ~~' 1 ~ '! US Postal Service - ~B ' ~ /~ ied Iolail Receipt for Ce `1 No Insurance Coverage Provided. f I t ti al Ma I See reverse ~l ~'. i :~ Return .~, z: ;. . ~ : ~ :_ .. l : ` ... ~, . ','. ` `. t j. • •~ ~ r - r..~ i ... rr .., ... _ _ ~,. ,,_ ; r~,. ~ ,.c ~ ,~ :ms`s. t~k..~'"' ` - '*. ~a~+':.~. ~~~*-~ ~, ,1_V - Do not use or n ema on l ~~. HORTON, INC. Stream ~ Number 6250 HAZELTINE NATIONAL DR P~211~`~;' ~~~S~~DA 32822 Postage ~ .32 cen;fied Fee 1 .35 Speaal Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee ~ Return Receipt Showing to Wtwm ~ Date Delivered c Reo"" Receipt Sl'°wr'° m YVhom, 10 ~ 1 ~, a Adaresseds Ad~ress . TOTAL Postage 3 Fees $ 2 . ] ] ~ Pastmartc or Data ~ ~ 0_ •~' CITY OP F)I11TL'li SI'RIIJGS, L'LOIIIDA ,,, coDE I;NFOlicerleNT ~onnD . ,. - ~ ~ , COI~(PLALH'1' N0. CEB-98-014 . ~~'~ ~1'X 0`[~ WIN'l]'slt SP1(INGS, I'I.OItIDA z' coDC rclrottcl,t~rrlT non)tn, ADI)RI:SS: .6250 HAZELTINE NATIONAL DRIVE r1:'I'I'LIONrR, ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32822 v . .... .' D.: R. HORTUN INC. ~; (% 1 QG~~ ~ 11ESPONDI;NT. / t~ ` ~~"~ ~MN~~R L.~ ~y ~ . ST'A'FfMCNT OP VIOLATION AND NO'fICC 01' IIEA~~NG 7:00 •P.N. oIl 'rne 17TH DnY of FEBRUARY I9.g~--, 1'LEASP•. 'fAl(e I10'fICE 1'lln'r n'r ___ ---- EIJFORCENENT A'f TIIE CITY IInLL, 112G EAST ~'1'n'CE ROnD~ 43~, WI,FITrR: SPIILTIGS, 'F•LOItIDI},' TIIE•:CITY'.OF..IIIN'fER::SPIlIPIGS' CODE; . DOnRD FfII.L HOLD n IIEARIIIG 'f0 DG'fE1iNI11C 4111Y YOU SHOULD NO'C DE FOUND IIJ VIOLATI011 OF TIIE CITY CODE nS FOLLONS: GR);ENBRIAR @ NORTHERN WAY, WINTER ~nRTN~~ F1 '12708 LOCATION/ADDRESS HfIIEIIC VIOLA'1'I011 EXISTS: NAl1E NID nDDRESS OF PROPERTY Oh1IJER OF RECORD: D.R. NORTON, INC., 6250 HAZELTINE NATIONAL DRIVE ORLANDO FLORIDA 32822 NN•1E nND nDDRESS OF RESIDEIJ'f/PERSOU IN CIInRGe OF PROPERTY: D.R. NORTON INC. I~!6250~HAZELTINE NATIONAL DRIVE ORLANDO F CITY CODE SECTION VIOLATED: SECTION 16-53 pESCItIPTI011 of v1oLnTION: ICN ERECTED WITHOUT PERMIT. DATE VIO[.nTIOTI {IAS FIliS'f OI1SEIiVCU: BANUARY 6 UIJLESS YOU: (11 COIUiECT TIIIS VIOLATIOIJ DY:Obba,n ermit or remove sign by February 6, 19.98 and - (]) CONTACT T11E CODE INSPECTOR TO VERIFY COh1PLINJCe FIITII '1'lIE CITY CODE, TIIIS CASE WILL DE DROUGHT REFORE,TIIE CODE ENFORCEtfEtl'C DOARD ON TIIE DnTE GIVEN nDOVE. L IF TIIE DOARD FINDS YOU I11 VIOLn'PI011 OF 1'lIE CITY CODE AS STA'CEDI~DOCS, AOD IFYSDCIIFFINE IS NOTTPROIIPTLYCPAIIDD FIFTY DOLLARS ($250.oOj PER DAY FOR EACH DAY TIIE VIOLnTION CON , 11nY RESULT III A LIEU AG<\ItIST YOUR PROPERTY, PURSUAII'P TO FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 162.09. '- TIIIS 11EARING SHALL DE COIIDUCTED PURSUAII'f TO SECTI0T1 2-60 0 N OREDYInUTI010RIfZEDD1IEPRESENTATIVERIDy,OUNiDVELnRRDIGIIT 'F S'1'nTU'I'ES CIInPTEII 1G2. YOU HAVE n IlIGIIT TO nPPEAR Ihl PERS ~' TO PRESEII'r EVIDI'IICE, IiY.IIIDI'fS, NJD FIRI'f'1'EI1 OR ORAL TES'rI1lONY. T'lIE CODE DOnRD 41ILL SUDPOENn WITNESSL•S IN YOU11 IlEIIALF UI`011 VIRI'T"fFll PETI'fI011 '1'0 'fllE DQA1tD. PLEnSE GOVEITII YOURSELF nCC011DIt1GLY. ~' . IF YOU DESIRE 'f0 nPPEnL 'fllE ORDER O1' TIIE CODE EhIFOl1CENE1IT IIOnRD, YOU WILL TIEL•'D n RECORD OF TIIC PROCEEDINGS. FOR THIS PURPOSE, YOU NAY, nT YOUR EXPEhISE, nRMhfGE FOR n VERDATIII TRn11SCRIPT OP TIIE 'rESTINONY N1D EVIDENCE ~~ .PRCSENI'ED nT TIIE IIEnRING. ~ - ` U ~~~ pATED THIS 28TH DAY SIGtInTUR • F CODC ITISPECTOR oe JANUARY 19 98. ~ C.J. COOK ' TYPED OR PRINTED NMIE OF CODE IIdSPECTOR ' ENCLOSED: COPY OF SECTION 16-53 CODE ENFORCEMENT • CITY DEPART11E1J'I' 327-1800 EXT. 336 • TELEPHONE NUIIDEII OF 01'FICe OF CODE INSPECTOII I CERTIFY n COPY OF THIS DOCUMEII'f FInS SEf1VC•D DY tInTID DELIVERY/ X CERTIFIED h1AIL TIIIS DAY OF --- ~ 19_ CER1'II'IED/DELIVERED DY RECIiIVEp DY: P1l1WTCD h1Ati1: RELATIOTISIIIP 1'0 PROPERTY OWNER OF RECORD 11SPD 115 REV. 12-12-90 ~r.,,;--- __., .. § is•si WINTER SPRINGS CODE Trailer sign is any sign mounted on a vehicle normally licensed by the state as a trailer and used for advertising or promotional purposes. (Code 1974, § 5-112) Cross reference-Definitions and rules oC construction gen- erally, 4 1-2. Sec. 16-32. Purpose and intent. (a) The regulations and requirements herein set forth shall be the minimum requirements to promote the public health, safety and general wel- fare, and to protect the character of residential, business and industrial areas throughout the city. (b) With respect to signs advertising business uses, it is specifically intended, among other things, to avoid excessive competition and clutter among sign displays in the demand for public attention. Therefore, the display of signs should be appro- priate to the land, building or use to which they are appurtenant and be adequate, but not exces- sive, for the intended purpose of identification or advertisement. (Code 1974, § 5-111) Sec. 16-x3. Building permit required. No person shall erect, alter, repair or relocate any sign, except as noted below, without first obtaining a building permit for such work from the building department. No permit shall be is- sued until the building department determines that such work is in accordance with the require- ments contained in this article, and the building department determines such work will not vio- late the building or electrical codes of the city. A sticker, provided by the building department, show- ing the date of expiration of the permit shall be displayed on each permitted sign. (Code 1974, § 5-118) Sec. 16-54. Permit fees. A permit fee schedule shall be established by resolution of the city commission. (Code 1974, § 5-119) Sec. 16-53. Exemptions from permit re- - quirements. The following signs may be erected without a permit, subject, however, to all remaining require- ments of these regulations: 958 (1) Bulletin boards and identification signs for public, charitable, or religious institutions located on the premises of such institution and not exceeding twelve (12) square feet in total azea. (2) Occupational signs denoting only the name, street, number and business of an occupa- tion, acommercial building, public institu- tion, building or dwelling, which do not exceed two (2) square feet. (3) Memorial signs or tablets, naiiies~ofbuild- ings and date of erection when cut into a masonry surface or when constructed of bronze or other incombustible materials. (4) Traffic or other municipal, county, state or federal signs, legal notices, railroad cross- ing signs, danger signs and such temporary, emergency, or nonadvertising signs as may be approved by the city commission. (5) One (1) "For Sale" or "For Rent" sign per parcel of property when such sign has~an area per face of not more than six (6) square feet. (6) Identification signs at the entrance drive of residences, estates, and ranches, which do not exceed two (2) square feet. (7) Nonadvertising directional signs or symbols ("Entrance " "Exit " "Slow " "Caution " "No Trespassing," etc.) located on and pertain- ing to a parcel of private property, each not to exceed four (4) square feet. (Code 1974, § 5-120) Sec. 16-56. Nonconforming signs. (a) Any sign which, when erected, conformed to the existing caning regulations and subsequently is declared nonconforming due to the enactment of this division or any amendment to the zoning ordinance may remain, subject to the following provisions: (1) No sign may be moved, structurally altered, or repaired in a manner that would require replacement of more than Cifty (50) percent of any one (1) sign's supporting meii~bers, without complying with all provisions of this article. .° ~ .% J: . ~~~. .. -~:. -a ~ ~.-'~ . -.. R. .._ ~ :, ~. l` ,--~. ~~ SIGNS AND ADVERTISING (m) Each trailer sign shall comply with the re- quirements of the building and electrical codes of the city. (Code 1974, § 5-113(d)) Sec. 16-80. Political sighs. Political signs may be erected as individual can- didates qualify. Signs may remain erected until forty-eight (48) hours after the last election in which the candidate is entered. Each sign shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in com- mercial/industrial zones, and sixteen (16) square feet in residential zones, except on developed res- idential lots each sign shall not exceed six (6) square feet in area. (Code 1974, § 5-113(e)) Sec. 16-81. Construction signs. Signs denoting owner, financial institution or contractors may be erected on a lot or parcel of land under construction. Signs may remain as long as an active building permit is maintained. Collectively, the signs shall not exceed sixty-four (64) square feet per site. (Code 1974, § 5-113(f)) Sec. 16-82, Real estate signs. (a) In residential districts, on tracts of five (5) acres or less, one (1) sign, not to exceed six (6) square feet in area shall be permitted. On tracts larger than five (5) acres, each sign shall not ex- ceed thirty-two (32) square feet, and more than one (1) may be permitted provided additional lo- cations are approved by the building official and are not less than two hundred (200) feet from the nearest residence. No sign shall be erected within a public right-of-way. (b) In residential districts in a subdivision on property which is being developed or offered for sale, one (1) combination real estate and identifi- cation sign not to exceed one hundred (100) square feet in area, may be permitted until such time as the subdivision is completed, but not to exceed two (2) years. (c) In residential districts, signs exceeding six (6) square feet in area shall be placed a minimum of one hundred (100) feet from any residence. Signs $ 16-86 exceeding thirty-two (32) square feet in area shall be placed a minimum distance of two hundred (200) feet from any residence. (d) In commercial, agricultural and industrial districts, the copy area of real estate signs shall not exceed one hundred (100) square feet. More than one (1) sign may be erected provided it does not violate other regulations of the Code. (Code 1974, § 5-113(g)) ,Sec. 16-83. Garage sale sighs. Garage sale signs are permitted on the garage sale premises only. Collectively, such signs shall not exceed six (6) square feet in area. All signs shall be removed at the end of the sale. (Code 1974, § 5-113(h)) Sec. 16-84. Directional signs. Directional signs are of a permanent nature and may be permitted without expiration date. If such sign is to be located within a city right-of- way, the size and location of the sign must first be approved by the city commission and must meet the sign standards established by the state de- partment of transportation. If such sign is to be located on private property in a planned unit de- velopment, the architectural review board or in the absence of such board, the developer, shall determine its size and location. (Code 1974, § 5-113(1)) Sec. 16-85. Bench signs. A franchise agreement between the city and the applicant shall be required before bench signs are permitted to be installed. Bench signs are permitted subject to the terms and conditions of such franchise agreement. (Code 1974, § 5-113(j)) Sec. 16-86. Identification signs. (a) Identification signs may be located on pri- vate property in any district, provided the use or activity is permitted or approved in such a district. (b) Such signs shall be located on private prop- erty only and not less than twenty-five (25) feet from any intersection. Each sign shall not exceed fourteen (14) feet in height nor exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in copy area. 961 d`~1 , .~~~ • ~U ?001 \ort~ `~n.r ~~~ KSIGNS E CROXFORD ;eom Tram * Lrlando, FL 3~~0~ SIGN APPLICATION CITY OF uIHTER SPRINGS • DATE Z "~ °1 l~ i ., ~, l.,~n ~, T l ;r~eeL i~11~' ~ ~~ Phone 6~9-6~?~ Fax 6~S-='?19~ -- H.INAGER 0R OuNEA HAKE' Vi}/'~v/c INSTALLER OF SIGN ADDRESS OF INSTALLER OuNERJ1lGENT APPROVAL SIZE OF SIGN: ( ~F-z gFr) S ~~ INVOICE COST ~a/ P H 0 N E ~ ~~ `~ Co `/e~ 5~ a TYPE OF SIGN ?C OUTDOOR ADVERTISING OUTDOOR ADVERTISING TRAILER PHONE ~~~•- ~~1a ~ DATE c~ c 1 1~~ ~~ ~ OK SITE) ( (oFF- s%~~9 1998 ;r;r~rz ~,~~:~r,c:, RE1~ ESTnTE .OTHER CONSTRUCT POLITIC~IL I DENTI FI C. DESCRIPTION OF SICK (DRAUING REQUIRED) ~'~~` M~G ~ • ~z l..vr ~•~X 4 r Wo~r~' ~~~~ - LENGTH OF LOT AHD/OR aUILDING FRQ`rTAGE (hUST NAVE PLOT PLAN OF SICK IOCATIOK) -J ~C'r1CPc~,t rL~ 7''~~-t ~~/T S ~ t7'~- APPLICANTS KANE (PRINT APPLICANTS SIGNATURE tirrrrrrtr~rir~#r~r t# rr##xrtirrt*tr#ittiirttiryrtl~i•Yr##iitfi,iiii#t###i##iix#irt### i##,1r~r-. r###r*• ~. .. APPROVED QY • DATE' ~ _ . EXPIRATION DATE ~~~G~~~ S1GN NUH(1ER - INOEFINITE_ ~ ~ ~ • • ~jQ'l1ILD NC PERMIT NO:,•' I l / ~ ~ ~ TD'S ~ ~~~,e . i'' .' ~~ ;,:•'~~"• ~• PLAT OF• SURVGY TRACT "F", GREENBRIAR SUDDIVISIOIJ PI-LASE I, ACCORDING TO Tl-iE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT D001< 33, PAGES 1~1 OF TFIE PUDLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ~ xl r {• rln.r. r C U /f 1)7 xruc r, 1.1' kURlvgtr d ~~. v ~~ ~~ ; ~~ 0 -' ~~'. o. ~:.'~.~. t ':\ pfs ~~ s 1 ------------------------------------------------ AI.IER? =1IJ SURVEI'II•JG 407535 04 P. 05 ~ 1 .., `n, ~U A O~ cf~u . ~, •, ^, Y: A ('~ ?~ ~N ~ti~~~. ~~. ,,, •r ~~. `~~ (~ -1 '~•~ /~ d is ~/ IR ~U p ~~ ~ 1 A R = L = cs = ~ ~? >".o~ ..I z' O ; ~ N' ~ ~ ,; ~, rl~o.cnro ,-.~• CpICACR u7N~iGrT ~9!~!lrl 10- VALI( IC 1.~~ x[{~ ~, s ~ ~. ~~. OF ~ ~C; J F` ~,~ ~'~ nF M a~ TRACT "F'" ~ ~° LAID`' `APE SI A v oC, & GN REA ....\ (COMM01~ AREA FOR USE .~ ~(~5 DESIGNATED PER PLAT) RPIU; w.4' I'OPINIi[II ill Nil M \~ a:9 CII r•,w~ Wl.UI Ii 1.3 CAP ~ 90'00'00' `~ 25.001 ur au • "= 39.27' wAlhif 0•1'S IMM N 47'09'00" W ~ .1' W>OD -OSf SIM .... -T;,..,;~ ,. S ~ 87,51'00" W 92, M[I:U'.C11C0 1•A I' CprCRrt uaultNl ARON[11 iN' gAUI I: 1.0' CWRI 4 .---~ •_ J~SPNlLT PJ.vEuGlh NORTI-I~RN WAY LECEIID: ;nrIED To; (',. HURTGIJ NOIICS OFFICE CC7(~'Y ~~ ____ ~,: ~ Y OF WINTER SPRINGS /LAVE k%n1.lUlEO TTIE F.LR.M. COIALIUnITv PAIIEI 0. 120231 DUOS C DATCD I/IS/92 ArID FCIUIID HE SUBJECT FItUPER1Y UES IIJ ZONE C AREA OF IruiUl FLOGDwC. RINCS SN01Yli NEREUPI ARE BASED ON ~EIITERIIPIt; OF ~IOR111ERII WAY NOR III 87'51'00" EAST FER PInT. ~~i) 8/13 41 II t"~40 FEET r, n .. TATT _ -_ \~ ~ \\ In 11 • 0, O v"~, ' N O ~ ~ " 'J J ~ ~ RCCO'R~CO ~•r~• ~ CCIICAC~C uPrwCNI .,.. r . .p, ll v ~ 1 ~ ~ .. rn co ' R DEIIOrCS RADNS G OCIIOTES DELTA ANGLC L pC110TES MC LENG111 A/C AIR CU+IDITIaJER CEIITERUt1E -"-- RlCtli Of WAY LIIIC ~ caJCRETE LB LAND SVRrLn1+0 BUSItIE9~ W LAND 3VRVlrUll FnM FERM/IICNT IICFERUICI NDNUTAEIIi 7CP rCRAU11G1r Cdlrnol Nunr PC YlRll( OF CURV~IURI. YT PpRlt CX YAl10CNCY ~I FDII11 t* IIITLRSCCnaI CN C110RD BCMIIIO T1P IIIICAL t. 1NE SURVEYOR NAS tJ01 Ay~1r<nCTED TNC 1 AIID SHOYM HEREON FOR EASEMENTS, RICHT C+F YJAY, RCSTRICTION9 OF RECORp WHICH AIRY AFFECT TILE 11TLE OR USE OF Trlf; LAND z. NO IJIJDERGOUr1D IMPROVEMtN1S -IAVC oEEN LOCATED EXCEPT AS SHDYfN. 3.REPRODUCTION9 OF THIS SURVEY ARE NOT VALID UIdLE55 SEALED YA1TT fl0. EIABOSSED SURVEYOR'S SEAL. Tlrla le l0 Cullly lhal WO Irons pvfp•me0 0 ONd IVrvey 01 the horepn d!lUlp~d MOP~rIy, for CM purpea• h~r10~ O~stribl0, Ih01 lhl: tlrorrlr"~ h a r~pr•r9r.lullen or i~...i irl r. ..1. I, lil. /° :% EXCITING NEW HOMES ~FS~ ~C CVr ~- B P# U CITY OF WINTER SPRING D•R~HORTOIV~ CUSTOM HOMES reenbriar 366- .... • ~~ I /~~ ~ORTON~ • JSTOM HOMES February ~, 1998 To whom it may concern: American Quicksigns is authorized to pursue the permitting of a sign on Tract "F", Greenbriar, Tuscawilla. D.R. Horton Custom Homes is the owner of the property. Sincerely, Wa e s D.R. Horton, Inc. State of Florida County of Orange The fore ~ing instrument was executed before me this 5th day of February, 1998 by Wayne Spews o is personallx.known to me. Dana C. Nipper ~~~~ i Notary =!~-+o-ccxi~ ~ ~~ ---,,,,,,,,,...~~ G ~~ N~FR Sp~~. nF ~,~A r,\~~ 6250 H~zNtine Nmional Drive. Sui~a 102 Orlando. Florida 32822 1107) 35.9101 Fu (107) 857.9228