HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998 01 20 Statement of Violation and Notice of Hearing - Melinda MillerCITY OP 4lINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA ' CODE ENI'ORCEP(ENT DOAItD r CI'iY OF WIN'1L'R SPRI1.IGS, rLORIDA COl•iPLAINT N0. CEB-97-039 COD); ENFORCEMENT DOARD, nnDRESS: 6023 WEST PARIS STREET PETITIONER, ~. ..MELINDA MILIER RESPOIJDL'NT. TAMPA, FLORIDA 33634-5746 STATEMENT OF VIOLATION AND NOTICE Or NEARING PLEASE TAI(E 170'fICE 9'IlA'f AT 7:00 •P.iJ. ON 'fllE 20TH DnY or• JANUARY , 19~_, nT 'fllE CITY HALL, 1126 EAST S'1'ATG ROAD 43~, WLIJTL•R'SPRINGS, 'F[.ORID11,'TIIE:CI1'Y',OF..IJIN'fER::SPRINGS'CODE;F.NFORCEIIENT DOnRD 61ILL HOLD n IIEARIIIG TO DE'I'ERIIIIJE WILY YOU SHOULD tJ0'f DE POU11D IN VIOLATIOii OF TIIE CITY CODE nS FOLLOWS: LocnTlorl/nDnllESS wurnE vloLn'r1oN EXISTS: 12]7 DEER RUN WINTER SPRING, ~TORIDA '1~7nR NAME A1JD ADDRESS OF PI20PERTY 061NER OF RECOM: " MELINDA MILLER 6023 WEST PARIS STREET T - NA1fE AiJD ADDRESS OF RCSIDIaJ'f/PERSON IN Cl1ARGC OF PROPERTY: MELINDA MILIER 6023 WEST PARIS STREET TAMPA FLORIDA 33634-5746 • CITY CODE SECTI01i VIOLATED: 1 SECTION 6-217 nescRlPTION of v1oLnTIOr1: POOL MUST BE COMPLE'~ELY ENCLOSED BY FENCE OR SCREEN ENCLOSURE PER SECTION 6-217. DATE VIOLATION 41AS FIRST OUSERVEp; DECEMBEi2 ] 2, 1997 UNLESS YOU: ll) CORRECT THIS VIOLATIOW DY: JANUA1tY 12, 1998 ana (2) CONTACT TILE CODE I1iSPEC1'OR TO VERIFY COl9PLIn1JCE ilITll 'I'lIE CITY CODE, THIS CASE WILL BE DROUGHT DEFORE TIIE CODE EIiFORCEI9ENT BOARD ON TILE DATE GIVEN nDOVE. ' IF TIIE UOARD FItlDS YOU I11 VIOLATIO1i OF TIIE CITY CODE nS STATED ADOVE, YOU P1AY BE FINED UP TO TWO IIUIJDRCD A11D FIFTY DOLLARS ($250.00) PER DAY FOR EACH DAY TIIE VIOLATION CONTINUES, A1JD IF SUCH FI1tE IS NOT PROMPTLY PAID, MAY RESULT II(A LIEN nG11I1JST YOUR PROPERTY, PURSUnTI'f TO FLORIDA STn'CUTES SECTI011 162.09. r. THIS HEARING SHALL DE COIJDUCTED PURSUANT TO SECTION 2-GO OF 1'IlE CITY OF PIINTCR SPRIIIGS, FLORIDA, AND FLORIDA S'1'ATU'I'ES CIIAI'TER ] G2. YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO APPEnR Iii PERSON OR DY nUTIIORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. YOU I(AVE A RIGHT TO PRESENT EVIDEtICE, EXIIIDI'fS, A11D iiRI'fTE1i OR OML 1'ES'I'I110NY. 1'ilE CODC DOARD MILL SUUPOENA {JITNESSES Ii) YOU)[ UEIIALF UP01i FIRI'1"ff•_N PETITION 'I'0 TIIE DOAI2D. PLEASE GOVL•'IUJ YOUIISELF ACCORDIi1GLY. IF `{OU DESIRE TO APPEAL 'fIIC ORDL'R OF TIIE CODE EMF01[CEl1EN1' UOAItll, YOU WILL HEED n RECORD OF 'TIIE PROCEEDINGS. FOR THIS PURPOSE, YOU ilAY, nT YOUR EXPENSE, ARfiANGE FOR A VERDATIN TMIJSCRIPT OF TIIC TESTI110NY AND EVIDEIICE .PRESEIITED AT TILE IIEARItIG. ~ ' DATED THIS 6TH DAY ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ . SIGiIATURE OF CO@~ IH ECTOR oe JANUARY 19 98. ' • CAROLYN JIMETTE COOK TYPED OR PRINTED NAI1C OF CODE IIiSPECTOR ENCLOSED: COPY OF SECTION 6-217 CODE ENFORCEMENT • CITY DEPAIZI'I1GJ'C 327-18UU EXT 336 TELEPHONE NUMDER OF OFFICC OF CODF. INSPECI'U12 I CERTIFY A COPY OF THIS DOCUttE1J'f IIAS SERVED DY HAND DELIVERY/ X CLRTIFIED iIAIL THIS DAY OF 19_ CERTIFIED/DELIVERED DY 7 C,I ~ `"v `J ~c~^~ 1iCCEIVED DY: P1111J'TED NAVE REI.ATIOIJSIIIP TO PROPERTY 0{JNER OF RECORD WSPD 115 REV. 1Z-12-90 § s-21s WINTER SPRINGS CODE which shall be designed and be capable of filtering and recirculating the entire vol- ume of the pool water capacity during a twelve-hour period. (7) The construction of patio decks around any pool shall slope away from the pool a min- imum of three (3) inches in ten (10) feet and shall be designed and made in such man- ner that all scum, splash and deck water shall not return to the pool except through the filter system. (Code 1974, § 5-143(a)-(g)) Sec. 6-217. Enclosure required. All swimming pools must be enclosed by screen enclosure, fence ot• wall of a minimum height of five (5) feet. The fence oi• wall shall be constructed in such a manner so as not to be easily climbed and not affording any external handholds or foot- holds on the outside. Gates shall be same height as the fence or wall and equipped with aself- closing and self-latching closure mechanism at a height above the reach of toddlei•s.'rhe gate shall be locked or latched at all times when the pool is unattended. (Code 1974, §§ 5-128, 5-143(h); Ord. No. 426, §~ 1, 2, 9-26-88) Sec. 6-218. General construction provisions i'or concrete pools. All concrete pools shall be designed in accord- ance with requirements of Serial Designation ACI No. 318.63, as published by the American Con- crete Institute. (1) Pool walls and floor slabs shall be constructed not less than four (4) inches and five (5) inches respectively and contain a minimum of not less than three-eighths-inch reinforc- ing steel rods on twelve-inch centers, in both directions. Such reinforcing shall be securely supported at approximate mid-depth of base slabs and walls prior to and follow- ing placing concrete. (2) The concrete mix shall be designed to se- cure acompressive strength of not less than three thousand (3,000) pounds per square inch at twenty-eight (28) days, with a max- imum slump of four (4) inches. Concrete shall be kept wet for five (5) days after placing. (Code 1974, § 5-144) Sec. 6-219. Yards. (a) No pool (excluding surrounding patio) shall be located closer to the side yard property line of the lot, parcel or piece of land upon which such pool is located than the distance required by the zoning ordinances of the city for side yards in the zone in which the property is located, plus three (3) feet, not less than ten (10) feet from the rear property line, nor shall any part of the pool struc- ture within and including the coping intrude upon any easement. (b) No pool shall be located •nearer to the front line of the lot, parcel or piece of land than the main or principal building or residence to which the pool is an accessory, except that foi• water- front lots a pool shall be located not less than fifteen (15) Feet from the present or proposed high- watei• control level of the lake. All distances shall be measured from six (6) inches outside the inside wall of pool. (c) Screen enclosures shall not be located closer to the side yard property line than the side yard setback requirement established by the zoning ordinances of the city for the lot, parcel or piece of land upon which the pool is located, nor closer to the rear property line than seven (7) feet. On lakefront property, no screen enclosure shall be erected less than twenty-five (25) feet from the shoreline as determined by the existing or estab- lished control water level. Height shall not be higher than the dwelling on the same lot. Mesh sizes shall not be smaller than twenty (20) by twenty (20) threads per inch, nor larger than eigh- teen (18) threads by fourteen (14) threads per inch. Design computations and construction details of screen enclosures shall be supplied with all plans showing that same comply with wind load and live load requirements oi' the building code of the city. (Code 1974, § 5-145; Ord. No. 433, § 1, 9-26-88) Cross references-Land development, Ch. 9; zoning, Ch. 20. - ;, , t ~/ ~,. ti;,•.J ,. 364