HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001 03 21 Regular Item A , , . . . DISTRICTING COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA ITEM A March 1,2001 Meeting REQUEST: Community Development Department, Land Development Division, presents to the Districting Commission a recommendation for the new Commission District boundaries as required by City Charter. Further, the Districting Commission must forward a recommendation to the City Commission for their action. PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to present to the Districting Commission a recommendation for the revised Commission District boundaries as required by City Charter. This revision is mandated to be accomplished every three (3) years. The Districting Commission must forward a recommendation to the City Commission for their action, APPLICABLE CODE AND LAW: CITY CHARTER, ARTICLE IV. MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION. Section 4.02. Commission districts; adjustment of districts. (a) Number of districts. The city commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, shall by separate ordinance divide the city into five (5) geographical commission districts (b) Districtingcommissioll. By the first day of February, 1991, the first day of February, 1992, and every three (3) years thereafter, the city commission shall appoint seven (7) city electors determined from the registration of the last regular election, one (1) to be appointed by each commissioner from his/her respective district, and two (2) appointed by the mayor from the city at large, who shall comprise the districting commission. Electors chosen shall not be employed by the city in any other capacity_ The initial districting commission, creating and establishing the first commission districts, shall be appointed by each commissioner and the mayor from the city at large. (c) Report; specifications; The districting commission shall file with the official designated by the city commission a report containing a recommended plan for establishment or adjustment of the commission district boundaries. The initial districting commission, creating and establishing the first commission districts, shall file such report within ninety (90) days of appointment. Thereafter, such . March 1,2001 Districting Commission Agenda Page 2 reports shall be filed within one hundred twenty (120) days of appointment to the districting commission. The commission district boundaries shall comply with the following specifications: (1) Each district shall be formed of compact contiguous territories, and its boundary lines shall follow the center lines of streets insofar as practical or possible, or other boundaries available. (2) The districts shall be based upon the principle of equal and effective representation as required by the United States Constitution and as represented in the mathematical preciseness reached in the legislative apportionment of the state. (3) The report shall include a map and description of the districts recommended and shall be drafted as a proposed ordinance. Once filed with the designated official, the report shall be treated as an ordinance introduced by a commissioner. . (d) Support. It shall be the responsibility of the city manager to provide staff assistance and technical data to the districting commission. (e) Procedure. The procedure for the city commission's consideration of the report shall be the same as for other ordinances, provided that if a summary of the ordinances is published pursuant to this Chapter and general law, it must include both the map and a description of the recommended districts. (I) Failure to enact ordinance. The city commission shall adopt the redistricting ordinance at least one hundred twenty (120) days before the next city election. If the City commission fails to either accept or reject the redistricting ordinance, the report of the districting commission shall go into effect and have the same effect of an ordinance. The proposed redistricting ordinance may not be rejected for any reason except for failure to comply with the specifications listed in section 4.02(c) of this Charter or failure to comply with other local, state or federal law. (g) Effect of enactment. The new commission districts and boundaries as of the date of enactment shall supersede previous commission districts and boundaries for all purposes; provided all incumbent commissioners shall continue to hold office for the entire term to which elected notwithstanding any change in commission district and boundaries. . . . . . . March I, 2001 DISTRICTING COMMISSION AGENDA Page 3 Florida Statutes, County Organization and .Intergovernmental Relations, Chapter 124, Commissioners' Districts. Section 124.0 I. Division of counties into districts, county commissioners. (1) There shall be five county commissioners' districts in each county, which shall be numbered one to five, inclusive, and shall be nearly equal in proportion to population as possible. FINDINGS: I) The Districting Commission was appointed by City Commission action of January 22, 200 L 2) The one hundred twenty (120) day requirement for report filing expires May 22, 2001. A report can be filed prior to the one hundred twenty (J 20) day period. 3) The only portion of Florida State Statutes which approximate the "mathematical preciseness reached in the legislative apportionment of the state: is that found in Florida Statutes Section 124.01 which reads "shall be as nearly equal in proportion to population as possible".. The Staff recommendation presented to the Districting Commission has a difference of one hundred forty four (144) persons between the proposed highest populated district (District 3) and the proposed lowest populated district (District 5). The goal that the previous Commission had established was to have no more that a one (J) percent population difference between districts. The recommendation presented to this Commission has a difference of 0.5 percent between the most populated and the least populated districts. 4) The Districting Commission does not have to accept Staff recommendation. 5) The Staff recommendation as presented to the Districting Commission allows all present City Commissioners to remain in their respective districts. 6) The Staff recommended district map has followed street rights of way, power easements, streams, etc., as much as possible. ATTACHMENTS: A - Land Development Coordinator Memo to City Manager dated February 13, 2001 . . ATTACHMENT A . . March 1, 2001 DISTRICTlNG COMMISSION AGENDA Page 4 B - 1998 District Boundary Map C - 2001 Staff Recommended District Boundary Map D - Proposed Ordinance THE FIRST MEETING IS SCHEDULED FOR THURSDAY, MARCH 1,2001 COMMENCING AT 6:30 P.M. AT CITY HALL, WEST CONFERENCE ROOM (1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434). PLEASE CO NT ACT DON LeBLANC AT 407-327-5966 IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS, COMMENTS, RECOMMENDATIONS, ETC., PRIOR TO THE MEETING DATE. . . . February 13, 2001 To: Ron McLemore, City Manager ~ Don LeBlanc, Land Development coordinator~ From: Re: Districting The following information is submitted as it relates to districting: The estimated population determined by the 1998 Districting Committee was 28,776. The issuance of Building Permits (from February 1, 1998 through January 31,2001) was the vehicle utilized to estimate the population as of January 31,2001. The Persons Per Household (PPH) are the same as used in 1998 and are listed below. I also utilized an Occupancy Rate (OR) of ninety four percent (94%) - a figure consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 1) Persons per Household (PPH) . a) Single Family PPH b) Multi Family PPH c) Mobile Home PPH 3.03 2.07 1.81 2) Formula utilized to obtain estimated population per District: Number & type residence X PPH(for specific use) X OR = Population increase DISTRICT ONE - February 1998 Population - 5,766 Single Family Building Permits Issued - 59 Mobile Home Building Permits Issued - 1 Population Increase - 170 January 31, 2001 population - 5936 DISTRICT TWO - February 1998 Population - 5,771 Single Family Building Permits Issued - 201 Multi Family Building Permits Issued - 252 Population Increase - 1063 January 31, 2001 population - 6834 DISTRICT THREE - February 1998 Population - 5756 Single Family Building Permits Issued - 208 Population Increase - 592 January 31, 2001 population - 6348 . . February 12, 2001 McLemore (Districting) Page 2 DISTRICT FOUR - February 1998 population - 5757 Single Family Building Permits Issued - 51 Multi Family Building Permits Issued - 250 Population Increase - 632 January 31, 2001 population - 6389 DISTRICT FIVE - February 1998 population - 5726 Single Family Building Permits Issued - 444 Mobile Home Building Permits Issued - 10 Population Increase - 1282 January 31, 2001 population - 7008 Total Population - 32,515 The average population per district should be 6,503 DISTRICT ONE SHIFTS: Estimated population 01-31-01 Population to District 4 5,936 - 73 5,863 +670 6,533 . To District 4 - 24 units Population from District 5 North Orlando Townsite 4th Add Replat of Sheet 2 Revised Population 01-31-01 Block 8 Lots 1-18 Block 12 Lots 18-23 24 X 3.03 = 72.72 or 73 From District 5 - 221 units Foxmoor Unit 3 Block H Block L Block M Block N Block 0 21 units 21 units 19 units 2 units II units 74 X 3.03 = 224.22 or 224 North Orlando Ranches Section 5 25 units X 3.03 =75.75 or 76 North Orlando Terraces Section 8 of Unit 2 64 units X 3.03 = 193.92 or 194 North Orlando Terraces Section 9 of Unit 2 . S8 units X 3.03 175.74 or 176 . February 12, 2001 McLemore (Districting) Page 3 DISTRICT TWO SHIFTS: Estimated population -01-31-01 6,834 Population to District 3 - 79 To District 3 - 26 units 6,755 Chestnut Estates Phase One Population to District 5 - 267 26 X 3.03 =78.78 or 79 Revised population 01-31-01 6,488 To District 5 - 88 units Oak Forest Unit 7 88 X 3.03 = 266.64 or 267 DISTRICT THREE SHIFTS: Estimated population 01-31-01 6,348 Population from District 2 + 79 From District 5 - 53 units 6,427 Tuscawilla Unit 6 Population from District 5 +161 53 X 3.02 + 160.59 or 161 Revised population 01-31-01 6,588 . DISTRICT FOUR SHIFfS: Estimated population 01-31-01 6,389 Population from District I + 73 Revised population 01-31-01 6,462 DISTRICT FIVE SHIFTS: Estimated population 01-31-01 7008 Population from District 2 +267 7,275 Population to District I - 670 6,605 Population to District 3 - 161 Revised population 01-31-01 6,444 . . February 12, 200 I McLemore (Districting) Page 4 ESTIMATED POPULATION AND PERCENTAGE OF l'OPULATION BY DISTRICT AS OF 01-31-01 DISTRICT ONE 6,533 0.200 20.0% DISTRICT TWO 6,488 0.200 20.0% DISTRICT THREE 6,588 0.203 20.3% DISTRICT FOUR 6,462 0.199 19.9% DISTRICT FIVE 6,444 0.198 19.8% TOTAL: 32,515 100% cc: Districting Commission . . . . ATTACHMENT B . . . i"..,. . ~ ~ "" o Z .. J ~ ~ ) -" CJ)D.. C)<( Z:E - g: C) 00 ,ft Z en VI - en Z~ O::Z~ W<(as t--I~ Z" ; - ... ., ~o:: LLW 01- t/) ~oe( -::E o ...~ % ..- ~ ~o ..(.L1 ~ - J ~ '.''4.;r.,..f..,."f1l;'~'" AA~ :!IW .:' ", ...,,,,..,,,,,...._.,....,,,,,.,..,,,,,, .n'. ~. .4 ~, ." ,,'_'" "'."" " r .l )...~~~~li~tr~.,.-,,:,..~t'::=!.~.l'~::i?%:jr"":~' ( . .!'t\~~~~ri:t;k;r.~1if:fi1rw$;? !- - - - v,.,..,'" ;."':>3' ;.;...,....~.j..1t"y...Jfm "' I ", _,~,.~~~~ 1 11(_ l,r;.,... ...~~lr,.)~-;<;"~ww""l jiJf.~~j~~~f;~~ttrrJfn~r: . "."..~...4..:e;'."..--~;"";-~~..~""'''~' i.. 'M'~ l \~ff:!. ' ,- - o ~ ~ ~ . 2; ;; ~ I 1""""'0- .a~ ~"'" I. . . II )g ~ . I o 1m '. ~~ . I J , I I G I . i . . I -; I; I. I J &II ...... II I! I" \ I / \ I . I I 5 I I ~ ,-- ~ I ... I o I t I I I ~ a i . I ! . I . . ATTACHMENT C . J ....c: ~ I!-I o Z C/)Cl. Q)~ ~J.- ~l)~ ..............0 C/)g:~ ffi S!2 ~ a..:: C ca ~~ 2 ~0.Q :s;........~ lL.~ O~ ~~ 00 l) ~ ~ !t! . ".Ii o o ~ g lil 8 .. o l:f N ... i: 8 ~ !l .. o a ~ ~ '4 . J --1IIIiii:;' i ~ w ... N i iJ Ii ~'i ., .j .1:. i iJ! II ~ - l!l i I ~; ~i -II! Ii J . " . \ . . " , \ \ ~ ~5 15~ ~1I -- n Ii . . I j , = <II J I I i I , I I I I o II I I . . ATTACHMENT D . . ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA ADOPTING THE MAl' AND DESCRIPTION OF THE RECOMMENDED DISTRICTS FILED WITH THE CITY BY THE DlSTRICTlNG COMMISSION PURSUANT TO ORDINANCE NO. 494; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS AND SEVERABILITY. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida has previously adopted Ordinance No. 24], Ordinance No. 494, Ordinance No. 505, Ordinance No. 524, Ordinance No. 584, Ordinance No. 70], and the citizens of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, have adopted by referendum five (5) geographical Commission Districts; WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, is obligated, pursuant to Ordinance No. 494 of the City of Winter Springs, to accept or reject the redistricting report of the Districting Commission; . NOW THEREFORE, HE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: ]. That the ReportlMap and description of the recommendations by the Districting Commission, pursuant to Ordinance No. 494 of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, which ReportlMap and description are attached hereto and incorporated herein, are hereby accepted. 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. 3. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. Passed and adopted this day of , 2001. CITY of WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA PAUL P. PARTYKA, MAYOR . . ATTEST: Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM AND SUFFICIENCY FOR THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ONLY: Anthony A. Garganese, City Attorney First Reading: Second Reading: Effective Date: . . . THE DESCRIPTIONS FURNISHED FOR THE FIVE (5) DISTRICTS IS TAKEN FROM THE CITY OF WINTER SPINGS MASTER PLANNING MAP DATED FEBRUARY 2001 AND IS INCORPORATED AS A PART OF THIS DOCUMENT. . DISTRICT ONE (1) - Commence at the south ROW Line of SR 434 approximately 100 feet west of Belle Avenue, thence generally southward following the western corporate limits to the southwest corporate limits, thence follow southern corporate limits eastward to the west ROW Line of Murphy Road, thence generally northward along said west ROW Line of Murphy Road to the Center Line of Gee Creek, thence northeast along said Center Line of Gee Creek to the Florida Power Corporation Easement, thence southeast along said Florida Power Corporation Easement to the north ROW Line of Bahama Road, thence eastward along said ROW Line of Bahama Road to the west ROW Line of Shore Road, thence northward along said west ROW Line of Shore Road to the northwest corner of the intersection of Shore Road and Sailfish Road, thence eastward across Shore Road and follow the north ROW Line of Sailfish Road to the Center Line of No Name Creek, thence northward along said Center Line of No Name Creek to the northern edge of the Florida Power and Light Easement, thence westward approximately 1,000 feet along said Florida Power and Light Easement to the southwest corner of a Seminole County enclave, thence northward along the western edge of said Seminole County enclave to the south ROW Line of SR 434, thence southwesterly along said south ROW Line of SR 434 to a point approximately 850 feet southwest of the southwest intersection of SR 434 and Hayes Road, thence northerly across SR 434 along the western ROW Line of Bennett Street to the southwest comer of the intersection of Bennett Street and David Street, thence generally westwardly along the south ROW Line of David Street to the southeast corner of the intersection of Sherry Avenue and David Street, thence southerly to the south ROW Line of SR 434, thence westwardly along the south ROW Line of SR 434 to the point of beginning. DISTRICT TWO (2) - Commence at the northeast tenninus of Tuskawilla Road on Lake Jesup, thence travel generally eastward along the northern corporate limits to the northeasternmost corporate limits, thence generally southward along the eastern corporate limits to the northeast comer of the intersection of Winter Springs Boulevard and Seneca Boulevard, thence westward along the north ROW Line of Winter Springs Boulevard to the Center Line of Bear Creek, thence generally northward along said Center Line of Bear Creek to the southwestern ROW Line of Northern Way, thence generally southeasterly along the west ROW Line of Northern Way to the north ROW Line of Winter Springs Boulevard, thence travel westward along said ROW Line of Winter Springs Boulevard to the Center Line of Howell Branch, thence northward along said Center Line of Howell Branch to the north ROW Line of the Florida Power Corporation 100 foot easement, thence westward along said north ROW Line of the Florida Power Corporation 100 foot easement to the northeast comer of Arbor Glen subdivision, thence southward along the eastern perimeter of Arbor Glen subdivision and the eastern perimeter of St. Stephen's Catholic Church property to the southeast comer of St. Stephen's Catholic Church property, thence westward along the southern perimeter of St. Stephen's Catholic Church property to the eastern ROW Line of Tuskawilla Road, thence northward along said east ROW Line of Tuskawilla Road to a Seminole County enclave, thence eastward following said Seminole County enclave to a point at the intersection of State Road 434 . . and Tuskawilla Road, thence northward along the east ROW Line of Tuskawilla Road to the point of beginning. DISTRICT THREE (3) - Commence at the southeast corner of the corporate limits, thence travel generally westwardly along the corporate limits to the east ROW Line of Tuskawilla Road approximately 1,400 feet south of Winter Springs Boulevard, thence travel northward along said east ROW Line of Tuskawilla Road to the northwest perimeter of Tuscawilla Unit 6 subdivision, thence travel eastward and nOIthward along the perimeter of said Tuscawilla Unit 6 subdivision to the south ROW Line of the Florida Power Corporation 100 foot easement, thence travel eastward along said south ROW Line of said Florida Power Corporation easement to the Center Line of Howell Branch, thence travel southward along said Center Line of Howell Branch to the south ROW Line of Winter Springs Boulevard, thence travel eastward along said south ROW Line of Winter Springs Boulevard to a point southwest of the corner ROW Line of the northeast intersection of Winter Springs Boulevard and the northern loop of Northern Way, thence travel generally northward along the east ROW Line of Northern Way to the Center Line of Bear Creek, thence travel generally southward to the south ROW Line of Winter Springs Boulevard, thence travel eastward along said south ROW Line of Winter Springs Boulevard to the eastern corporate limits, thence southward along said corporate limits to the point of beginning. . DISTRICT FOUR (4) - Commence at the westernmost corporate limits on the south side of SR 434, thence travel easterly along corporate limits approximately 700 feet, thence travel northward to the north ROW Line of SR 434, thence travel eastward along said north ROW Line of SR 434 to the northwest corner of SR 434 and Sherry Avenue, thence travel northward along said west ROW Line of Sherry Avenue approximately 450 feet to a point opposite the north ROW Line of David Street, thence travel eastward along said north ROW Line of David Street to the intersection of David Street and Bennet Street, thence southward along the east ROW Line of Bennet Street to the north ROW Line of SR 434, thence travel northeastward to the intersection of SR 434 and SR 419, thence travel northwestward along the south ROW Line of SR 419 approximately 900 feet to a Seminole County enclave, thence travel northward approximately 300 feet to the CSX Railroad rail bed, thence travel southeastward along said CSX Railroad rail bed to the Center Line of Gee Creek, thence travel northward along said Center Line of Gee Creek to the northern corporate limits, thence travel generally westward and southward along said corporate limits to the point of beginning. . DISTRICT FIVE (5) - Commence at the southwest comer of the intersection of Tuskawilla Road and Orange Avenue, thence travel generally southward along the west ROW Line of Tuskawilla Road to a Seminole County enclave, thence travel in a northwesterly direction adhering to the Seminole County enclave perimeter to the west ROW Line of Tuskawilla Road, thence travel generally southward along the said west ROW Line of Tuskawilla Road to the southern corporate limits, thence travel generally, westward along said southern corporate limits to the east ROW Line of Murphy Road, thence travel generally northward along said east ROW Line of Murphy Road to the Center Line of Gee Creek, thence northeastward along said Center Line of Gee Creek to the south ROW Line of the Florida Power Corporation 100 feet easement, thence travel southeastward to the south ROW Line of Bahama Road, thence travel eastward along said south ROW Line of Bahama Road to the east ROW Line of Shore Road, thence travel northward along said east ROW Line of Shore Road to the south ROW Line of Sailfish Road, . thence travel eastward along said south ROW Line of Sailfish Road to the Center Line of No Name Creek, thence travel northward along said Center Line of No Name Creek to the southeast comer of a Seminole County enclave, thence travel northward adhering to the perimeter of said Seminole County enclave to the northwest comer of said Seminole County enclave, thence travel northward to the CSX Railroad rail bed, thence travel northwest along said CSX Railroad rail bed to the Center Line of Gee Creek, thence travel northward along said Center Line of Gee Creek to the northern corporate limits, thence travel generally eastward along said northern corporate limits to the point of beginning. . .