HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006 05 11 Budget Review Handout City of Winter Springs Overview Urban Beautification Division Meeting Report - May 11, 2006 Steven T. Richart Office: 407-327-5976 Fax: 407-327-6695 Email: srichart(a)wintersurinesfl.ore Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District A. Budaet Review 1. YTO budget report - 191 Oak Forest Maintenance. 2. YTO budget report - 309 Oak Forest Capital. B. Reoorts and Information 1. Eastwood has been asked to replace the fig jasmine along the Oak Forest wall that had been previously sprayed with round up herbicide during routine spraying for bed weeds. The replacement of the 159 Fig jasmine is in process and should be completed by 5/12/06. 2. Ken-Un Landscaping will be replacing 100 Loropetalum that have died as a secondary result of planting too deeply. TruGreen will be replacing 100 Loropetalum that have died from contributing factors that include but are not limited to a missed chemical application for mites. Thryallis or Jack frost ligustrum will be used as replacement plantings and should be installed before the end of May 2006. 3. Children waiting at the entrance bus stops have been tampering with the entrance lighting and irrigation controllers. 4. Yellow lantana has been installed at each entrance sign. 5. Touch up painting has been completed at the Oak Forest entrance signs. c. Proiects 1. Payment has been made to Ken-Un Landscaping on the sod installation project along the Oak Forest Wall. 2. Proposed Wall Extension. Awaiting signature of Mr. Newby on the purchase and sale agreement submitted by the City. Once the agreement is received and executed, the parcel will be purchased and a contractor will be hired to do the wall construction. It is estimated the project completion will not come before August 2006. NOTES: rl'O it it it it ::l <iP<iP<iP<iP<iP<iP<iP<iP<iP<iP<iP<iP<iP<iP<iP <iP <iP ..0 OOOOOOMOO\\O\OOMOO 0 0 '0 E-<O ~. UJ::il MO\O OOC\l L!)r--r-- 00 0 0 >. 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I I I ~ ~ Ii'l ~ ~ 000 0 0 ~ U U 000 "-' "-' 0 000 "-' E-< E-< 000 :>:: :>:: N 00 00 I I I ~ ~ ...-I ~:>:: Ii'l rx:! 000 0 0 O~ ~ ~ 000 \0 \0 "-'0 0 0 000 ...:I ...:I o~ 0 "-' "-' I I I ~ ~ 000 0 00 000 E-< E-< N N ~ :>:: :>:: 000 0 0 ...... ~ ~ 000 E-< E-< 0<1' ~ 0 0 I I I ...-Il!) 0 0 @ ...... .. "-' UO'I 0'1 0'1 0'10'10'1 l!)<I' UO 0 0 000 0...-1 ~M M M MMM ,.,"~~...~_____w.~"<,.~.~ P & L LAWN MAINTENANCE PROGRAM PROPOSAL City of Winter Springs Oak Forest Subdivision 03-30-06 Larry Comas 1. Provide yearly (44 cycles) landscape bed maintenance and mowing per the same specifications set forth in the Boulevard and Entrance Ways Landscape Maintenance Services for the Tuscawilla Lighting and Beatification District for the 3 entrance ways into the subdivision. Yearly Cost...... ......... .......................................................... . ...... ......$6 , 41 0 . 00 2. Provide yearly (36 cycles) landscape bed maintenance to the 65 landscape beds running along the property fence line as per the same specifications listed above. Yearly Cost................................................................................. $11 ,880.00 3. Provide a yearly mulch application for both areas listed above. Yearly Cost .................................................................................. . . $3,500.00 Total yearly cost including all the above.......... .......... $21,790.00 @ Annan Landscape Co. 991 Explorer Cove Suite 133 Altamonte Springs, FL 32701 Phone 407-339-7701 Fax 407-339-4135 E-mail scott@annanlandscape.com To: Mr. Steven T. Richart Urban Beautification Coordinator City of Winter Springs 1126 East S. R. 434 Winter Springs, FI. 32708 March 29, 2006 Job Name: Adjacent to Oakforest walls and entrances \. Pursuant to your request, following is a landscape management proposal for the above referenced property/ Specifications Monthlv Cost Annual Cost Per City of Winter Springs (including installation of 50 yds. of mulch 1 xyr.) $875.00 $10,500.00 I will contact you this week to further discuss this proposal. If there are any questions, please contact me at your earliest convenience. An acceptance of this proposal within 30 days Shall constitute a contract between us. Beyond 30 days the above prices are subject to review. Estimated by: Scott L. Annan Date of Acceptance President - Annan Landscape Co. Title Signature Signature C:IDocumenls and SellingslsrichartlLocal SellingslTemporary Inlemel FileslOLK61Cily of Winler Spnngs-oakforesl mainl..doc Page 1 of 1 @ de- I O<A- 8e~-: ~-O-( c)-~ Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS f l MONTHLYLIGHTINGINSPECTION Date: s- _ c;- ID.' Ins ector: { ( Entrances: 1. Tuskawilla Road and Winter Springs Blvd. 2. Tuskawilla Road and Trotwood. 3. Tuskawilla Road and Oak Forest Drive. 4. Tuskawilla Road and Forest Creek Drive. Notes: ~~~ ~f t ~ttL srI,..) c:. @ . Urban' Beautification Quality Inspection Report Grounds Maintenance Vendor: ProJect: . . f ~afetv and EqUI~me.Q t: ~ <i.-uTl (; Pr\<-h,{CSr- O~ Date: st-z. /0 b Monthlv MalntefUH1"C'e Reports Yes ~ Date: . - - Mowing, mechanical tr1r.nmrng, and cleanup of tuff areas. 2. Weeding of planters,. curbs, walks, and hardscape areas. 1 5 3. Trash and debris removal. 1 5 4. Edging of planters and hardscape areas. 1 5 5. Irrigation system coverage. 5 6. Fertffizatfon and chemical program. 7. Trimming of shrubs and hedges. 5 8. Overall appearance and curb appeal. 1 4 5 9. Vendor communication. 1 4 5 Service Requests: ~. -~ vu..!.J =- : @ Vendor: ProJect: . . ~ Safe Iv and Equ'nme.n t: ~: 1-~ -t,<-{1 Urban- Beautification Quality Inspection Report Grounds Maintenance ~uJT-r ; . Date: ~l"V~/DC Ok~ ~o~1~, 1iA1k~1(A I Monthlv Maintenance Reports _Yes _No Date: -~-~-~~~~'~.....~.-~~----~~~,".'_-".;-~.---.,.".....,....._. - @ UNIVERSITY OF LORIDA IFAS EXTENSION DIAGNOSTIC REPORT Sample #: Host: Loropetalum 101329 UF Plant Disease Clinic at Gainesville Building 78 Mowry Road Tel: 352-392-1795 University of Florida Fax: 352-392-3438 Gainesville FL 32611 Received: County: Field ID: NPDN-833-513927 Submitter: 4/24/2006 Orange City of Winter Springs Erica Santella, TruGreen ChemLawn 2169 Forsyth Rd Orlando FL 32807 Erica Santella, TruGreen ChemLawn 2169 Forsyth Rd Orlando FL 32807 Tel: 407-786-4444 Fax: 407-786-8732 Mobile: 407-709-1495 Tel: 407-786-4444 Fax: 407-786-8732 Mobile: 407-709-1495 Diagnosis and Recommendations: Host/Habitat Diagnosis/lD Loropetalum (Loropetalum chinense) Pythium Root Rot (Pythium sp.) Final Recommendation: Pythium sp. - Root rot Pythium may be a primary or secondary root invader. This fungus rarely causes extensive damage to well-established woody ornamentals. Waterlogged soil is very conducive to infection by Pythium. Management strategies for Pythium include adequate irrigation and fertilization, improvement of soil drainage, and application of Terrazole, Aliette, Prodigy, Subdue Maxx, Heritage, or Banol. Memo Always follow label rates and recommendations when using pesticides. Test spray new pesticides or pesticides new to your facility on a small scale to check for plant safety before widespread use. Anne Vitoreli(abenner@ufl.edu), Bob McGovern(rjm@ifas.ufl.edu), Oscar Ruiz(zeamays@ufl.edu). For UF Plant Disease Clinic at Gainesville Completed Date: 5/5/2006 Page 1 of 1 cw Re: City of Winter Springs Loropetalurn Page 1 of3 Steven Richart From: Caponi, Elso [ElsoCaponi@trugreenmail.com] Sent: Monday, May 01 , 2006 8:34 PM To: Tyson,Richard V Cc: Steven Richart; Santella, Erica M Subject: RE: City of Winter Springs Loropetalum Richard, Thanks again for your time on this issue. My mailing address is 3801 Center Loop, Orlando, FL. 32808. Talk soon, Elso "Cap" Caponi Senior Commercial Account Manager Florida East Region TruGreen Commercial Services State Certification FL DACS License# dF5274 West Orlando:407-578-4474 Fax: 407-299-4241 East Orlando:407-677-3400 Fax: 407-677-7161 Cell:321-436-1054 Nextel DC: 158*23*7833 elsocaponi@trugreenmail.com From: Tyson,Richard V (mailto:rvt@ufl.edu] Sent: Monday, May 01,2006 1:42 PM To: Caponi, Elso Subject: RE: City of Winter Springs Loropetalum Please provide me with a snail mail address and I will send you a letter in the mail...thanks...Richard From: Caponi, Elso (mailto:ElsoCaponi@trugreenmail.com] Sent: Mon 5/1/2006 12:22 PM To: Tyson,Richard V Cc: esantella@trugreenmail.com Subject: Re: City of Winter Springs Loropetalum Richard, If you could please forward written confirmation of your inspection for my records. I do not need to meet you on Wednesday as of this time. Thank again and I look forward to meeting you in the future. Cap Caponi 5/10/2006 @) Ke: City ot Wmter Springs Loropetalum Page 2 0[3 ----- Original Message ----- From: Tyson,Richard V <rvt@ufl.edu> To: Caponi, Elso Sent: Mon May 01 10:32:222006 Subject: RE: City of Winter Springs Loropetalum Dear Cap, I had some time today so I went to the Oak Forest wall location this morning with Dr. Ferrer and we determined that the cause of the death of the loropetalum was root rot from being planted too deep. Each plant that was dead or dying was planted 1.5-3 inches below the potted soil line and had dead roots in the entire root ball. The plants that still looked good where planted close to even with the potted soil line. In addition, we were not able to observe any feeding damage on the leaves of the plants from mites or thrips. Let me know if you would like me to keep the appointment to show you what I observed or if! need to provide further documentation for your records. Take care. Sincerely, Richard Tyson Seminole County Extension From: Caponi, Elso (mailto:ElsoCaponi@trugreenmail.com] Sent: Fri 4/28/2006 8:44 AM To: White,Celeste T; Tyson,Richard V Cc: Santella, Erica M Subject: Re: City of Winter Springs Loropetalum Thanks a lot. Talk soon ----- Original Message ----- From: Celeste White <ctwhite@ufl.edu> To: Tyson,Richard V <rvt@ufl.edu>; Caponi, Elso Cc: Santella, Erica M Sent: Fri Apr 28 07:42: 11 2006 Subject: Re: City of Winter Springs Loropetalum Cap, Richard Tyson is the Extension Agent for Seminole County. I am forwarding your request to him. His phone number is 407- 665-5551. Celeste ----- Original Message ----- From: Caponi, Elso <mailto:ElsoCaponi@trugreenmail.com> To: CTWhite@mail.ifas.ufl.edu Cc: Santella, Erica M <mfl,Uto:EriGi:LSMteUa@lan<:l<::We,<::Qm> Sent: Thursday, Apri127, 20064:59 PM Subject: Re: City of Winter Springs Loropetalum Celeste, I was wondering if you could meet Erica and me on site at this property to review the Loropetalum issue we are fighting with. I have a limited schedule next week but the following week is fairly free. Any time on Tuesday or Wednesday morning next week is rme but if that does not work for you the following week would be ok as well. I look forward to hearing from you. Respectfully, 5/10/2006 @ Re: City of Winter Springs Loropetalum Page 3 of3 Elso "Cap" Caponi Senior Commercial Account Manager Florida East Region TruGreen Commercial Services State Certification FL DACS License# JF5274 West Orlando:407-578-4474 Fax: 407-299-4241 East Orlando:407 -677 -3400 Fax: 407-677-7161 Cell:321-436-1054 Nextel DC: 158*23*7833 elsocaponi@trugreenmail.com <mailto: e lsocaponi@trugreenmail.com> CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: the information contained in this e-mail, including any attachment(s), is confidential information that may be privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or if you received this message in error, then any direct or indirect disclosure, distribution or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please notify the ServiceMaster Help Desk immediately by calling (866) 597-4321 and by sending a return e-mail; delete this message; and destroy all copies, including attachments. Thank you. CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: the information contained in this e-mail, including any attachment(s), is confidential information that may be privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or if you received this message in error, then any direct or indirect disclosure, distribution or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please notify the ServiceMaster Help Desk immediately by calling (866) 597-4321 and by sending a return e-mail; delete this message; and destroy all copies, including attachments. Thank you. 5/1012006 @ Page 1 of2 Steven Richart From: Caponi, Elso [ElsoCaponi@trugreenmail.com] Sent: Monday, April 24, 200611 :05 AM To: Steven Richart Subject: RE: Oak Forest Plants Steven, As we spoke earlier, I am not disagreeing with Mr. McCubbin's findings regarding Spider Mites or Two Spotted Mites but the amount of damage caused would normally be considerably less when discussing a maintained property. The services were performed in liquid form which included an insecticide and fungicide but the fertilization of the material was not completed until December. In most cases, new installations include fertilization at time of install. I have submitted soil and two plants to the IFAS Pathology Lab at the University of Florida for diagnosis. I want to verify that we do not have any other issue that has not been identified as of this date. Until we receive these test results, I do not recommend any replacement material be installed. Once the results are determined and no other issues are a cause of the demise of these Loropetalum then we can discuss plans for the installation of replacement plants. I appreciate your patience regarding this issue and we at TruGreen-Chemlawn look forward the providing the City of Winter Springs a satisfactory result as soon as possible. Respectfully, Elso ..Cap" Caponi Senior Commercial Account Manager Florida East Region TruGreen Commercial Services State Certification FL DACS License# .JF5274 West Orlando:407-578-4474 Fax: 407-299-4241 East Orlando:407-677-3400 Fax: 407-677-7161 Cell:321-436-1054 Nextel DC: 158*23*7833 eJ$Q~aPQni@trygl'ee.nmaiJ.,cQm From: Steven Richart [mailto:srichart@winterspringsfl.org] Sent: Monday, April 24, 2006 8:36 AM To: Caponi, Elso Cc: Randy Stevenson; Carol Lallathin Subject: Oak Forest Plants Cap, Please find the attached correspondence regarding Oak Forest. 5/1012006 @ Apr-OS-06 04:20P P.02 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA IFAS EXTENSION .OI~VGECOCN'lY GOVf~R XMI<;NT Lr,oRJnA LANbSCAPE PROBLEM CONSULTAnON DA'fE ~\~: ~,.! CON'r ACT PF:RSON BUSlNEs..<; ~ ,"'~"""'" "J i" '., ~: 1'~ "! .~' ;.... f.: '1 , .o' ORANG~; COUNTY EXTENSION Cdesle Whire ~ ~ CUflllnercial JImticulnuc Landscape Maintenance & Peslicide Tr-dillitlg 23S0 E. Michigafl St. Orlando, FL 32806 ADDRESS PUONE FAX ""-.' ~, (407) 836-7570 FAX (407) 836-7578 E-Mail ~hitc(Qlif8s.utl WIl Webllite hnp:lllandscapc.iflls.lJll.cdu Site: Specimen Names/Problems: . ~ ": .:,.... ~ '. J ~ ,"" OFF.1CE USE ONLY OiagnosislRccommendatiODS: !I-,',. ';_ . / ,",. . . /' , 1,..1 _-' .. ........___... . i",t 1 . , .j ': . ..:.,..f., :,1 " . (-, ~ \ . ,. .. , .' , .-(:'0 I :'f' I .. '. '.J" .t... : I .. ( . ..... :'"'' .:".:.: (..A. :'... ,~. J ','.l 1\..', .. (/j.,jl . L-. iot . r ('! " ',;.' .(~~. :."1 lr' t,f. ".. "- !~ .....'. c.. .;. - I' . .... ":~~? :::'::L, ~(..<~<~>_.". WHITF. aLACK AI/ALA HISPANIC ASIAN/PI . .. " ...... MALl;": FEMALl; Ibl:: tnlllit\lle I.r fl,.\Od GrKl AKfiC:U:lllIllIl S<ic:r~1:: (rT AS) ill *''' t.:q".J F.II1pl0)'lnr:n1 OppOdnni,y ^ffinnatl'Vt Jhtin" ~h"lllIyC'r ~ulllllri'(d tv IltIt,'id'il: fo,,:lttmllrf;h, .:dul:IIti(\n.1J In(RfmJCli("'ft u.d ntht'f 5e1vK:t:f mh' 14.1 individUAI'_nd instltulhtn, thAt rLlllltlion "UIHI"" ft!'~ In t'JIC'e. ctllur./KJL 61)1:, hJCndKAI' nr n,1tl~nol flt'ir:in. LI.S. nt.t'O\R'f\(r.)...1' (W AliRJI:III.Wkli, FI.OR)I)^ (:()OI'"l:.RATIVr:: I~X.TENS'ON SUVK,l':~ ~tI'Vtk,="T(Y Of' I'LO'lt'O.. \1'AS. l:ll>I';.1t""^ 1\.. "" M 1.-.&.v"tI\(\\"........f.)f:~N'.\.t^I.VI~ tl1t~~\I.\~ '~OCJU~, r..~U ~~\\Il'i> \)'i CG\,~"TI (',OW\:;S\()Nl;;Ill; ~'.l,\\W~.Il"'''\JolI\. @) Urban Beautification Services Division 1126 E. State Road 434 I Office (407) 327-5976 Winter Springs, FL 32708 I FAX: (407) 327-6695 4/24/06 TruGreen Commercial Services c/o: Cap Caponi 3801 Center Loop Orlando, FL 32808 Re: Oak Forest Wall- Dead Loropetalum Cap, This letter is written as a follow up to our conversations regarding the Loropetalum that have perished along the length of the Oak Forest Wall. As you know, the City of Winter Springs has been contracted directly with your company since October 1st, 2005 to receive professional diagnosis and chemical application services for Tuskawilla Road and the Oak Forest Landscaping. Before that time, you were a subcontractor through Eastwood Tuff Turf on the same projects. When the Oak Forest Wall landscaping project was completed last year, your company should have been servicing the plant material and inspecting for disease and pest infestations as well as fertilizing. Unfortunately, your company did not service the newly installed Loropetalum and Azalea until many months after installation. As a result, the Loropetalum suffered from mite infestations and many have declined past the point of being able to recover. The Azaleas eventually started to show signs of iron chlorosis in addition to a lack of nitrogen. During a site inspection on 4/21/06, a count of (200) dead Loropetalum were noted along the Oak Forest Wall. However, some of the other stressed Loropetalum seem to be recovering in spite of the lack of chemical care in prior months. This particular site inspection was prompted pursuant to the installing landscaper, Ken-Un Landscaping, reporting that Tom McCubbin's office had recently examined the Loropetalum and found active mite infestations as recent as (4) weeks ago. As per our conversation last week, the City of Winter Springs is requiring that you replace the plant material that has perished in this area within (30) days. If you have any additional questions, please contact my office. Best regards, Steven T. Richart Urban Beautification Services Division Manager City of Winter Springs @ Page 1 of2 Steven Richart From: Santella, Erica M [Erica_Santella@landcare.com] Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2006 2:20 PM To: Steven Richart Cc: Caponi, Elsa Subject: Today's visit TluGREEN LandCare TRUGREE.N Cne:mLawn' 2169. N. Forsyth Road Orlando, FL 32807 407 - 7 86-4444 407 -786-8732 April 5, 2006 Urban Beautification Services Division Steven T. Richart 1126 E. SR 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 (407) 327-1800 x315, 321-377-4059 (407) 327-6695 Fax Dear Steven, Thank you for meeting with Cap Caponi and me today to discuss the loropetalum on the Winter Springs right-of-ways. Loropetalum have become extremely popular over the past several years, and it is only during the last 18 months or so that its problems are becoming apparent. While it burst onto the scene, the 'Ruby' variety is now one that landscapers and installers avoid. TruGreen has worked with the University of Florida Extension service and IFAS to determine why the plant declines. On other properties we have ruled out copper deficiency, bud mites, root rot, and nematodes. All of these problems have been sited as potential issues with loropetalum in general. This has been frustrating to all of us in the industry, and we continue to be puzzled over the cause of the decline. We do know that shade seems to hasten the downward spiral, but little else can be pointed to as a true concern. Cap will pull the following samples on the Winter Spring loropetalum, to rule out the following possibilities: · Disease and nematode samples. · Foliar sample, testing for copper · Complete soil analysis, including CEC and magnesium · Water test sent to Dr. Jerry Sartain with the University of Florida. We appreciate your patience and will continue to find a reason for the decline. While the local branch may have been slow to make the first fertilization and IPM treatments, it is extremely doubtful that this caused plant decline. Neither mites nor leaf spots would have caused the deterioration we saw today. I understand your irritation that the initial treatments were delayed, but 4/1212006 ~ Page 2 of2 the health of vigor of the other ornamentals speaks for the success of the TruGreen program. On anther note, here is the link for the Best Management Practices for the Green Industries. http://www.sfwmd.gQv/images/pdfs/FI_Oreen BMP.pdf This was ajoint effort between IFAS, water management districts, Department of Environmental Protection, Department of Agriculture and Department of Community Affairs. Once again, it was a pleasure to meet with you. I will summarize the results when we get them back. Sincerely, Erica Santella Region Technical Manager Erica Santella Region Technical Manager TruGreen-ChemLawn, TruGreen-LandCare 2169 N. Forsyth Road Orlando, Florida 32807 407 -786-4444 Fax: 407-786-8732 Cell: 407-709-1495 Eric~LSant~lla@landcar~.cQm CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: the information contained in this e-mail, including any attachment (s), is confidential information that may be privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader ofthis message is not the intended recipient, or if you received this message in error, then any direct or indirect disclosure, distribution or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please notify the ServiceMaster Help Desk immediately by calling (866) 597-4321 and by sending a return e-mail; delete this message; and destroy all copies, including attachments. Thank you. 4/12/2006 @ 8. Overall appearance and curb appeal. 9. Vendor communication. 2v'-r~) OPt-K n,reyJ-- ey:: , Urban" Beautification Quality Inspection Report Grounds Maintenance Date: ,I' u lOb --4-I~~ Vendor: Monthlv Maintenance Reports _Yes _No Date: MowIng, mechanical trlr.nmlhg, and cleanup of tuff areas. 2. Weeding of planters,. curbs, walks, and hardscape areas. 3. Trash and debris removal. 1 1 4 5 4 5 5 4. Edging of planters and hardscape areas. 5. Irrigation system coverage. ~ 6. Fertilization and chemical program. 7. Trimming of shrubs and hedges. 1 5 5 1 4 5 1 3 4 5 Se"rvlce Requests: (To be handled within 7 working days unless otherwise noted.) - #..S4tl.. u o~ ri\ h~ I ....L F: ~1 "''I'~ . ~~I(~~!.~.~ ~ ~~*~r', ~ OAk.-:yJ-WrLl. ~_At-~ 1:1......... .I.a.t ~,J -J.te.: wI f3lIJO ("-U..tv..J -,J: 2 ~ .~ ~I"'(I - .. =- h.+ -::- el-lM 'C. J:......ct.."nr Pn't.c.- -lo fMk.-!l. ';f;J~1ohL ~) ftI~ ~ ~ - fUr"" .~ ""~l.F- ~ QJ\JL) l ..J.s~fJ Iv-J _ .. / ~---__ .C ~.~~~- --- @ Message Page 1 of2 Steven Richart From: Todd Newby [toddnewby@newbymanagement.com] Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2006 7:31 AM To: Steven Richart Subject: RE: Oak Forest Offer Steve, We have sent out a letter to the partners asking their permission to sell the land. I don't see a problem only the timing of getting the approval back. Todd -----Original Message----- From: Steven Richart [mailto:srichart@winterspringsfl.org] Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2006 7:28 AM To: toddnewby@newbymanagement.com Cc: Randy Stevenson Subject: Oak Forest Offer Todd, I am following up on the contract for purchase we sent you regarding the Oak Forest extension along Tuskawilla Road. Please update me as to the status on this issue. Thank you very kindly. @ Steven T. Richart City Of Winter Springs Community Development Department Urban Beautification Services Division Manager 1126 E. SR 434, Winter Springs, FL 32708 (407)327-5976 Office (321) 377-4059 Cell 162*19978*164 Nextel (407) 327-6695 Fax ~rf~l!!l.rt@lII!il1tet:$p.rflJg$/l.prg "The solution is to not become part of the problem. " PLEASE NOTE: Your e-mail communications may be subject to public disclosure. 5/1012006 @ (vl7 ')0C-~~ I Urban Beautification Quality Inspection Report Grounds Maintenance Vendor: Project: w~ tA-S ~'l tis- UJ Date: r- "I1}Jlo~ I Safety and Eaulpment: l )Y'-- Monthlv Maintenance Reports _Yes _No Date: Mowing, mechanical trfr.nmfng, and cleanup of turt areas. 2. Weeding of planters,. curbs, walks, and hardscape areas. 1 4 5 3. Trash and debris removal. 1 4 5 4. Edging of planters and hardscape areas* r (~ ~N'\) l- i 4 5 , 5. Irrigation system coverage. 5 6. Fertfllzation and chemical program. 5 7. Trimming of shrubs and hedges. 5 8. Overall appearance and curb appeal. 1 2 4 5 9. Vendor communication. 1 2 5 ...-- ~ -'-'-~(g) ""~~"." ;l~ TRUGREEN ChemLawne ON-SITE PROPERTY EVALUATION PROPERlY 177846 CITY WINTER SPRINGS FOREST ENT I WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 RT:99 BILL TO URBAN BEAUTIFICATION SG: BG10 WINTER SPRINGS, FL 3270 GATE: PHONE: 407-3275976 Dog: LAWN EVALUATION (1 = Poor, 5 = Excellent) 2 3 4 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 lif4f. (.' 'c C). . -i COLOR: DENSITY: 1 o o WEEDS: BROADLEAF PROBLEM GRASSES INSECTS: DISEASES: THATCH/SOIL CONDITION: ~MPROVED 0 HEALTHY INSECT ACTIVITY: 0 MINIMAL &RESENT 0 PREVIOUS DAMAGE DISEASE ACTIVITY: 0 MINIMAL ~RESENT 0 PREVIOUS DAMAGE RECOMMENDATIONS: Good Too High Too Short Dull Blade o 0 0 0 MOWING HEIGHT: Good o Too Wet o Too Dry i8=' OTHER FINDINGS: o WINTER INJURY 0 TRANSPLANT SHOCK ~ATER DEFICIENCY 0 NORMAL LEAF DROP o EXPOSED ROOTS 0 POOR DRAINAGE o CONST. DAMAGE 0 MECH. INJURY o PLANTED TOO DEEP 0 MULCH TOO DEEP o GIRDLING ROOT/WIRE 0 WOOD BORING INSECTS RECOMMENDATIONS: ~It-r~,e (~ A-u>>16- , l,4~L S~ /. D LAWN ~TRE~SHRUB INCLUDED: o TREE TRUNK INJECTION ~NITROGEN ~RON ~SECTICIDE ~UNGICIDE o PRE EMERGENT WEED CONTROL RECOMMENDATIONS: ?:;; I": .....: ..r~~ DOTHER o SULFUR 0 NATURAL FERTILIZER o AERATION 0 PHOSPHORUS ~RONUTRIENTS ~OTASSIUM o HORT. OIL 0 LIME 0 SLOW RELEASE NITROGEN o POST EMERGENT WEED CONTROL 0 OTHER I ~/. A- ::z ON SITE CONTACT PERSON 02004 TruGreen L.P. All Rights Reserved PHONE @) CUSTOMER COPY Eastwood Tuff Turf of Central Florida,. Inc. 1615 OkJ ahoma Street Oviedo, FL 32765 Job Name:Oak Forest HOA Date:3-31-2006 Mileage: Pagel of 1 CLOCK# Trotwood Rd Oak Forest clock M T W T E s ~ M T W T F S S CURRENT 'A' Run Days 'B' Run Days M T W T E s ~ M T W T F S S ADJUSTED 'A' Run Days 'B' Run Days 'A' Start Time 3:00 'B'StartTime_ ZONE NUMBER I 2 3 4 5 SPRAY OR ROTOR (S or R) S S S S S CURRENT RUN TIME 30 30 30 30 30 ADJUSTED RUN TIME NO PAUL TSPOUND NONE NONE NONE 4" POP UP 2 6" POP UP l2" POP UP R.OTOR CHANGE 4" TO 6" POP UP CHANGE 6" TO 12" POP UP HEAD RAISED SHRUB SEVERE CLOG CLOGGED NOZZLE 3 RELOCATION LEAK IN HEAD LEAK IN PIPE HEAD NOT ROTATING VALVE NOT OPERATING OTHER 4 SEE COMMENTS COMMENTS: (Attach extra sheet ifnecessary)-Z;one 1. From end of Grand Reserve wall North. Zone 2- Entrance and south sc::ction of a Forest Wall North of entra ce alon t e wall ne 4- Northern mo t section a the wa 1 Zone 5- Tree bub ers. All z es ~ checked by teS'tln~ the valves via the clock all are fully operational and full coverage on plants Ian Eastwood INSPECTED BY Q0 Eastv./ood Tuff Turf of Central Florida~ Inc. 1615 Oklahoma Street Oviedo, FL 32765 Job Name:Oak Forest HOA Date:3-29-2006 Mileage: Pagel of 1 CLOCK# Winter Sllnmls Blvd Oak Forest clock CURRENT ADJUST.lr.D M T T F ~ S 'A' Run Days MT T F ~ S "A' Run Days 'A' Start Time 3: 15 M T WT F S S 'B' Run Days MT WT F S S 'B' Run Days 'B' Start Time_ ZONE NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 SPRAY OR ROTOR (S or R) S S S S S CURRENT RUN TIME 30 30 30 30 30 ADJUSTED RUN TIME NO FAULTS FOUND NONE NONE NONE NONE 4" POP UP 6" POP UP 12" POP UP ROTOR CI-lANGE 4" TO 6" POP UP CHANGE 6" TO 12" POP UP HEAD RAISED SHRUB SEVERE CLOG 2 CLOGGED NOZZLE RELOCATION LEAK TN HEAD LEAK IN PIPE HEAD NOT ROTA lING VAL VB NOT OPERATING OTHER . SEE COMMENTS LOOK COMMENTS: (Attach extra sheet if necE:ssary)-Zone 4- Located between Winter sprinS!:5 J3lvd south to Oak Forest Drive Entrance Last two heads were comnletely clolZ:!l:ed with irrigation Dipe cutting shavings. Best estimate was1hat last month's piue brake at Winter Sprlnes ~Ivd that the City fixed sent debris into the main line. Current death of Lorapedulum plants alonlZ: the Oak Forest wall for the Winter Sprin~s Blvd clock are not related to irrieation. Best estimate is a viral infection '.Little Jon" is causin~ the plant death. lap Eastwood INSPECTED BY @ CUSTOMER SERVICE~ ADDRESS HOME PHONE: CUSTOMER BILLING ADDRESS BUSINESS PHONE: PHONE: .. . . 177846 . . . . . CITY WINTER SPRINGS FOREST .FOREST ENTRANCE o TUSKAWILLA MEDIANS WINTER SPRINGS. FL 32708 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS URBAN BEAUTIFICATION 1126 E STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708-271 TFHJGR EEN P. O. BOX CHEI"IL.\I"H\J 7102 WINTER PARK. FL 32793-7102 407--657-3400 d' TIME cro b WIND N 0-5 W E 6-10 11-15 S SIDE ~HANICAL SPRAYER 0 HAND SPRAYER ~RY SPREADER THE TREATMENT APPLIED TO YOUR LANDSCAPE PLANTINGS CONSISTED OF: &5-1 ? (l) of a Dilute Mixture with water of the materials indicated below: 0. (0) of a Dry Granular Material as indicated below: 50 'I Co REFER TO THE LIST OF MATERIALS AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE FOR THE ACTUAL CONTENTS OF THE APPLICATION AS INDICATED IN THE BOX(ES) BELOW: UZER INSECT CONTROL MITE CONTROL DISEASE CONTROL ORNAMENTAl. BED WEED CONTROl TARGET PEST EXAMPLES spider mites, mites. leaf spot, apple scab, tip blight, powdery mildew. annual grasses, sedges, perennial grasses, broadleaf weeds. FERTlUZER: (1) urea nitrogen. ammonium phosphate, potassium chloride (2) urea and methylol urea nitrogen, ammonium phosphate, potassium chloride (3) urea and urea formaldehyde nitrogen, ammonium phosphate, potassium chloride (4) iron (5) manganese (6) urea, potassium chloride (7) potassium sulfate fS) phosphates (9) CONTROL MATERIALS: (A) 0r1hene or Address (acephate) (B) Bacillus thurlnglansls (Il) Sevin (carbaryl) (F) Tempo (cyfluthrin) (Gl) TaIstar (bifanthrin) (G3) Hexygon (hexythiazox) (Ii) Merit Omldacloprid) (IQ Floramije (bifanazate) (M) Horticuttural Oil (refined petroleum distillate) (Nl) Eagle (myclobutanlQ (Rl Banner MAXX (propiconazole) (T) (V) (Xl (Xl) (Y) (Z) (S2) (S3) (S4) (S5) Cleary 3336 or Cavalier (thiophanate-methyQ Bayleton (triadimefon) Roundup Pro/Razor Pro/Razor (glyphosate) Snapshot 2.5 (isoxabenloryzalin) Surflan (oryzalin) Pre-M (pendimethalin) Vantage (sethoxydim) Gallery Osoxaben) Basagran T /0 or Lescogran (bentazon) Fusilade II (fluazllop-P-butyt) Products used far spray applications are diluted with water. The end.use dilution applied to your ornamentals has a maximum I8Sticide concentration of 2.5 percent (%). For more detailed product information concerning today's service visit call your II'8nCh customer service center at the telephone number listed above. IIr program is continuous from application to application, and year to year, with treatments scheduled every four to six weeks.