HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005 12 08 Other Date: December 8, 2005 THE FOLLOWING WAS HANDED OUT DURING THE TLBD MEETING BY STEVEN RICHART. City of Winter Springs Overview Urban Beautification Division Meeting Report - December 8, 2005 Steven T. Richart Office: 407-327-5976 Fax: 407-327-6695 Email: srichartctVwintersnrinQsfl.orQ Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District A. BudQet Review 1. YTD budget report - 191 Oak Forest Maintenance. 2. YTD budget report - 309 Oak Forest Capital. B. Reports and Information 1. Eastwood is performing to standard with improvement needed in bed weeding. 2. Christmas poinsettias have been installed at the entrances. 3. During the installation of Christmas Decorations by Oak Forest HOA at the entrances, several 110v outlets were disturbed causing the entrance lights not to function in several areas. This has been corrected. C. Proiects 1. Ken-Un is in the process of installing sod to fill in bare areas along the wall to complete the landscaping project. The sod project is 650/0 complete. 2. Proposed Wall Extension. Awaiting appraisal from B.J.M. Associates. Survey completed (copy attached). 3. After speaking with Captain Glenn Tolleson of the Code Enforcement Division, it is reported that 'No Solicitation' signs may be installed in the medians and common areas at the entrances to Oak Forest but not attached to existing roadway signage. Additional information has been added to the solicitation permit applications that will inform applicants of the signage and to avoid these areas when soliciting residents. 4. Wiring of the new irrigation timers (Oak Forest Wall Landscape Project) has been properly completed by Ken-Un Landscaping as per plans. 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Florida; run thence South 84049'10" East along an extension of the North line of said Lot 729, a distance of 27,93 feet to the Westerly right-of-way line of Tuscawilla Road; run thence along said right-of-way line the following three courses: North 14006'24" East a distance of 54,68 feet; thence South 87004'55" East a distance of 29.56 feet; thence North 14006'24" East a distance of 15.19 feet; thence North 87004'55" West a distance of 29.74 feet to the Southeast corner of Avery Park as recorded in Plat Book 60. Pages 33 through 37. Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; run thence North 87"04'55" West along the South boundary of said Avery Park a distance of 27.94 feet; run thence South 14006'24" West a distance of 68.75 feet to the Point of Beginning. NORTH I SCALE: 1"= 60' A Portion 01 Lot 73, D.R. Mitchell's Survey of the Levy Grant N87"04'55"W 27.94' , 'tI /;'1 'i I ,.2 ... o ,~ , !E !E LB'1221 i./ , N87~04'55"W 29.74' N 14'06 '24"E 15.19' Tract K Southwest Carner 01 Avery Park --- rSouth Line of 30' Vacated R' ht f W ~--~~ Set Nail & Disc (PLS#' 781) in Concrete Footer 587"04'55"E 29.56' N14"06'24"E 54.68' ~SB4'49'1O"E ~ 27.93' ~ S14"06'24"W ~ _ _ 68.75' North lme of 0 k F - - POINT ~;rest Unil Seven ~ BEGINNING ~ ~ Recovered 4x4CM , is ~1i ~ : ~ : ~ ,.S /;1 il' l;; ~ ~~~ fa $1 ~i !;:/ ~ts .~i i::<~ ~ CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the sketch and description was made under my responsible charge and meets the Minimum Technical Standards as set forth by the Florida Board of Professional Surveyors and Mo:Innpt"'liO': in rh':lint'"pr {'1r;17_" P1nrirl~ Anminillltn:ltiv~ Page 1 of2 Steven Richart Cc: Subject: Steven Richart Tuesday, December 06,20057:26 AM 'John Rickards'; Carol Lallathin; 'smokeyandlouise@cfl.rr.com'; 'puuying@yahoo.com'; 'Imario@cfl.rr.com'; 'boliver@cfl.rr.com'; 'tp@cfl.rr.com' Randy Stevenson; Alan Hill RE: OFW&BAC From: Sent: To: Tracking: Recipient 'John Rickards' Carol Lallathin Delivery Read Delivered: 12/6/20057:26 AM Read: 12/6/2005 7:27 AM 'smokeyandlouise@cfl.rr.com' 'puuying@yahoo.com' 'Imario@cfI.rr.com' 'boliver@cfl.rr.com' 'tp@cfl.rr.com' Randy Stevenson Alan Hill Delivered: 12/6/20057:26 AM Delivered: 12/6/20057:26 AM Mr. Rickards/ Thank you for sending us an update on your upcoming absence from the next Oak Forest Advisory Board Meeting. I would like to kindly remind you that these types of communications can come directly to the City and then be disbursed to the other OFWBD Advisory Board Members due to the Florida Sunshine La~' especially when discussing Board business such as agenda items. I would like to report since you will be absent, the irrigation timer wiring has been installed in conduit and a shut off switch installed at each box. This complies with the irrigation design for the project. The sod work is 50% complete and should be finished soon. It has been delayed due to the ability to locate good bahia sod. Mr. Alan Hill of the Public Works Dept. has taken on the task of the gate repair that Louise has been recently speaking about during our meetings. I believe the work has been completed but I will solicit an update from Alan. I hope you have a great trip and we look forward to your safe return. Take care/ SteVln T. Ricbalt CIII II Winter Springs CommunllV Development Department Urban BeaUUncaUon Services DIVIsion Manager 1126 E. SI 434. Winter SPrings, Fl32118 (407) 327-5976 Office (321) 377-4059 Cell 162*19978*164 Nextel (407) 327-6695 Fax srichart@wintersDrinasR.ora -----Original Message----- From: John Rickards [mailto:JRickards1@cfl.rr.com] Sent: Monday, December OS, 2005 9:31 PM To: Carol Lallathin; Steven Richart; smokeyandlouise@cfI.rr.com; puuying@yahoo.com; jrickards1@cfI.rr.com; Imario@cfI.rr.com; boliver@cfI.rr.com; tp@cfl.rr.com 12/6/2005 Page 2 of2 Subject: OFW&BAC All, My employer just could not let me go without one last shot. They have asked me to travel to Hamilton Ontario to attend a meeting on the 7th. & 8th. Unfortunately I will not be able to avoid attending this meeting and will not be able to attend our meeting on Thursday evening. Temperature in Hamilton is reported to be in the 20's. I however would like to add the following items to the agenda for our next meeting: Item: Recommendations for communications to the residents of Oak Forest Item: No Solicitation Signs - up-date for the Board Item: Wiring of the irrigation systems at the entrances - code compliant Item: Completion of the additional sod Item: Solicitation of resident's opinion As always, your humble servant, John H. Rickards 12/6/2005 Oak Forest Wan and Beautification District CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS -- MONTHL Y LIGHTING INSPECTION U\o, ~ (p"l>J Date: {fi-c.... I InsDector: Steven Richart Entrances: 1. Tuskawilla Road and Winter Springs Blvd. Dr,,--- 2. Tuskawilla Road and Trotwood. eVL Or-- ~/ 3. Tuskawilla Road and Oak Forest Drive. 4. Tuskawilla Road and Forest Creek Drive. Notes: \ LtjV--- ~ ~ ~ ~~ Urban' Beautification Quality Inspection Report Grounds Maintenance Vendor: f~T- OA-kb~~}-- a<- Date: Dee:.. ~ / z..:,or 8. Overaff appearance and curb appeal. 9. Vendor communication. Monthlv Maintenance ReDorts _Yes ~ Date: Mowing, mechanical trh:nmrng, and cleanup of tuff areas. 2. Weeding of planters,. curbs, walks, and hardscape areas. 3. Trash and debris removal. 4 5 4 5 4. Edging of planters and hardscape areas. 1 4 5 5. Irrigation system coverage. 1 4 5 6. Fertfllzation and chemical program. 7. Trimming of shrubs and hedges. 5 1 5 1 4 5 Service Requests: (To be handled within 7 working days unless otherwise noted.) Wro~ 0'; L,-)e.e.J.,)"oJ -' a "st.... = ~ = -~-----,........._--,....,..,."...-..............~-, ~~ ~,...., - ~,~ ~_.,~~"-~ Urban' Beautification Quality Inspection Report Grounds Maintenance Vendor: ~lvW QA-K ~~ UK-- Date: -n) 0 0 2137 V>:> J MowIng, mechanIcal trimmrng, and cleanup of turt areas. 2. Weeding of planters,. curbs, walks, and hardscape areas. 1 4 5 3. Trash and debrIs removal. 1 4 5 4. Edging of planters and hardscape areas. 1 4 5 5. Irrigation system coverage. 1 4 5 6. Fertilization and chemical program. 1 4 5 1. Trimming of shrubs and hedges. 1 4 5 8. Overall appearance and curb appeal. 1 4 5 9. Vendor communication. 1 4 5 Monthlv Maintenance ReDorts --- _Yes _No Date: Service Requests: (To be handled within 7 working days unless otherwise noted.) = ~ ~tVJ = . == =- = ~ ~'~~~'~~"""""''''''''''=~-~'''''''''''''''~''''''''''''''~'~-'''-'''''''''''''''''-''.-~_c-,''''_''~'~ TRUGREEN ChemLaWD$ PROPERTY MOWING HEIGHT: Good ;z( Good ;Ef Too Wet D Too Dry D 1 COLOR: D DENSITY: D ( 1 = Poor, 5 = Excellent) 2 3 4 5 D D ;@ D D ~ D D Too High Too Short Dull Blade D D 0 WEEDS: BROAD LEAF PROBLEM GRASSES INSECTS: DISEASES: THATCH/SOIL CONDITION: WATERING: RECOMMENDATIONS: V$fK L' TREE & SHRUB EVALUATION COLOR/GROWTH D POOR D IMPROVED D HEALTHY OTHER FINDINGS: D WINTER INJURY D TRANSPLANT SHOCK INSECT ACTIVITY: D MINIMAL D PRESENT o PREVIOUS D WATER DEFICIENCY D NORMAL LEAF DROP DAMAGE DISEASE ACTIVITY: D MINIMAL D PRESENT D PREVIOUS D EXPOSED ROOTS o POOR DRAINAGE DAMAGE D CONST. DAMAGE D MECH. INJURY RECOMMENDATIONS: D PLANTED TOO DEEP D MULCH TOO DEEP D GIRDLING ROOT/WIRE o WOOD BORING INSECTS RECOMMENDATIONS: TO DAY'S APPLICATION o LAWN ~TREElSHRUB INCLUDED: o TREE TRUNK INJECTION ~ITROGEN )gIRON D INSECTICIDE D FUNGICIDE D PRE EMERGENT WEED CONTROL o OTHER ON SITE CONTACT PERSON D SULFUR D NATURAL FERTILIZER D AERATION~HOSPHORUS 'ta MICRONUTRIENTS ~OTASSIUM D HORT. OIL 0 LIME ~SLOW RELEASE NITROGEN D POST EMERGENT WEED CONTROL D OTHER ::c (2 f -S'-\S ? ~ TIME PHONE @ 2004 TruGreen L.P. All Ril(hts Reserved CUSTOMER COpy Page 1 of2 Steven Richart From: Carol Lallathin Sent: Friday, November 18, 2005 8:09 AM To: Steven Richart Subject: FW: Who Cancels Meeting FYI Carol La[[atliin Assistant to the City Clerk City of Winter Springs 1126 E. State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Phone 407.327.5961 407.327.1800 x225 e-mail: c1allathi n@winterspringsfl.org -----Original Message----- From: Andrea Lorenzo-Iuaces Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2005 1:48 PM To: 'tp@cfl.rr.com'; 'boliver@cfl.rr.com'; 'Imario@cfl.rr.com'; 'jrickardsl@cfl.rr.com'; 'puuying@yahoo.com'; 'smokeyandlouise@cfl.rr.com' Cc: _City Clerk Department Subject: RE: Who Cancels Meeting Carol, What typically has happened with most of our Advisory Boards and Committees is usually one of the following scenarios - Sometimes during an Advisory Board or Committee Meeting, the Members in attendance discuss a change to their normal meeting schedule, and with either consensus or an actual Vote, a date is changed. Such issues are either brought up at an Advisory Board or Committee Meeting by Staff and/or anyone on the Advisory Board or Committee. Sometimes it has to do with an upcoming Holiday. As for another scenario - during the normal work weeks, a conflict may arise by a Staff Member, or perhaps a Consultant and Staff (or personnel in this Department) may contact the Chair to see if it would be alright to cancel a meeting. If the Chair is okay with this, then we would do the Agenda and either contact the Advisory Board/Committee Members by telephone or mail, depending on time permitting. As you know, this is often the case with the Board of Adjustment, where our Staff does not have any Requests from the Public to present, and we usually contact the Chair to see if it would be okay to cancel that meeting. The rest of that Board is then noticed. If it is a case of postponing/rescheduling a meeting, then once Staff is available to meet on one or more dates, then we contact the Chair. They usually would give us their okay and advise us if they are also available on the suggested dates to meet. Then we would need to contact the rest of the Advisory Board/Committee Members to verify that we would have a quorum. If there is not quorum for the suggested date(s), then we go back and start the process over. Also, sometimes, the City Commission needs to schedule a Special Meeting or Workshop, and the date they need to meet happens to fall when one of our Advisory Board and Committee Members was set to meet. Depending on the time frame, we will either bring it up at that Advisory Board/Committee's next Meeting, or we will contact the Chair to see how they would like us to proceed. Usually a Chair will agree to a cancellation, and our department will proceed with the notification process. If the Chair suggests that Advisory Board/Committee still needs to meet, then we will usually begin to contact the Advisory Board/Committee Members and determine if there is a quorum. 12/812005 Page 2 of2 Th,mk you, Ihl-~rettL(Jrenz(J-L1AMe5, c,,MC, City Clerk City of Winter Springs 1126 Eqst Stqte RO'1d 434 Winter Springs, Flmid'1 32708 Telephone: (407) 327-5955 Fqcsimile: (407) 327-4753 emqil: 'lluqccs@wlnterspringsNol'9 From: Carol Lallathin Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2005 10:57 AM To: Andrea Lorenzo-Iuaces Subject: Who Cancels Meeting Andrea, The question came up at the Oak Forest Meeting last week. Who can cancel a Meeting? What is the procedure for doing a cancellation of a Meeting? The email addresses I have for Oak Forest members is as follows: Mr. Terry Patten, Chairman Mr. Brian Oliver Mr. Leo D. Marion Mr. John H. Rickards Ms. Louise Allen tp@cfl.rr.com boliver@cfl.rr.com Imario@cflrrcom jrickards 1 @cflrr.com puuying@yahoo.<;o_11J smokeyandlouise@cfl.rr.com Or Ms. Allen's email address that I used the other day was the yahoo address. Thank you, Carol Carol Lalfatfiin Assistant to the City Clerk City of Winter Springs 1126 E. State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Phone 407.327.5961 407.327.1800 x225 e-mail :clallathin@winterspringsfl.org 12/8/2005