HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005 11 10 Other Date: November 10,2005 THE FOLLOWING WAS HANDED OUT DURING THE TLBD MEETING BY STEVEN RICHART. City of Winter Springs Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District Overview Urban Beautification Division Meeting Report - November 10, 2005 Steven T. Richart Office: 407-327-5976 Fax: 407-327-6695 Email: srichart<tVwintersDrine:sfl.ore: A. Budget Review 1. YTD budget report - 191 Oak Forest Maintenance. 2. YTD budget report - 309 Oak Forest Capital. B. Reports and Information 1. Eastwood is performing to standard. 2. The soil is being sterilized of a fungal infection in the Winter Springs Blvd. medians where the Algerian ivy and Fern has died. These areas will be replanted as climatic conditions permit. 3. The wall is in need of cleaning in select areas where algae is forming. These areas will not be cleaned at this time due to issues with cleaning chemicals harming the newly planted landscape material. Cleaning will take place once the material is established. C. Proiects 1. Ken-Lin is in the process of installing sod to fill in the bare areas along the Wall for the landscaping project. Minor shrubbery that is missing at the entrances will also be replaced. 2. Proposed Wall Extension. Survey completed by B.J.M. Associates. Awaiting appraisal to be completed. NOTES: nn'tJ ~~~ ::oZO l"lO::O Zl"l >-3 ":I ":I~~ ~":It:l t:l~b::J ~t:l~ ~~~ ~~ n l"l co co UlWt\.J .l:>.l:>0 COO-..] t\.J-"]Ul 000 Ul.l:>1--' >-3>-3 00 ~~ l"l::O :><l"l 'tJ<: l"ll"l ~~ l"ll"l (JHf.) 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Weeding of planters,. curbs, walks, and hardscape areas. 1 4 5 3. Trash and debris removal. 1 5 4. Edging of planters and hardscape areas. 1 5 5. Irrigation system coverage. 5 6. Fertilization and chemical program. 7. Trimming of shrubs and hedges. 1 8. Overall appearance and curb appeal. 1 4 5 9. Vendor communication. 1 4 5 C\"ecl W~. =- ~ = ~ = Oak Forest Wan and Beautification District CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MONTHLY LIGHTING INSPECTION Date: H f ( / i)( Insoector: Steven Richart Entrances: 1. 2. 3. 4. ~.l1 ( 0"- OYL- Ov- Tuskawilla Road and Winter Springs Blvd. Tuskawilla Road and Trotwood. Tuskawilla Road and Oak Forest Drive. Tuskawilla Road and Forest Creek Drive. Notes: . Urban. Beautification Quality Inspection Report Grounds Maintenance CZ 15'\"<( / PfK- ~)IJ QVV/ I Date: 0(,.+ L7/o~ Vendor: . Project: . ~ . [;afotv and Eaulpment: Monthlv Maintenance ReDorts _Yes _No Date: Description I allag rm . I. -- 4 = Above Standard 2 = Below Standard Mowing, mechanical trir.nmrng, and cleanup of tUrl areas. 2. Weeding of planters,. curbs, walks, and hardscape areas. 1 4 5 3. Trash and debris removal. 1 4 5 4. Edging of planters and hardscape areas. 1 2 4 5 5. Irrigation system coverage. 1 5 6. Fertilization and chemical program. 1 7. Trimming of shrubs and hedges. 1 2 Q> 4 5 8. Overall appearance and curb appeal. 1 2 ~ 4 5 9. Vendor communication. 1 0~ 4 5 Service Requests: (To be handled within 7 working days unless otherwise noted.) ~ :: : = = ~''-''''''''''---~,....,.......,,~.?...,.................-..,.........,.......... Steven Richart From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Terry [tp@cfl.rr.com] Thursday, October 20, 2005 6:56 PM JHayes@seminolecountyfl.gov Steven Richart RE: Oak Forest Wall Dear Judy Hayes, Thank you for your input and, no, it is not too late. The comments within your e-mail will be taken into consideration as we, the Wall Committee, deliberate this issue. I had the article printed in the Oak Forest Newsletter because your Wall Committee does want to hear the opinions of the residence of our fine community so those of us who serve on the Committee can represent the wishes of our community in the most fair manner. We are open to all opinions, ideas and suggestions and for that reason, if you know of anyone in our community who wants to have their voice heard, please encourage them to do so bye-mailing me directly, or any of the members of the OFW&BDA Committee or, by attending our next monthly meeting which is scheduled for the second Thursday in November. Respectfully, Terry Patten, Chairman OFW&BDA Committee tp@cfI.rr.com -----Original Message----- From: JHayes@seminolecountyfl.gov [mailto :JHayes@seminolecountyfl.gov] Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2005 9:34 AM To: tp@cfI.rr.com Subject: Oak Forest Wall Hi Terry, We just now received the Oak Forest Newsletter for October 2005 and would like to give input as to the continuation of the wall if not too late. We paid for our portion of the wall when the bill came so we have no debt retirement at this time. We pay the yearly maintenance fees as calculated and assessed. WE DO NOT WANT ANY ADDmONAL COSTS FOR THIS WALL! The wall was decided upon and placed at the perimeter of Oak Forest as it was then. If additional lands were annexed, then those folks need to pay for the additional wall to protect their area. At first planting, I called Winter Springs regarding the Oak trees that they planted too close to the wall. In a matter of years, roots would have torn up the foundation of the wall. They were removed and I think that as of this time, three different plantings have taken place. This wall seems to be an asset that needs to be left alone, as a wall, and forget about the extra plantings. The wall was to protect the community and silence the traffic noise. The way the assessments were done first time was incorrect in my opinion and WE DO NOT WANT ANY ADDmONAL COSTS TO BE INCURRED REGARDING THIS WALL. 1 Steven Richart From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Terry [tp@cfl.rr.com] Sunday, October 16, 200512:31 PM Rick Steven Richart RE: Wall Extension Dear Mr. Foster and Mr. Decker, Please forgive the inordinate amount of time it has taken to respond to your e-mail. I have been experiencing some computer/email issues. Thank you for your views and opinions. They will be brought to the attention of the OFW&BDA Committee members and Mr. Steven Richart, City Of Winter Springs, Community Development Department, Urban Beautification Services Division Manager. Your Wall Committee wishes to make decisions based on the desires of the community as a whole. We can only do so when homeowners in our community voice their views. As Chairman I am asking you to encourage your neighbors to email me their views and opinions. I will then make those views and opinions known to the Committee members. If the Committee does not hear from the community then decisions are made based on limited knowledge of what the community actually wants. Respectfully, Terry Patten, Chairman, OFW&BDA Committee tp@cfI.rr.com -m-Original Message--m From: Rick [mailto:rfoster82@earthlink.net] Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2005 2:39 PM To: tp@cfI.rr.com Subject: Wall Extention It seems like a lot of money for the length of the wall to be completed. We would rather see the money put toward the retirement of financial obligations. That said, the area in question does need some improvement, possibly a better fence and some heavy landscaping. Thanks, Rick Foster and Larry Decker 1 Page 1 of2 Steven Richart From: Sent: To: Cc: Terry [tp@cfl.rr.com] Sunday, October 16, 200512:17 PM Fred Lyster Steven Richart Subject: RE: Wall extension Dear Mr. Lyster, Please forgive the length of time taken to respond, I have been having computer/e-mail issues. Thank you for your response to my Oak Forest Newsletter article. Your input, feedback and questions are always welcome. As long as I am Chairman of our Oak Forest Wall & Beautification District Advisory Committee the views and opinions of homeowners will always be valued. If you have neighbors who have expressed opinions to you regarding the Wall, please encourage them to also share their opinions and/or concerns with me. The greater number of homeowners who share their thoughts and opinions with me the better able I will be to represent the majority in our community. In order to answer your questions, Mr. Steven Richart, City of Winter Springs, Community Development Department, Urban Beautification Services Division Manager, will be responding. Mr. Richart is a thorough individual and should be able to answer your questions to your satisfaction. If not, please do not hesitate to request additional information and greater detail from him. As you conduct your correspondence with Mr. Richart please copy me so I will be apprised. As mentioned in the newsletter article, you and all Oak Forest homeowners are encouraged to attend the monthly meeting which, with rare exception, is held the second Thursday of each month, at 7:00 P.M, in City Hall. Public input is heard at the beginning of each meeting. We do ask those wishing to address the Committee complete a request form with very basic information so we can make it part of the official records. Once again, thank you for your involvement. Respectfully, Terry Patten, Chairman, OFW&BDA Committee tQ~fl,rr,gQ.m -----Original Message----- From: Fred Lyster [mailto:c1yster@cfl.rr.com] Sent: Monday, October 10, 2005 9:46 PM To: tp@cfl.rr.com Subject: Wall extension Mr. Patten; I have a few questions about the wall beautification expenditures. First, if this isn't a part of the original wall project why are we considering spending that money. Is this property owned by other parties, or individuals in the community? How much would this effect our values compared to us to being burdened with this additional cost instead of helping us save that money and payoff the cost earlier? Is this part of the wall the buffer between the offices and Oak Forest? Do we own this property? If not why would we pay for the extension? Unless this directly effects all of Oak Forest why do this? I would appreciate some more info on the items so that I can make a better decision about the proposal. 10/1712005 Page 2 of2 Fred Lyster Oak Forest Resident 10/17/2005 Steven Richart From: Sent: To: Subject: Terry [tp@cfl.rr.com] Sunday, October 16, 2005 11 :40 AM Steven Richart FW: Oak Forest Wall Extension Mr. Steven Richart, I am forwarding for your records this email and others which I have received as a result of my article in our most recent issue of our Oak Forest Newsletter requesting input/feedback regarding the Wall extension. I believe it is important that we, the OFW&BDA Committee, reach out whenever and however feasible to our community in order that we be able to best represent the wishes of our tine community as a whole and not just the interests of a few. Respectfully, Terry Patten, Chairman OFW&BDA Committee tp@cfI.rr.com -----Original Message----- From: Michael and Sharon Tackaberry (mailto:tackaber@iag.net] Sent: Sunday, October 09, 20059:36 PM To: Terry Patten Subject: Oak Forest Wall Extension Hi Terry, Thank you and the other Wall Board Committee members for your hard work. Michael and Sharon Tackaberry favor extending the Oak Forest wall 65 feet to the northernmost end of the revised PUD, abutting it to the Tuscawilla Office Park (TOP) Wall. We made a very rough measurement of the current wall estimating it to be 1.15 miles or 6072 feet. So the addition of 65 feet is approximately 1 %. The 65 feet of additional Oak Forest property was purchased on May 7,2001. This purchase was effected, as a defensive measure, to provide a larger buffer between homes on Cheoy Lee Circle and the commercial property that was replacing the undeveloped area north of the residential properties. The PUD replat was completed around August of 2004. It was a long, expensive process getting this done. We feel the brick wall extension would provide better security for our neighborhood in addition to providing a better and more consistent appearance. The current wooden fence looks OK when new, but will deteriorate over time as most wooden fences do. When I (Michael) served on your committee I recall that the wall extension had already been approved (although this approval may have been contingent on cost). In fact I believe the extension could have started a long time ago had it not been for the long delay between purchase and replat. Feel free to pass this on to the other board members and staff. We respect whatever decision you make, but we just wanted to make our opinion known. Thank you, 1 Michael and Sharon Tackaberry 634 Cheoy Lee Circle Winter Springs, FL 32708 407.696.9093 2 TRUGREEN ChemLawn@ OF PROPERTY /4::"/1 :..f ~ LAWN EVALUATION 1 COLOR: 0 DENSITY: 0 ( 1 = Poor, 5 = Excellent) 2 3 4 5 o 0 eJ 0 o 0 {] 0 Too High Too Short Dull Blade ODD MOWING HEIGHT: Good /~ Good fi Too Wet o Too Dry o WEEDS: BROAD LEAF PROBLEM GRASSES INSECTS: DISEASES: THATCH/SOIL CONDITION: WATERING: RECOMMENDATIONS: INSECT ACTIVITY: %,MINIMAL 0 PRESENT DISEASE ACTIVITY: 0 MINIMALfiPRESENT RECOMMENDATIONS: lj; //1- r:~ o PREVIOUS DAMAGE o PREVIOUS DAMAGE OTHER FINDINGS: o WINTER INJURY 0 TRANSPLANT SHOCK o WATER DEFICIENCY 0 NORMAL LEAF DROP o EXPOSED ROOTS 0 POOR DRAINAGE o CONST. DAMAGE 0 MECH.INJURY o PLANTED TOO DEEP 0 MULCH TOO DEEP o GIRDLING ROOT/WIRE 0 WOOD BORING INSECTS RECOMMENDATIONS: TODAY'S APPLICATION o LAWN~TREE/SHRUB INCLUDED: o TREE TRUNK INJECTION ~ITROGEN 0 IRON ~INSECTICIDE PFUNGICIDE o PRE EMERGENT WEED CONTROL RECOMMENDATIONS: ,4-~ ,,- o OTHER o SULFUR 0 NATURAL FERTILIZER o AERATION 0 PHOSPHORUS ~ MICRONUTRIENTS 0 POTASSIUM ~ORT. OIL 0 LIME 0 SLOW RELEASE NITROGEN o POST EMERGENT WEED CONTROL 0 OTHER h @ 2004 TruGreen L.P. All Rights Reserved /?~P-~-7 DATE . ~ SPECIALlST/COM~CIAL REP. CUSTOMER COpy TIME ON SITE CONTACT PERSON PHONE Oak Forest Wan and Beautification District CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MONTHLYLIDHTINGmSPECTION Date: \ D )~ 0< Insoector: Steven Richart Entrances: 1. Tuskawilla Road and Winter Springs Blvd. (;ft( ~ OJ--- ---- r:5~ 2. Tuskawilla Road and Trotwood. 3. Tuskawilla Road and Oak Forest Drive. 4. Tuskawilla Road and Forest Creek Drive. Notes: ~ _ I . _ I I'l 0 < dj ~ I o~ c !.> y f.\ tV IV ""-LI("-r" r ArN~S~_r- Th +r~ Cv.~S ~ - - f2-e ~XHJ rv{i lY--- Vendor: f., v n D.rrf<- h~Si DI<- Urban. Beautification Quality Inspection Report Grounds Maintenance Mowing, mechanical trlOlmrng, and cleanup of tuif areas. 2. Weeding of planters,. curbs, walks, and hardscape areas. 4 5 3. Trash and debris removal. 4 5 4. Edging of planters and hardscape areas. 1 4 5 5. Irrigation system coverage. 1 5 6. Fertilization and chemical program. 7. Trimming of shrubs and hedges. 5 8. Overall appearance and curb appeal. 1 4 5 9. Vendor communication. 1 4 5 Date: lo/(u / .?~. , ~~"""""""~.".......,.,",~~,,~~.._"~-......-..-,...,...,.....~ .a~ Progress Energy Progress Energy Florida, Inc. 5525 Tech Data Drive Clearwater, Florida 33760 September 19, 2005 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 1126 E STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 19 ~ Re: REPLACING YOUR ELECTRIC METER Account No. 1687725418 ENT @ OAK FOREST DR Dear CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS: '~ '- ",".J CITY OF VI./JN't;.:!-.;. ~".P2U";:~3 Finance Dc.~aftTI,.;rH - As part of our commitment to continuous improvement in service and reliability, Progress Energy Florida will install a new digital meter on your home or business in coming weeks. This advanced technology will improve the accuracy and timeliness of reading your meter. The new technology is also less intrusive: Meter readers will no longer come into your yard. Instead, your meter will be read remotely using proven electronic technology. The change eliminates the need to leave gates unlocked or to keep pets inside on your meter-reading day. Installation is simple. In fact, If we have access to your meter, you do not need to be home. You will not be charged for the new meter. Here is what to expect on installation day: · We will knock on your front door, or, for condos/apartments, we will alert your property manager. Installers will carry identification, but no one will need to enter your home. · Your power will be out for a few minutes during the installation of the new meter. If you are not home, we will leave a note on your front door atter the work is complete. · Afterward, you will need to reset digital clocks and other electronic devices. Progress Energy Florida is committed to finding new and better ways to serve you, and we look forward to providing you improved customer service with the new, streamlined meter-reading system. For more information, read the enclosed brochure or visit us online at www.oroaress-enerav.com. Sincerely, ~YJ.~ Brian Burek Customer Accounting Operations Manager Progress Energy Florida Para obtener Inftmnac16n en espallol sabre el nuevo ITllldldor autom4tico, visite nuestro sltio Web www.proaress~nemY.com . 0090 ~ Progress Energy Progress Energy Florida, Inc. 5525 Tech Data Drive Clearwater, Florida 33760 September 19, 2005 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS C/O OAK FOREST 1126 E STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 l~ l Re: REPLACING YOUR ELECTRIC METER Account No. 5401584295 ENT @ FOREST CREEK Dear CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS: ,,, ;. ,,- (.: .., '" eJT)'" OF\N!NTER 8P'~'.' Flnalic.c DcpartJ~l~j'/:'i ""~ As part of our commitment to continuous improvement in service and reliability, Progress Energy Florida will install a new digital meter on your home or business in coming weeks. This advanced technology will improve the accuracy and timeliness of reading your meter. The new technology is also less intrusive: Meter readers will no longer come into your yard. Instead, your meter will be read remotely using proven electronic technology. The change eliminates the need to leave gates unlocked or to keep pets inside on your meter-reading day. Installation is simple. In fact, if we have access to your meter, you do not need to be home. You will not be charged for the new meter. Here is what to expect on installation day: · We will knock on your front door, or, for condos/apartments, we will alert your property manager. Installers will carry identification, but no one will need to enter your home. · Your power will be out for a few minutes during the installation of the new meter. If you are not home, we will leave a note on your front door after the work is complete. · Afterward, you will need to reset digital clocks and other electronic devices. Progress Energy Florida is committed to finding new and better ways to serve you, and we look forward to providing you improved customer service with the new, streamlined meter-reading system. For more information, read the enclosed brochure or visit us online at WWW.Droaress-enerav.com. Sincerely, ~ '4. 6-< Brian Burek Customer Accounting Operations Manager Progress Energy Florida Para obtsner informaci6n en espal'lol sobre el nuevo medidor automatico, visits nuestro sitio Web WWW.Droaress-enertlV.com. 0090 ~ .Progress Energy Progress Energy Florida, Inc. 5525 Tech Data'Drive Clearwater, Florida 33760 September 19, 2005 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS C/O OAK FOREST 1126 E STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 l cr l Re:REPLACING YOUR ELECTRIC METER Account No. 5952191137 ENT@ WINTER SPGS BV Dear CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS: ~; ",",,,,J CITY ~F \//It'-.rrr:R SPF:ING3 Fmailce D&partrncni As part of our commitment to continuous improvement in service and reliability, Progress Energy Florida will install a new digital meter on your home or business in coming weeks. This advanced technology will improve the accuracy and timeliness of reading your meter. The new teChnology is also less intrusive: Meter readers will no longer come into your yard. Instead, your meter will be read remotely using proven electronic technology. The change eliminates the need to leave gates unlocked or to keep pets inside on your meter-reading day. Installation is simple. In fact, if we have access to your meter, you do not need to be home. You will not be charged for the new meter. Here is what to expect on installation day: · We will knock on your front door, or, for condos/apartments, we will alert your property manager. Installers will carry identification, but no one will need to enter your home. · Your power will be out for a few minutes during the installation of the new meter. If you are not home, we will leave a note on your front door after the work is complete. · Afterward, you will need to reset digital clocks and other electronic devices. Progress Energy Florida is committed to finding new and better ways to serve you, and we look forward to providing you improved customer service with the new, streamlined meter-reading system. For more information, read the enclosed brochure or visit us online at WWW.Drocress-enerCV.com. Sincerely, ~ 'IJ. ~ Brian Burek Customer Accounting Operations Manager Progress Energy Florida Para oblener informaci6n en espallol sobre el nuevo rnedidor automatico. visile nuestro sitio Web www.proaress-enerav.com . 0090 , ~ . Progress Energy Progress Energy Florida, Inc. 5525 Tech Data Drive , Clearwater, Florida 33760 September 19, 2005 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS C/O OAK FOREST 1126 E STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 {L \ Re: REPLACING YOUR ELECTRIC METER Account No. 6245034197 ENT @ TROTWOOD Dear CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS: As part of our commitment to continuous improvement in service and reliability, Progress Energy Florida will install a new digital meter on your home or business in coming weeks. This advanced technology will improve the accuracy and timeliness of reading your meter. The new technology is also less intrusive: Meter readers will no longer come into your yard. Instead, your meter will be read remotely using proven electronic technology. The change eliminates the need to leave gates unlocked or to keep pets inside on your meter-reading day. Installation is simple. In fact, if we have access to your meter, you do not need to be home. You will not be charged for the new meter. Here is what to expect on installation day: · We will knock on your front door, or, for condos/apartments, we will alert your property manager. Installers will carry identification, but no one will need to enter your home. · Your power will be out for a few minutes during the installation of the new meter. If you are not home, we will leave a note on your front door after the work is complete. · Afterward, you will need to reset digital clocks and other electronic devices. Progress Energy Florida is committed to finding new and better ways to serve you, and we look forward to providing you improved customer service with the new, streamlined meter-reading system. For more information, read the enclosed brochure or visit us online at www.oroaress-enerav.com. Sincerely, ~YJ.~ Brian Burek Customer Accounting Operations Manager Progress Energy Florida ( " Para obtener informac16n en espaliol sob~ el nuevo medidor automatico, visite nuestro sitio Web www.proaress-eneItlV.com. 0090