HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006 02 09 Other Date: February 9, 2006 THE FOLLOWING WAS HANDED OUT DURING THE OAK FOREST MEETING BY STEVEN RICHART. City of Winter Springs Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District Overview Urban Beautification Division Meeting Report - February 9, 2006 Steven T. Richart Office: 407-327-5976 Fax: 407-327-6695 Email: srichart(@wintersnrinf!sfl.orf! A. Budaet Review 1. YTD budget report - 191 Oak Forest Maintenance. 2. YTD budget report - 309 Oak Forest Capital. B. ReDorts and Information 1. Eastwood has installed new lantana at the entrances and mulched all plant beds with pine bark. 2. Plantings on Winter Springs Blvd. (medians) have been completed in the bed areas. c. Proiects 1. Ken-Lin has finished installing the sod and plants along the wall but has been requested to 'roll' the sod again due to areas that are uneven. The job is 980/0 complete. A Board Member is requested to do a walk through with City Staff before Ken-Lin is paid on this project. 2. Proposed Wall Extension. The wall extension design has been completed by CPH Engineers (see attached). Awaiting purchase agreement from the City Attorney. NOTES: 1-3 o 1-3 ~ o :J:" :;.: '"'l o ;<:I tIl 00 1-3 1-31-3 00 1-31-3 :J:":J:" t"'t"' tIl;<:l :><tIl '0<: tIltIl ~~ tIltIl 0000 ~ ~ H H Z Z 1-3 1-3 tIl tIl ~ ~ o 0 tIl tIl I WW 00 00 \D\D 00 00 0 0 I UlUl WW 0'10'1 0 0 I WW \D\D "'""'" WW 0'10'1 0 0 . 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"""" """" OJtx1 Of-' f-'I-' 1-'1-' q<: 0"\10 t:JH ....... 00 00 G'l{J) 0 WW WW l.11tx1 0"\ WW 0 0 WW 1-jt:J .. .. .. ><: I-j I-' f-' I-' I-' t:J 10 10 10 10 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I-j 00 0 0 00 ~ 00 0 0 00 L' tx1 Z 0 ....... 0"\ 0"\ 0"\ 0"\ ::0 tx1 lT1 lT1 lT1 lT1 0 10 10 10 10 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 00 00 0 0 00 I I W"" , I W"" ~ WI-' -.J -.J WI-' OJ~ WO -.J -.J WO qH I-'W 10 10 I-'W t:JL' WW 0 0 WW G'l~ l.11OJ LO'O 00 0 0 00 1-jL' I-'~ 00 0 0 00 l.11 '<G'l rtl.11 I-' I-' q ~I-' 0 0 I-' {J)'O C 0 0 00 tx10 P. t:J1-j 0 0 000 dI' dI' dI'dI' .. Vendor: Project: . . r!l.f.~ and Egul~m.Qt: '?~~~rt)d- - ex .- Urban Beautification Quality Inspection Report Grounds Maintenance Date: 1/9/ 06 Monthlv Maintenance Reports _Yes _No Date: Mowing, mechanical tr1r.nmfng, and cleanup oftuff areas. 2. Weeding of planters,. curbs, walks, and hardscape areas. ~ID~, 5 3. Trash and debris removal. Ske:!.Jt ~n) wI (IN)wU;S 1 5 4. Edging of planters and hardscape areas. 1 5 5. Irrigation system coverage ~~y)- - fo.>e~ 5 eh..s. 6. Fertilization and chemical program. 7. Trimming of shrubs and hedges. 5 8. Overall appearance and curb appeal. 1 2 9. Vendor communication. 1 2 k}tv-N~S 4/~ - Go,:)J., ( = If c.eJ <?..)te.... 0 ~ ) bD-L ~C~-J Itt Urban Beautification Quality Inspection Report Grounds Maintenance Vendor: ~w. \ . ProJect:. : . f :afetv and Eaulomenl: Date: --LJ1D I CJt _ . Monthlv MalntenanC>>-Reoorts _Yes ~ate: Mowing, mechanical trimming, and cleanup of tulf areas. 2. Weeding of planters,. curbs, walks, and hardscape areas. 3. Trash and debris removal. 1 1 5 4. EdgIng of planters and hardscape areas. 1 5 5 5. Irrigation system coverage. 6. Fertfllzation and chemIcal program. 7. Trimming of shrubs and hedges. 1 - 5 5 1 5 8. Overall appearance and curb appeal. 9. Vendor communication. 1 1 5 4 5 Se-rvice Requests: (To be handled within 7 working days unless otherwise noted.) : i&:l\{V(~'1 ~vtll !\{VI'> ~j)~ fkJ1 - It((~_ ~ : l(? 7-)>9 -S F-I F-Rrrf-- Oak Forest Wan and Beautification District CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MONTID..V LIGHTING INSPECTION Date: J (1 r) !()L IDsgeetor: Steven Richart l Entrances: 1. Tuskawilla Road and Winter Springs Blvd. ~ 2. Tuskawilla Road and Trotwood. 0'-'--- 3. Tuskawilla Road and Oak Forest Drive. . v:: I o~~,. ~{ty'W~ 4. Tuskawilla Road and Forest Creek Drive. Notes: ~ L{~W'4Pe-f Vendor: Project: . . ~afetv and E~ull>l11enl: Urban- Beautification Quality Inspection Report Grounds Maintenance VJT\....-::: Date: ~ O~r-{)~ (j('- Monthlv Maintenance Reports _Yes _No Date: Mowing, mechanical trh:nmlng, and cleanup of tult areas. 2. Weeding of planters,. curbs, walks, and hardscape areas. 3. Trash and debris removal. 4 5 5 4. Edging of planters and hardscape areas. 5. Irrigation system coverage. 5 6. Fertilization and chemical program. ~Co,)-~) 5 7. Trimming of shrubs and hedges. 5 8. Overall appearance and curb appeal. 1 1 4 5 9. Vendor communication. 4 5 Service Requests: (To be handled within 7 working days unless otherwise noted.) ~~~ Cit.~\J'1 . TRuGREEN (hemLawn~ PROPERTY 1 COLOR: 0 DENSITY: 0 ( 1 = Poor, 5 = Excellent) 2 345 o 0 ~ 0 o 0 )2( 0 MOWING HEIGHT: Good Too High Too Short Dull Blade POD 0 WEEDS: BROAD LEAF --erz PROBLEM GRASS~S INSECTS: DISEASES: THATCH/SOIL CONDITION: . Good WATERING: ~ RECOMMENDATIONS: Too Wet o Too Dry o COLOR/GROWTH 0 POOR 0 IMPROVED 0 HEALTHY OTHER FINDINGS: o WINTER INJURY 0 TRANSPLANT SHOCK o WATER DEFICIENCY 0 NORMAL LEAF DROP o EXPOSED ROOTS 0 POOR DRAINAGE o CONST. DAMAGE 0 MECH. INJURY o PLANTED TOO DEEP 0 MULCH TOO DEEP o GIRDLING ROOT/WIRE 0 WOOD BORING INSECTS RECOMMENDATIONS: INSECT ACTIVITY: 0 MINIMAL 0 PRESENT 0 PREVIOUS DAMAGE DISEASE ACTIVITY: 0 MINIMAL 0 PRESENT 0 PREVIOUS DAMAGE RECOMMENDATIONS: TO DAY'S APPLICATION p:" LAWN D TREE/SHRUB INCLUDED: o TREE TRUNK INJECTION ~ITROGEN ~ON o INSECTICIDE 0 FUNGICIDE o PRE EMERGENT WEED CONTROL RECOMMENDATIONS: ~ DOTHER o SULFUR 0 NATURAL FERTILIZER o AERATION 0 PHOSPHORUS 0 MICRONUTRIENTS ~OTASSIUM o HORT. OIL 0 LIME 0 SLOW RELEASE NITROGEN ~OST EMERGENT WEED CONTROL 0 OTHER ..:::r ~ 72: c TIME ~ SITE CONTACT PERSON DAlE ~~I!4.~~reen L;P. ~==::I SPECIAliST/COMMERCIAL REP. CUSTOMER COPY PHONE ~,:xl d ;;! -0 'm -0 OJ > OJ 0 :c > rJJ 0 J:l =-:I :i! :c c 0 ;= c 0 0 m c ;;! x 0 C - 0 rJJ 0 r rJJ ;s: 0 J:l en r m "Z z Z J:l Z d m J:l < "-i m m m G) m 0 0 =-:I g en cn ;s: -0 en m ;s: en cn m :c en m '" (J) -0 J:l 0 J:l Z '" "'0 :c m Z 0 L "'0-1 0 L ..... C n LO-lU :xl H ;0 Z H.....;oH ..... 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'-' c m 0 c: " a VI ."ll ~ :J~ "z m fA ~ - . ~ Anthony, Please give me an update on the progress of this item. Thanks, @ Steven T. Richart City Of Winter Springs Community Development Department Urban Beautification Services Division Manager 1126 E. SR 434. Winter Springs, FL 32708 (407) 327-5976 Office (32\) 377-4059 Cell \62*\9978*\64 Nextel (407) 327-6695 Fax srichart({i))l1intersfJrinf!sfl.orf! -----Original Message----- From: Steven Richart Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2006 1:37 PM To: 'Anthony Garganese' Cc: Randy Stevenson; Ron McLemore Subject: RE: Oak Forest Wall Extension - Offer to purchase land Anthony, As a follow up to my previous message, I am writing to advise you of results of the appraisal on the Oak Forest Wall extension parcel we have been discussing. Landmark Valuation Group has provided an appraisal reporting that the parcel is currently valued at $3,600. As per my previous conversations with Todd Newby, I would like to base the offer to purchase on this information, plus legal and recording fees. The package will be reviewed by Mr. McLemore then sent to the Oak Forest Wall and Beautification Advisory Board for recommendation to the City Commission as soon as I receive the offer document from your office. I appreciate your help. Best regards, Stevel T. Ricbart CItJ If Winter Springs CommunltV levelopmeat lepanment Urban BeauUlleaUon Senlees Ilvlsl.n Manager 112& l S8 434. Winter SPrings, Fl32J08 (407) 327-5976 Office (321) 377-4059 Cell \62*19978*164 Nextel (407) 327-6695 Fax srichart@JwintersDrinasR.ora -----Original Message----- From: Steven Richart Sent: Monday, January 09,2006 11:11 AM To: 'Anthony Garganese' Cc: Randy Stevenson; Ron McLemore Subject: Oak Forest Wall Extension - Offer to purchase land Anthony, As you may know, the Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District Advisory Board desires extend the wall (approx 60') on the North end of the project bordering Tuskawilla Road. This involves land that is currently owned by Mr. Todd Newby that must be acquired before the wall extension can be installed. Currently, I have a survey of the property and I am expecting an appraisal from BJM Associates any time. Mr. Newby has agreed in the past to sell the property to the City for appraised value plus legal and recording costs. What I need from you is a contract offer from the City to purchase the property from Mr. Newby that I can bring to Mr. McLemore and the City Commission for approval. I am attaching what I consider to be pertinent information to this email, but please let me know what additional information you need to craft such a document. Thank you very much for your help. Best regards, Sleven T. Ilcllan CItY Of Wlnler Springs C.lDlDunflY Development DepanDIent Urban BeaUUncadoD services DIIIst.n Manager 1126 E. SI 434, Wlnler Springs. n 3278. (407) 327-5976 Office (321) 377-4059 Cell 162"19978"164 Nextel (407)327-6695 Fax srichart@wintersorinasff.ora ':I,.:,' . :~':;'l:'~ '>X:~, ,':y:~,~;"~:. ',~~ fCO~TIO'S OR l' ir1 FRESltW ALb~' ~~~~,.:,%: .;;ttid7;Y ,v . @!fJ!JD EngllU!erB Planners LtmdsC4pe Architects Suroeyors CotJfJtruction Management . Design/Build Certificate af AflthoritatioH ND. 00003215 1117 E. Robinson Street Orlando, Florida 32801 (407) 425-0452 CPH Project No. W04127 JOB NAME: SHEET NO.:;? off::L BY: DATE: JOB NO.: CHECKED BY: DATE: SCALE: r-r--, I'~---~; 1~: LIJff~/t...'.!.,i~~J:;_,~~Er~....~.'.~.:t:i~#/t.l...1J/.:,,:' '8;4 : , W.ilM '. .. l'U,/.~.... ~ '. ..:... :.' (fd/ gn //T.. ' , : : I . I/! I I ; ~~ I~~~H-~~~-t d,nr1~' # ~~- rzirAte! : 'ffPl PTYI '-rOo~er j : : If" 1,4 i faJ't:6' ,~kt ;~1ted ~'>i paVI--01''- i~,S"e! ~J~t4/tJ; 7~'t$). w~ ik~4~~~j I i i !. ,:, i V : . I :. I : i . u I . It. I ..!;. : i i.,-_.t11-t i-4- it , : [ I I I ! , ! ; ._..~ -t ! , ; ! ...... , i f t I I j I j I I I ; , i ! i I ! l I I t . i l. I I I ++ ; ; , , , ! i ; ! j , , ! ! 1 ; ...t. ! -r-~" -.rm.:.: ......' ..:..i. I j.j , . . 1 .~. - t : ' : l t i , i ' I -r-~- i --+-H ' I t" i I r i I f +---+.-- I I I ! f I i 11 I l': ,I : i ; .---.-l.-L--~J.........L_.L__rJ;::>.---.------. . I r , ~._. ~--l. ! j I uu"-j-'__ ___I.. I j i .... ...... ... u . ...... I , ., , ,.. 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Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, ASCE 7-95. American Society of Civil Engineers, 1995. Keywords: allowable stress design, cantilever wall, coping, earthquake, fences, footings, lateral loads, seismic loads, Seismic Performance Category (SPC), wind loads INTRODUCTION Concrete masonry fences and garden walls fulfill a host of functions: .privacy, .security and protection, .ornamentation, .screening from unwelcome views, .excellent sound insulation, .shade, and .wind protection. In addition, concrete masonry provides superior durability, design flexibility and economy. The wide range of masonry colors and textures can be used to complement adjacent architectural styles or blend in with the natural landscape. Because fences are subjected to outdoor exposure on both sides, selection of appropriate materials, proper structural design and quality workmanship are critical to maximize the durability and performance. STRUCTURAL DESIGN Fences are generally designed to ensure stability using one of five methods: (a)as cantilever walls stabilized by continuous footings, (b )as walls spanning between. pilasters which are in turn stabilized by a footing pad or caisson, (c)as walls spanning between wall returns which are sufficient to stabilize the wall, (d)as curved walls with an arc to chord relationship that gives stability, or (e)as a combination of the above methods. This TEK covers cases (a) and (d) above. Design offences as walls spanning between pilasters (case (b)) is covered in Pier and Panel Highway Sound Barrier Wall Design (ref. 1). Cantilever Walls Tables 1, 2 and, 3 provide wall thickness and reinforcement requirements for cantilever walls three load cases: low wind and seismic, moderate wind and seismic, and high wind and seismic. bD~ 1:4 ~ 14 RE:I}Ii' Hi SONO fl'LI..v: OR JOlIn 1tElMf tN r~p JOt'll r"~ 1 , . T HtlGur u 1 : :l rCcntPAetm soo- T \.MIl 48 ijAR rtm um ". l~..~~ T {TYW..M.} OOl',UM1H m HO<m Ai AU. \'(ImCiU. RtWr - lHnS'l'lJAe\W $00. Al~r( OW;~ OR CCMPACTm AU. tJll'~ J1~l-QmmeverFencewanD$U Wind and seismic loads used to develop the tables were based on Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures. ASCE 7-93 (ref. 3). Wind pressures were based on wind exposure B, as defined by ASCE 7 -(applies to urban and suburban areas or other terrain With numerous closely spaced obstructions). ~~ l~tile~ WaDs- 1Am' LaW-a} L<mdl \\~ '~l~ ~Pt. ti(m) \) ba. (143 ll'flnl) CMU i tn.. (194 ~ CMU .. (1.2j ~.v. W'lrei~ ~ unreinforeed solid gr~ and 6(1.3> ~Or~ hollow, tmrdnbced 13. barI <112m. (1820 mml o.co 8 (2.4) M bars " 56 in. ~<<. (1422 mm) G.t:. t4 bar. @ 8 f't (2438 mOl) o.e. I.:a~ 00 91O iO pst (431 to 4'19 PaHdepeodiQgon wan ~t)~b7themost~of; a.. ~ mfle \~!Id. 10 . (113 k.I:rl!br). cxpomm B b'.~~~B.A..""n.t().~sofl profile type 5...,."1,,.0.2. ,. .--? Use W\~stt~ . t)~Fo(.f>>~ Wttl i $ 1t1W 7o-f/2, Table 2~Cantflevel" Wa.fts ~M(fdefate Lateril~ toad' Wan height. it (tn) 4 (f,2-} R~iit~d waU tl1!iilf{l(t;e!D<,tili.1 6{U) 8 (2.4) m (010 mm) M. L ~oo 14 to J6ps(( Q70~ro6 PilJ (~(X':ll{.ijilg()n wi'UUletglrt) detWntuea by the IiOO$t stMg~nt 13ft . a. ~ mile win'J. 90 ~ (l4S kmlbt). ~t.\I).,~we B b. Seismic P<er(or~ ~~ C. it., ~ O.:W. ~<tl)lic; Sl:lH profile type $..,A... eo 0.2- 2. MWmummmoretmMt reqmromal~ fot seismic: ;1. SPC It or B: 00 tdditiooa! fCqui.n:d. b. SPeC: ~ r~nfo.tremtm.t~ 00 imtflcr tiJan 48 in. (1~19 mm) and no stm11erlban:H. e. tJ'BC Wsmi~ Zone 2,: $l1\t\3CU SPC C (2b aoo,,'"i;) plus llZO ~in. (l29mm'hari:t:nn:lalreinr~ lOn, <),0. (3.04S In) mt'lX. (can be ~ with 11#4 at top and in !ooti~ or CqmVillt:J1,t ~ ~ltldjOOJtmi~t). d. $s$~ 3fottdn~:requi~ for SpeD. ~I" ~C_d.Ym' W~l . High LM~J l...mid' R$p1b'ed walt rei~em.t m.. (~H) mm) o.e. L Baed 00 24 to 16 p&f (1149 to 11$S Fa) (~~ (lawall. hdpt)~ by the:mom strinp!!tof: a. F'asbm.mife wind. ~(i17 kmIhr). ex~ B b.~~~c.A"...()A..seismie$OiiptO!ile trpe S~A.. . 0.2- 2. Mlultmm!.mf~ reqmre:&lOtt forselsmle: a. SPCA orB: No ~reqWred. h. SPC C: See ~ 2 of1'ab1e 2. c. $PC D: V~ Md. bori~.~~t ~ no fM:het tban 4$ in.. (1'119 nu): (l). roto iQ. (14$ mm)wallneMbarut4$in.\l2HhtP1t) o.c. e::b way. (2). ior8 fa (19.tnm) wal1$ _iSbm at 48 :Lii. (1219 mm) ~ ~ \Va.)"(~fhr S ft. (24:38 nun) taU spacetS vet'tica1 bar at 32 m. (813 mm) o.c..). Seismic Performance Categories (SPC) define the degree of protection provided against the potential hazards ~d-12 due to earthquakes. Both the expected level of seismicity in a geographic region and the type of structure are used to assign Seismic Performance Categories. Of the five SPCs defined by ASCE 7, labelled A through E, in order of increasing degree of protection from earthquakes, only the first four (SPC A-D) apply to fences. Design Parameters for Fence Tables Tables 1, 2 and, 3 are based on the following: 1. Running bond masonry. 2. ASTM C 90 concrete masonry units and: a. For unreinforced masonry - Type N, S, or M portland cement and lime mortar or Type S or M masonry cement mortar. b. For reinforced masonry - Type N, S, or M either portland cement and lime or masonry cement mortar achieving an f m of 1350 psi with the following exceptions: (1). Masonry cements may not be used in SPC D and Seismic Zones 2,3, and 4. (2). Type N mortar may not be used in SPC D and Seismic Zones 3 and 4. 3. Grade 60 reinforcing steel. 4. Working Stress Design per Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures (ref. 2) including a permitted 1/3 increase in allowable stresses for wind or seismic. 5. The weight of masonry walls was considered in offsetting the bending moment produced by the lateral loads based on a density of masonry of 125 pcf (2002 kg/m\ Low Lateral Loads The low lateral load case presented in Table 1 is based on the higher of loads generated by a 70 mph (113 . km/hr) fastest mile wind speed Exposure B or Seismic Performance Category (SPC) B. This also conforms to the Uniform Building Code (ref. 4) Seismic Zone 2 . Table 1 contains both unreiilforced and reinforced design options for these conditions. For the unreinforced condition, the masonry must be bonded to the footing with mortar. Moderate Lateral Loads The moderate lateral load case presented in Table 2 is based ona basic wind speed of 90 mph (145 km/hr) fastest mile, exposure category B, and a Seismic Performance Category (SPC) C or Uniform Building Code (ref. 4) Seismic Zone 2. However, there is a difference between the last two regarding minimum reinforcement for seismic. ASCE 7 requires minimum reinforcement in either the vertical or horizontal direction for SPC C whereas the Uniform Building Code (ref. 4) requires a minimum amount in both directions. See Footnote 2 of Table 2 for these requirements on fences. High Lateral Loads The high lateral load case, Table 3, is based on a basic wind speed of 110 mph (177 km/hr) fastest mile, exposure category B, and a Seismic Performance. Category (SPC) D. This is similar to Seismic Zones 3 and 4 in the Uniform Building Code (ref. 4). 1 of j 2 T~bl~ 4--CantiJev~:r Walls . F(JQijn~ RtqlJiremlififs!.JA~ Footing ~ in. (rom) (or It'l~ 1* ta~~gtlr}'c6 Law . Moden!e a x t6 l 12 )( 24 -x6 12 x $ (2.4) (3OS )( (10) (305 x 762) ~5x I nil J. O:maete design streltgtb,f~ ~ 25oo.psi '(1~' ml:llimum. FoOOnp over 24 in. (6lO mm) wide require ~ rcinf~:{f4 (j 12in..(305mm)o.e..eaehway.top and bMtom. (See Figure 1). 3. Footing dowels with a standmJ hook of same me and ~cem.t 4$ vemeat km::lI: nIl reinfuroemut iJ . quWed. BxtMdbookrowidWt 3iD. (16 mm)ofthetoein ~ wlthoot u:an~ reinforcemJmt. 4. Hooks cf dowel bars to be 1~ in bottom of footing wJtb3ln.('16mm)el~ 5. The following io~ shrlnk.rei~ is ~tOt~: Si!l.x 16in.{l43mmx406mm)-214 lOin. x20ia. (2S4 mm xBmm) - 214 12 in. >eUin. (36Smm x610mm).. 2~ 12m. x 3010. (30$ mmx7&mm)..4H(2#4 cop and . .. ttom) t2iu.x44in..(305mmx 111Smm)-6f4(3tl4tbpand bottom) 6. Foodn,g size$ are hued on 2000 psf (95.160 Pa) $Of1 bearmgmlnimum. 0 I:- ~ , 'A~ ...i e_ v..,... "" N ! ;' . "t1K ~fe~'" VV~I \ \ \ Minimum reinforcement is required in both the vertical and horizontal directions for SPC D as indicated in Footnote 2 of Table 3. FOOTINGS In cantilever walls, the footing holds the wall in position and resists overturning and sliding due to lateral loads. Dowels typically extend up from the footing into the wall to transfer stresses and anchor the wall in place. Dowels should be at least equal in siie and spacing to the vertical fence reinforcement. Minimum lap splicing with the vertical wall reinforcement should be 48 bar diameters. This amounts to 18 in. (457 mm) for #3 bars and 24 in. (610 mm) for #4 bars. Footings over 24 in. (610 mm) wide require transverse reinforcement. In footings 24 in. (610 mm) wide and less that do not have transverse reinforcement, the hook of the dowel bar should extend to. within 3 in. (76 mm) of the toe of the footing. (See Figure 1). In all cases the hook should be at the bottom of the footing (3 in. (76 mm) clearance to the subgrade) in order to develop the strength of the bar at the top of the footing. The design of the concrete footings conforms to American Concrete Institute requirements as set forth in Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete, ACI 318 (ref. 5). Serpentine Walls -. . , .' , '. . - '-"'.,',' '.. . ."::', .:,...., ~~..-c: ' . ,...,'._.'_0,.,._,,--.,.... :L>:', ", ho~iz~ritalsteel in the wall should ;,."L;"",'~,~,,iQf~t~l1p~edat the control joints. ,-'-.'C l';f~: ., '" . _ ;~~~ r~l~;~~i~:r~:;!lh:yO:~:fl~ Eould' e'~as~dose to 1 as prac~ " "%~c't::~"~i~1;~~,; '~i.:.:;~~~/t~\; :. eM.A:) !lave, rabl~s: ," ~JJ1~f~~t '~~lI8~~~~t ~tjn'Y~c()rp~of Engin-eers ~,,~~!l'~~~7R~~~~;~al 5'yrm~po.fiJjtid?CeI'neilt. AssoCi a- , i.tl1:l5<~f,~~1J~i~:;gN....,>'" " .', " veiW tnougJtconcrete masonry rt~r~~~:~~"ija~~L~ tly, sb rUlJ'k b e ~ . >,~;tfj~y,'r~; l.a_id [un likeca.?t-in- :;rg~~:;'~gp:Sf~r~tZ hin r ,'.~pac,i~gs' IL:sHouldi:be' close' to those re- ~~~~~m~tj~~~,c~,~i~e~~, ,;"SQl1'f{c-(~'Jjia~q"nry \vall; the con- K~Il~{$,i~tJ~~~~e;:~a~~~r~~ For ::- --,Qe'rei::oii1'llleiidatjons of the U.S. ':~i~.t;'~+Y,~ '.' .'~- ~,. ~:J:...- ~~Jir~:I;~1.i~'l;"~" n. u\; ,: _ ..,,'.' . Figure 3. Control joints should be construcled in concrele masonry at openings, pilasters; wall intersections. and changes in wall cross-section. 'Jhey a!sQ should be spaced 10 (or~ approx.imately sq~are panels, No intersecting Wdll '. -,', :',-A;ffiy Corps of Engineers see ar- ,;; tkleon' page 301. . ....;;""'.-." . -' E. ~.~.":":. ;.:. '. ;. "Install expansion joints ~.rhF.!~Yfrtaso.nry '":' Clay )::lrlck g~nerally expands as . It <).bsorbs plOistur-e or freezes. This eiParlsion is' partly. compensated J;i fuodcif, shrinkage but the net eW+t is: almost always expansion. . "Tq"accotn.:fuodale this expansion, ' <~xpansfc;nj9i.nts must be instal1e~., :::'.A.rt 'ex-pai1siqn joint provides space . /o(the brick to move when its ';".y()!uri'ie. increases. .The' width of ,t~~ j'dnt is criticaL If the joint is (66 narrow . Or if dirt in the joint ,prevents mQvement, huge compres. : siye stresses can b.. uild up and : ChlSh the brick. ~or example, if a lO-foot-}ong wall wants to expand Ikinch but can't, the compressive , load on the 4~ini:h brick wythe can exceed 200,000 pounds per squf-,re fcioL ... Determining the width of the expansion joint thut is needed is difficult, though. The amount of expansion is affected by the tem- perature of the brick when it is . installed, by creep and shrinkage potential of the backup material, ,nhd by the amount of insulntion behind the brick. As a result, there . are few rules to guide designers. Without such rules, always assume loofJl. ~--------- AI. opemng . 3 .,.~;: ."~',~: the largest possible amount of ex- pansion. If it doesn't OCcur you'll be better off than if you didn't al- lbw for the moverrientand it did bccur. Assuming a 1400 F tem- peratUre 'swing, expansion joinls -'. " .~'L~: ';f,i ,... ( ,J: JOINT WIDTH AND SPACING FOR B RICK CAVITY WAllS. "".', .".,' \ ";.: '"'f:.'"f. .:;;.::. Anticipated Joint Width Expansion (2 l.. U, (loll, inch inch Yo. " ,. " " ,. .. X. Yo ~ ~ Joint Spacing Ill, feet ,-~~~;~ .~';~::l~ ;.t{~, ::!-:;~; ;- -::-~.\"; 14 'U~e ":~t1 :; {. -rF1. I Based 00 Ihe .lmounl oi brkk ~:tpJmlon caused hya 1-100 F lemperature ~wing. Brick c"pjnsioo is ca/Culaled by the , [ormula: " L l = CO,0002 - 0..00000-1 !.. Tl l Sourn': anc k In'lilulc oi Amc~nc .1. "'('hnrC:oll Note ISA, 11-190 Commerce Polrk Drive. Reston. Virl:inia 22091. should be sized and spaced as ' shown in the table. Although expansion joints don't have to be filled with t:ompress- ible material, doing so prevents debris or mortar droppings frolll entcring the joint and prevcnting expansion. When a filler is llscd. it should be as soft as possible. It 11 /' ! - ./-"',- 'r "',/ I i .,' !~:~"~I:~Wr~~~;""7"'" ,'~;"'F:lg~;;~~. To accommodate differential . '. mOVement betWeen brick and concrete ., . b!~~ .in cqmposite Walls, expansion joints . should be installed in the brick wythe WQef~el,"control jqin~s are installed "'<';"!j-riK~'bibck ~(he. Insulation in the .,';'tiY'lt)i between the brick and block " '!hC\l~~s~s. the amoun'r of differential r:n9v~ni~rjt. 1 j I . &... 1!1~\~;:' x~ i~li~( f~;."': ,.;;;~~;; 11"'; ~ ....\~l.'~~~, ~<:;;~~~'~:' .', -;" 'I t....~:..:~.:.s..:...'<.:.!~~~. "'-. . l ' " . '. x>';~;ifl.tE(iS~crIIlG W.\lLS- j. ,!;i.lii,;:;r- i,;:;;. ~9t~~~ M~OHjtY UHllS '~;t~~lt;&r~~i1JE~~~E~~~ /;'<.', he~e transierstransverse loads. but still .; \';j:':; 1~1{'i~'~;aQ~tting wall elements move . .'. \hc!ep'~rr9~ritly~ . .~." ,}-,.;;;:!: ,.; -.' . ~ ' ;. ii, . . :'.;;~:.;.~~:~:'~..:.'~" .: Joint Joint sealant must resist ,~~ear.and~~!1 Joint figure 5. If an expansion joint is not constructed at a corner of two brick walls. the expansion of the walls will push the corner out and crack the wall at or near the Corner. ", .'s~Cl~f~ :compress to 30% to 50% . :';)': "6(Its;original thickness. If it com- . ',. pf~ss~s .to half Its .original thick- < ne'ss;' the joiIlt should be made ':'{:d6'lible th~ width needed for the "a'nHcipated movement. ,/'''':'.Thejbiht fillet should be a closed .....ccH nielterial that is impervious to . . Water:. When elbsoi-bent materials '., fr~c!-e, the water in them expands ". . ands~resses adjacent brick. : 'E:xpan,sion joints should be in- stalled in the following locations: ,~.._....~. ~'~" At concrete melsonry control , joints .in composite walls !Fig- _ u rt~4 ) U1n': 1!4/~ Flashmo figure 6. Horizontal expansion joints installed under relieving angles allow brick veneer 10 expand vertically and the concrete building irame to shrink and shorten. · At offsets, junctions. and cor- ners (Figure 5) · At parapets using about one. hellE the spacing used in the wall below · Undemeath shelf angles (Fig- Ure 6) Isolation joints Isolation joints are installed wherever masonry abuts other building materials or wherever new masonry abuts existing . masonry. They're lIsed, for ex- ample, when a masonry wall abuts a concrete wall or con- crete column. An isolation joint I breaks the bond between the masonry and the other material and allows the two to contract and expand independently. -;;. CONHEctlOH OF NEW 10 EXISTIIlG WALLS One devic~ used to create an isolation joint is shown in Fig- ure 7. This anchor transfers transverse loads, but still lets the abutting wall elements' mOVe independently. il References l. "Comrne-ntar\, 10 Builclinl-.: Cod(' Nc', quireml'nt> I'or Concre-le M.honn' Slrtll- lurl.'!>:' :\CJ 531.;'}. Ame-ril.HI CIIIIl r,'(" In. stilule. I'D, Box 19150. Dl.'lroll. Mie hi!:.l" -18219. 2. "Con 1m/ lli \\',111 Move'ml"ll wlIh (""II. erell' 1>1.1\<>nr\':' :'-lCMA TO.: .I. l'li!.. :-':.1_ lion.l! Conc:n'lp ."'1a!>onry 1\"on,lho". 2 ICl,! JIIIN'Pl'" N'j,ld, 11('rnrlon. Vir!:illl.1 L!lI:-IJ I. MalOnrv Strucrur.1J DI',i~1I fllr /lm/d- inJ:~, Armv TM 5./l09-3. Au l-: LJ 'I 1')/12. U.S. Army COrp, or' EnglCll'l'r,. N.lllCln.tf Tedllll(',llln!orm,lllOn 5,'rvi, "'. 521l'i1'1J(1 Roy..1 RO.1CI. Sprtn!-:Iierrl. Virgini.1 221(,1. -I, "Building MC)Vt'mcnls ,lnll 101111,; I'JII.!, I'orl!.lnd Cc'mc'nl A~~O('f,llion. ;;.120 Old . Orch.lrd NO.lel. Sl..okrl'. 1I/1I\!ll' hOCl;;: AutoCAD Filenome: FILE SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION 17- of- 12 Beginning at the Northea,t corner of lot 729, Oak Fore,t Unit 7. a, recorded in Plat Book 39, Page, 16 & 17, Public EB Record, of Seminole County. Florida; run thence South B4"49'1O'. Eart along an extension of the North line of ,aid Lot 729. a di,tance of 27.93 feet to the We,terly right-of-way line of Tu,cawilla Road; run thence along said right-of-way line the following three cour,e,: North 14"06'24" Ea't a di,tance of 54.68 feet; thence South 87"04'55' Ea,t a di,tance of 29.56 feet; thence North 14'06'24" Eart a di,tance of 15.19 feet; thence North 87"04'55' We,t a dirtance of 29.74 feet to the Southea,t corner of Avery Park a' recorded in Plat Book 60. Page, 33 through 37. Public Record, of Seminole County. Florida; run thence North 87"04'55' We,t along the South boundary of ,aid Avery Park a di,tance of 27.94 feet; run thence South 14"06'24' We,t a di'tance of 68.75 feet to the Point of Beginning. NOR T H AVERY P!\RK PLAT BOOK 60. PAGES 33-37 Tract K Southwest Comer of Avery Pork A Portion of lot 73. O.R. Mitchell's Survey of the Levy Grant N87"04'55"W 27.94' --~ Set No;! &< msc (PLSI 1781) in Concrete footer S14'06'24"W 68.75' \::- - NorthL' f . -- -. ~...,,~,- 71 B~g~1~G Recovered 4x4CM , ]? ../" l' ; ~ I ---- : ____ ~o ____ ' .S h'_.oi' OAK FOREST UNfT SEVEN _ PLAT BOOK 39. PAGE 16 . ., ~ 0; ~ 1~~ ~ g B ~ g THIS SKETCH IS NOT A SURVEY PREPARED FOR: DRAWN BY: RGR CRS 02070.01 CHECKED BY: JOB No. SCALE: 1'= 60' Recovered 4x4CU LB/1221 N87"04'55"W 29.74' N14'06'24"E 15.19' S87"04'55"E 29.56' N14"06'24"E \- 54,68' "-S84"49'10"E ~ 27.93' 0 C< l:J -"Ii: ~:I N~ .t::: I ~~ .~i ~Ii: & E-. CERTIFICATION I hereby certifY that the sketch and description was made under my responsible charge and meets the Minimum Technical Standards as set forth by the Florid~ Board of Professional SUIYC)'Ors and Mappers in Chapter 61 G 17 -6, Florida Administtatiye Code, pursuant to Section 472.027, Florida Statutes. @ill ASSOCIATES, INe. Certificate of Authorization No. LB 3376 By Bernard J. Martin Florida Registered Land Sun'C)'Ot No. 3953 Date: June 22, 2004 Not valid without the signature and the original raised seal of a F10tida Licensed Surveyor and Mapper. I DJM IAr0]4~, oc: _ * LANl PI..lNIlERS * S\IIYEYOIl$ 506 Wymore Rood Winter Pork. flQ. 32789 TELEPHONE: (407)6045-5566. FAA: (4071629-5389 Boo-de.- bose filenome=SRYsoo ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~. ~~ ~I {~ " ,. . ,. """" ~ m ~~ ~ ~ ~ 2 fI ~ g 8 ij i Ii :i! U~ - 1 1 I I 1 1 II! ~~~ I ~ l!i I .. ~~ 'Hi ~g mi j(. i ~m h ~ .r- ~~ U ~ 'U i~H~ ... ~~ P:i 6 ~z z s -lIu ~ , ~ . 0 I · . 0;11: ~ ~ ~ olD '1Im ~!!l . z:E "I oj. mr ;Or 11Im '11>< !... Zm Glz i IIIl/1 0 Z ~~~~~::IIII 89:8li1iliiiiii llf a bJ~ iin ~ II 11 r . .z III m o oj (5 Z 1.0 . Z C c m ... . ;:: 1.0 I, ! ! 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