HomeMy WebLinkAboutCheoy Lee Circle GroupDate: Apri18, 2004 To: Oak Forest Wall and Beautification Committee From: Michael and Sharon Tackaberry, 634 Cheoy Lee Circle Re: Oak Forest Wall Expansion Project The Cheoy Lee Circle group (11 homeowners from 630 - 650 Cheoy Lee Circle) has been in the long process of completing a replat to include the purchased area plus our portion of the vacated right-of--way (see attached map). Bernie Martin of BJM Associates has been commissioned by the City to assist in the replat. Recently, I spoke with Michelle Corn, his assistant, asking her about the status of the replat. She is waiting for one final joinder to be signed. They said they would return it to her in two weeks. Upon receipt, BJM Associates will submit the papers to the city for their approval. The city will send it to the county for final approval and recording. We would very much like to see the Oak Forest wall extended to Tuskawilla Office Park's wall, but realize there are two outstanding issues that need to be resolved. A small parcel of land was not included in our original purchase. Seminole Pines Association (Mr. Newby) still own this land which lies between the northern end of the wall and the TOP's wall and runs east of Oak Forest Subdivision to the street (see map). There is also a vacated ten-foot right of way to the north, which also belongs to Seminole Pines Association. We are also aware that Southern Bell has an easement that runs through this property. I asked City Attorney Anthony Garganese in November for his advice about the Cheoy Lee Circle group's getting the Southern Bell easement released. Southern Bell is charging $750 to have it processed. Anthony advised me that we would not have to get it released in order to get permission from the city to put up a fence or a shed. He said the owner runs the risk, that if at some future time Southern Be11Be11 South decides they need to use that easement, that the owner would have to remove the fence or move the shed. Therefore, we did not request that Southern Bell release the easement. However, Anthony thought that the easement would have to be released or vacated in order to extend the wall along Tuskawilla road to TOP. However, he thought that would come under the city and the Oak Forest Wall and Beautification Committee to resolve it. These were his preliminary thoughts and advice. For this reason, we are here tonight to request that your committee instruct Steven Richart to request that the City Commissioners approve resolving these two remaining issues, so that the Oak Forest wall along Tuskawilla Road can be extended north to Tuskawilla Office Park (TOP). The two remaining issues and possible solutions are: 1. to ask for a quitclaim deed for the parcel (including the vacated right-of-way) from Seminole Pines Association (Mr. Newby). Perhaps the city could offer to pay for Mr. Newby's legal fees in exchange for the quitclaim deed. (The Cheoy Lee Circle group has not contacted Seminole Pines Association because the quitclaim deed really needs to be given to the city and not to a homeowner.) 2. to get the Southern Bell easement that runs along the northern boundary to be released or vacated. Bell South told Michelle Corn of BJM Associates that it would cost $750 to release the easement. We thank you very much for your time and consideration. Michael and Sharon Tackaberry ~~~ 1RNfAlkill!~~~hMIIMi~etll~iRl~r~~+!~-tt=+^4,r++~~.I~r,MM~ro~,l+ ~, ! a:, , r '~~,,. ~ {V~r ~~ • ~ ~ , ...a; ,~ ~~ ,, ~ . ;~ ` ~A, ~`~,, ., ~ ~ ~ . ~, . a ,. ~. ~ ~ ,11 1. .r~' f" 4 ~~;; i. ( r! ~ P S. ~'',I~c~`f~~`i~~~~#s~~ly~.Yl~'1 f ~t'~' !' ~(~~,~•~ ~~~1 ~ , ~I r ,I t`t `, f ~ y. I w ~~, ~ F; ~• I n. r ~ # ,•l ~~,1 1.+,1 Il r rl~_'N. ~. +..~~t~,~i9111' I ., rr.'. k .. .fin . ~ ~1~ i ~~ .. ~ .l i . ~ _ ._ - '< ,~'.. . ~f ~' .~•. 1 ~: Wn , ~ OFFICId! R!CQR~JS ~ a ) ~ n rw' r ~ tt ~ - ~ ''t ), {{~~ fGast Ba16 7 Q ~r ~ •:F~. ll J 1 AAIi. a96g ~;. ~ ::~ ~0. FL. ~. i; . . RIGMT-OiF-MAY EASEMENT .E .. ;,:.. • •a' .• :•r ..r ~ - -••-e; n; rter set n,rt end other good and valvap to consideration, the adequacy end , , tne S•+uU•ern hell Vldohane and Talagrapa tagsny, the un/ersigned, ornerlsl 01 the •r.+. .^: «'rsgea • ~ •••re~ sr .. w • « . E. t= • , •• •^- xr,t w,. r- Me, •elaphpna and Tetag radh Company iota Ildeafaes, agents, successors. .sue !.e- ., ... .. w~,, w• .. • ••t~ gr.t^• . . F l idlnii w •-` - ; • y.• a^: acrr: etra cC+:a^~es, a rigrt e• asy rasen:ent to construct, oDersta, waintaln, add or remove such Iinea ~ ss~ r^•. ie: a-y a •a •-• •r•a•wa ..r+s as trr ~n^t+•e mey requiro, consisting or: ~- /r r- q ,~, f! °~~ • ~ r ~ • ~-1 :ae•rs and «~res: ar• t , , a .. • ar , , ~~•" ,. . ~ : ~~~•~~• • ' :a=~e tr••^i^a~r, *e •. t••s, s0i icing Dtraes and pedestals; ~ 7 w. f :t: -t y - ,•~,,.!a, .s.n.~l., ..a.~er., ,energrr..n.^, rao•t!, and w.-as; /- ;> s ~~~~~ Q .:• a•t :.•e• a-~•.• .•^. .^ves. a+e,.•te^ares ,r:ntvices 6~ t ~,~, ;ver Seminq~,~ Florida -t•r a ft. ~• •~y 10 felt «. fe acr••u tho Poe lowing lands in y, St eta of ar7 :~.: • ge^erar:y oescr~ee: as t7::;•«s: - ' n •` f lying 5 feet on each side of Grantee s facilities as located over, across, -. $~ and through the following described property. Lying and being in Section ~ ~~~. " • •~• 36, Township 20 South, Range 30 East and Section 1, To+rmship 21 South. ~ ~ ` Range 30 East. See attached legal description. - - ~ ~;;•x +' :~ ,~,~. and, SC tw! fri rewt l.T 1+1t tr•• yndr r3•q^wJ ra9 t••P C`wP.r tC irart, If at at 1, over, along and under tae roads, st reefs or P ~N', nignwa~a aa;ri •-~ t•r:,,;• sa.d :• •. See attached addendtmi. ~' A ~ rrr r;•~ •rw.-.; •••~ err +'s. it 7••«a a•'. « a^~ of hdr person „r cow•o+ny t~ attach ni rosor lay cable orconduit ~ wltni• !re ••qnt -• «!, r.. ; ^.,•n,,••:a:,•~^+ .. r trt•smi ssion or di st rl bvt ion; ingress and egress to said Dremi sea Oat a:• rrs: t• war •^e •n•- er7 w+«r .•aM•7•~! a•~wr,r.e•,, ungergro«th v otnrr oastruCtions within the easement area; ~t+lt;. tr:•n•ana c.t anq •ter t•~w••+o-t are ^rt a•' iwad, «ra+, •en^ ng or dangerous trees or limbs outside of the ossemsnt aroa «n.cn ^~~n' erfrrr w'.t^ n• fa'• r•^ •^e err +- a+•.t•w:: rf cornua:catit•ns or power tranam•ssion or distribution. a See aittached letter h eby made a part of this contract.//~~ cne •ere.ot 1•~~ nna- n0 - - G Cx,r7-!rs IS ~••O'a is ne«oy acknowledged by tae understgnad. ~• •avv + ., n :y t•+< sb~vr T•artrn «es«r+e`• .- Snu:Cern tlvr! teieoeone ertd •elegrapn Company, its successors '~ snd as^•y^ .. .re•. C .ignea ecd aealoa en is docuaitnt r •~ ai'~s-5`~ ++r: ar'• .^e .. ~ a-ea naS rr Feb. 13.x. •~,_$L_. ;~} '•~ S: ;ne f, sea•rd and dr•iv•ed ~~n+!n• a•usence ar: ,t. C.a~l,~, ~ • ' Christopher Lee Tanner, President 't,,,} «it,e SS Winter Sprigs Mobi ? e HeT1~Cr~r=, _ - Nsme of Gorporat ion K a• ! • ~ ,~•• ~ Vice President ~ Jeff Tanii~~ .• .:°: .,~ " -. w•.~ ., . • _- ! • r... ,,~~ . ~ ' ~ .~ . . ' ' "~'~' •Winter Springs Mobitle Home Carp. . . ~ 1125 State Road ~4I9 i_ - - Winter Springs , Fl<~rida q --- t c. N T-~-. . ~ o° o Ta_ . ' Sanford , , DC - lt.t - . ~ ='1 ... ..,~ ~.. ,_.trd wn...,. tn. ~i••. wrtw.. .,r.e twa va TAi: Muv rty 6y Tn~ proPCrtr of: v T~+.r o C, ~ 'r - _ _ .. n tno_ c C i - _ ~ ,-e~- - ... -• 45C • V-8783 . , ,,.... •'. a~.~ i •.c e~ i _.. North Florida =-o.. . .. Manager -Engineering NORM 1 See attached lega:L description. ~. ,r '~:. .~ S ~yj'. ~ `` GG ~~ 1r ~4, !/ , .. y~Y r~' ~ t.~:Fk~~ ('~~•~• rt.• ~t ' ~. <'~~ •„'}~:' . . e a s Q, r ... sY. ).f: f'.~ _ '~'~ ^ ~ . oF~c~A~ aECOaos rnt~K n'~F 1 ~ ~~ ~+ 0929 . ::',~~~! E CO. FL. ADDENUIIM In no way will the paragraph starting w3¢h THE FOLLOWING RIGHTS uRE, ALSO, GRANTED: to be canstrued.to fellow television or any cable TV companies to make use of said r:Lght of way lines, etc. without the express written consent of WE.nter Springs Hobile Name Corporation. ~. 41 d Q N ~~ C1L? .~ ..r~ ~..~. :T ..~ ..,v'`f. ~C Y... '~~'~ ;;~ ~ ii .. ~.} ~: ~. 'r~ • `; P ...~~~ , .~V.+t...r I lUia i ~- oe u ¢ ? N a ~ O as ~ t'9 °L O • ' ` .~ A portion of Lhe unplatted part of Blo~:k tt8", D. R. NfITCHEU.'S SURVEY OF TiiE LE"Y GRANT recorded in Plat Dook 1. Page 5 ur the Public Records of Serpinole Caunty, Florida, being more particularly de3cribed as follows: Begin at the N.W. corner of said unplatted part of Block "6", said N. W. corner also being the N.W. corner of Lot 1 as showr~ on sketch of surve;r by Joe E. Johnston recorded in Deed t3ook 141, Paye 220 Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; thence Southeasterly slang the Northerly line of said unplatted ~~art of Block "B", said Northerly line also being the NOrtherly l.ne of said Lot 1 to the Westerly right-of-way of the ., Sanford-Oviedo Road (State Raad No. 419j; t(~ence at right angles to the West~r~_ right-of-way of the Sanford-Oviedo Road (St~~te Road No. 419) run Southwesterly to the Westerly line of said unplatted part of t3lock "Q", said Westerly line also being the 4esterly tine of :.aid lot 1; then~:e Northwe~t?rly along the Westerly line of said unplatted part of block "6" to the Point of Beginning. '. acsc~ Lots 3G, 37, 33, 59, GU, 51, 7~1 and that portion of trot 73 lying easterly of a southerly projection o>: the westerly line . oC said .Lot 7~;, ~zll the above .being in I31ock "D" of D. R. Flitchell's 5ucvay o: the Levy Grant on Lake Jessup, as recorded in Plat i3oo:: 1, Page 5, Putlic Records of Seminole County, Florida, contain:.ny 156.34 Rcres, more or less. A~•S" :teat t:oreion or Lot 26 eE said Llo~:k "I3" oC d. R. :~iitchr:tl's Survey oC tilc Levy Grant on L,~re .~assul:, Eiounclod on the crest try ' a ~~latted roes; on the asst by S.it. 419, and on the east and sou t:: L•y Lot 2& and Eirst Street as shown on thw plat of Luttrell Parl: as recorded in Plat i3oolt' 11, Paye 4~, Public Recorc2s of se:ainole County, Florida, 'containing 0.8?• Acres, more or less. ~~ .r.,~ f `' '= ' °w ~~_ __,;. . -, w M x~ :=s Y ~ A ~ O O c ~ CO ~y r • w ~.; -~ 0 r FORM 8424 APR. 1969 ACKt10~WlE0GMEN'tS FOR USE !R ALL STLTES EXCEPT SOUTfi CAROLINA :: ,•~M •~:~j .r '~ - K<ty • ~,,•.~ ~~, ;::~; ~,,:.':. Y~~~. ;E}:.: •;, HIDIYIIOUAL FORK"=; T ~ -°- STATE Cc Jtti O COtM : Y OF ~ '_ (~ ~ t, hereby certify that on this day bsforn me ~ rn en officer duly authorized in the slate and enunty aforesaid to take ncknowtedgments, personally appeare~+ ~, to me known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged before me the dus execution and delivery thereof for the puroose therein Stated. IN Yl'ITNii55 wHF.i:EQF, t have hereunto set my hand and officiaiseat, this the day .of i9 Notary Public for other thief My Commission Cxpires: d~ CORPORATION FORM 5T ATE OF, COUNTV OF '-,n/ r..: • t.r/ L .~. t ax -Fy Cawani scion ~c~a.,~ 1 ot~it~~tjttel LL tt... A U ~~117U9CIC.t'i1A3 t: OF FLORtOA AT LMIGE Fe • MY ~$ION EltPll'~S MARCH iS.1l12 "'•• • ... L t, Elizabeth P. Lee hereby certify that on this day before me an officer duty authorized to take acknowtedyments, persdnally appeared Christopher- L. Tamer t~ mr known and known to De the parson described in end who executed the foregoing instrument es President of [•) n er Snrinsts ttobi~,e ??oTffe Corn. , a corporation, and acknowledged to ~e that ne executed and deii•:ered such instrument as such offi-cer in the name and on oenat• o• said corporation, being duty authorized so to 70. tN wiTNESS +4NERi0F, I have here~~nt?~ set my hand and official seal, this :he 13th day of Febrt>;arv t9 s~_. .~„~ Notary p fiC ®BELLSOUTH BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc. Network Services 132 Commerce Way Sanford, FI 32771 ®BELLSOUTH September 9, 2003 BellSouth Network Services 132 Commerce Way Sanford, FI 32771 Scott.Lorenz®BeIlSouth.com Bob Smart BJM Associates; Inc. 506 Wymore Rd Winter Park, FL 32789 RE: Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Easement Oak Forest Replat, Winter Springs, FL, PB 1344, PG927 Dear NIr. Smart Scott Lorenz Design Specialist 407 302 7611 Fax 407 327 2402 Pager 407 741 8367 The Southern Bell easement mentioned above is currently inactive, has no facilities, and do not foresee any conflicts. However, this is a dedicated Southern Bell easement that cannot be vacated until proper paper work is reviewed by other departments. If you are requesting us to vacate; could you mail me a better copy of the legal description, for it could not be read over the fax. I will send the documents to the proper departments to be reviewed. Should have any questions, please do not hesitate to call Scott Lorenz @407-302-7611. Sincerely, ~~ Scott Lorenz --~ Design Specialist .~ ~ ~~~~~ t ,~ D~ ~ ~ r ~\ M ~~~•^1 b .ut y* M WE!tl /t.M ~ ~ O SSA AYN-.,p' Q., ~ ~ 1~'17Iry~S~1L ' ~ Doay gN.np^~ 1. •41 4,~ tD ly/1~ N.p j ~.~ h g,. ~ o ~~ ~ ~~{ ~ ~ J5.9 B~ b ~~ ~ ~../ ~ - 2 ~ ~ ~ - ~. ~~ %~ '~~'r £~~ s ~ ~-------- _ _ _. , .~ ~ ~ o ., - - a .(, X{ .If n `A{ '' 1 a ` ;~ 7 w a..U _.~.___. _.__. _.._. _. ` A, 11 .Y9'[91 3 ,OC,90.S0 N ~j ~~ a v. [Lj ~~ .[. 9~D e~ K "7j t:: I Il ~ f ~ (~ ~~ ~ t .90'L9t 3 .OC,9D.S0 N ~~_ 1- b M p ,Sf'9S1 3 ,OC,B0.50 N ~ ~ a . ! 90 ~ ~ ~, ~ ~~~ - ~ .-L951 3 AC,90.S0 N ~ h ~ '^ -- _ _. ~_ ~ ,CCCSt 3 .OC,90,S0 N ~~ _~ s ~ ~ 19' ~ yQ V .t. ae C' 1_ n. ~ .trod 3 ,a,9o.so N ' ~ ~ .~ ,^ n{ ~ O ~4 i? 5 w s ',: ~~ k ~~ `~ v. 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