HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001 09 13 Other Handout by Staff SEPTEMBER 13, 2001 HANDOUT BY STAFF. , " .. i uui! j i :L) (1\ R 17 1-/ U U L./J lI' U September 11, 2001 Ruth Ramsey 1060 Chokecherry Drive Winter Springs, FL 32708 RE: Letter of August 19, 2001 Dear Ms. Ramsey: Thank you for your letter of August 19, 2001 expressing concerns regarding construction of the new wall for Oak Forest. We expect the wall, landscaping, and signage to be complete by mid- October. We respectfully disagree with your opinion as to the integrity of the design and construction of the wall particularly as it relates to other walls recently constructed. For example, if you noticed the differences in the footing design and construction on the recently completed Tuskawilla Springs wall compared to the Oak Forest wall, there is no doubt in our mind that the Oak Forest wall incorporates increased engineering design parameters which will result in a long lasting wall. The construction of the wall has been inspected on a full time basis by a professional engineer and his two inspectors who have been located on site the last 18 months. We are also concerned about the oak trees recently planted by the County along the south end of the wall. We will be working with County staff, their landscape architect design consultant, and the City to come up with a solution that is satisfactory to all parties. Thank you again for your input. The committee meets on the second Thursday of each month and welcomes any interested parties to attend. If you have any questions or require any additional information, please feel free to contact us. Sincerely, The Oak Forest Wall and Beautification Advisory Committee Thomas Helgeson, P.E. Chairman File Q8}3110 1 . , 4[174:=:12:=:341 FRI 10:42 F:\.\ 4074812841 BO~YER S[~GLETON TR:\NS f4l001 BO'\Vl"ER=-SJll\JGLEPON & ASSOCIATES, INCORPORATED EPIlC\"tfArN{. . PlANN"'IG . SuAVl'l"INl . I f41,11111'NMl 'll^1 ---~--~~ - -- - - 520 SO~T-i MAGNO;,.!,,- AVENUE. OPlA!'401"), FLORIDA 32801 4t'}7.l:l4'3-512C .. FAX 407-649-8664. Sent Via Facsimile: 407/665-5772 August30,2001 File No. SM-J4 Mr. John Moore, P.E. Sarr.ir.ole County Engineering 520 West Lake Mary Boulevard, Suite 200 Sanford, Florida 33830 Subject: Tuskawilla Road Landscaping Responses Dear John: Pursuant to your request, we have reviewed the attached memorandum from the City of Winter Springs and offer the following responses regarding the referenced project's landscaping. Our responses correspond to the order your comments were presented and appear in bold type. 1. Live oak trees are planted in such narrow landscaping areas that are inappropriate for a tree that normally attains a height and spread of approximately 60'. Potential problems may arise with damage to the brick wall and its foundation, damage to the sidewalk resulting in hazards to pedestrian and bicycle traffic and impact to the overhead utility lines, which may result in loss of power or disfiguring pruning. Recommended installation of Live Oak trees is 50' O.C. (on center) to allow the tree to reach its normal canopy in areas where appropriate. We have reviewed the existing conditions where the live oaks have been planted between the new wall and the sidewalk along Tuskawilla Road. We have also reviewed the original landscape construction documents and the additional drawings for the wall. The live oak trees are planted in an area between four to six feet wide (footer of wall to edge of sidewalk). The wall1Qoter (as designed) has enough depth to divert the roots of the tree, and (as designed) has sufficient reinforcement to eliminate cracking or heaving due to root growth. Due to its proximity to the new trees, the 4" thick sidewalk will eventually have problems due to root growth. Unfortunately this is a universal problem with a majority of trees and their growth habit, regardless of their proximity to the sidewalk. With routine maintenance (pruning of the tree's canopy and pruning of evident surface roots) the up- heaving problem can be minimized. The proximity of the tree to the sidewalk does not increase the probability have a cracking or heaving problem. 2. The holly shrubs (flex x attenuata) along the wall between the Crepe Myrtles are currently being installed at about 4' O.C. These 15-gallon shrubs normally reach a spread that is inappropriate for this spacing. Potential problems may be increased chance of insect infestations, moisture-related problems such as fungus, and a general failure to thrive due to over-crowding. Although, the initial 08/31/01 FRI 10:43 FAX 4074812841 BOWYER SINGLETO~ TRANS I4J 002 .. John Moore, P.E. August 30, 2001 Page 2 appearance of this overcrowded installation may be aesthetically appealing, the result is self- defeating. The spacing of the plant material was selected to provide a cluster effect for the material. This Is a very subjective question due to the issue of future maintenance. The plant material in question will grow in its current locations and can thrive with proper maintenance. I think the big question that needs to be analyzed is what will be the cost of maintaining that material. Without proper watering, feeding, pruning and pest management, any landscape will not flourish. We do not believe that this will be a long term problem. 3. The approved plans called for guy-wire and belowground 2" x 2" pressure-treated stakes for the tree support. However, 2" x 4" boards have been used well aboveground. This is not the appearance that is desired. To be addressed by Seminole County. 4. Some species of specified trees have been substituted with other plan material. Since many native trees were removed from the area for the road project, it is desirable for native plans to be used in the landscape project. Native species are more cost-effective in terms of maintenance. To be addressed by Seminole County. We believe this information sufficiently addresses your concerns. We will contact the City of Winter Springs to schedule a field review of the project to further address these issues and agree on a course of action. Please contact me if you have further questions or require additional information. Sincerely, ~ Kevin E. Knudsen, P.E. Director of Transportation KEK:dag SM4\corr\600 1 Enclosures CfiY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST Si ATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327-1800 Fax (407) 327-6695 Code Enforcement MEMORANDUM DATE: August 17,2001 TO; Ron McLemore, City Manager Charles Carri~n, COlTununity Development Director Jimelle ~ Enforcement Marnlge@ Michael Mingea, City Forester /'J'JvV /J1 Tuscawilla Road landscaping THROUGH; THROUGH; FROM: RE: In tbe last few days numerous complaints have been received regarding the prqject along Tuscawilla Rd. The complaints are from citizens who live in the area and have concems about the long-tenn impact of (he plants installed so closely to the brick wall and sidewalk. They are also concerned Wilh maintenance issues of these plants. The area was inspected and several potential problems were noted. I. Live Oak trees are planted in slIch narrow landscaping areas that arc inappropriate for a tree that normally attains a height and spread of approxilTk1tely 60'. Potential problems may arise willt damage to the brick wall and it's foundation, damage to the sidewalk resulling in hazards to pedestrian and bicycle traffic. and impact to the overhead utility lines which 1n.1Y result in loss of power or disfiguring pruning. Recommended installation of Live Oak trees is .sO' o.c. (on center) to allow tbe tree to reach it's nounal canopy in areas where appropriate. 2. The holly sluubs (hybrid of flex x attenuata) along the wall between the Crepe Myrlles are currently being installed at about 4' O. c.. These I5-gallon shrubs normally reach a spread thaI is inappropriate for this spacing. Potential problems may be increased chance of insect infestations. moisture-related problems such as fWlguS, and a general failure to thrive due to over-crowding. Although, tlle initial appearance of tbis overcrowded installation may be aesthetically appealing, tbe result is self-defeating. 3. TIle approved plans caUed for guy-wire and belowground 2" x 2" pressure-treated stakes for the tree support. However, 2" x 4" boards have been used well aboveground. This is not the appearnnce that is desired. 4. Some species of specified trees have been substituted with other plant material. Since many native trees were removed from the area for the road project, it is desirable for JUltive plants to be lIsed in the landscape prqject. Native species are more cost-effective in terms of maintenance. We suggest tbe follOWing; 1. TIle Live Oak trees Should be relocated to a different site and replaced wilh mOre suHable Florida l1Htive shrubs or small-growing trees. 2. The hollies should be spread to all appropriate space dIat is more beneficial 10 the long-term heahll of the plant. J. TIle stakes should be removed and replaced in the approved manner 4. Native plants are deSired as much as possible ENGINEERING DIVISION PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT September 4,2001 ~l[)) SEP 0 5 2001 City of Winter Springs Ron McLemore, City Manager 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708-2799 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS City Manager RE: Tuskawilla Road Landscaping Dear Mr. McLemore, We have reviewed the information provided in Mr. Mingea's memorandum to you dated August 17, 2001 and asked our Consultant to do likewise. Attached are their responses to the first two comments. I have discussed the third and fourth comments with your staff and understand that they approved both the tree support and substitution of species. Additionally, the City was involved in the review of the plans throughout the design process. The last comments provided on October 27, 1995 did not request any changes in the plant species. I have requested our Consultant schedule a meeting with your staff to field review the corridor and further discuss these matters if necessary. It is our goal to work with the City for the successful completion of this project. Should you or your staff need any additional information or have further comments prior to the field meeting, please advise. Sincerely, SEMINOLE COUNTY GOVERNMENT BSA letter dated August 30,2001 Y Winter Springs memo dated August 17,2001 Cc: 1. Kevin Grace, County Manager Gary Johnson, P.E., Public Works Director Jerry McCollum, P.E., County Engineer 520 West lake Mary Boulevard Suite 200 Sanford Fl 32773-7424 Telephone (407) 665-5674 Fax (407) 665-5789 , .~ OAK FOREST HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION P.o. Box 195283 Winter Springs, FL 32719-5283 August 28, 2001 City of Winter Springs Attn: Oak Forest Wall and Beautification Committee 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 RECEIVED AUG ? 9 2001 Re: Letter received by Homeowners Association CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS CITY HALL c~. a/emf eA!c./{lifO Dear Sir: Enclosed is a letter addressed to the Wall and Beautification Committee. I am forwarding this letter and keeping a copy for our files. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, ~ OFHA Secretary 407/696-9080 enc. .. RECEIVEd' AUG ') 9 2001 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS Ci:~'~;~LI CAlc Oak Forest Homeowners Association P.O. 195283 Winter Springs, F132719-5283 Attention: Wall Board! Beautification Committee August 19,2001 Dear Sirs, I have lived in Oak Forest since 1983. I watched as the wall committee and the city put taxes on our property for the wall construction. I also watched as the wall started forming. A reality, which gave Oak Forest residence very, mixed feeling. I watched the wall and said to my neighbors, heavens help us when that wall fall downs. We still have boards between pillars showing gaps, and area's left unfinished. You actually wonder what is holding the pillar and the wall to each other in some areas. I am not a contractor, only my family built houses. I know what I see and it concern me. The construction of this wall is a sham compared to the others that have been erected on Tuskawilla Road. It is a sham even to the ones that have been repaired. We will be paying on this wall for many years on our taxes. I fear paying much longer than the wall may last. I drove out of my street several weeks ago and discovered the city was planting trees. At this time they had not planted the trees along the wall of "Oak Forest" However, by the time I returned home several days later we had trees along our wall. Not only were they planted, but also they were planted very close to the wall and only a few feet apart. May I ask a simple question? DO YOU NOT KNOW TREES GROW? I watched the trees grow along Tuskawilla Road at other area's several years ago. The wall cracked and came down, making way for the tree roots and the circumference of the tree. So I ask. Whom looked into this when they planted so many trees so close to the wall, and so close to each other? Can a correction be made? Can we save our wall by having it inspected? Can someone look into the planting of these trees before the trees have to be cut down due to the roots taking over the wall several years in the future? We need to evaluate this potential problem. Maybe someone needs to admit a mistake was made. Correct it before it cost all of us money in the future. I encourage everyone to write the city, the Homeowners Association, the Wall Committee and the Beautification Committee. After all it will our money that will have to repair this wall long before the need should arise. Thank you for your consideration. R. Ramsey Oak Forest Concerned Homeowner /OtvO C hoke chelf 'f VJ; 1'"\1" f' (" s.~ ,; ~~ , ~ SECTION 01100 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFIC TASKS 1.0 MOWING The mowing of all grassed areas shall be no less than once every seven (7) days in the heavy growing season. Mowing shall be no less than bi-weekly, or as instructed by the City's Representative, during the dormant growing season. Dormant and growing seasons are dictated by the weather and therefore may change per the City's Representative, but otherwise shall be: Heavy Growing Season - March 15 thru November 15. Dormant Growing Season - November 16 thru March 14. All grassed areas will be mowed to a height of 2 :x to 4 inches on average, depending upon established grass needs, by finish mower or a groom mover. At no time shall more than one-third (1/3) of the leaf surface be removed in one mowing. Prior to mowing and trimming any turf and bed areas; paper, bottles, cans and all other debris (as well as misplaced dirt or sand) must be removed from areas immediately bordering site and actual site locations. Areas are to look clean and neat and free of debris at all times. Any clipping, trimming debris will be removed from site as work is completed, or at the end of each day that work is performed. Lawn clippings may be left on the turf areas so long as no readily visible clumps remain on the grass surface after mowing. Otherwise large clumps of clippings will be collected and disposed of by Contractor. In case of fungal disease outbreaks, all clipping will be collected and properly disposed of until disease is undetectable. 2.0 MULCHING Mulching of all beds and tree areas to be performed once during the dormant season at a scheduled time approved by Owner/City Representative. If additional mulch is needed for touch up and/or to keep planting areas neat and freshly maintained during the remainder of the seasons, such work is to be scheduled between both Contractor and Owner at an already pre-established cost to Owner as designated on the Bid Calculation Sheet. Mulch depth to be a minimum of three (3) inches and placed, not dumped, as well as kept from around the immediate base of shrubs. Specific types in which beds (i.e., mini nuggets in regular beds, pine straw under pine tree areas), quality and quantities to be reported prior to mulching. 3.0 EDGING Edging of all walks, curbs, edging of pavements, and grass invasion shall be done weekly during the heavy growing season and bi-weekly for the remainder of the year. All grass and dirt to be blown off onto grass areas only. No debris shall be blown onto hard surfaces or into shrub or flower beds. Schedule for edging of soft surfaces such as turf, bed borders, and ground cover shall be performed bi-weekly or more as needed. 4.0 WEEDEA TING Areas inaccessible to mowing equipment shall be kept neat and trimmed as needed. Trimming of grass and weeds around any fixed objects (walls, light posts, light fixtures, equipment boxes, pond structures, sign posts and trees) will be done through chemical control within a limit of six inches (6") maximum or trimmer so as not to inflict damage of any kind to structure, equipment or tree. 5.0 PRUNING SHRUBS AND ORNAMENTALS Pruning of plants shall be performed as needed to remove dead wood harboring insects and disease and to promote maximum health and growth. The finding of insects or disease shall be reported immediately to the City Representative so as to limit losses. Aesthetic pruning shall consist of removal of dead or broken branches. Pruning shall be performed to balance infiltration light to enhance new growth. Small leafed shrubs, such as pittosporum, azaleas and Indian hawthorn, etc., are to be kept trimmed in a tight, neat appearance, with removal of partial new growth after no more that four inches of new growth appears. Larger leafed shrubs, such as viburnum, may attain new growth reaching from 2" to 4" before removal. But at no times are shrubs to display a disorderly appearance. Ornamentals, such as crinum lilies, are to be trimmed aggressively during the rainy season to be kept neat and fungus free. This may be as frequent as every other week. Sago palms are to be trimmed a minimum of three times a year, or more often, as needed, depending on growth and health. Azaleas are to be trimmed at regular intervals as described above with the exception of the months of October thru March when no trimming should be done to achieve maximum flowering. Wax my ties are to be trimmed aggressively in order to maintain a neat, compact habitat. At no time is a herbicide to be used to rid plants of sucker growth. Instead, hand pulling or aggressive trimming routine is to be established. All ornamentals that produce any dead fronds (Le., coon tie, sage, aztec grass, holly fern, etc.) are to be systematically checked and cleaned with special attention to early spring cleanup. 6.0 PLANT REPLACEMENT The Contractor shall be responsible for replacing any plant materials that die or become damaged to the point that the plant grade is less than Florida Number 1 as a result of neglect or damage caused by the maintenance operation. Replacement material shall be identical to plant species, quality and specifications of the materials at the time the loss occurs. 7.0 TREE TRIMMING All trees are to be trimmed to meet industry standards. Trimming of all established Live Oak trees will be the responsibility of the Owner not the Service Provider. Trimming of established trees other than live oaks are to be trimmed to a maximum of ten (10) foot under canopy and pruned just outside the branch collar. New or young trees are to be trimmed with an ideal under canopy of seven (7) feet. Sucker growth is to be removed by hand or trimmer from the base of a tree. Herbicides are not to be used for this purpose. Palms are to be trimmed regularly to ensure the absence of seeds and fronds dropping to the ground and not so severely as the hurricane cut. Ligustrum and Holly trees are to be maintained per industry standards or as specified by City's Representative. Approved traffic (M.U.T.C.D.) warning devices shall be used when necessary to provide safety to persons and vehicular traffic within any areas undergoing pruning. Work will be scheduled after consulting with the City's Representative. 8.0 WEEDING Weeding of all plant bed areas is to be as often as necessary to conform with the shrub trimming schedule, to control weed population and maintain healthy plants. Remove weeds, vines and "voluntary" seedlings from planting beds. Weed control in landscaped areas wi/I be accomplished by hand weeding and/or application of round-up and a pre-emergent herbicide if needed. All weeds in sidewalks or pavement areas (including curbing) shall be chemically controlled or removed by hand. 9.0 ANNUALS Annuals are to be changed four (4) times per year. A quantity of 586 annuals of 4" full bloom are to be determined by Owner or City's Representative for each seasonal change. A schedule shall be determined and '. agreed upon by both Owner and Service Provider. Bed preparations are to consist of 14-14-14 Granular fungicide and Cavalier Subdue GR. along with any added soil preparations or enhancements needed to facilitate strong healthy growing annuals. 1 0.0 IRRIGATION Irrigation checks shall be performed by the Service Provider on a monthly basis as a minimum. The monthly (bi-weekly if necessary) inspection shall consist of turning on each zone and inspecting each head for the proper coverage, including straightening, or adjusting the flow of water and adjusting or unclogging any heads. If any heads or parts are defective, the Service Provider will replace the parts at that time and all parts to be given to the Owner or City Representative for inspection. The Service Provider shall submit a detailed report, at the time of billing of each monthly service, consisting of the clock and location, each zone by number, any repairs or work that needed to be corrected during that service. All parts used will be itemized on the bill with a maximum of $400.00 to be spent without approval during the regular scheduled maintenance visit. If additional money is needed for any repairs, the Owner or City Representative must be given a detail report of the repair and the cost involved before the work is to be performed. No payment will be made for heads or parts damaged by the Service Provider. Service Provider shall immediately repair any and all damaged property within the areas specified in this agreement to meet plant replacement specifications or original irrigation parts. All work performed by Contractor to meet industry standards. All labor required to repair or replace defective parts is included in the contract price except when repairing valves, main line or lateral lines over 1 %", clock or wiring problems, or lines under sidewalks or roadways. Labor cost for these services is established in the bid calculation sheet of SECTION 00300, BID FORM. Material costs shall be paid on the basis of approved documented cost plus 15% for overhead and profit.