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/';QJECi f?ve7rVr6Fbv
The pity's Visir~n f'ctr the East Rural Area
'9t i5 it e vision i7fi the Gity of Winteertifxin[,is thrtt
rievc.L°rf~rrtrnl f. yitt~rny Ir th xr- fapriiuns ~rf the 'L'"ia$t
kural Area' taut Bray bar annexed rrrlo the E:Ify~ oP Wiutaar
Y.pnnys E3flcrold be r~ir'3vpFa~tperi rn sttr:h a rnarrrier tttal
a mates ut spvt air7;3k~lgr,gu they of lift'. Ih~yl ac;~omrnr~rl<ttes
fng~.~datiort riro4vtlt +n a manner fYunt t~cma~fy,~{s Q,Nr~13
suaries, thaf balaru:es developrnranl f'iOtenUal Fend
conserv.ltlon of lands; that protects Iakes,, wLLitcrvy~y5,
~r n,potak>,I~q war rorourres, that tJrutecis
environrneittally signifcatru wetlands, animal and plant
liter lttat preserves Itlsinriutlly siyiufir;an! f~laces and
bolding artifarls; proteras significant n:ntural occurring
landscape features: that balances the interest of
property owners; and that minimizes then aliv
imp7cis of urban shawl."
(%uv of Wbrtrr Sptb~yc Rcv.+lutkui 20Qb-09
s'~verview rrf Fltit?i rrativE- .Sc~rnrari<1s
5c~en~ri~a 1. No Furtf~~r C7c;v~:!«prfrer~f
1. Would curtail development rights under
existing county zoning
2. Need for mechanisms to achieve a
permanent conservation strategy, e.g.,
conservation easements;
3. Questions regarding economic viability of
future agricultural uses
7@~M~N~' -,'~9'dl~ 94Wd.1~6,d1` 4 1 b1A dv~.hllV'1
C7dF>rvir~UV~>f~1(ft3rrativtr ~atftr~rins
Sc~:n~arira ~. Cnrrtir~t~<~tinn of haul
1. Implications of proliferation of septic
systems -watershed management and
groundwater contamination
2. Absence of a network of permanently
protected open space
3. Vulnerability to future assembly and
~ y.~ w~P~~4'b, y~ !M , y a
C7vervic~w of ~ltfernzftiv<3 .`>GC,~r?arzt),4
Scenario 2~. Cc~ntinu~rticir~ of ~fx,!nty Z~~nin=~ ~~>litF~ Cit~,tr r ~'r~~>'=rr.3r,f,
Issues j
1 I f f ff ~ f ~ ~~
mp icatwns o pro t erahon o septic
systems -watershed management
and groundwater contamination
2. Absence of a network of permanently
protected open space
3. Vulnerable to future higher density
4. Incentive only for part of the ERA
5. Incentives available since early 1990s,
and it has not been used
6. No provision for areawide conservation
~ 1A-7~
., ;
t~ V
Bonus densities In A-10 - 2x lot densrtfes ~~, '.
with 80 % sel-aside of open sparo
1~M ;;
p ~~
u a
yyggyy((YYk f
<)ve;rview~sfd~tterrit~itivv S4cerr~rit~s
~c€;rs~ries 4. ~ur~l ~ra~~sitior~~i ~?eve4c~~m~;nt
18 'there a ~ietfer Way?
$l:bnar•U 2
Scenario 3
F'~~#crrtial ~'(enierifs raf E3r7 ~" ~ ,f' Rural C)evet~)~rrae~rai Sct n~~rio
Ach[ewir7c~ ~ ~~~aral Trar~siti~nai Vision
f'oC~~~rrfi~f ~7rlrrtt;nts at 3r7 E'a,t fiura! r?2v(~tCSsxa7~•rr( 4ctsrt~ariG~
Gtgure 12
Censerration Sulxlieision Aerial SkeWi
?"'o!nrtti<ti E;~femE~trt , of;~n Eas~f~ K'ur<~i C?evPk7E,>mrrnk 3cert€rrizs
"~2e~lity Ch~c,k" -. Acc;can~mr~d<~tion of ~xistirx€~ C7wn~~rshi~~ €~r~tt~:rns
1~ ; ' ~~
~~ ~~ ~~ ~
~i~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~V~~~~~ ~`,~ ~ Wit iA~;1~~~
iea ~_... ~ ~~~~
an _. __... LN •°
as_ f ~ '° ~ ~ ~ ~
93 ~ .,~,
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:., ;.:... „ . ,P......,. .:, _.m:~
F'v~enPiai Znrrirt~ ~tr~t~ yres
C7ver^ufe<vof~ltte~~r~~ftver S~e~lrar6o:a
Sr~narie~ 4. F~ur~l Trans~iticar~al ~7e;ve~lr~pmr;nt
Is 1"Para ti EYt~Uer Way's
Scenadq 1 Scanado 2 Scenario 3
Poter~fia! ZC7~tinc~ Str~tec~ies
F;~ar~l Tr~nsititanal C~evel~prnentSr,,~r7~~rio: A Twa-Tirrr~d ~r~nine} Apprc~aeh
Conservation Development Overlay
,Mhimum rnct Sze Would apply
C ~,~e~ 8~
uribult ho~.e~ ~:
Houses will be ~°g and ,inquisitive Cily
Copnc}I ,members,.. who
Bunched away in attempts to
Cars ~e~h' reach a decision on a proper-,
ty some neighbors want t~`
see have far fewer houses bli
..:apart when. ~t.
The issue was brought up
~C 'n1 at the last City Council meet-
S1teS ~ll11S112(l ing but .was continued;
because the Council was
" t}nsatisfied wtth`the informs;:
By Michelle Yoffee-Beard lion provided by Dorworth at
THE EHAONI(LE the last. meeting.
OVIIiPO - The Ci Jim I:ogue, president of the
t1! Black Ilanunock Association, ,
Council voted Monday to said he had some concetds
proceed with apre-annexa- .with the property as pro-
tion agreement that would posed, and cgmplained that
bring 38.9 acres and 84 homes ,the property bwnet wasn't
into the city, but the property eommunicatinp yrell enough:'
owner had "to answer some "1 don't want to get intd
tough` questions from offs-"straight 'rumors and gossig:
cials before.he finally got the . We never heazd from these
nod fellows;' Logue told the
Christopher Dorworth of Council. 1'This is not neces-
Dorworth Properties faced
the .mayor and four demand- ^ Please seeANNEXATION ~ A5
.TAKING flgE: Chris Dorworth, alwre left, of Dorworth fhoperlies faced the Oviedq Clty Cogncll about questbns ddzeas raped conteminq
'Ile houstnq density of a proposed neighborhood The Coundl cleared the 38 9-acre, 84-home property for preannexatlon.
~' "'
~I'ersampiere was sole nay vote, '
aching flooding, building density .
'xrorn ANNEXATION ~ Al space, whrch by tity star- and .buffers being ofTered,
Bards would be about 3D,000 however the developer is put-
~ Sary. This', is not benefitjng us square feet - 350 square feet Ling in lots much smatter than
that live here. There's a lot of pea home. rr City ConnCil has been
idoubt and discord around °Dorworth told him that he approving. recently. I couldn't
this thing.It just doesp't ; , was going to ry to do that go alpng with it," Per=
seem like a good idea to me:' and his plans inclu8ed a sampiere said f`o1loWing'the
Dorworth's vision (or'-the '.5,000 squaze!foot children's vote.,
property, a' grid of homes playground -and a .9,000 Dorworth told the,Council ,
;spaced just 15 feet apart, square foot .recreation azea: the project probablywouldn't
;would buffer the neighbor- , He~said he hopes the city;will . be economically feasible if
+hood from the surrodnding allpw him to .classify about they putthe amount of hous-
iazea with heavy vegetation 16,000 acres of wetlands on es Persampiere -was recom-
and wetlands: As the proper- the site as pazkland; by rout- mending.,' which.. would be
ty currently rests in the ing a path through them. 'about 69. The Council''+ ulti-
:county, just north ofOviedo's There are wetlands and mately voted in favor of the
• city limits, most ° planning trails. I think it will be a walk- project.
work was done in collabora "ing area," Dotyyorth respond- After the vote and before
tion with -County staff and ed. Dorworth left the podium,
',leaders, even though for- Russell pushed: "I want to Persampiere got in the last
;worth made. cleaz he,intend- knot>T yQ 'fte''willutg to com- word.
ed to annex into Oviedo mit pazk spate.l want to pazk "M~.zDorworth, make it a
before buildigg. ! that; matches our ordinance,
' nice' piojeM; please," he said.
Councilman Todd Ryissell genod." ' '
;said he is concerned about Council member Dominic
the process because he feels Persampiere was most. ton-
`the Council waS left out. cerned with storm water
") think t6;rre ngeds to be drainage '
a procegs better than what "The ent~e issue with this
' we have, I un~e' toad you're project is goirjg to relate Back
;the applicant. A§ a lily, we to the storm water issue: lou
~Falfe,4he brunt and the heat know, Yasked you this at the
and Ifeel we were left out in .last Council meeting, and I
;the cold; `Russell said, beligve I .remember your
.Russell said he would~,like, , an$,wer emphatically I think
to see. all constntction traffic less houses with- more.
Coming to the site via,l?igrida buffers. Would you be willing
' Avenue, a road north p# the. to do RI-A [zoning]?" Per-
city,, wfiich would minimize sampiere asked, referring to
in-city traft"iq something he zoning ,that allows fewer
hopes„will alleviate coneg'rns homes per acre that I)pr-
ofneighbors. worth has planned.
.Russell said also he is con- Although. he says he's not
`cerned with the buffer and against development in the
the appearance of the subdi- city he said the density. of
viaigzL;, this proposed nelBhbo;hood
I'fo;worth responded: combined with storm water
"Qui goal was to create a issues left him knowing he
suburban neighborhood with had to vote against the rest of
a rttrai appeoranpe, that from the Council. Persampiere,
the outside Glooks] rural but was the lone nay vote on
on'the inside has fraditonal .Monday.
standard curb appeal Part of "The land and the land
doing that was,;,p Create a behind it are consistently
';100-feeUbuffef on_thenorth flooding. I hope St, John's.
encf. We preserved all wet- River Management will take
landsp,n the far edge. At the care of it. Also, I am not com-
faz edge. you're 210 feet out." foitable with high-density
Heyond that, ussell said
~ development„in a rural azea.I
;ate pazk
3~e wants ade .had no Issue rtth R1A zoning
~~~: '
~'h~ T~o~ce ~ August 18, 2Q05' ~
....age 3
Ma~~tin~~ ion ca Y 1
D~~re'~+b `n~~nt
. ,:
Dear Editor:
~~~rotc before-about he.~-t~iti~. note County. .
mocks and c~plancd, th~l it .was Also published in the Seminole
only a snokc screen by the County C.qunty issue far Sunday, August
and thcCty as tli6y s~icarheadcd 7, 2005 was~~a public noliEe by lhc~
the rape of the north/casl quadrant, City of Oviedo Commission'.
to wit; Chuluota and Gcncva. Issue: Rc;classifying 38 acres in
In addition to;the previous hum- the rursl area to allow forresidcn-
miry and as evid'enced' by the
Scminolc.Couniy Edition of the tr~~l ;building; on 1l4 acre sites.
Orlando Scntincl~ for Sunday, July. o~'lhe timc,and most people most
31; 2~U5 in the scctiQn ki~orv~r as of the lime but yo4ean riot. foot all
the Agpnda one can readily witness " the, people all the time. h was
the facts:: ,
gratifying o read <lhc extensive
Approval of45\acres -:89 unit coverage liven to; development;
single fa-3~ily"residdnUal develop in also in~Chc Orlando Sentinel, and ,~
Show 11111 Road and Avcrruc H, it is a faei:-that if dcv~lopiiicnt is
Vote 5 - 0 not checked in'limc to give. mathcr
Lssue: Rcrone of 3~ acres on
~ ": nature an opporluntly to recoup
Diyision Sl ,North of and build its.resorlrces we arc go-'
Girneva Drive' from agriculhirc to -ng to live in wha6 is known up
si,n~le,family dwelling, north as "a blackboard jungld"
Vote 4 , 1 synonymous with roof tops, ee~
IC was further publishedthat merit block and blacktop on th¢
tl~c County_ and Oviedo are'or have roads.,
entered intaa new JAR (Joint Plan- , 1 only hope and;pray' that tltc
Wing A'greem'ent} once again. To people of this county wake up.an~
my krowledt;c Winter Spr'ulgs was force; the Com~rrission to revisit
orrce`again t'eft out of the'picture
~ lheir`plans-fordev~loping what is
s}>ite of ~thc fncbthat is ,cruci'al left of a pristine era: '' ~ ` ` ~ '
for the lliree poliEical~entilies to' - Sincerely;Edw~rdMartihc~Jr.-
wvork3o~ethef for,lhe health, safety ' -Winter Springs, Florida
August l ~, 2UU5
vul. ~v tvt,. ~~ -
• ,
--~ ••- ............. Iv»..rte„..:or__.fnroverlSyears--
By Megan Sladek
Oviedo city council has agreed to an-
nex another portion of the Black Ham-
mock; scooping in nearly 39 acres along
Lake Charm Drive where Donvorth Prop-
em~ Group plans to develop an 87-home
subdivision. The silt is I~00 feel south
of Floridia Avcnuc, with its current de-
sign showing a main entrauce on Lake
Charm Drive and a gated emergency en-
lrancc on Division Strcct.
Council sent the dcvclopcr home
from its last nuecling +ailhoul deciding
+vhcthcr to approve the Prc-Annexation
~~ e
75 fool side setbacks!!!!
Rcginn says:
- LcCs lung the crash ga
into a real gale so residcnls cvu c
to do+Vnlo+vn. (using Divisi<
Pcrsampicrc says: Di+
sion isn't inuprovcd enough to i
Agreement he has presented to the Cily. so appealing, if not do+mright essential.
Without connecting to Ovicdo's po-
During the hvo week interim, cowucilin-
slmcted stall to research the cxlenCto
hich Oviedo could force the developer ,
to have %: acre lots (or larger) to comply
to comply with Ovicdo's standards, in-' w'alhtheSJRWMDrequirementforwells.
Without Oviedo's sewers; homes id this
stead ofthe county's.
Neighbors and council members are ritzy neighbor would have imsiglrily hills
both conccmed about the disharmony be-
' m their yards to accommodate the drain
gelds of the septic tanks that would be
hvcenthocity'sguidclinesandthcwunty required.
ing to do is push his subdivision through The dcvclopcr had claimed at the Au-
at the county level, then, when the entire ust 1"meetin that he could achieve the
game end results regardless of whether
project is conipletcd, to annex info the city.
Water and sewer arc what make this idea
Oviedo signed apse-annexation~grcement
with him. Jim Logue, a resident of [he
Black Hammock, called lhe,developers
bluff, explaining that septic [ants would
make the subdivision "..look like an el-
ephan[ burial ground." From a business
and' aesthetic perspective, even the
developer's engineer agreed that sewer
was vital to the economic success of Ate
"This is not an approval .for mning,"
Donvorth had explained at the August I"
mccling aRer numerous residents spoke
to oppose the specifics of the development
He does not need the city's blessing for
zoning because Seminole County's Board
of County Commissioners has already
given, it. Regardless, the discussion fo-
cused on the details:
Councihvoman Bereswill wanted
council to require the developer to turn
the emergency entrance. on Division Street
into a regadar entrance to lessen thetraf-
fic impact on Lake Charm and encourage
residcnls to use Ovicdo's New Down[o+m.
Hcr plea to rputc traffic onto Division
Slrccl was met with some resistance, and
died out when Persampierc explained lha6
talking about +vhere entrances were was
jumping the gun since it presupposes that
council approves of the development to
begin with. "1 still think we're building
~ ~
from p g
~ ibis a little bit loo dense," he said, "If we
don't gi+•c them water and sewer, they
. don't build this subdivision."
City staff estimated that 281 people
would move to the development, which
Lnkc Chami (how is that economic
dcvclopnicnl'?!'?!?!'?!'?! )
Pcriampicro: °I still think.
+ra'rc building this a little bit loo
dense'""If wo don'Cgi4e them wa-
to and sewer, they don't build this
subdivision" so +vc`d be jumping
the gun asking for specifics on
would help the city reach its goal of in-
creasing its population to 50,000 people.
StatF also believed that cooperating with
the developer woultl be economically ben-
eficial to [he city. The project would yield
one-time impact fees of $205,059 and
annual property taxes of $246,000, but
the money is simply not worth i[ to-some.
"This is not good for us, this is not
what we want. It's not necessary, it's not
benefiting us," said Jim Logue: Many
other members of the~lack Hariunoek As-
socia[ionwere present m the audience, but
none but l,.ogue addressed council. One
of their main concerns is drainage....
The Conversation
- There's a 100-210 deep foot
buffer to create a wall to the rural. area.
Voluntary 30-foot buffer between
lots and lake charm drive
- Will put plants in at the begin-
ning of thcprocess (so you'll have a head
start) `
- 2~-fool Butler swail along now-
vacated Artesia (so no water will go into
adjacent subdivision)
With 87 homes in the subdivision.
30,450 SF of parks required (They've
planned for about 14,000 SF of parks, but
by o++m admission, still IG,000 short.
Wants to claim the wetlands as spark-area
- add in trails)
Russell says: "I wants park [hat
matched our ordinance. Period."
- Dominic says, "IF you lose some
lots, you lose some lots"
Dominic savs:
- Are you raising the property or
draining the land?
No[ sure....first, they do a soil
boring every 500 feel [o find out the sea-
. sonalluigh Nater mark. City will set dis- .
[ante belrnv road above which water can-
not be. (usually l foot). Alternative =
underdrain system that works during
rainy season, but shuts off when it's dry.
- 25°/ of south .would be
undcrdrain, rest would probably be el-
evated. See "Charmed" on pg. 3
Rcginasuggcsts:+yccould _ Russell "ibis"I~+vholc
use tnnsportalion impxl fees to lliiiag's foul"
pave Division Pcrsanapicre the only Nay
Thal means they all go oin
Council Charmed by Developer
-- :_ -~.nemx~~.+ ~*x~,a+awwnaxma~uc.yse: ,nnztnw.-~#~ ..ryW~l"4~4'~as~~maA*s°^ .-,;~ <,~,,,ru.,,,.ry....__
' Urlando Sentinel
j/ Secnox R
More than a tine in the sand
Oviedo s rural neighboes want urban bowdary firmly defined
OVIEDO -.Rezoning and po-
tential annexation of 38 acres on
Seminole County's rural-urban
line ie raising questions about the
Last month, the County Com-
missionagreed to change the zon-
ingfromagricultural tolow-densi-
ty residenrial to pave the way for
an 88-home development to be
known as Lake Charm Landing.
Less than a week later, develop-
er Chris Dorworth's representa-
tive, llugh Harling, was in front of
the Oviedo City Council asking for
the property to be annexed into
the city so it could hook up to the
city's water and sewer utilities.
Council Vice Chairman Todd
Russell said annexatoa would
bring .thousands oP doAara in tax
revenue into the city and give
Oviedo more control over the
However, he said he was con-
cerned that no one has a clear un-
derstanding of what should be
along the rural-urban boundary. ,
This is the start of transitional
zoning," ha said. "We need to all
get a better understanding of
what this transitional zoning
Oviedo has heard initial argu-
ments from the developper and is
expected to consider the annex-
arion at the Aug. 15 Council meet-
RuaseU said the -home lots
would need to be slightly bigger
than currently approved to meet
the city's zoning requirements,
but the math would work out to
about four houses per acre under
either the county or city guide-
Jim .Logue, president of the
Black Hammock Associarign, and
others wiib live in the rural com-
munity just north of Oviedo ea#d
4hey would like to pc~a-wide
boundary that would kQep the dry
from encroaching on their lite•
Harling, the engineering con-
sultant for the proposed gated de-
velopment, said the single-family
home -lots would be et least a
quarter-acre each and would be
~' ~ 'i(8 Orlando Sentlnd - a SUNDAY AUGUST 7 2005
f Er " - " a "
~ . ado annexation raises questions
~~R of what the rural transition plans, the buildln~ depart-
~ '~.,NNNQXATION PnoM KI boundary is. meat can do inspections, he
•' situated among large oak "We're not unreayonable said. "If we're going to have
' ~ trees, ripen recrearional areas people; Logue said. "We jdst the Impact, we ;'shoal t have
~ and wetlands. want to kaowwherethe ttah- some Input."
"This is a good transition aition area i8 and to have `a $eadn°er said thatthe line
betw:4~$-r'nral and urban," he i!eal detlniriori. Rip~!!t, ,4ow~ Jeft $opP
said. ' it's just a line. You can't have between urban expansion
A 300-toot buffer would just a line between rural and environment of dthee Bla k
separate the north side of the urban areas."
community from the Black Harting could not be Hammock would pnot be
Hammock, where 5-acre Iota- reached for Comment on the harmed by the something ev-
arethe minimum. To the.east, annexation issue. thhiinnkk
there would be a 30-foot buff- ~ In comments before the eryone can' live with, he
erfromffierurallands. Oviedo City Council on Itfon- said: a su sated that the
Some think that isn't day; he said the development Logu t±g
enough. would go ahead, regardless county needato get together
Logue said the difference of the citY's decision. Pth ~eaetlne the transi-
inmind-sets between what he Russell said it would be to S rings
called urban developers sad the. city's. advantage to allow tion, area between rural and
people like him will continua t rotect residents who would urbane omg to be a never-
tocause problems. pp gb
He said Black Hammock be affected by the develop- ee sl°to ether uandl acts ilke
real ~m and others who live meat. grown-u and- does: some-
. 'arena aren't asking "It it is annexed olil' - B Ps
~" oratorium on building. nearing dep. artmenYcpg l~k thing to define the transition
Y s at the desi our p19'mntng area for everyone; Logn9
Ta~A county; they are pimply gn, k
hoping for a sfrong definition department can loo at the said.
. ~. :_
,' _,
~,,, $ati.:wo le Ch.o,.~; ~.le /1 ~•,0.~- S-!~~ Zao~' P. A~~o
r son
s e
~~ ~ 1
. e
NeiQ~j,~hors concerned building a neighborhood of septic tanks and
a" wells, or one with plumbing from the city. The
n ~ m developer seemed to waver a bit, and the City
~t l le V V V ~ ~ol l le Council, shot him down - in the politest way it
mold -by telling him to comeback in a couple
~~ ~ of weeks with a bit more certain a plan for them
l+Omrn~~ T ~ ~ to considex
l~ 111111 l.~/ Dorwoith, in his defense, wasn't there to
cause .trouble and wasn't even there to talk
create flood problems ~ - though he needed to be prepared to
answer a few basic questions if necessary. The
>= ~ action that was to take place Monday was a pre-
annexation agreement, basically setting the
Oviedo took a bold stand on Monday, backing diplomatic groundwork for the city to get its two
a~yay from what looked to be a sure thing -the cents in about how the neighborhood is built.
1~„ pte-annexation agreement on a property just Once the property is annexed into the city, it
rillrth of the city limits, just east of Division will be subject to whatever rules the city deems
Street. appropriate. 'That's once it's in though -and
~; It's better known to most as "the country." Dorworth told the City Council that they're. in a
The area is right on the edge of the theoretical better position to govern the project after it is
boundary between the urbanized Oviedo as we annexed into the city's borders, not before.
know it and the rural Black Hammock area Neighbors bf the prospective gated communi-
-Residents are afraid that the line between ty, which will have just one entrance, on Lake
dense housing and countryside is being too Charm Drive, told the Council that they're not
sharply drawn -and they're probably right. just womed about the country/city line getting
~1hat you'll see is a neighborhood with about carved too narrowly in the sand. They're wor-
two houses per acre, compared with much of the ried the property mold end up causing flooding
Black Hammock, where houses are generally on issues for their land.
five-acre lots or larger. It's something that has happened before -
` Essentially, it's 10 times as many houses in the and some residents are still drying out their
same space, ~ boots after the swath of hurricanes we saw.last
~` The 39-acre development should end up with year
about 8G homes if everything goes according to The concept is simple -when you build
plan. Oviedo leaders don't seem to be taking ~ houses on land. that used to absorb water, there's
~ issue with the grand scheme - th just want to less place for the water to go. It ends up flowing
make sure the developer is provid g enough sideways instead of into the ground, going into
information to begin with, before they jump, mto storm sewers, retention ponds, or somebody's
a"'.project they may ultimately hate..:. backyard.
:The City Council had a few questions for the It's a legitimate concern, one that.. needs to be
property's representative, Chris Dorworth,,when fully considered before this project gets too far
lle came to the podium to defend plans: for the along. And this project probablywill be complet-
site. Tfiey wanted to know if he was planning on ed = in good time.
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The Seminole G7tronide is a free weekly newspaper servin~ast Seminole County, PI.. nll Piylished by Knight Newspapers
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tJf~ ° o `1 c s
~~Th~ Hammock"
~ ~~Vews firom
j osed development.) ~ tots and for teens and the request
+ On Tuesday afternoon, July 2b, P
005, the Seminole County Com- Major objections included the, for consideration. for a rear gate
ion voted. "Yes" on a request. negative impact of urban density onto Division St. Mr. Morris sug-
[~ss into the transition area; the antici- Bested rattlesnakes might be a
#'or 87 homes to be located in the ated impact of traffic on-the sur- problem in; the play area, due to
~-3 8.5 area ,along Charm 'St. north P
f Artesia. This site is located in . rounding communities, and sewage the location.
~he transition area on the southern and waterdrainage issues. Impact The area is expected to request
edge of the Black°Hammock. on local schools and othercommu-
{ 'This re uest for rezoning, pre- pity services was mentioned, but annexation into the Ciry of Oviedo
q only minimally.. This number of this week.
~ented by Developer Hugh Harlon;
uggested a gated community with. ,homes would generate from SOO to
wrought iron fence or tree buffer 1000 vehicle trips daily, which Powell
;. equates to an estimated 10 trips per .Black Hammock Resident
surrounding .it. There would be household, per day.,;
only one main entrance, and that .
onto Lake Charm St. The Deve1-
'open agreed to review the possi- The long range planning for a
bility for' additional egress, espe- transitioning .from urban. to rural
cially for emergency vehicles. land usage was to be covered with
Black Hammock residents as provision of a minimum 100-foot
well. as those from Meade Manor tree buffer on the side adjacent to.
and Palmetto, two other adjacent the Black Hammock.
subdivisions, requested denial.
Only some of The Meadows rovedb
homeowners suggested this was a The proposal was app Y
'good idea. (This subdivision area -the Commissioners with the caveat
does not directly border the. pro- `that-the play area be enlarged for
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