HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999 10 07 Other Handout by Staff . 1 COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM A CONSENT INFORMATIONAL PUBLIC HEARING REGULAR X October 11, 1999 Meeting MG~ /~ Authorization REQUEST: Public Works Department Requesting the City Commission Authorize the City Manager to Advance Fund a Portion of the Costs for the Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District PURPOSE: The purpose ofthis agenda item is for the City Commission to authorize an expenditure of funds for construction of the Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District Improvements to Seminole County for an estimated amount of $1 00,000. CONSIDERATIONS: This approval is needed to include the Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District Improvements with the construction of Tuskawilla Road from Dyson Drive to S.R. 434. Seminole County opened bids for Tuskawilla Road Phases III and IV on July 14, 1999. The bid was awarded to Bergeron Land Development, Inc. on September 22, 1999 with a contract time of 676 days. The Notice to Proceed will be issued on approximately October 201h. The design of the wall, footer, irrigation and landscaping were incorporated into the Tuskawilla Road project. The wall cost from the low bidder is $593,895.00. In addition, the Construction and Engineering Inspection costs are estimated at $65,910. . The CEI costs are determined by prorating the wall costs portion of the total contract against the CEI contract. A previous interlocal agreement between the City and County provided for $292,000 from the One Cent Sales Tax for the design and footer costs with any remaining funds ($44,123) to be applied towards the wall. The County will be billing ();jk I:ores\ Wall l:lI1lds.doe October 11, 1999 Regular Agenda Item A Page 2 the City for 10% of the construction costs which is due within 60 days of the issuance of the Notice to Proceed. The estimated CEI costs of$65,910 will be billed monthly on a prorated basis during the contract period. The Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District Advisory Committee reviewed the construction costs and budget at their September 8, 1999 meeting and voted to proceed with the wall. The Committee put together a flyer addressing the reasons for increased costs, time frames for construction, and assessment implementation. All Oak Forest residents were mailed a copy and invited to attend a public meeting on September 29th to answer any additional questions and review the plans. About 70 people showed up with only a handful in opposition to the project. The Committee again passed a motion recommending that the City Commission proceed with the necessary steps to construct the wall. The Committee will make a brief presentation during this agenda item reiterating that position. FUNDING: The amount of funds needed is estimated at 10% of construction ($59,390) plus approximately 12 months of the prorated CEI ($36,000) for a total of$95,390. The FY 1999/2000 budget has $30,000 appropriated under General Government for this project which was for the consultants to create the district. The additional $100,000 required would be taken from reserves. All funds would be reimbursed to the General Fund upon issuance of the bond or BAN to fund the project. This is projected to occur in the summer of 2000 subject to the City Commission adopting the resolution creating the assessment district. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Commission authorize the City Manager to advance fund up to $100,000 for the Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District Improvements and direct the City Manager to proceed with the steps Oak Forest Wall Funds.doc " October 11, 1999 Regular Agenda Item A Page 3 necessary to bring back in the spring of 2000 the resolutions necessary for the Commission to consider the creation of the Oak Forest Wall and Beautification Assessment District. IMPLEMENT A TION: Upon receipt of the appropriate invoice from Seminole County, funds will be transmitted to the County. In addition, the City Manager will direct GSG to continue with the process of creating the assessment district. Approximately 20% of the work has been previously completed. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Cost Estimates 2. Oak Forest Wall & Beautification District minutes of September 8, 1999 COMMISSION ACTION: Oak Forest Wall Funds.doe .0 A TT ACHMENT NO. 1 OAK FOREST WALL & BEAUTIFICA TION DISTRICT WALL IMPROVEMENT COST CONTINGENCY CONSTRUCTION & ENGINEERING INSPECTION ASSESSMENT PROGRAM/ADMIN COSTS Estimated Julv 97 $340,000 $41,000 $0 $65,000 $446,000 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT CONTRIBUTION ENGINEERING DESIGN & FOOTER COST ($292,000) $292,000 $0 Capital Cost $446,000 Capital Prefinancing-PrepaymentlEquivalent Benefit Unit Frontage Lot @ 1.25 Benefit Units Noise Zone Lot @ 1.15 Benefit Units General Lot @ 1.0 Benefit Units ANNUAL DEBT SERVICE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE REPLACMENT COSTS ANNUAL ADMIN.lCOLLECTION COSTS/DISCOUNT $30,000 $8,500 $10,235 $48,735 Number of Benefit Units (BU's) 970.10 Annual Cost with No prepayment Cost for 671 General Lots @1.0 BU Cost for 206 Noise Zone Lots @1.1 0 BU Cost for 58 Frontage Lots @1.25 BU $50.24 $55.26 $62.80 Annual Maintenance Only Cost if Capital Portion Prepaid Maintenance Cost for 671 General Lots @1.0 BU Maintenance Cost for 206 Noise Zone Lots @1.1 0 BU Maintenance Cost for 58 Frontage Lots @1.25 BU 9/21/99 Ju/v 99 $593,895 $29,700 $65,910 $65,000 $754,505 ($292,000) $247,877 ($44,123) $710,382 $732.28 $915.35 $805.50 $732.28 $53,000 $14,000 $12,019 $79,019 970.10 $81.45 $89.60 $101.82 $23.41 $25.75 $29.26 .- ,~ ATTACHMENT NO.2 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES OAK FOREST WALL AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 8, 1999 I. CALL,TO ORDER The Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District Advisory Committee meeting was called to order on Wednesday, September 8, 1999, at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Thomas Helegeson, in the East Conference Room of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708. Roll Call Thomas Helgeson, Chairman, present Anna Fernandez, present Albert Murro, absent Dennis Norsesian, present Lorie Taylor, present Also Present Mr. Kipton D. Lockcuff, P.E., Director, Public WorkslUtility Department Commissioner Michael S. Blake arrived at 7:00 p.m. II. REGULAR AGENDA A. Election of Vice-Chairperson MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER LORIE TAYLOR. "I MOVE THAT WE T ABLE TillS AGENDA ITEM UNTIL THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING." SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER DENNIS NORSESIAN. THE BOARD AGREED TO THE MOTION BY CONSENSUS. MOTION CARRIED. B. Committee Position on Proceeding MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER TAYLOR. "I MOVE THAT WE PROCEED WITH THE WALL". BOARD MEMBER NORSESIAN SECONDED. THE BOARD AGREED TO THE MOTION BY CONSENSUS. MOTION CARRIED.