HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007 07 09 Consent 203 Solid Waste Survey Results
July 9, 2007
Special Meeting
MGR~ /DEPT / ff
REQUEST: General Services and Public Works Departments Requesting the City Commission
Validate the Solid Waste Survey Results Entitling the Franchisee to Receive the
Performance Bonus and Receive the Annual Staff Solid Waste Review
PURPOSE: The purpose of this Board item is to provide the results of the Solid Waste Survey to the
City Commission which determined that the Contractor is Eligible for the Performance
Bonus and also receive the staff review of the contract performance as stipulated in the
Solid Waste Franchise Agreement.
PERFORMANCE BONUS. This agenda item is needed to fulfill the performance bonus
provisions of the Franchise Agreement for Solid Waste Agreement with Waste Pro of Florida.
Section 35.0 specifically says:
Perr~rmaDce BODU~. To the extent pernlltt.ed by law. begmning with the first anniversarv
(~r..t~ls.~greC~lem, C~ntractor shall be ~nt~Ued to earn a perfi:mnancc bonus for the prit;r
) c<tl S f.:\lllectIOU and disposal servIces Within the servIce area, provided Contractor reecivcs
a cust(~mer satisfuction rating of ninety percent (90'%. or greater. The rating shall be
detenn!,n<:d by a compet~nt and indept':fldent research consultant chosen bymutual agreement
of the Contractor and City. The Contractor shall pay fi fly percent of the cost of retainm~ the
con~u'tant... The perf~rmance OOnus shall be Twelve Thousand Five Hundred Dollars
~ $1_.500.00.) per year for the firsl three years performance under this Agreement and Fincen
I housand Dollars ($15,000.00) per year lhereafter.
Staff contracted with the Dr. James Wright of the Institute of Social and Behaviorial
Sciences at UCF to perform the survey at a final cost of $2,247 which is to be split between the
07091J7 _ COMM _ Consent_203 _ Solid_ Waste_Performance_Review
July 9, 2007
Consent Agenda Item 203
Page 2
City and WastePro. At the May 29,2007 Commission meeting, the City Commission approved the
survey questions and format to be used.
The survey was completed and provided to the City June 20, 2007. The level of customer
satisfaction was measured at 93.2% based for the 500+ respondents. The results of the survey
entitle WastePro to the $12,500 performance bonus. The drop in the level of complaints staff
receives correlates to the survey results. The City has processed the UCF survey invoice and 50%
of that cost will be deducted from the performance bonus.
ANNUAL EVALUATION: In accordance with Section 9.3 of the Solid Waste
Agreement dated March 1,2006 by and between the City of Winter Springs and Waste Pro of
Florida, Inc., Waste Pro's performance shall be evaluated annually by the City Manager or his
designee via a written annual evaluation, which shall be subsequently delivered to the City
Commission at a public meeting. The evaluation shall be based on the level of service criteria set
forth in paragraph 9.1 of the Solid Waste Agreement. Those criteria are listed in the attached
Annual Evaluation Report.
Staff has completed the required evaluation and has met with representatives from Waste
Pro to discuss the report. Issues deemed "Acceptable but Needing Improvement" have been
discussed with Waste Pro and have been or are being remedied. Stafffound no areas of review that
were deemed "Unacceptable." The evaluation is attached.
9.3 Annual Evaluation Procedure. Contractor's performance shall be annually
evaluated by City's Authorized Representative and/or City Commission under the
following procedure:
A. Upon or soon after the occurrence of each annual anniversary date of this
Agreement, the Authorized Representative shall conduct and prepare a
written annual evaluation of Contractor's performance in providing the
collection and disposal services under this Agreement ("Evaluation"). The
Evaluation shall be based on the level of service criteria set forth in paragraph
9.1 herein. For each criteria the Authorized Representative shall evaluate and
070907_ COMM_ Consent_203_Solid_Waste_Performance_Review
Consent Agenda Item 203
July 9,2007
Page 3
grade Contractor's performance as unacceptable, acceptable but needs
improvement, or good. If Contractor receives an unacceptable grade, the
Authorized Representative shall provide Contractor a written explanation of
why Contractor's performance was unacceptable and Contractor shall be
given a reasonable period of time, as determined by the Authorized
Representative, to bring its level of performance up to levels acceptable to the
Authorized Representative.
B. The Authorized Representative shall deliver the Evaluation, the aforesaid
explanation, and other relevant documents to the City Commission for
consideration by the City Commission at a public meeting. At the meeting,
the Authorized Representative and Contractor shall have the opportunity to
explain their positions and the City Commission shall then determine whether
this Franchise should continue under conditions determined by the City
Commission or be terminated, without penalty, pursuant to paragraph 14.1 (H)
The Survey cost of $2,247 has been paid from the Solid Waste Fund. WastePro's share of
the survey will be deducted from the $12,500 performance bonus for a net performance bonus of
$11,376.50. City's 50% share of the survey will be paid from the Solid Waste Fund.
It is recommended that the City Commission Validate the Solid Waste Survey
Results Entitling the Franchisee to Receive the Performance Bonus of$11,376.50 payable
from the Solid Waste Fund and also accept the Annual Evaluation Report for Waste Pro for
the period of March 1,2006 - February 28,2007 as submitted by staff
The bonus will be paid within 30 days of approval.
1. Survey Report
2. Annual Evaluation Report
070907_ COMM_ Consent_203_ Solid_ Waste_Performance_Review
lJluversity of C:erltral Florida
Institute for Social and Behavioral Sciences
Winter Springs, FL, Customer Satisfaction with Waste Management
Services,2007: Final Report
James D. Wright and Jana Jasinski
University of Central Florida
June 20, 2007
The UCF Institute for Social and Behavioral Sciences contracted with the City of
Winter Springs, FL, to undertake a telephone survey that would determine the
level of consumer satisfaction with the City's solid waste disposal subcontractor,
The survey was a "computer-assisted" (CATI) telephone survey of registered
voters in Winter Springs, Florida, conducted according to the quality standards
that prevail in the phone survey industry. A sample of the City's registered
voters was obtained from a commercial sampling firm. Numbers from the list
were dialed at random until the desired sample size was achieved. Screening
questions at the beginning of the survey determined whether respondents were
in fact legal residents of Winter Springs and whether they lived in single family
residences, which negotiations with the City has previously determined to be the
appropriate target population.
The following table shows the disposition of "call attempts" in the survey. A "call
attempt" is an effort by one of our interviewers to reach a person at a particular
number. Since anyone number can be (and often is) called multiple times, the
number of call attempts (in this case, 4,253) is far larger than the telephone
numbers we attempted to dial. As can be seen, only about one call attempt in
eight resulted in a completed survey, somewhat above the average for ISBS
telephone surveys. More than two-fifths (43%) of all call attempts resulted in
"no answer," which includes answering machines and voice mail along with
unanswered telephones.
Disposition of Call Attempts: Winter Springs Survey
No answer
Call Back (1)
Business number
Not in single family home
Not in city limits
Fax/Computer Line
Completed Surveys
Total Dial Attempts 4253
Table Notes
(1) Includes both scheduled call-backs (specific day and time) and more
general "please call me back later."
For a sample size of 513, the margin of survey error (95% confidence intervals)
for a percentage near 50-50 is ::t: 4.21 percentage points. For a percentage split
near 90-10, the corresponding margin of error is ::t: 2.52 percentage points.
Aside from the screening questions to determine jurisdiction of residence and
residence type, the remainder of the survey consisted of two questions:
As you probably know, solid waste in Winter Springs is picked up by a private contractor,
Waste Pro. All in all, are you satisfied or unsatisfied with the trash collection services you
receive at your place of residence?
I Satisfied
3 Unsatisfied
8 It depends, varies from week to week, etc.
9 Don't know, can't say, refused.
Do you have any specific complaints about the trash collection service that you would like to
tell me about?
Results for the question about overall satisfaction were as follows:
It depends, varies
Don't know, refused
N = 513
The measured level of consumer satisfaction with WastePro (93.2%) exceeds
the 90% satisfaction rating referenced in the contract.
Many people who pronounced themselves satisfied overall with their trash
collection services nonetheless had specific complaints that they mentioned in
response to the follow-up question. Responses to the follow-up are reproduced
verbatim below. We have not undertaken any detailed analysis of these
responses, but a casual reading shows that leaving trash behind in the streets
and indifferent handling of the emptied bins tend to be the most frequently
mentioned complaints.
"Do you have any specific complaints about the trash collection service that you would like
to tell me about?"
A recycling truck was driving on the 417 between Rinehart and 434, and there was coke cans,
newspaper, plastic, and milk cartons flying out of the truck onto the road.
After they dump the garbage they leave the empty garbage cans in the middle of the driveway,
and when I pull in I have to park on the street and get out of my car and move the cans to the
side so that I can pull into my driveway.
Be more careful about where they leave the trash cans after they dump them, because they
leave anywhere and they always roll into the middle of the street.
Broke my recycling bin and lost neighbor's.
Careless with garbage cans when being picked up. Sometimes the cans will blow into the road
Containers are too large.
Containers are too big for [respondent] to handle
Service costs too much
Day after they don't show up. They busted a hydraulic line and didn't clean it up.
Doesn't like that they have to pay more for the services
I don't like the big containers
They don't move trashcans out of road. Service is too expensive.
They don't place trash bins at the ends of the driveway.
I don't think they should put a limit on the number of bags you can put out
Failed to pickup an arranged pickup.
Respondent has a broken bin, doesn't know how to get it replaced.
Have yard trash picked up on Monday after a weekend instead of having to wait until
Wednesday for regular trash pick up.
Haven't received my small trash bin and I have asked for it for a while now.
Holiday pick up dates. You just have to wait a week for trash to be picked up
Huge trash cans are too big.
I wish the trash collection would recycle more, things such as cardboard.
If they spill something, they don't bother to pick it up
I'm satisfied as long as they put my trash can back in my yard. They're sloppy about that
Inconsistency in the time that they come; leaving trash cans and trash in the road when
Inconsistent pickup times (resident sometimes misses pickup in the morning).
It would be nice if they came at the same time each time
Just don't understand some qualifications like putting trash right on the curb. For my house, this
is a difficulty.
Kind of expensive.
They leave a mess in the streets. They pull the bags out and leave a mess
Leave cans where you can still get your car into the driveway
They leave the lids open on the trash cans and they get full of water when it rains.
They leave trash in streets when they empty the can, turn trash cans upside down, they don't
pick up the trash when it spills in the street, and they let the remains from the trash stay in street.
They leave trash in streets sometimes. Not every time.
They leave trash around the can when it falls out.
R lost had stolen her recycling bin.
My recyclable bin is missing so they don't pick up the newspapers
Needs another recycle bin
No competition; residents must use Waste Pro.
No place to put trash cans.
No complaints. They are way better than what we used to have.
No, I think they are great.
No, it's better than what we had before.
No, we've had confusion about who to contact when we needed to get rid of big appliances, but
as far as weekly stuff they do fine.
No complaints, not lately.
Not really. Broke trash can once, yet it was replaced.
Not really
Not that I can think of.
Not that I know of.
Don't throw the trash cans around!
Don't toss recycling bins [all over]. Replace bins that are cracked or broken.
On rainy days, they don't put the cover on the baskets.
On Wednesday, they do not [always] pick up the yard waste. They need to be more consistent
with their yard waste pick up dates.
Once in a while, they come too late in the afternoon
Put trash can on side instead of middle of street
Resident says the trash cans are ugly and that Waste Pro should ask other residents to keep
their cans out of plain view when putting them out.
Should stay on route. Often they are there before people get their trash out. Arrive late at night.
Unreliable. We need pickups on holidays. City doesn't care.
[They are] sloppy and I am tired of picking things up off the road. On Wednesday, for yard pick
up, they do not pick up yard waste. I put it in the barrel-like container that they provided but they
still do not pick up the yard waste.
Sometimes they're a little late but I have no complaints whatsoever.
Sometimes I put garbage cans out with trees and they took them. Then they stopped.
Sometimes they leave trash in street
Sometimes they pick up the trash too early
Sometimes they put the trash cans in the driveway
Sometimes messy
sometimes there is still trash left in the barrels
Sometimes trash is not picked up. Also they are careless with residents' recycling bins; they
have smashed them to the point of breaking and then tell resident she must replace them at her
own time/expense.
sometimes they leave stuff in the bottom of the garbage bins.
Sometimes leave lid up and if it rains the trash can fills with water.
sometimes inconsistent
Sporadic yard waste pickup
[They should] take building materials (plywood, etc.)
Take trashcans, very abusive to trash cans, don't come on holidays (could include note in bill
whether or not they're coming on specific holidays)
Taking our garbage and not recycling the bottles and just dumping them in landfills
They don't pick up on holidays
They are very unhappy people.
They are great.
They come too late sometimes
They could be a little more courteous
They do not take all of the trash and leave some things on the road.
They don't pick up everything. Trash also falls from the truck and they leave it in the street.
They don't empty the can all the time.
They gave us new garbage cans, and they are too big; they take up too much space.
They haven't picked up our lawn waste
They leave my trash cans in the middle of the driveway after they empty out the trash.
They leave stuff behind in the trash cans.
They leave the can in the middle of the driveway sometimes
They leave the garbage cans in the road after they are emptied
They leave the trash can in the driveway and sometimes do not pick up big items when they say
they will
They miss pickups once in a while.
They miss my pickup sometimes
They put the cans in the middle of the driveway so you can't get your car in unless you get the
can out of the driveway, it's very annoying.
They spill garbage and the trash bins all over the floor.
They tend to dump trash in the roads and don't pick it up, they also tend to leave the big trash
cans with trash still in it
They took our entire patio set as garbage when we had construction going on in our backyard.
They will not throwaway myoid trash can. I write "please throw this trash can away" on the side
and they still refuse to take it.
Three missed collections.
They throw the trashcans
They throw trashcans
Throwing the garbage cans on yard waste
Trash cans are left in the middle of the driveway and one of my lids was dumped along with the
Trash can is left in the road and not the yard
They are unpredictable and unreliable; makes the neighborhood look bad
Well, it would be nice if they would pick up stuff on holidays or the day after.
When they pick up the garbage, at times they leave little pieces of trash on the ground without
picking it up.
Whenever they come, they leave whatever they drop and they leave the trash cans on the street
and obstruct the mailbox so the mailman will not deliver any mail.
For the Period March 1, 2006 - February 28, 2007
AUTHORITY: In accordance with the Solid Waste Agreement dated March 1, 2006 by and between
the City of Winter Springs and Waste Pro of Florida, Inc., Section 9.3, Contractor's
performance shall be annually evaluated by City's Authorized Representative and/or
City Commission.
The evaluation shall be based in the level of service criteria set forth in paragraph 9.1
of the Solid Waste Agreement. For each criteria the Authorized Representative shall
evaluate and grade Contractor's performance as Unacceptable, Acceptable but Needs
Improvement, or Good.
For each review criteria in which Contractor receives an unacceptable grade, the
Authorized Representative shall provide Contractor a written explanation of why
Contractor's performance was unacceptable and Contractor shall be given a
reasonable period of time, as determined by the Authorized Representative, to bring
its level of performance up to levels acceptable to the Authorized Representative.
Grade Scale: Good, Acceptable but Needs Improvement, Unacceptable (requires explanation)
The number of complaints received pursuant to paragraph 9.2 of the Solid Waste Agreement and
Contractor's performance in resolving the complaints in a professional and expedient manner.
. Complaints resolved in allowable time frame.
. Quantity of complaints within acceptable levels.
Contractor's responsiveness to direction given by the Authorized Representative.
GRADE: I Acceptable but Needs Improvement
Contractor needs to provide all contractually required reports, e.g., Annual Financial Report, Annual
Operating Plan.
The number of times that Contractor had to pay liquidated damages pursuant to paragraph 25.0 of the
Solid Waste agreement.
No liquidated damages required.
Contractor's participation in community meetings/events sponsored by City.
Contractor provided in excess of $8,500 in donations to various City events/functions during the
evaluation period.
Contractor's financial viability to continue performing the collection and disposal service as required by
this agreement.
Annual Financial Report Pending.
Contractor's compliance with its "Customer Service Policy" required by paragraph 9.4 of the Solid
Waste Agreement.
Inspection records of all collection vehicles.
GRADE: Acceptable but Needs Improvement
Inspection Records Pending.
Certified by the undersigned Authorized Representative ofthe City of Winter Springs, Florida:
Ronald W. McLemore, City Manager
Received by Contractor, Waste Pro of Florida: