HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006 01 26 Other Handout by Ms. Eloise Sahlstrom Date: January 26, 2006 THE FOLLOWING WAS HANDED OUT BY MS. ELOISE SAHLSTROM, SENIOR PLANNER DURING THE EAST RURAL AREA PROPERTY OWNER'S COMMITTEE MEETING. 2) Subdivision Design Characteristics · All lots shall be accessed from interior streets, except for pre-existing structures that will be incorporated into the conservation development; · To the maximum extent possible lots shall abut open space on at least one side. A local street may separate lots from open space (single-loaded street); · Rear residential lots and any structures including fences shall be located no closer than 35 feet from any exterior public road; and · Conservation subdivision developments shall not be designed as disconnected "gated communities". Fencing and walls surrounding conservation developments and individual lots are generally discouraged, so as to preserve scenic views. However, rustic and traditionally rural fencing which is largely transparent (such as split rail) is permitted. ,- 3) Street Requirements · Internal streets shall have 60' right of ways. The right of ways shall include 2-10' paved travel lanes with l' ribbon curbing, natural ground swales for drainage -and 8' wide recreation trails on each side constructed of a stabilized material as illustrated in Chapter 9 of the City of Winter Springs' land development regulations; · Native or naturalized trees shall be planted (or retained) in groupings with non- uniform spacing on both sides of internal streets at an average interval of 75 feet; · Street lighting shall be discouraged except in CD-3; and · Street and trail connections to adjacent conservation developments are encouraged to provide pedestrian and vehicular connectivity within the East Rural Area and shall be provided in logical locations to avoid creating landlocked parcels. /4) Stormwater Requirements Comply with the requirements of the City of Winter Springs and the St. Johns River \( Water Management District using Outstanding Florida Water criteria found in Chapter "'" 40C-42 of the Florida Administrative Code. ~ F. APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS The application and approval procedures for conservation development in the East Rural Area shall generally follow those set out in Chapter 9, Article II - Procedures for Approval of Plans and Plats of the City of Winter Spring Code, modified as follows. 1) Initial Conference Before submitting an application for a subdivision or re-zoning for a conservation development, the applicant shall schedule an appointment and meet with the Director of Community Development or his designee to discuss the procedure for approval of a conservation subdivision, including submittal requirements and conservation design standards and principles. Applicant shall be notified of the requirement that an initial sketch plan be prepared by a landscape architect licensed by the State of Florida Department of Professional Regulation. The initial conference may be conducted in coordination with a site visit. - 9 LAND DEVELOPMENT ~ 9-296 .", ~ ..Jg:~ ~~~ ~Ja iii ~Sl9i ~ 0 5~N ~ 4: ~:J;:: >- 0 ~~l' z ti> ~ CC . . o! cz: '" ..... a.. a: \:r ... ti f2 f F < >- () &! :; ::I a g W .. .. b ~ ..J - '" ..J '" 2 = 0 & ... () .... f5 ..J i -< ~ '" j ~ ...J ~ ~ 3; W ~ 0 'S\ i3 CJ) Z :;: 0 W 0 ~ a: r= a: - c cz: ~~ a 0 4: 0 F= w .... 8 CD a: E ~ ::J 0 .. 8 a: ill :t ~ .... LL a: ~ III >- 0 E < .:l ~ Z < 0 3: z < a: b Q Q 0 ~ a; W < -''''~ ~ Cf.) ~sft ~ u Cf) ~Jg ~ FOIll 8 Cf) ~~~ .. ;J, 0 F cr: l:1~j!: is ~~% o. 0 Je~>-: ~~ c!o~ ...J u'" <2:: ... ~~ 0 ;J,~ ~ 2< ~~ -II- f Rustic Residential w 66' RJW 597