HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 09 26 Regular Item B 2000 09 26 A City Manager Department Regular Agenda Item "B" August 28, 2000 COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM B CONSENT INFORMATIONAL PUBLIC HEARING REGULAR X 8- 28-00 l\leeting MGR';?~l /DEPT Authori ation REQUEST: City Manager requesting the Commission to review and consider for adoption Resolution #2000-27 for a Charter Review Process and other matters related to review of the City Charter. PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to provide the Commission with a process for reviewing the City Charter. CONSIDERATION: The City Commission has requested staff to provide the Commission with a process for reviewing its City Charter. The process provided for in Resolution #2000-27 employs the following: 1. Consistency with the Model Charter as written by the National Civic League. 2. Broad scale citizen input in both the identification of issues worthy of consideration for submission to the electorate, and extensive public education relative to the merits of the issues and chosen recommendations. 3. Top notch professional assistance to the Citizen Advisory Committee and the City Commission. 4. An Objective and disciplined process. The process provided for in Resolution #2000-27 was a product of Marilyn Crotty of the University of Central Florida Institute of Government, the City Attorney, and the City Manager. City Manager Department Regular Agenda Item "B" August 28, 2000 The Commission will need to decide if it desires to complete the process in time for the May 2001 Local Option Sales Tax referendum being considered by the County or some other time. We are proposing approval of the Lead Consultant Jim Burgess. I have discussed Mr. Burgess' credentials with you in the past. Mr. Burgess' credentials are attached for your review. Mr. Burgess' credentials and credibility in this type of work are self-explanatory. Mr. Burgess is available to begin work immediately if we are able to make a commitment right away. In the role of Lead Consultant Mr. Burgess will coordinate with the Project Coordinator, facilitate and review all technical input, provide legal analysis, and publish draft and ftnal reports. FUNDING: It is anticipated that the process as provided in Resolution #2000-27 can be completed for not more than $25,000. Mr. Burgess' fee will be $7,500 plus out-of-pocket expenses. University of Central Florida fee will be $4,000 plus out-of-pocket expenses. RECOMMENDATION: 1) The Commission review and consider for adoption Resolution #2000-27 with amendments it might deem appropriate. 2) The Commission determine the time line in which the Commission would like to complete the project. 3) The Commission review and consider for approval of Mr. Jim Burgess as the Lead Consultant for the project. 4) The Commission authorize a supplemental appropriation of $25,000 General from General Fund Revenues for implementing the Charter Review Process. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Resolution #2000-27. 2) Jim Burgess Resume. COMMISSION ACTION: ATTACHMENT '~', Resolution #2000-27 RESOLUTION 2000-27 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA PROVIDING FOR THE EST ABLISHMENT OF A CHARTER REVIEW ADVISORY COMMITTEE, SETTING OUT RESPONSIBLITIES, AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS. WHEREAS, in 1981 the Charter of the City of Winter Springs, Florida was adopted by referendum, and WHEREAS, the Charter has from time to time been amended, and WHEREAS, there are certain provisions of the Charter that have been challenged relative to interpretation of its provision, and WHEREAS, there has been an expression of interest among City Officials and members of the public for a review and modernization of the Charter, and WHEREAS, as the "Model City Charter", as researched and published by the National Civic League has provided the template for City Charters since publication of its first Model City Charter in 1899, and WHEREAS, the seventh edition of the "Model City Charter" as updated and published by the National Civic League in February 1989, is the most current template for City Charters, and WHEREAS, the Winter Springs City Charter has not been reviewed for consistency with the current "Model City Charter", and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Winter Springs City Commission to have the current Winter Springs City Charter reviewed for consistency with the current "Model City Charter", and WHEREAS, the Winter Springs City Commission desires to provide an open, objective, and deliberative process to provide ample opportunity for the public to participate in the City Charter amendment process. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, AS FOLLOWS: Section I. Committee: There is hereby established the City of Winter Springs Charter Review Advisory Committee, which shall be an ad-hoc committee composed of six members, appointed one each by the Mayor and City Commission. The members shall serve for the duration of the Committee as provided herein. Page I of4 Section II: Committee Responsibilities: The Committee shall have the responsibility for working with the technical resource team reviewing the City's existing City Charter and providing recommendations to the City Commission for modernizing the existing City Charter in order to be consistent with the seventh edition of the "Model City Charter" published by the National Civic League. In their review the Committee shall not make recommendations relative to changing the current form of government from the Commission- Manager form, but shall determine what changes need to be made, if any, to make the City's current form of Commission-Manager government consistent with the provisions provided for in the seventh edition of the "Model City Charter" published by the National Civic League. All meetings of the Committee shall be open to the public as provided by Florida Law. Section III. Technical Resource Team: There is hereby established the Technical Resource Team which shall be made up of three highly competent professional members whose area of expertise and experience include local government charters, codes and administration. Technical Resource Team Resoonsibilitv: The responsibility of the Technical Resource Team shall be to review the current Charter, to review public input. to assist the Citizens Advisory Committee in analysis of the Charter and public input and formulating Charter Amendment recommendations, to publish recommendations for updating the Charter consistent with the seventh edition of the "Model City .charter", and publish on behalf of the Charter Committee a final report to the City Commission. In addition, the Technical Resource Committee shall publish an exception report with the City Commission highlighting any recommendations of the Charter Review Committee which in its professional judgement are not consistent with the seventh edition of the "Model City Charter" or may not be in the direct best interest of the citizens of Winter Springs. Proiect Coordinator: The City Commission shall contract with the Institute of Government at the University of Central Florida to coordinate the Charter Review process on behalf of the City of Winter Springs. Duration of Proiect: The Charter Review Committee shall present its final report and recommendations to the City Commission no later than , 2001. Organizational Chart PUBLIC Mayor Commission Project Liaisons City Manager City Attorney Project Coordinator Technical Charter Review Resource Advisory Committee Committee Page 2 of 4 Process: The Charter review process shall be as follows: I. Adoption of Resolution II. Agreement with CFU III. Employment of Technical Team IV. Appointment of Citizen Committee V. Session 1- Full Project Team/Public Meeting a) Technical Team Meeting b) Project Team Orientation c) Public Meeting 1) Overview of Process 2) Public Input 3) Call for Position Papers d) Project Team Debriefing VI. Session 2 - Full Project Team a) Project Team Meeting b) Review of Draft 1 c) Consensus on Provision Alternatives VIII. Session 3 - Full Project TeamlPublic Meeting a) Project Team Review of 2nd Draft b) Public Meeting on Second Draft c) Project Team Debriefing VIII. Session 4 - Project TeamlPublic Meeting a) Presentation of Final Report to Mayor andCommission b) Public Input c) Commission Direction to staff. d) Charter Amendment Referendum Ordinance _, First Reading e) Charter Amendment Referendum Ordinance _, Second Reading IX. Public Workshop 1. Tuscawilla 2. Oak ForestlHacienda 3. Highlands x. Referendum Page 3 of4 ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, in a regular meeting assembled on the day of .2000. Paul P. Partyka, Mayor ATTEST: Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM AND SUFFICIENCY FOR THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ONLY: Anthony A. Garganese, City Attorney Page 4 of 4 ATTACHMENT "B" Jim Burgess Resume Education 1951-1955 1959-1960 1964-67 Experience January l~ 1996 to Present July, 1983 to Dec. 1995 RESUME JAMES V. BURGESS, In.. University of North Carolina. Chapel Hill, NC. B.S. in Business Administr~tion. Self-fmanced thcough student employment at the MorChea4 Planetarium; as an ~tronomy narrator and technician. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, P A. Wharton Graduate School, Division of Business and Govern- mental Administration. Master's Degree in Govern- mental Adniinistrat:.on. Graduate with Distinction (Class Rank No.1) Selffmanced with scholarship aid. Woodrow Wilson College of Law, Atlanta, GA. Juris Doctor of Law Degree; Magna cum laude graduate and valedictorian. President, Senior Law Class. Law study self financed. Private Law Practice, City of Social Circle, Ga. -. Senior Associate~ Institute of Community and Area Development and Institute of Government, the University of Georgia Executive Director, tho Georgia Municipal Association. Director of a statewide associa.tion of 430 cities with an annual operating budget of $4.2 million and a staff of 52 employees. Major programs. and accom.plishments: - Long-range annual strategic plan. - Joint annual city-county l~gislative program (First in nation). - Automated legislative liaison and tracking program. - $130 million munioipal lease pool program. - New 25,000 square foot Association headquarters building. - Expanded membership services~ with assets totaling $270 million. - Expanded training programs for municipal officials through the Municipal Training Institute. - Leadership in establishing the Georgia Future Communities Commission. JAMES V. BURGESS, JR (Continued) . Unfunded Mandates Legislation. · R.eCipient of 1he 1995 Georgia Key Citizen A ward. 1990-91 Merobet of State Blue Ribbon Commission on Ethits and CQnu.:ni.ssion on Excellence in Education. 1990-91 Member of the Tl'I5k For<:e on Financing Bd'ltcatiOI\. Georgia Part:nership for Excellence in Education. . 1967-1981 1988-89 Member of the go~ental task. force of the Govemor's Gtowth Str~e5 Couuniuiolt. 1989 Recipient of the L. Howard Atherton A ward. nus award recognizes outstanding service to Ceorgia's -_ local government&. 1988 Served as a consultant to the Union of Munid.pallti~ of the Marmara Region (TJMMR), Istanbul, Turkey, und.er wntract with the T1D'kish Special PrognuIUlU! of ~ Organization for Economic Cooperation and Devetopmen11 Paris, Fxcw:e. Reviewed. with member mumdpalities the prop5$ of a self-development program of this regional ot'ganiAtion,.. conducted an evaluation seminar on &ttategtc planniItg for the region and submitted a final report of recommendations for improvement. 19955erWd. as a ton&ultant to local govemmen~ in.~o.nia as a mt:JI1bf:r of a team of representatives from the .Institute . of Community and Area Deve).opment, University of Georgia. Pri'Vate Law Practice. Sole pmctitioner in general prac:ticf: of law. Also, d.uring tbis period, served as'legislati~.li8l~ for Fulton County to the Georgia General Assembly. President. Public Research andM~ent. Inc.. CPRM)" Atlan~ GA. Owner and dired;or of a management consulting and code publishing firm with offices in Atlanta and Washington providing management, planning, and (;ode rnision services to approximately 600 nnmldpal and county c:Uents. 1981.1983 2 JAMES V. BURGESS, JR (Continued) ~~al ASSi~ents While Sel'vb'\g' as President of PRM include: · Special Consultant to Director of Intergovernmental RelatioIlS Division, U.s. Department of Housing and Urban DeVelopment, Washington, D.C. (1967-69). · Associate City Attorney for Legislative Liaison, City of Atlanta (1968-69). · C01'l5ultant to National League of Cities to provide technical usistance to state niunidpalleagues (1968-69). ~ Assistant to the Attorney General of Georgia in the preparation of legislation to implement recotrimendations of the Atlat;lta..Fulto1" County Study Commission (1977-78). · Member of the wmmittee on revision of Cotulties and MuniCipal CorporatioN Article of the Select Commin;ee on ConstitutioMllWvision in Georgia (1980-81). . Staff attorney to the Georgia Urban Task ~ (1981). 1963-1967 · Attorney and con&ultant to dty-county consolidation commissions in Athens-Clarke County, Columbus-- Muscogee County, Brunswick.-GIynn County, Macon-Bibb County, Albany...pougherty County, Savannah..chatham County and Dalton-Whitfield County, Georgia; also, in, " Durham-Durham County, NC; Gaineaville and Alaa\Ua County, Florida; andr attorney to the City of Atlanta O1arter Commission, Atlanta, Georgia.i As~ate Director. Geoqpa Muniqpal Association. Inc.. AQaD~ GA. Primarily responsible for GMA's re&earch and training programs; assisted with state legislation Uaison activities and. assisted the GMA Exec;utive Director With the day~to-clay admi11i8tration of GMA pI'Ogram& and activities;. including district rneetix18S and the annu.al conventiOIL While employed by GMA, was appointed 'as a representative of the National. Urban Information Ta6k Po~ sponsored by the National League of Cities and-the U.S. Conference of Mayors (1961). 3 JAMES V. BURGESS, JR. (Continued) 19&-1%3" 1959-1962 Instructor. Institute of Law and Government and Instityte of C9~tl'u.nitx Md Ate..! Development. Universi.tv of Georgia. Athens. GA. Pl'ovid~d lnstructiw\ and. technical . assistance to muniCipal and county officials throughout Georgia. Areas included law, maIlaS1!:lItent" finance, budgeting and pen;onnel admJI1.istratlon. Field Consultant. 'North S:arolina L~~e of . Munlcil'alities. Ralei~ Nr~ Conducted field visitationS and worked with local qffi'cials on municipal problems suc~ as community development,. annexatio~ utility extension polities, budgeting'and finam:e. TO"9VI\ Mana~1 Town of Valdese. N.e. Served as chief .n:ecutive officer. 1958-1959 1957-1958 Assistant Ot;y Manager. City of Gastonia.l'!'.c. Assisted city Il14Jlage.t' in administ1;itiori of day-to-day operations. 1955-1957 U.S. Arm.)' - Artillery MEMBERsHIPS AND ORGANIZA UONS Sigma Delta Kappa Law Fraternity Georgia Bar .Association American" Bar Association Past President Georgia Oaapter, hmerlcan Society for Public Adxninistrati,on Communlty .oevelopet'Sl Forum American Society of Association EKecuti.ves Southern. Munidpal Conference , NLe Boatd ofDirectoa University of Geo$ Public Service Advisory CouncU mSON4INPOaMAllQN Date & Place of 'Birth: Married: ChildX'erc Lei$ure: September 14,. 1932, Wasnmgton, D.C. Madeline B. Burgess Lucia. 'Beth and Vana: Golf 4 o-.c:::.::r L"-J1C.J"-J ...J. .c:..wr ITI I r'.WI'! J !o!'! L-lwr~,UL-......J~ J I U <-+1....14 -J.....WW r-.Cl James V. Burgess, Jr. MUNICIPAL AND COUNTY CHARTER EXPERIENCE 1. City-<:ounty Consolidation and Intergoverrurental Relations. Daytona Beach, Flori.da CUmberland County, North Carolina Bristol, Tennessee-Virginia (Planning Conmission) Gainesville-Alachua County, Florida Soutl1 Carolina Appalachian Regional Planning Corrmissicn Columbus-Muscogee, Georgia arunswick~lynn County, Georgia Athens-Clarke County, Georgia Macon-Bibb County, Georgia Dalton-whitfield, Geor-gia Durharn-Purham COllnty, North Carol ina Albany-Dougherty County, Georgia SaV'annah-<::hatham County, Georgia Brunswick.~ynn County, Georgia Atlanta-Fulton County Study Comnission 2. Charter Revisions and Legal Research. Gainesville, Georgia South Carolina Municipal Association An intergovernmental relations study. An intergovernmental relations study. An intergoverrurental relations study. A city-county consolidation study. p.nalysis of intergovern.mental relations within the region. A city-county consolidation stuqy. A city-<nlnty consolidaticn study. . A city-oounty consolidation study. A city-oounty consolidation study. An intergovez:nmental analysis of service delivety to identify OYer'-' lapping and duplicative services and provide for alternative solutions. A city-county consolidation study. A city-<nunty cPnsolidation study. A oity-county consolidation study. An identification of. taxing districts fQJ:' a possible coosolidated city- county government. EvaluatiCX'l of alternative city- oounty service. deli very system;. A revision of the city I s charter. '. . A contractual agree~t with the association to revise and prepare codes of ordinances for municipalities. . . ~'C..J'<-''LJ .....,).L'-..tr IWI I ~ut.1 ..J .1.1"1 WWr..UL-...J...J I IlL.) L+-WL+- -.J4ULJ r-. I . . Pennsylvania Boroughs' Association North Carolina League of Municipalities Georgia Municipal Association Morganton, North Carolina Maryland Municipal league LaGrange, Georgia Senoia, Georgia Atlanta, Georgia High Point, North Carolina Calhoun, Georgia Hapeville, Georgia Raleigh, North Carolina ~con, Georgia Athens, Georgia Gretna, Virginia Calhoun, Georgia A contractual arrangen-ent with the association to revise and prepare cx:xjes of ordinances for boroughs. A contractual arrangement with the league to revise and prepare codes of ordinances for municipalities. A revisicn of Georgia State Statutes with regard to municipal law revisions. A revision of the city's charter. Preparation and revision of the local govert1l'rertt article of the proposed Maryland State Constitution. -:.. A revisioo of the city's charter. A rev~ion of the . city's charter. A revisioo of the city's charter. A revision of the city's charter. A revision of the city's chatter. A revision of the city's charter. A revisicn of the city's charter. A revision of the city's charter. A revisicn of the city's charter. A revision of the city's charter. A. revisicn of tOe city's charter. -2- \'- . CHARTERRE~EWSCHEDULE September 11, 2000 Commission Appoints Committee. September 26,2000 Orientation October 11, 2000 Issue Analysis October 12,2000 Issue Analysis November 14, 2000 Draft Charter Review January 17,2001 Workshop - Committee Presentation of Charter Recommendations to the Commission and Public February 12, 2001 1"t Reading of Charter Amendment Ordinance February 26,2001 2nd Reading of Charter Amendment Ordinance February 28, 2001 Ordinance filed with Election Superintendent March Public Education April Public Education May 8, 2001 Referendum SESSION I ORIENTATION Council Chambers Put:Pose: The purpose of this meeting is to introduce the project team to team members and to the public; to review logistics and to familiarize the project teams and public with the charge of Commission and study process as provided in Resolution 2000-27 and to call for written position papers proposals. Participants: City Governing Body Charter Review Committee Project Facilitator Project Liaisons Lead Consultant 5:00PM I. INTRODUCTION OF FACILITATOR II. FACILITATOR COMMENTS III. INTRODUCTIONS IV. PROCESS OVERVIEW a) Commission Charge to Committee b) Decision Making (Consensus-Facilitator c) Schedules - Times - Locations V. SUNSHINE DISCUSSION 6:30PM BREAK 7:00PM VI. PUBLIC WORKSHOP a) Introduction of Facilitator b) Introduction of Committee/Staff c) Commission Charge to Committee d) Process Overview e) Call for Papers by October f) Public Input 9:00PM ADJOURN Ronald W. McLemore Marilyn Crotty Marilyn Crotty Marilyn Crotty Anthony Garganese. Ronald W. McLemore Marilyn Crotty Marilyn Crotty Marilyn Crotty Marilyn Crotty Page 1 of3 SESSIONS II, III, IV, AND V ISSUE ANALYSIS/RECOMMENDATION Purpose: The Purpose of these four sessions is for the project consultants to provide the Charter Review Committee with a detailed analysis of the existing Charter as compared with the Model Charter, an analysis of the 13 Charter Amendments presented to the City, analysis of proposals provided in position papers and public comments, to identify recommendation alternatives, and receive direction provided by the Charter Committee as to chosen recommendations. The analysis and recommendations will be provided through working draft memorandum. Participants - Project Team Session: Full Project Team Participants - Public Meeting: Full Project Team Public Rules: All work sessions are Facilitators Lead. Decisions relative to recommendations are made by consensus. Issues in which consensus recommendations cannot be accomplished are left on the table until the final meeting. Unresolved issues will be concluded by vote at the last issue analysis meeting. 4-6:30PM PROJECT TEAM MEETING I. Opening Remarks II. Staff' Presentations III Committee/Staff Discussions IV. Committee Consensus and Direction to Staff v. Closing Remarks Marilyn Crotty Jim Burgess Marilyn Crotty 6:30-7:00PM BREAK 7:00-7:45PM PUBLIC INPUT I. Opening Facilitator Comments II. Public Comment III. Closing Facilitator Comments Marilyn Crotty Marilyn Crotty 7:45-8:00PM BREAK 8:05-9:00PM PROJECT TEAM MEETING I. Opening Facilitator Comment II. Committee/Staff Discussions III. Committee Consensus and Direction IV. Closing Facilitator Comments V. Adjourn Marilyn Crotty Page 2 of3 SESSION VI DRAFT CHARTER Pw:pose: The purpose of this session is to provide the committee and public with the Draft Charter and to receive any final direction the Committee desires to provide. Attendance: Full Project Team Public Rules: All work sessions are Facilitators Lead. Decisions relative to recommendations are made by consensus. Issues in which consensus recommendations cannot be accomplished are left on the table until the fmal meeting. Unresolved issues will be concluded by vote at the last issue analysis meeting. 4:00-6:30PM PROJECT TEAM MEETING I. Opening Facilitator Comments Marilyn Crotty II. Staff Presentations Jim Burgess III. Committee/Staff Discussions IV. Closing Facilitator Remarks Marilyn Crotty 6:30-7:00PM BREAK 7:00-7:45PM PUBLIC INPUT 7:45-8:00PM BREAK 8:00-9:00PM PROJECT TEAM MEETING I. Opening Facilitator Remarks Marilyn Crotty II. Committee/Staff Discussion III. Committee Consensus Directions to Staff IV. Closing Facilitator Remarks Marilyn Crotty V. Adjourn Page 3of3