HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007 05 24 Agenda Item #300 Final Report to City Commission ~"j';:"",,:-, <,!:; , _".:..,,;,,::,~_<,~~,~._, L;:,;'c:,:;_,",,::.:,~ "0' ~ ".' CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS AD HOC WINTER SPRINGS OPEN SPACE ADVISORY STUDY COMMITTEE MAY 24, 2007 THE ATTACHED WAS A HAND OUT GIVEN TO THE COMMITTEE MEMBERS BY MR. RANDY STEVENSON, ASLA, DIRECTOR, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 300 CONSENT INFORMATIONAL PUBLIC HEARING REGULAR PRESENTATION May 29,2007 Meeting MGR~ /DEPT Authorization REQUEST: The City Manager and the Community Development Department request that the City Commission hear a presentation by Denise Ryser, chairperson of the Winter Springs Open Space Advisory Study Committee which outlines the work of the Committee and presents the Committee's final report. PURPOSE: Thi.s agenda item provides the City Commission with an update on the Open Space Committee's efforts and fmal report. In addition, the Committee seeks the Commission's directive regarding any future actions/efforts the Committee should undertake CONSIDERATIONS: The Winter Springs Open Space Advisory Study Committee has been working to identify and evaluate properties around the City for potential purchase by the City in order that these properties can be preserved as open space. This effort has entailed not only identifying potential sites but also ranking these sites in accordance with a number of selection criteria established by the Commission in Resolution 2006-55. The ranked sites were then categorized based upon the owner's willingness to sell the property. The final report of the Winter Springs Open Space Advisory Committee provides details about the committee's efforts and includes all maps and rankings that have been developed. Ms. Denise Ryser, Chairperson of the Winter Springs Open Space Advisory Study Committee will update the Commission on the Committee's efforts and will present the final report referenced in Resolution 2006-55. In addition, she will request further direction, if any, from the Commission. L';::,:" ,.;;.;:,;...;""'-......" I . ATTACHMENTS: Final Report of the Winter Springs Open Space Advisory Committee COMMISSION ACTION: 2 ""\.;:,;,~,~j;- ----- , ITEM 300 Wi~ter Springs Open Space Advisory Committee Final Report will be available Friday, May 25, 2007 City of Winter Springs Open Space Adviosry Committee Possible Sites for Consideration May 2007 I..'_~"" "' ~ ~""....;;'..,:..;"<:c;~-'" ,. .. City of Winter Springs October 9, 2006 Regular Meeting 100906_ COMM _Regular _302 _ Establish_ Open_Space _Study-Committee _and _Resolution_2006-55 COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 302 Consent Informational Public Hearin Re Jar x October 9. 2006 MGR. rY /DEPT. ~~eting Authorization REQUEST: Mayor John F. Busb requesting the City Commission to approve Resolution Number 2006-55, establisblng the Winter Springs Open Space Study Committee. PURPOSE: This agenda item is needed to formally establish the Winter Springs Open Space Study Committee. CONSIDERATIONS: I am proposing that the City Commission adopt this Resolution establishing an Open Space Study Committee to allow our citizens to explore what options may exist for the acquisition of green space and conservation lands that the Committee believes should be preserved for open space. FUNDING: It is anticipated that this project could be completed for less than $5,000. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Commission approve Resolution Number 2006-55, and approve a supplemental appropriation from general fund reserves to fund the Open Space Study as provided in the Resolution. AITACHMENTS: 1. Mayor John F. Bush September 25, 2006 Address to City Commission. 2. Resolution Number 2006-55. COMMISSION ACTION: . . ATTACHMENT 1 Address Given to Winter Springs Commission Mayor John F. Bush September 25, 2006 As Mayor of Winter Springs, I get the opportunity to talk to residents from every neighborhood in our city. More than ever before, I am finding one theme that has emerged as an overriding concern of virtually everyone I talked with who lives and works in Winter Springs. That theme is the preservation of our green spaces and the protection of our city from the effects of careless overdevelopment. Because of our solid fiscal foundation, I believe that Winter Springs is in a unique position to take a bold step towards ensuring the city's quality of life for generations into the future. I am recommending that the City of Winter Springs explore its options for preserving our valuable green space, including aquifer recharge areas. The options we should explore include the possibility of purchasing certain targeted areas including the Winter Springs Golf Course and certain lands along Lake Jesup, as well as other environmentally significant areas that might be identified by the city. Through an approach like this, we could enlarge the trails system in our city to compliment the Cross Seminole Trails, providing more options for pedestrian and cycling activities. Winter Springs could also provide significant opportunities for environmental study for our children. The city's financial health means that we have a variety of options at our disposal for financing this initiative. I am recommending, as a first step, that the Commission empanel a committee of our citizens to review our available options. These are bold steps but they are ones I believe Winter Springs can and should take to make certain that the quality of life in this city remains among the best in the region. In fact, Winter Springs is poised to lead the region in this initiative that is so important to the citizens of Winter Springs. John F. Bush Mayor ifbush@winterspringsfl.org ATTACHMENT 2 ~....., r..d RESOLUTION NUMBER 2006-55 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FWRIDA ESTABLISHING THE WINTER SPRINGS OPEN SPACE ADVISORY STUDY COMMITfEE TO DETERMINE OPPORTUNITIES FOR MAINTAINING OPEN SPACES IN THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS. WHEREAS, there is substantial interest among the residents of Winter Springs to preserve green space and conservation lands in order to increase the amount of available open space in the City; and WHEREAS, open space adds value to the quality of life of our residents in our City; and WHEREAS, open space expands leisure and active recreational opportunities for our residents; and WHEREAS, open space helps to reduce the perceived and real impacts of growth on our City, and its natural resources. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, establishes the Winter Springs Open Space Advisory Study Committee as provided herein. Section I. Purpose The purpose of this study is to identify green space and conservation lands for possible acquisition by the City which would add to the City's inventory of open spaces set aside in perpetuity for recreational and conservation uses thus adding value to the quality of life of Winter Springs residents and mitigating the undesirable impacts of growth on the City's natural resources. Section II. Study Advisory Committee a) A seven (7) member advisory committee shall be appointed by the Mayor and City Commission to serve as the Advisory Study Committee. The Mayor and the Commission shall each appoint one member, and collectively appoint one member. The Advisory Committee shall be known as the Winter Springs Open Space Advisory Study Committee. b) In accordance with the schedule of tasks set forth herein, the Committee shall work with the Technical Resources Committee to identify and evaluate potential sites for acquisition. c) The Committee may appoint a chairman for purposes of running the Committee. No other designated officers shall be permitted. Resolution 2006-55 Page J of6 ~ "....."" Section III. Recommendations Recommendation of the Committee shall be arrived at by consensus in the alternative to voting, and published in the Final Report of the Committee to the Mayor and Commission. Minority or opposing recommendations may be presented in the written final report as an addendum to the report at the request of any member of the Committee, or member of the Technical Resource Committee. Section IV. Open Meeting, Public Records, Public Input All meetings of the Committee shall be conducted in accordance with the Florida Sunshine Law, and all records shall be handled in accordance with the Florida Public Records Act. The Committee shall set aside a reasonable time at each meeting for input from the public. Section V. Selection Criteria All land shall be selected for proposed acquisition based upon the following criteria: a) Preservation of threatened or endangered animal and or plant species. b) Preservation of wetlands that could be built upon through wetland mitigation rules. c) Lands which would preserve aquifer recharge areas. d) Lands that would provide aesthetic, noise, and light buffers between developed land. e) Land which could be utilized for active or passive recreational purposes. An inventory of possible sights conforming to the above described criteria shall be developed by the Committee in the following categories: 1. Category I. Lands the owners of which indicate a willingness to sale. 2. Category II. Lands the owners of which indicate a willingness to enter into a first right of refusal agreement. 3. Category III. Lands the owners of which indicate no current or future intent to sale. Resolution No. 1284-06 Page 2 Section VI. Schedule October 2006: Task 1. Adoption of Resolution Number 2006-55. October 2006: Task 2. Appointment of Committee Members. October 2006: Task 3. Appointment of Technical. Resource Committee as presented herein. November 2006: Task 4. Organizational Meeting: a) Introductions. b) Review of Resolution Number 2006-55. c) Approval of Chairperson. d) Review of Sunshine and Open Record Laws. e) Establishment of meeting dates and times. December 2006: Task 5. Data Collection. January 2007: a) Staff provides Committee with an inventory of sites meeting the selection criteria. b) Input from Study Committee. c) Input from Public. d) Committee finalizes list of sites meeting selection criteria. February 2007: Task 6. Classification of Sites a) Staff contacts land owner to determine classification. b) Staff provides Committee with site classifications. c) Committee input. d) Public input. e) Committee adoption of site classifications. Task 7. Final Site Selection March 2007: a) Staff provides Committee with preliminary acquisition cost estimates and funding options. b) Committee Input. c) Public Input. d) Committee finalizes selection of sites based upon cost, availability, and selection criteria. April: 2007: Task 8. Preliminary Report a) Staff prepares draft final report of recommendations with funding options. b) Committee input. c) Public input. d) Committee approves Final Report Amendments. Resolution No. 1284-06 Page 3 May 2007: Task 9. Publication of Final Report a) Staff prepares Final Report as amended by Committee with funding options. b) Staff schedules Report Presentation to Mayor and Commission. c) Committee presents Report to the Commission. d) Commission accepts Report by vote. Task 10. Commission Directive May 2007: Commission provides staff direction it deems appropriate as follows: a) Sites for further consideration, if any. b) Preferred funding options c) Authority to perform appraisals. d) Authority to perform formal negotiations. IF APPLICABLE June 2007: Task 11. Preparation of Referendum Ordinance June 2007: Task 12. Public Awareness Campaign Through October 2007: November 2007: Task 13. Referendum November 2007: Task 14. Finalize Purchase Contracts December 2007: Task 15. Issue Bonds Resolution 2006-55 Page 4 of 6 PASSED AND ADOPTED TillS the 9th day of October, 2006 by the Commission of Winter Springs, Seminole County, Florida, duly assembled. John F. Bush, Mayor ATTEST: Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, City Clerk Resolution No. 1284-06 Page 6 PROJECT STRUCTURE PROJECT DIRECTOR CITY MANAGER PROJECT MANAGER COMM. DEVP. DIRECTOR TECHNICAL COMMITTEE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Eloise Sahlstrom John Baker Steven Richart Mike Mingea Kip Lockcuff Resolution No. 1284-06 Page 5 Resolution 2006-55 Winter Springs Open Space Advisory Study Committee & Technical Resources Committee I Explore Options for Acquisition (identify and evaluate sites) A. Green Space B. Conservation Lands II Purposes (Intent & Use) What are the purposes for which these lands are acquired? [Lands purchased under Seminole County Natural Lands Program are open to the public for low impact public use (such as non-paved trails for hiking & bicycling) since they are purchased by public dollars. Seminole County has a separate Trails Program for purchase of lands for paved trails with high intensity use. A. Recreation- active (high intensity) vs. passive (low intensity) uses B. Conservation- minimal impact, added protection of environmentally sensitive lands C. Mitigate undesirable impacts of growth Psychological benefits of green space Quiet, serene areas to retreat Environmental outdoor education TASKS > Identify Selection Criteria- This is not identified as a task in the resolution. Inventory of sites based on selection criteria Classification of sites (contact land owner) > Identify Maintenance Plan (id management and use, including removal of exotic invasive vegetative species, no disturbing of cultural sites, etc.) This is not identified as a task in the resolution. Preliminary acquisition cost estimates and funding options Draft final report of recommendations based upon cost, availability and selection criteria Final Report Possible Selection Criteria: Environmental Significance- possible considerations Listed Species Rare or endangered species Undisturbed Natural Vegetation Specimen (Historic) Trees Riparian Corridor Significant Upland Areas (Lake Jesup, wetlands) Hydrologic Significance Regional Drainage Flood Plain Wetlands Ground Water Protection Aquifer Recharge Location Expansion of an existing conservation area Linkage to existing conservation area or trail system Threatened by Pending Development Which lands are most susceptible to development? What affects where development occurs? 1. Price of Land 2. Price of Land 3. Price of Land 4. Location of Land 5. Future Land Use / Zoning classification 6. Market Demand 7. Ease of development including working knowledge of regulatory process. 8. Development Potential, Profit to be gained What impacts the price of land? Location- Urban sprawl is a reality because land at the urban edge is cheaper than land within the urban area. Lands still existing in their natural state (raw and undeveloped) are more susceptible to change (or development), than lands that have previously been developed but which may be ripe for redevelopment. The price of land may be reduced because of environmental constraints to development. In other words, landowners who have wetlands on their property are likely to be willing sellers, at a reduced asking price, thus helping to enable the development of these sensitive lands. Perceived Value "Savyness" of Owner Many of the lands that remain undeveloped in the City of Winter Springs are impacted by some form of environmental constraint. Cheap land may be The easiest lands to develop are those without environmental constraints. These are the lands that wetlands or other Most of the vacant lands in Winter Springs have environmental are in many cases The price of land is affected by Transportation Ability to develop it How are lands removed from the threat of development? It is easier to develop vacant land than to redevelop land A Preservation of threatened or endangered animal or plant species. According to data from the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission, the area in the City with the highest integrated wildlife habitat is the swampy shoreline identified as site # 9. Stars on the map indicate areas with the greatest significant wildlife habitat. Wildlife greatly benefits from expansive areas left in preservation and preserved lands that are linked together to form corridors. For this reason, Staff has considered CONSERVATION CONNECTIVITY and WILDLIFE HABITAT PROTECTION, as meeting this criteria. Sites 1, 5, 7, & 9 meet this criteria. I . ! SELECTION CRITERIA Note: All lands were evaluated with the following cirteria in mind. Although each site listed below satisfies these criteria, some sites fulfill the Intent of the criteria to a higher degree than other sltes- as Identified below. B Preservation of wetlands that could be built upon through wetland mitigation rules National Wetland Inventory Data is useful at a broad scale and may not be acurate when applied to an individual site. It is most useful when combined with other data (including f1oodway, flood plain, hydric soils, and natural vegetation) to determine which lands are environmentally constrained or which have significant environmental value. Staff has considered these ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS in evaluating whether sites meet this criteria. Sites 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 & 10 meet this criteria. c Lands which would preserve aquifer recharge areas. Based on data from the S1. Johns River Water Management District, no sites in the City offer significant aquifer recharge. However, the City has opportunity to influence stream discharge into Lake Jesup from the surrounding Lake Jesup Drainage Basin. Protection of stream f100dway corridors is critical to the PROTECTIONOF WATER RESOURCES and has been considered part of this criteria by Staff. Sites 3, 4, 6 & 9 meet this criteria. iiiiI D Lands that would provide aesthetic, noise, and light buffers between developed land Lands that meet this criteria are those tl1at buffer development from major transportation corridors or would provide Mure relief to urbanization. These sites are also THREATENED BY DEVELOPMENT. Sites 1, 2,4,5,7,8, & 10 meet this criteria. I E Land which could be utilized for active or passive recreational purposes Lands located on the existing Cross Seminole Trail provide an excellent opportunity for public access and RECREATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES. Additionally, areas of the City lacking in recreational areas are included as meeting this criteria. Sites 3, 7,8 & 10 meet this criteria. . .~ e I Iii iiiiI Iii i i . i I Map Aerial City of Winter Springs Public Lands January 2007 City of Winter Springs Conservation Lands City of Winter Springs Open Space Advisory Committee City of Winter Springs Recharge Areas