HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007 01 25 Chart of Open Spaces
JANUARY 25, 2007
Est BlDG
Satisfies FUTURE LAND ConsIVIn VALUE TO WiNTER (Property (Property OOR COllE (Property
51te# Criteria Location ParcellD Number Jurisdicti:m ACREAGE USE ZONING Easemert? SPRINGS Appraiser) Appraiser) Appral8er)
------ -----
1 A,E Wint... Springs Golf Club site in 33-2Cl-30-S15-0103-0000 WS part of Recreation and Open PUD-Plamed Yes witj~fe protBctoo. neighbortnod 5691,499 5574,120 3~a.F COURSE
lA the Highlands PUD 178,78 Aa98 Space Unit [)e""lopmeot proteaion. active recreabon
---- ----- ------------- -------- ---- ---- ~--- ---- ----- --- i-__ ------
lB A,B Winter Springs Golf Club site in 33-2Cl-30-S15-0HlG-OOOO WS part of Recreation and Open PUO-Plamed Yes witj~fe protBcOOn, neighborhood $10 N1A N,-INFORMATlON I
the Highlands PUD 178.76Aaes Space Unit Oewlopment protedion. .dive recreation REFERENCE
--- ------- ------------ ---------- - -- ---- r--- ------------ ---- --- --------
lC D,E Wint... Springs Golf Club site in 515-0104-0000; 33-2Cl-30-514-0 WS part 0' R8CnNIlion _ Open PUO-Plamed Yes wildlife protection, neighborhood $10 N1A N,-INFORMATION I
the Highlands PUD 178,78 Aa98 Space Unit [)e""lopment prot&dion. active recreation REFERENCE
---- ----- -- - -- ------ -. - --- 1------- --------
10 D,E Winter Springs Golf Club site in 33-2Cl-30-514-OAOO-OOOO WS pert of R8CnNIlion _ Open PUO - Plamed v.. wit:Uif. pro.etm, neighborhood $10 N1A N.-INFORMATlON I
the Highlands PUD 178,78Aa108 Space Unit [)e""lopment protection. ac:tive f9CRtatlon REFERENCE
~-- ----- -- -- -- - ---- 1---- ~-------
SR 434 and Hayes Rd. southeast c-l wetland protection, natuRlI lG-VAC GENERAL-
2 2A D 34-2Cl-30-SAW-OOOO-OOOE WS .75 Acres Commo<ciol Ne9- No $114,345 N1A
corner Commen;lal wgetstion COMMERCiAL
-- -- - -- ---- -
SR 434 (south side) and one lot c-l wutIand protection, natural lG-VAC GENERAl-
2B D 34-20-3G-SAw-oooG-030D WS 1,77 A..... Commercial Ne9- No 5289,8&4 N1A
east of Hayes Rd. Commen;lal _tatIon COMMERCiAL
- ---- - --
2C D Hayes Rd. and one lot south d SR 34-20-3G-SAw-oooG-0520 WS 21,44 Acreo Low Density Re-I No wetland protection. natural $385,920 N1A 99-ACREAGE NOT
434 Resilonlial _tatIol\ _......alion AGRICLL lURE
- -- -- --
4301 SR 419 (north side); (SC) Cone_tion & buffer between tral & SR 434.
3 3A B,C,E between trail and SR 419 at 34-2Cl-30-SAw-oooG-0250 County 6.99 Aaea (SC) Subulban Estates (SC)A-l No atream.N8Y protBction $419,400 $178,213 aI-SINGlE FAMIL v
intersection d SR 434
------ -- -- ---- ----
825 E SR 434 (south side); (SC) Cone_tion & streamwvay protection. natlnl
4 4A a,C,D at Gee Creek, adjacent to Baptist 26-20-3G-SAR.Q000-009E County 1.57 AQ"88 (SC) Subulban Estates (SC)A-l No vegetation $133,450 $185,263 aI-SINGlE FAMIL V
church properly
~--- -.----- ------- -- .-- ------- ---- --- ----- --.- -------
20 LIDO RO;(south of SR 434) at (SC) CorB8lVlltion & 8b8amway prol8ction, natl,nl
4B a,C,D Gee Creek, adjacent to Baptist 26-20-3G-SAR.Q000-009F County 3.45 Aaea (SC) Subulban Estates (SC) A-I No vegetation $224,250 $181.268 aI-SINGLE FAMIL V
church properly
1---- --- --------- -- ---- -- --- ~, -----
835 E SR 434: (south side of SR (SC) CorB8lVlltion & IItreamway prolBctlon. natlnl
4C B,C,D 434) at Gee Creek, one lot east d 26-20-30-SAR.Q000-009M County 3.55 Aaea (SC) Subulban Estates (SC)A-l No wgetaOOn $172,922 593,888 aI-SINGLE FAMIL V
church properly
1--- ----- 1--. -- ---- ~---- ---------- --- -- ------..--
80 Holiday Lane; (south d SR (SC) Conservation & alr8amway prolaction, natll8l
4D a,C,D 434) at Gee Creek, one lot east d 26-20-3G-SAR-oooo-o<l9G County 0.78 Aaes (SC) Subulban Estates (SC)A-l No \l8getatbn $74,100 $115.290 aI-SINGLE FAMIL v
church properly --
-.------ ---- ------ --- -------- ----- ----- ----
839 E SR 434; (south side of SR (SC) Cone_tion & strearnway prolBction, natUllI
4E B,C,O 434) at Gee Creek, one lot west d 26-2Cl-3G-5AR.Q000-0090 County 1.97 Aa98 (SC) Subulban Estat... (SC)A-1 No wgetation $187,450 5221,473 aI-SINGLE FAMIL v
Villagio Center ---
1----- ------ - ..--- t--. -- ------ ---- --- ------
845 E SR 434; (south side of SR (SC) ConeOlWtion & streamway protection. natlnl
4F a,C,D 434) at Gee Creek, adjacent to 26-20-3G-SAR.Q000-009C County 296ACJ1t.S (SC) Subulban Estates (SC)A-l No vegetation $207,200 $47,424 aI-SINGLE FAMIL v
Villagio Center
L-__ ----- L-_______.... ---- ~---_____ 1...----- ------ ~----
Satisfies FUTURE LANO ConaMn VALUE TO WINTER (Property (Property OOR CODE (Property
Site # Criteria Location Parcel 10 Number Jurisdiction ACREAGE USE ZONING Eeaemenl? SPRINGS Appraiser) Appraloer) Appraiser)
------------- -.
5 5A 0 SR 434 (south side) and west side 26-2G-30-SAR-OClOO-0250 WS 4.10 Aaes Commercial Co2 No nelghbclIhood protection, ..liard $368,002 NlA Ill-VAC GENERAL-
of Winding Hollow Blvd protedion, natural vegetation COMMEROAL
---- ----- ----------- ---------- --- ------ ------- '----- ---- ----- -- 1------
58 0 SR 434 (south side) and east side 26-2G-30-SAR-OClOO-025B WS 3.68 Aaes Commercial Co2 No ...Ig__ protection. _tlend $411,123 NlA Ill-VAC GENERAL-
of Winding Hollow Blvd protection. natural vegetation COMMERCIAL
---- ------- -- ------ - ------ ------ -- --eiiiafBi)JiOTiii&~ --- 1---- -----
955 E SR 434 (south side) cotl88Mloon 8188, widlife Ill-VAc GENERAl.-
5C A,B,O adjacent to other conservation 26-2G-30-SAR-OClOO-0240 County 9,23 Aaea (SC) Co...""",t"n (SC)A-l No protec:tlon, nelghborl1ood $113,476 NlA COMMERCIAL
lands protection. wellard protecti:m.
--- ----- -- -- ----------- --- ---- ------- '--- -- _-JJatwaLVAnAfAtlnn ---- 1------- -------
603 Sailfish Rd.; Low Denaity natural wgetalDn, stream OO-VACANT
6 SA B,C (Comer of Hayes & Sailfilsh); 02-21-30-503-0~230 WS .29 Acres Reakjential R.1A No oorri::tor $35,000 NlA RESIOENTlAL
North Orlando Ranches See 2A
r--- -- - ---- -- -----
68 B,C 613 Sailfish Rd,; 02-21-30-503-{)~160 WS .31 Acree Low 0enei1y R-1A No nab.., yegetatim. stream $35,000 NlA OO-VACANT
North Orlando Ranches See 2A Reeoen1.sl c:ormor RESIOENTlAL
- ---- -- ----- --- ------...---
6C B,C Shore Rd (west side); 02-21-30-505-01llO-OO1A WS 1.83Ac:rea Rlnl Readeniat R.1M No nab.nl wgetatbn, stream $116.918 NlA ~ACREAGE NOT
flag lot (286 Stoner Rd) "'lITtler AGRlCl1. lURE
- -- ------- -- --- ----- -- ------
in Town Center adjacent to ...,;~1f8 protedlon, neighborhood
7 7A A,O,E Wetlands PlWk and between 26-2G-30-SAR-QAOQ.OO4A WS 7.17 Aaee TO'Ml Carter Town Center No $11,620 NlA 6O-GRAZlNG LANO
Sonesta PI and JOC Ph 2 protection, acilve recreation
--- --
S SA O,E SR 434 (south side) east side of 26-2G-30-SAR.QAO().OO8E WS 5,74 Acres Town Center Town Center No buller et lrel brid9e1SR 434, $443,212 NlA Ill-VAC GENERAl.-
Cross Seminole Trail bridge wet1and protec:iion COMMERCIAL
8B O,E SR 434 (south side) and south 06-21-31-50HllDO-OOOO ws 1,22 Acres Low Qene;ty PUD7 No natural vegetation, trail blMer $109,600 NlA 6O-GRAZlNG LAND
side of Cross Seminole Trail Reeijentllll
SR 434 (south side), north side of (Sc) Co..""",tion & llOOllM to tral\ "'19__
Be O,E Cross Seminole Trail, east of 06-21.31-50HlAOO-OOOO County 5.24 Acna (SC)lnd...triel (Sc)A-l No protection & IN8tiand protection, $765,700 NlA 6O-GRAZING lAND
Gardena Av. _poll<
9 9A A,B,C Lake Jesup shoreline at Howell 31-2G-31.5B1l-OO(l().()()10 WS 262.90Aaea Town Carter & T"""Corter& No wit1lfe hebitat, ahoreli1e, weUand $105,160 NlA 6O-GRAZlNG LAND
Creek ConMrwtIon Commerclel protedion
---- ----- -- -- ---- --- --- -----
Greeneway Greenaway wikUfe hebitat. ahoreli1e, wetland 027816 & $4,52
9B A,B,C Lake Jesup shoreline 31-2G-31-5B1l-OO(l().()()30 WS 89,66 Acree 1~~8 District I_roe No protec:tlon NlA 6O-GRAZlNG LAND
----- -------- ------ - -- ----- --- ----- ---- --- ----
halfway between Lake Jesup & SR Greeneway Gl'88neway wltlife heb/tet, _tlend 66-
10 lOA B,O,E 434, immediately adjacent to 31-2G-31-5BIl-OO(l().()()IA WS 7.98Aa98 Inlerdwlroe DiBtJid Irtercharoe No protection, blMer from $200,144 NlA ORCHARllIGROIIESlO
Greenway DietricI Greeneway TRUS
----- ------- -- ----- ----- -- ---- ---------- ----- ----- -:----
halfway between Lake Jesup & S R Greereway Gl'88neway wi~ife habitat, IN8t1Brd Ill-VAc GENERAl.-
lOB B,O,E 434, immediately adjacent to 31-2G-31-5B1l-OO(l().()()9C WS 10.55 Acree Irtercharoe Demct Irtercharoe No protection, bllfer from $4,220 NlA COMMERCIAL
Greenway DietricI Greeneway