HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007 07 05 Approval of the Minutes of 062807 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES AD HOC WINTER SPRINGS CITIZEN PROPERTY TAX REFORM MITIGATION STUDY COMMITTEE MEETING JUNE 28, 2007 1. CALL TO ORDER The Ad Hoc Winter Springs Citizen Property Tax Reform Mitigation Study Committee Meeting of Thursday, June 28, 2007 was called to Order at 6:35 p.m. by Chairman Michael S. Blake in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). 2. ROLL CALL Chairman Michael S. Blake, present Vice Chairman Mathew Matisak, present Committee Member Sondra Ahlers, present Committee Member Ethel Beecher, present Committee Member Fred G. Curtis, present Committee Member Kathryn Fairchild, present Committee Member Mark Fischer, present Committee Member Cindy Gennell, arrived at 6:40 p.m. Committee Member Byron Giltz, absent Committee Member Dale Kirby, present Committee Member Charles Lacey, present Committee Member Ron Ligthart, present Committee Member Gerry M. Marino, absent Committee Member Edward Martinez, Jr., present Committee Member Richard M. Mastroberte, present Committee Member David W. McLeod, arrived at 7:08 p.m. Committee Member Terry Patten, present Committee Member Bill Poe, absent Committee Member Bob Rucci, present Committee Member Max Swaim, present Committee Member Rande Thompson, absent After a moment of silence, the Pledge of Allegiance followed. Chairman Blake introduced and welcomed new Committee Member Charles Lacey. ~ r--' ;;..- c::> ~ c::L-e ,......-. ~ ~ : ~ CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES AD HOC WINTER SPRINGS CITIZEN PROPERTY TAX REFORM MITIGATION STUDY COMMITTEE MEETING - JUNE 28, 2007 PAGE 2 OF 8 3. APPROVAL OF THE JUNE 16, 2007 AD HOC WINTER SPRINGS CITIZEN PROPERTY TAX REFORM MITIGATION STUDY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES. "MOTION TO APPROVE." MOTION BY COMMITTEE MEMBER FAIRCHILD. SECONDED. DISCUSSION. WITH CONSENSUS OF THE COMMITTEE, THE MOTION WAS APPROVED. MOTION CARRIED. Committee Member Ron Ligthart was in Opposition. Committee Member Edward Martinez, Jr. was in Opposition. Committee Member Cindy Gennell arrived at 6:40 p.m. 4. REVIEW City Manager Ronald W. McLemore presented this Agenda Item and discussed the provisions of Tax Reform and status update. 5. DISCUSSION OF PROPERTY TAX REVENUE REDUCTION MITIGATION OPTIONS AND STRATEGIES. Mr. Kevin Smith, Director, General Services Department introduced this Agenda Item and discussed the Fiscal Impacts for Fiscal Year (FY) 2008. Discussion. Committee Member David W McLeod arrived at 7:08 p.m. Further discussion. Tape IISide B Committee Member Martinez asked Manager McLemore, "In the future, when you mention Millage points on any presentation, can you equate those points to dollars and cents, so some of the folks could understand that better if they are really gaining or losing?" Manager McLemore said, "Sure." Discussion ensued on Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU) and Municipal Service Taxing Unit (MSTU). ,--, r--, :::-- ... ,. ~ ,..... I ca.... ~ ~ ~ CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES AD HOC WINTER SPRINGS CITIZEN PROPERTY TAX REFORM MITIGATION STUDY COMMITTEE MEETING - JUNE 28, 2007 PAGE 3 OF 8 Mr. Smith said, "Final Mitigation Strategies would be and we talked before about increase in Recreation User Charges, that would not mitigate the entire shortfall but would accomplish a portion thereof, and finally, there does appear to be an option for us to just simply establish our Millage every year by Referendum. Take it to the Voters. Set that Millage, it would be good for two (2) years and let the people speak their mind. So, in summary, you are looking at one point three million dollars ($1,300,000.00) in shortfall - we could accomplish that through either reduction in City services, cuts - Mitigation Strategies, we just discussed; some combination thereof." Manager McLemore said, "But, we will be prepared to come to you with some scenarios at your next Meeting of how to get the full amount; how to get part of the amount; some options of how to deal with the issue of reductions." Referencing Voting Millage, City Attorney Anthony A. Garganesesaid, "It is provided for in the Constitution and in Chapter 200 of the Florida Statutes - by Voted Referendum adopt a Millage not to exceed a two (2) year time period. And that is one of the exceptions to the new law is Voted Millage, so you tie it into Chapter 200 and the way I read it is, a possibility of getting additional Millage above what the limitations are, but not to exceed a two (2) year time period." Chairman Blake said, "There are three (3) options: one (1) option is a two-thirds (2/3) Vote of the voting body to recoup the nine percent (9%) cuts; a unanimous vote to recoup the additional roll back portion or optionally, a Referendum which can do either or both. To go above those two (2) numbers would require a Referendum." Discussion. Tape 2/Side A Further discussion ensued on Budget, Outsourcing, and the City's Pension Plan. Committee Member Ligthart said, "The part that stood out as far as increases, if you had to divide up into categories was the Pension Plan - if you look at the expenses over the years, that is the one that really went up in all the departments. Some more than others." Regarding employee vacation and sick hours, Mr. Ligthart suggested, "You don't allow that amount of hours to transfer because when you allow employees to transfer hours of that magnitude that you have in your document, you would have to pay them out after that raise." Mr. Ligthart said, "It's a saving right there." Vice Chairman Mathew Matisak read an email into the Record dated June 28,2007 from Committee Member Byron Giltz. ~ ~-'J-~ ~ c:::::> Cd ~ J::L.. ~ ~ ;... ....Jj CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FWRIDA MINUTES AD HOC WINTER SPRINGS CITIZEN PROPERTY TAX REFORM MITIGATION STUDY COMMITTEE MEETING - JUNE 28, 2007 PAGE 4 OF 8 Committee Member Martinez asked Manager McLemore, "Why do you want to place the burden of this Committee of choosing and picking areas from which to cut. So, you can then say to the residents, 'A group of your peers chosen by the Commission to do this work decided that we are going to cut here and here and here, so don't blame us', 1 believe that you - and the Commission know best where to cut, if there are cuts to be made and you should be supplying us with and area or a list or some component of where we can best apply what you are looking for and at that time you can ask questions after we review it and then we can suggest ideas." Manager McLemore said, "We know how to help you with this. And we want to do that, we really do." Committee Member Kathryn Fairchild stated, "I actually would just like to thank the City for giving all of us an opportunity to serve on this Board [Committee]. 1 know - there are several former Commissioners here and 1 absolutely respect what you do, but, for the average citizen who has not ever been just an average citizen, this is a wonderful opportunity to get some real good information on how our City works and 1 really respect them for giving us the chance to actually have a voice. So, thank you very much." Further discussion ensued on the Defined Pension Plan. Chairman Blake called a Recess at 8:36 p.m. Chairman Blake reconvened the Meeting at 8:45 p.m. Regarding suggestions for budget reductions, Committee Member Gennell said, "That is a place that 1 might want to look at, increasing the non-resident User Fees as opposed to the resident User Fees." Tape 2/Side B Regarding classified advertising, Committee Member Gennell stated, "A lot of other cities advertise in the Sanford Herald," Committee Member Gennell asked, "If you could give us a dollar amount what our advertising would cost in the Sanford Herald as opposed to the Orlando Sentinel. 1 think there is room there to do things." Next, Committee Member Gennell said, "The January Referendum, we all know there is a certain number of residents in town, or property owners in town who are non-residents. What that number is, 1 don't know. We are building apartments, A lot of those owners are going to be non-resident owners. However, they are going to Voters in that Election." Committee Member Gennell said, "Before we make a recommendation, on the third part of that item, we need to know how many non-resident owners that we have? Because those property owners have a Vote." ,........, f=..... -=1 ~- ~ ,.....,.-: ,-. !I r"" I ~ ~ ~ CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES AD HOC WINTER SPRINGS CITIZEN PROPERTY TAX REFORM MITIGATION STUDY COMMfITEE MEETING - JUNE 28, 2007 PAGE 5 OF 8 Committee Member Ethel Beecher said, "A lot of Advisory Boards, we are paid compensation to serve on those Boards." Committee Member Beecher said, "That may be an area where some of the Advisory Board people would volunteer to waive their fees." Chairman Blake said, "At the end of each Departmental presentation, it discusses what service cuts would be - project cuts would be required. If that Department's budget experienced a ten percent (10%), or twenty percent (20%) or thirty percent (30%) cut. Also, listed was what the Department Budget is." Chairman Blake said, "They are not necessarily broken out - so, it is not itemized." Chairman Blake said, "Next week, when they [Department Heads] come back with the itemized list to try to be as specific as possible with each of the pieces." Committee Member Ligthart said, "I want to cut City Hall expansion. That is the first thing I would cut." Chairman Blake said, "It won't effect that one point two, seven, seven million dollars ($1,277,000.00) in this Budget." Committee Member Ligthart said to Manager McLemore, "During your annual evaluation, not too long ago - and they gave you a four percent (4%) annual increase, the Mayor did ask, 'Would you be willing to take a cut?' If cuts had to be made. And you said, 'Yes'. Are you still making those same comments?" Manager McLemore said, "I told you that I will gladly share the burden that all of the people have to share." Committee Member Ligthart said, "So, in other words it has to be equal throughout the entire staff?" Manager McLemore said, "I said, I will gladly share the burden that every other employee is asked to share." Committee Member Ligthart said, "One question - on the pay scale - I would be really interested in - who is at maximum, if there are people at maximum, because that is a pretty wide range and that increase was pretty substantial from that 2006 upgrade, Cody Study." Committee Member Ligthart said, "I am basically looking for the top ten (10)." Regarding the Senior Center, Committee Member Dale Kirby said, "Can I have somebody maybe put together a program as to how much revenue we can really make over there, if we start implementing charges? Because my understanding, a lot of the classes over there are free, we do charge a buck to some." Committee Member Kirby said, "I am looking in last year's Budget, that we are going to hire a therapy pool attendant at ten dollars ($10.00) an hour - and we know when that pool opens up, we are going to have a lot more expenses coming - how can we get that place to be self sufficient?" Committee Member Kirby then said, "What kind of revenue can that building sustain by itself, can it do it, and take this out of our Budget if possible." Next, Committee Member Kirby said, "Can we freeze wages, is that possible in the City to freeze wages back to [20]'07 levels?" Manager McLemore said, "Y es. You can freeze wages - you pay a cost for it obviously and the question is 'What is the trade-off." ~ r--"') ...--- c:::> ~ CL..e P.. ~ :--. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES AD HOC WINTER SPRINGS CITIZEN PROPERTY TAX REFORM MITIGATION STUDY COMMITTEE MEETING - JUNE 28, 2007 PAGE60F8 Committee Member Kirby asked, "On these Budgets - can we get a break down of what those are yet, or are they just preliminary numbers you pulled out to tell me what the $4,292,000.00 includes for Fire [Department] or the $2,543,000.00 for Parks [And Recreation Department]? Is it too soon to get that now or what?" Manager McLemore said, "Yes." Manager McLemore said, "You have to understand, they are working papers. " Regarding employee benefits, Committee Member Terry Patten said, "We do need to entice individuals to come and stay because the fact of retraining people, good people is a waste of everybody's money." Committee Member Patten then said, "If they are going to leave, then we are just a training ground and I am totally opposed to that." Committee Member Patten said, "We are all talking about the cuts, but I think we also need to keep in mind is that we don't necessarily have to go with cuts if we are in favor of, as I understand, about a hundred and forty dollar ($140.00) a year increase in our taxes. Is that correct?" Manager McLemore said, "Right." Committee Member Ligthart then said, "I would like to look at the health care costs, primarily I am referring to not the individual working for the City, but the spouse and family plans." Discussion. Chairman Blake said, "Street lighting - some communities are looking at implementing a street lighting services fee similar to - what we talked about with the Fire Services Fee - that is an option we can look at. Regarding Park User Fees, Committee Member Sondra Ahlers said, "We have to really think about that as a Committee. Charging somebody ten bucks ($10.00) a head for a class or an entrance to a park or event - it is not just straight revenue - you've got to have somebody enforce that, you've got to hire employees to stand there and collect it. You got a lot of complication involved in that broad based collection." Committee Member Ahlers then said, "So, you really need to think about that as a Committee too, if that is real revenue or a real source. It might be a small source, but I do not see it as a solution in any way." Next, Committee Member Ahlers said, "I don't think we should have parks out there that we don't use." Discussion ensued on notifying citizens with information. Next, discussion ensued on street lighting districts. Vice Chairman Matisak asked, "Can we get a list of comparable cities that are using ERU's (Equivalent Residential Units) and how many ERU's (Equivalent Residential Units) they are allotting to single family homes versus commercial?" Manager McLemore said, "We can. I don't know if we can get it in two (2) weeks." Vice Chairman Matisak said, "Just a couple." Manager McLemore said, "Maybe, we can call some Representatives." c-"'"l r---, ~=- ~ ~ r" I ~ ~ ~ ~ CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES AD HOC WINTER SPRINGS CITIZEN PROPERTY TAX REFORM MITIGATION STUDY COMMITTEE MEETING - JUNE 28, 2007 PAGE70F8 6. WRAP UP DISCUSSION Chairman Blake said, "We will be here one (1) week from tonight - I think this set up works much more effectively. Again, thanks for Staff for coming up with that solution." Regarding contact with the general public, Committee Member Ligthart said, "People in the audience could call upon one of us. Right?" Chairman Blake said, "Absolutely." Regarding School Resource Officers, Committee Member McLeod asked, "What percentage is the School Board reimbursing us?" Manager McLemore said, "Fifty (50)/, Fifty (50)." Committee Member McLeod said, "Then I would recommend one (1) - is to go back and see if we can't pick up twenty-five percent (25%) more seeing that the schools themselves are exempt from this." Chairman Blake suggested, "And it would be an excellent opportunity to contact some of our sister cities in the County and suggest they all do the same thing." Chairman Blake asked Manager McLemore, "I think it would be appropriate for you to bring back to us next week in addition to the list you already have, a listing by Department created by you and your Department Heads specific dollar cuts in order to add up to that one point three million dollars ($1,300,000.00) that would provide the most efficient cuts with the least amount ofthe - service levels seen by the taxpayers." Regarding the Parks, Committee Member McLeod said, "Our citizens voted to expand our Parks by Referendum. Now, to go back and charge to come to use the Park, is a real foolish thing to do." Tape 3/Side A Committee Member Kirby said, "I agree about the Park usage itself, but I am talking about Special Events - I think we should charge for any Special Event; ballgames, whatever like that." Committee Member Kirby then said, "We got a big pool opening over there. We got a lot of other expenses coming in to that facility over there." Committee Member Kirby said, "We got to start bringing some money in over there." Committee Member Beecher said, "The Senior Center is a quality of life issue and something for Seniors, the same way that ballparks are to children or the splash pad is for the children, whatever other things we offer, they are not able to avail themselves of it." Committee Member Beecher then said, "But to charge them for everything that they want to do or to eliminate their transportation would be a disaster, because Winter Springs needs to take care of their Seniors as well as all of the children." ~ ~ ;::;a- c:::> -=-= ~ s t"" II ~ ~ ~ CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA MINUTES AD HOC WINTER SPRINGS CITIZEN PROPERTY TAX REFORM MITIGATION STUDY COMMITTEE MEETING - JUNE 28. 2007 PAGE80F8 7. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Blake adjourned the Meeting at 9:42 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED BY: JOAN L. BROWN DEPUTY CITY CLERK NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the Study Committee. , 2007 Ad Hoc Winter Springs Citizen Property Tax Reform Mitigation ,-, r--, ~ ~ s: ~ rr=: ,..-.a I ,..... /I -G ~ ~