HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003 11 05 Regular Item B
Planning & Zoning Board Agenda
Public Hearing
Regular X
November 11, 2003
Mgr. / Attor / Dept.
1- The Community Development Department requests the Planning & Zoning Board recommend
adoption of the updated official future land use map (FLUM) and official zoning map by the City
Commission, and
2- The Community Development Department requests the Planning & Zoning Board recommend
to the City Commission, revision of Section 20-102 of the Winter Springs Code of Ordinances,
to allow the use of current technology in maintaining the official maps of the City.
The purpose of this request is to present the updated official FLUM and zoning maps for
consideration and adoption by the City Commission and to authorize the use of current
technology in future updates of the official maps.
Section 20-102 Official zoning maps, working maps and procedures.
1. The City Code requires the annual update of the official zoning map in a permanent .
fashion; The last update of these official maps was approved as a regular agenda item by
the City Commission on July 8, 2002; Change of Staff, documentation of official actions
related to the maps, as well as pending land use actions, delayed consideration and
recommendation of a more recent update of the "Official" maps until now.
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2. The City Code requires the updated zoning map to be presented to the Planning and
Zoning Board for consideration and recommendation, prior to approval by the City
3. While not required by Code, the approval of a concurrent FLUM update as the Official
Future Land Use Map would provide consistency between the future land use and zoning
maps and ensure that map amendments affecting both future land use and zoning
designations are properly documented.
4. Section 20-102 of the Code requires mapping procedures that are out-of-date related to
current technology and needs to be amended. (Recent questions regarding the validity of
some ofthe land use designations can be addressed easily in the future with the City's
current implementation of a GIS mapping system.)
The last update of these official maps (July 8, 2002 by City Commission) did not include the
addition of the following FLUM items included in the Comprehensive Plan adoption (Ordinance
2001-55) on May 13, 2002:
· Conservation Overlay, which is designed to protect areas with potentially endangered or
threatened wildlife habitats; and
· FLUM category changes:
o Lower Density Residential category changed to Low Density Residential;
o Moderate Density and Medium Density Residential categories combined to form
Medium Density Residential;
o High Density Residential and Urban Density Residential categories combined to
form High Density Residential; and
o Rustic Residential changed to Rural Residential.
There were several scrivener's errors that were included on the Future Land Use Map submitted
to DCA with the Comprehensive Plan. These errors have been researched to substantiate that
they were in fact errors.
· Correspondence between the Consultant, Staff and the State identify that the Future Land
Use Map submitted to DCA did not include any land use amendments. The FLUM was
submitted unchanged with the exception of revising the categories and adding the
conservation overlay (as identified under FLUM category changes, above.)
· Additionally, City Ordinances substantiate the land use identified on city maps utilized
prior to, and following, the Comprehensive Plan adoption.
· The maps included in the Comprehensive Plan were prepared with GIS software utilizing
the County data base, by a different consultant than the mapping historically prepared for
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the City (with CAD software) under an intense schedule. Given the very short time frame
for completion and the difference in software, it is not surprising that errors were
· The City Attorney has opined that the scrivener's errors should be corrected and the
updated FLUM submitted to the State.
This update of the official maps includes the aforementioned changes and all map amendments
approved by the City Commission from July 2002 through October 2003 as listed below and
illustrated on the attachments:
· Ordinance 2002-01; Changed future land use designation of (Reece) 7.561 acres on
Nursery Rd. from (Seminole County) "Commercial", "Industrial", and "Low-Density
Residential" to (Winter Springs) "Commercial"; Adopted July 8, 2002.
· Ordinance 2003-10; Changed future land use designation of (Nguyen) 9.10 acres on
Orange Avenue from (Seminole County) "Rural-3" to (Winter Springs) "Town
Center"; Adopted June 23,2003.
· Ordinance 2003-12; Changed future land use designation of (Roberts) 4.88 acres on
Orange Avenue from (Seminole County) "Rural-3" to (Winter Springs) "Town
Center"; Adopted June 23, 2003.
· Ordinance 2003-14; Changed future land use designation of (Voska) 2.22 acres on
SR 434 from (Seminole County) "Commercial" to (Winter Springs) "Commercial";
Adopted June 23, 2003.
· Ordinance 2003-16; Changed future land use designation of (Elementary School "I")
34.036 acres on SR 419 and Ginger Lane from (Winter Springs) "Industrial" &
"Conservation" to (Winter Springs) "Public/Semi-Public" & "Conservation";
Adopted September 22,2003.
· Ordinance 2003-19; Changed future land use designation of (pullen, Heitlage, Duffy
& Conti) 3.13 acres on Orange Avenue from (Seminole County) "Low Density
Residential" to (Winter Springs) "Town Center"; Adopted August 11,2003.
· Ordinance 2003-31; Changed future land use designation of (Numismatic Financial
Corp) .694 acres at 901 SR 434 from (Winter Springs) "Industrial" to (Winter
Springs) "Commercial"; Adopted September 22,2003.
· Ordinance 2003-08; Changed future land use designation of (Anniger) 2.02 acres on
Nature's Way from (Seminole County) "Medium Residential" to (Winter Springs)
"Town Center"; Adopted October 13,2003.
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· Ordinance 2002-02; Changed zoning designation of (Reece) 7.561 acres on Nursery
Rd. from (Seminole County) "C-3 General Commercial and Wholesale District", "R-
2 One and Two Family Dwelling" and "R-I Single Family District" to (Winter
Springs) "C-2 Commercial District"; Adopted July 8,2002.
· Ordinance 2002-32; Changed zoning designation of 1.0 acres at 240 Old
Sanford/Oviedo Rd. from (Winter Springs) "C-2 General Commercial" to (Winter
Springs) "1-1 Light Industrial"; Adopted October 28,2002.
· Ordinance 2003-03; Changed zoning designation of (Mackerly) 12,574 SF at 680 E.
SR 434 from (Winter Springs) "R-I" to (Winter Springs) "C-I"; Adopted March 24,
· Ordinance 2003-11; Changed zoning designation of (Nguyen) 9.10 acres on Orange
Avenue from (Seminole County) "A-I" to (Winter Springs) "Town Center"; Adopted
June 23, 2003.
· Ordinance 2003-13; Changed zoning designation of property from (Roberts) 4.88
acres on Orange Avenue from (Seminole County) "A-I" to (Winter Springs) "Town
Center"; Adopted June 23, 2003.
· Ordinance 2003-15; Changed zoning designation of (Voska) 2.22 acres on SR 434
from (Seminole County) "C-2" to (Winter Springs) "C-2"; Adopted June 23, 2003.
· Ordinance 2003-20; Changed zoning designation of (Pullen, Heitlage, Duffy &
Conti) 3.13 acres on Orange Avenue from (Seminole County) "R-l" to (Winter
Springs) "Town Center"; Adopted August 11,2003.
· Ordinance 2003-25; Changed zoning designation of (7 parcels) 1.0 acres at 406, 408,
410,412,420,504, and 506 East SR 434 from (Winter Springs) "R-l One-Family
Dwelling" to (Winter Springs) "C-I Neighborhood Commercial"; Adopted August
· Ordinance 2003-09; Changed zoning designation of (Armiger) 2.02 acres on
Nature's Way from (Seminole County) "A-I" to (Winter Springs) "Town Center";
Adopted October 13,2003.
Staff recommends the Planning & Zoning Board consider and recommend approval to the City
Commission of the attached updated Official Future Land Use Map and Official Zoning Map.
Staff recommends that the Planning & Zoning Board request that the Commission amend
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Section 20-102 of the Winter Springs Code of Ordinances to allow the use of current technology
in maintaining the official maps of the City.
Nov. 11, 2003- Planning & Zoning Board to make a recommendation to the City
Commission related to the Official FLUM and Zoning Maps.
Nov. 24, 2003- City Commission to consider adoption of the Official Maps.
Following the adoption ofthe Official FLUM and Official Zoning Map by the City Commission,
Staff will submit copies to the State and to Seminole County, and will post the updated maps on
the City's internet site. A certified copy for public display (as outlined in Section 20-102), will
be placed in the City Hall lobby, and paper and electronic copies will be made available for
public purchase.
A. Future Land Use Map Amendments
B. Zoning Map Amendments
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Section 20-102 of the Winter Springs Code of Ordinances to allow the use of current technology
in maintaining the official maps of the City.
Nov. 11,2003- Planning & Zoning Board to make a recommendation to the City
Commission related to the Official FLUM and Zoning Maps.
Nov. 24, 2003- City Commission to consider adoption of the Official Maps.
Following the adoption of the Official FLUM and Official Zoning Map by the City Commission,
Staff will submit copies to the State and to Seminole County, and will post the updated maps on
the City's internet site. A certified copy for public display (as outlined in Section 20-102), will
be placed in the City Hall lobby, and paper and electronic copies will be made available for
public purchase.
A. Table of Land Use Actions by parcel numbers
B. Correspondence to State relating to FLUM changes submitted with the EAR Based
Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan
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Table of Land Use Actions by parcel numbers
Com- Commercial
Cns- Conservation
CO- Conservation Overlay
GID- Greeneway Interchange District
HoR- Highoensity Residential
Ind- Industrial
LoR- Low Density Residential
MoR- Medium Density Residential
MU- Mixed Use
Off- Office (Seminole County)
PUD- Planned Unit Development
Pub- Public Buildings
RR- Rustic or Rural Residential
Ru-3- Rural 3 (Seminole County)
SE- Suburban Estates (Seminole County)
SP- Public/Semi-Public
UDR- Urban Desnity Residential
Action Parcel # Ord.# From To Date ADDlican Location Acreage
ANNEX 31-20-31-502'{)000'{)030 2003-18 Seminole County COWS 6/23/2003 Pullen 1208 Orange Ave. 36746 SF
ANNEX 31-20-31-502'{)000'{)020 2003-18 Seminole County COWS 6/23/2003 HeitJage 1204 Orange Ave. 53892 SF
ANNEX 31-20-31-502'{)000'{)040 2003-18 Seminole County COWS 6/23/2003 Duffy 1210 Orange Ave. 21922 SF
ANNEX 31-2O-31-502'{)000-003A 2003-18 Seminole County COWS 6123/2003 Conti 1206 Orange Ave. 23802 SF
ANNEX 25-2O-31-5BA'{)000-0190 2003-27 Seminole County COWS 7/28/2003 Carroll 600' w of SR 434 & DeLeon St (See 2000-36 & 38, 11/2 8.96
FLUM 33-20-30-503-0000'{) 190 2002-<l1 (SC) Com. Ind, LOR Com 7/8/2002 Reece Nursery Rd (e of 17-92)- Reece part of 7.561
FLUM 33-20-3O-503-0000-019A 2002.{) 1 (SC) Com, Ind, LOR Com 7/8/2002 Reece Nursery Rd (e of 17-92)- Reece part of 7.561
FLUM 33-20-30-503-0000-019C 2002.{)1 (SC) Com, Ind, LOR Com 7/8/2002 Reece Nursery Rd (e of 17-92)- Reece part of7.561
FLUM 33-20-3O-503-00oo,{) 19E 2oo2.{)1 (SC) Com, Ind. LOR Com 7/8/2002 Reece Nursery Rd (e of 17-92)- Reece part of7.561
FLUM 33-2O-30-513-0000'{)010 2002.{)1 (SC) Com, Ind, LOR Com 7/8/2002 Reece Nursery Rd (e of 17-92)- Reece part of 7.561
FLUM 33-2O-30-513-0ooo-<l120 2002.{) 1 (SC) Com, Ind, LOR Com 7/8/2002 Reece Nursery Rd (e of 17-92)- Reece part of 7.561
FLUM 01-21-30-50 1.{)000-0 130 2003-08 (SC) MDR TC 10/1312003 City 1281 Nature's Way- Armiger 2.02
FLUM 26-20-30-5AR'{)BOO-O 150 2003-10 (SC) Ru-3 TC 6/2312003 City Lot 15 Mitchell Survey- Nguyen 4.55
FLUM 26-20-30-5AR-OBOO-<l15A 2003-10 (SC) Ru-3 TC 6/23/2003 City Lot 15 Mitchell Survey- Nguyen 4.55
FLUM 26-20-30-5AR'{)BOO-0060 2003-12 (SC) Ru-3 TC 6/23/2003 City Lot 6 Mitchell Survey- Roberts 4.88
FLUM 04-21-30-511-OBOO-0010 2003-14 (SC) Com Com 612312003 City 895 W. SR 434- Voska 1.18
FLUM 04-21-30-511'{)BOO'{)040 2003-14 (SC) Com Com 6/23/2003 City 835 W. SR 434- Voska 1.04
Lg-FLUM 34-20-30-5AW-OOOO-<l130 2003-16 Ind & Cons SP & Cns 9/2212003 City Ginger Ln & Old Sanford Oviedo Rd- Elem. School '1" 34.036
Lg-FLUM 34-20-30-5AW-OOOO-<l03A 2003-16 Ind & Cons SP & Cns 9/2212003 City Ginger Ln & Old Sanford Oviedo Rd- Elem. School "I" 34.036
FLUM 31-20-31-502'{)000-<l030 2003-19 (SC) LOR TC 8/11/2003 Pullen 1208 Orange Ave. 36746 SF
FLUM 31-2O-31-502'{)000-0020 2003-19 (SC) LOR TC 8/11/2003 HeitJage 1204 Orange Ave. 53892 SF
FLUM 31-20-31-502'{)000-0040 2003-19 (SC) LDR TC 8/11/2003 Duffy 1210 Orange Ave. 21922 SF
FLUM 31-20-31-502'{)000-<l03A 2003-19 (SC) LOR TC 8/11/2003 Conti 1206 Orange Ave. 23802 SF
FLUM 04-21-30-501,{)ooO-001 0 2003-31 Ind Com 9/22/2003 City 901 SR 434- Numismatic Financial Corp. 0.694
ZONING 33-20-30-503-00oo-<l190 2002.{)2 (SC) C-2, C-3, R-2, R-1A C-2 7/8/2002 Reece Nursery Rd (e of 17-92)- Reece part of 7.561
ZONING 33-20-30-503-0000-<l19A 2002.{)2 (SC) C-2. C-3. R-2, R-1A C-2 7/8/2002 Reece Nursery Rd (e of 17-92)- Reece part of 7.561
ZONING 33-20-30-S03-0000-019C 2002.{)2 (SC) C-2, C-3, R-2, R-1A C-2 7/8/2002 Reece Nursery Rd (e of 17-92)- Reece part of 7.561
ZONING 33-20-30-503-0000-019E 2002.{)2 (SC) C-2. C-3, R-2. R-1A C-2 7/8/2002 Reece Nursery Rd (e of 17-92)- Reece part of 7.561
ZONING 33-20-3o-S13-0000.{)010 2002.{)2 (SC).C-2, C-3, R-2. R-1A C-2 7/8/2002 Reece Nursery Rd (e of 17-92)- Reece part of7.S61
ZONING 33-20-30-S13-0000-<l120 2002.{)2 (SC) C-2. C-3, R-2. R-1A . C-2 7/812002 Reece Nursery Rd (e of 17-92)- Reece part of 7.S61
ZONING 34-20-30-SAW'{)00O-001 B 2002-32 C-2 1-1 10/2812002 Lot 2 Entzminger Farms- 240 Old Sanford.lOviedo Rd 1.0(1.37 tax map)
ZONING 34-20-3o-S09'{)200'{)110 2003.{)3 R-1 C-1 3/24/2003 Mackerly 680 E SR 434 (between Sheny & Wade) 12574 SF
ZONING 01-21-30-501'{)OOO'{)130 2003-09 (SC)A-1 TC 10/13/2003 City 1281 Nature's Way- Armiger 2.02
ZONING 26-20-30-5AR'{)BOO-<l15O 2003-11 (SC) A-1 TC 6123/2003 City Lot 15 Mitchell Survey- Nguyen 4.55
ZONING 26-20-30-5AR-OBOO-<l1SA 2003-11 (SC)A-1 TC 6123/2003 City Lot 15 Mitchell Survey- Nguyen 4.55
ZONING 26-20-30-5AR'{)BOO-<l060 2003-13 (SC)A-l TC 6/23/2003 City Lot 6 Mitchell Survey- Roberts 4.88
ZONING 04-21-30-511'{)BOO-<l010 2003-15 (SC) C-2 C-2 6/23/2003 City 895 W. SR 434- Voska 1.18
ZONING 04-21-30-S11'{)BOO-0040 2003-15 (SC)C-2 C-2 6123/2003 City 835 W. SR 434- Voska I;~ 1.04
ZONING 31-20-31-502'{)000'{)030 2003-20 (SC) R-1 TC 8/11/2003 Pullen 1208 Orange Ave. 36746 SF
ZONING 31-20-31-502'{)000'{)020 2003-20 (SC)R-1 TC 8/1112003 HeitJage 1204 Orange Ave. 53892 SF
ZONING 31-20-31-502-OO00'{)040 2003-20 (SC)R-1 TC 8/1112003 Duffy 1210 Orange Ave. .21922 SF
ZONING 31-2O-31-502'{)000'{)03A 2003-20 (SC) R-1 TC 8/11/2003 Conti 1206 Orange Ave. 23802 SF
ZONING 34-20-3O-508'{)800'{) 120 2003-25 R-1 C-1 8/11/2003 City 406 E. SR 434 (between Sheny & Wade) 6000 SF
ZONING 34-20-30-508.{)8oo-<l110 2003-25 R-1 C-1 8/11/2003 City 408 E. SR 434 (between Sheny & Wade) 6000 SF
ZONING 34-2O-30-508'{)800-0100 2003-25 R-1 C-1 8/11/2003 City 410 E. SR434 (between Sheny & Wade) 6000 SF
ZONING 34-20-3o-S08.{)800-0090 2003-25 R-l C-l 8/11/2003 City 412 E. SR 434 (between Sheny & Wade) 6000 SF
ZONING 34-2O-30-508'{)800-005O 2OO3-2S R-l C-1 8/11/2003 City 420 E. SR 434 (between Sheny & Wade) 6000 SF
ZONING 34-20-30-509'{)200-<l190 2003-25 R-1 C-1 8/11/2003 City 504 E. SR 434 (between Sheny & Wade) 6000 SF
ZONING 34-20-30-S09'{)200-0 180 2003-25 R-1 C-1 8/11/2003 CitY 506 E. SR 434 (between Shenv & Wade) 7500 SF
November 11, 2003 Special Meeting
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Correspondence to State relating to FLUM changes submitted with the
EAR Based Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan
CDD/November 10,2003/2:27 PM
City of Winter Springs, Florida
Community Development Department
1126 East State Road 434
Winter Springs, FL 32708-2799;'"
(407) 327-1800 Phone .
(407) 327-6695 Fax
January 16, 2002
Mr. Russell G~ace, Planner
Department of Community Affairs
Bureau of Local Planning
2555 Shumard Oak: Boulevard
Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100
Dear Russell:
As requested, please find the most recent update of the City of Winter Springs' Future Land Use
Map (PLUM) enclosed.
The most noteworthy changes between the existing FLUM and the proposed FLUM in the
recently transmitted Comprehensive Plan are the following:
· Assignment of Low Density Residential FLUM designations to Minter, Weaver and
Carroll properties, located in easternmost ann of City;
· Assignment of Mixed Use FLUM designation to Oviedo Marketplace Parcel 14, located
in southernmost arm of City (DCA is scheduled to issue a Notice of Intent to find this
amendment in compliance on January 17,2002); ,
· Addition of Conservation Overlay, which is designed to protect areas with potentially
endangered or threatened wildlife habitats; and
· FLUM category changes (Existing Lower Density Residential category changes to Low
Density Residential, existing Moderate Density and Medium Density Residential .
categories combine to form Medium Density Residential, existing High Density
Residential and Urban Density Residential categories combine to fonn High Density
Residential with a reduction in maximum density allowed from 21 d.u./acre to 12
d.u./acre, and existing Rustic Residential category changes to Rural Residential).
If you should require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at 407-327-
Earnest McDonald, AICP
Advance Planning Coordinator
Ene. Future Land Use Map (September 2001)
City of Winter Springs, Florida
Community Development Department
1126 East State Road 434
Winter Springs, FL 32708-2799,-.'"
(407) 327-5967 Phone '
(407) 327-6695 Fax
June 14,2002
Ms. Brenda Wi,nningham
Community Program Administrator
Department of Community Affairs
Bureau of Local Planning
2555 Shumard Oak Blvd.
Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100
Dear Ms. Winningham:
In response to your request for clarification of the adopted EAR-based amendments to the City
of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan (DCA No. 02-1ER), please be advised of the following:
· Map 1-4 (Future Land Use) of the Future Land Use Element appears to show both the
Town Center and Vacant Future Land Use (FLU) designations as one color, when in
reality they are two distinct colors. The distinction was minimized, however, in the
reproduced copy you received. You will fmd an original map enclosed, as adopted.
As stated in the Objections, Recommendations and Comments (aRC) response, the
proposed FLU for the easternmost properties in the East Rural Area (M:inter, Weaver &
Carroll) was rescinded. Proposed designations will be transmitted at a later date as
separate amendments. There were no FLU amendments proposed as part of the EAR-
based amendments.
· Map II-8 (Year 2010 Transportation Plan) was inadvertently omitted from the adopted
amendment package. You will find it enclosed, as adopted.
I am hoping this information will prove helpful toward the completion of your review. Do not
hesitate to contact me, if I can be of additional assistance.
Earnest McDonald, AICP
Advance Planning Coordinator
~lM~ rn Orl.C-
City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan ~ 2002-
Objectiqns, Recomm~ndations & Comments Report
Future Land Use Element
. Provide FLUM that indicate
what properties are
proposed to be
redesignated & supporting
data & analysis.
. Indicate allowed land uses
& standards that regulate
the percentage distribution
of the range of allowed
. The proposed FLU for the
properties in the East
Rural Area (Minter,
Weaver & Carroll) is being
rescinded until a future
date. Any proposed
designated will be
transmitted at a later date
as separate amendments.
There are no FLU
amendments proposed as
part of the EAR-based
amendments at this time.
Map 1-4 is the current FLU
map of the City, which
incorporates all
amendments (approved by
DCA) since the 1992
Com rehensive Plan.