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1-1 Liaht Industrial District. (as added. Julv of 2002)
Sec. 20-258. In General.
The provisions of this district are intended to apply to lands suitable for light industrial land uses and
uses that could cause adverse secondary effects and influences on surrounding neighborhoods and
non-industrial uses. Such lands should be located in close proximity to transportation facilities and
away from residential and commercial uses. The purpose of this district is to allow the land uses
listed hereunder under such conditions of operation and standards that will protect nearby residential
and commercial uses. All uses allowed hereunder shall abide by the performance standards imposed
by local, state, and federal law and by any development agreement required by the city.
Sec. 20-259. Uses permitted.
(a) Within the 1-1 Light Industrial Zoning District, no building, structure, land or water shall be used except
for one (1) or more of the following uses:
1- Light manufacturing, processing and assembly, including:
a. Precision manufacturing
b. Electrical machinery and computer components and chips;
c. Bottling plants
d. Recycling of non-hazardous materials;
e. Garments;
f. Bakery products;
g. Ceramics and pottery;
h. Dairy products;
i. Glass and glass products;
j. Pharmaceutical products;
k. Shoes and leather goods (except leather processing);
I. Brooms and brushes;
m. Candy and confectionery products;
n. Cosmetics and toiletries;
o. Soap products and candles;
p. Jewelry;
q. Optical equipment;
r. Perfume;
s. Plastic products;
t. Silverware and utensils;
u. Spices and spice packaging;
v. Stationery; and
w. Toys.
2- Automotive body repairing and painting; repair of mobile homes and vehicles with more than two
(2) axles.
3- Warehousing in enclosed buildings or structures.
4- Kennels, pet and animal rescue operations, animal boarding houses, and similar animal facilities
or operations.
5- Automotive storage and other kinds of storage yards of non-hazardous materials.
6- Research, development, and laboratory facilities.
8- adult entertainment and sexually oriented businesses.
9- Public and governmental services.
10- Cabinet makers, furniture assembly and woodworking shops.
11- Pawn shops.
12- Distributing of non-hazardous materials or products.
13- Printing, bookbinding, engraving, and publishing plants.
14- Radio and television studios and offices.
15- Cold storage and frozen food lockers.
16- Laundry and dry cleaning.
17- Trucking terminals.
18- Landscaping services.
19- Record management and data storage facilities.
20- Boat building and storage yards.
Sec. 20-260. Building Height Restrictions.
No building or structure shall exceed fifty (50) feet.
Section 20-261. Conditional Uses.
(a) Halfway houses, group homes and similar uses.
(b) Bulk outdoor storage, but not including storage of flammable or hazardous materials.
(c) Light manufacturing, processing, and assembly not listed under Section 20-321 (1).
(d) Health and exercise clubs.
(e) Welding shops.
Section 20-262. Bulk regulations.
(a) Minimum floor area: nine hundred (900) sq. ft.
(b) Minimum lot size: Seven thousand five hundred (7,500) sq. ft.
(c) Minimum lot width: Seventy-five (75) ft.
(d) Minimum lot depth: One hundred (100) ft.
(e) Minimum front setback: Twenty-five (25) ft.
(f) Minimum rear setback: Fifteen (15) ft.
(g) Minimum side interior setback: None, side corner lot: Fifteen (15) ft.
Section 20-263 - 20-265. Reserved.
C-1 Neiahborhood Commercial Districts. (as amended, Julv of 2002)
Sec. 20-231. In General.
The C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District consists of lands abutting principal streets, the frontages
of which are especially adaptable to selected low-traffic generating uses. Adjoining these lands are
residential districts that would be adversely affected by a greater diversification of uses creating
serious problems of traffic movement and generation. The district is intended for lands suitable for
low intense neighborhood commercial uses in close proximity to residential districts. The land uses
under this district shall promote spaciousness of land uses, minimize traffic along adjacent
thoroughfares and within residential districts, promote aesthetic and architectural harmony,
attractiveness, and compatibility with nearby residential districts and within the community, and abide
by the performance and development standards of the city, county, and U.S. government.
Sec. 20-232. Uses permitted.
(a) Within any C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District, no building, structure, land or water shall be used
except for one (1) or more of the following uses:
1- Administrative public buildings;
2- Advertising agencies;
3- Alcoholic beverage sales (package);
4- Alcoholic beverage on-premises consumption;
5- Alterations and tailoring;
6- Antique and gift shop;
7- Appliances, sales and service;
8- Artists' studios;
9- Attorneys;
10- Automotive accessories sales;
11- Bakery, retail;
12- Bathroom accessories;
13- Bicycles, sales and service;
14- Bookstores, stationery, newsstands;
15- Bookkeepers;
16- Bowling alleys;
17 - Butcher shop, retail only;
18- Carpets, rugs and linoleum;
19- Car wash;
20- Places of worship;
21- Cleaners;
22- Coin dealers;
23- Computers, hardware, and software sales and service;
24- Confectionery and ice cream stores;
25- Dance and music studios;
26- Day nurseries, kindergartens and day care;
27 - Drug and sundry stores;
28- Employment agencies;
29- Financial institutions, banks, savings and loan;
30- Florist and gift shops;
31- Mini-mart (convenience store, snack shop and self-service gasoline sales);
32- Furniture, retail, new and used;
33- Grocers, retail; those whose business include and are limited to the retail sale of groceries
including produce, meats and household goods but shall not include the sale of gasoline;
34- Gun shop;
35- Hair and beauty salons (including nail salons);
36- Hardware stores;
37- Health food;
38- Hobby and craft shops;
39- Hospitals and nursing homes;
40- Hypnotists;
41- Ice, retail;
42- Insurance;
43- Interior decorating and draperies;
44- Jewelry stores;
45- Launderettes and laundromats;
46- Libraries;
47- Loan companies;
48- Locksmiths;
49- Luggage shops;
50- Medical clinics and laboratories;
51- Nurseries, plants, trees, etc., retail;
52- Outdoor advertising signs sales offices;
53- Paint store;
54- Parking garages;
55- Pet shops and grooming;
56- Photographic studios;
57 - Physical fitness and health clubs;
58- Post office;
59- Private clubs and lodges;
60- Quick printers;
61- Radio and TV broadcasting studios, excluding towers;
62- Radio and TV sales and service;
63- Rental shops;
64- Professional offices such as lawyers, doctors, accountants, computer software engineers,
architects and similar type offices;
65- Retirement homes;
66- Restaurants;
67- Schools, public, private and parochial, service vocational schools (such as cosmetology, medical
and dental assistant's training) requiring no mechanical equipment;
68- Shoe repair shops;
69- Skating rinks;
70- Sporting goods, retail;
71- Swimming pools; sales, service and supplies;
72- Tailoring shops;
73- Taxidermists;
74- Telephone business office and exchanges;
75- Theaters, not drive-ins;
76- Title companies;
77- Tobacco shops;
78- Toy stores;
79- Travel agencies;
80- Wearing apparel stores;
(b) Outdoor display and/or sales are prohibited except by special exception.
Sec. 20-233. Reserved.
Section 20-234. Conditional Uses.
(a) Multiple-family residential units may be permitted as conditional uses as provided by the board of
. .
(b) Before a conditional use may be granted within the classification, the board of adjustment must,
after public hearings, find that the use or uses are consistent with the general zoning and with the
public interest.
Section 20-235. Building height regulations.
In C-1 Neighborhood Commercial Districts, the building height shall not exceed fifty (50) feet.
Section 20-236. Building site area regulations.
In C-1 Neighborhood Commercial Districts, the building site area regulations are none.
Section 20-237. Front, rear and side yard regulations.
(a) Front yard. A front yard or setback of at least fifteen (15) feet shall be provided, except however,
that when the frontage in one (1) block is located partly in C-1 Neighborhood Commercial
Districts and partly in a residential or multiple-dwelling district, then the front yard requirements of
the residential district or multiple dwelling district shall apply to the C-1 Neighborhood Commercial
(b) Side yards. None required. Except on that side of the lot abutting upon the side of a lot zoned for
residence purposed, in which case there shall be a side yard of not less than thirty (30) feet. In
all other cases a side yard, if provided, shall not be less than three (3) feet.
Section 20-238. Off-street parking regulations.
Section 9-276 et seq. as to off-street parking regulations in C-1 Neighborhood Commercial Districts
shall apply.
Section 20-239--20-250. Reserved.
C-2 General Commercial District. (as amended, Julv of 2002)
Sec. 20-251. In General.
The lands of the C-2 General Commercial District are to be used by a variety of commercial operations
which serve the commercial needs of the community. The purpose of this district is to permit the normal
operation of the majority of general commercial uses under such conditions of operation as will protect
abutting residential and other noncommercial uses, minimize the interruption of traffic along adjacent
thoroughfares, promote aesthetic and architectural harmony, attractiveness, and compatibility within the
community, and abide by the performance and development standards of the city, county, state and U.S.
government. This District is intended for lands adjacent to or easily serviced by collector and major
arterial roads adaptable to higher traffic generating general commercial uses.
Sec. 20-252. Uses permitted. (as amended by Ordinance 2002-07)
Within C-2 General Commercial District, no building, structure, land or water shall be used except for one
(1) or more of the following uses:
1- Any permitted use allowed in C-1 Neighborhood Commercial Districts (*see Section 232 included
2- Automotive sales;
3- Automotive renting and leasing;
4- Automotive tires;
5- Baker, wholesale;
6- Boat sales;
7- Building and plumbing supplies;
8- Bus terminal;
9- Cold storage and frozen food lockers;
10- Convenience markets and stores;
11- Cultural institutions (such as museums and art galleries);
12- Feed stores;
13- Flea markets, open air;
14- Gas, bottled;
15- Grocers, wholesale;
16- Ice, wholesale;
17 - Industrial trade, professional and vocational schools, not involving operations of an industrial
18- Full service gas stations, as an accessory use to a convenience store and satisfying any distance
requirement established by City Code;
19- Veterinarian and accessory kennels;
20- Laboratories for testing materials and chemical analysis of a non-industrial nature;
21- Lumber and building supplies in an enclosed building or structure;
22- Mobile Home Sales;
23- Movers;
24- Nurseries, plants, trees; wholesale;
25- Home and general commercial pest control (exterminating) of a non-industrial nature;
26- Printers, commercial;
27- Public and government services;
28- Recreational vehicles;
29- Swimming pool contractors, equipment storage;
30- Taxicabs;
31- Wholesale meat and produce distributors;
32- Minor automotive/boaVmanufactured home service and repair establishments including filling
stations, repair garages and similar non-intense uses), provided that all activity shall be
conducted within a completely enclosed building and there is not outdoor storage of any kind;
33- Radio and television studios and offices.
Sec. 20-253. Building site area regulations.
No building or structure shall exceed fifty (50) feet in height.
Section 20-254. Conditional Uses.
1- Multiple-family residential units;
2- Major automotive/boat/manufactured home service and repair establishments (including body
repairs and painting and similar heavy type uses);
3- Halfway houses, group homes, and similar uses;
4- Small-scale cabinet makers, furniture assembly, and wood working shops (not to exceed 2,500
Sq. Ft.);
5- Small-scale clothing manufacturing (not to exceed 2,500 Sg. Ft.);
6- Mortuary and funeral homes;
7- Amusement centers (including golf driving ranges, miniature golf courses, billiard halls, children's
play centers and similar uses);
8- Body piercing and tattoo shops.
Section 20-255-20-265. Reserved.
*C-1 Neiqhborhood Commercial District Permitted Uses (Section 20-232. Uses permitted.)
(a) Within any C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District, no building, structure, land or water shall be used
except for one (1) or more of the following uses:
1- Administrative public buildings;
2- Advertising agencies;
3- Alcoholic beverage sales (package);
4- Alcoholic beverage on-premises consumption;
5- Alterations and tailoring;
6- Antique and gift shop;
7 - Appliances, sales and service;
8- Artists'studios;
9- Attorneys;
10- Automotive accessories sales;
11- Bakery, retail;
12- Bathroom accessories;
13- Bicycles, sales and service;
14- Bookstores, stationery, newsstands;
15- Bookkeepers;
16- Bowling alleys;
17 - Butcher shop, retail only;
18- Carpets, rugs and linoleum;
19- Car wash;
20- Places of worship;
21- Cleaners;
22- Coin dealers;
23- Computers, hardware, and software sales and service;
24- Confectionery and ice cream stores;
25- Dance and music studios;
26- Day nurseries, kindergartens and day care;
27 - Drug and sundry stores;
28- Employment agencies;
29- Financial institutions, banks, savings and loan;
30- Florist and gift shops;
31- Mini-mart (convenience store, snack shop and self-service gasoline sales);
32- Furniture, retail, new and used;
33- Grocers, retail; those whose business include and are limited to the retail sale of groceries
including produce, meats and household goods but shall not include the sale of gasoline;
34- Gun shop;
35- Hair and beauty salons (including nail salons);
36- Hardware stores;
37- Health food;
38- Hobby and craft shops;
39- Hospitals and nursing homes;
40- Hypnotists;
41- Ice, retail;
42- Insurance;
43- Interior decorating and draperies;
44- Jewelry stores;
45- Launderettes and laundromats;
46- Libraries;
47- Loan companies;
48- Locksmiths;
49- Luggage shops;
50- Medical clinics and laboratories;
51- Nurseries, plants, trees, etc., retail;
52- Outdoor advertising signs sales offices;
53- Paint store;
54- Parking garages;
55- Pet shops and grooming;
56- Photographic studios;
57- Physical fitness and health clubs;
58- Post office;
59- Private clubs and lodges;
60- Quick printers;
61- Radio and TV broadcasting studios, excluding towers;
62- Radio and TV sales and service;
63- Rental shops;
64- Professional offices such as lawyers, doctors, accountants, computer software engineers,
architects and similar type offices;
65- Retirement homes;
66- Restaurants;
67- Schools, public, private and parochial, service vocational schools (such as cosmetology, medical
and dental assistant's training) requiring no mechanical equipment;
68- Shoe repair shops;
69- Skating rinks;
70- Sporting goods, retail;
71- Swimming pools; sales, service and supplies;
72- Tailoring shops;
73- Taxidermists;
74- Telephone business office and exchanges;
75- Theaters, not drive-ins;
76- Title companies;
77- Tobacco shops;
78- Toy stores;
79- Travel agencies;
80- Wearing apparel stores;
(b) Outdoor display and/or sales are prohibited except by special exception.
List of Permitted Uses Generated from VisioninQ Workshop
17 -92: Description of District:
Corporate Headquarters & Office Parks
Office oriented professional services at neighborhood and community levels
Light Retail Sales & Services not detrimental adjacent residential districts
Small Retail & Office less than 3500 sq. ft.
Full scale retail sales & services less than 70,000 sq. ft.
Retail uses that generate or capture large volumes of traffic
Storage & uses within enclosed buildings
Consumer oriented commercial uses and activities in proximity to residential concentrations
Ample Parking
Wholesale distribution, storage and light manufacturing, facilities 3500 to 50,000 sq. ft.
Compatible with adjacent residential and non-commercial uses.
Retail uses that generate or capture large volumes of traffic.
Attractiveness & compatibility with the community.
Enhanced landscaping.
Permitted Uses:
Special events
Minor auto repair
Auto and truck sales
Office and distribution centers
Big box retail
Car and truck rental
Equipment rental
Car wash
Public buildings and services
Indoor public storage
Auto parts - new
Carpet cleaning
Landscaping services
Vehicle body and paint shops
Motels, hotels, bed & breakfast
Furniture sales and showroom
Retail commercial
Professional offices and studios
Retail outlets
Convenient stores.
Belle Avenue: Description of District:
Small retail & office less than 3500 sq. ft.
Storage equipment and distribution in outdoor yards screened with walls
Storage and uses within enclosed buildings
Clean non objectionable startup industry
Wholesale distribution, storage, and light manufacturing in divided warehouses less than 3500 sq. ft.
Attractiveness and compatibility with the community
Enhanced landscaping.
Permitted Uses:
Outside public storage
Packing and shipping services
Custom cabinetry and specialized woodworking, less that 3500 sq. ft.
Commercial and light industrial tenants in divided warehouses
Outdoor sales yards
Paint stores
Small warehouse office units, 1000 to 3500 sq. ft.
Clean startup industry
State Road 434: Description of District:
Corporate headquarters and office parks
Office oriented professional services at neighborhood and community levels
Light retail sales and services not detrimental to adjacent residential districts
Small retail and office less than 3500 sq. ft.
Commercial uses and activities in proximity to residential concentrations
Compatible with adjacent residential and non commercial uses
Attractiveness and compatibility with the community
Enhanced landscaping.
Permitted Uses:
Professional offices and studios - small & medium
Retail shops
Hospitals, assisted living, nursing homes
Financial institutions
Dance studios
Animal hospitals and clinics
Small office units
Retail commercial
Multifamily housing
Produce and nursery market
Places of worship
Health and exercise clubs and athletic training facilities
Formal Wear rentals
Old Sanford-Oviedo Road: Description of District:
Not compatible with single family residential
Storage equipment and distribution in outdoor yards
Large scale manufacturing and distribution
Storage equipment and distribution in outdoor yards screened with walls
Businesses which make use of rail line access
Proximity to principal thoroughfares
Wholesale distribution, storage, and light manufacturing facilities up to 50000 sq. ft.
Clean non-objectionable industry without smoke, fumes, vibration, noise, or odors
Attractiveness and compatibility with community
Enhanced landscaping.
Permitted Uses:
Manufacturing with outside storage
Contractors and contractors' supply and equipment yards
Indoor public storage
Light manufacturing, processing, and/or assembly
Wholesale sales and distribution
Auto parts new
Fleet and dispatch yards
Industial uses that create problems of compatibility with adjacent land uses (due to smoke, fumes,
vibration, noise, or odor)
Wholesale distribution, storage, & light manufacturing (facilities greater that 70,000 feet)
Uses that could cause adverse secondary effects and influences on surrounding areas
Vehicle salvage yards, Junkyards
RV and mobile home parks
Heavy industrial
Greenawav (partial list)
Hotels, motels, and bed & breakfasts
Schools and colleges, technical and trade instruction
New HCommerce Center" District. (DRAFT)
Description of District:
A new zoning district particularly oriented to a wide variety of small scale (less than 3500 SF) commercial
and Iiqht industrial tenants in divided warehouses which serve the needs of the community without
generating excessive traffic from clientele. The purpose of this district is to encourage and develop
start-up industry of an exceptionally clean, non-obiectionable type and permit the normal operation of land
uses listed hereunder under such conditions of operation that will protect abuttinq residential and other
noncommercial uses, minimize the interruption of traffic along adjacent thoroughfares, and promote
aesthetic and architectural harmony, attractiveness, and compatibility within the community. Areas of the
City for which this zoning category is appropriate are designated on the land use plan as "Industrial".
Permitted Uses:
No building, structure, land or water shall be used except for one (1) or more of the following uses:
(a) Liqht manufacturinq, processinq, and/or assembly; wholesale sales and distribution.. .including
a. Customized cabinetry, furniture, or other specialty woodworkinq shop...
(b) Catering.
(c) Equipment service and installation.
(d) Landscaping services.
(e) Offices and studios... including...
(f) Packinq & Shippinq Services
(g) Paint Stores
(h) Printing, bookbinding, engraving, and publishing plants.
(i) Public and governmental services.
U) Record management and data storage facilities.
(k) Research, development, and laboratory facilities.
(1) Testing of materials, equipment, and products.
(m) Technical and trade instruction.
(n) Vehicle repair (does not include body work or painting).
(0) Vehicle upholstery.
(p) Window tinting.
(q) Warehousinq and storaqe in enclosed buildinqs or structures (including cold storage and frozen
food lockers).
(r) Wholesale sales and distribution.
(s) Retail sales if ancillary to a use permitted by this Section. For purposes of this subsection,
"ancillary" shall mean supplementary, or secondary, not of primary importance.
Conditional Uses:
(a) Light manufacturing, processing, and assembly not listed above.
(b) Health and exercise clubs and instruction which generate traffic from clientele.
(c) Laundry and dry cleaning (with non-flammable solvents only).
(d) Outside storaqe if screened from streets and adiacent properties by a masonry wall with an
opaque qate.
(e) Tenant area greater than 3500 SF.
(a) All uses shall be maintained within an enclosed permanent buildinq with no outside storage,
UNLESS permitted by conditional use.
(b) MAXIMUM TENANT AREA: 3500 SF, unless permitted by conditional use
Revised 1-1 Light Industrial District. (DRAFT)
Description of District:
A zoning district especially adapted to the business of wholesale distribution, storaqe and liqht
manufacturinq with proximity to principal thorouqhfares. The purpose of this district is to encourage and
develop industry of an exceptionally clean. non-obiectionable type and to protect it from encroachment of
smoke, fumes, vibration, noise or odors of any obiectionable nature and promote aesthetic and
architectural harmony, attractiveness, and compatibility within the community. Areas of the City for which
this zoning category may be appropriate are designated on the land use plan as "Industria'''.
Permitted Uses:
No building, structure, land or water shall be used except for one (1) or more of the following uses:
(a) Any use permitted in the new "Commerce Center" District, not exceeding 50,000 S.F.
(b) Boat building and storage yards.
(c) Cabinet makers, furniture assembly and woodworking shops.
(d) Distributinq of non-hazardous materials or products.
(e) Kennels, pet and animal rescue operations, animal boarding houses, and similar animal facilities
or operations.
(f) Outside storage including contractor's equipment; public storaqe of taqqed vehicles, boats, RVs
and commercial vehicles; fleet and dispatch yards; bulk storaqe; and, storaqe yards associated
with manufacturinq; however, under no circumstances will storaqe of flammable or hazardous
materials be permitted.
(g) Laundry and dry cleaning.
(h) Machinery sales and storage.
(i) Showrooms.
(j) Wholesale produce distribution.
Conditional Uses:
(a) Halfway houses, group homes and similar uses.
(b) Welding shops.
(c) Trucking terminals.
(d) Light manufacturing, processing, and assembly not listed above.
(a) All outside storage shall be located behind an eight-foot masonry wall with an opaque gate to
screen such storaqe areas from public riqht-of-ways and abuttinq properties.
(b) No building shall exceed 50,000 SF.
(c) Additional aesthetic and architectural Quidelines, includinq landscapinq....
Revised C-1 Neiahborhood Commercial District. (DRAFT)
Description of District:
This district consists of lands abutting principal streets, the frontages of which are especially adaptable to
selected Iiqht retail sales and services and office oriented professional services which serve the
community and which are not detrimental to adiacent residential districts. Adjoining these lands are
residential districts that would be adversely affected by a greater diversification of uses creating serious
problems of traffic movement and generation. The land uses under this district shall promote aesthetic
and architectural harmony. attractiveness, and compatibility with nearby residential districts and within the
community. Areas of the City for which this zoning category are appropriate are designated on the land
use plan as "Commercial".
Permitted Uses:
No building, structure, land or water shall be used except for one (1) or more of the following uses:
1- Administrative public buildings;
2- Advertising agencies;
3- Alcoholic beverage sales (package);
4- Alcoholic beverage on-premises consumption;
5- Alterations and tailoring;
6- Animal hospitals and clinics:
7- Antique and gift shop;
8- Appliances, sales and service;
9- Artists'studios;
10- Attorneys;
11- Automotive accessories sales;
12- Bakery, retail;
13- Bathroom accessories;
14- Bicycles, sales and service;
15- Bookstores, stationery, newsstands;
16- Bookkeepers;
17 - Bowling alleys;
18- Butcher shop, retail only;
19- Carpets, rugs and linoleum;
20- Car wash;
21- Cleaners;
22- Coin dealers;
23- Computers, hardware, and software sales and service;
24- Confectionery and ice cream stores;
25- Dance and music studios;
26~ Day nurseries. kinderqartens and day care;
27 - Drug and sundry stores;
28- Employment agencies;
29- Financial institutions. banks, savinqs and loan;
30- Florist and gift shops;
31- Formal wear rentals:
32- Furniture, retail, new and used;
33- Grocers, retail; those whose business include and are limited to the retail sale of groceries
including produce, meats and household goods but shall not include the sale of gasoline;
34- Gun shop;
35- Hair and beauty salons (including nail salons);
36- Hardware stores;
37 - Health food;
38- Health and exercise clubs and athletic trainina facilities;
39- Hobby and craft shops;
40- Hospitals, assisted IivinQ. and nursinq homes;
41- Hypnotists;
42- Ice, retail;
43- Insurance;
44- Interior decorating and draperies;
45- Jewelry stores;
46- Launderettes and laundromats;
47- Libraries;
48- Loan companies;
49- Locksmiths;
50- Luggage shops;
51- Medical clinics and laboratories;
52- Mini-mart (convenience store, snack shop and self-service gasoline sales);Nurseri
trees, etc., retail;
53- Outdoor advertising signs sales offices;
54- Paint store;
55- Parking garages;
56- Pet shops and grooming;
57 - Photoqraphic studios;
58- Physical fitness and health clubs;
59- Places of worship;
60- Post office;
61- Private clubs and lodges;
62- Quick printers;
63- Radio and TV broadcasting studios, excluding towers;
64- Radio and TV sales and service;
65- Rental shops;
66- Professional offices such as lawyers. doctors, accountants. computer software enqineers,
architects and other small offices;
67 - Retirement homes;
68- Restaurants;
69- Schools, public, private and parochial, service vocational schools (such as cosmetology, medical
and dental assistant's training) requiring no mechanical equipment;
70- Shoe repair shops;
71- Skating rinks;
72- Sporting goods, retail;
73- Swimming pools; sales, service and supplies;
74- Tailoring shops;
75- Telephone business office and exchanges;
76- Theaters, not drive-ins;
77- Title companies;
78- Tobacco shops;
79- Toy stores;
80-: Travel agencies;
81- Wearing apparel stores;
(b) Outdoor display and/or sales are prohibited except by special exception.
Conditional Uses:
(a) Multiple-family residential units may be permitted as conditional uses as provided by the board of
(a) Overlay district guidelines...
(b) The building height shall not exceed fifty (50) feet.
(c) Additional aesthetic and architectural Quidelines. includinQ landscapinQ....
New UHighwav Commercial" District. (DRAFT)
Description of District:
A new zoning district particularly oriented to a wide variety of commercial and professional office uses
which may qenerate excessive traffic from clientele or capture larqe volumes of traffic from adiacent
thorouohfares. The purpose of this district is to encourage and develop the normal operation of land uses
listed hereunder under such conditions of operation that will protect abuttino residential and other
noncommercial uses, and promote aesthetic and architectural harmony. attractiveness, and compatibility
within the community. Areas of the City for which this zoning category may be appropriate are
designated on the land use plan as "Commercial".
Permitted Uses:
No building, structure, land or water shall be used except for one (1) or more of the following uses:
(a) Any use permitted in the C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District.
(b) Auto and vehicular related retail and services including but not limited to minor auto repair, auto
and truck sales, car wash, car and truck rental, sales of auto parts and vehicular body and paint
(c) Bio box retail.
(d) Corporate headquarters and office parks.
(e) Equipment rental.
(f) Furniture sales and showrooms.
. (g) Health and exercise clubs and instruction which generate traffic from clientele.
(h) Indoor public storaoe.
(i) Landscapino services.
U) Laundry and dry cleaning (with non-flammable solvents only).
(k) Motels. hotels and bed & breakfasts.
(1) Office and distribution centers.
(m) Public buildinos and services.
(n) Retail commercial and commercial outlets not exceedino 50.000 SF.
(0) Showrooms.
(a) ...